"Someone offered to buy my son. I might take up the offer" Creepypasta

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[Music] from the moment he was born I've always loved my son Christian for the last 60 years it's just been him and I a dynamic duo his mother left us not willingly that is she passed away in the operating table after a difficult birth it's sad but this is more common than people think however no matter how much you hear that you never expect it to happen to you one of those eerie statistics at people rattle wood you don't think about until it hits you in the face it was odd when she died she was serene right until the end she was fixated on making sure our son was born with no complications it was almost like she knew it would happen she accepted all her responsibilities and pushed through until the bitter end she was graceful in death as she was in life I miss her since then I knuckled down I had the responsibility of raising my son and maintaining the household all by myself my family helped at times but I couldn't expect them to fill any parental roles so almost all responsibilities fell on me I always did them though not just for him but for her I tried my best I worked so hard to raise my son to be the perfect child I gave him everything I could whilst never spoiling him I taught him good values and tried to align his moral compass in the right direction he was an angel as was the feedback all the teachers gave while he grew up this is why it was a shock to me when he started acting up not long after his sixth birthday I racked my brain trying to figure out what went wrong I questioned if it was the kids he was hanging out with or maybe an inadequate teacher either way it was becoming more and more frequent that I was being called to listen to complaints from his teacher the feedback was mind-blowing I heard of things I could never imagine my son doing in a million years there were reports from his teacher that he would hit other kids not sharing books and class equipments and even name-calling these were things I fervently taught him not to do which saddened the teacher has he had to confirm what they were saying was true I left in shock I was in a heavy set denial about the whole thing these were all behaviors he had never had any problem with before and were things I always made sure to spend time teaching him not to do I thought that none of this was my fault and if they were true and had to have originated somewhere else when I took him home I lectured him in a roundabout way as I'd explained things that were wrong to do he was the sweetest thing he'd listened with an attentive smile agreeing with every points I made making others feel bad is not good make sure to help out others who need help always be kind and people will be kind to you in return he said he'd do what he was told and I was confident he'd be fine but he never was no matter how much I drilled good values into him I'd be pulled aside every so often and told the heinous things he'd done in school I was sickened by some of the stories told but every time I'd come back to Christian he was the nicest kid in the whole world either they were lying to me or he was only good when I was around one factor was eliminated when his main teacher left I felt that if the problem was him this would be his fresh start with someone who cared but they never did they only got worse I was called in to look over his art from class without getting into too much gruesome detail they were disturbing I don't know how a child conveyed such dark emotions with such simple abstract pictures but he did this wasn't a one-off either it became so frequent at the save both the teachers and my time he just saved them up and we'd review them at the end of the week each picture was unique in its own sense conveying a pain that I never knew someone so young could simulate I'll try bring this up the Christian subtly at first then progressively more on the nose until I was confronting him about it each time he'd have a passable reason for everything the drawings were often obscure with the darker details being seen through the lens of artistic interpretation in other words he claimed they were the simple shapes and colors that lay in the page not the twisted amalgamations of pain and suffering that could be compared to Dali crossly the Picasso the art was easier to explain than the behavior with each meeting I would be told about the various forms of acting out Christian did he hit other kids when the teacher wasn't looking he would pull in girl's hair spit at people he didn't like he was never seen by an adult but the frequency of these complaints from the other students made it more and more believable this all culminated to the teacher confronting me earlier than our weekly meeting he informed me that my son for the first time drew blood usually his demeanor was calm however that day the teacher was frantically ranting at me in his exasperated tone he told me my son had bitten another kid drew blood and alluded that he tried drinking it he went on to call him a demon and he should be burned let alone expelled I was shocked and it told me one very important thing he hated my son this explained everything how his art had a much higher degree of talent than a six-year-old should be able to produce that it seemed like the evidence was planted how his behavior was never reported by any other teachers and only came from these unverified complaints from other students and how the other kids still seemed to talk to my son like nothing was wrong this got heated to the point that the head teacher had to get involved we both explained our sides and left it to her to make a decision either my child really was a demon who was somehow gaslighting the teacher with comic book villain level torment or my son was being victimized by an inadequate teacher she went off to contemplate action and for a while it was left at that during my next meeting in which I heard some more egregious actions my son supposedly did which I didn't pay much mind to anymore the headmaster came to an agreement my son would see a behavior specialist she told us she found someone who could pick up in a child's behavioral patterns just from a simple conversation and that if my son was lying he'd know to me this was perfect a third party opinion they could almost guarantee the truth I was confident to say the least I agreed in a heartbeat I told Christian about it preparing him the same way any parent prepares their kid for the dentist or a test I told him of the importance to be good but to also be himself and relax normally he was on board with whatever needed to be done however this time he was against it he argued that he had a bad feeling but I assured him that everything would be fine and sadly we couldn't refuse it was necessary though Christian wasn't happy he eventually relented but not before voicing his disdain towards me I just accepted it as that kid hates that parents get when they don't get their way Christian went into the meeting it was scheduled to be an hour but only 15 minutes later he popped out ready to leave a smug smile plastered across his face Christian was itching to go but I was called in to see the psychiatrist to Christians protests the psychiatrist sat me down and got straight to the point he looked frazzled like he had aged years since I saw him only minutes ago he muttered out that he was special I was shocked at this I started the defenders odd behaviors and that he shouldn't be put into special needs but he reiterated what he meant he meant special I was confused at this the confusion which was never answered as he moved forward he told me Christian is not normal and never will be not only that things will only get worse however he was willing to take him off my hands and my loss would be heavily compensated he ended that this be for his own good I was stunned and this egregious offer I was horrified that another human being would even think to make this kind of statement let alone a professional what made it worse was that he put it forward like he was doing me a favor I promptly told him where he could stick it and stormed out on the way out he tried to hand me his business card which I ignored as I walked away I grabbed my son and promptly left after all this I felt bad for Christian I decided I would treat him on the way home to some icecream even eating his favorite dessert he was still mad about everything and he hadn't even heard what I heard I couldn't imagine how he felt in that moment I tried to ask him how it went however the smallest start to conversation he went off on me he accused me multiple times of being with them I tried to ask who they were but he said that I knew I told him I wasn't with anyone but I would always be there for him he caught me a liar I couldn't help but nervously eat my ice cream trying to think of a way to calm him while lost in thought Christian uttered one last statement with a tone of finality to never give him to them as he did so a horrible taste overcame my senses I spat out my ice cream immediately continue to spit more after to try wash away the taste what I put in my mouth was chocolate ice cream what came out was something that could only be described as a locking like chocolate ice cream when I started racing this was the first moment where I started questioning if I was wrong about my son but after that stunt I knew to keep my mouth shut and not say anything out of line I simply asked if he did that and in a smug tone he said no after leaving the store with a hefty gift card as compensation for our inconvenience to the confusion of the staff members we went home from then on I was more conscious of his behavior I started picking up on behaviors that were always there but never stood out until then he was acutely aware for his age more than he should be while out he would always be looking around studying people in the distance sometimes he would catch them doing something embarrassing like falling over or dropping something important every time he would chuckle in a tone that implied that he had something to do with it he always talked a lot more fluently for a six-year-old even using words that I don't ever remember teaching him at first I used to think he had amazing teachers that pushed him to his highest potential but now I started thinking it might be something else this paranoia rained on me everything wrong around me I would question if he was involved I started getting skittish at the thought of doing something with potential danger I acted like all look was stacked against my favor I started getting terrified of driving as I would see near accidents more and more when with Christian each close swerve on near head-on collision he'd just giggle innocently passing it off as him enjoying the quick movements I was called in to my weekly meetings with his teacher while reviewing his work and behavior the teacher would not stop scratching himself when I looked closer I noticed he was covered in many needle sized red dots curious and not thinking I blurted out in shock he straightaway assured me he wasn't contagious that he was just bed bug bites I couldn't help but wonder if my son had something to do with it on the way home Christian started conversation for the first time since I started these meetings with his teacher he started questioning me about what we talked about I simply told him that I cared to him and I wanted to know how he was doing at school I explained that we just looked through his work and that if anything came up I took his side he immediately pulled that apart by saying no other kid was going through this I backtracked and said he was a special case but the damage was already done and his tone started to grow more authority on he started picking apart everything wrong with what I said but suddenly he stopped his voice raised to a tone like an adult trying their best to sound like a kid and failing saying you'll never leave me would you daddy I was taken aback at him calling me daddy something he never really did before thinking quickly I recognized that I should answer as fast as possible to not arouse any unnecessary suspicion no son I responded you'll never give me away would you daddy wanting to cooperate out of fear of repercussion answered of course not son just checking daddy at this all conversation ended and the rest of the car ride was silent that night I was still freaked out the events of the car played over and over in my head as I lined it up to everything else that had happened I put on a movie to try relax and take my mind off things but in the darkness I started noticing a strange sound at first I thought there was something wrong with my DVD but when I turned off my DVD player trying to see if resetting it would fix the sound he persisted that's when the daunting realization hit me it was coming from somewhere inside the house I was frozen in time trying my hardest to not move and pick up on what the sound was without my own movements getting in the way when I did eventually settle into the stillness long enough to focus on it I soon regretted it it sounded faintly like whispering I looked around in the darkness trying to see where it was coming from however the more I focused in one area the more I noticed the little traces of movement all this culminated in the feeling that I wasn't alone at night I didn't sleep well the morning after I tired Lee picked up the mail while I walked to the area where I dumped the important envelopes something slipped out on the floor dropped a small business card very plain in design I eyed the details thinking it was just some spam Estate Agents details or a fast-food joint but when I read the first few letters I immediately knew who it was the name was titled with dr. nice straight away knew it was the psychiatrist from before I pocketed the card just in case each day from then on things just got worse I started feeling more and more drained each day I usually ran on a healthy six to eight hours sleep but when that stopped sufficing I started going to bed a bit earlier each day it was a struggle to stay awake before Christian fell asleep and some nights have failed simply passing out on the couch while a show played these were the good nights though as there were the nights where no matter what I couldn't sleep during these nights I'll be plagued by the strange sounds and movements now lurking in my house in the dead of night my face carried the baggage of ill health my eyes were sinking in the dark circles a badge displaying my sleeping problems my cheekbones protruded as I slowly lost my appetite I was losing weight at a slow and steady pace this would have been fine if I wasn't already at a healthy weight before the losses it gave me an emaciated appearance people started giving a wide berth when walking past me on the street other kids would stare showing me this wasn't all in my head like I'd hoped this was all happening while my son was still getting terrible feedback from school the teacher seemed like he was tackling his own levels of crazy in his life while having small talk he told me of the gruesome way he found his pet and I don't want to repeat the kind of things that were happening in his dreams these personal torments would never be brought up to kick Christian out of school or anything as these weren't school related though we never furball acknowledged it we always silently felt this it's something to do with my son [Music] it wasn't just the teacher that was complaining parents would find me when picking up Christian from school telling me rumors of the strange behaviors by my son only hinted at by their kids kids that would be happily talking to Christian I heard the complaints but now with a new lens of context I could see the fear in their smiles as they spoke to him I would be too lethargic to fight back choosing to just listen but there was one common theme he'd never get caught no matter what he would always have the power of deniability on his side meaning the teachers could do nothing about it however it never stops the hateful remarks I'd hear in passing about my son and I when in my lowest mental states I'd sit in a quiet room and stare at the business card which signified the potential biggest betrayal of my life one number would mean I'd lose the last remnant of my family the destruction of my wife's last memory it was one of these tired Haggard states and I hit a breaking point despite all the stress I still put my all into raising my son well I spent hours poring over a nice meal to share with him some garlic and rosemary potatoes mixed vegetables and a honey roast ham everything was cooked perfectly and because of this I expected everything to go smoothly but they didn't usually kids ate around the veg but for some reason Christian didn't take a liking to the potatoes I was eating them fine meaning there was nothing wrong with the taste I remarked that he had to finish them before he could have dessert it was this demand that put him on the offensive he nonchalantly told me he was full then demanded dessert my response I simply ignored him I felt he was getting satisfaction for my squirming so I decided that giving him no reaction but no longer feed his temperament I was right in a way it was while I was looking down at my plate trying to get the perfect mix of food when a chunk of potato wrapped off my face despite the soft texture it stunned me for a second the force provided was something out of this world I snapped my head up in a red-hot rage and rhetorically shouted did you throw that knowing I already knew the answer what made me furious was that he had the gall to deny it I retorted that it had to have been him but he stood his ground and devilishly told me no at this I stormed over picked him up and forcefully carried him to his room despite his cheeky comebacks he didn't put up a fight most likely satisfied at his victory over getting me to so quickly lose my composure and locked him in there telling him it was for his own good and to think about what he did though he never took any reaction to punishments anymore so it always felt like a waste of time however something well they'd make before I closed the door I gave him a look over to see if he snuck anything he shouldn't have before I locked him away when I glimpsed his hands they were completely clean no sign of potato or gravy anywhere thoughts of strange possibilities briefly sent a chill down my back in a shaken mindset I went downstairs and impulsively called the number I had hidden away in an emergency spot near the phone the Motta's of the voice on the other end and I was thinking of taking up the offer which I led to asking them to come over to help and hung up in my head I felt like I only hinted at taking the offer in order to get them to quickly arrive to help at the forefront of my mind I still dearly loved my son but in the back of my head the offer warmed up significantly over this long period of torture so if I took the offer it would be for his own good not my own in that moment he suddenly felt a sting of hindsight and how they confidently put the offer forward as a favor I took this time to go to my room and sit on my bed to think my room was a sanctuary to me somewhere that my son rarely bothered me either out of respect or a strange conditioning on his part to control where I stayed it was because of that feeling of complacency that it shocked me when I heard a strange noise a gentle rapping on the door confused I asked who it was the response left me even more confused it was my son the door opened and my son stood before the line separating my room to the hallway he stared at me for a moment with forward brows the air was thick with anticipation creating a tense atmosphere one that could only be broken by its creator after a brief internal contemplation Christiane piped up who was that who was what I shot back deep down knowing what he was possibly referring to yet relenting to reveal my plans were you going to give me to them he asked completely ignoring my denial I don't know what you're talking about not the best offense but playing dumb was the best move that came to me fast enough to not rouse any more suspicion I saw the card by the phone he said in a dull tone oh I thought to myself we're rapidly bounced around spinning my head in a rush of panic but this brought something to my mind which came to the forefront of my words Christian how did you get out of your room this took him back for a second I could tell he was preparing more for the conversation he started not this he stared at me menacingly I could tell he was both thinking of what to say and what they do and what terrified me was that to him the possibilities were endless during their silence a sound cut through the air the doorbell that was fast I thought some parts of me try not to think that they were that obsessed with Christian as to wait around constantly for the inevitable call I put on my best poker face got up and told my son in an authoritative voice that I needed to get the door never side I kept up as I walked up to the door which Christian slams shut with an angry expression on his face I smoked my palm hard and yelled at him but when I tried the knob I can only rattle it appearing that the door was locked the problem with this was that my door had no lock I tried getting the door open light at first scared I'd heard his little hands if I tried too hard however when it refused to even budge and any amount of effort I resorted he yelling at him to open the door the doorbell rang out more while I heard a quiet response from Christian an ominous message that he was going to deal with it after I heard I'll be right there shouted in a friendly tone what worried me most was that he sounded vaguely like me all I could do was wait and while waiting I heard muffled voices exchanging below between someone in the house and someone outside to which I heard the door open I pressed my head to the ground to get a better picture of what was going on from what I heard a man walked into the front living room and called out for me to which he proceeded to the stairs I followed the thumps to the front of my bedroom door and expected him to struggle to get in however the door just breezed open and there he was the man I wanted to save me I quickly shot up on the ground feeling relieved by his presence he had a confident look on his face and told me he followed my instructions and came to my room my instructions I straightaway knew something was up terrified I tried to explain all I knew but before I could get a few lines in a look of shock white across his face his breathing picked up and he quickly spun two words at the door he didn't make it close enough to brush the doorknob before he fell he barely rolled to his back he's twitching making any kind of mobility difficult it looked like he was having a stroke his breathing's switched from panicked to staggered color drained from his face as his intake of air was shortening with each gasp I rushed over and tried to rotate him to a better breathing position I knew the only way he was going to breathe efficiently was with assistance but just as I leaned in to give CPR I chilled it back in fear thousands of dots poured from his mouth and scattered away one rolled past me which I pressed was my thumbnail and picked up when looking at it inches from my eye I could see it was an almost microscopic bug as they drained out of him I could see the man's normal healthy frame deteriorate and a disturbing pace until all that remained or his clothes and a few morsels of dried flesh the bugs somehow disappeared as fast as they came I got up and bashed in the door as hard as I could not even needing to test a knob to know he was locked I yelled and pleaded through tearful shouts when I quieten down I heard my son all he said in a mocking tone was a call back that this was for my own good they stayed silent in complete disbelief at the situation I had no way of bargaining I was his in my passive state the door eased open and at the entrance stood Christian not looking fazed at all by the situation I [Music] think it's time for dessert don't you he said in a calm tone that was it that was what this was all about I strongly believe this wasn't a message about how I tried to transfer ownership of him when in the end he just wanted pudding I didn't know how to respond daddy it's probably getting cold he said in a more authoritative tone then I could ever master something which triggered fear in my heart fear woke me from my days as I quickly snapped to attention and rushed to the kitchen all I could think about while serving him and a healthy portion was that in reality there was no way I could ever sell him because he didn't belong to me I belong to him [Music]
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 373,347
Rating: 4.8525467 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepypastas, creepypasta reading, horror stories, creepsmcpasta, horror, scary story, Scary Stories, creepypasta stories, paranormal, asmr, podcast, reddit, nosleep
Id: XPcdqB9qgGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2019
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