"A Note Found in an Abandoned House in the Woods" | Creepypasta

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I was taking a walk through the woods the other day and I stumbled upon an old house it ran parallel to a set of rusted long disused railroad tracks I was surprised who was still standing the walls were caving in most of the siding was gone I walked up to the front porch and peered inside it looks like a normal entryway of a dilapidated house broken stairway run floors a few arc ways that led into dark areas I couldn't see without going inside I was about to turn and leave when I saw a slip of paper lying on the floor near the base of the staircase it was damp and slighly molding obviously had been there for a long time I picked it up sat on the front porch and read it here it is in its entirety when we were kids they told us to stay away from the house by the railroad tracks whenever we asked why but what was inside parents teachers everyone we asked would say there was nothing nothing at all inside us kids were usually good about following those kinds of rules but what kid he was a restriction of an area and then doesn't immediately go there that's when me and Beth did when we got here we climbed the porch steps and looked inside it was so dark we thought it was odd even at the time that no life from the afternoon Sun permeated the space within the house when we called to the darkness it echoed like the space inside was much larger and cavernous than it should have been that should have been the warning for us but we just dismissed it it's some kind of acoustic problem and left Beth came to school the next day in tears she said her cat lucky had run away and her parents had spent most of the previous night searching for him and we're going to continue to do so after school I said I would help and we set off that afternoon her parents went off in another direction and we headed towards the house a few minutes later as we were nearing it we began to hear something it was light at first but as we got closer louder it became it was a cat meowing in purring as the house came into sight it reached a crescendo filling the air something grey and white moved on the porch Bethany squealed in the light and ran forward arms outstretched I ran after her eyeing it the closer we got the gray thing moved inside the open front door and disappeared into the darkness the meowing continued Beth ran up the steps it was about to run full force to the house before I caught her around the waist hoisting her back she cried in protest and started clawing in my arms to get me to let go of her I told her to listen she stopped her protests and quieted the meowing continue from inside but it sounded strange it was echoed and distant like it was coming from the other side of a vast expanse I told her I didn't think it was lucky in there she asked me what could be making the noise if it wasn't him I guided her off the porch and we slowly started back up the hill the meowing seemed to lose its intensity and slowly died away enough by the sounds of the forest as we crossed over and started down the other way it ceased altogether lucky came home the next morning probably gone for a day hunting in the woods Beth thanked me for my help but we didn't speak of the incident at the house a few months past the weather got colder we went out in the woods less and less Christmas break was coming up and we had almost completely forgotten about the house Beth didn't show up for school the day before finals I was sort of surprised to walk into class that morning and not see her if she wasn't going to be there she usually messaged me I talked to the teacher who in turn told us that her parents hadn't called to say that she wouldn't be there calling her mom at work we found out that Beth had left for school but apparently never arrived the police were called and searched in and around her house her backpack and outdoor wear were gone along with her car she had apparently shown full intention of going to school a few hours later they found her car in a ditch beside a back road near the woods the main way had been closed due to snow buildup and she had been attempting to find another way when she lost control and crashed however she wasn't at the car the snow had covered up any tracks she would have made and the weather conditions made searching almost impossible not that the town didn't try a small group of townsfolk were willing to brave the weather to look for her gathered outside the police station myself included we're each given a flashlight and headed into the woods calling her name a new riah's head at the moment the group thinned out as we broke off into teams the girl I was supposed to be partnered with was off doing her own thing and therefore didn't notice when I slipped away I made the now-familiar track to the snow familiar Hill and listened nothing but silence resting the rise I looked down the white snow contrasted heavily it gets the dark boards of the house the snow creeped up the porch thin streaks as if it had been stamped down by many feet lying the doorway was a shock of blonde hair and were looks to be a pink jacket a rushed forward nearly tripping over myself in the heavy snow the blogged in pink shapes in the distance lumbered into the darkness weather because it was pulled or that it itself I wasn't sure but I couldn't take any chances they called her name nearing the porch the doorway stood there like a wide open mouth from within but this time without an echo was a short limber I stopped right at the threshold squinting my eyes I peered into the blackness it seemed to sweep into the house as naturally as a way if no life could be seen that even the brightness the late afternoon Sun that reflected off the snow could penetrate it the whispering came again in the end I guess it was fear that one out I didn't want to go in to be sure but the fear that Beth was inside and possibly hurt that's enough to make me place a tentative step inside I relaxed a bit calling her name one more time no answer but the sound came again I cross the threshold expect it to line up at least a little bit when I entered but no such thing happened I put my arms out to feel for walls or a staircase or doorframe or anything to indicate this place had something inside of it other than darkness I walked a few feet forward then a few feedback nothing slipped past my fingers the sound now appeared to be distant I turned to go back the way I came but the doorway a portal to the snowy world beyond now appeared to be about 20 feet away impossible I'd walked in five and most I took a step towards it and it thrust herself backwards till it was just a tiny dots and horizon of my vision how long ago that was I'm not sure it's been quite a while every day I start my trek towards the door never gets any closer or any farther away no matter how long I walk how tired my legs get or how long I stop trust it never moves deep down I suppose I know it's fruitless but I still walk anyway my thirst and hunger are gone so as my need to sleep the only time I stopped walking is to rust when my legs feel like they're burning then I sit sometimes for hours sometimes for days until I feel well enough to walk again the door is always miles ahead but sometimes it moves it floats in the air like a fire fly high above me and possibly but undeniably there sometimes it's far below me a point of light in a deep chasm I guess I'll never find out if it was Beth I saw in the porch the day I came in escape seems impossible so I'll never know if she's home safe wondering where I am in the same situation as I everyone was right it really is nothing house by the railroad tracks a whole lot of nothing but every once in a while the door moves uh here faint laughter from somewhere off in the darkness and sometimes just sometimes the light from the door is blotted out for a moment there's something large is moving in front of it then bluffed wonder or is there as you can probably guess the notes ended up freaking me out I left on the front porch of the house and went home Tibet waking up in the morning I decided to do a little research I didn't know the name of whoever wrote the note or even their gender so I didn't have much to go on the references to texting but no social media seemed to indicate sometime between 2004 to 2010 I searched for any missing people named bath in my County during the time period but came up with nothing I find the contents of the note hard to believe for obvious reasons I stepped into the house myself and nothing like what happened the note happened to me I'm sure it's either a prank or the work of someone with serious mental issues but there's just one thing when I step into the doorway of the house for the first time I blocked the light from outside and somewhere faintly perhaps from within the walls I heard a soft whip break [Music] everyone I hope you enjoyed today's video if you want to see more let me know in the comments below and tell me what you thought of this narration make sure to follow me on Twitter for updates and if you'd like to get early videos shout outs and much much more I'd appreciate it if you check out my patreon page it's a place where you can help support my channel while getting awesome rewards in the process and every pledge helps out a ton no matter the size so if you'd like to see all the rewards I offer and consider becoming a patron in mean a ton to me if you click the link in the description and just check it out and don't forget to show some love to the amazingly talented authors who make these narrations possible I have a good night everybody Cheers [Music] you
Channel: ClancyPasta
Views: 169,677
Rating: 4.8158178 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, nosleep story, horror stories, creepy story, scary story, scary stories, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Id: ZiaeOkcXnmU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2018
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