How To Make Faster Decisions In Football

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decision making in football is so crucial so important if you want to be a high level player so in this video we're going to be going over how to make not only faster but better decisions better decisions faster that's coming up next before we get started guys i want to thank the sponsor of this video the amino company who make these amazing supplements including perform which i have right here i also use their supplement called heal which you can see right here and you can find more information about both of these down below in the link down below but the reason i want to mention them is they are doing a 50 off black friday deal until the 29th of november where you can get 50 off all of their products through the link in my description now i love these products so much i've been using them for months they have enhanced my performance you know i found i have so much more energy on the pitch more mental clarity i've noticed just i'm stronger faster quicker and i've also noticed with healed i have much faster recovery times there are so many other benefits backed by science as well they've done over 30 years of clinical trials so you know you're getting something that is proven and can really help elevate your game so go check out more information down below in the description again 50 off for the next i believe 10 days or so and even if you're coming to this video and seeing this after that date you can still get 30 off through that link but if you are watching this before the 29th of november i would highly recommend taking advantage of this deal to get these incredible supplements that are going to be amazing for you and your development and performances as a footballer anyway without further ado let's get into the rest of this video before we also get started guys make sure you download my free ebook game changer i will put that in the description down below or you can just go to www soccer to get it now let's get into the first thing you can do to make faster better decisions in football now the first one is going to be an in the moment type of thing you can do but it's something you're going to need to work on over time and it's calmness nothing is going to make you lose your ability to make good decisions faster than panicking when you have the ball or there's a decision to be made you know a lot of players shy away from making certain decisions because they panic or are afraid of making a mistake or whatever else now we're going to go over some other things in this video that's going to help with those things as well but you need to keep a cool head if you look at players like javi iniesta pierlo or any other player you look at kevin de bruyne who make good decisions more times than not can make fast decisions can play one touch two touch can play quickly you'll notice they're calm they're not panicking they're not putting you know too much importance on each decision that they make they are simply executing in this almost cool calm and collected way and you need to develop this in order to make good decisions because no player who is panicking or is worried all the time is making good decisions that consistently you can even in the comments put i am calm in pressure situations or i am calm in matches if that resonates with you now let's move on to the next thing that you can do and the next thing is huge and it's listen to your instincts what you have to understand about when you're seeing top level players who just seem to do things almost so effortlessly and make the right decisions more times than not is typically they are listening to their instincts they're not thinking every little detail through you know they might do that when they're analyzing footage or they're working on certain skills so that they can operate instinctively in these situations but they're operating on instinct you know they have that intuitive impulse to do something and they trust it and they'll do that more times than not and then also have the technique to execute it you can't think your way through every situation in fact in football i would argue that a lot of it if you want to play it well is instinctive you know sometimes you will play it safe and you will think a little bit more but i've noticed for myself when i make really good plays play a really kind of clever ball or score goals or you know do something that's a little more on that faster better decision-making um kind of in that category it's usually something i've done through instinct not something where i thought of every minute detail or tried to think my way through a situation you know football is happening quickly moment by moment and you need to develop your instincts to be able to operate in these situations better and make better decisions if you're enjoying this video so far hit that like button and we'll move on to the next one and the next one is awareness again if you look at the top players who could be considered some of the best decision makers in history you know like the zidanes um the players like javi and iniesta and pierlo and players of that nature again we can use kevin de bruyne as an example today maybe thiago is they have insane awareness now what does that mean it means they know where their opponents are they know where their teammates are and they also have an idea of how things can potentially move around or how they can set that in motion and so you need to have awareness if you look at these players they're always looking over their shoulder always analyzing where the space is where everything is and they're rarely caught off guard now if they are caught off guard they have the instinct and they have the skill to still keep their calm in those situations because sometimes you might just miss that there's a player in a certain place and you panic you might lose the ball but if you're like these players who keep their calm like kevin de bruyne might turn and there might be a man there he'll probably still be able to keep the ball more times than not because he'll be able to keep his touch close he has the technique to do it and he also won't panic however when you are more aware of what is around you it allows you to have more information in that split second needed for your instincts then to take that very quickly and be like okay this would be a good decision we can do this that through ball is on first time whatever else it is and so the more awareness you have by again scanning the field you know you get you kind of gain a little bit of an intuitive muscle here as you start to play more you start to feel out where people are as well but having that scanning ability um to know where to space is your opponents and your teammates is so valuable so make sure you're incorporating that into your training always trying to be aware switched on what's going on around you and it will serve you well when it comes to your decision making and will allow you to make those faster decisions that if you don't make it in a split second the opportunity is gone and last thing i want to leave you with is please make sure you are working on your technique especially with the fundamentals time and time again because it's no good to be able to make a decision quickly if you don't have the technique to support your instincts or support um whatever the decision is so let's say for example um your instinct and the good decision is going to maybe set your team off on an opportunity to score is a first-time ball over the top well if you don't have the um technique to do that well it's no good you know it's going to end up being a bad play because you're going to give the ball away or for example if your instincts are telling you to take the ball with you and turn on the half turn but you don't have the ability to do that or keep it close when you do that so you don't lose the ball well then it doesn't really matter if that's the right decision or not because you don't have the technique or ability to do it as of yet so make sure you're working on the fundamentals heavily and that's going to help develop your instincts in training but also help you operate in these situations so you have more available to make different kinds of decisions right if you can suddenly control the ball very well play first-time passes very well um your shooting is really good suddenly you can make different decisions and when that instinctively comes up for you you can actually execute right being able to half turn and maybe put your teammate in being able to play that crossfield ball to the open open man and switch the point of attack but if you don't have the technique to play that ball well then it's actually going to be a poor decision on your part so you want to be able to also work on your technique in all of these different areas especially in my eyes passing and receiving that's where a lot of decision making happens it happens in the midfield in my eyes having that ability to keep the ball passing receiving touch you know all of that but you need to be working on these things consistently because again even if you see what you need to do you need to be able to execute it all right that's going to do it for this video guys now if you want something that's gonna help you to stop panicking in football i recommend you watch this video next again it's the first one we went over here something you none of this works if you're panicking so make sure you watch that video next and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: SimplySoccer
Views: 102,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simplysoccer, Simply soccer, how to improve decision making, how to improve decision making in soccer, how to improve my awareness and decision making, how to make faster decisions in soccer, how to make faster decisions in football, how to make better decisions in soccer, how to make better decisions in football, how to make quick decisions in football, how to make quick decisions in soccer, how to make fast decisions in soccer, how to make fast decisions in football
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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