Can I Find the RICHEST Person in Genshin Impact?

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how much have you spent on this game spend a thousand dollars on this game as a student high school that's not normal wait a minute I know a lot of you guys say that you're free to play even though you've probably spent your entire life savings on this game but I also believe there are players in this game that have spent an absurd amount of money but also have an absurd amount of money so we're gonna try to see if we can find a few in Co-op but before we do that I feel like a lot of you guys know what it means to have a lot of money but it's different when you actually see it I saw this analogy from this guy named reckful I really liked it so I'll try to replicate it to the best of my abilities let's get this in here here's one hundred thousand dollars this is how much most people can hope to make in a year after taxes and everything this is a decent amount of money okay now we have someone named techtone that probably has around one billion dollars in his pajama pant Pockets at any given time there are in fact legit human beings in this world with that amount of money they do exist a billion dollars is a lot of money you know that it's a lot of money I know that it's a lot of money but it's kind of hard to visualize how much it actually is until you do this here's a hundred thousand dollars it's 200 300 400 500. multiply this by two and we have a million multiply this again two million three million four million five million six million seven million eight million nine million ten million now we do this again 10 million 20 million 30 million 80 million 90 million 100 million now we go again 100 million 200 million 700 million 800 million 900 million one billion dollars now I don't know how much axing out every single character and weapon in this game's existence will cost but it probably won't cost more than a hundred thousand dollars right now I'm Tech tone and I want to max out every single character weapon the game has to offer in the next seven to ten years like this bam now we're gonna try to find the money that we spent my words where is it where where is it it's right there okay it's right there but if I formatted it differently you guys probably wouldn't have noticed in fact let's do this let's say mihoyo gets really greedy the amount of money you have to spend to collect everything is exponentially higher than the previous year but I'm Tech tone I don't care if mihoyo comes up with 10 of the same bikini skins for Jean just a different color each time I'll still collect them all like it's my destiny to do so okay so I'll spend another 2.9 Million Dollars during the lifespan of this game ready bam 2.9 Million dollars I actually do not notice that it's gone from my pocket I can never ever find it ever again but I don't really care because it's three lines out of like a thousand you know what I'm Tech tone I'm done with Gadget games now I'm moving on to collecting cars I want the newest Tesla Supercar that's hand-painted by Elon Musk wearing a maid costume so let's spend around 10 million dollars on that okay okay okay wait wait I just want that one to show off let's buy another head and regular ones for five million dollars okay hold on hold on hold on now I gotta buy a house to store all my cars let's buy a cheap five million dollar house now let's see if I have any money left over [Music] looks like I got a little bit any questions okay let's go whale hunting we're just gonna ask them a simple question how much have you spent on this game hello I just have a quick question how much have you spent on this game if they say free to play they're probably lying we are betting on the fact that they will not lie to us over the Internet who blesses and one BP how much is that 20 I think okay thanks so we have twenty dollars so far can we find someone that's like in the five digits hi can I ask you one question how much have you spent on this game you guys think he's free to play seventy dollars we're ramping up we're already ramping up how many characters do you have five star wise see one Gene and venti DeLuca Chang Chichi ayaka and John Lee that's not bad that's actually pretty good for seventy dollars oh thanks let's add up every single person that we come across keep a good counter right here okay we got two we have two hi do you guys speak English I just have one question how much have you guys spent on this game none okay free to play do we believe that a lot what is a lot give me a number you don't know that's actually really dangerous you don't keep count okay like what's a lot that has a different meaning depending on who you speak to oh my God they don't know give me a rough estimate more than 200 why do they censor everything 200. oh ah what characters have you gotten McDonald's why is this guy saying McDonald's not a Chichi why can't you get Chichi unlucky I guess your roster of five stars okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten three weapons how do you get three weapons is that from standard Banner you guys get weapons from standard Banner ah I see thanks freaking wild man can you believe somebody spent 200 on this game unbelievable SMH am I right guys wait this guy's a lot wait definitely hi do you speak English no okay bye okay this guy let's see oh my God okay all right do you speak English oh they speak English just one question how much money have you spent on this game 300 wait that's actually what I'll teach you you don't keep track of your spendings wait you guys actually don't keep track of it XD indeed they ask about me uh I'm free to play no big deal reply with the smiley face and leave thanks for answering so we're at what three so two plus three five ninety we joined like four worlds and we're at 590. let me join check out the five star unit in my pants okay can I join your world okay I guess okay I guess not oh that's unlucky why do you guys do this to me why do you guys always put me in a situation where my life is in danger when I join your world oh my God what if they don't even speak English what if they don't even oh my God I'll be so sad hi do you speak English this guy's doing this dailies wait answer my question first wait hold up I need any I need answers oh they say yes how much money have you spent on this game I'm waiting what does that mean what does that mean so are you gonna answer the question or not around twenty dollars shocked face that's all I wanted to know thanks smiley face six hundred and ten dollars so far I do you speak English well let's look at there let's look at their this might be free to play you never know how much money have you spent on this game you're free to play that's a liar I don't trust anyone that say they're free to play there's no way but we'll trust them we'll take their word for it thanks friends answering wait what did their constellation sakes I'm sick and tired of typing speak English so I'm just you speaking [Music] oh I'm tired how much have you spent on this game aha is that bad is that good is that bad wait let me check their profile um this this that's hard to tell that's hard to tell it's consolation zero but what about the hutau nothing this this uh this might be free to play wait what 600 you've been buying BP and welcome since February 600 okay let's add 600 to this so it's like 12 oh my God we're ramping we're ramping fast 250 joymia Banner for C6 say you wait they spend 250 dollars for C6 four star if you're unlucky you could be spending a thousand dollars on that banner and still not get a C6 four star okay we're gonna ask them what they do for a living can I ask you what your occupation is if they say they don't have a job I'm gonna ask them what their parents occupations are okay I'll say it's okay to say no it's completely fine smiley face we're reassuring them that they don't have to answer the question summer job at a factory what Factory you're straight out of high school so no bills to pay okay their parents are definitely it was 16 an hour so you spent one week worth of pay 16 an hour I earn more at McDonald's oh my God yes am I actually rich oh oh wait but don't you have to go to college actually though wait actually you forgot to sign up for college I knew it oh my God all right we're gonna stop there okay thanks for answering help him with some Financial advice I should be the last person to go to for financial advice do not you've been streamed for two hours yeah yeah yeah oh my God can you guys stop this that they died what am I doing why am I help I help those right there I just take those I'm not mean though hi do you speak English no Spanish okay we're out we're out hi how much have you spent on this game nothing around a thousand wait he said free to play you just said you were free to play he just said he's free to play oh wait wrong person oh my God their profile picture confused me they have the same one oh okay this guy okay this guy's free to play but this guy spent a thousand we're really ramping and I ask you what your occupation is students thousand dollars on this game as a student high school that's not normal wait a minute should I ask him what his parents do yes okay is your dad Jeff Bezos [Music] can I ask you what your parents occupations are you don't have to answer okay don't wanna he doesn't want to okay okay no problem thanks for answering I just want to find like the biggest whale possible in this game I just want something to answer something like twenty thousand dollars or something I just have one question how much have you spent on this game they're asking me why it's for my thesis paper we'll hit them with a really sad face so they know that is true God wait why am I the one being interrogated yeah they said they'll answer if I answer what if they're baiting me what if they baited me to answer and they're not answering wait what if they kick me out right now don't kick me don't kick no I answered honestly you can't do this to me wait they're asking me how much I spent wait no they didn't I thought they were asking me if I was in college I said yeah wait what oh haha I'm free to play they don't believe me what you didn't really answer my question but okay bye sad face you guys think it's my profile hmm let's just forget about any of these characters every time I think I take 10 damage yo same I you speak English okay we're gonna start with I'm doing a survey I'm doing a survey just one question how much did you spend on this game we have to mask our intentions uh what's this survey for my high school project okay they believe me they believe me a little bit more than a hundred huh a little bit more than a hundred huh do we believe them that's a bit sus that's a lot of five stars for a hundred bucks they must have a really good gaming chair you know thanks for answering just one question um doing a survey for my middle school project how much did you spend on this game under a thousand that's not helping would you say that it's higher than 900 about 900 okay so that's like what how much is that okay we'll just say 790 790 so that's 3200 flat I think hope it helps oh they're so nice I feel bad I feel bad I feel bad thanks for answering we asked like what more than 10 people right and the total cost is only 3645 add my money yeah I'll add my money okay let me just add my money I'm free to play so so let me add my money 3645 plus zero there we didn't get any whales I'm surprised by the amount of people that spent a thousand dollars I spent money I didn't spend money you guys you guys are accusing me of a crime that I have not committed I would never lie to you guys why would I ever lie to you guys that's that's my least favorite thing to do [Music]
Channel: itspaikon
Views: 1,630,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, itspaikon
Id: wzxSU3CHiJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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