buying books, going thrifting, & crying over harry styles | an average day in my life

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good afternoon everyone wait i kind of looked naked in that hello everyone good afternoon i just went through the duncan drive-through literally two seconds ago and i decided i wanted a vlog today i haven't vlogged like a normal vlog of me doing absolutely nothing in so long and i feel like that was kind of my brand during the school year was just vlogging me inside my apartment doing absolutely nothing and talking to you guys and entertaining myself and you guys used to love them so i'm doing another vlog of me with no plan really i haven't been able to do a vlog like this in a while because i moved out of my apartment in may i've been traveling since may i just got home like five days ago and i'm at my parents house for the next like three weeks until i move into my new apartment that i have all by myself moving vlogs and stuff coming soon i post a new york vlog i was in new jersey for two months posted a hawaii vlog i've been all over the place now that i'm vaccinated and hopefully i'll be going to california in like a week stay tuned for a vlog of that too in the meantime i'm in arizona it is 115 degrees out today so i've been doing a whole lot of nothing since i got to arizona and i was like perfect you guys love to watch me do nothing because you guys also do nothing i love my audience i actually got bangs surprise um but it's really hot so i've been pushing them to the side that's what i like about them is like i can choose when i have bangs and just pull them to the front and choose when i don't have bangs and just tuck them in so it's hot and they're gonna look all straggly so i tuck them in i love dunkin more than starbucks it's so much cheaper and better i get iced hazelnut swirl iced coffee little bit of cream no sugar and it's amazing but back to what i was saying i was like what could i do today with you guys sat there for a while thinking about how i literally do nothing all i want to do is read i've been reading like a book a day for the past like week been on a grind i have so many good book videos coming guys i'm so excited i was like okay i'm just gonna pull out my camera and see where the day takes me i got breakfast i got an egg and cheese wake up wrap and by breakfast it's 2 50 in the afternoon but i thought maybe i would go thrifting today not that i need clothes like at all like i really don't but i love thrifting it's like one of my favorite hobbies and going to the book section of thrift stores not that i need more books either but it's just so fun so i thought we would go thrifting together um this is a five minute clip of me talking about absolutely nothing okay so i'm gonna go thrifting and then after that maybe i don't really know if you wanna come with me on my day oh i'm here it's probably gonna be really awkward and quiet in there so i don't know how much i'm gonna need to vlog also there's a man staring at me um i don't really know what i'm looking for i've recently been deciding i wanted to change my entire style like i want to kind of wear like blazers and like two-piece suits and i already only wear like black and white but i want to stick to that but like maturely like i like colored stuff button ups blouses cute businessy vibes is kind of what i'm into right now and i have like nothing to fit that aesthetic so that's what i'm going to look for it's so hot out i'm doing ootd and what i'm wearing has absolutely nothing to do with the style that i just told you about because like i said i have nothing i don't know if you can see but these jeans are from princess polly this top is also from princess polly and then i'm wearing my old beat up air force ones okay going in now i'm in the back of the store i've only found three things but this bag that's so cute with these shoes so cute i'm still looking okay the lighting is horrible but i don't feel like moving the car so i'm gonna do a haul now of everything i just got i didn't get that much and i showed you some of it it's like i showed you this bag i got it's just like a white really basic purse that i thought i could wear with outfits okay i also showed you these but i'm showing you them again they're like these black snakeskin flat shoes they were literally three dollars i'm just gonna wear these like an all-black outfit i feel like they'd be really cute then i got this white sweater vest it's like oversized and i feel like i could tuck it in or layer with it and make it cute then i got this black tank top that i'm just gonna cut into a crop top this is probably my favorite clothing item i got it's like this um white button up but it is see-through like really sheer and i feel like this is just so cute like this is something i would buy full price on a website so those are all the clothes i got and then i filmed a haul of all the books i got over summer and i got a court of thorns and roses and i got a bunch of comments saying like don't buy her books because she's a bad person so then i did my research and i was like oh she is a bad person someone sent me that book i didn't buy it but someone bought it for me so everyone was like just buy her book secondhand like you can find them in thrift stores and stuff so you don't support her and i was like okay that's so smart and i found one of the books in the thrift store a court of frost and starlight i'm not sure where this fits into the series it's really small so i'm assuming it's like not a full book in the series but i found this so i got it it's in perfect condition literally i feel like it hasn't even been open the spine isn't even like cracked so i got this because i'm gonna try to find all her books secondhand because i'm gonna do a reading vlog of this series and i don't want to give her my money guys i'm driving right now so i'm trying to be careful but i literally just started sobbing in the car because my music was on shuffle and golden by harry styles came on and i just imagined me and my friend going to the concert together and now i can't stop crying because i can't believe i'm actually going okay i'm parked now so i can actually tell you what just happened but i literally just started sobbing and having a whole breakdown because i just imagined being at his concert on the day before my birthday i'm going to the arizona date on november 13th and then one of my best friends is going to harry wein at madison square garden and she invited me to go with her and so i might be going to two shows if we can make it work and so i just imagine the two of us like the biggest harry styles fans ever we've both been fans since one direction started and when golden came on and that's like his opening song i just imagined the two of us like finally seeing harry styles in concert and then i just started sobbing i'm not even on my period so i don't even know what that was about but i just love harry's dial so much and i've loved him for like half my life so the fact that i'm gonna be in the same room as him not once but twice in the span of two weeks is literally insane okay i'm about to go inside and get a salad from this place and then come out into the car and eat and answer your guys's questions because i posted my instagram story to ask me questions so i'm gonna answer them when i get back so let me go get my salad i just got out of the store chef salad and baked lay's chips they're so good oh my god so yeah let me just mix my salad real quick i have done a q a in so long i tried to and then the footage got corrupted which sucked because it was like such a good video i loved that q a anyway mixed my salad so i'm gonna eat we're gonna do a little mukbang action someone asked what are your book pet peeves and i love that you asked me this because i am going to be doing a whole video on this exact topic all my bookish pet peeves i have it all planned out and everything i'm gonna say so if you wanna hear about that stay tuned where do you buy your books usually random book stores that i walk into and if i can't find them anywhere amazon which sucks but most of my books i get from my wish list i don't really buy books unless i really really want it and i see it in the store is it hard to balance your love for reading and the rest of your social life school etc honestly for me not at all no i read at night like i only read like after 10 p.m i usually read from 10 p.m to 2 a.m sometimes 9 p.m to 2 a.m sometimes i fall asleep earlier i literally strictly read at night and i read as soon as i wake up for like an hour that's if i have nothing to do obviously if i'm going out with my friends at night i don't read that night or if i have to wake up early for something i don't read in the morning but i leave my day open and i usually don't read it all during the day unless i'm really enthralled in a book or i have nothing to do at all that day then i'll read i read almost every single night from ten to two and that allows me to finish like a book like every one to three days i only really hang out with people like three times a week max i don't really have to worry about not having time to read during the school year gets a little hard but i make sure to do all my schoolwork during the day so i can still have my alone time my peace and quiet and my time at night to read because i would go insane without it like all day i look forward to night time when i can be in my bed reading sometimes i'll be out with my friends not even sometimes every time i'm out i'm like oh my god i would so much rather be at home reading my book i'm such a loser will you do an updated bookshelf tour yes of course when i move the second week of august i'll definitely keep you guys updated and do a tour and everything once i'm in and situated have you ever started writing a book or would you consider writing a book i would love to write a book guys like the satisfaction of finishing a book that you wrote and being so proud of it and people reading it and loving it and like you guys reading my book like that would be so cool i'm only 19. there's definitely time for me to become an author i don't think that time is now i do have so many ideas and i've started books that i thought i was gonna post on wattpad i wrote like nine chapters or something but i didn't end up going any further than that i have the entire thing planned out like like the whole story in the plotline and everything i just don't have time so yeah maybe one day i'll go back to that book that i like planned out and started if you ever see a book stephanie bohr as the author just know i made it will you do an updated enemies to lovers book wreck yes if you want that i actually haven't done enemies to lovers book rec in so long so yes i will do you want kids see this is a question i ask myself literally all the time because i love kids which i know is like a rare thing but like i genuinely do like kids and i'm good with kids and i've always liked kids except when they cry and like i don't like how kids get like sticky fingers and like slobber all over their face and i also wouldn't like waking up like a million times throughout the night but i feel like i will only have kids if i'm so in love like in a committed relationship for a really long time and then there's like okay well why aren't we having kids you know like we're together we're settled down we've done everything fun there to do when you're young now let's have kids but like if i'm never in that situation then probably not unless it's an accident i don't know i feel like it's very situational is youtube your job yes thankfully advice on starting a youtube channel i started by i mean i had videos from high school like vlogs are my first videos but that was just for me and my friend group have memories my first video book recommendation was series to binge during quarantine randomly decided i was gonna make that video and posted it and it got like 100 views and that was it and then i posted another one got like 200 views and then i made a book tick tock that blew up told everyone to go watch my youtube channel my video started getting a little bit more traction and i was consistent so i think don't give up if your first few videos like don't do well because mine didn't and now they have like a lot of views now that people have gone back and watched them so my first tip would just be like don't worry if your video's getting not a lot of views at first just be consistent and keep posting my second is have a niche mine is books i feel like if you have like a target audience you take your biggest hobby and you make it the most well-known thing about you then you'll be doing what you love on your channel because that's what people will look for like if you love makeup you don't have to make all your videos about makeup but make that known that that is like your brand it's like develop a brand my third tip would be to promote yourself on tick tock because videos on take dog blow up for no reason it's so much easier to blow up on tick tock than youtube if you think people would like your youtube video maybe make like a little tick tock edit of your video like a compilation of like the funny parts or the best parts and be like go watch my video on youtube post it on tick tock even post a tick tock that you think might blow up that's like a trend and make the caption just like go subscribe to my youtube channel or something just promote yourself on tech talk because tick tock is so easy to blow up on compared to youtube oh my god there's a car accident oh my god literally just watched these two people this girl just rear-ended someone or not rear-end she was pulling out she backed into her oh i guess there's no damage her driving away okay anyways my other tip would be don't give a about the people from your school finding your videos don't care about that because i was so worried about that in high school i started a channel when i was in college because i learned in college that it doesn't matter what people think about you and if anyone cares enough to like make fun of you for posting on youtube they're more embarrassing than you are like if they're gonna go out of their way to make fun of you for posting on youtube like they're embarrassing so i would just say if that's what's holding you back so i know what's holding a lot of people back is you just have to do it because i wish i started in high school i wish someone told me this like if you start earlier like think of like hannah malosh and ellie thuman those are youtubers that i know started when they were like in middle school and now they're huge channels i just wish someone would have told me that because i wish i started earlier i can't even imagine how much more of a fun high school experience i would have had if i could have had this channel to talk about everything i was doing and going throughout that time so yeah i'd say just start you can start on your phone literally all my videos up until march were filmed with my iphone so edit on imovie and post your damn youtube videos please i encourage it so much it's literally the best thing that ever happened to me what do you see yourself doing once you graduate there's a loaded question for a q a and i have no idea i just want to travel and never work and live in a little cottage in a garden and read my books that's all i want to do i don't want to work i don't want to have a nine to five realistically though i do want to live in new york city for a little while i also want to live in europe i don't know i don't know what i want to do what's your love language um i'm pretty sure it's quality time i took the test like a year ago i don't think it's gift receiving or acts of service we're trying to think it could be physical touch i really really really hate physical touch from everyone like i don't like when people touch me i really hate physical touch like unwarranted physical touch but i feel like if i was in a relationship i would love physical touch when i like someone like all i want to do is like hug them and like when i read books and like the guy's love language is physical touch like in the spanish love deception i would like be like oh my god i want that so maybe physical touch i feel like less words of affirmation um like i don't really need reassurance that much but like it's also good to hear but yeah i think quality time is my biggest love language what about you guys comment your love language i would love to know do you feel awkward filming in public slash with friends yes so so awkward more in front of my friends than anything it's probably why you guys have never seen my friends besides zoey and even that was awkward for me and she's my best friend like i'm so awkward with the camera like i talk so normally to it but then once you turn off the camera and it's silent and you're with people it's like awkward as like i can't vlog in front of my guy friends especially like i refuse like i feel like it'd be so awkward if you want to see videos like with my friends in college like i can do that once i go back but but yeah i'm so awkward it's like so painful for me and then in public if i'm with people it's not as bad which doesn't make sense like if i'm with zoe and i'm vlogging in public i don't feel as awkward because people could just think i'm talking to her but when i'm alone vlogging in public oh so awkward you saw me in the thrift store it's so awkward like i just don't want anyone to hear me and see me okay that's the last question i'm gonna answer because this clip is literally a half hour long probably gonna have to crop out so many questions because this video is not supposed to be a q a but yeah i'm gonna drive home now and we'll see what i do i don't know what i'm gonna do we'll see probably gonna read it's like two hours later i just got so distracted on my phone but i just made picture sports for like the past two hours it's literally 8 15. we also made a tick tock about going to a masquerade ball look doesn't that make you emo like i want to go to one so bad but i'm going to shower right now because i feel kind of gross from being out all day in the hot arizona sun i'm gonna read let's talk about what i'm currently reading i'm reading on my phone which is stupid because i have so many paperbacks i need to read i don't know why i did this but i'm reading shipped by angie hochman it is a workplace competing for the same job title work sent them on a work trip i'm only 100 pages in i'm not that into it but i also didn't get to the romance yet so i can't judge it yet i just haven't gotten hooked yet and i think that's because i just read the spanish love deception and it was like the best book ever and so it's putting me in a slump because nothing's going to compare to it but yeah that's what i started reading okay gonna shower now update it's 10 p.m i never got in the shower it's been two more hours since i last talked to you anyone like procrastinate like doing things that are just easy to do like go in the shower sometimes even procrastinate like reading my book because i'm like i haven't taken my makeup off yet so i'm like okay i can't read until i take my makeup off but then i'm too lazy to go take my makeup off so i never end up reading am i insane film this clip to motivate me to actually get up and shower which is what i'm gonna do right now i swear i showered um while i was in the shower though i was literally exfoliating my legs and in my head i was like oh i should have brought my vlog camera and shown this and then i was like no i shouldn't have my brain thinks that i need to vlog every single moment of my life to the point where i was literally in the shower and i was like explaining my legs check i'm not okay i'm even thinking about you guys and getting content when i'm in the shower anyway gonna change now wearing my harry potter sleep shirt but now now i'm just gonna lay in bed and read some i'm 50 into this book now i read some while i was procrastinating showering but yeah i'm gonna read for like three four hours until i fall asleep thank you guys so much for coming along with me today of my day of trying not to do nothing but still doing a whole lot of nothing i hope you enjoyed today's video if you want more vlogs let me know if you want to follow me on my other social media it is all linked down below as always and i'll see in my next video very very soon bye
Channel: Steph Bohrer
Views: 111,659
Rating: 4.9816165 out of 5
Keywords: book, books, book rec, rec, recs, recommendation, romance, fantasy, enemies to lovers, vlog, read, reading, tour, bookshelf, library, thrifting, thrift, shopping, haul, harry styles, Q&A
Id: qxjfRgp7agk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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