Band 9 IELTS Speaking Interview with Popular Topics

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foreign [Music] welcome to the speaking section of the IELTS exam my name is Adrian I will be your examiner for this part of the test I will give you instructions for each of the three parts we are conducting this exam in kakinada the time right now is 14 o'clock what is your full name my given name is Preeti and my family name is Sharma please refer to me by my given name Priti pretty may I see your identification yeah for sure here is my passport that I used at the time of registration please take a look at it okay for part one I will ask you a couple of questions to get to know you better and some questions on a general topic where do you live I live in Andhra Pradesh one of the most populated states of India specifically in kakinada in a two-bedroom apartment very close to the Bay of Bengal what is your favorite hobby I love dancing I do it at least a few times each week with my friends let's talk about candy do you like to eat candy yes of course I must admit that I have a bit of a sweet tooth I I probably have like one candy a day why do you think candy is popular many people love candy because it is sweet and delicious I mean it is so addictive um it is relatively cheap and gives you a quick energy boost is there a place you can buy candy near your home yes there are a couple of shops near my home where I can buy candy as well as soft and hard candy the closest one is just two blocks away from my home and it has a whole aisle dedicated just for candies when I have an urge for something sweet I just quickly hop over and grab a caddy bar what kinds of candies are popular in your country the ones that come to my mind I mean the sweets that is seen in most parts around India are Cadbury eclairs Candyman pulse kiss me oh yeah and also mango bites um pretty much every shop has these and Indians love them because of its flavor and texture I know I have eaten my share of these how have candies changed since your childhood oh that's an interesting question let me think um I think candies have changed quite a bit but some candies have been the same like Cadbury eggless has existed as long as I can remember but other candies but there are new candies and flavors that's new to the market and it didn't seem to be around when I was a young girl if you could make a candy what would you create that's a great question I'm not sure but it would definitely be tasty the first flavors that come to my mind are strawberry and mango and it would be soft and chewy I would probably name it mango Berry squish that is the end of part one we will now continue with part two for this part speaking confidently and fluently is key to get those high band scores and you like pre-t must do this right from the start with the introductory questions and the general questions in this case talking about candy notice how pretty answers all of the questions with good answers explanations and examples to build this degree of confidence practice is essential and that's why we have partnered with cambly a world-class app that lets you connect with the native English speaking tutor from the US UK Canada and Australia in fact it is the only app in India that allows you to do this and now to really help you master English quickly cambly has generously given us this discount code to get one month of group classes for just 999 rupees that's a 60 discount click this link in the video description below these classes can be scheduled for whatever is convenient for you each class is 60 minutes and has just three students to maximize speaking and learning efficiency you can meet peers from around the world from countries like turkey Brazil or Korea and choose the topics that interest you but wait that's not all you can try cambly 15 minutes for just nine rupees and if you like it which I'm sure you will then use the discount code to get that 60 off on those group classes I've tried cambly and I have found it to be great for improving my Spanish download the app and begin practicing for IELTS success now on to part two for this part I will show you some questions you will have one minute to read these think about your answers you can take notes in this time if you wish you have some note paper and your pencil there and then you will have one to two minutes to speak I will tell you when to start and when to stop do you understand yes I do talk about an item that you buy often please do not touch the question paper your one minute preparation time begins now pretty to your one minute preparation time is up please begin speaking so an item that I frequently buy is garam masala it is a spice mixture that is very popular in India and is used for different dishes like chicken curry and Biryani I put it into a lot of food that I make and I make sure it is relatively Fresh So I buy it in small quantities from the nearby store different parts of India have their own version of garam masala the one that I use is typical in my state and is referred to as ansra garam masala it contains cardamom cinnamon cumin and other spices I'm a bit embarrassed to say that I buy the ready-made garam masala because I just don't have the time to make it from scratch with my studies and work but my mom does and it is definitely the best when I have time I go to the Spice Market which is about 30 minutes by local Transit and I purchased the garam masala from there because it simply has the best Aroma and flavor um whenever I am cooking I make sure I have it right by my hands so I put a pinch of it into just about every dish in all honesty I wouldn't change anything about garam masala because it is Simply Delicious and for sure I'd want to have it as fresh as my mom's homemade batch but the Spice Market is really close as I could get to it if garam masala is not available on the shelves I would either simply make it from scratch or maybe import it from another state fortunately that is not the case and I'm sure I can continue to buy it monthly as I have done so far when I have time I go to the Spice Market which is about 30 minutes by local Transit and I purchased garam masala from there because it has the best flavor and aroma 100 gram carton of garam masala cost me about 120 rupees the long part the cue card is challenging for every IELTS candidate and this is because people generally do not have one to two minute random presentations on specific topics in this case an item that you often purchase so it's extremely important that you practice for part two at home in fact I recommend focusing at least 50 percent of your IELTS speaking preparation time on part two cue cards when you do a good job on part two you will do great in part three and this will ensure that you get a high band score pre-t has clearly done this she has practiced for talking about objects she clearly describes what garam masala is where she gets it why she uses it how she uses it and she gives a lot of detail in this way the IELTS examiner can give her a high band score for delivering a good narrative from start to finish now on to part three that is the end of part two we will now continue with part three I will take back the questions please turn over the Note Paper put it to the side and put the pencil to the side as well I will ask you a question related to your response and some questions connected to the topic of part two do other people in your family also buy this item frequently yes and no as I said my mom makes a fresh batch of garam masala but my sister just doesn't have the time to because she's busy with her family so she buys it from the grocery store too let's talk about common consumer goods what are some items that people buy commonly a lot of merchandise that people commonly buy are their basic necessities like food and clothing as well as popular items like garam masala some technology like laptops and smartphones are also a very popular purchase why are these items so popular these goods are hot sellers because they are either necessary for sustenance we all need to eat while other items like smartphones and laptops are required for social function communication and navigation to just name a few how has International Trade affected the items that people frequently buy importing and exporting of goods across borders has transitioned the planet dramatically we can now buy goods from different countries and continents far away as well as seller local produce to the world India exports tons of spices each day globally can you give some examples of course aside from India exporting Goods India also Imports Goods like technology from East Asia cars from Japan and um phones from Taiwan in what ways has technology influenced people's shopping behaviors modern tech has impacted consumerism dramatically we all buy goods online through apps like Amazon now has this been a positive change I think it has definitely been a positive change because people have more choices for better prices than ever before I know I have saved a lot of money by purchasing Goods like earbuds online are there any Goods that people frequently purchase which harm the consumer or Society oh yes there are several socially irresponsible products on the market tobacco cigarettes and guns to just name a few these are all destructive to People's Health what could people do to change this that's a tricky question and that's the one that most societies struggle with I think making people aware of the dangers of such products and imposing true cost tax are a couple of ways to dissuade the widespread distribution of such products which items May no longer be available for people to purchase in coming decades that's a great question let me think I think some Plastic Products like plastic straws will be this will disappear from the world in the next 10 20 to 30 years um I know that some Nations like including India have banned the use of single-use straws will there be any popular Goods in the future that are not commonly purchased nowadays yes for sure especially with technology I think just just like the popularity with smartphones and airpods there will be new gadgets that we could that will become viral um like augmented reality glasses how might consumerism change over the next generation I'm not sure but I hope that people will start to learn to consume lesser and be more minimalist I'm not sure if the planet's natural resources will sustain longer with such high rates of consumerism that is the end of part three that concludes the speaking section of the exam you will have your mark available online in two days after you finish the other sections in your official certificate will be in the mail in 10 days goodbye don't forget your passport sure thank you so much have a great day so part three is literally a continuation of part two in conversation The Examiner says for part three I will ask you questions connected to the topic of part two and a question related to your response so don't be surprised when the examiner asks you a piece of information that is taken from what you have said in part two in this case The Examiner is asking pre-t if others in her family by garam masala frequently she's ready for this question and answers it with confidence explaining that her mother as she had mentioned makes her own garam masala while her sister is too busy and purchases often just like her now making these strong connections is the way to get these high band scores so first think about content just like pre-t when the examiner asks her about International consumerism pre-t makes the connection that India exports spices around the world while importing Electronics from countries such as Japan and Korea it's this type of conversational detailed English that gets high scores for part three for those of you aiming to get man seven eight and nine this is what you must practice and you can do this with regular everyday speaking now watch the interview again and notice how preteen makes these connections using strong subordinating conjunctions and good ideas good luck the next time you sit your IELTS exam to watch over a hundred IELTS speaking interview examples with different topics as well as original practice exams a fully interactive course and an app for your phone visit and join our premium IELTS package at it's a one-time payment for Lifetime access use the code spice nine for an additional 10 discount simply click the link in the video description below we are an IDP affiliate a British Council partner an IELTS test registration Center and I'm a certified British Council agent just listen to what one of our students has to say hello everyone my name is Peter I took my IELTS exam and here are my results I help video classes where crucial part of My Success I want to say thank you to Adrian and the entire team of this project join now and begin learning for success subscribe to our Channel click over here watch another video click right up here and click our IELTS hero to join our premium package and get access to all of our videos practice exams and a fully interactive course
Channel: AcademicEnglishHelp
Views: 148,175
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Keywords: IELTS, speaking, India, Andhra Pradesh, practice, IELTS speaking, help, band 9, section, examiner, candidate, official marking, band score, cue card, score 9, interview, British, accent, part 1, part 2, real speaking, real IELTS master, pass, high, part 3, fluency, vocabulary, sample, example, explanation, questions, types, IELTS description, tip, trick, strategy, dialogue, conversation, test, understand, lesson, teacher, learn, student, free, intro, IELTS learning, easy, English lesson, English tutorial, English
Id: j-vzu3-sDW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 21sec (1041 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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