romance books that made me cry.

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel i'm steph and today we are doing another book recommendation video i'm so so so excited about this one because so many of my all-time favorites fit into this trope or like this category maybe because i'm a book sadist and i like books that make me feel pain um but this is gonna be like the saddest books most emotional heartbreaking books i've ever read so i know a lot of people like to find a good book whenever they're in a mood to cry you know whenever you need a good cry you're just an emotional release picking up a sad book is the way to go not even sad some of these just have like sad moments or like parts that made me cry not all of these are like sad endings don't worry but yeah somehow these always end up being my favorite so if you're interested in hearing what sad books i have to recommend today then keep on watching but first let me talk to you about today's sponsor which is so exciting because it's book of the month it's a super popular and fast growing book service for readers and their mission is to provide new and emerging authors and help readers discover new books that they'll love so basically their team vets hundreds of books every month and gives the readers a curated list to choose from full of new and early releases that way you can spend more time reading and less time researching and book of the month is also risk-free so you can skip any month and you won't be charged and i have five new books to show you kind of little mini haul from book of the month they have the best prices for hard cover fiction books they're only 9.99 for a hardcover nice book so you can use my discount code so you can get your first book for only 9.99 i'm now going to show you the books i got so this is the box it would come in in this blue box how cute is that and oh i already opened this i already know what's inside i have five books but this is the first one so this if you know me know i love the book beach read by emily henry another book by emily henry i think this is only her second book i've been dying to get my hands on this and when book of the month had it on the list i was like immediately yes because beetroot is one of my favorites but this one i've heard such such good things about so so so excited about that so that's the first book i got the next one i'm obsessed with this cover is the hunting wives by may cobb it says the hunting wives share more than target practice martinis and bad behavior in this novel of obsession seduction and murder what does that not sound so good i'm very excited to read this one as well next this is what comes after by joanne tompkins and it says suspenseful mystery at its core what comes after is an unforgettable story of loss and anger but also of kindness and hope courage and forgiveness oh my god these sounds so good i'm definitely reading these soon next i got arsenic and adoba by mia p and manon sala looks like she's cooking on that cover this says the first book in a new culinary cozy series full of sharp humor and delectable dishes one of which might just be a killer okay so this is also a murder mystery i was not expecting that and last but not least is liberty by caitlyn greenage this says it's an unforgettable story about one young black girl's attempt to find a place where she can be fully and only herself coming of age as a freeborn black girl in reconstruction era brooklyn oh this is very interesting i'm very excited about this so yeah thank you so much book of the month for sending me these i'm obsessed with them and i'm gonna add these to my shelves right now and i actually have no room on my shelf so i'm probably just gonna put them in this stack that is piling up next to my shelves and now let's get into the recommendations for this video this might be the most excited i've ever been to recommend books for some reason recommending sad books it's like my favorite thing ever because i know if it makes you cry it's good it evokes emotion in you that means it's really good in my opinion i'm very much someone who prefers emotional reads over happy reads i do have my happy favorites but emotional are definitely my favorite starting off with a book i posted on my instagram story saying i was currently reading one of my new favorite books of all time and everyone was like you're evil tell us what it is and i was like you have to wait till i talk about in a video and now is finally the time i'm going to talk about it and it is archer's voice by mia sheridan i was not expecting to love this book so much i've been getting recommended this book for probably a year maybe longer and i always just like avoid it like it never intrigued me or anything but then thought of doing this video idea i was like okay i need to read some sad books and i remember people saying this would make you cry not only did it make me cry but i just loved the characters so so much let me explain this book so basically this girl bri moves to a new town she uproots her entire life after something super tragic happens to her and her family so she moves to this small town in maine everyone knows each other so like seeing a new girl is like very interesting the first day she's there she runs into this guy she like drops all her stuff and she gets really embarrassed and he just walks away without saying anything so she's like intrigued by him she's like why did he just ignore me that's so weird so she starts asking around the town about him and she finds out that he doesn't speak the whole town thinks he's like some weirdo dude they're like oh some weird stuff has happened in his family he's kind of a hermit never leaves his house no one in the town really likes him her dog ends up running on his property and they meet each other it sparks this whole thing and the characters have both been through so so much trauma that's what made me cry like reading about both of their traumas and how they react to each other's traumas and she's really the only one that understands him and this book is very much in my opinion it's kind of like really good innocent boy meets like more experienced girl but still not like a bad girl but more experienced and i kind of really liked it because it's like switch up from the normal thing so wholesome slow burn with so much angst but it's so emotional as well so if you want like the best of both worlds like angsty romance but with also the emotions i would definitely recommend archer's voice by mia sheridan i love this book so much the next book i'm going to talk about or the next two books i'm going to talk about are actually the books i'm currently reading right now my best friend read them and she was bawling her eyes out and i was like i need it i need it now and that is full tilt and all in by emma scott this is a duet this book is about this girl named casey and she's in a rock band like she's electric guitar player she's such a badass but she's like downward spiraling coping with drinking has a horrible relationship with her family kind of losing herself while like getting famous and then she meets this such a wholesome boy he was her limo driver his name is jonah they start hanging out and getting closer and he's like helping her figure out who she wants to be and like get sober kind of and then they obviously have such an instant connection but jonah tells her he's running out of time he doesn't have much time left that's not even a spoiler it's right on the back and he's trying to avoid falling in love at all costs but it's undeniable their connection hey guys i'm editing right now and i just wanted to come here and say i don't think i stressed enough how hard i cried in this book i was full on hiccupping sobbing like not even just like tears jumping around my face like i was choking out sobs while reading this book at the end i literally have snapchats of me literally crying um this book oh my god it hurts so bad i was literally hyperventilating crying this was not just like a sad book like this was one that like it broke my heart i just feel like i have to stress that and then came this one the follow-up book which is another romance i loved it i loved it so much um the author actually said that this was the book she originally wanted to write but she needed to write the backstory romance so obviously jonah's running out of time with casey and so they have a limited time to love each other and then this is the book after and after jonah hey guys me again here to say that this book all in is so so good i like it even more than the first book because it's a slow burn slow slow burn kind of forbidden kind of secret and you'll see why who the romance is it still deals with casey from the first book and her experiencing love again but it is so so good i just feel like i need to say that because sometimes there's like a weird stigma about a person moving on but it's so good it's done so well you i really really recommend i've never seen anyone really talk about these i'm so glad my best friend recommended these to me because i'm obsessed i'm not even done but wow definitely recommend and definitely will make you bawl your eyes out wow the next book i'm talking about is bright side by kim holder i read this one a few weeks back and boy did i solve my eyes out there's also a duet to this book about one of the other characters but basically this book is about this girl named kate and she's going off to college she's had this childhood best friend her whole life and the night before she leaves for college they end up sleeping together and then she goes to college and she's like i don't want anything to change between us they still like facetime every single day and they're like best friends he is so charming i love him his name is gus the second book is his point of view but this book is from the point of view of kate when she goes to college she meets this guy his name is keller and he's the other point of view in this book so she's kind of still talking to her childhood best friend but not in a romantic way it's completely platonic and then she starts talking to this new guy and both of the her and this new guy are super closed off like they are kind of avoiding being together but he finally starts letting her in he starts getting jealous about her relationship with her best childhood friend and there's drama with that but then the reason that she's not letting him in and doesn't want to have a relationship is really so heartbreaking very impactful and a huge plot twist and i really really really enjoyed it i got so connected to the characters i feel like this book did a really good job of like making you feel connected to all the characters there's a bunch of main characters and i just loved this book so much i loved the romance i loved her friendship with gus i loved the life lessons i learned from this how wholesome kate is like she is such a pure-hearted character and i loved her so much and i'll never forget this book it was so good next i'm gonna talk about the song of achilles i'm not gonna go too much in depth about this because i did a whole reading vlog so if you want to see my raw reactions you can watch my reading vlog on this book because i literally filmed every reaction as i read this book no spoilers until the end of that video so you're safe but this book is a romance based off greek mythology the story of achilles and patroclus and it is so emotional if you know the mythology then you'll know what this story is going to be about and how it's going to end but it is about two boys obviously in their romance in kind of a forbidden way in secrecy and so much more than a romance to me it's just written so beautifully like i feel like not even the romance the part that got to me it's the way it's written like the quotes from this book are next levels like i was at a loss for words reading this book it's so well written i would read this book if you're feeling a bit intellectual you want to like read a really well written book but you still want the romance i would definitely pick up this one i cried so hard while reading this too and i i just loved it next book i'm going to talk about is by colleen hoover and if you've read any of her books you know they all will make you cry literally i feel like i've never read a book by her that didn't make me cry but i'm going to talk about it ends with us because i feel like i don't give this one enough love on my channel because it doesn't really fit a specific trope but this book is so life-changing and so good there are a lot of trigger warnings it does have domestic violence this book is also becoming a movie so if you want to read it before the movie comes out i would definitely recommend reading it but this book is about lily and she meets this guy named ryle and they start having this romance and it seems perfect and everything's going amazing and it's their whole story but then every few chapters it flashes back to lily reading her diary of when she was in high school she was seeing her mom who was an abusive relationship and she met this boy named atlas when she was in high school and it was kind of like her first love or her first romance and he ended up leaving and she hasn't seen him since and it was like her first heartbreak and so you see that relationship you see the dynamic of her parents and then it flashes forward to her current relationship and all the ups and downs with that and the way this book ends it obviously says it ends with us but it's not what you think it is so good i have chills on my whole body right now thinking about this book i cried so many times throughout this book out of frustration and anger and sadness and sympathy like this book i feel like is so realistic and it gets really frustrating because you're like if i was in that situation i'd do something completely different but like you never really know how you would react and seeing in her perspective i could definitely see how hard her situation is and i just really really recommend this book i recommend all colleen hoover books but this one is so good and on that note i'm just gonna do two more honorable mentions of colleen hoover books that will definitely 100 make you sob and this is ugly love by colleen hoover which is my favorite book of all time i know i recommend this book all the time so i'm not gonna go too in depth but it's brother's best friend miles is so closed off from love refuses to even engage in anything close to a relationship and it shows tate falling in love with him and they're kind of friends with benefit situation that is very toxic every chapter flashes back to mile's first love and why he's closed off from love now and i was never expecting what happened to him to be what happened like it was so unpredictable and so heartbreaking i sobbed my eyes out while reading this and i definitely recommend it and then next is all your perfects by colleen hoover this book deals with a couple shows them falling in love for the first time their epic romance when they were young and then them years in the future married their marriage is falling apart because of infertility and this book is so sad because you see them falling in love and it's like oh so heartwarming and then the next chapter you're like oh it's just heartbreaking seeing them fall apart i've loved this book so so much i feel like it's so underrated and i definitely recommend it it will definitely make you cry but colleen hoover does have like twists and turns in her books but usually they're happy or content endings so you don't have to worry about that i just thought i would say that because i know a lot of people don't read these because they're like oh it's not gonna be a happy ending but read them okay the next book that i'm going to be talking about you know it's coming is a thousand boy kisses by tilly cole this book so so sad this is young adult so it's immaturely written but so beautiful i love the characters in this book so much this book has such a big plot twist and i can't even go into depth about what it is because that's literally what makes it sad similar to bright side the girl in this book is just so wholesome so appreciative of life she literally made me look at life completely different it's friends to lovers romance so basically the boy moves away and they agree to keep in contact but randomly the girl cuts him off he doesn't know why and when he comes back he finds out everything that happened while he was gone and why she cut him off and then the rest of the book is their journey struggling with that god it makes my chest hurt even thinking about this book i cried for probably more than half of it so yeah only read this one if you are emotionally stable enough to handle it next book i'm going to talk about is underneath the sycamore tree by b celeste so basically emery her sister passes away and her mom is not handling it well so she's forced to live with her dad that she hasn't seen in years meet his whole new family that he lives with and meeting her stepbrother for the first time it's actually really heartbreaking because emory is diagnosed with the same disease that killed her sister so you see her struggle with that her parents struggle with that and her new blossoming romance with kaden it is sad it is really sad but i also really enjoyed it in beastless writing i love her writing and i love her characters this book is kind of enemies to lovers as well or more like brooding closed off boy and her like trying to get him to open up about his issues and he doesn't know that she's sick she kind of keeps it a secret from him because she doesn't know if he can handle it right now and then when he finds out oh this book is really good and i definitely recommend it the next book i'm going to talk about is one of the books that i've never fully gotten over there's still an open wound and i read this over a year ago and this is part of the centers of state all saints high series by lj shen and so you kind of have to read two books in order to understand or be able to get the full emotions of the story the entire series can be read as stand-alones there's total of eight books in the series and the spin-off and they can all be read as stand-alones they're all separate romances but they all kind of intertwine all the same friend group and then that friend group's kids when they're grown up so i feel like you should read them all in order but the two books that really stuck with me and made me cry so starting off with ruckus is the first book this is in the sinners of saint series and it's about dean and rosie their romance is this book is amazing on its own dean is kind of like a playboy he sleeps around but he's always been so into this girl named rosie since high school he dated her older sister but he's always kind of been like i like rosie moore you know so they kind of have this moment together when they're in high school and then 11 years later they reunite and he's adamant on her giving him a second chance she's kind of reserved because she is also sick she has other things to worry about than him she has to take care of herself like it says on here they say that life is beautiful and death a painful truth they're right no one has ever made me feel more alive than the guy who serves as a constant reminder that my clock is ticking he's willing to look past that and be with her anyway and that is their romance that's not even the sad one and then their son gets a book night oh my god this book made me bawl my eyes out i left a gaping hole in my heart for the rest of my life this is a friends to lovers story but you get to see the parents that you've already watched the parents fall in love and you love his parents and you see them in his book and then i'm sure you can assume why his book is gonna be sad now that you already heard about this one but you get points of view from his mom and dad in his book as well i could not recommend this series enough but especially these two books ruckus and broken knight please read them oh my god it hurts my chest thinking about it i can't okay the next book i'm going to talk about is find you in the dark by a meredith walters this is a duet there's a second book called delight in light in the shadows or something which is also really sad but this book is about maggie and clayton and he moves to town he's the mysterious new guy she is intrigued by him they have an instant connection but quickly finds out that he has a lot of mental health issues he's definitely struggling with his mental health a lot and that's what makes this sad is because their romance is so wholesome and passionate and like an epic love story but he is constantly self-sabotaging and doing things because of things like reasons he can't control so if you want a book dealing with mental health i would definitely read this duet as well but there are a lot of trigger warnings that you should look up before reading it for sure that's the end of today's book recommendation video i hope you guys enjoyed i hope that i gave you your fix of emotional reads whenever you want a good cry come back to this video and pick a book because i'm sure that these books will get you pretty emotional but thank you so much for watching today's video feel free to follow me on my social medias i'll link down below as always or if you want to send me your favorite book my amazon wishlist is also linked down below but yeah thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in a new video very very soon bye [Music]
Channel: Steph Bohrer
Views: 465,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: books, book, rec, recommendation, haul, vlog
Id: S4FmiU4p8eA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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