Use these 10 phrasal verbs for a higher score on IELTS & TOEFL

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welcome to right to the top I'm Adam in today's video I'm gonna give you some more vocabulary to use in your academic writing especially for the IELTS and TOEFL or any other English exam and I'm gonna look at ten phrasal verbs that are academic level okay so we're gonna look at ten phrasal verbs for academic writing and these are the ones we're gonna look at turnout map out put forward point out phase in or phase out adhere to narrow down bring about factor in turn down now just for a quick review what is a phrasal verb a phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and a preposition where the two words together can often have meanings other than the two individual words themselves so I'm going to show you the meanings of each of these phrasal verbs some synonyms you can use and a couple of sample sentences for each so that you know how to use them in what context etc so let's start with turn out turn out sometimes turn out to be basically means that the result is so there and usually it's unexpected it's not the result that you expect it to happen it's something else so the meaning and or another phase of verb you can actually use is end up being and that being means the same has turn out to be means the final result or something proves to be so this is what's happening and then if this turns out to result in this so a little bit you're thinking about result and unexpected and the result ultimately means finally at the end after a thorough search of the building the fire alarm turned out to be a false one so somebody rang the fire alarm the fire department came they're expecting to find a fire because that's what happens and they look through the whole building and it turns out to be a false alarm so in the end finally or it ended up being a false alarm there's no fire be careful about what you include in your resume because if it turns out if you can't do some of the things you claimed there your reputation will be damaged so this actually happens a lot people lie on their resumes but a company might hire you because of a specific skill that you mentioned or something that you have experience in doing if it turns out it's the result or the finally it see it the company finds out that you can't do this or you don't have this skill they will fire you and you'll have a bad reputation and have a hard time getting another job so turn out or turn out to be is that your first phrasal verb next adhere to now here I also added a couple more abide by and comply with all of these essentially mean the same thing adhere to has the literal meaning of stick like physically stick like glue but it also means to follow or believe something strongly like an idea or principle or a religion for example or it means to obey rules laws agreements and abide by basically means keep comply with means follow or do as you're agreed to do in many situations you can mix these phrasal verbs the meanings are subtly different but by by means you you keep the word the rules as they are written as they were given comply with means do the action that you agreed to do and here to basically means follow and obey the rules or the agreements that were made so synonyms stick attached follow obey stick and attach that's the physical so the patch you you have a let's say you have a wallpaper on your wall and there's a little hole so you want to take a piece of wallpaper like a small piece and put it on top to cover it so this is called the patch now the only way that this patch will adhere to or will stick to the wall is if you remove the dirty surfaces you'll get to clean it so the patch will not adhere to a dirty surface if it's not clean it won't stick that's the literal meaning of it here too many people believe in God even if they do not adhere to the teachings of any particular organized religion so you can believe in God but not adhere to Catholicism or Islam or Judaism for example well you you don't have to abide by the teachings you don't have to keep them adhere to you don't have to obey their teachings if either party fails to adhere to the terms of the contract means follow the terms or comply with do as the terms say you have to do or abide by means keep them the way they are written in the contract they will be in breach breach of contract and liable for any damages incurred breach means breaking the contract liable means responsible incurred means happen or get the damages that you acquire from breaking the contract okay so that is adhere to let's move on map out so just as you think about a map a map has roads and plans and legends and all that and it shows you where everything is so if you going somewhere on a trip you have a destination you can use the map to know how to get there you can use the same idea when you're making a plan you map out the way you're going to do it so if you have a campaign or you have a trip or you you're just making plans you want to put everything in order so you know what will happen at each step until you get to your goal right so synonyms our plan outline think through carefully calculate or create a blueprint for create a blueprint for a blueprint is a synonym to a map it depends how you're using it some people try to map out their entire lives right from college only to be disappointed when reality has other ideas so some people think that while they're in college they'll study business is that they'll get a job with this company and work there for a year and then they'll go to another company and work for a few years and they'll move up the ranks and it will come they'll become manager and eventually CEO and then they will retire and reach and happy this is a good thing to do it's good to map out your life but don't necessarily have to stick to it too you don't have to adhere to it too strictly because reality will change things somebody will get sick there'll be a strike there'll be a recession all kinds of things happen in life so you can't really map out your life you can have an idea though some people try to do it up to you before spending even a penny on your business invest some time to map it out so that no unforeseen expenses derail the project if you're gonna have a business make sure that you have thought about all the different things you're going to need all the problems you're gonna have all the solutions you may need to come up with basically everything that can happen have it written down have the planned out have it mapped out so there are no surprises and things don't cost you too much money and then you lose the business derail the project take it off the tracks make it not work that's a good expression to use as well it's idiomatic so yeah feel free to use that in your academic writing so that's map out narrow down so narrow is the opposite of wide you have wide and you have narrow so when you narrow something down you reduce in size volume or focus now we're not talking about physical things you can to narrow down your staff you can't make a smaller staff you can narrow down the skill set of the staff you need so you can you can narrow down you can reduce the idea or you can reduce the number of people you want to apply so narrow down the the qualified staff and get rid of all the other ones right minimize focus concentrate condense the synonyms academic advisors often tell students not to apply to dozens of schools or there should be schools yes but rather to narrow down their options to no more than five or six schools that they really want to attempt so if you're applying to university don't send your application to 20 schools or 30 schools find five or six that you really want to go to and put all your energy on that so narrow down your options narrow down your potential schools and notice that I italicized the two if you want to express the limit within the sentence so narrow down to that limit whatever the number is or whatever the situation is okay after the first round of interviews the company was able to narrow down its list of candidates to invite to a second interview so a company put out an ad for new employees a thousand people applied so obviously they're not gonna interview a thousand people so they go through the resume resumes they look at all the people who make mistakes they get rid of those so they've narrowed down their resume choices to 500 then they look at all the skillsets and they experience listed in the resume and they narrow down their potential candidates to 100 then they do a phone interview based on that they narrow down their realistic candidates to 20 invite them in for a second interview and hire the right people okay so narrow down focus something again all of these very good for academic writing and narrow down to be used in many contexts so it's a good one to have next put forward put forward present or offer for consideration like an idea an opinion an argument present proposed offer suggest you can also put forward a person means you nominate a person where you put that person up for consideration for a vote etc the arguments put forward by this study are questionable means somebody put out a study like a research study but the arguments that this person presented or questionable because he didn't support it with the right type of analyses for example if you're writing an essay in the task for you again IELTS or TOEFL the task says some people believe that you can say some people put forward the opinion or put forward the idea that that's a good synonym to use for that the outgoing CEO will put his deputy forward as a possible successor as she's ready to take over the job with a seamless transition so I'm the CEO of a company I'm retiring I've had enough I want my deputy my second in charge my second in command to take over because she knows the business she can take over very quickly there's no training there's no adjustment period it is very seamless very smooth transition okay so that is put forward bring about needs cause something to happen so cars lead to effect generate or make so basically you will make you will create a result and I'll show you that in a moment as well some sociologists are concerned that the rampant use or the widespread use of social media and the writing styles associated with it will bring about a rapid decline in future generations literacy skills and employability so these days young people write mostly on social media and they write you know very short things just words maybe some emojis they don't really use full sentences the problem is that they're creating a bad habit and if this bad habit continues it will bring about a decline in their literacy skills they won't be able to read struck a serious text they won't be able to write well enough to communicate they won't be able to get jumped so this will be the result so of this situation this this situation will bring about this result many economists agree that the fragile state of today's economy was brought about by now remember a phrasal verb is still a verb you can still use it with different tenses you can use it in the active or the passive etc in this case it's the passive was brought about by unchecked government spending I can replace this phrasal verb so the fragile state of today's economy is the result of notice I changed there was two is because I'm talking about the result I'm not talking about the cause of the result so the bring about you're talking about the cause and the result and the result is just the so I hope that's a little bit clearer so that's bringing about next point out now literally you can point something out with your finger but in terms of writing you obviously your finger is not there so you have to signal something signify something so bring attention to something literally with a finger it should be a sign not a thing ID say something right so you're identifying something you're saying something about it synonyms indicate mention remind bring up so bring up is another good phrase or verb it means raise raise for discussion or raises an objection etc when a municipality changes Road rules they usually place signs in affected areas to point out these changes so before they change of speed limit from 60 km/h 250 km/h they will put all the signs around to point out to people that this roads speed limit will change in a couple of months that way people are not suddenly surprised by it example seems relevant a brave student was quick to point out a case that even with the principal would not work so the professor brought an example to to support whatever the topic of the class was and a student pointed out or said showed basically that this example doesn't work in this particular case so this is a very important thing to remember about point out point out is all usually used in reaction to something else so you have an argument and then somebody points out a problem with the argument or you can point out as support for the argument right the professor presented an example the student pointed out a problem with that example while this argument has merits it is worth pointing out that it lacks a concrete example to support it so worth pointing out is a good expression it means it's it's important to mention that and then whatever you're going to mention so something is good but it's also important to remember that something else it's important to point out in the into that first thing okay so that is point out factor in so factor in you're usually talking about including or making a calculation that's where the factor comes in so to consider certain details while planning something or making calculations you want to include certain details so consider account for include our synonyms account for another phrasal verb that you can use in your writing if you are making plans to travel to Canada in the winter be sure to factor in the weather when packing your clothing so when you're thinking about the clothes to wear don't forget to consider to include warm clothing because the winters that are very cold you know sometimes minus 20 minus 30 in the winter so make sure you have gloves scarf hat except etc many small businesses fail because the owners did not factor in unexpected cost before starting out so while they were mapping out their business plan they did not factor in they did not include unexpected costs and when these unexpected costs like gas price goes up two transportations more expensive or there's a strike with the workers anything can happen if you don't are not prepared for these unexpected costs you can lose your business you can fail because you'll run out of money okay so that is factored in phase in phase out basically they mean the same thing but in opposite directions so when you face something in you introduce it slowly gradually over time usually in stages when you phase out you remove it slowly gradually over time in stages this will be changes or rules or laws or systems you can't do it suddenly because people won't adjust when you phase in or faith people time to adjust to the new thing whatever it is so head off it's plans to phase in new POS systems point-of-sale systems at all locations now they can't go to all locations and suddenly change everything so they will phase it in over the next six including training for all stuff they will go to one store they will put in the new system they will train the staff make sure everything is running smoothly next door next door next door until they've done all of them the army wants to phase out its use of man to surveillance flights so planes with pilots over enemy territories and replace them with remote operated drones so they want to take out the pilots and use more drones phase out the pilots phase in the drones so it's not too quick everybody can adjust all the technical people can adjust the pilots can find new work etc ok so that's phase in phase out and last one turn them now remember phrasal verbs have multiple meanings so you can turn down the volume on your stereo you can turn down the lights but what I want to look at here is in terms of academic writing turn them not accept something or an offer our request to say normal to refuse so in some cultures it is considered impolite to turn down and did an invitation from a colleague if somebody asks you out for dinner like a co-worker or someone someone you meet at a business conference in some cultures if you say no they will consider it an insult so just go for dinner even if you're not hungry but in other cultures you can just take a rain check a rain check a good expression it means promise to do something another time these days young people often turn down good job offers from companies that do not have strong environmental records so young people today care about the environment a company that is a big polluter might offer a young person a very good job but they will turn it down because they don't want to be associated with a company that destroys the environment they will refuse the job offer ok so there you go 10 phrasal verbs with different uses make sure you know how to use that make sure you know their meanings be a hundred percent sure of the meaning and the usage of a phrasal verb before you try to put it in your essay don't force them in ok how do you practice make sentences here below in a in the youtube comment section you could go to my Facebook page you can go to my Instagram page there's the link for that you can go from try to get on there if you want more writing practice and reading practice you can also join my facebook group there are a lot of people in there right now they're reading their writing they're commenting join up use some of these phrasal verbs in there again it's all about practice from engvid this is another youtube channel I do more basic introductory English I also sometimes do more advanced English I have another video with another 10 phrasal verbs you can go watch that the link is below in the youtube description box and that's it I hope these were helpful I hope you can use these in your writing if you want to increase your vocab score use idiomatic language don't forget to watch my video about a dramatic language to understand what that is it's phrasal verbs idioms collocations get to know these then that's it yeah if you like my video give me a like don't forget to subscribe to my channel and click the notification button so you'll get notices when I get put up a new video and come back soon I'll give you some more vocab licensed grammar lessons writing tips tests tips etc see you again bye bye
Channel: Write to the Top
Views: 23,489
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Keywords: IELTS, TOEFL, English writing, writing skills, language test, English vocabulary, how to write an essay, essay writing, English test, word choice, English skills, IELTS high score, TOEFL high score, lexical resource, language skills, collocations, phrasal verbs, how to write in English, IELTS high band, IELTS writing, TOEFL writing, academic writing, academic vocabulary, IELTS prep, IELTS test, TOEFL test, IELTS success, TOEFL success, English teacher Adam
Id: oWxkxGvGkPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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