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[Music] [Music] do you work or are you a student presently I am a student I have been studying at Beijing University for 3 years I will graduate in one year what subject are you studying I'm studying accounting along with accounting I am also majoring in business finance why did you choose to study that my father has a business and I want to work with him I plan to take over company finances do you like your university it's ok I'm not thrilled with it but I am getting the education that I wanted is there anything you don't like about your studies basically studying just joking some of my studies I just have to take for the credits and that gets a little tedious sometimes which subject do you like the most I like math for some reason math comes easy to me it could be because my father was a math teacher which subject do you think will be most useful to you after you leave University I suppose my English class will be the most useful since I am planning on studying further in Australia probably 90% of what I've learned I will never use though do you often get together with your classmates after classes I get together with my classmates as much as I can after class getting together with them really helps to relieve the pressure for me what was your favourite subject in high school well I think my favourite subject in high school was art one reason was i sat next to the prettiest girl in the class which school subject do you think is most useful for people in adult life any subject having to do with communication would be the most useful when you graduate from school geography is also a subject that is nice to know if you're going to travel you would want to know what country you are in and which country is north and which is south [Music] could you tell me what you do for a living I work in the foreign trade Department I'm in sales it is my job to bring foreign investors to the city to open up a business here what are your responsibilities at work I have to develop a strategy for bringing foreign investment to Beijing I work together with other departments to basically sell and promote Beijing as a good place to start a business what is the most interesting part of your work the most interesting part of my work is meeting people from other countries to me people are very interesting and I am keen on learning the customs and cultures of other countries is there anything you don't like about your job the pay is one thing that I don't like about my job my boss is another thing that I don't like about my job the distance to the office is the last thing that I don't like about my job is your job very important to you my job is very important to me if I didn't have my job I wouldn't be sitting here in front of you applying for a chance to go overseas would you like to change your job I don't want to get stuck at this job that I am working at now I am still young so I want to learn as much as I can and then I plan on starting my own business do you often get together with your colleagues workmates after work I do get together with my colleagues after work as much as I can when I get together with them we can shoot the breeze and have a few beers really look forward to getting together with them and count on it to make my week whereabouts did you grow up I grew up in ten Jim a city that is southeast of Beijing it is closer to the sea than Beijing and is also a municipal city like Beijing do you still live there no I haven't lived there for many years I went to school here in Beijing and have simply settled here and made it my hometown I still go back to Tianjin every once in a while what's the most famous place in your hometown well there isn't much intention that is famous not like Beijing where there are so many famous places but the TV tower is where most people want to go when they come to change in how has your hometown changed in recent years I hardly even recognize it it has changed so much just like most of China Tianjin is changing rapidly at an alarming rate where do you live now I live in Beijing now I'm happy to be here because the city is really on the move and there is a lot of excitement here because of the next Olympics what part of the city do you like best I like the CVD the most because there are a lot of clubs there and also a lot of hustle and bustle and that is what I am into I like to be where the crowds are the same as most young people is there anything you don't like about this city the spring time when the winds from the Gobi Desert blow in and the sky turns a hazy orange is one thing I don't like about Beijing another one of my least favorite things is having to fight rush-hour traffic on the subway do you want to live in a big city or a small town I just couldn't go back to living in a small town I've gotten accustomed to life in the big city and it would be hard to get me back to those country roads what part of your day do you like best my favorite part of the day is late afternoon because the day's work is coming to an end I can go home and I have the evening to look forward to and the weather is generally Pleasant and cool what is the busiest part of the day for you from about 10 o'clock to noon that is when I have to take care of my work and things are a bit hectic when do you have free time I have free time during the evenings and on the weekends I guess you could say that I have it pretty good because a lot of people here in China don't have so much free time what's your favorite way to relax I take a long hot shower and then I jump in bed with a good book and something to snack on it's a little hard on my figure but then it just means that I have to do a few more exercises the next morning do you do things in your leisure time with friends or family mostly with my friends I often go out to eat or go shopping with my friends and sometimes we stay in and watch a movie or play games sometimes we just talk together do you have any hobbies or interests I love to read novels go go-karting hiking watch movies and write I have lots of different interests how do you usually spend the weekend I sleep late and watch movies I go out with my friends or I work on different projects I haven't had time for during the week sometimes if I'm really tired or stressed from the week I will just stay in bed all weekend which do you prefer Saturday or Sunday Saturday because I can go out in the evening and stay out late and I don't have to worry about waking up early for work the next morning our weekend's important to you Fairey it's some of the only time I can use for my hobbies or spend with my family on the weekends I feel free to do exactly what I want should people be paid overtime for working at the weekend definitely working overtime is extra and it takes away the relaxation time so many people need so people should be compensated for it do you like shopping no I actually don't like shopping I hate making decisions and it irritates me to spend all that time looking for what I want it irritates me even more if it's too expensive on top of that are there many shops near where you live yes but only small shops which sell all kinds of curious things no big shopping malls I think there is going to be a shopping center opening up soon near where I live and that should be nice who usually does the shopping in your home my mom does the shopping and sometimes I go along too sometimes I have to go out and do the shopping and I enjoy haggling with the vendors I look forward to it do you have a regular time to go shopping for some things yes for example my mom goes food shopping twice a week but I only go shopping for clothes when I feel like it what things do you usually buy when you go shopping i buy way too much jewelry and peculiar hats that I will never wear and lots of scarves it's hard for me to make decisions on what to buy when it's anything real big or costly do you prefer shopping in small shops or big supermarkets and department stores I prefer shopping in small shops because you can find more unusual things and they come cheaper too I like to get to know the owners and sometimes they will cater to me a bit what do you do in your holidays for most holidays I just stay home and rest and enjoy myself but if it's a particularly long holiday I like to travel if I stay home I can read and play computer games and do what I like to do I can spend time with my friends although often my relatives want me to visit them as well so there is a lot to do do you think holidays are becoming more and more important not necessarily holidays have always been important to people but of course the harder your work the more important your holiday becomes to you because you need that relaxation more do you like to travel in your holidays or free time if it's a long holiday I love to travel especially to places I have never been to before it's an adventure and you see so many great and beautiful and strange things I really enjoy travelling because when you have a change of scenery and a change of environment for a while it helps you to relax and is good for your health what kind of places do you like to travel to I like to travel to exotic places different countries and places with beautiful natural scenery however I don't often have the opportunity to go to places like that so instead I like to go to places where I can enjoy myself with my friends and where there are fun things to do together [Music] have you ever been to the seaside yes I've had several vacations at the seaside there is a beach not too far from where my family lives so every time I go to visit my family we spend a lot of time on the beach why do some people take their holidays at the seaside I guess they like to swim lie on the sand tan and go sailing on the sea plus there are usually a lot of nice restaurants near the seaside and it is a good opportunity to enjoy fresh seafood do you want to live near the sea no I don't like the sea it's so salty and deep and there are all kinds of fish and other creatures swimming about in it on the other hand the air is often quite clean near the sea and the weather very pleasant compared to farther inland so if I was concerned about my health I would probably choose to live near the sea [Music]
Channel: Tony IELTS Box
Views: 26,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS SPEAKING PART 1, common question in ielts speaking test
Id: Cv_LkaOh_1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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