IELTS Speaking test (Band 8.5 - 9.0) - Sample 1

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hello come in take a seat this is the speaking test of the International English Language Testing system taking place on Saturday the 29th of September at did town center Center number D D seven eight three the candidate is Xavier Manuel Rico and the candidate number is zero zero zero four two nine zero the examiner is Carol Kennedy examiner number four thirty three eight one six good morning my name is Carol Kennedy can you please tell me your full name yes I'm Javier Manuel Enrico and what should I call you you can call me cherry can I see your identification please chubby cute thank you right in the first part of the interview I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself so let's talk about what you do do you work or study I'm still studying in my final year I've nearly finished my career my course and what are you studying and do you enjoy it I'm studying law and yes I do enjoy most aspects of it but in this funnel you there's a lot of hard work and a lot of reading and I can say that I enjoy one of this reading but um what I really enjoy is working on case studies what I mean is discussing cases um I like to exchange ideas with people so what are your future plans I want to have a career in law and I have to decide which area to specialise in first and then maybe study for another four or five years I hope to specialize in environmental law which is the law that businesses used to have to abide by to ensure that their practices do not affect the environment let's talk about friendships how do you spend time with your friends like most other people I think having a drink or a meal I play football salad with some old friends I think it's called five-a-side in this country there are sometimes six or seven of us and I haven't been able to to keep it up so I'm looking forward to to getting back into it and it's the one person you could call your best friend I would say maybe my girlfriend is my best friend um although if you ask her and maybe she doesn't say say this um but I'm on my male friends that do not think that I have a friend who is closer than all the others in Spain we tend to have a big group of friends on the weekend maybe a Friday or Saturday we will all go out together sometimes classmates from school or university and a big group of guys and girls 15 to 20 of us will go out and have a meal or and not in a club or a bar and sing some music hmm can you tell me about a friend you remember from our childhood that's going back a long time um there is a boy that I don't know now but was a very good childhood friend of mine was called Hector we were about nine or ten years old and we did everything together um he was kind of geeky I guess I had other friends that I had similar interests with and I did sport with but I like Hector because he was very different he used to play with chemistry sets and fix engines and things like this but then we went on to different secondary schools and we men new friends and we grew up art now let's move on to talk about culture tell me about something that you feel is special to the culture in your country I mean it could be the food or maybe the music or perhaps art and literature I could talk about any of these things but give me a moment I think it's better that I talk about food I'm very proud of Spanish art and literature but I think that I know more about food you could say I'm a food expert and actually I think Spanish food could be more recognized I mean everybody knows dishes like 30 and paella and there are tapas restaurants in in every city but our cuisine is more sophisticated than that and when everybody comes to Spain I think that we only ever eat snacks and when you go for me there are lots of dishes on one table there are some very good tapas restaurants but most of them are al you say specialised no specialized standardized um because they make the food so that everybody will like it um it's like Italian food or Chinese food so is there a traditional dish that's associated with your country I'd say that there are not one traditional dish but there are many regional dishes that are famous for example para dia is very famous in coastal areas which is grilled seafood and everyone will have every kind of fish you can imagine um but if you're in the mountains you will eat food that is from the mountains maybe a deer or goat or things this but don't think the Spanish food is necessarily just about traditional dishes like I say the best restaurants are the most adventurous thank you now I'm going to give you a topic and I'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes you have one minute to plan what you're going to say and you can make notes if you wish you understand yes so there's your paper and pencil and it's your topic so I'd like you to describe an event that you attended recently you okay now you have one to two minutes for this so don't worry if I stop you I'll tell you when the time's up could you please start speaking now I'm going to talk about my grandparents golden wedding anniversary which was two months ago they're in their 70s now and have been married for 50 years so it was a very special day I have been to many kind of anniversaries and parties and weddings but I must say that I enjoyed this day more than any other it was a moving and memorable day I think that the combination of the importance of the day and the fantastic atmosphere was was what made it so special this anniversary was was in a country house which Sperry McCall una finca which is like a an old ranch there were many guests who came from far and wide this venue was perfect because there was a courtyard and a big garden and magnificent hall where we could have the evening meal my girlfriend um my brother's girlfriend they came together with us as soon as we arrived with everybody there my mother she saw everybody and started to cry I can tell you that my mother she quest very easily and there were plenty more tears on this day there were musicians playing in the courtyard like an orchestra and with just four people and everybody had a glass of champagne now perhaps the most important thing of this day was the people at a Sulha I so many uncles and aunts that I had not seen for many years and many questions that I had not seen since I was a boy my mother's brother came from Canada and one of my grandfather's sisters came from Australia it was very emotional and and it was wonderful to see my grandparents this happy the best moment for me was when my grandfather made his speech he thanked my grandmother for sticking with him all these years and it was not only my mother crying at this point I can assure you he is a very good speaker and he made everybody laugh as well and finally of course cut the cake and everybody came together for the group photo thank you so what time did you get to bed that night I think we were and some of the lustily well around 2:00 a.m. thank you can I have the booklet the pencil and the paper thank you now you've been telling me about an important event in the past that you attended now in the final five minutes of this test I'd like to ask you some more general questions that are related to this let's talk about past events in general do you think photographs are the best way to record and remember special events in our lives that's a really good question and I mean of course photos are a part of our lives now in a way that was not possible in all the eras I read the other day that the more photos are taken now than ever before and I mean millions or maybe billions of photos every day's as if we have to take a photo to prove that something happen and I can understand that I mean I think that we want to remember special events and and even everyday things do and personally I love taking photos when I go places and see my friends and I also love looking at old photos I think they can provide an insight into the past as well why do you think that I think that there can be very powerful and remind us of special places and people and even remind us what we were doing this day or how we can be feeling in this in this moment and they are also a record of our lives visually and for example photos of you as a baby and then as a child and that thing is an incredible thing like a diary I think it can act as a trigger for memory as well what about written records can they also encourage us to remember past events written records by written records do you mean writing things down like Diaries or letters yes well yes I think that write things down can definitely help us to remember the past but also the reality is that people no longer write things down in the same way like gonna let this or Diaries some people do what I think that we are less time and I'm patients nowadays and writing is more of a luxury I suppose in fact I can't remember the last time that I put pen to paper apart from this example I think I can just about stretch to a postcard however my mom tells me that she kept a daily diary throughout her childhood recording everything that she did she wrote loss and loss during school holidays especially and I like the idea of doing that but I know that I would never get around to actually sitting down and putting my thoughts on a page and which do you think is better recording important moments by taking photographs or by writing them down well I'm not sure that I can come down on one side or the other on balance I would say that visual images is more powerful I'm trying to think of a good example here there are so many famous photos like capture a moment in time but one particular photo stands out for me is the image of the wall coming down in Berlin in Germany in 1989 when you look at the photos you can imagine the place and the time in the moment very very clearly and I think it's amazing that one image can do that some people think that it's more important to be concerned about events in the future than events in the past what do you think I'm not sure that I can agree with that because I do not believe we can make sense of the future unless we understand what happened in the past why do you say that well in Spain we are very proud of our culture and identity and I'm sure that that's true for many people across the world maybe that's why so many people spend a lot of time researching back into their family history I know that from traveling around to other countries like the UK how important history is and how important celebrating the past is it enables people to understand where they came from and where they are going so in a sense the person future are linked so we cannot forget the past even if we do want to concentrate on the future thank you very much that's the end of the speaking test thank you
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Keywords: IELTS Speaking test (band 8.5), IELTS Speaking test (Band 9), Good sample IELTS speaking, Sample IELTS Speaking test, IELTS Speaking video, Gemmy English, IELTS Speaking preparation, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Speaking Model, Speaking video for IELTS, Speaking for IELTS, IELTS Speaking band 9, IELTS Speaking band 8, IELTS Speaking band 8.5, IELTS Gemmy
Id: wzzOowpCryw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2015
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