If Rainbow Friends Was in Minecraft (Hide & Seek)

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so dudes welcome to Minecraft Hide and Seek rainbow friends Edition we can hide as rainbow friends there's also a new Rainbow friend so stick around till the end to find out which one it is and also hit the like button to make the like button turn rainbow hit the Subscribe button let's do this all right Sizzle to the first secret let's do this boys we are in the the what is this called oh geez Hemlock Woods this is Rainbow friends hide and seek how this works as I said in the intro I think I don't know I haven't done the intro yet so you see the purple guy look you can actually click them oh [Applause] [Laughter] all right also the boys are recording too so if anything funny happens on their screen they're gonna cut to their screen and my webcam is gonna go Russell cut beautiful Russell cut the sun hey Russell look at how stupid sizzles is parkour all right sigils in three two one go dude never gonna find it oh I forgot whenever you say Marco we gotta shoot a firework so yeah speaking of Marco Marco no we can't oh boys what all right go to F5 mode okay whenever you're holding out of firework you're holding it so don't hold out a fireworks put it away put it away did you guys Marco obviously who's purple why would anybody be purple man wait sigils you're supposed to be luring like you're really scared because there's all these rainbow friends oh Manny why are there so many I'm so scared right you lose a minute for every firework he does yeah every firework he loses a minute he's down to four minutes what does that mean wait wait who you good so there's there's a thingy in this game whenever you get out of one of these rainbow friends you're invisible for half a second I'm gonna use that to my advantage no somebody set off a Marco in here no no one would do that no one would ever do it would be this little purple right here are you listening for the Rockets it wouldn't be this little purple right here would it no of course not anybody want to say anything before I hit this purple no no he took a deep breath all right listen listen any of these people want to admit they have a crush on me before I kill him no it's a little weird no are you why are you crazy what are you doing are you okay what am I doing Marco all right I don't even see his name anymore I don't know about you guys what'd you hear Bud what'd you hear but okay I know you're here is it is it is it you what's it wait what am I what are you hearing I'll give you another Marco ah yeah yeah William come here stop morphing you're so tired two minutes and 30 seconds oh I see sigils I see sizzles dude I'm trying to find a good hiding spot oh what is this oh I found the new Rainbow friend wait how do you get here oh I gotta figure out where it's at I will find it and I will find the best hiding spot ever next round 10 seconds thank you you read the rainbow all right next round uh zudden Biffle who's going next me okay bibble's next all right Biffle yeah turn around you bald little man all right okay so I figured out where that command block is it's right here check this out look at this we're in the end game of rainbow friends there's blue so I need to go all the way to the end to find the new uh the new Rainbow friend and we also have another Minecraft Rainbow friends video come out later this week it's actually pretty sick I think okay is it this way where's it at oh look at this all right Biffle you ready in three yeah two one ready go six minutes Mark goes I'm going to put your Sunday Marcos do I have to mark up look at this hiding spot now one of you wouldn't be green I'm taking your legs out no no please not my legs [Applause] everybody gets one no one someone mark it over here nobody Marco dude even if he finds me how's he gonna yeah somebody Marco late I am on someone's tail right now dude look at this new Rainbow friend though that looks terrifying I don't have to like Blue's little brother terrifying brother oh hey come back here no way first every time dude towards me what am I supposed to do he died to death oh Pat come see where I'm at what do you think wait what I'm in the main room now okay am I gonna be found what rhymes with no dude okay he only has one kill you are literally funnier than a Freer yeah I passed you oh please don't talk to me like one minute 39 seconds Chinese where could you guys be what is this what do you mean what is this what where did I just get teleported to what do you mean where did you get teleported that's not a thing we don't teleport on this map here I walked past 52 seconds I'm going through the whole system what are you talking about oh man I'm going through an adventure system what in the world is all of this there's no way one of of you is hello are you are you okay which what is it there's one of you out here I don't know what's happening where are you hello 15 seconds what are you doing what is this place what embarrassing what happened turn around what you are an animal you are a bad man stop evil cheated that and killed his account last round is a turn to seek let's do it all right go hide I'm not looking wait also but during your guys sneaking around did you guys give yourself strength uh 200 no what no no weird I wonder why you didn't wait what no you can't change I didn't change anything I didn't just hide why but don't hide in three two one you will die okay I'm gonna clear out this entire room rocking me like rockets already I didn't hear stuff but it was far away okay I'm gonna clear this entire area right off the gate go so I have to come back here okay I'm gonna need don't say it okay I'm just gonna kill this guy okay [Music] Pat you did not go there I was gonna ask for a rocket right there but I'm Gonna Save the rocket for back here since there's so many uh no one in their right mind would have gone okay okay I need a rocket give me a rocket okay I'm rocket okay I did it ow none of these blue guys oh I cleared the entire ending area that is what I'm talking about nobody's in the spawn area he's sweaty he's so so sweatying soon dude you're literally sweating rocket if you're literally yes the answer is yes you have to rock it no matter what but wait what that's cheating I don't make the rules tell me right now here's what I'm thinking I'm gonna need a rocket right now okay I've rocketed but not because I wanted to already somebody just rocking it right in front of me who is it you said we had to okay Sunday I'm gonna be really honest with you I didn't rock it one time don't follow the rules there's uh four L's and so those names wait I don't have any kills but I shouldn't have two kills right is that many kills I'm doing it right now you should have two kills all right I'll give you a hint okay you've walked over me twice dude I have four minutes left I'm finding all of you okay I'm gonna clear this room I'm gonna clear this room all right I want to see where that is rocking me no you have to no I don't okay Dad okay I'm mad at him wait I heard another rocket you rocketed whenever I left I don't know what it's happening anymore but I'm scared oh yeah I'm gonna hang out with my rainbow I just heard the orange guy yelling no no how'd you know that how did you hear that I just heard an orange guy I'm a younger man an orange guy was walking can you stop using your ears the way that you are yeah it's kind of like a sonar okay okay he's dead ears oh I'm gonna need a rocket okay all right oh you guys are far I don't know what you're doing I don't know what you're doing to your life oh no listen I feel like I'm in a pretty confident spot he'll never find me okay I'm gonna need a rocket I'm actually really confident too I'm gonna need a rocket I rock it didn't hurt rocketing okay another one how many more do you want design talk about some bad timing inside yeah he knows he knows he knows too much I'll try to morph inside no don't tell me guys don't tell me dude I'm talking about as soon as I ran through the door it exploded that's so dumb timings welcome welcome to the bad timing clubs guys please don't tell me it's not fun here so you can't use mine I was hoping you wouldn't think about it because you didn't I need a rocket all right rocketed oh gosh two minutes because I like it wait are you the the one or the other dude if I get one more kill I win you know what that means you guys have to go to the store and buy me all the Rainbow friends okay I'm expecting her follow me you got some work to do I will lead you to him okay okay we're good back to normal no delete on me okay rock of me okay I'm rocketing I messed no I can push the right button get it together dude you are so far away I don't know I need to go back to the other one okay you were 18 minutes keep it alive wait beautiful you literally this is what I did on your round shut up why would you say that I saw his name right he knows everything man I don't know what to tell you to teleported he might have known everything of everything [Music] are you kidding me bro I had no idea memory dude no he had no idea as I was coming around the corner I saw a biffle's name when he was switching spots always your fault people no I I try to rock you but he asked for it like button hit the Subscribe button they gotta buy me rainbow friends plushies all right bet
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,212,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BBgSZ76a6ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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