"It Will Be Back Tonight" Creepypasta

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the drilling started around 3:00 a.m. I open my eyes with a Joel and still he awakened confused in the pitch-black humidity of the room my room although it was still unfamiliar I thought the shape of my nightstand in the book spouts on top of it forming the darkness the muffled mechanic whirring and continued to below me I kicked the sweaty sheets off my body in a tangled heap and I heed myself off the mattress immediately stubbed my toe on and unpacked box of picture frames of course I hadn't plugged in a lamp yet I hear Stan I tiptoe to the door around more boxes and bins a landmine of my procrastination and made my way downstairs and I peered into the living room it was blindingly bright with all the lights turned on the overhead fan both lamps on either side of the couch and even the glow of the quiet TV showing a rerun of a family feud my dad was crouched down by the front door and drilling hand and saw what looked like a military-grade padlock beneath the knob his toolbox was open on the floor its contents scattered around him and his face was crunched helping him concentration he was mumbling something to himself dad I whispered he jumped dropping the drawn to the to box with the loud clatter in his mouth open in horror when he turned and saw me he excelled and he clutched his chest Jesus you scared me half to death he said with a nervous chuckle what's going on you should be in bed I could say the same thing I said you're the one using power tools at 3:00 in the morning is it that late he laughed again that same weird nervous chittering that was so unlike him and looked down at his watch I must have lost track of time I'll keep it down sorry dad what are you doing I asked crossing my arms over the baggy t-shirt I were too bad we didn't have a decent lock on this door he said simply you know this house hasn't had any updates since the seventies anyone could come breaking in here and steal something for all we know a couple of hobos could have been using this place as a crack den before we moved in I raised an eyebrow a crack down in a cul-de-sac you know what I mean he muttered he ran a shaky hand through his thinning hair I spotted two empty beer bottles on the coffee table and a third one half-full next to the toolbox I'm sorry I woke you up you should really get to bed dad try and get some sleep and then maybe I can get some sleep no more drilling okay okay he answered without looking at me his bloodshot eyes folks in the wall behind me good night I stumbled leap Lee back upstairs when my parents bedroom door open to crack my mom poked her head out into the hallway her hair a mess o matic curls again she asked me in a strained voice I nodded and we shared a look of concern that has never been in the sámi act but ever since we moved to our new house a little over a week ago he stayed awake all hours of the night the first night was normal enough he was up late on packing but when I found him sitting upright in the armchair the next morning wide awake and trembling the next day I heard him pacing when I got up to use the bathroom peering downstairs to see him walking back and forth on the living room the floorboards creaking gently beneath him as he muttered to himself and the following night said followed a similar pattern I would wake up to hear him trudging up the stairs after the Sun had come up he was a writer mostly a personal essays and nonfiction pieces but he was never this secretive or consumed with his work now whenever we found him down over his laptop or scribbling furiously into his notebook he would pack up his belongings and shuffle into the next empty room this was the first idea incorporated light home construction and as far as I knew beer into his routine that had never been a drinker either the next day while my dad sloughs the day away in his room my mom rehash the same conversation we'd been having for days he needs medication she said matter-of-factly ambien or something you see what he did to the door it's not natural to be up all night like that he's teaching freshmen at 8 a.m. in a few weeks both my parents were English professors at the local college and part of the reason for our move while my mom had taken on teaching afternoon in the evening summer courses my dad had the season off unfortunately for him given his current predicament but the fall semester was rapidly approaching a chalk most of his annex up to anxiety over living so far from the city he was used to the noise the people in the chaos and now we were the only house on a small dead-end street a few miles from campus shrouded by trees after my mom left for class through the garage I examine the living room looking for any signs of remaining bottles our front door was now armed with a heavy deadbolt towards the top as well as a chain at eye level I balked at the level of security my dad had taken him I liked each one I turned the knob but it wouldn't budge I had missed the heavy padlock at the bottom I told you to no avail and I stood to run my fingers on the top of the doorframe searching for a key there is nothing no Jesus dad I whispered to myself bending down to examine the lock he must have dropped quite a few things in the process two long white scratches marred the floor disappearing underneath the door fueled by annoyance and concern I jerked upstairs him quietly entered my parents room dad was still snoring solidly as I unplugged the MacBook from its charging place in the bureau and I snuck him back out downstairs I typed in my middle name and birthday as the password prompt and began my search I didn't know what I was looking for but I was hoping to find some clues for his eye behavior the desktop was littered with folders holding files from old student essays photos from family vacations and other miscellaneous crab all labeled accordingly but I couldn't find any new projects when I checked his internet browser history something caught my attention I clicked a link in and pulled up an article published in a newspaper only a few months before family of four found butchered inside home a red-haired couple eating redheaded toddler boys in their laps and like a Christmas portrait smiled out at me from the grainy featured photograph the details for chilling the father is found in the bedroom decapitated has had only a few feet away from the body the mother was found in the children's room her body splayed on top of one of the beds and what police determined was a protective move one of the bullets was found underneath her both bodies hacked to bits the younger boy was fun in the bedroom they in the hallway in the bathroom his body parts were strewn throughout the house I shook my head and discussed and I clicked back into the browser history a much less graphic story about the family had been published to another news site and this time with a video the reporter interviewed shocked neighbors who repeated the same mantra they seemed like a nice family but nobody knew them well it had just moved in and terrible things like this never happened in their town the police chief looked stricken does he disclose that there were no leads no suspects him no signs of forced entry and I clicked back again to my horror there were more articles not just about this redhead family and they're smiling boys there were others too a mother and her daughter and disemboweled in the country home a man found dead in his duplex the lower half of his body torn away three brothers hacked to bits in a locked room a young couple of visited in their own bed in what police thought was like an animal attack only he lived on the 22nd floor of their apartment building the stories were from all over the country but the only thing that gruesome murders had in common was that all the victims were new residents after only a few days of moving into their new homes apartments wherever they were found dead no known suspects no explanation I must have been reading for hours paralyzed with fear as shadows stretched across the room the brightest light coming from the laptop screen I had clicked through so much carnage my stomach was rolling even though I tried to explain to myself that this was just essay material just fodder for my dad's next big writing gig I couldn't shake the feeling that something was horribly horribly wrong with him it'll be back tonight I jumped out of the son of my dad's voice I strained to see him blue circles dancing in front of my eyes in the darkness standing at the bottom of the stairs he turned the overhead light on with a click and squinted from the sudden brightness he was wearing the same disheveled clothes from the night before what wordlessly my dad moves slowly into the kitchen I put down the laptop on I followed him watching as he opened the fridge him leaned down for a beer bottle pushing off the capping guzzling down hat before wiping his mouth he turned to me with tired bloodshot eyes I'm sorry he said sadly I didn't want to bring you into this not yet what do you mean I asked in a shaky voice what we'll be back tonight I don't know what it is he admitted and frankly I don't want to know but I think I figured out how it works I guess I'm not sure there are still questions how what works what the hell are you talking about I practically shouted you're really scaring me he sighed and he leaned on the kitchen counter bracing himself with one hand and closing his eyes since we've got here I've been hearing these horrible voices he said inhumane voices animals and not I know them but they still say awful things terrible things sometimes they're not just voices sometimes I can see them what do you see dad I asked my heart in my throat he open his mouth to speak his face contorted with the struggle but he was at a loss he shrugged helplessly and he shook his head and closing his eyes if this was a joke it wasn't my dad's style he was blunt and honest almost to a fault and he wouldn't indulge in a prank like this whatever was happening he truly believed it was real dad are you I started unsure if I could finish the question are you drinking when you hear these voices he looked up at me with a furrowed brow and he laughed roughly without humor you'll see for yourself soon he finished the rest of his bottle and place it on the counter head him back into the living room leaving me along my body shivering from the sudden cold it was almost midnight dad and I were sitting in the living room our hands are wrapped around mugs of coffee I didn't think he needed any help staying awake anymore like I did but I was just thankful he had put the beer away at my request mom had brought home burgers for dinner from the campus diner around 7:00 she tried to strike up a conversation with dad and me bud we were pretty quiet only murmuring the response to his story about an embarrassing typo in her PowerPoint slides eventually she grew frustrated and declared she was going to bed early since we were positively buoyant her to death and maybe we all needed to sleep more and I was glad for her absence I still hadn't decided what I was going to say to her I mean how do you tell someone that her husband is clearly unstable and that was just me and dad sitting and waiting waiting for what and I didn't know but I owned him one night to buy to his delusions before figuring out what to do about it I checked my phone a few times scrolling through my Facebook feed without absorbing anything the TP was off and all I could hear was the ticking of the clock how much longer I asked it depends he answered on what I don't know he said oh I said dumbly and back to silence I must have dozed off in my chair because it was nearly 2 a.m. when I felt my dad shaking me awake Hey he whispered wake up it's here what's it I almost asked before remembering with an unpleasant sinking feeling this little game I was indulging in as my eyes adjusted to the wide I saw he was holding a shotgun in both hands what but in the how did you get that gun I nearly shrieked with the voice hoarse from sleep put that down dad crouched by the door said in the gutter cross his knees and put in his ear against the wood and deep concentration it's here he whispered again to himself more than me he looked at me with wide wild eyes do you believe me now I sat up in my chair and I strained to hear well anything but it was just the ticking of the clock in my own heartbeat thudding in my years I waited nearly a minute before sign and standing dad I don't hear come outside daddy a voice hissed I froze I see fear is spreading through my veins I couldn't tell what it was I look to my dad in panic daddy I'm so cold please come outside The Voice called again it sounded like a child but it was off like somebody was mimicking a voice underneath the high-pitched trill he'd hear a faint gravelly echo and there was something so so familiar about it I had heard this voice before dad I whispered drying closer and they only did join him on the floor who is that who's talking to you he looked at me sadly it's it's you daddy who please I'm scared the hollow voice grew louder like it had his mouth to press right up against the door I realized with horror that was my voice or at least my younger boys something I had only heard in the shaky audio VHS home movies my parents had recorded with handheld cameras once I recognized it the slight childís list by carried at six years old after I lost my two front teeth it was uncanny how was that possible I asked my dad but he didn't answer listening intently to whatever was on the other side of the door I know you're in there daddy why won't you come outside I don't know my dad whispered back but it'll get worse Nathaniel Nathaniel is that you I need you sweetie I nearly choked at the side of my name it was my mother's voice which was impossible because she was upstairs and sleeping blissfully unaware like I had been the past week Nathaniel come outside right now I want to ask you dad it was the stern voice my mother only used when I was a child and I was in trouble it knows you're here my dad whispered it always knows everything I don't know how Nathaniel listen to your mother come outside now the voice changed and draft morphing into a deep growl as something pounded forcefully on the door come outside come outside now I love back in fear scrambling back away from the door with tears brimming in my eyes my dad slowly stood pumping the shotgun with a loud pop the door was shaking the locks rattling nearly off the hinges come outside Nathaniel the nard voice nearly saying something was tapping on the door now no longer banging full forest but like fingernails tapping down and back up and clicks a session light as rain come outside or we'll come in I pulled my knees up to my chest and I wrap my arms around myself make it stop I pleaded dad please just make it stop my dad aimed the gun at the door as it continued suddenly after what felt like an eternity it stopped altogether my dad lowered his gun and took a step closer to the door he peered through the people and then inexplicably lifted his hand in slow the chain lock to the left but in his swing undone stopped I called what are you doing don't worry he told me sounding less confident that he looked everything is gonna be okay I watched an abject terror as he undid the deadbolt and unlocked the doorknob fishing in his pocket for the key to the padlock before nearly to unlock that as well every single millimeter of metallic protection we had was just gone I wanted to beg no but I couldn't speak he turned the knob and he pulled the door open the porch light only cast those small halo of light in the inky black night and wouldn't blue the warm evening the air inside nobody was standing there but I could feel her watching I peered around my dad and I blinked into the darkness something was moving in the black slipping solace ly through the trees almost completely camouflaged by the cover of the night but I could see the tiniest pinpricks of light moving pacing back and forth disappearing quickly a nun reappearing labor eyes I was reflecting the porch light and blinking from the shadows it began to scream I covered my ears and cried shutting out the paint how I closed my eyes as I waited for some unknown creature to gallop into the house and devour us whole but instead but instead I heard the door slam shot it's okay dad assured me crouching down next to me and placing the gun on the floor he grabbed my hands away for many years and he held him with his own it can't come inside I know that now it can't get us it's okay well I have to call the police I sobbed we have to get mom and leave here in the house it's going to kill us we can't what why that's what it wants you said it wants us to go it wants us to flee that's how it works I don't understand what's happening I said everything felt like the climate's of a nightmare when you're waiting to wake up and worrying that all these horrible things are really happening how do you know all of this my dad sat back keeping a firm hand on my arm after the first night here I did some research and found out about the last family and then I found the rest through property records everyone who's lived here before us is dead I don't know how or why but I know that that thing whatever it is has been responsible this house it's both the curse and protection as long as we're here I think we're safe but if we leave he trailed off glancing at the door I didn't need him to finish I had read about those families and I knew what happened to us and I knew I wasn't waking up that was a few months ago he told my mom soon after that night she didn't believe us either until we showed her and I don't think it's something you can accept until you experience it for yourself but now she understands we take shifts switching off who keeps watch each night last Tuesday he felt safe enough to forego a sign in a garden and fell asleep in our rooms it didn't like that it needed an audience and he woke up in the middle of the night to its shrieks the door pounding off the hinges slamming open and shut and heavy blows and broken locks scattered on the floor every picture frame on the wall was broken every picture frame on the wall was broken swinging precariously from their nails and we'll never make that mistake again I asked dad why he bothered replacing the locks when noon that it wouldn't make a difference either way he says it's more symbolic than anything maintaining this idea of peace in the face of something so helpless I guess I know what he means after all I locked him in place of a few minutes ago myself it's my turn I grabbed the book and I put out a rerun of a show I've seen a thousand times it makes me feel less alone for some reason on a good night I can get a few hours of sleep I can ignore it when I hear my own voice but it's hard when it's mom and dad it's worse when it's something else sometimes not often I see it too just glimpses a silhouette in the window shadows passing under the door and just wants black claws sneaking in to scratch the floor I don't know if it's possible to look at it straight on but I know I'll never try it's quiet now no crickets no birds no wind even the TV seems you did somehow and that's how I know what's coming it'll be back tonight and every night but so will we I know you're in there I can hear you breathing [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 269,453
Rating: 4.8974528 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, audiobook, narration, scary story, creepy story, creepypasta narration, nosleep
Id: hayHJ7V3dnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2017
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