if you LIKED this romance book... you'll LOVE this one

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hey guys welcome back to my channel i'm steph and today we are doing another book recommendation video this is going to be a part two of if you like this book then you'll love this book you guys really liked the first part i did i'll link it above so i decided i had to do a second part and i had so many more books to talk about today so let's just get right into it the first book i'm gonna be talking about today is red white and royal blue which i know is a favorite of so many people it's a favorite of mine and it has so much hype so i was like i need to find a book similar to this and then i was like i know one that is so similar so let me explain this book first this book is about the prince of england and the first son of the united states they're both high-profile political figures they hate each other their parents force them to fake a friendship because they get caught publicly fighting and so they have to go on like these friend dates so it's kind of like fake dating but like not really and they have to like force them to hang out through these hangouts they realize actually have so much more in common than they thought they start texting and their relationship comes from there but they're both famous so they kind of have to keep it low profile one of them is coming to terms with the sexuality so he's not even sure what's going on and it's basically just their whole relationship i will never stop recommending this book i had butterflies the entire time i read it the development of this relationship is but this book reminds me like actually so much now that i think about it of damage like us or the leica series by kristen beckerichi maximoff his parents are like the most famous people in america they have their own series it's my favorite series of all time but they're like the most famous people in america they had a reality show they have all the kind of like the kardashians but like not he has to grow up with a bodyguard and he's had a crush on this bodyguard in their family for so long since he was like 16 but the bodyguard like never paid him any attention he's like tattooed and really cool when max moff is i think in his 20s 22 23 he gets assigned pharaoh the guy he's at a crush on like since he was a kid to be his bodyguard since he's famous then he has this bodyguard they have this work relationship they obviously like draw boundaries between each other he's like openly bisexual fair is openly gay so it's like they know that that's there and then it's the development of their relationship and it has the same trope it's not also that they're both gay that's not what i think that they have in common it's that they have like the one of us is famous or both of us is famous and we kind of have to keep this a secret because we don't know how the public is going to react this one also has the forbiddenness of a work relationship the parents definitely would not want that to happen which is similar to this in the way that the parents don't want their relationship happen in this book as well and they try to put up a fight and that kind of happens in this one pharaoh and maxwell have four books and i love them so much they're one of my comfort characters i just i literally love them so so so much if you loved red white and royal blue and like the build up the relationship the angst the tension the longing the forbiddenness kind of i mean it's not actually forbidden but like their parents kind of make it seem that way or like the public makes it seem that way you'll love damage like us because it's exactly the same way with the same build up but this one is super steamy compared to a cute little red white royal blue but i definitely recommend it okay the next two books i'm going to talk about are two books that i love so much they have such a special place in my heart and i don't know why they remind me of each other because honestly they don't have that many similarities but i just know if you love one of them you'll love the other so first i'm gonna talk about beach read by emily henry january is a writer she writes romance books augustus or gus is a writer as well but he writes like science fiction i think they were rivals all of college always like competing for the awards and like who's about a writer whatever and they shared one moment together in college where they were like i see you you see me you know but after that they just never brought it up again went their separate ways graduated never saw each other again january's father ends up passing away and she finds out all this stuff about her dad that she had no idea when he was alive and so she finds out he had this house by the beach where he had like a mistress and all this so she is tasked to go to that house and clear it out and live there for a little while so she can just write her books in peace clear her head and she ends up noticing that right next door is gus he lives there and she's like what the and they both pretend that they don't recognize each other and it's kind of like awkward at first and then they kind of realized they are the only two at these lake houses and they're both writers and they decide to task each other with switching genres and writing as if they were the other person so they take each other on all these little excursions so she takes him to like the fair and all these like romancy things so he can learn how to write romance so they're pretty much fake dating but like not really and then he takes her on all these like scary adventures like interviews and stuff to learn about science fiction and so basically they spend like two days a week together just doing these like fun things and like crazy things together and then obviously their relationship develops and i love this book because it is angsty but without the feeling of like i want to jump your bones you know it's kind of like like brush each other's leg under the table or something and then they look at each other and it's like you can feel the desire but like they don't do anything about it i love this book and i love the relationship in this book so much after this book i'm talking about the simple wild by k.a tucker i just know if you love one of these you'll love the others so much they have the same like essence i don't know how to explain it but let me talk about the simple wild because i love this book so much and i need to talk about it so this book is about cala she lives in a big city in canada and she gets a call one day that her dad who she hasn't seen since she was two years old is dying and she's like what i need to form a relationship with him before he dies so she agrees to fly to alaska where he lives and live with him for like the next few weeks to get to know him and her dad owns a small like airport or like a plane company and he like flies a bunch of planes and has like private planes and so he has a plane picker up from the alaskan airport and she meets this guy named jonah and he is just like so serious so brooding does not want to put up with her does not give her the time of day he thinks she's some like posh prissy princess girl who is too good for alaska like she wanted to take like instagram pictures and he's like no why are you wearing makeup and like all this like you're in alaska like he gives her a hard time it's enemies delivers the same way this is where they're not like enemies but they give each other a really hard time jonah acts like he hates calla but like you can also tell like he doesn't they end up being forced to spend much time together because tala's dad tasks jonah with like showing her around because he can't really because he's sick it is really good it is really really good that's like all i know how to say is like i loved the setting i loved the characters i love the relationship the tension between these two characters and she doesn't know if it's real because she thought he hated me like why is he looking at me like that or like is he about to make a move i don't know and then and he's like so serious and brooding that you just don't expect him to like act on it but it is so good and i could not recommend these two books enough so definitely read beach read and the simple wild uh you will love them the next set of girls guilty pleasures is what i like to call them because they're not like impactful or influential they're literally just fun angsty reads interference by harlow cole and the crush by penelope ward starting off with the crush by penelope ward i hate this cover so much like who gave this man the right to be the face of this brand anyway basically in this book farrah her brother nathan has a best friend named jace they were all super close growing up but then something super tragic happens to nathan and pharah's parents jace ends up leaving town afterwards farah is heartbroken over what happened with her parents she's heartbroken over j sleeving because she relied on him so much she felt like they have a connection or whatever but she was like dealing with all of these losses at once and she was like you for leaving me at this like vulnerable time and then years later he comes back ends up moving in with them so the three of them are all living together and she is not afraid to admit that she have feelings for him barry just like bowled with it like she did not care and he always kind of looked at her like a sister but now when he came back he's like like she's grown up like he had that realization moment and she noticed it happen and he had a girlfriend at this time she'll do things to make him jealous he'll do things to make her jealous yet they won't talk about it it's just pretty chaotic nathan is so protective of her and they live together so nathan would know if anything was going on with them too he's like no way like you guys can never be together but he starts getting a little suss they start hooking up drama this that secrets guilt over the past trauma and its brother's best friend has that forced proximity trope and there's kind of an age gap i think he's six years older than her and this is dual point of view so you kind of get to see both perspectives which i like that's the crush by penelope ward and that reminded me so so much of interference by harlow cole this is actually duology it has a second book with the second chance romance because this book is the first part of the relationship which is ashley and braden met each other when they were super young brandon becomes her brother's best friend the brother's name is also nathan so random braden has been so protective of her like over the top protective of her her whole life kind of like like wap had like nobody looks at her but me kind of thing even though we're not together and we're literally in high school or like we're literally like kids it explores their entire relationship in high school them having their first love first romance and everything but then at the end of this book something super bad happens and you're like how's she ever gonna forgive him how is this ever gonna go on from here and then you get the duet which is their second chance romance which kind of reminded me of when in the crush he comes back and they kind of have like their like reunite moment that happens in this book that's why i think they're similar and then so basically you get two books of two relationships with between the same people so you have like their first relationship something really bad that happens and then him kind of groveling which i like and she's trying to figure out her life now that something super bad happens the brother in this book is so protective of her and so mad at braden when he finds out about everything this book is so much drama and is very entertaining if you need entertainment read this duet it is up and down back and forth drama craziness and it kept me entertaining next two books i'm going to talk about are two really fun reads with the quirky girl serious guy trope i'm not the biggest fan of this trope like sometimes i feel like the quirkiness goes a little too far to where i'm like hmm i don't know how i feel about it but a 99 mine by sally thorne and josh and hazel's guide to not dating by christina lauren this one has like badass girl sweet wholesome guy darcy is the main character in this book she works at a bar she just like likes going off on people she's confrontational and her whole life she's known tom who's her twin brother's best friend and tom she's always thought it's like the perfect guy like he's so like respectful she just admires him so much but they haven't seen each other for a while until darcy inherits a house from her grandma and needs help renovating it tom owns a construction company or works at construction company so he takes on the role of renovating her house so they have that first proximity trope she thinks he's engaged but he doesn't really talk about it but everyone knows he's engaged she starts feeling like an attraction to him you can see it's kind of reciprocated but she is so outspoken and not afraid to speak what she thinks like sometimes she got a little carried away but she was so honest with him all the time and like wasn't afraid to be like you're hot i want to be with you and he's kind of like quiet and not like that i thought he was so hot like quiet but like knows what he's doing that's tom and this book reminded me so much of josh and hazel's guide to not dating because this book is about this really quirky girl named hazel and her best friend since college his name is josh just went through a really rough breakup and she's like okay let's get you back in the dating scene so they start going on like these double dates where they set each other up with someone and they like pick who the other one's gonna go out with and somehow things would always go wrong on their dates and they'd always end up together at the end of the night it's friends to lovers very quirky girl serious guy which is similar to this and if you want like fun upbeat not too serious light easy one sitting reads i would read these two okay guys i'm quickly interrupting to talk about the sponsor of today's video which is skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people you can explore new skills develop existing interests and get lost in creativity because i'm a youtuber i chose the class youtube success script shoot and edit which is taught by marquis brownlee and i love it because it has all these videos on how to plan what you're gonna make in your video how to engage your audience how to shoot the video how to edit it how to post it and grow your channel which is just everything i need it's curated specifically for learning meaning there's no ads and they're always launching new premium classes so you can stay focused and follow wherever your creativity takes you whether you're a dabbler or a pro a hobbyist or a 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stella is autistic and you learn that right from the beginning she's like high functioning autism i think asperger's and she's really dedicated to her work she's super good at it she works in economics and she loves it but she struggles with like human relationships and connections and being socially awkward and stuff like that and this boy at her work is like oh like maybe someone would date you if you weren't so awkward like you need some practice especially with like sex so she feels really ashamed her parents are putting a lot of pressure on her to get a boyfriend and start a family because she's like 30 years old now so she hires a male escort to teach her the ways of being in a relationship and being intimate with someone and the escort she hires is michael who's the male love interest they set up when they're gonna meet what they're gonna do she plans everything out obviously it starts turning into more than that the boy in this book when you find out why he's escorting his family his situation their love story is so so cute he knows perfectly how to comfort her and be there for her and he's so caring and she is so adorable and i just loved this book so much and the reason you remind me of tools of engagement by tessa bailey is these are both written in the third person so you're not in any character's head specifically but in this book wes moves to a new town he is taking care of his niece because his sister is like not the best mother she leaves for a while and west is taking care of his niece and so it's kind of like a single parent trope and he's working a construction company where bethany the heroine is like the stage designer and her family owns the whole company wes starts working for them and he immediately is attracted to bethany it's definitely like boy falls first he is the only one that sees that bethany is not perfect everyone thinks that bethenny is the most perfect girl they've ever seen she has her life together she plans everything out everyone just thinks that she is perfect and he walks in on her having a panic attack and from that moment on she's embarrassed because someone actually saw her struggling with anxiety she has really bad anxiety and he sees it and he understands her and is able to help her and she doesn't want it she's super stubborn but their romance is so cute the way that he is able to help her reminded me so much of the kiss quotient kind of like the girl struggling with something and the guy just knows how to be there for them and be so understanding and helpful and both of these books are super super steamy like they don't look like it they look like cute little fun reads both of them were very steamy and i loved both of these books so much and they definitely remind me of each other okay the next pair of books that remind me of each other are actually by the same author which i know is kind of cheating because like obviously books by the same author are gonna remind me of each other but the tropes in this book and the characters in this book and the development of the relationship in both of these books were so similar that i had to include it and that is from lukov with love by mariana zapata and colti by marianna zapata i love her writing if you love slow burn enemies to lovers you would love all of marianna splatta's books because i'm pretty sure they're like almost all like that but these two especially so from the gov with love is about this girl named jasmine she's a figure skater but recently she's been trying so hard she has been able to find a partner to figure skate with she hasn't been competing she's kind of been out of the game and not doing her best and not living her dream but ivan who is also a figure skater at her same ice rink that she's been competing against since she was a child his partner quits or gets injured or something and he needs a partner they reluctantly team up and do not get along but he acts like he hates her but he's so like teasing with it it's not in like a cruel mean way like i feel like it was like you could tell he didn't actually hate her and they have like a mutual understanding of each other because now they're teammates which turns into a friendship and he is so cute like during their friendship stage he's super protective of her and then it develops into a relationship slowly a slow burn mariana's prada is always like you have to follow the whole story and then at the end you get a big love bomb and then it's over so you have to wait to the end and it's a pretty thick book but it was so so good and the characters in this book and the relationship remind me of culti which is also a sports romance this is soccer and this is between a coach and a player they're both like in their 20s or he's she's in her 20s and 30s and that reminded me the same thing their teammates this is coach player so it's the same kind of dynamic except this one is unique in the way that the girl sal when she was young idolized culty that's his last name she idolized him he was her favorite soccer player she had posters of him in her room and then when she grows up she's on a professional soccer team he is her coach and she hates him now she literally can't stand him he is so rude so quiet and disrespectful she is not afraid to stand up to him even though she used to idolize him she's not afraid to admit that she does not like him now and he is so closed off and cold but eventually they develop a friendship and a bond she starts getting him to break out of his shell they start hanging out outside of soccer the other teammates get mad their friendship reminds me of from luke off with love both of these goes from enemies to best friends to lovers this book was so good the tension between them like had me on my toes the entire time i was reading it um but these books definitely remind me of each other and i just love them both so much i love maria's pot as writing with my whole heart okay the next books i'm going to talk about the first two combined remind me of the third book and i'm not going to go into too much depth about the first two because i compared them to each other in my last if you like this book you'll love this book video so you can just check out that video to get why i correlated these two books i recently read the spanish love deception and it was five stars so good guys if you know me you know i am a hating game stan like one of my favorite books of all time the hating game and the on honeymooners are two of my five star reads and they remind me so much of each other the guy is like so closed off it's grumpy sunshine and it turns out he like loved her the whole time even though he acted like he hated her it's like that kind of trope and so these two books remind me so much of the spanish love deception if these two books had a baby it would literally be the spanish love deception i'm telling you because it has the workplace romance and the wedding kind of fake dating trope they're all equal to me like i love the hating game and the spanish love deception the same amount i wish i had the physical copy but i literally just finished reading it on my phone so i don't have it yet the hating game and the spanish love deception were so similar in the build up let me explain the spanish love deception so it's about this girl named lena and she works at this engineering company she's one of the only girls there she's like a leader she has like a high position at this company and one of the other leaders at this company is aaron blackford oh my god he's so hot i can't but basically since the day he started working there lena overheard aaron talking about her so she's held a grudge against him and felt so like small whenever she's around him because she heard him say something about her that really stuck with her him and her have this kind of rivalry they've never gotten along they butt heads he's super blunt and if you love josh from the hating game he's like aaron blackford's twin lena gets invited to our sister's wedding where her sister is engaged to her ex-boyfriend's brother that's confusing but her ex-boyfriend is going to be at this wedding and he is engaged she finds out so she doesn't want to show up to this wedding alone so she comes up this whole plan she tells her whole family she has a boyfriend where she's going to find someone to go with her but when it gets down to it she has no one to really go with her aaron her co-worker ends up volunteering to go with her and he's like yeah i'll go like i'll go with you and so it turns into a fake dating trope she's reluctant but then he ends up needing her to be his fake date for something so it evens out so they both use each other to go on these two fake dates the development of the relationship it was so so good it was one of those big dating tropes where you could tell the guy was so into it that is why it reminded me of the honeymooners you know they meet at a wedding and then they fake date kind of on the honeymoon they go to the wedding it's in spain so they had to fly there together and it's one of those tropes where you can tell the guy is just way too into it to be faking he gets super close with her whole family and it also had that trope where like her ex-boyfriend was there and you could see aaron was starting to get a little possessive but like are you supposed to be faking are you being real you can just tell he's obsessed with her his love language is definitely physical touch and it is so cute i just love this book so much i had butterflies the entire time i read it i read it in one sitting and it was so long i think it's like twice the size of these books but i have like the biggest crush on aaron blackford right now like he is my number one book boyfriend at the moment i'm obsessed with him and i want to reread that book for the rest of my life definitely a five star literally couldn't be any more perfect the last books i'm going to talk about in today's video i talk about so so much i feel like but i still want to mention them in one of these videos in case you guys didn't watch my other videos where i mention these books and i know this book is trending so i'm going to bring it up is the people we meet on vacation by emily henry this book is past present perspective friends to lovers alex and poppy met in college they couldn't be any more opposite but they somehow strike up a friendship and decide to go on a vacation every single year together but they're just best friends and they have like girlfriends and boyfriends on the side but they always end up just the two of them and something happened between them that you're trying to figure out why they're not talking anymore so you're getting the past and present perspective of them when they were going on all these vacations together and you can see them kind of falling in love like friends to lovers but it keeps getting mentioned in the present chapters that something happened between them that caused them to no longer speak and so then in the present chapters you're watching them reunite and re-fall in love and that is so so so similar to love in other words by christina lauren love in other words is also a friends to lovers but it's childhood friends to lovers past and present perspective in the past you're watching them fall in love from when they were in elementary school all the way through the end of high school and you can tell it's building up to why they broke up and then the present perspective is them seeing each other again after years that go by she is engaged to someone else but she sees elliot her childhood best friend that she fell in love with in high school there's an instant connection between them but she can't forget what happened between them and you're like what happened between you and you don't get to find out to the end so you watch them fall in love as kids and then fall glove again as adults all the way to the build up of what happened between them and that is why these are so similar i know if you love one you'll absolutely love the other just because of how similar they are the characters are different the storyline's different what happened between them is obviously different but the past present friends to lovers is exactly the same and i know you'll love them this is one of my favorite books of all time and i love this book four and a half out of five stars just so so good love them both okay everyone that is the end of today's video thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed and i hope that there are books in this video that you already love so you can now find more books that you love i love doing this kind of video i feel like it's super helpful i would love to watch a video like this about my favorite books to see what else i could read that relates to it if you want to follow me on my other social medias they are all linked down below as always and i'll see you in my next video very very soon bye
Channel: Steph Bohrer
Views: 185,965
Rating: 4.9902406 out of 5
Keywords: book, books, book rec, rec, recs, recommendation, romance, fantasy, enemies to lovers, vlog, read, reading, tour, bookshelf, library
Id: PbUPHf1HxJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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