IELTS Speaking Vocabulary - Talking about Sports and Hobbies

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hello its teacher Neil again and today we will be talking about sports and hobbies now in your IELTS speaking exam you might be asked these questions so here are some useful phrases and vocabulary words that can help you to express yourself and to best your IELTS speaking test now let's get started shall we first to begin to describe your freetime activities now here are some phrases that you can start your sentences with in my free time I bla bla bla so for example you can say in my free time I like to go to the gym in my free time I like to go running another way we can say when I have some spare time I like to go out with my friends spare time means that the time that you are not working your free time so let's just write here free time free time and spare time there are different ways of saying the same thing however if you're very busy we can use the word spare time when I get the time I like to go to a coffee shop or I like to play some sports with my friends all three of these sentences are good ways to start describing the hobbies and activities that you like to do moving on if we go over here to say you are interested in your free time activities now these two sentences are good ways to say how much you enjoy your activities I am into into means of course interested interested but you can also add another word to say how much for example I am really into or I am super into lifting weights I'm really into playing frisbee with my friends or I am super into jogging I jog almost every weekend and every night I am keen now keen remember is more of a British word it is more of a British way to say into which is more American or just interested so I am keen on going to the park I am keen on going out with my friends to coffee shops I'm keen on walking around the city so these two way these two sentences are ways that you can say how interested you are in your activities now the next question that you may be asked is do you enjoy indoor activities or outdoor activities indoor usually means it is in a house or in a building an outdoor usually means it is outside or in nature so outside or in nature or in the city so you can use these words to describe how deeply you are into your indoor or outdoor activities starting with the indoor activities we have the word culture vulture now a culture vulture is a slang term it's a rhyming slang term but it focuses on culture so that is usually things like a museum or theater or film or art gallery so you can say you know I'm a bit of a culture vulture so I like to go do indoor activities such as going to the museum or going to art galleries or sometimes I go to the theatre you know I'm not a sporty person I'm more of a culture vulture going on lead an active social life now social life means that you like to talk with a lot of friends or do activities with a lot of friends so when we have it in an indoor context you can say you know I lead an active social life but I like to keep it indoors so I will invite my friends over to my house and we'll play a lot of board games or we'll just go to the museum to hang out with each other another interesting and funny slang word that you can use is a couch potato now what a couch potato is is someone who likes to sit on the couch so usually it's in your own house or other people's houses it just means that you don't like to go out much you like to stay in your house and sit on your couch or sofa so you can say you know what I'm a bit of a lazy person I'm a bit of a couch potato so the activities I like to do is generally playing some video games or watching TV or just sitting at home and playing some card games at home moving on let's look at the outdoor activities now outdoor as we know means you go out of the house maybe you'll go to nature or you'll do some working out at some gyms or outside places now we have sporty person what a sporty person means is that they like to do a lot of sports they like to be athletic and they like to be active so these are active people who like sports and they like moving so if someone asks you what kind of activities do you like to do you can say well I am a sporty person so usually when I have free time I like to go out and play some soccer with my friends I like to play badminton I like to throw a frisbee with people moving on a fitness fanatic now when you see the word fanatic that means they are really really into something so almost like obsessed but we can also just say super into something and of course fitness we know means being fit so you can say well I am a fitness fanatic so I like to go to the gym I like to go running I like to play sports I like to do anything that's active I could never stay at home and be a couch potato so these are people that are very serious about being fit moving on enjoy the social side of something so these people are not fanatics they are much more relaxed or chill so you can say you know I like going to gym but I enjoy the social side of gym I am not really into lifting weights but I like going with my friends to the gym and talking while I'm there get into shape of course we know means making your body look nice or get a good shape so you can say you know I like to get into shape by going to the gym or I like to get into shape by walking my dog or running outside so that generally means making your body look nicer and getting rid of your fat improve my conditioning or another word for that is my stamina or another word for that is my fitness so you can say I am an active person I enjoy outdoor activities to improve my stamina so I will go hiking or I will go mountain climbing to improve my conditioning so I can get more fit so that I can get into shape I am NOT a fanatic but I enjoy the social side of mountain climbing now we will be looking at some verbs that you can use to describe what kind of exercises that you like to do so let's start with the word take we can use take for example to say I like to take a walk after work or I like to take a brisk brisk meaning fast or strong something that makes you breathe you know not an easy walk I like to take a brisk walk in the morning to get me ready for the day another way we can use the word take is if we say take up and what that means is to start something start something new so you can say you know I'm thinking of taking up exercising or another example kungfu I'm thinking I'm thinking I want to take up kungfu I've been reading a lot about it and I think I'm ready for it so just remember don't confuse the two you can take a walk or you can take a break but take up means to start something new I'm going to start taking up boxing moving on let's look at the word play play is usually used when we're talking about sports so when you say that you do sports we will generally say I like to play tennis or I like to play badminton with my family or I like to play baseball on Saturdays you can also use the word play in different forms for example I play for a local team in my city or you can say I am going to play a 60-minute match this weekend or you can use the sports I'm going to play a 60-minute baseball match this Sunday could you please come and watch me so just remember the word play is generally used for sports or things involving a team now moving on we will look at the word go go and run so go is usually used for something like exercise or fitness or an activity that will give you fitness so you can say I like to go swimming sometimes or I like to go running in my spare time sometimes I will go jogging if it's not too late or on a Sunday I like to go hiking in the mountain the word run will be used specifically for the activity of running but we can run in different places so just remember to add the places name and what kind of running you will be doing I go running on a track now a track is usually at a school or at a stadium which has a track layout or you can run on a treadmill now if you don't know what a treadmill is a treadmill is like a running machine that you can find in the gym so you can say this afternoon I will run on the treadmill for 30 minutes or I am preparing for a race so I'm going to go to the school to run on the track over there moving on we have do now do is usually used for kind of sports that are not so common and things that you do not do with a team or with other people for example I like to do boxing in my spare time or I like to do gymnastics gymnastics if you don't know what that is that is using your body in different ways jumping flexing or bending your body in different ways do judo judo of course is a martial art a martial art so all of the martial arts will also be using the word do I like to do kung fu' I like to do judo I like to do Taekwondo I like to do karate you cannot use the word play you do not say I play karate I do karate because do is usually for serious activity serious activities I like to do aerobics or for something that's not so serious you can say a specific exercise let's just write here specific exercise I like to do push-ups and pull-ups at home I like to do weightlifting I like to do gymnastics at the gym or at home finally you might be asked the question do you like to go to the gym or how often do you like to workout or why do you go to the gym and you can use these words to express how often or how intensely you like to do that so when someone asks you do you go to the gym you can use the words work out or if you want to sound more casual hit the gym which of course is a slang word we're not really going to hit the gym it just means go to the gym so you can say I i work out to bulk up now what bulk up means is to get more size if you're a skinny small guy and you want to have more muscles you can use the word bulk up so bulk up means get bigger maybe you're a girl and maybe you want to burn fat now burn fat of course means to lose weight and especially body weight so you can say you know every Tuesday and Wednesday I hit the gym to burn some fat and you can use these words to describe which specific fat on which body part you want to get rid of oh you know I want to burn fat I have to get rid of my muffin top now what is a muffin top a muffin top is if the girl shirt is up and you can see her tummy going over the belt line we call that a muffin top get rid of my love handles now the love handles are on the side of your body and if you have fat going on the side like this we call them love handles because you can hold on to them like handles alright just remember the word head and handles and we have the word spare tire now a spare tire of course is if you're a man and you have a big round tummy so a spare tire is a big round tummy so you can say if you want to lose weight oh I work out to get rid of weight you know I'm trying to get rid of my spare tire and I've got these love handles that I really want to get rid of or if you want to get muscles and get strong you say you know I hit the gym every day because I want to bulk up and I want to get cut or get shredded or get jacked or get ripped so the words cut shredded jacked and ripped all mean the same thing it means that you get muscles and you lose the fat so we can see the definition of the muscles so that usually means something like you can see the lines and you can see the six-pack so that's what it means and how do we bulk up how do we get cut or get jacked or get ripped you can say I like to get I like to get ripped by lifting dumbbells now a dumbbell I'm sure you've seen is the weight that looks like this that you can hold in your hand and lift up like this so at the gym I will lift dumbbells and I'll do a bench press now what is a bench the bench of course is this bench at the gym something you can lie on and a bench press is if you take the dumbbells up and lift it down to hit your chest so we can also use the word hit for your body parts so if somebody says do you like to go to the gym how often do you go to the gym you can say I work out every day and when I go to the gym I want to bulk up and get shredded today I'm going to hit my chest I'm going to hit my abs and hit my legs and I'm going to lift some dumbbells and do a lot of bench presses and that is the end of today's lesson about hobbies and exercise so if you want to really do well in your speaking exam you can go over these phrases and practice them again and again until you feel that you are ready and if you want to see more videos like these please go to Bess my test comm and you will find a lot more content thank you very much
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Keywords: IELTS, IELTS speaking, IELTS speaking vocabulary, IELTS speaking test, IELTS test
Id: kXB_kSetnFQ
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Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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