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what's up guys welcome back to my channel today i'm finally finally gonna be doing this book video i've talked about it so much that it feels weird that i'm actually doing it now i'm also so excited to be able to just rant and like express the feelings that i have for these books because literally like nobody in my life cares about books and it makes me sad and i can't rant to them because they're like okay like after like two seconds they're like okay shut the up so i'm hoping that like together we can form this cute little like book club community because i would love nothing more and if you do go out there and buy one let me know tag me on instagram because i will go absolutely crazy i do every single time every single time basically like 95 of the books that i own i have bought because of tick tock book talk specifically i actually have found people on there that i trust like their opinion and their descriptions on books are so good that i'm like oh my god i need to read this like now and i do i have a lot of books here that i want to talk about but i wanted to put them into categories so it made more sense enemies to lovers destroyed me in the best way rom-coms aka my absolute faves spicy books drop everything you're doing and read these [Music] okay so this is my little pile of my enemies to lovers books something that i noticed with these like enemies to lovers books with most of them is that the guy the main character was in love with the girl the entire time so they hated each other the girl hated him it was like this whole thing like they were like bickering back and forth all this stuff and then at the end you figure out that like oh he was in love with her the entire time why didn't he just say i don't know the book would be boring if he did that but it's cute okay okay so the first book i'm going to talk about is the spanish love deception i just finished this book literally like a couple days ago and i feel empty inside and i hate my life this became not just my favorite enemies to lovers book but my actual like one of my favorite books and i probably have like three books that i can say are my favorite from all the ones that i've read and this is one of them also the love i have for the main character aaron blackford is unhealthy as well okay so it takes place in new york city they work together and the girl has not had a boyfriend in like six years the girl is about to go back home to spain for her sister's wedding but the last thing she wants to do is go back home single alone and sad so out of the blue her co-worker erin blackford which is somebody that she highly highly highly despises um offers to help her by pretending to be her boyfriend on this family trip and they go to spain they have to share a bed it's like this whole thing it's really cute they're pretending to be dating but then at some points you're like uh i don't think you're pretending anymore and just the suspense to get to like the point where they like actually just tell each other their feelings i loved it from start to finish there wasn't one moment where i was bored not at all like everything it's just so cute in the best possible way literally absolutely love this book 10 out of 10 10 out of 10. the fact that i'm never like gonna read this book for the first time makes me sad okay these two books i've already talked about on my channel before but it's the hating game and the honeymooners the honeymooners is one of my favorites and the hating game as well this one's like a workplace enemies to lovers vibe the girl is like super preppy super bubbly super happy happy to be alive and he's just like debbie downer like negative nancy the whole thing they basically like play games with each other at work and they're also fighting for the same promotion throughout the whole book i was like wait like how's this gonna work out like with the whole promotion type of vibe but at the end it's literally the perfect ending this one's absolutely so adorable it made me so happy and i gave you the best summer vibes this is such a good book to read during the summer um because it's just so cute they go to hawaii it's like the whole thing but basically there's a girl her name's olive and her sister is about to get married or her sister does get married her sister's husband's brother she despises him does not like him the whole time that their siblings have been dating they can't stand each other during the wedding everybody gets food poisoning except them too literally except them of course and basically her sister has his honeymoon to hawaii which somebody obviously has to attend to but they can't do it because they have food poisoning and they're living out of the toilet so who else is going to enjoy the vacation than the two people who hate each other the most obviously they have to pretend to be the fake married couple and at some point during the vacation they stop pretending and they actually end up liking each other okay last enemy celebrities book that i'm going to talk about is this one it's shipped this is literally the perfect combination of the hating game and the unhoneymooners so the guy and the girl they are co-workers they work at the same place they're fighting for the same promotion they work for this cruise ship company and they basically get sent out on this vacation that they have to enjoy but they're actually like working at the same time and they're also fighting for the same promotion so it's a lot of like different things i give this book like an eight out of ten only because i thought it was generally really good i really liked it i also read it very quickly and it gave me the most like summer vibes which i also really loved but i read it super quickly so i didn't really like you know think about it too much it's not a book that you're gonna think about days after which has happened with other books this isn't something like you're going to like walk away from it and be like oh my god that's some book like changed my mind forever no not really it's just a super cute like quick read at least for me um i honestly enjoyed it i thought it was funny i thought the ending was super cute [Music] so this category is destroyed me in the best way i can't think of a better name than that one these books made me feel emotions that i did not think a bug could make me feel so as i mentioned there's three books from all the books that i've read that are actually my absolute favorites and one of those three books is this one it's called it ends with us by colleen hoover i understand why everybody's so obsessed with her because she makes literal art in a book i'm ready to just give her my money like just take it give me your books and i'll give you my money i don't care but this book this book specifically this book one thing i will say about this book is you have to search up trigger warnings if i could shove a book down anybody's throat like read this book you have no other choice this this would be one of them the interesting thing about this book is that you're going back and forth between present and the past so what you're reading in the present time is lily that's the main character you're kind of going through her relationship with this guy named ryle which is somebody that she just met you kind of lit you literally see the relationship from the very first day to like how it evolves and everything so in the past part of the book you're reading all about her relationship with her very first love when she was 15 years old she met this guy named atlas and he's going through some very very deep in his life and she basically helps him through that like you literally see how she saves his life like literally saves his life and obviously they fall in love with each other but life doesn't really let them be together but they make a promise to each other that if they see each other again or when they meet each other again it will be their time and then when you go back to the present when you see her with her new relationship you kind of see how like little details of her past life are what's kind of breaking up her present life obviously atlas comes back into her life but then at the same time ryle and her have this connection and this love that's out of this world there's a lot there's literally it's so much and i don't want to spoil it but it's probably one of the best books that i'm ever going to read if you haven't read this book what are you waiting for like what are you waiting for pause this video go on amazon go to barnes and noble and buy this book wait it says it right here literally cami garcia who are you i don't know but she said every person with the heartbeat should read this book if you can read words you need to read this book colleen hoover how do you come up with this how okay next book i've already talked about this book before and actually some people actually went out and bought this book because i recommended it i hope you loved it because this is also one of my favorite books of all time i feel like my quote should be up here if you have a soul you should read this book because it will crush it literally in the best way in the best way every time i think about this book i just think of a love that didn't have enough time so think of this super super famous hollywood actress she's like 80 almost 90 i think like years old and she's ready to talk about her life she's ready to talk about everything that she did throughout her life everything like all the scandals all the secrets everything she's ready to come clean because she knows that soon she's gonna be passing away even though she's not a real person like she's a character that i was reading it and i was like i just felt empowered you know just by like reading what she would do to get what she wanted because she was independent and she was like you know she knew her worth and she knew what she could become and she got everything she wanted because she worked hard for it and there's that whole love part that comes into her life and it's just so sad because at the beginning you see how she was so like determined and she was so like like just such a badass literally to get what she wanted career-wise you basically realized that throughout the book she had this like absolute love of her life and the tragic part is that she realized it too late and time was not their friend and i could cry just thinking about this book it's that beautiful literally 100 million out of ten this is one of my favorite books of all time and i'm sure that's never going to change and yeah if you want to feel empowered and if you want to feel every single emotion possible with a book this will do that to you this book right here every single person that's on book talk every single person that like knows about the trendy books right now and knows about this book the song of achilles 10 out of 10. i can't recommend this book enough either i think this book is extremely tragic but one thing that i will say about this book this love story is so different than any other love story i've read um it's also very much about greek mythology so that's very different also than anything else i've read the moment they meet each other you just know that you're reading a love story about soul mates like this isn't about like chance this isn't about like anything it's literally two soul mates and their love story and i just thought that was the most beautiful thing ever i just felt like this book is the writing style of this book is probably one of the most beautiful ones i've ever read the last thing this thing right here so this is the last page right this part right here where she's like go she says he waits for you i will not be able to go through this book again ten out of ten okay last book for this category is the invisible life of addy larue i actually don't see a lot of people talk about this book maybe that's just my book talk i don't know but i just want to be one of the people that talk about it because this book deserves a lot more recognition the only thing i will say about this book is that one it is very long and it's not just like a quick read type of thing at least not for me at least for like the first maybe quarter to like first half of the book it kind of like like it kind of like dragged on for me i will i will say that even though i feel really bad because i once again i genuinely really really love this book the ending of the book and the overall story make it so worth it for me to me it honestly felt like a poem i felt like i was reading a poem in a story you know what i mean like the entire time the way that she the way that this book is written is so beautiful like it takes place in like 1619 and it's in france and it's about this girl she's her whole life she's been super super independent she's always wanted more from life she wanted to travel she wanted to do something with her life she wanted to see the world that time period your life was basically like grow up with your parents find a husband marry him have kids and then die type of thing sounds depressing but you know that's the way that she kind of saw it in the way that she kind of described it and she basically does the one thing that her aunt figure or her mentor kind of tells her not to do which is pray to the night gods because basically if you pray to the night gods they grant you your wish but they kind of give you like a really like up type of wish like they it up for you type of thing she wishes for like freedom and to be able to go out into the world and do whatever she wants to do all that type of thing and she gets that however the only thing is that she will never be remembered by anybody she can like have a conversation with someone she can have a connection with somebody and the second that she turns around and the second that she's out of their sight they no longer remember her so she lives literally she goes through like 300 years of living um and no one ever remembers her until until the one day where somebody actually does remember her and she's like in shock and she's like what the like 300 years of my life and no one has ever remembered me and yet here you are this one guy like obviously because it's a love story the ending was so crazy for me that i literally sat in this chair for like five minutes and i contemplated the out of like everything i was like i need a content of my life i contemplate this book and contemplate what i just read one of the most beautiful stories i've ever read i'm literally like obsessed with this book [Music] these two are my spicy category these are my crazy love spicy everything category first let me talk about is this one ugly love colleen hoover it's calling hoover girl so you just know that she makes no mistakes so you just know it's a good book but the characters in this book i'm actually like attached to i thought about this book literally like days to weeks after like i'm still thinking about this book because the characters are so so memorable it's insane even the cover is absolutely glorious and you literally you understand the cover after you read it um i love that i literally love understanding covers and like little things that they put around the book after you finish the story because it just makes so much sense i literally read in a day and i kind of regretted it because it was so good and i was like oh my god it's over okay so the two main characters in this book is miles and basically miles is tate's brother best friend so it's like a brother's best friend type of love story and at the beginning it's like a really really weird relationship because miles is the most like private most like unreadable person at least that i've read in a book and that's what made me read it so fast i'm like dude like i just want to know what this guy's the deal is the way miles treats tay is like what the dude like this girl obviously is like falling in love with you and you're doing everything possible to make her fall in love with you but then when she tells you that she falls in love with you you're like oh my god like tay is obviously super interested in him so they basically like make this relationship where they're kind of like friends with benefits type of thing they kind of start figuring out that it's really hard to just keep it like that you know what i mean especially tate she's kind of like dude like i like you say you like me back like i know you like me and he has a very like crazy crazy crazy past it's an ugly love story for sure because it is very very up in like the craziest ways possible but at the end it's just like wow colleen hooper you did it again pun 57 is a crazy crazy book let me just explain to you so basically it's about this girl it's about this guy and since like fifth grade they were paired up to be pen pals and now they're a lot older they're literally like singers in high school a lot older and so more than a decade they've literally been writing to each other and they've become each other's like best friends they've become each other's like best friends therapists everything they've meant to each other they tell each other everything about their lives however they made a deal with each other not to meet in person they were like we're not going to ruin this you know we have such a good connection writing to each other that we're not going to ruin it by meeting in person basically the main guy misha ends up figuring out who ryan is like in person ryan is the girl but then what ends up happening is that misha doesn't like who ryan is in person literally almost like hates her like hates who she is in person that he ends up transferring to her school makes her life miserable literally and she just can't figure out what's happening they also stopped writing to each other as pen pals it's been like three months that they haven't written a single letter to each other so she's also super super confused about that she doesn't know what's happening she misses her like best friend that she has through these letters and she also has this kid at school who hates her and she hates back she has this weird connection to misha but she doesn't know that it's the same person through the letters 10 out of 10 recommend this book okay it's about to get really like dark in here so i need to hurry up if you're on book talk you know about these books this is bee treat and people we meet on vacation both of them by emily henry both of them masterpieces both of them 10 out of 10 for me okay so this book is about two authors the guy's name disgust and the girl's name is january they're basically neighbors in these two beach houses the girl goes there because her dad just passed away and he basically left her this beach house and she kind of has this summer to go through it and like you know go through all these memories and it's very difficult for her but at the same time she's also having to write this book and then she figures out that her next door neighbor is gus which she actually knows because they met in college and they have this really really weird relationship where they like don't know if they like each other or hate each other type of thing she's very used to writing like super super happy books with like happily ever after type of endings and he writes a lot like darker type of books and she's kind of going through this really really dark period of her life so she's like you know what i'm kind of like interested in writing stuff that you would write you know what i mean so they kind of like form this like deal where she's gonna show him like how to write like a happily ever after type of book like take him on these like cute little fake dates like trying to like get him to get inspiration and he takes her on these crazy crazy adventures of like dark real sh you know what i mean like you just figure out that they're literally perfect for each other but they just don't know that okay next and last book that i'm gonna be talking about today is people we meet on vacation okay alex and poppy poppy is actually one of my favorite characters that i've read in books i just feel like i don't know like her character if you can relate to it it's absolutely beautiful and if not then it's just one of those characters you're like oh my god like you're just everything you know what i mean it's about poppy and alex they're best friends they've been best friends for like over a decade now and they could not be more different though they literally could not be more different alex is kind of like super quiet he's kind of like more to himself he's kind of like super chill poppy's like that one crazy like outgoing talkative best friend to alex but they made this deal from when they were in college that every summer they were gonna take a trip together so they go on vacation every single summer they make these like crazy memories but then in present day you figure out that they haven't spoken to each other in two years and they have this like really weird like kind of like awkward um energy because they haven't they've been best friends for so long they literally go on this crazy vacation every single year and all of a sudden they have this argument and they haven't been or seen they haven't seen each other they haven't talked to each other in two years and she literally tells them like okay you know what for memory's sake we're gonna go on a vacation this summer and she kind of sees it as like their last chance to be able to like make their friendship work again you will read it like this because it gets you hooked from the very beginning i want to really quickly talk to you guys about the last category which is stop everything you're doing and read these books from the books that i've read there's three books that i would recommend to literally anybody and everybody spanish love deception it ends with us and seven husbands of evelyn hugo and this one is a perfect at least for me perfect love story i literally wish my life was this book there's these two books which i as i mentioned they're so tragic in the most beautiful type of way if you like the quotes that go so perfect with this book is everything happens for a reason and if it's meant to be it will be and then there's my absolute queen of everything seven husbands of everyone hugo anyways if you guys buy any of these books please let me know tag me on instagram because i'm so so excited to see what you guys go and buy um so yeah i love you guys and i'll see you guys really really soon [Music]
Channel: Karla Espinosa
Views: 458,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: booktok, tik tok, books, reading, book recommendations, enemies to lovers, rom coms, colleen hoover
Id: _g3Y_mk64Wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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