I Spent a Day Testing Your HORRIFYING Summoning Rituals | Genshin Impact

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guys how many of these are there it's like the same ones that gets like a billion likes is Twitter just full of cars with shippers if this works on oh no boys it's time to get that scaramussy I was gonna have you do the obvious you know beat the weekly boss with a level one character and a level one weapon but I was scrolling through Twitter while having that thoughts and found this tweet instead right here it looks like someone already did my job for me so today we're going to try to do the suggestions in every reply to this tweet how do you see how many replies this has wait do I have to go into their account and scroll down there's no way right okay I'm scrolling I'm scrolling I'm scrolling I'm scrolling I'm scrolling I'm scrolling where is it as I can't find it how many tweets does this guy send out in a single day how am I still on the six oh right here 500 okay maybe I'll do like 10. maybe we're only gonna do one because maybe if I get a five star on my first poll and I'm gonna win my 50 50. let's do a minimum of 10 how about that can you sort reply Lies by the amount of likes you can't let's do this one first this one has 700 likes surely it'll be good right I made him a little house with a nice little garden and a bird and a stage in a prison containing the person who ruined his life before it began but too much work for this one isn't it it's fine little do you know I have a degree in architecture you might have heard of some of the buildings I've built before I built my own house I built my neighbor's house you know a statue of the Liberty the Pyramid of Giza just to name a few what world is this like is this like the Suburu world I think it's a Subaru world I can see the little vines in the background I think I'm in it already wait first I have to refill my stuff first give me a second I have to do a bit of uh wow look at that the game gave me 20 000 of these where did I build it I'll make it quick it'll be a quick simple yet move it'll be a quick simple modern take on a house what I want like let's be honest can I just do this like this this and then boom hold up not this one nice safe I'm still missing something what am I missing it's a house it has four walls an entrance and a roof like what more can you ask for in a house like I built this on my first night in Minecraft what else do they say that they need and a bird in a stage why a stage in a cage easy enough a bird a stage and a prison a bird how do you get a bird perfect where's the bird I can't see the bird bam guard the door can I put it inside no I can't why can't you put the bird inside this is a major flaw in the system hello I can't even place it near the house and now I need a stage right there we got a house got a bird and a stage now we need a prison now how do you build a prison okay let's put right in here first facing this way just fly away by the way the bird doesn't fly away wait wait Hawaii Ryan's right here boom we got the mom now we need the gates where's the gates that crafted use fences that's what they use this doesn't look like a gate though okay craft one okay what's like a really Gates looking fence these is this what they used it is what they used right here that could instantly craft it too of 94 or 94. okay let me buy some more I think I can buy five right bam there it is we're good okay now we're going back build the prison sorry to put you in jail ma'am is this big enough perfect we have our prison maybe some lights Perfect all right it's time it's time let's go you think I lose my 50 50s wait even if I lose my 50 50 I'm gonna get a fire resign bye stop by start five star faruza faruza faruzan right here what Spy it's only the first poll I spent like what 50 minutes on this what's going on here all right next suggestion game plan is fight him in his domain with kazuha and pull on the platform when he reaches his vulnerable stage wait why kazua War Masters help it's a shipper surely I'm gonna die right okay now do I go DPS does it really matter at this point do the level 61 who do you think I am I can solo this EPS EPS guys swirl something here hello okay oh I'm swirling oh damage damage I can't heal I'm gonna die yo kind of revive use hydro you have to use hydro platform wait no way actually Hydro heels wave Hydro heels guys I didn't know that the only thing I've used is the electro one I can activate it boom who's your god now okay we're good I just have to remember Hydro heels where's the Hydro One anyways over here oh God okay we're good we're good kill me guys it doesn't heal that much actually damn Mitch living I'm living oh what oh I'm overloaded switch built do you think it's not built physical damage kazuha that's it that's the answer that's always the answer R4 equivalia this looks good right all right let's go I'm ready it's the fifth floor that's killing me man oh my God actually deals way more damage kind of getting rid of the Pyro and he does the Pyro again great I'll get rid of the cryo I don't even need to kill him I just need to get him to the phase where I stand on his chest and we kiss he's over there no no no okay got him nice next face get up get him get Shield get the shield oh my god that actually hit me almost almost almost almost got it nice all right okay over here getting killed by these get it get him down I got it put me on his chest t t all right good F3 all right let's go this is it right I'm literally pulling him from his chest five star five star five oh come on what is this at least I got a girl constellation I guess can you just beat it at this point you know what I'll just kill it so nobody can have him see ya later oh my God bye nice nice nice nice nice well again no you can't pull I killed him already what's the next suggestion I'll make all the standards die then I will turn into Chichi and jump five times on Monster Graves then I will throw Chichi off the J chamber then I will teleport to Inazuma where I would drown right into death then pull scarra in his sumuru spot all standard characters that's like a billion of them once that Graves there's a graveyard monster you have to do it it has 900 likes for some reason ah standard Banner characters only the five stars but they didn't specify five stars okay fine I'll just do five star oh my God imagine the amount of characters at the revive after this how do you kill the characters is there any other way other than off a cliff one two three and Mona and then there's technari okay I'll do take nari after all right one I feel like I've done this before and I have to climb all the way back up that's 20 hp gone all right oh my God there we go too wait I just TP here and jump off what am I doing I can't even uh three there we go four boom there we go okay where's that technology all this just for one pull there you go five they're still alive are you guys seriously gonna make me do this all over again all right swap them out first I'll just put tignari and Chichi in here so I just killed these two and then Chichi is the only one alive techno is dead already okay that's fine that's one less to kill Mona you're next four there we go all right jump five times on the graves which grave there's one two three four five all right now it's time to throw Chichi off a cliff let me put a character on first then put Ryden next because if I kill Chichi she's gonna come back alive because I only have one character in my party there you go peace out goodbye no no I didn't mean to okay second time second time to charm all right there we go I'll put traveler on Boom there it is and then I'll drown right it's a way to drown faster you have to do this right all right there we go boom what guys I can't drown right in pole as she's drowning no cause I have to call on his sumerous spot wherever that is just pretend she's dead Perfect all right nice pretend that she trapped no pulling his sumerous spot okay surely this one right this is the spot right start five star five star five star five star farmerson where's my far result next one guys this one just says rock where is that again uh where is it wind rise where do you think I am I missed it okay am I hot or cold am I getting hotter okay cold I'm going back follow the path so this pass am I getting hotter cold okay I'm going back I'm going back hot cold freezing am I looking in the right direction no am I looking in the right direction yes walking forward this one guys I don't think this looks like okay right here do I go for forward left or right I'm looking at it what do you mean I'm looking right oh right here nice let's go has to be it this has to be it oh my god let's go I lost all my 50 50s last time this has to be it there's no way I lose my 50 50 this time cannot lose eights 50 50s in a row it's like astronomically impossible show me well there has to be another five star show me another one another oh my God Brock did not work do not try this one sumerous City's front bridge where he showed up in the demo gotta pick the warmest spot where he showed up there's a bridge in sumeru is it this one or this one the back door okay don't say it like that where did he show up I need the exact same spot where is it right here right here is the spot exact spot I'll just do it at least give me fire resign bars on that's one down now we just have to get our scarra Mercy perfect it worked in a different way next one next one next one next one cat Shrine hat Shrine over here I believe where is it oh over here I think all right over here where's the cat though there's the cat perfect give me my five star game you cannot make me lose my 50 50. and make me go to pity come on next one in my teapot we're getting married okay I don't have to build this right can I just go to their Peapod yo can I join your teapot really quick I'm not doing that his burnt house wait is this Ashley is burnt house okay let's go where is it no am I hot or cold near the statue is that it the one with like two plants in it guys someone burnt himself down and planted two Berry plants three berries though five star five star five star Five Star Fire resign anything but Garo I mean a character the ARA Nara Village because I feel like it's a comforting place for him maybe I should play the song too so I actually go to the Village you know I play the song There we go can I at least find an aronara are they all dead a wish right here this looks like the perfect place right next to arakavi what's up buddy that's a bow tie oh my God five star five star five star not pity Five Star first time please not a weapon yes all right that's C1 C we're going by pretty fast in the slumbering court where a left him but do I have to put on Ryden what's a slumbering chord oh it's here my ride is dead hold on where's the exact spot I need the exact spot in front of the domain yeah but where in front of the domain right here okay perfect found him outside the door can we keep him has to be it no bars on again do it do it no my cocker stop Goro all right what's the next one Wishing on Primo gem shape in front of the sanctuary of surastana now if I can't even find it where is it my hot or cold hold on hold on okay let's get through this conversation real quick I genuinely didn't mean to do this where is it is it up there here is it right it has to be it right here five star five star five star five star where's my five star there's no way I'm going to pity ooh Candace all right next one on the Crux of course he needs to meet his BF and future mother-in-law ASAP what's this about Where'd I stand it was not even here by the way maybe up here too I really have to maybe I do what who are you get up from my spot whatever I'm at pity I think this is it weird this is not pity it's my pity we're getting closer and closer to C6 farazan this is good right guys how many of these are there it's like the same ones that gets like a billion likes and I'll do it is Twitter just full of Cosmo shippers getting close getting close getting close almost there oh don't die not gonna die I'm not gonna die all right second time does that this is it are you gonna die in like two feet of water and let's make it sunny is there a way to make it sunny nice and sunny there we go right in the center you know I'll stand over here so that spot can be his oh my God so cringe if this works please don't work give me a far as I you know what I'll take a farzan oh no okay maybe the game bugs out and I lose another 50 50. show me it just show me it all right there's one if this gives me two bars on give me five oh this is bad well but we still need his weapon not wishing for him but I would suggest the top of ten shukaku in front of the grand narukami Shrine or just outside the domain of his boss fight so which one is a pick one I like to wish in places connected to a character's history Lord Masters I need help which spot is related to his story has he been to the kamisato estate does he go there for like tea or something henshukaku where's tenshukaku the signored domain he's been there Katara Suna on the furnace thing what's a tatarasuna he's been here I can't stand on it I'll just pull I'll just pull right here it's time for the weapon five star oh unless there's that next suggestion with kazua and Aether in the party so he will be on my team the second I pull him a under his feet what is that by the way it's all the way up oh my god do I really have to okay now what do I need venti scarra really oh okay you guys didn't tell me I can't move side to side when I'm going up I need to Fenty this all right there you go there you go venti was the solution all along five star five star five star five star let's go give me it wet bit no Candace again that's fine I'm gonna get C6 Candace by the end of this wait I actually have C6 Candace heart Island cat Shrine musk grief or tenshukaku wait what's musk Reef it's Abyss is he related to The Abyss he usually gets sent there for Missions I genuinely can't tell if you guys are actually making that up or not he gets missions there and gets back wounded and always gets his wound treated by the Torre your name is balladeers can I just have my weapon you can't make me go to pity every single time game all right looking for a whole like I wish what happened we done from this list by the way wait you haven't done the inside of the sanctuary hold up is that where Nikita lives wasn't this a ironically where he fought the boss like we went down there if I touched that wait cat I was gonna stand there I'll stand right here I'll stand right here weapon weapon where's my weapon at least character Candace what where we saw him for the first time in Liu where's that lore Masters the swamp here a statue right here the pathway at the path right here or is it there near the bridge which side of the bridge right here how do you guys remember this give me my bell I'm surprised they didn't put the actual belt in this Banner this has to be it give me it oh is this it is here it comes show me it show me the Bell just give me it please oh was that pity if anyone counts I think it was like 80 pulls perfect nice smiley face I'm tempted parazon if you really think about a chat C6 is only four constellations away I have self-restraint I will not the x button is right here but one last pull right here five star okay far is on okay never mind foreign
Channel: itspaikon
Views: 421,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, itspaikon
Id: VeZIidNKMkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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