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[Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon come in please good afternoon thank you have a seat thank you well can I have a look at your passport yes of course thanks and may I have your full name please my name is nat Meredith Leone okay that means nice name what is the meaning of your name well my name means song or melody in the Persian language in Farsi okay thanks and do you think your name has an impact on your character and personality well then I haven't given this much thought but I think maybe because it means melody and song it affects people's perception of my character perhaps from this sort of cheerful name makes them expect a cheerful character which I try to be but obviously I'm not all the time but it didn't no I don't think it affects my character as a person all right now ma'am let's move on to another question is your health important to you I think everybody's health is important to them I think we all try to do our best to lead a healthy life but whether or not we succeed there's a different is a different question what do you do to improve your health not as much as I should to be honest I don't think I eat as healthy as I should be and I probably need to exercise a lot more and possibly cut down on my caffeine intake what is the major health concern your country at the moment I think like many other countries globally our main health concern must be the n1h one virus which is also known as swine flu the reason being that apparently it is taking on the form of a pandemic which is a very worrying due to the large population in my country I do believe that the government is trying to control this with the guidelines and help of the World Health Organization and hopefully this will be under control soon okay thanks not me do you like cooking I do I do like cooking but unfortunately due to my being a student I don't find enough time to cook as regularly as I should okay thanks what kind of food do you like well I am enjoy a vast majority of the foods that I've tasted an experience I'm very fond of my country's local cuisine but I also really enjoy a nice Italian or Chinese meal okay thanks man what are the most famous dishes of your country well it would be difficult to name a few famous dishes or specialties because I think each area of the country has its own specialty which people enjoy but I think on an international level I could perhaps a chola kebab which consists of grilled meat accompanied by rice cello means rice and kebab means grilled meat this meat Kenny can be any form it can be beef or lamb chicken or even mince meat normally with a combination of onion traditionally the meat is pulled onto skewers and cooked over a charcoal fire okay thanks and tell me in your country have people's eating habits changed what I honestly don't think that this is just limited to my country I think over the over the ages people's living habits have changed and also life has taken a much faster pace so I think that has reflected maybe not very positively on people's eating habits you tend to catch a me on the run a lot of times and a lot of people are constantly in a hurry so they can't sit down and enjoy a proper meal during the day of course it's good to take the time out and do this at least once a day in order to help your digestion and also focus on healthier foods okay thank you very much now me now we move on to another topic I would like to describe an old person you met and in fact you have to talk about the topic for about two minutes you have one minute to think about it Opik here is a paper and a pencil you can write down notes if you wish thank you now you may start out man well you asked me to describe an old person that I've met I'd like to describe my best friend's late grandmother she was a quite a short lady bent over even further with her back problems and arthritis she had snow-white hair which was always very neatly pulled back into a bun she always smelled of a very pleasant flowery type of smell I think she may have put her clothing into some very aromatic flowers as they used to in the old days she was very kind and I remember her taking very good care of us whenever I was visiting my friend what I remember as a very fond memory was her lovely cookies she used to make very delicious biscuits and sweets and cookies and we used to enjoy them a lot and that also gave her of a nice smell because we associated her with these beautiful biscuits all right not men now I would like to ask a few more detailed questions about the same topic what are the problems of old people in your country I think the problem of old people worldwide irrespective of their country is that perhaps in some cases they don't receive the attention and respect they should after all the hard work that they've done I think all people tend to suffer from loneliness obviously this is not very beneficial to them because it affects their health also there are cases obviously where all people are distant from the immediate family or they have none left and therefore they are put into nursing homes in some cases this might even happen with the immediate family available what do most people do in your country all people in my country I think enjoy getting together with their family and exchanging stories and advising the youngers in their families how to lead their lives properly I think the old people in my country become very sociable they enjoy the company of other people they tend to be more talkative they like going out a lot if they're healthy enough I think they all like to go to the park meet new people basically I think they enjoy any activity that involves interaction with other people do you think old people should be kept in nursing homes well actually I don't agree with nursing homes and let unless it's the last option all people should be taken care of by the people that they've taken care of before such as their children and close relatives but of course there are exceptions where people are too ill or they need special care in which case a well-equipped environment would be to their benefit the last question what can government do to improve the life of senior citizens I think governments can do a lot by allocating funds to the develop social gathering places for the elderly where they can meet and converse with their peers I also think that the elderly should have access to free medical treatment and medication because at the end of the day these are this is the generation that raised all these doctors and people in the society and I think also another point might be for the government to improve the conditions in in in nursing homes so that they're all uniformly equipped to take care of those who need to be there thank you very much now that this is the end of the interview thank you very much and have a nice day thank you very much [Music]
Channel: Tony IELTS Box
Views: 71,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS SPEAKING TEST, ielts speaking sample band 9, SENIOR CITIZEN, IELTS
Id: Ws-mB2voVlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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