IELTS Speaking Vocabulary - Talking about Music

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hello its teacher Neil again and today we will be learning about music and how to talk about and express ourselves when talking about music now during your IELTS exam people may ask you questions such as do you like music do you like singing can you play any instruments and what is your favorite kind of music and/or songs so today we have some vocabulary that can help you to fully express yourself when you answer these questions let's take a look so describe the music song you like here are some vocabulary for example catchy and singable what that means catchy and singable means it is an easy melody which means it is easy to remember easy to remember and also easy to get into your head and stay there and easy for you to sing again that is called an earworm an earworm means it gets inside of your ear and into your head very very quickly so we say get stuck in your head that means the song stays in your head for a long time obviously so you can say oh when I listen to music I love catchy songs the other day I heard an earworm and it got stuck in my head for three days it was so good moving on sing along now sing along means you are singing along to the song obviously so kids songs are a good example of sing along songs but also if you have karaoke karaoke or k TV so that means you sing along to the song hour maybe you're a group of people singing together usually it's good for a group and good for entertainment next we have their word taste in music so the word taste means what you like the style that you like so taste let's just write here style or also another word is your preference that means what you like so for example if people ask you what kind of music do you like what style of music do you like you can say mm I have an interesting taste in music I like all different kinds of genres I like catchy songs but I also like very complex songs or classical music so my taste is a little bit strange or we can use this sentence when we say I don't like her taste in music she only likes sing along songs and I don't really like that kind of music so I don't like her taste but his taste my father's taste in music I really like and we have a similar taste which means you have the same preference going on to be tone-deaf now tone-deaf means that your ears cannot hear the different tones in music so that means when you try to sing what someone else is singing you will not be able to sing the same because you cannot hear the different tones and you cannot hear the different keys so if someone goes oh you might go ah so tone-deaf means you can't hear tones which equals you can't sing correctly along and set my favorite songs as a ringtone so what that means it's very obvious on your cell phone when the phone rings it has a certain ring tone because remember the phone is ringing and the tone equals the sound so a ringtone is the sound of your phone that is ringing so using this we could say oh you know what I love so many kinds of music I have one song which is my favorite it is so catchy it's a great ear worm I love it so much that I used it as my ringtone so every time or any time somebody calls me I can listen to it again so in conclusion when we look at these words and look at these sentences we can use them when somebody asks us the questions do you love singing can you sing very well you can answer and say well I love catchy songs I love to sing along to a lot of songs but unfortunately I'm very very tone-deaf which means that I can't sing really well at all but I still love the songs I still love a good ear worm that gets stuck in my head and I love this song so much I even set it as my ringtone now moving on here are some words we can describe music shows and singers sometimes in your test people might ask you what is your favorite kind of music or what kind of singers do you like or how often do you like to see music live so here are a lot of sentences and words that can help you to describe these questions first we have album record or vinyl so if somebody asks you do you listen to music on your computer or on your phone or do you have physical music physical means we can put it into something so then you can answer yes I own a lot of vinyls or you can also say I own a lot of records or I own a lot of physical albums let's just write here physical physical which means you can touch so album record or a vinyl is the big black old-school way of listening to music it looks like this but you can also have a CD CD which is smaller and you can say I like to listen to my music on CDs I have a lot of CDs at home moving on we have live show gig and concert now all three of those words mean the same thing and that means you go somewhere to see some musicians playing a show so you can say if somebody asks you how often do you see music live let me just write here watch or see music live you can say oh I regularly go to concerts Oh last night I went to see an amazing gig by this band from the city or you can say well this weekend I'm going to see a live show and I hope it will be a great performance so just remember all three of these words express seeing music being played live alright moving on we have a record label so a record label is a company that pays the musicians money to their music so let's just call it a CD or album company that will pay the musician so if somebody asks you who's your favorite singer you can say oh I love this guy I remember watching him before he was signed to a record label but I will tell you after he signed to the record label his music style changed a little bit it got a lot bigger with a lot more instruments being played moving on a massive hit now a massive hit means that the song is very very very successful so we'll just say it is a successful song so you can say hey what kind of music do you like listening to do you have a favorite singer you can say oh I have one favorite singer his name is da da da and last summer he had a massive hit and suddenly he got a lot more fans speaking of fans we can use this to describe it have a huge following or fan base both of these words and sentences means fans follow wing and artists so you can say in addition to the last sentence Wow my favorite singer I remember watching him long ago but in five years after he had a massive hit he signed to a record label and now he has a huge following he has so many fans a huge fan base so the fan base means a group of fans and we can also use this sentence head-over-heels now head over heels means somebody likes you so so so so much so I'll just write here head over heels means like so much so you can say my favorite singer has got a huge fan base he has a giant following and many many girls are head over heels in love with him and his music just remember that when we use head over heels it is an idiom let me write here idiom or just an expression so what that means for example we can say it's raining so heavily it's raining cats and dogs cats and dogs is the same an idiom or an expression so head over heels just means like I like something a crazy amount so we can say oh my sister is head over heels in love with her new boyfriend or I can say wow that new song I am head over heels for that new song it's just an idiom which means I like it a lot moving on we will now look at describing types of music using adjectives so if in your examination somebody asks you what kind of music do you enjoy you can use all of these terms to help express yourselves within the exam let's take a look first we have the types of music and another word for type is genre genre of music so you can say I love classical music classical music of course is an older style of music it's not modern so we can say not modern and it is music like Mozart so if we look over here at words to describe the types of music you can say oh I love classical music I love classical music with a fast tempo tempo means how fast the beat is like one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three and if your tempo is fast we can say oh I love this song it is so upbeat that means it is a fast quick tempo that makes you move so upbeat means quick tempo looking over here we have rock music rock music is the kind of music that has guitars and drums and bass so sometimes it is very heavy or loud and let's take a look over here do you like rock music someone may ask you and you can say oh yes I love heavy loud rock music with a fast tempo some rock songs are relaxing but if I want to relax and be peaceful I will listen to classical music but for me when I'm going to the gym I like some upbeat piercing rock music and what piercing means it means it goes straight through that means it is very loud and very heavy so piercing means heavy and it can be too loud for some people too loud it can maybe hurt your ears right let's look at another genre hip hop hip hop is like rap music rap music and usually with hip hop music the drums are strong tuned tuned ad when people sing they don't sing so I'll say here don't sing they will be more they will use spoken words with a rhythm so it's more spoken and looking over here we have the word rhythmic rhythmic means we have drums and bass that makes your head move in a rhythm like the students to do so rhythmic means drums and bass makes you move so we can use that with hip-hop you can say oh I love hip-hop I love very rhythmic hip-hop that can make me move but sometimes I like some soft relaxing hip-hop where the words will let me think about my life if we look at this genre kpop which stands for Korean pop Korean pop is sometimes very loud sometimes very upbeat and has a fast tempo and also sometimes it can be very catchy as we remember we use the word earworm that means it can get stuck in our head we will remember it a lot other words we can use to describe kpop I would say is lively which means it is very upbeat and makes you feel happy it's not oh sad like melancholic melancholic which means sad and a little depressive so it's just right here sad depressive kpop will not usually be melancholic unless if they are singing about a relationship that has ended usually it will be lively and warm warm means very happy of course happy and uplifting uplifting means that you were sad but you listen to it and now you feel better about life so when we say uplift we can say makes you feel better or happier so let's take a look over here we have the words punk music punk music is like a rock music but it is very fast it has a fast tempo and sometimes it can be also melancholic and can be sad we can say oh you know I don't like kpop for me kpop is too warm and lively I like some fast tempo melancholic rock music or punk music other words we can have is electronic music electronic music means it is from a computer or a synthesizer which is an electric piano but usually electronic music we make on a computer so when I say oh I love electronic music we can use words for example mmm I like some harmonic electronic music harmonic means that there are different harmonies that come together to create a more full and rich beautiful sound or if many people are singing like five people are singing we say that their voices are harmonic together so harmonic means many sounds come and work to get third and the last genre we have over here is jazz now jazz usually is not very not very war or not very catchy often sometimes jazz can be very complicated and it's hard to get to a rhythm but is very different some are more rhythmic and some are more upbeat but some can also be melancholic and some can also be very piercing piercing of course means like ah it's not easy to listen to so in conclusion let's take a look at how we can bring the two together the genres and the adjectives to describe them if somebody asks you what kind of music do you like what kind of music do you enjoy why do you enjoy this genre of music you can use all of these words for example I love classical music if I want to relax it can be very relaxing for me when I am studying or when I want to just relax at home we can also say oh I love some up-tempo rock music or I love some fast tempo punk music for me it's so lively and it really makes me wake up and be active we can also look at I love hip hop hip hop for me is very rhythmic and I like to go along with the beat when I work out you can say I love kpop I love lively warm up lifting kpop which is catchy and to make me move and remember the word uplifting means if you are sad it can make you rise up again and feel happy again you can also say I love electronic music I like lively electronic music but sometimes when I'm sad I like to listen to some melancholic electronic music - just relax me and the last one jazz we can say I love jazz I like all kinds of jazz I like upbeat jazz I like some piercing rhythmic jazz and sometimes I like some relaxing melancholic jazz on a Sunday night so that concludes our lesson on music for today so if you are preparing for your outs exam and people are going to ask you about music you can go over these examples to really get familiar with the terms so that you can best your test speaking of which if you'd like to see more videos like these to prepare for your IELTS test you can go to Bess might test comm and if you like it maybe comment or check out some more videos so this is teacher neil saying thank you and have a nice day
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Keywords: yt:cc=on, IELTS, IELTS speaking, IELTS speaking vocabulary, IELTS speaking test, IELTS test
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Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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