IELTS TOEFL Vocabulary: 7 High-end Alternative Words

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hi everybody welcome to write to the top I'm Adam in today's video I want to talk to you about vocabulary and vocabulary for your IELTS and TOEFL writing now you've often heard me say that to get a higher score you're going to need some high end vocabulary what does this mean high end this means very good words that are used naturally in the correct context the correct syntax means the placement within the sentence and that they are not forced now not all high end words are big words sometimes they're very small very common words but you just don't realize that they have other meanings or they could be bigger words that are not so commonly used but they suit certain situations very well ok so what I'm gonna do today I'm gonna give you a few words that people commonly use that they use regularly in a lot of different essays and I'm gonna give you alternatives to these but again remember don't memorize words and try to force them in understand the vocabulary and use it as naturally as you can ok so the words we're going to replace today are decide or choose these are synonyms I'm gonna give you other synonyms which are a bit higher end and when I talk about the side or choose it's not like going to the convenience store in choosing a bag of chips or an ice cream cone it's a bit more serious when you're talking about serious things when you're talking about options you have options and you have to choose yes or no do or don't do something that is a little bit affects your life a little bit more seriously so serious choices okay we're also going to look at believe and consider which people use in their essays all the time especially for opinion essays so we're talking about an opinion or a view okay not whether you believe that aliens exist or things like that you have an opinion you have a viewpoint and you want to present it I'll give you a different way to do that now get now sometimes you can use it when you're talking about buying things you're getting things through a purchase but what I'm talking about get here you're getting possession of something and we're talking about something that is very necessary and something that it's a little bit more serious again you're not getting a pizza you're getting something a little bit more substantial than that and negatives drawbacks disadvantages so these are the most commonly used words when you're asked to discuss are the positives and negatives what are the advantages disadvantages are there any drawbacks that that type of essay I want to give you something different because it's a very good word people don't use it enough so I'm gonna talk a little bit about that today let's start with decide to choose to do decide to do choose to do again remember it's based on options so we're talking about elect now we're think about politics when you when there's an election you go and you elect your leaders your politicians so you're choosing them opt comes from the word option so remember I talked about options here so 2 opt is to make a choice is to take one option over another and notice you can opt to do something or you can opt for something verb or a noun following the opt so a couple of examples if a user decides to volunteer her personal information and return for access to a particular application and she has no rights to later criticize the issuer's use of this information so there are a lot of different applications on your smartphone when you choose and when you download an application they say okay could we have access to your pictures to your information to your email etc you can say yes you can say no you have to choose to agree or not agree if you don't agree you don't get the application so when you make that choice you can elect to volunteer a volunteer means give willingly give without fighting so you elect to volunteer her personal information instead of decide to elect means choose but it's after a careful decision okay I can also say if a user opted to both are okay decides to chooses to elects to opt to all work here elects is a good word not used enough business majors may choose to focus on a particular industry right away or they may choose to take general courses in their first year in search of a field of interest so again you're going to school in your business program they say do you want to do do you want to study the petroleum industry or do you want to just have a general courses and decide later what you want to focus on so you can choose or you can opt to focus on something you can make that choice or you can opt for general courses you can make the other choice opt to focus verb opt for courses nouns okay so these are very good options for decide or choose now believe or consider think about your introduction paragraph when you have to give an opinion or when you have to present a debate some people think this some people think that many people believe that climate change is in fact a consequence of human activity so many people hold now everybody thinks hold you're holding on to something right yeah that's true hold also means you're holding on to an idea which means you have an opinion or you have a viewpoint so this is a very everyday word but this is the uncommon use of this everyday word and these are the kinds of things these are the kinds of words that will increase your vocabulary score your lexical resource score the Internet has changed our concepts of artistic achievement in fact there is no longer consensus on what one may consider to be hired consider what one may consider to be hired one what one may consider high-art a lot of people use consider as don't do that that's usually a mistake consider to be or just consider high art and the word we're replacing it with is deem this is a very good word it's not a rare word it's not a strange word it's actually a pretty common used word but people don't commonly use it on the test so may deem to be or may deem high art and again you don't need the ads although a lot of people just think it naturally belongs so deem means have the view or hold on to the idea that something or consider is another synonym for this word which is why we're using it hold deem believe consider synonyms try to use these two if you can but again naturally don't force it in I'll give you another example of a little introduction paragraph so getting by as I mentioned before we're gonna use acquire and procure now acquire commonly use there's enough people using this word and it's a very good word I'm including it here because not enough people use it you should get to know this word very commonly used but this word procure this is a very good word if you think about the military there's something called a procurement officer this is the person who gets all the supplies like the food the uniforms and whatever the base needs for its soldiers so very good word very serious situations right in politics ambitious people are known to get what they need by any means whatever they need to do they will do it to get what they need or to acquire what they need if they need power they'll acquire it if they need connections they'll acquire it if they need some sort of connection in terms of business they'll acquire that as well low-income families can barely afford their daily staples things that they use regularly such as food let alone be able to buy so they can't even afford food let alone means like not even not even to mention be able to buy medicine for their children so or to get medicine for their children so this is a serious issue medicine for their children they need to procure procure means get by some serious effort or some strategy or some very strong need for something so you'll find a way to get it you'll find a way to procure and again procure cinnamon forget and sitting them for by and more serious serious census okay last one negatives drawbacks disadvantages and again when you're giving an opinion statement or you're doing a comparison essay detrimental to to the detriment of or just detriment noun okay three different ways to use this word though convenient online shopping can be a drawback when it comes to a person's social skills this is my thesis for the essay and then I'm going to explain to you why or what are the drawbacks or online shopping can be detrimental to and when you use detrimental we usually use to something specific detrimental basically means harmful or this said this advantageous to something or it can be a detriment or like a harm or a drawback or a negative aspect to a person's social skills detrimental to detriment very good word people don't use it enough try to use it okay but again naturally don't force it in just because you remembered it so just a quick inch apart of an introduction paragraph while some deem part-time employment to be detrimental to a student's academic success so while some people think or consider that working part-time while a student is harmful or is negative or is disadvantageous to a student's academic success others hold others believe Dean believe that the skills a young person can acquire can get I wouldn't use procure here I would use acquire through this work-study balance are more valuable etc etc okay so I'm using three four of these words right away in one paragraph now a key point to remember if you're going to establish from the introduction that you're using high end words you have to follow through all the way if your introduction has these big high end words in it and then the rest of your essay is all simple words throughout the graders will understand that you just memorized a few big words put them in at the beginning and then just went to the simple you're still not gonna get your lexical resource score okay be consistent throughout start building a collection of good useful high end vocabulary okay and that's it a few words to get you started I'll make more of these videos give you some more high end words some better alternatives to commonly used words if you have any questions about this video please ask me in the YouTube section again I'm not gonna answer all the questions I'm just gonna answer the more popular ones read each other's comments like the ones you want to see answered come back at the end of each month for a Q&A where I address these questions okay in the meantime if you liked the video please give me a like please subscribe to my channel and come back next week for another hopefully useful lesson okay see you then bye bye
Channel: Write to the Top
Views: 37,967
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Keywords: IELTS, TOEFL, English writing, writing skills, language test, English grammar, English vocabulary, high score, how to write an essay, essay writing, test tips, academic vocabulary, lexical resource, IELTS writing, TOEFL writing, writing task 2, IELTS high score, TOEFL high score, high-end vocab, language skills, vocab variety, vocab building
Id: upvRW4cNKGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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