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hello everyone my name is landry your trusted ielts tutor and the uh provider of the ielts multi-step program welcome to another session of our very resourceful videos here i'm going to be reacting to some of the speaking tests that we have conducted here in our studios and to just give you feedback on how the candidates performed to also give you insights on what they did wrong and also provide strategies on how to improve on the areas where they had challenges for this particular episode we had some really resourceful candidates talk to us and um i'm pretty sure that we're going to get some um some performances that are quite sterling and outstanding so let's just jump right into this video good afternoon and welcome to the ielts speaking test my name is lann ray i'll be your examiner with examiner number 4425 please introduce yourself good afternoon mr larry my name is osman great musab um can you tell me a little about your job or studies so i work as a bank teller which means i get to attend to people who come in to make transfers or make deposits at the bank and every day i solve different customer problems great do you like the job i enjoy the job primarily because i get to meet people from diverse works of life and on a daily basis i'm faced with complex challenges for so you would notice that when musa was responding um i i like his confidence i like the fluency i one thing i especially like about the first answer was when i actually liked your job he said i enjoy the job so what was what he was trying to do is to specify the difference between enjoying it and um and liking it so he goes primarily because that's what i want to bring out primarily because so it's not mainly because it tries to use more ambitious vocabulary and i think that's going to really be good for him as we go for that in the assessment good each different customer do you prefer to work in the morning or later in the day i prefer to work in morning i'm most familiar with that why my bank job requires that i start work by 7 am in the morning and close by 5 pm in the evening see what makes you happy spending time with friends family loved ones i believe is what makes me the most happy doesn't money make people happy in general i do not believe that i believe money makes people comfortable beyond that there is a stage of diminishing returns or no returns at all great um do you think young people are the happiest people not necessarily i think young people have one of the things that i really like about him is that and i think that i mentioned that earlier is his ability to be very specific in his responses he he knows exactly what he wants to say and he has the language to communicate that so when he says that when i say when i asked the question i said does money make people happy and then he goes generally it does but you know so there's a but implied in that which shows that he's able to use the appropriate range of vocabulary to communicate or express the nuances of uh of meaning that he wants to communicate or convey to us and i think that puts him in the ranks of very good speakers this is looking so well uh for me so far but let's see if he goes ahead and messes it up later on very energetic and therefore from outside they seem to be very happy and boisterous but internally they deal with a lot of fears and apprehensions uncertainty about the future why can pets make people happy people attribute a lot of positive emotions towards their pets they feel they're almost like loved ones to them and because of that they evoke um happiness for the owners of the do you like to take photographs yes i do but i prefer having someone else take them for me see why do you think people like to keep photographs photographs are snapshots of our memories and usually people take photographs in the best times when they are happiest when they are spending time with people they love and so those photographs evoke positive memories for us when we see them again can taking photographs be an invasion of privacy it's possible when those photographs are taken without one's consent or taken by people who one is not familiar with or in situations that can be unfavorable what are the dangers of taking photographs today with regards to the internet photographs can be manipulated um altered without the permission of the owner of the photograph and then there are copyright issues that can crop up from the use or misuse of those photographs thank you very much for that very interesting conversation we'll now be moving to the next phase of the speaking test the part 2 of the speaking test i'll be providing you with a cue card that contains a question with prompt your job is to brainstorm for a minute and give me a response that would last between a minute to two minutes are you ready yes i am great so here is your question you would also be provided with this piece of paper to jot your thoughts your time starts now thank you yes you can start so my most memorable teacher was mr uche he was a man in his mid-thirties um he taught me in primary school around the time i was about age eight or nine he primarily taught math and sciences i found him very memorable because he was very humorous he was also very strict he would typically um pose different challenges if you notice there's this consistency with the use of tenses your most memorable teacher so he goes ahead and he tells us that this is a teacher that happened in his past so was mr uche you taught me he used to he was humorous there's this consistent effort to stay with the tense that you used to start this is really important this is something that you must pick from his responses he's doing well so far also too jesus to the class he was very disciplined but he would also encourage and praise students who did very well he helped me nurture my sense of confidence and made me believe in my own intelligence it was very important for me especially around that age so for that reason he's one of teachers who i remember um whenever i think about my developmental process um parts of life coupled with the fact that like i said he was very funny so we would typically enjoy the classes and look forward to them on a daily basis [Music] great so [Music] so this is a very typical challenge like a lot of examples test takers have so the the instruction says that you have between one minute to two minutes to give you a response now the time you spend there be it one minute or two minutes or maybe 30 seconds is at the discretion of the examiner the examiner might believe that he needs to hear more from you to be able to assess you properly and give an assessment of your of your communicative competence so you don't get to tell the examiner that you're through you wait till the examiner tells you that you're through which is why the examiner can go ahead and tell you to please go on uh it feels that you should add more to your response so that you can get more information from you one of the first things that happens to a lot of people is that when you are told please go on you get into shock so you're going like what should i say i'm done with what i have to say please do not panic the last thing you should learn from that is do not panic please go on means you can just go ahead and say okay or like i mentioned before or to elaborate on this just have a something to segue into what you're going to say do not do what musa did and do not go oh i don't finish you that's definitely not a valid part of the aisle so that's him reverting back to his local parlance to just find a way to just uh go on with that but what he said i don't finish you of course i had to stop now if you are truly out of things to say what can you do just tell the examiner i believe that fully answers the questions or um i've actually run out of things to say in response to that question it is okay to say that do not just revert back to your local language if you are through with it ensure that you ensure that you stay in character maintain that focus on communicating of the highest level of english language possible if you're through tell them you're through but do not revert to slangs do not just go local to say that thank you very much for that um so the next stage will consist of follow-up questions regarding what you discussed um can i have the cue card now please thank you very much for that now what are the qualities that make a good teacher in your opinion a good teacher should be fun he should be knowledgeable about the subject that he's teaching um and he should also be relatable so for me those would be the three most important things do you think teachers are underpaid for what they do there's something i'd like us to pick from the question you answered what are the qualities of a good teacher i've had test takers who get that type of question and then they go ahead and list one thing two things and then they get to the third thing and they probably don't have any other things to say another thing to say but because the examiner is looking at them and it's just looking at you like go on they feel bullied they feel compelled to list more points please don't fall into that hole when the examiner says what are the qualities that a good teacher should have qualities means that you should say above two or at least two so if i say a good teacher should be funny and relatable and those are the two things that i know i stop there and i go ahead and i explain one of them i do not need to add more points to it so do not let the examiners to bully you into it another thing you can do is to ensure is to mention that those are what you think are the most important quality so you mentioned three even though i told him to go on he went ahead and he said i believe those are the three most important so that's very important for you to be able to express whatever things that you want to see in the isles very good one there musa i believe they are underpaid for what they do the teaching profession is extremely important and it's pretty much the gateway or at least the sort of like the factory through which all other professionals pass what are the main challenges facing teachers today underpayment would be very very significant one another would be the fact that most schools and teaching infrastructure are not taking care of the degree they should be which also posit challenged teachers as well what can governments do to improve the job that teachers have to do you should be paid better for sure um i mean i happen it because better payment makes the entire industry more competitive and brings in better teachers they should also improve the infrastructure that is available to teachers in terms of modern devices and class sizes how do you think that education has changed over the past 50 years i would say there seems to be a phenomenon that would term education education inflation in the past people could get jobs with a primary school leaving certificate or a secondary school certificate today for the same kind of jobs people would need a bsc or even an msc or an mba do you think that private education is something that should be allowed in today's society absolutely especially in my own society an emphatic answer absolutely and that answers the question we're in context where the education sector is underfunded so the private sector steps in and provides the quality of education people want and are willing to pay for even if that's much more higher exotic prices should education delivered to single or mixed sex classes mixed successes i think educational fast um facilities should be a microcosm of the general society we have single sex facilities don't provide the same amount of social interactions that make sex classes do i agree with you totally thank you very much mr musa it's been a really nice conversation with you thank you so much did quite well i think musa's answers were quite intelligent but unfortunately the ielts is not a test of intelligence the test of communication was able to communicate his ideas well very well also too i think i would rate him high on that he had uh he had a really high consciousness of um of grammar and he ensured that he stayed on point but grandma his fluency was something that was a little bit lacking in some places uh so you would see it would have this uh pauses where he was thinking about what to say about the best words to use to express what you were saying um so his fluency would probably be a 9 over 10 instead of a 10 over 10. his lexical resources were quite quite quite exceptional we had words like microcosm we had words we had words like phenomenon we had words like relatable we had words like evo we had altered we had manipulated manipulated uh we had words like i would attribute it so that's that's that's quite um ambitious vocabulary from my end pronunciation was very good also to overall i would rate musa to be uh at the band 8 at least the band 8 and at most at 8.5 so what are your thoughts about this please send your ideas or send your observations in the chat section of our youtube channel does musa deserve a band-aid or those mood services of a band 8.5 let us know you are the ones who will decide okay and give us your reasons for choosing any of those two scores band scores for musa [Music]
Channel: PrepClass IELTS Speaking tests
Views: 15,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS, ielts LISTENING, ielts WRITING, ielts READING, ielts test, ielts listening test, ielts listening 8.0, ielts exam, ielts mod, ielts prep, ielts preparation, ieltsng, ielts nigeria, ielts idp, ielts british council, ielts speaking exam, ielts tips, ielts listening sample, ielts lagos, ielts speaking practice, ielts writing practice, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking sample, ielts ng, ielts speaking 9.0, ielts preparation full course, ielts speaking test 8.0
Id: 0w9jkZSjuMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 08 2022
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