IELTS TOEFL Academic Vocabulary: Transportation & Travel

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hi welcome to write to the top I'm Adam in today's video we're gonna look at vocabulary but more specifically we're gonna look at transportation vocabulary now again it's important when you're building your vocabulary base to try to have some sort of groupings don't try to remember every word that comes across like randomly try to isolate words into specific categories and topics and that way when you're learning them within that chunk within that group it's a little bit harder a little bit sorry a little bit easier to remember them especially since you can relate them to other words okay now the list of words are gonna look at actually it looks like a lot but it's really not and a lot of these words many of these words you already know so you're wondering why am i putting these words in the list why am i including these words in the transportation vocab video well one of the things I want you to do when you're building your idea Bank okay and for those of you who don't know what an idea Bank is there's a video up here you can link to and watch when you're building your idea bank and you're collecting your vocabulary it's very important to also remember to make a separate category for call locations so it's important to understand when to use take when to use ride when to use Drive when to use get in and when to use get on and when to use embark so even though these words may look very simple these are the words that if you make mistakes with will cost you the most points on the IELTS or TOEFL writing section because remember at this level at this stage of your English learning the graders expect you to have certain basics right for example you should know the difference between it's with an apostrophe and without an apostrophe if you make a mistake with lose and loose the graders are looking a little bit harder on you because again this is IELTS this is TOEFL you they assume the assumption is that you are you're trying to get into a university or College in an english-speaking country so if you don't know the differences between these base things it's a bit of a problem and that's why I've included some of these here okay so we're gonna go through all of these let's get started take so what do you take what do you ride what do you drive basically you take any vehicle that is operated by someone else you get inside but there's somebody else's operating you take the bus you take a taxi you take the train now you could take a plane to Paris but again remember you want to also have flexibility you want to also show a bit of range you could just fly to Paris fly includes the plane just like drive includes the car but you can drive other things you have to be a bit careful you can only fly a plane you're not gonna I mean technically you could fly a hot air balloon to Paris but why would you right so ships aim you can take a ship or you can go by ship or you can sail to England from Canada etc right you ride in an open vehicle right opening means like there's nothing around you like you're just generally sitting motorcycle you ride a motorcycle you ride a bicycle you ride a horse you don't have to be sitting though you could be standing you're right a skateboard but essentially there's nothing around you you're like in an open air and you're on some sort of vehicle okay drive when you drive something you're operating it yourself mostly we use it with car truck and boat because you're driving all of these things that have an engine or that have a motor if you're not sure you can operate all of these things operate anything that isn't that has a motor or an engine etc now you get in when you get in something you're sitting so you get in a car you get in a truck you get in a taxi you go inside and you sit you get on something that you're standing okay so you you're standing so you get on a train you get on a bus even if there were their seats you can walk to the back you can walk up and down the train you can walk up and down the bus you can get on a boat on the ship I should say because you can walk and then you know there's nowhere to walk in a taxi there's nowhere to walk you're just sitting right away all of these things you when you're getting on you're standing eventually you can find a seat unless it's on an open-air vehicle in which case like you're sitting like you get on a motorcycle you get on a bicycle and you sit but you're in open air again it's a little tricky little details here and there but the more you practice it and the more you read the more these become tattooed on your brain as they say now board board embark disembark when you talk about a ship or you talk about a train you can board the train you can board the ship you can board the bus it's the same as get on essentially now the reason I want to mention embark and disembark embark get on disembark get off you go directly with the vehicle embark a train embark a bus embark a ship if you embark on something and this is again that's why it's important to understand phrasal verbs it's important to understand idioms call locations and this is why the graders want you to use these things don't be afraid of phrasal verbs in your writing if you embark on something means you're beginning a journey embark on a mission means you're beginning the mission the journey to that mission embark on a career your career is a journey you're starting your career so be careful not to mix embark on with embark a vehicle now mode of transportation and means of transportation generally speaking there are almost the same many people use them interchangeably mode technically is the approach to traveling so you're traveling by air by land or by sea the means of transportation is the actual tool the actual vehicle you're using car boat taxi now you can use mode of transport or mode of transportation means of transport means of transportation both are okay some are one is a little bit more popular in British English one is a little more popular in American English both are technically correct but when you talk about transports for the most part we're talking about commercial transportation we generally more about passenger and speaking about commercial and passenger commercial vehicle or commercial transport we're talking about cargo okay I forgot to mention this here actually I'll put this here commercial vehicles carry cargo shipments basically to companies to companies or materials or parcels or etc passenger vehicles carry passengers so commercial vehicles have a cost there's the cost of shipping the cost of the labor gas or whatever you're using tariffs customs etc passengers have a fare they pay they buy their ticket they get on they get off that's all there is to it okay and you can use transport you can use a vehicle for basically both both them passenger transport not as common passenger vehicle more common commercial transport more common but again interchangeable now a lot of you will have a there's always going to be a possibility of a question about traffic big cities versus small towns and modern lifestyles and all these things a lot of people talk about traffic so you can use the word congestion or you can use the word traffic now traffic doesn't mean many many many many cars that you can't move traffic just means any movement along a highway or a sidewalk you can even say pedestrian traffic if you're gonna open a business like a store you want to open on low key in a location that has high pedestrian traffic or high foot traffic a lot of people walking back and forth that will see your shop and come inside right if you want to talk about a traffic jam that's when cars are so many cars that they can't move then you can talk about traffic jam now never use the word jam without the word traffic they go together this is a fixed collocation if you say jam it means something else it could be something you put on bread and eat very tasty like strawberries or blueberries or whatever or it could be a slang word for a difficult situation you know he's in a jam he's in a difficult situation if you want to talk about traffic traffic jam both together now I've seen people you say traffic jam traffic jam traffic jam you want to have synonyms you want to have options heavy congestion congestion just means traffic it doesn't mean a lot or a little it just means it's happening heavy congestion is the same as traffic jam gridlock bottleneck because a bottleneck a bottle is wide and then it comes to the top where you actually drink that's the bottleneck it becomes narrower all the lanes come together all the ones in the back slow down that's why it's called a bottleneck you could also say bumper-to-bumper traffic but that's more informal more slang not for academic writing now commute if you're talking about traveling from work to home to work to home we call that a commute okay you do this every day you do the same route but basically every day if you want to talk about rush-hour traffic you can just say the morning commute or the evening commute the morning commute is understood as the time that everybody goes to work and therefore there's heavy traffic and there are traffic jams the evening commute people are coming home from work heavy traffic traffic jams okay so these are extra words that you can use for that a lot of people talk when they're talking about the environment or a city living or the problems with city living and the problems with cars etc the most common things I see our got cars release co2 our cars release harmful gases that's fine if you want to be more specific when we're talking about the exhaust the pipe that comes out of the back of the car cars emit fumes or emit noxious gases or toxic gases or they discharge gases or the emissions that come out of cars are very harmful to the environment or the fumes basically these are all the same things so the gases are emissions or fumes to release to emit to discharge again just have options when it comes to this particular topic now a lot of people say move to another country or go traveling in another country you should try to avoid another country because a it's two words B is they're very common words that everybody knows go abroad travel overseas so abroad and overseas these are words that you probably know I'm not teaching you anything new here but I never I almost never see people using these two words and writing I don't know why very good words try to use them in other ways move to another country emigrate relocate or relocate overseas or relocate abroad resettle in another country abroad etc resettle in my in a new host country if you're moving to a new country that new country is your new host country or if you're visiting it's a host country as well be very careful with migrate migrate just means move from place to place we usually talk about people who are looking for a job they will go to one place they will work when there's no more jobs they will go to the next place find work so they keep moving around emigrate or emigrate means making the move once and re settling so be careful not to confuse these words again we're talking about cars it's electric cars not electronic cars and not electrical cars and I see this mistake quite often if you want to talk about Tesla you're talking about an electric car and you don't fill it you charge an electric car you fill up a gas car you fill it with gas so autonomous cars self-driving vehicles same thing autonomous means working on its own power ok it doesn't need somebody else to control it now of course all of these words are very you but if you don't actually put them into practice it's meaningless that's how you're going to improve your vocabulary and improve your writing so to do that here's a question for you more and more people are choosing to work from home by a computer and companies are increasingly allowing their employees to do so what might be some causes of this development what are the benefits of doing this so using the words I gave you until now try to answer this essay question using as many of these words as you possibly can again just to get yourself some practice I have also written an answer to this it's on my website there's a link in the YouTube description box you can go see my essay for this topic ok and that's a very straightforward lesson some vocab help remember car locations are very very important they're looking for them make sure you know how to use them correctly if you make mistakes with basic words it hurts you a lot more than using big words correctly or semi correctly ok if you have any questions please go to the youtube comment section and ask me there so you like the video please give me a like don't forget to subscribe to my channel come back next week for more hopefully helpful lessons bye bye
Channel: Write to the Top
Views: 81,125
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Keywords: IELTS, TOEFL, English writing, writing skills, language test, English grammar, English vocabulary, high score, how to write an essay, essay writing, test tips, test preparation, synonyms, IELTS high score, TOEFL high score, language skills, collocations, IELTS writing, TOEFL writing, IELTS essay, academic vocab, phrasal verbs
Id: 0zFjJAZH5mA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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