If the Dream SMP was an Animated Series

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thank you only tomorrow you want to build drugs with me well but I thought you would never ask so what I thought was imagine what would happen if we could get every brewing stand off the server right so everyone's brewing stand is gone and then we make an Empire out of producing all the potions on This Server so I I I I spent a little bit of time uh I worked on something oh what the [ __ ] come with me oh my God wait are we becoming drug dealers uh no we're not becoming drug dealers of the sort at all Tommy okay all right if anyone asks what do we what are we people ask what are we gentlemen mm-hmm who live in a caravan come in and why don't we call it nanberg or alternatively mantopia but manburg and mantoka don't sound European enough it's got to be well man bug Le man Le manberg you've got it you've got I think it would be more like this it would be more like this I believe I don't think it will be we just need the red and we need the red and yellow dive they'll be black and yellow black and yellow and go bees oh my God I love cheese I'm sorry I'm sorry oh my God [Music] hey why is there a wall around your hot dog van Eric we're succeeding you're succeeding yes all right there is one rule though there is one where we'll come back in yeah what's what's one rule you need to remove your armor oh we fight with words here error no words and occasionally with just words just words all right you get the built borders are looking looking solid we do need some more black though dude Tommy in it yeah Tommy in it yes all you've done for this nation is you've you've you you're one of the faces of it right thank you but you need to understand that you're you've you've you've done very little in terms of um in in terms of uh you know setup I mean look behind you look at Eric working hard building well but you haven't seen my Embassy you're being a bit harsh take me to remember see you need to change that sign no no it's still in my this is still what give it to me I'll do it why this is what's become now told you I feel like Tommy listen to me like this was the call this is the conversation I wanted that video I feel like you're not devoted to the cause this is you've got it you've got to invest give up my home no we're starting a revolution Tommy this is hard you've got to give some things up man Tommy yeah the Declaration of Independence forever the nation of the dream s p have cast great sins Upon Our great land of the Hato dog van they have robbed us imprisoned us threatened us and killed many of our men this time of tyranny ends with us this book declares that the nation which will be henceforth known as Le manburg is separate emancipated and independent from the nation of dream SMP the union of Masters of men Together We Are One when in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one to dissolve the bonds which bind us disregarding of this truth is nothing short of tyranny we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal the right of the people exists above the right of the king the right of the government and the right of the economy from the hotel dog van we shall prevail life Liberty the pursuit of freedom signed by Wilbur tubbo Tommy in it and Eric [Music] oh wait guys guys [Music] [Music] I have murdered people in this outfit no don't all this I'm I'm frightening and I'm menacing and I'm dangerous [Music] sweet boy My Little Champion my little Champion oh [ __ ] snake that's my little champion it's medicine and dangerous wait I'm sure it is my my movies on is that is that my pretty son yeah yeah [Music] I'm not shy I'm looking good you're looking at me I'm looking at you tubbo where are you yep just keeps keep spinning around keep spinning around like that that's yep you're doing it you're gonna find me like that okay if you just keep I see you over there I went to that stream oh [Music] keep spinning around just keep going [Music] find me if you keep spinning with me keep going keep spinning what do you think keep going you'll find me you'll find me yeah you'll find me just keep spinning keep spinning keep spinning okay [Music] oh [Music] I'm gonna tell you what Eric you've done a great job for our nation for our great nation [Music] Tommy [Music] and Wilbur and the rest of Le man childbirth we are at War no matter what happens during this war there is no mercy no matter who wins and who loses and we have shot one warning shot inside your walls just just remember that we're on the right side of History here and we have no mercy you know what makes it do you wanna do you wanna know what makes us different from those four no mercy for you this do you understand but we don't fight with armor we don't need armor we win more words if you do not surrender we no matter what happens no matter what goes on here and we will take back the land that is rightfully ours we are definitely not the villain I want to see White Flags White Flags outside your base by tomorrow at dawn or you are dead [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the final control room there's nothing in the chest a traitor down with the revolution boys [Music] it was never meant to be he knows our plans he's going to share that with them I only I wanna I wanna stock report Tommy in it what do you have weapons armor what do you have okay uh let me just play some some some some nice music turbo what do you have weapons armor I can't be bothered Fundy what do you have weapons armor-wise I have a crayon suit what the [ __ ] are you asking for me oh God okay okay well I'll be honest with you [ __ ] yeah I'm right I I agree is anyone okay sure time's looking tough but remember we fight with our words our Declaration of Independence is signed by a traitor [Music] all right how could you uh listen to me and I mean this in the nicest way possible you [ __ ] up all right farewell gentlemen [Music] laughs he said he'll light this piece of TNT if we don't rescind now gentlemen I think you stand but I want you to stand alongside me herelin gentlemen [Music] Independence or death if we get no Revolution then we want nothing we would rather die than give in to you and join your SMP dream and that is our final you can blow up one piece of TNT in our door all you want it means nothing to us foreign [Music] [Music] a gentleman so I thought okay here's what we're gonna do I don't think we can win this I don't think we can listen my friend we have each other and I'm gonna play the music disc the dream forever tried to steal from me now in this last moment between us uh okay I'm really not sure how long we have left okay any last words like the sly last move please there is no Sly last move we we must we must basically we we have such a lower opportunity here that we probably just need to accept the conditions of surrender just so we can save any more Bloodshed any more destruction on our land right they've they've they've tracked they've they've they've entrapped our land they've set up bombs on our land they've destroyed all our homes to stop any more Bloodshed I feel I would be a bad General if I didn't if I didn't look for conditions of surrender Tommy in it I want you to I want you to come with me to meet with dream and and talk with him okay and I don't want and I don't and I want you to make sure you don't run your mouth Tommy in it no no CH no challenging dream on his honor no none of that okay okay it's been an honor you did well you did well Tommy thank you you were a good right hand man I'm just it's just a shame that it has to end like like this when like in this pathetic looking for surrender on our own lands look dream I'm here to negotiator surrender okay I'd I'd say we we fought well yes uh you can say that what do you mean you could say that with how much you were against you fought well you had you had such a big decision don't say that to her we thought incredibly all right you egotistical green incredibly well we just fought a little bit better dream you know oh yeah you know yeah you know what what are we fighting right now what's the details of the 1v1 half a heart Beau Jewel 10 paces we shoot each other Tommy but we've got to do it we've got to do this Tommy your life is worth more than the road look around us right for the independence if you win if you win then you can have you can have Independence okay if you win you can have Independence if you lose you don't get independence and I get Melo High the disc Theo okay it's sundown told me this is for the revolution this is for Independence don't take this lightly all right this Jewel means a lot well what happens if I miss what happens if I miss Tommy this was your condition I told you your passion and your fire in your heart is is brilliant for the war but it's not good in these situations you've oh my gosh you have you you've really got yourself in a mess you've you've got yourself in a mess Tommy in it do I shoot him well or do I aim to the skies Tommy I want to do whatever I want you to do whatever your heart says you should do ready one two three four five six seven eight nine ten Paces fire it has been it has been settled victory that boy that funny let's go we're going back Eric you are officially barred from entering our nation understandable and I and I I you also smell and are bad and I and I never and I never liked you anyway oh and and yeah your voice isn't even that good yeah and it's and it's you just you just sound like if me and you just sound like if me and technoblade have like a bad child and I'm tired of you oh my God oh the the man this was all for you the manburg the scum window it's very emotional this was all for let's give you guys a fighting shut up Eric I don't give a [ __ ] oh I did this all for you Le manberg this was all for you have you heard the poem Ozymandias Fundy I have not please enlighten me I I can read it to you if you want but I mean I could just say go and read it yourself read it to me Fundy read me the poem Ozymandias my name is on Ozymandias King of Kings look on my work ye Mighty and despair dream I know what you want from me no okay I'll do this for the manburg I'll give you both of the discs if you let us have our independence both of them wait cat and Malahide that is a very very interesting deal that is very selfless of you those are your discs for the for the member you know for Wilbur for Turbo nothing beside remains round the decay of that colossal wreck boundless and Bear the loan and level Sans stretch far away this that's Tommy what were you saying is there any more to the poem no that's it as far as I'm concerned uh well but Wilbur I I've secured our independence you you what what how what what did you do what did you how did elaborate this I gave him the discs well I gave him the discs all of them yeah oh all of them shut up Eric yeah all of them sorry sorry I gave up the discs what the Yeah Yeah I need a new book I need leather and I need leather I need paper I need ink and I need feathers we've lost so much listen it doesn't matter that we don't know anything now because we have what is so much greater than a physical item freedom my son we have Independence hey the decree shoot me yeah of Independence signed I'm gonna keep it short and sweet gentlemen as we gaze upon the swaths of redwood trees the Great Hills to ourself and the walls that have protected us four years I as the now president of Le manburg we're not Democratic I've elected myself hereby state [Music] sucking green boy [Laughter] and the and the freedom [Music] all right [Music]
Channel: MelodyAnimation
Views: 697,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dream, dreamsmp, tommyinnit, wilbursoot, tubbo, eret, fundy, animation, art, animatic
Id: SALBk1TtQpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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