IELTS TOEFL Academic Vocabulary: Work and Income

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hi everyone welcome to write to the top I'm Adam in today's video we're going to start looking at how to create vocabulary chunks or groups for your words today we're going to look at vocabulary and collocations and very specifically we're gonna look at how to speak about work and income okay and this is especially for those of you who are actively building an idea bank and you're collecting your vocabulary and you're putting them into categories and into groupings that will help you remember the words more easily now it's very also very important to remember not only should you be studying vocabulary like individual words but you should also be working on car locations these are very important if you want to increase your lexical resource score on these tests collocations are basically pairs or group of groups of words that naturally or often go together they just work together so for example you don't do homework so you don't you don't make homework you do homework so du plus homework is a collocation these two words naturally and often go together okay as an example so today we're gonna look at work and income and there are a lot of different words you need to know in order to avoid repeating words so again if you're not sure what an idea bank is there's a link up here that you can follow and if you want to know how to avoid repeating words there's a video for that as well you can look at so let's start with the worker okay and I'm giving you an example so you can apply this to all the different categories like health and education and technology etc so I see a lot of essays where people write worker worker worker work job you have to try to get more variety of vocabulary in your writing okay that's how you're gonna get the higher score so other ways to say worker of course is employee which is the most common synonym that people use you can talk about staff generally and you can also talk about individuals as staff members instead of saying workers or employees personnel shanell basically means staff and again it's more about the collection of workers in the place the breadwinner this is more of a colloquialism it's like a little bit more everyday casual language but you can still use this in your academic writing the in most households the breadwinner is the man but this is changing and more and more women are the breadwinners of the family okay so you can say something like that this is a very common word and you can use it naturally in an academic essay part-time or full-time er instead of saying part-time worker say part-time or make it into a noun of a person with the ER suffix okay wage earner somebody who earns an hourly wage or a salaried employee somebody who earns an annual income right wage per hour salary per year a hire now here a lot of people know to hire somebody means to give someone a job but you can use hire as a noun so a hire is a person who was hired right and I'll give you example sentences at the end a freelancer is a type of worker a contract worker or just an employed person lots of different ways to talk about worker talking about having a job now having a job doesn't just mean that you're working for a company there are the ways to talk about or to say that someone has a job okay and notice we have have a job have an occupation have a profession career vocation all of these are a little bit different a job and an occupation more or less the same a job in a profession different a job for example a dishwasher in a restaurant or a cleaning lady in a hotel these are jobs okay a profession you went to school for you have some higher education and some training for this particular thing that you do like an engineer engineering is a profession cook in a restaurant that's a job but cooking a restaurant can also be a vocation a vocation is something that is skills focused or talent focused that you probably got some training or you've practiced enough that you're very good at it so a cook is a vocation and you can make a career out of it if you work in restaurants for many years and climb up the ladder and become a chef or sous chef exaggerated et cetera now you can say that you have a job or you work as something I work as an engineer I work as a teacher I work as a dishwasher do something or do something for a living or verb that thing for a living right so I do editing for a living right part of my work is editing work so I do editing with a noun or I teach for a living the key here is for a living means for payment for money that helps me live and pay the rent and buy food etc so that's another way to say have a job be employed as something make money or earn money make a living earn a living we already mentioned that but earn a wage a salary a livelihood or earn one's keep earn basically means you you do something and in return you get money wage a salary again hourly annual livelihood just income once keep etc now you can say you can add if you want to explain what it is that you actually do right so I earn a wage by cleaning hotel rooms I earn a livelihood as an engineer etc or get paid for a very casual way to say it again again I'm just giving you a lot of vocabulary a lot of car locations here just to show you how to build this category right so don't get overwhelmed with all these words but keep them in a notebook and make sure you write sentences up for them so that you know how to use them and then when you're writing your essays they're ready to go you can just use them and get your variety in there another way to say income remuneration it's a hard word to say just pay now pay notice here is a noun not a verb right my pay is not very high this year because I I get the promotion I hope next year to get a promotion and get higher pay as a noun not as a verb compensation this is basically what you get in return for your services you can get a compensation package you know discuss that more in the benefits some people get in allowance means every month you get a certain amount of money if you're doing volunteer work some people get a stepand especially if you're talking about an intern or an apprentice so technically they are not staff they are not employed they're sort of volunteering their work and they're getting an education for it but a lot of companies give a steep end or an allowance so when you finish your apprenticeship when you finish your internship the company or the person who gave you that position will give you a chunk of money as a reward a little bit as a thank you for your effort not as a job payment financial incentives this is anything that makes you work and gives you something money back and reimbursement you can also talk about it's not exactly an income it's more of a trade you give something like your services you get reimbursed for your time you get paid for your time or your services now income is one thing that people care about when they look for a job but these days more and more people are interested in the benefits that companies offer for position right an income basically means every month this is you this is how much money you get benefits are on top of the income or sometimes instead of the income so we have fringe benefits now for a lot of people this sounds like your French benefits but it's nothing to do with France or French fringe benefits basically means it's like extras on the outside so health care like health insurance maybe you get a car or a car allowance maybe you get a subway ticket all kinds of different things that basically save you money it's not so much a payment it's more of like a savings to you because they give you that you can get perks perks are basically like extras bonuses perks and bonuses are basically the same idea okay commission this is a percentage so for example this is especially for salespeople let's say you selling a product and each item or each unit of the item is 100 dollars and you get a 5% Commission means that every unit you sell you get five dollars for and this is usually on top of your base salary so a lot of people especially sales people they get a base salary plus Commission or plus tips or plus whatever the perk is or whatever the benefit is so Commission okay and bonus as I mentioned a lot of people work for tips in Canada or like in in I guess Europe as well or in the States some very high-end restaurants very fancy restaurants where a couple will spend three four five hundred dollars on a meal the waiters work only for tips they don't get paid by the restaurant they work only for tips but it's a lot of money and it's all cash money so they don't have to they can play with the taxes a little bit when you leave a job if a company fires you or if it's time to retire or they just they have to cut cost and let some people go they will offer a severance pay or a severance package severance means cutting off so we're cutting off our relationship with you I'm the company and I'm letting you go so here's a big chunk of money or here are some payment for the next six months or health insurance for the next year so you you don't know there's no hard feelings and you don't sue me for letting you go and you may have heard this expression golden parachute this is for executives when they are let go from a company maybe there was a scandal maybe there was something else they need the company needs to fire them they usually give them a severance package but the payment is so big that it's called a golden parachute because you're gonna land on your feet very comfortably because you're making so much money your parachute is made of gold you can sell it after you land on your feet okay couple more categories if you're talking about surviving financially if you're making enough money to survive or if you're gonna thrive if you're making a lot of money so again earn a living wage means make enough to live that's it make ends meet same idea live page to paycheck means you get your paycheck for like every two weeks let's say that paycheck will cover your living cost for the next two weeks then you get your next paycheck next two weeks so people who live paycheck to paycheck or who are just trying to make ends meet etc or they make the bare minimum which is minimum wage all of these people are they don't save money they're making just enough to survive if they lose their jobs they're in big trouble okay and they're already struggling to pay the bills rent utilities groceries what like transportation all these things they need to pay for if they lose their jobs they can't pay for that so they're basically on the borderline of survival of bankruptcy on the other hand you have people who are who have a high paying position or a high paying job maybe they make six figures or they pull in six figures six figures means $100,000 or more again depending on currency you work with you can also say they make a killing but this is slang don't use it in your academic essay but if you're taking the IELTS general and you have an informal letter of course you can use that in the speaking test you can use that as well okay so again don't worry about knowing all of these expressions and all of these words keep them in mind and start learning them start listening for them start reading and keeping your eye out for these expressions and start remembering and start using them as much as you can okay oh sorry it's like oh that was a second last one one more you can lose your job or you can quit your job if you're losing your job means somebody else is doing it to you that's why you'll notice that all of these car locations are in the passive form except for the slang ones and all of these are inactive here somebody else is doing it to you here you're doing it yourself be fired or be let go bye bye be laid-off similar idea the company tells you to leave but that's because they're the economy is bad they can't afford you they might take you back later if you don't have another job who knows to be made redundant basically they the company makes your position irrelevant they don't the company just doesn't need you anymore and so you're asked to leave this charge determinated basically all of these mean fired or let go get the axe get the pink slip get sacked these are all me all mean be fired in a slang so don't use them in your academic essay to quit you can create a say okay bye-bye I'm out of here I don't want to work here anymore but if you're in a high level position like a CEO or an executive somewhere then you resign okay if you're in a middle-level or a low-level job or position then you just give notice you go to your boss and say I will be leaving in two weeks time so that's your two weeks notice and so they can find somebody to replace you step down also from a very high position like CEO president etc you step down means you give up power maybe you stay in the company maybe you leave retire could mean that your just gotten to the age where you just stopped working or you you quit the entire industry okay so sports people especially like when they play athletes sorry when they play sports on a team eventually they get too old they can't keep up with the young guys anymore so they retire they stop playing and then they just get another job maybe in the same industry maybe somewhere else well so you can resign or you can hand in your resignation same idea so now a few sentences now the reason I'm showing you these not to so show one thing is right one thing is wrong just to show you how to better get better vocabulary in your sentences for example those who earn their living in the hospitality industry instead of people who work in the hospitality work every day word to common not gonna get you the points if you can say who earned their living then you're using a car location then the graders will give you a little bit more point for that depend largely on tips to make ends meet okay they need the tips in order to have enough money to survive these days many young young job seekers negotiate for better fringe benefits they want more bonuses they want health care insurance etc such as and then you give a specific example of a fringe benefit it shows that you know what it means and it gives a better example for the whole argument you're making in the essay insurance as opposed to a higher base salary like just a monthly or weekly payment on account of increasing health care costs okay cost of health care many companies offer their personnel instead of their workers their employees their personnel just a better word attractive perks bonuses extras time off etc bonuses results based bonuses as incentive there's a motivation to work harder right to increase productivity economic downturns tend to hurt wage earners and that wage earners are the people who get paid by the hour more than professionals these are people who get a salary right so a wage earner works at McDonald's or a hotel or carwash a professional works for a big company and went to university has a degree in something okay so you can talk about these two things as well in a seniority system a seniority system is one where the last person who got hired is the first person to be fired when the company needs to cut costs okay so in a seniority system the last hires and notice I'm using this as a noun here the last hires the last people to be hired are usually the first to be laid off when cuts concurrently the highest earners the people making money are often made redundant they say ok you're we don't really need you anymore so you can leave and we'll give you a nice severance package to leave and the company saves money anyway ok so again these are just examples the key is for you to take all of these new words all of these collocations and expressions and use them in your own sentences don't force them into your writing let the graders understand that you actually know what these words mean and how to use them okay and that's it for today I'll make more vocab videos I know everybody likes these videos you want more vocab but if you have questions about this particular video please ask me in the youtube comment section if you like the video please give me a like don't forget to subscribe to my channel and come back next week for a video about writing grammar vocab whatever okay I'll see you again then bye bye
Channel: Write to the Top
Views: 67,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, TOEFL, English writing, writing skills, language test, English vocabulary, high score, how to write an essay, essay writing, test tips, English, writing, English test, vocabulary, word choice, synonyms, IELTS high score, TOEFL high score, lexical resource, language skills, collocations, IELTS high band, essay ideas, IELTS writing, TOEFL writing, high band score, academic vocab, academic writing, academic vocabulary, vocab variety
Id: UF6Va4scXwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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