How To Calm Down and Relax In Football In 6 Minutes

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how to calm down and relax in football we're gonna keep this video pretty succinct giving you a good amount of information you can take away and apply um pretty quickly now being able to relax and keep your calm in pressure situations in football is so critical so crucial because i'm sure you've seen many good players that buckle under pressure when they're under pressure in a game or maybe it's a bigger game or there's just something that's making them nervous maybe they've made a few mistakes and being able to bounce back from this remain calm in those pressure situations it's what's going to allow you to be a more consistent and just better player because trust me even if you have great footballing ability if you get nervous it's going to be very hard to display that ability you know even simple skills like taking a good first touch it seems like you have never practiced it sometimes when you're nervous in a match and you'll make really silly mistakes again because you're nervous and you're getting too much in your head so use these tips to help you not be nervous in a match you have to work on some of these things but some of these you can take into a match right away apply and make it so that you're staying calm not getting nervous and able to play your game so the first thing is not to be so hard on yourself and this is something that i fell into when i was a younger player i would make a mistake and beat myself up during the game is not the time to be hard on yourself or critical of yourself analyze your mistakes after the match the best pros the best players they might get frustrated for a few moments then they shrug it off and get back into the game and this is one of the most critical things that is going to help you remain calm because players start to get nervous because they're putting all that pressure on themselves to never make a mistake well guess what every single player makes mistakes in even matches where you think a player has had a perfect match chances are they've made at least one or two mistakes and so don't worry if you're making mistakes getting over that mistake and getting back into the game is how you prevent yourself from making more mistakes if you harp on about that mistake in the game if you continually play it in your head while you're playing that is just going to allow for more mistakes hit the like button it actually is helpful um what i just said to really make sure you're not beating yourself up make sure you hit that like button if that's helpful and number two is to really just take a deep breath and hook yourself back into the moment you see if you're focused on the match and you're in flow you're hooked into the moment you can't think about all of this different stuff you know in a match you don't really want to be up in your head all that much now sometimes you might think what am i going to do next what am i going to do here but a lot of the time you want to be operating on instinct and so when you're out of your head when you're in your instincts and you're in flow it's going to be impossible for you to be nervous trust me you will never be nervous when you're following your instincts you will never be nervous when you hook into the moment because your nervousness guess what they come from your thoughts it is only from your thoughts that make you nervous even if someone says something there's a lot of people in the stadium it is your thoughts about it let's say there's a lot of people watching your match or there's people you know jeering from the crowd if you just completely ignore it and focus in on the moment you won't get nervous and you will keep your calm and so if you see yourself or feel yourself kind of getting warped and caught up in everything just take a deep breath get back in the moment and continue on with the game next one is a more physical component of the game but be aware of what's around you one of the situations i see a lot of players getting nervous in and this is something i usually get nervous in a lot too is when i'm receiving the ball and i have no idea what's around me and this can just be fixed by working on this area of your game make sure you're always scanning the field looking to see what's around you because if you're confident what's around you you're not going to get nervous but even if no one is around you and you're not aware of that you might get nervous take that bad touch or whatever else it is because you think there might be pressure on you or you have no information about what's going on around so make sure you're always scanning the field you're working on different drills that help you to automatically do this because trust me the more you know what's going on the less nervous you're going to be and the most calm players are always the ones that know where everything is for most of the game and most players can learn to do this it's just something you need to work on but please work on that and it will definitely help you remain more calm especially in those pressure situations in the game itself and last one i want to give you is one to do in your training but is to identify what are the situations that make me nervous the most in the match and then to work on those situations deliberately in your training for example if one-on-ones make you nervous but you're in a position that calls for you to actually be able to beat people one-on-one i want you to work on that heavily because if you work on something a skill over and over again and you get really good at it it will improve your confidence in that area and then it will increase your ability to be calm in those situations we all get nervous if we step into a situation we haven't handled that many times i mean if you step up and take a penalty and you've never taken a penalty you're going to be nervous but if you step up to take a penalty and you've taken hundreds before you're not going to be as nervous right so work on those areas you find yourself being nervous in and even if you make a mistake in that area in the game and you've practiced it and everything else go back to what we said earlier in this video which was to let go of those mistakes quickly and get on with it analyze the mistakes later and go oh what could i have done differently there was that the best option was it just unlucky whatever else it was and then you can look at that after the game again but in the game just focus on hooking back into it getting your focus back because that's what's ultimately going to help you remain calm but work on those things you find yourself getting nervous about identify what those things are and add more of that into your training and i promise you the more you do that the less nervous you will be right that has been how to relax and calm down in football we made this pretty succinct pretty quick to give you some stuff you can immediately take into your training into your matches to help you with nervousness and remain calm on the pitch guys this is such an important skill it's not often talked about but being able to stay calm is so crucial because again i don't care how good you are if you're nervous on the pitch you could be you could be one of the best players in the world you'll start making silly little mistakes that you wouldn't normally make and so learning how to be confident learning how to remove those nerves and replace them with calmness is so important so make sure you're working on this stuff again please leave a like if this has been helpful to you that only helps the channel to grow let me know your comments down below and i will see you in the next video
Channel: SimplySoccer
Views: 152,082
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Keywords: Simplysoccer, Simply soccer, how to calm down and relax in football, how to calm down and relax in soccer, how to remain calm in soccer, nervousness in soccer, how to calm your nerves, how to deal with pressure in soccer, how to remain calm in football, how to relax before a football game, how to relax before a soccer game, how to relax in soccer, how to relax in football, how to calm your nerves in soccer, soccer relax, nervousness in football
Id: E1rFDeeesgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 23sec (383 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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