IELTS Writing Task 1. AVOID these MISTAKES!!! Boost your BAND SCORES with these TIPS

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hello and welcome to the ielts multi-step program my name is lanrie and i'll be your anchor through this session today we'll be dealing with the writing section of the ielts and this is unarguably one of the most challenging areas that most non-native users of the language find challenging so what is it about writing that makes it so difficult to pass what is it about writing that ensures that a lot of people do not go beyond the band six mark what is it about writing that ensures that a lot of people make simple simple mistakes that drops their scores every day and every day today i'll be walking you through the mistakes that you've been making the mistakes that a lot of test takers make and the strategies that can correct these mistakes and shoot you from a band 6 or band 7 to an instant band 9. but before i start this video i will point out that a couple of tips that i will be sharing with you and the most important tip is towards the end so you need to watch this video till the complete end for you to get the best benefit from this session come along with me as we begin this journey so what is the writing section of the ielts what does it entail is it the same for both the academic model and the general training model that's where we'll start from for the academic model your writing is in two parts for the general training model also the writing is in two parts you have writing task one and you have writing task two the combined duration for both tasks is 1r while writing task 1 takes you 20 minutes writing task 2 is designed to take you between 40 to 35 minutes for the academic model your writing task 1 is simply a report where you are supposed to interpret visual data in the form of a report for your writing task one for general training you are writing a letter this letter could either be formal informal or semi-formal and usually it is drawn from a context that is either work related academic related or even a social scenario for the writing task too both models have the same question for the academic and the general training model you will be required to write an opinion essay where you will be required to give an opinion or to give a view or to give a claim that you will defend with reasons and examples to illustrate your point very straightforward and easy and simple task so why is it that so many people fail this simple task and that is what we're here to explore today our schedule for today will run through this and i will read out the shadow so that you can follow through as we go further remember these videos are designed to help you in your self-study uh process and also designed to complement whatever out of class experience that you're having in preparing for the ielts remember that you need to pause the video at several intervals or rewind them to get more to get the tips clearly and also ensure that you can practice or deploy them instantly interpreting the question will be the first stage and after that we'll move to the general training writing task one on to academic writing task one and then we'll deal with the writing task two which is the same for both models and what we'll be dealing with when we get to the writing task two will be we'll deal with the introduction writing the body paragraphs and concluding we will also take a look at peculiar question types and tips to address them and we will also look at editing proofreading and improving written work finally we will take a look at connectives and the grammar behind ielts writing these will form the crux of what we'll be discussing today and i can assure you that it is loaded with nuggets and tips that would ensure that that desired success that you want is something that you can achieve so why is interpreting the question the first and most important task that you need to do when you get to the writing section of the ielts over time we have discovered that a lot of non-native test takers do not take their time to interpret the question people set out to write a 250 word essay without even understanding what the question requires of them at the end of the day you would have written a load of beautiful nonsense with the right words the right expression the right grammar the right vocabulary but you did not answer the question the marking criteria for the writing for the writing task in the ielts has task achievement or task response as the most important criteria what does this mean did you answer the question fully did you answer the question correctly so in a 20 minutes task for task one i would advise you to spend at least four to three minutes depending on your um on your level of interpretation or your language or level of language competence four to three minutes interpreting the question taking the question paper looking at the question running it through your mind and trying to decipher if there are any hidden angles to the question is something that is compulsory and non-negotiable you must interpret the question correctly before you can attempt to start answering the question or sharing your thoughts or even developing your thoughts about it please do not disregard this it is it is equal to failure if you start an ielts essay without having a full grasp of what the question requires you to do i have seen people set out to write a letter in the general training writing task one and they do not address all the written prompts there all the outlined prompts there i have seen people set out to write the academic task one for the academic model which is um the report for a visual data and they do not address all the information on the graph or on the pie chart or on the bar chart that has been given to them i have also seen a lot of people set out to write the opinion essay in the writing task 2 without taking cognizance of the fact that there's a hidden element in the question that they need to respond to failure to do this will ensure that you do not go beyond the band six irrespective of how good of how cool or how perfect your pairs of expression are so interpreting the question requires you to break it down into different parts so what are the different parts of an ielts question for the writing task one which is academic what you have is this you will have a sentence set in the context for what you're going to describe a sentence set in the context for what you're going to address or describe so you could have for example the batchat below shows the percentage of people who attended cinema shows between 2001 and 2011 in australia that is the centers that set the context for the question the second part of the question will now i will now ask you to summarize the main details and make comparisons where relevant this is the second part of the question and it's a very very important part it is clearly stated there that what you need to do is a summary of all the main details and also a comparison where relevance a lot of people set out to write a report by putting down all the details there be it major or minor without making any comparisons definitely this will not allow you to get the maximum scores applicable for the writing task one for the letter in the general training model for the best for the writing task on the general training model you'll be given a letter you'll be given a question that could read write a letter to your best friend um you have recently decided to travel out of the country write a letter to your best friend who has agreed to house seats for you in the letter and they will not give you um three or four prompts that would be under the sentence that has been given to you in the letter you should say you should give information for contact information for when you're away instructions on how to take care of your pet and further instructions on other household chores that you might be uh willing or that you might be interested in you will discover that these three prompts have been assigned to you to help you structure your letter if you write a letter a very good letter without addressing any of those prompts you will be uh you will be seen as not answering the question fully and you will not get the maximum scores applicable for that task so you see that interpreting the question is a very significant step in the journey towards success in the writing section of the ielts and it is something that you cannot afford not to do so let's move on to the academic writing task one before we even get in depth into the structure of what the writing task entails i mentioned earlier that the complete duration for the writing section of the ielts is just one hour and for the act for the writing task one you have 20 minutes to write to deliver a piece of written work that is not less than 150 words now this might seem like a tall order for people who are not used to writing regularly but if you look at it it is actually quite easily done as 150 words is very minute or small before we go further i'd like to just quickly clear something a lot of people ask me how do i decide if it is 150 words or 250 words how do i know if i'm writing the prescribed number of words easy task when you take a piece of paper from a notebook a notebook being a normal notebook that is ruled already that is lined already what you need to do is you need to count number of average words that you use in writing a sentence on a page on a line so for example if there are 20 lines on a page and the average number of words that i write for every line is 7 words that means that if i write 10 lines i have written 70 words so this is this is an easy strategy for you to know if you are writing in accordance with the prescribed word count and this is something that can be done easily within three to five seconds and should not intrude into the time that you will be using to think up your thoughts or develop your ideas for the writing task i've seen a lot of people write their essays or write their letters and stop halfway just to count the words and i discovered that what this does is that it immediately distracts them from the task at hand you do not want to fall into this trap and this is something that is easily avoided if you just take note of the tip that i said earlier for the academic writing task one what does it entail and how does it look like what can you do to be the one who succeeds the most in the academic writing task one there are different types of data that will be given to you in academic writing task one remember it is simply a report of a visual data that you have been given you're writing a report describing what you can see here your knowledge your opinion your views your claims do not matter in fact this is not the type of task that you need to put in any external information you are not asked to interpret what you can see you're only asked to write and describe what you can see a lot of people fail the writing task one for the academic model only because they go there to interpret the data that they can see so you see information in a graph and then you start making assumptions or you start jumping to conclusions given the date by using the data in the graph or in the chart to make those assumptions that is not your job for the writing task one what you are expected to do is simply describe what you have on the piece of paper in front of you so what are the different types of data that could be given to you in your writing task one you could have a diagram you could have a map you could have a pie chart you could have a bar chart you could have a graph you could have a flow chart describing a process those are the six common types of data that could visual data that could be given to you in the academic model in the writing task one for the academic model why is it important to know these different types of data it is important because the first thing that you will be doing in the introduction of that writing task is to describe what you can see to give a description of what you can see so your first sentence would have uh would be would look like this the graph below or the graph shows the graph illustrate the chart illustrates the pie chart illustrates the bar chart illustrates the diagram depicts all these things that i've just mentioned points at the fact that you need to know the exact word for what you can see on your question paper to be able to describe it adequately it would not be appropriate for me to use the word diagram to describe a bar chart it would not be appropriate for me to use the word map to describe a flowchart knowing the exact word to use to describe what you can see on your question paper is the first step on your path to success in the writing task one for the academic model the next thing that you will be doing after that is to decide if the data you've been given is is either static or dynamic what do i mean by static data data that isn't changing it is fixed if it is dynamic it means it undergoes changes now dynamic data is usually found in graphs while you find static data usually in tables or in charts what is the difference and what is the significance of knowing if this information or if the data that you are dealing with is changing or it is stated when you are using words to describe the actions or to interpret the data that you have you will understand the importance of different of differentiating between dynamic and static data in subsequent videos where we'll be doing practical sessions of answering questions on the academic writing task one i will be giving you a practical demonstration of how to employ vocabulary that is peculiar or that is particular to either static data or dynamic data so i will not stretch that at this point
Channel: PrepClass IELTS TV
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Keywords: IELTS, ielts LISTENING, ielts WRITING, ielts READING, ielts test, ielts listening test, listening practice test 2020 with answers, ielts listening test 2020, ielts listening 8.0, ielts exam, ielts mod, ielts prep, ielts preparation, ieltsng, ielts nigeria, ielts idp, ielts british council, ielts speaking exam, ielts tips, ielts listening sample, ielts lagos, ielts abuja, ielts speaking practice, ielts writing practice, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking sample, ielts ng
Id: O0qWub9hvOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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