"If You See Something Waving At You From The Woods, Don't Wave Back" Creepypasta

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I've always loved the snowy plains of my home area it's so different here and there's a sense of vastness to it each year my brother Marcus and I take a long trip back and it's become a sort of tradition to us and we go on a long hike to the cabin and spend the weekend there and we usually reminisce about childhood and play our old favorite board games when Marcus asked me if he could bring his girlfriend Melanie along it took me a while before I obliged and Melanie had been enthusiastic at the outside after an hour of the long hiking track and had it all changed Oh couldn't we have just driven here and miss all that I said spreading my arms in a wide arc it's just snow Steve I don't get what the big deal is come on babe and Marcus interjected Oh putting his arms around her instead of you nice I guess so I'm just so tired of walking huh I couldn't help but laugh to myself I had warned her that it was a long trip to the cabinet and but of course she hadn't Lucinda we can take a break once we reach the resting area okay and I tried comforting her and how long is that about another half an hour or so uh as she side behind me I heard Marcus lie Hoffa while the two of them were teasing each other I went to head a bit and let my eyes wander over the white plains around Dawson it was so beautiful and quiet how often every played out here as a kid I wondered for a moment hey what's that over there I heard Melanie asked from behind I turned back to see her and Marcus looking over at the forest and at least half a kilometer away from us what do you mean I asked and there's something over there I couldn't make out much N and it took me a while before I saw who she was referring to uh there is a person at the edge of the forest must be another hiker one of the forest workers look he's waving to us and she exclaimed and before she raised her own arm to return the greeting hello over there a hideout he can hear you Marcus Ida it doesn't matter and it's just nice for a while the figure continued away and Melanie way back a few more times after a while whoever it was seemed to be satisfied and vanished between the trees agonda when we continued on and about 10 minutes later Marcus walked up to me so did you read it yet um what do you mean you know he rolled his eyes at me and you know what I'm talking about in Dad's novel well and I started at 2 but I haven't gotten far yet to that I admit it huh come on stiva he worked so hard on Anton the least you can do is read it ok guys I think he's following us who is Marcus ass turning around huh that guy from before her I just saw him over there but with that she pointed to a stretch of the forest to our left you sure it's the same guy it could just be another yes it looked exactly the same and he was waving towards me again huh well that's what you get for waving at strangers and that's that funny Marcus seriously what if it's I don't know some psycho or something both Marcus and I started laughing huh it's probably just another hiker Marcus said trying to calm her down oh yeah heard someone from the village who thinks it's funny to mess with people I continued up in condos Martin would do this exact thing right he's so would Marcus agree ADA Oh Watson who's Martin de a Melanie a staring at us the ho just a friend from her childhood her one of the weirdest guys that we ever Noah and as we continue da Dada the Marcus and I started to tell Melanie a bit more about our adventures with her friend Miranda soon and aha we had all forgotten a mysterious person who had been waving towards awesome and we were laughing and joking around Agana I just started another tale one we reached the small resting area it wasn't much and nothing more than a bench under a wooden overhang by now we could already see the small forestry hill on which the cabin was located my legs are killing me Melanie complained as she slumped down on the bench next to me Wow a horse still only halfway there I joked and she gave me a you can't be for real face now when I saw it I burst out laughing huh now it's only about twenty more minutes and we're almost there screw you Steve and she yelled at me and started to hit my shorter before she started laughing as well I totally believed you you idiot she Alda suddenly she jumped up from the Bansha oh my god guys look it's a deer with a she rushed back towards the path and took out her phone and started taking picture her son has so much about her legs unlike his whispered oh she's a nice girl I finally said smiling at Emma yeah I'm glad I met her I asked him how exactly the two of them in Madison Marcus said Bailey started the story when Melanie came running back towards awesome he's back again and this time we didn't need to ask who she Manta he was over there ahead of us and near this old ruin or whatever it was Marcus was by her side in a moment are you serious the over there I stepped towards him and I looked ahead up on the foot of the small hill there were the remains of an old Bill Dana that's where she'd seen Emma and come on it's probably nothing huh and maybe he saw us resting her and decided to give us a last greeting huh and maybe he thinks were from the village - I don't care it's creepy and that's what it is and if he comes near you I'll beat the out of Emma Marcus promised in a serious voice come on let's get going huh no reason to wait here and argue about it whoever it is might be long gone anyways Melanie said nothing huh only once we had gotten closer to the old ruin huh I heard hiragana her voice was quiet almost a whisper it can't be there's no way and when I turn towards her I saw she had stopped in her tracks her face was a mask of disbelief oh babe what is echa how can he be this tall as she almost screamed the pointing at the wall is the remained of the Rona he was weighed harder than me I thought the walls were only a meter or so tall but but she broke up I looked at the old ruin huh the two walls that were still standing Rome was three meters tall and you probably saw it Ron we were so far away so I know what I saw Marcus he was standing right here I couldn't help but wonder what she had seen her it had to be an optical illusion or something huh what else could it be but still huh I started to feel a bit unsettled about the whole thing myself let's go to the cabin if there is someone following us we'll be safe there for a moment Melanie wanted to say something but then she merely nodded huh it wasn't much longer before we arrived to the cabin huh and I saw that Melanie's eyes were still daring around scanning the trees searching for some giant figure in two twists of the key in the door sprang open huh the place was exactly the same as Marcus and I had left it a year ago the head shouldn't take too long before the place warms up I said as I stepped to the fireplace and while I was busy to use what few logs were inside to start a fire I heard Marcus speak to Melanie in a low voice and I saw her not in a few times before she began to sort through her things as I heated up some coffee Marcus went upstairs to look for our board games and when I brought Melanie a cup of coffee I found her on her phone I'm browsing to Facebook really yeah and I asked her she looked at me for a moment before she put her phone away fine I put it away there's no internet out here anyway for a moment she piloted oh but then she started laughing and took the cup of coffee from my hand so a few minutes later Marcus came back with the huge box that held our old games and most of it was the simple board games we played as a kid and like monopoly and there was one of the game though and the one that we had created ourselves it was a sort of Dungeons & Dragons board game it was nothing fancy you just moved over a board have battle monsters and who defeated the final boss first wanna but stealth even as a doll Hobson's the two of us loved playing this silly thing even Melanie was eager to join Anna then wasn't the game itself that was interesting huh it was the stories that we had about anta after the first round was over I decided to go outside and get a bit more firewood huh there'd only been a few logs left next to the fireplace so if we wanted to keep the fire going I'd have to get a few more I put on my thick winter coats and boots and I went outside it had gotten dark outside by now and during the day the area was a beautiful winter wonderland at night it was nothing short of creepy I pushed the thought that we were completely alone out here as far to the back of my mind as I could and with quick steps I heard to the stack of firewood next to the cabinet and I started to pick up log after log again I couldn't help but look around every once in a while and I listened to the sound of the night there was a slight breeze that gently shook the trees back and forth and just as I picked up the last of about a dozen logs I heard a crunching sound nearby it sounded almost as if somebody was walking through the Salwa I jerked around and I looked but no one was there it was most likely just an animal or how huh maybe even some snow had fallen off a branch nearby I've walked back towards the front door that was halfway there when I heard her together as I turned around this time huh I could have sworn that I saw a shadow through the trees I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up for long seconds I watched the trees to the left of the gabbana I need any help Marcus suddenly called out to me I almost jumped up and half the logs tumbled off my arms Jesus Christ don't do that I yelled up Marcus started laughing huh and walked over to pick up the ones that I dropped you're always so scared in the dark it's hilarious and I was about to tell him what I thought that I had seen and when I noticed Melanie at the door behind Emma I shook my head and I decided to drop the target it must have been my imagination of the life in the house playing a trick on me I warmed up some mulled wine Melanie said as we stack the logs next to the fireplace oh great thank you I said as I took off my boots and I rub my hands against each other and the mulled wine was almost too hot to drink and yet I took a big SAP and warm me up in an instant I had always loved the Safa for a while we sat together and talking and joking before Melanie said that she was getting a bit CPA I guess it was all that walking today come on I'll show you to our realm ah and with that Marcus let her upstairs and while the two of them went up I walked back to the small stove I needed up a bit more of the mould widened and refilled my kapa suddenly I heard the noise agonda it was muffled huh but it sounded almost as if something was scratching against the side of the cabin it must be the branches of the trees I thought huh as I stood at the stove like a hapa I started to wonder her wasn't there only a slight breeze and this was a bit too loud or was an answer I felt the same sense of dread washed over me once more what if there was really somebody out there I hope he heated some up for me as well but Marcus called out to me from the stairs I'm not going to join her in bed I asked screaming that Emma nah maybe later and you answered her and there's something I want to talk to you about something important I know I know I really should read dad's book it's just no it's not about that it's about the cabin huh dad wants to sell it since somebody is using it anymore except for us wait what in this cabin it's our place we've spent so many winters here and he wants to sell it like this Wow you only ever come here once a year I still might get where he's coming from well that's not the point I almost shouted Emma and what about all of our memories hey calm down Marcus said raising his hands and the dad's got a you trailed off and I saw him look around I had heard it too the psalmist back again huh but this time it was louder it was almost as if something or someone was scratching along the wood outside what the hell is that there was once more I'm going to have a look nice Atta Marcos was right by my side putting on his shoes as well huh you're not gonna go out there alone huh I nodded and I picked up the old iron fire poker and then we tiptoed to the front door a quick look out the window showed us nothing but the dark of the night and trees slowly shaking in the window Shanta I cursed in a moment later we stepped outside huh had that guy been stalking us and sneaking up on us in the middle of the night huh this was seriously creepy here I raised the fire poker ready to be Donna and he deranged asshole trying to jump me and I had barely taken a few steps when I saw something moved near the corner of the cabin huh it was gone as quickly as I'd seen Etta but I knew someone was there that's right by her window ha Marcos whispered ah and go and get her if it's really that Gaia Gaia for a moment he hesitated huh and then he nodded and went back inside huh who's there I called out huh well what the hell are you doing here no answer the hurt was once more the crunching of snow ah and the scratching on the wood my hands were shaking as they clutched onto the fire poker I jumped around the corner ready to yell only to stop dead in my tracks there was something there and was no man Noah and neither wasn't an animal huh it was a giant hulking figure a leaning forward against the ha'la'tha it must have been at least four if not five meters tall and I saw long claw like finger hersa and they're almost digging into the woodwork as the thing pressed its face against the window I stood there staring up at the impossibility in front of me what nah and was all I could bring Isleton right at that moment that things had jerked to my direction its face was simple to simple it looked almost as if somebody had sewn a face on a piece of cloth or a bag the lower part ripped open huh and the creature let out a high-pitched scream it raised its arms before brought them crashing down against the woodwork in the window wooden glass exploded under the forest I heard chaos erupted inside of the room above I heard Marcus and Melanie scream up in terror in a second to the things I was vanished inside the gaping hole that had once been a window huh I heard Marcus yell something before his screams cut through the nyah they continued only from all medicine and they culminate it in a terrible blood-curdling wail and then everything was quiet again huh I couldn't do a thing I was frozen in terror and I took a single step forward huh but then I cringe back the fire poker slipped from my hands as I slumped down in the snow for a moment the thing with Dover I'm a head it didn't seem malignant anymore it looked almost a happier the finally had turned from me towards the trees and within seconds it had vanished again huh before it was gone though I had seen that it had been holding something in his giant hands it had been Mount Isa left body [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 363,223
Rating: 4.8469458 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: iZ2Y95DUwug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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