Can You Climb Dragonspine Using ONLY Your Voice? | Genshin Impact

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this should be it windblade let's play chichi fishy fishy no no no freedom oh no why did i say chi chi why did i say chichi boys it's been a while since i've been to dragon spine in fact i don't even remember the last time i've been there so today we are going to do something no one has ever asked for or cared about i will try to climb dragon spine from the base all the way to the tippy top where the sky frost nail is using only my voice how this works is that i have a program that turns my voice into game commands the commands will be shown above my hp bar like so let's do the most recent three commands how about that i think that that'll be good right here or should i put it somewhere else should i put it here instead all right perfect we're good when i say a specific word or phrase like forward wait what forward it will trigger the w key on my keyboard and move my character forward and when i say stop it will stop my character but that's not challenging enough i will let you guys decide on the words and phrases i will say for each command so forward won't exactly be forward but it will be whatever you guys choose on top of that i will be only using a nemo traveler which means i cannot heal other than using food or use pyro to activate torches to warm me up it'll be easy how hard can this possibly be imagine failing to climb a single mountain in the game let's start with forward what should the command be give me something that's actually you know intelligent chi-chi actually chi-chi okay we'll do chichi will it work chi-chi oh it actually works forward is chi chi how about backward give me something good it doesn't have to be a single word why are you guys all just spamming character names give me something more creative emergency food i saw emergency food oh my god that's such a long phrase though okay i'll do emergency food how about left where are we doing for left like and subscribe isn't that a bit too long okay fine we'll do like and subscribe and then we're gonna do right why slay everyone is spamming slay we'll do slay we did all the directionals how about jump what do we do for jump ready to play okay we'll do free to play how about pressing or skill sassy okay sassy how about holding the skill why ubu that's so cringe can you give me an actual word does it even work it won't detect it awu yuwu it's not pronounced ooh it doesn't work we'll do wind blade how about dropping down where we're climbing what should we do for that why feet give me one reason to use feet no one else is typing anything else so we'll do feet how about using the gadget guys i'm not doing the singular version of feet what's wrong with you guys chicken all right we'll do chicken looking down aya yeah i don't think i'll even detect aya yeah ayaya oh my god it actually does how about look left can you guys collectively come up with something and not spam every single word that's different from one another boba why boba boba look right coco goats oh my god it actually works how about look up armpit what okay i feel like if we did free to play we have to put whale somewhere in here right so we're gonna do whales so see wait we did everything almost oh how about pressing f interacting with objects pay respects wait that's a good one that's a good one i can subscribe whale slay sprint how about sprint help me help me this is the last one how about stop okay it's literally between fishy and freeze we'll do a poll you guys actually pick fishy we're not gonna be doing attack because i don't want to fight we have to try to avoid the monsters let's test some of our commands what's forward again chi-chi fishy like and subscribe oh my god it's not like and subscribe it's literally not detecting it okay one more one more and then we'll change it like and subscribe we're changing it we're changing it just subscribe subscribe fishy beat emergency food fishy wind blade here we go free to play chichi fishy beet chicken this is actually going to be a nightmare all right let's get to the base first where's the base 49 chicken is that good enough you know what i didn't say i could not use aquila favonia to heal are we ready three two one go i mean uh let's go again chi-chi subscribe stop i mean stop fishy fishy doing it we're doing it fishy fishy fishy fishy fishy fishy fishy fishy fishy no fishy help me no how do you get up here how do you get out here help me let's jump which jump jump jump free to play subscribe where's the room brazers i need to warm up where are they wait i couldn't go to a waypoint slay no no no no no fishy oh oh fishy fishy fishy fishy you don't no fishy ah what's back emergency food what's the glove wait what's food what's food chicken forward for what's forward chi-chi subscribe free to play fishy oh my god how do you even get up wait i don't even know the route to get up how do you get up there just follow the path is it actually i see another fireplace but there's also a monster right next to it chichi [Music] no no not like that free to play free to play free to play where am i going no no no no no no ah dude chi chi no no keep going feet get away from me that's right what's right ah slay slay no no get me out subscribe no no no no right i mean right i mean right subscribe i'm stuck i'm stuck emergency food where am i move chi-chi no chicken chicken what you know what that was a practice run it's easy this time how do i even get up how do you get up there like can i just climb this part right here and get all the way up like i just have to get to the domain part and i think i'm good no you can't wait why when can i start climbing to here the statue like here the interesting thing is i don't know my left and right too well i have to stop and think about it there's a cave that goes up all right you know what let's go to the statue first so we're here and then what you can't just climb all the oh my god you actually can't climb all the way up then you have to go over here right in here oh my god no no way i have to swim oh my god you have to parkour and then this part wait this is actually pretty easy just jump right just jump oh but how do i get here all right it'll be easy it'll be easy three two one chi chi i'm still stuck oh no no no okay we're good we're good what no no no coco goats no stop let's take a breather i think we made a lot of progress here let's take a break i need to make it to the statue i think from the statue i think we're good forward i mean chichi wait what the wait chichi dude what is this what's chicken chicken oh my god chicken let's see fire i see fire okay where'd i go yeah yeah yeah what am i looking at i'm wrong direction coco goats can i make it for you to play it's right there i see it i see it don't fall off free to play fishy subscribe oh fishy fishy no no no no no this is not it's so hard because when you move up mountains the camera also moves we can do this oh my god stop climbing on stuff please let's hope i don't trigger those two right there slay no okay let's let's just watch that thing burn to death and then we'll move forward okay no no no we're why do we go in a circle no are we going the wrong way wait let me subscribe fishy oh my god slay fishy let's f pay respects start to climb up this i can't use my glider i have to double jump you know how hard double jumping is free to play free to play you guys don't get how hard that is free to play free to play where am i what is this so i have to climb on the outside i can't climb on that pillar right there there's a pathway how's there a path you can walk up the path oh wait really chi-chi feet oh my god free to play ah no get away from me help me help me oh my god space space space space hello space let's jump let's jump let's jump slay no no no stop free to play oh what the free to play dude what how do you get stuck on this oh my god oh my god i'm almost there slay uh uh i can't see i can't see what where am i chi-chi slay oh my god i can't even move am i actually stuck i'm stuck i'm stuck i got this i got this and we're back here again what what chicken what's this 90 degrees chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken i'm dead i'm dead oh my god what is that speaking of chicken i actually need more chicken what are those monsters they're literally attacking me from like four miles away how's that even fair okay you know what i might just follow the path and i'm stuck and i'm stuck subscribe where am i where am i oh my god slay no no no i said slay oh wait subscribe pay respects oh my god back on track boys help help help me actually help me help help me did the hilly troll die by the way wait how'd it die it shot me and died pharma i guess taking it slow taking it slow i'm up now what now where do i go i'm gonna wait for that waypoint right there oh no no fishy fishy fishy oh where's the path i can't see the path free to play i see it i see it where am i is it one more up where is it fishy no no what fishy oh my god sussy now what now it's the actual hard part oh my god no i can't do this i can't do it because i can't do this no my brain says no chi chi free to play free to play no free to play fishy subscribe oh my god i almost i almost did it sussy what if we jump all the way from the top fishy fishy that is the top the top chichi [Music] free to play no what what what but i failed that free to play free play free to play free to play free to play free to play free to play free to play free to play what all right we're gonna add venti for that one specific scenario just because it's pretty much impossible you double jump that being said what should be the command for one do and then what and then what how about number two give me a good one barbatos that's not even good not a good one yahoo wait yahoo we'll do yahoo all right i think we're good let's relax let's take a relax oh my god it's filling up no no no okay yahoo windblade wait i'm not i'm not i'm not let me turn around let me do it again wind blade oh okay okay okay wait let me do it again let me do it again wait did i turn the fire out no no wind blade free to play chi-chi no no no no no no no i'm gonna die i don't have anything to turn on the fire oh my god no i have limited time wind blade free to play free to play no no no no no chicken oh my god chicken chicken wait what no it took up my fire maybe i should have just used uh sussy instead should i practice it first we'll practice it first wind brace yourself free to play chi-chi fishy fishy oh my god i do oh my god okay this is the perfect spot for my venti e this is the perfect spot right here perfect spot wind blade free to play chi-chi fishy chi-chi fishy oh one more time i have to make sure i get this right 100 otherwise it's it's doomed wind blade free to play chichi fishy chichi fishy no i have to wait a bit until i say fishy checkpoint here no there's no checkpoints all the way through or none windblade free free-to-play chi-chi fishy chi-chi fishy oh my god no you have to do it perfectly oh my god this part is literally the hardest part chi-chi subscribe fishy one more time i have to make sure before i restart if i get here and i fail again i'm gonna cry myself to sleep tonight chi-chi subscribe okay i still got it i still got it i think i'm ready i'm going to play the best skin shin impact of my life right now i'm going to gen shin my impact free to play fishy chicken subscribe free to play fishy boba sussy oh my god chichi fishy yahoo windblade brace yourself free to play chi-chi fishy [Music] chi-chi subscribe fishy no no no fishy jump free to play free to play free to play free oh my god my shoes lost its grip my shoes can i get some new shoes i think venti shoes doesn't have any grip subscribe switchy fishy no free to play [Laughter] chi chi subscribe fishy chichi fishy cocoa goat oh my god windblade brace yourself free to play chi-chi subscribe saucy no no no no no no no no no boo boo boo oh fishy subscribe fishy no chi chi fishy no free to play oh okay windblade free to play chi chi subscribe no what what subscribe fishy fishy oh my god i can do this i'm so close subscribe fishy this should be it windblade fishy fishy no no no free to play oh no why did i say chi chi why did i say chichi oh my god oh my god no no this is it i'm telling you this is it yahoo windblade free to play chi chi fishy chi chi subscribe fishy ah there's no way i'm gonna mess this up wind blade free to play okay again not that not that windblade free to play chi-chi [Music] oh go oh my god free to play free to play free to play fishy chi-chi fishy 30 minutes i'm the king of the world i have got to be the first person to do this right there is no way there is another person out there that wants to do this with their free time [Music]
Channel: itspaikon
Views: 454,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, itspaikon
Id: j5_jTRm9q2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2022
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