"There's Something Evil In The Woods, I've Seen It" Creepypasta

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I'm creating this accountant post in this because I need to know what to do what I mean I know what I should do but I'm conflicted I just don't think anybody will believe me and my family including myself maybe up until recently had always been a group of have it outdoors mana oh we hike we hunt we finish we camp and he had bad stuff you name it and we probably done at and between my brothers sisters cousins grandparents and all my extended family we're all very outdoorsy people especially for winter autumn activities I liked cross-country skiing snowshoeing and that kind of thing we've always had a lot of fun with the heaven of course being out on the wilderness all the time you sometimes see or hear some strange things sometimes you get spooked by animals sometimes your head tries to make sense of something weird and it comes up with some strange things and you have to understand I've always been a skeptic of anything supernatural I've never really believed in the paranormal like aliens or Bigfoot or other wacky conspiracy theories I have always firmly believed that it's all just your brain trying to make sense of things and then maybe it just can't explain with all the available facts but I can tell you without a doubt this isn't my brain trying to rationalize something with a normal explanation I'm not paranoid this is an imagination I saw it when he saw it once maybe twice fine I know it's followed me before and this was just the final nail in the coffin that finally made me realize I was in getting spooked by my imagination first of all when did the star to be frank I can't really pinpoint Anna really it's gone as far back as I can remember but I don't know which things were truly just my imagination and which times it really was this manga recently however within the past five years or so these events started happening more in earnest and it's when I sincerely started to become concerned like I said before weird stuff happens on in the forest in the mountains I always used to just brush it off as eyes but these last five years it's different I'll detail a few examples I don't want to give away any exact locations for reasons I'll explain later but I live in Montana with my wife at night we do her outdoor activities all around this region and even as far as Alberta British Columbia my uncle on my mother's side owns some property here in Montana and the cabin there is a popular activity destination for her our family on that side we often go out there just to hike around huh snowshoe in the winter just to simply relax and enjoy the weekend how nature on this particular occasion and my wife and girlfriend and how are we going to spend a three-day weekend at the cabin with my sister and her husband it was only late autumn and early winter so we thought that we had explored some of the trails near the property before the snow started to make the place impassable without snow shoes or skis it was supposed to be a routine trip so we got there and pat dalibor stuff from the car and enjoyed that Friday evening without incident and there was early some patchy snella and but it wasn't so cold that we needed our winter gear anything just some heavier coats and a warm hat or scarf or something we had a lovely fire that night and we talked toasted some things on the fire and nothing was a mass a normal camping trip and didn't need too much of it the next day though was when things started to change about my attitude towards the outdoors in the morning was a bit lazy we cooked and we ate breakfast inside of the cabinet and we launched around and played some board games until the afternoon it was until about 2:00 or 3:00 that we decided to go explore some of the trails and we knew that we only had a few hours to do so since I was trying to get dark a little earlier so we set out it was really nice for a while and the air was crisp there is a breeze that wasn't too cold and nature was beautiful this place wasn't entirely Alpina so there were some autumn colors to be seeing it and though it was a bit sparse and there were patches of snow here and there and we had even gotten to a few playful snowball fights but for the most part we only watch and enjoy the scenery and not talking too much and the trail was surprisingly wide a well-kept for one that appeared to be not well traveled and as it started to near sunset we turned around and headed back to the cabin for whatever reason I started lagging behind then my wife walked alongside my sister and her husband and they had struck up a conversation about something I just watched roughly thirty feet behind him with my hands in my pockets enjoying the little Tufts of autumn color that I could see at the basis of some of the pine trees now onto this something started to feel off to me the sands of the woods seemed dull it wasn't quite winter yet so there was still a few animals roaming a balance but the normal level of sound seems who dropped noticeably I was intrigued by it and started lagging behind a little bit farther and this was a mistake looking back the dulling sound got stronger in all at once all the sounds in the woods seemed to just stop dad not even the wind it even felt like the air gotten heavy like it was more difficult to breathe now I was freaked out by this I had never felt this unnerved before it's cliche to say but I distinctly felt like I was being watched and my back felt chilly like some primal instinct was telling me there was something behind me I stopped dead in my tracks I don't know if it was because of fear or watts but I just stopped something broke the silence it was only slight but the sounds were so deep then I noticed it immediately a rustling behind me into the right like a pinecone had just fallen but from the same direction I heard what sounded like a voice only something was off about it it sounded artificial I don't know it was like some AI oh that was trying to learn how to make a human voice I couldn't even quite make out what it was saying but it sounded female either way I didn't stick around to consider too much I booked it back to catch up with the group and my fight-or-flight instinct went into full swing I was extremely disturbed and I couldn't even quite pinpoint why I just wanted to get away from it when I had caught up with the others they had to notice anything wrong and not wanting to appear scared for no reason I didn't tell them what had happened I'm the way back to the cabin I insisted on staying close to naama or in front of them if I could I was feeling pretty disturbed wasn't an animal a bear or something I couldn't figure it out but as we got back to the cabin I started to let go a little bad I tried to chalk it up just in my mind making some stuff up and by this point the Sun was starting to side tender and looked like some snow was starting to blow Anna and we settled in for the night I didn't speak about it I brushed it off and that night however proved only stoked this growing fire around midnight or 1 a.m. oh the snow was getting pretty heavy almost worryingly so and though I always only want to wait to see it I was in my cot by a window and the snow was but in a fast and I hope that we'd still be able to drive out in the morning but as I was watching the snowfall things started to feel off again huh about 20 yards or so from the window was where the treeline began and and the dim light I could faintly see the branches rustling it I couldn't really see anything for sure but I could definitely see that there is movement and I could definitely sunset there was a presence there and considering the experience it had earlier I was feeling pretty unnerved Agana air standing up on the back of my neck I watched that part of the tree line for at least 20 minutes after the movement stopped and eventually I was able to make out some details as my eyes adjusted her eyes I saw eyes from whatever little light there was it was reflecting off of two unmistakable eyes empty white dots and they were directed right on my window unblinking I must have stared at those eyes the whole time huh and I continued staring at them for another five seconds before turning back over my god eyes wide and my heart was pondan I didn't know what to do I didn't want to get up and move I froze up I didn't want it and whatever was - no I knew it was there and the only thing I could think to do was just lay there and that's what I did for the rest of the night I couldn't fall asleep knowing that I was being watched I was in the edge of the entire night I didn't want to turn back over to see if what I'd seen was real I just froze there for the rest of the night and that morning I suggested that we leave because of the snow and though you know the real reason and we packed up our cars I didn't really want to button as we packed investigated the treeline outside of my window and I just had to now the snow had covered up a lot but I definitely found some sort of footprints and bipedal footprints and but due to the snow I couldn't make out any more than that now and he wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible the things only got worse after this experience I became more paranoid whenever I went out into the woods I had a few more strange and unnerving experiences before this next example such as the feeling of being watched and the whole silent second though not quite to the same extent but this was one of the more notable of these experiences my sensors were now more heightened whenever I went hiking I still wasn't certain that and what was happening to me it was real part of me still said that it was all my hata but with each strange experience the doubt when done' and this was roughly two years later though still in the same approximate areas Michels property and my wife and I had just gotten married that summer and Agana this happened in late autumn or early winter I was with my sister and her husband again and with my cousins on my mother's side and we were staying at a group campground near a relatively popular lake and we were on the last day of this four-day fishing trip I had brought my German Shepherd Yukon with me and despite being an outdoorsman family and having gone hunting a lot of my earlier years I wasn't particularly fond of carrying firearms and though now I wish I did yukon gave me the sense of security that some people got from carrying a firearm it was typically a very calm and friendly dog but he knows a threat when he sees one and I knew he'd be a great deterrent to any crazy person that came across after the previous experiences I usually try to stay with groups whenever I went out into the woods but I felt more comfortable going along with Yukon with me I felt like it was it relatively popular place to camp anyway so I thought that there'd be people close by in most times so I decided to go for a little walk around the lake with you Connor it was the afternoon but not too close to sunset and I was feeling pretty confident with you Connor and coupled with the fact that I could see across the lake to some of the camp sites my mistake came when I decided to let Yukon follow a creek heading away from the trail and there was more snow on the ground compared to the last experience near Mongols property and but it wasn't enough to be concerned with you can't judge through it without a problem oh but he seemed to be following something not just the Creek it looked like he had picked up on a central and he was trying to find the source he seemed pretty intent on it so I just followed along and that's when it happened again huh and the woods fell silent it wasn't gradual like last time just out of nowhere and the world stopped and the trees stopped moving in the breeze and all animal noises faded away in Agana and the air felt dense and heavy you can't felt the same distress that I did his ears immediately drooped and he started whimpering and I was starting to panic I was on the verge of breaking into a sprint Anegada I thought the presence chills in my spine you can't smell bark you know that Roble I wanted to Rana I heard a voice if I had to describe it I'd say it was a female Jenna and it almost sounded like a mix of my sister and my wife and though it was slurred and this time I couldn't make out the words and it came for maybe 15 yards ahead I love her here can you come help me open it I really need help oh please my instincts finally got the better of me and I stumbled backwards trying to run away in and you kind of barking and snarling that kid never heard before I took off back down the trail at a stern to towards the shortest route to our group campsite and the fighter flight had taken over once again and this time though I felt like I was being chased if the heavy air followed me and I heard rustles in the bushes on the treetops behind me and besides the noises that UConn was making while running with me and but thankfully Marissa Fillion after who knows how long the heavy air and the Sun disappeared and moments later who ran into a larger group of hikers they were obviously started by UConn and I and we probably looked beyond frazzled but I didn't care I just wanted to get away I was going to tell the hikers that something was chasing us but I just couldn't muster myself up to do it it all seemed crazy being stalked by voices in the woods nobody was going to believe me I think I made up an excuse in the spot like we were going for a jog or something but I don't think that they quite believed me but they let us walk back to the campsite area with end on the last I'm forever grateful for that and this whole thing was just getting worse and worse I was being stalked and I knew that but what was it that first I considered it was a killer but now something about this felt like an animal and I don't know the eyes I saw they just couldn't have possibly been human and the salads what about that dead silence with the heavy air by this point I was developing clinical paranoia but it only really went into full swing around Forester mountainous sceneries in Stella I hadn't really told anybody like I said I was a rationalist I was always the skeptical water and no one would take me seriously I just hid it - even for my wife and because even that though it was small there was a part of me still saying that that was all my hada a side effect of medication or something or even something convoluted a sick brave with this past wetter but my fears were finally solidified it was a snowmobiling trip I don't know why I agreed to go but I think I was pressured into it I tried to make up some excuse like work or something similar about them those kept getting shot down my dad knew that I was 3 and he knew me and somehow I agreed to go he wanted me to go with him and his friend on an overnight trip to do some ice fishing the day was sad 10 in the morning we departed my heart was beating harder than it should have during the trek I stayed as close as I possibly could am I still won't be loaded the two other snowmobiles and whenever I gotta and I positioned myself in between the two of them and my paranoia was higher I was taking all the precautions but his fate would have it the weather was not favorable at sunset the snow started to fall heavily the visibility was abysmal and I was in between my father and his friend his friend was in the way unit my father was in the back and then my snowmobile started having some issues and I started falling behind the lead but I thought it was fine since my father was so behind me and I could still see the leads tracks I was very very wrong and I stopped my snowmobile I hopped off to take a look at some things expected my father to stop behind me he didn't once my engine stopped and there was only silence and the falling snow deadened any and all of the sound it was getting dark and I was Alana I started a panic and that's when the dreaded silence started to get heavier I didn't think the silence during a gentle snowfall couldn't get any more deep in the air got heavier and heavier and again in the tree line of my left I heard a voice the voice of my wife come here it's me I need you I snatched my flash low for my bag and I stranded towards the direction of the sound what I saw has scarred me for the rest of my life at first I thought it was a pile of pale tree limbs but then I saw two pinpoints of light reflected back at me and I knew what I was really looking at it was tall at least 6 feet 10 it was bipedal it had pale almost delicate skin that seemed to tiefer its body stretched over a thin and bony frame it almost looked like if its bones moved it would pierce asked Anna its eyes were sunken and his cheeks were as well and it had thin crack lips with something black dried on them but what struck me the most were the hands his fingers were inhumanly long Who am I kidding it was all inhuman and they ended a massive curved black claws and let out an unnatural and ungodly shriek when the light hit it I thought that I was going to die without any hesitation I dropped the flashlight and I jumped out of my snowmobile and I started it as fast as I have in my entire life without any care of where I was going or where my father was there anything I pushed that snowmobile to its limits I just wanted to get away I didn't look back and after a few minutes of riding hard I finally turned on my GPS and I started heading back to where we had parked their cars I didn't slow down ones I don't know how long it took her what time was I just know that it was dark at the park I jumped off my snowmobile and I got into my car quick as lightning and I drove out of there without a second thought I didn't feel safe until I had gotten home a half hour later and even that and I still feel terrified of what I had seen her the thing that had been stalking me I don't remember much after that I remember liking the doors are not sleeping that night and I still didn't tell anyone not even my wife I told my father that I had just gotten separated from the group so I hadn't told myself and he picked up my snowmobile since he had the trailer this brings me to my problem I haven't been near any forest or Woodlands or anything since that experience and I don't ever want to go near and the problem is though my family is starting to go camping again and I don't know how to tell them that I'm not going back I want to tell them to never go back and not with that thing out there I don't want anybody to know where this was so they don't go looking for it I don't want anybody especially the people that I love to go there I just don't know how to tell them I need to find a way thank you for reading my accounts on that thank you if you believe me any advice on this would help me greatly I need answers and people need to know that there's something evil out there [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Creeps
Views: 179,968
Rating: 4.8367562 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, reading, narration, nosleep, creepypasta reading, creepypasta narration, nosleep story, scary story, scary stories, horror stories, creepy story, asmr reading, asmr story, reddit stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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