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[Music] [Music] part one I'm now going to ask you some questions about yourself let's talk about week ends what did you do last weekend well let's see last weekend oh it's very exciting actually it was the beginning of the international rugby tournament the Six Nations have heard of that one it's it's really good it's got all the nations England Ireland Wales Scotland Italy France and it's just such a good competition because it brings everyone together everyone goes and to the pub and watch the game and it some kind of a battleground inside the pub and on the pitch for everybody supposing your nation really do you prefer to spend the weekends with your family or friends I would say definitely my friends you know you can't choose your family but you can choose your friends go on you so you just have more in common with your friends I suppose so yeah I just think hanging out with my friends is probably what I prefer to do what things do you like to do on the weekend um well generally relaxed you know we work hard enough during the week 9:00 to 5:00 Monday to Friday so yeah generally go for walks perhaps a Sunday lunch on Sunday clearly and yeah relaxing they were drinking culture of England so few drinks for friends so something like that now let's talk about Mobile's or cell phones how often did you use a mobile or cell phone every day it's become part of a staple diet hasn't it really reuse it all the time so I several times a day easily have you had any problems using a mobile or cell phone not so much using it I've had problems with them mainly not getting reception things like that it's sometimes a problem dropping them into water has been a problem as well didn't work very well after that do you think you will use a mobile phone or cell phone more or less in the future I would say it would have to be more phones progressing now the iPhones things like that they're becoming so important to people they need it for Google Maps and things like that and getting around people that read maps anymore they just use their GPS on their phone book tickets for the cinema it's gonna be you can't live without them basically in the future it'll be even worse do you like receiving presents who doesn't it's all about receiving with the presents givings don't go at all the bigger the better of course I'm still a child in that way I didn't even read the card on these presents I just ripped those open at Christmas and see what I've got [Music] who was the last person you gave a present to probably my mother and father for Christmas yeah I got them some books they're really they've retired at the moment so they're really into their reading so I've got them a couple of books that they wanted is it better to give someone money rather than buy them a present I think sometimes yeah instead of getting them something that they don't want all this just gonna throw away some tacky bit of plastic that they don't really need or want it's better to give them some money so they can buy what they actually want let's talk about films how often do you watch films I don't actually watch films very often most of the films that I like to watch independent films but I'd say that I watch films maybe one film a month do you prefer to watch films on video or in a cinema almost definitely I like to watch movies at the cinema more I think most people watch films on video because it's it's a lot easier to watch them in the comfort of your own home but for me the cinema is the way to go because of the sound just the whole atmosphere you can have popcorn coke cinemas just much better for me to watch a film do you think parents should control the kind of films their children watch yes I definitely think this needs to be done I think it's very important for it to be the parents decision and not just rely on the the ratings that they give the films nowadays but for the parents to know exactly what the film is about because it might have to do with their morals or their beliefs and so I think it's the parents responsibility to be sure that their children are watching something that would fit with the beliefs and morals that they're trying to instill in their children part two now I'm going to give you a topic and I'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes I'd like you to describe a business leader you respect and admire well it's actually quite a few ranging from Allen sugar to Steve Jobs the famous Apple guy to Anita Roddick who was the founder and owner of body shop which is still going to this day it started off with a very small company and it grew enormous Lee and expanded internationally in so many different countries but the reason I admire this lady she had such strong ethics business ethos all her products were not tested on animals and she was one of the first ladies who really you know insisted upon this and so therefore nothing at all was tested on animals she was heavily involved in fair trade she did such a lot for the developing countries all her products were natural she gave a lot of work to the developing countries people even to the point at Christmas time if products arrive late or the packaging was late and she would still insist on using it and waiting for it she was an inspiration to many in fact she made so much money she was an international success one very very rich lady but she's admired because it wasn't about the money I think that's the main point here again it's just her ethics her business ethos her helped to the Fairtrade to the developing countries she was globally successful extremely rich and wealthy she had outstanding morals and inspired women across the world to go for their dreams to believe in something and to achieve success people follow and still follow in her footsteps today her business ideals her who believes and that is what is so great about this woman thank you [Music] part three I'm now going to ask you some general questions about the topic you've just discussed let's talk about leaders what qualities make someone a good leader well a leader basically has to have that magical quality charisma they've just it's difficult to define but basically it's something that makes other people want to follow them they instinctively have a kind of trust in that person not not easy to say why I think we all recognize it when we see it but people will be happy to put their life in that person's hands charisma I think we just recall that quality is there any difference between men and women as leaders no I don't really think there is some people say maybe women a bit more empathetic perhaps they're more keen to try and get agreement with other people before they make a decision maybe build a consensus possibly men are a bit more likely to work in a more risky way the more cut and thrust but ultimately I think the kind of qualities that make you want to be a leader in some ways may be quite masculine qualities anyway I mean if you look at real examples from the world political business leaders who are women I wouldn't say you know Margaret Thatcher whatever I wouldn't say there are particularly different qualities to them that make them different from male leaders know so III don't really think there is a different do leaders have a responsibility to behave in a certain way in public I don't really think they have a responsibility to behave in a certain way but I I think they should behave in a certain way they have an immense platform on which they can sort of spread influence and so on and so many people look up to these people especially you know business leaders so when they're he roasts so many people they should try and consider their position when they make decisions and you know understand that they are a role model for others but I don't I don't really think they should feel too much pressure to do that our people born leaders or is this something they learn how to become I think a lot of people would like to learn how to become leaders I'm sure there's lots of people who do sort of business classes and things like that wanting to be the next great business leader but ultimately I think it is something you were born with unfortunately you only have to look at her at a school playground you'll see the natural leaders there running around from her from a very young age again it's difficult to see what it is that's making those people leaders but I think you can inspire respect as you get older maybe by becoming an expert in a particular field but whether that's the same as being a leader I don't really think so so I pretty much think it's something you're born with yeah thank how to extend your answer in speaking when taking the IELTS exam students often wonder whether the answer should be long or short frankly there is no specific answer to this question the answers should be enough so how to determine the sufficient answer firstly the answer given isn't too short because the examiner will show how good English you can speak so if you only answer by I like pop music your mark will be low and vice versa it shouldn't be too long because the examiner won't prefer to listen to the familiar topics for more than two minutes with each answer in part two and three it's time for you to show off your English ability to raise your band score then my advice for the length of an answer in part one shall be among the three sentences more than three is not necessary the most important point you should focus on is the use of key language in your answer here are some tips to lengthen your answers and hope it works for you feelings and opinions it will be easier for you to extend your answer by adding the reason or showing the emotion about the question asked it helps the examiner to understand clearly your answer question what's your favorite kind of music short answer I like pop music longer answer I'm in love with pop music because it helps me to feel better whenever I encounter difficulties contrasting details another way to make your answer longer is simply using the contrast ideal by adding but however in contrast to show the opposing idea question do you prefer living in a house or a flat short answer I prefer a living in a house longer answer I prefer living in a house with my family however when I get married I think I will move to a modern flat to enjoy it's smart facility combining details you can also add some detailed information for your answer with some linking words like and with also in addition furthermore question what do you often do on weekends short answer I often clean my house longer answer at the weekend I often clean my house and cook for my family in addition I also spend time talking with my parents about work and life past comparisons you can make your answer longer by comparing with what you use the past and what you take on at present question what do you want to be in the future short answer I want to become a teacher longer answer I used to wish to become a businesswoman when I was young but I gradually fell in love with kids and decided to become a teacher adding reasons your answer shouldn't be just an answer you should give the reason for what you think are choose by using some words like because for sense due to question which one do you prefer go out for dinner or cook at home short answer I prefer cooking at home long answer I prefer cooking at home because my mother is a good chef and she often teaches me how to cook delicious meals future if something will change in the future you can make use of the structure will + verb or be going to verb question what do you do short answer I work as a teacher long answer currently I am working as a teacher at the primary school but two months later I will move to the international school to teach Chinese students contrast opposing idea sometimes you'll be asked to give the opinion about some matters remember to add although though however to show that you consider both sides question do you play football short answer yes I really love playing football longer answer yes I really love playing football however my mother often prevents me from playing that game for the silly reason I'm a girl giving examples by giving some realistic examples your answer would be easier to understand and persuasive question do you and your sister have the same interest short answer no we're totally different longer answer no we're totally different for instance my sister is fond of playing with dolls and I'm in love with Japanese comics frequency one way to extend your answer is using some frequency words such as often usually never always question what do you do in the summer short answer I often go to the beach longer answer in the summer normally I go to the beach of my family I into my mother often enjoy sunbathing while my father tries some sports games like waterskiing and snorkeling [Music]
Channel: Tony IELTS Box
Views: 56,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS SPEAKING TEST, ielts speaking band 9, BUSINESS LEADERS
Id: mJDap8Skeh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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