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good afternoon good afternoon welcome to the ielts speaking test um i'm here this afternoon with candidate number zero two five two four five six my name is landry youssef i'll be your examiner with examiner number one nine eight seven to nine this is the speaking test off the ielts please introduce yourself my name is rafai thank you very much so what should i call you can i just know larry landry that's my name also too that's a very beautiful coincidence so let's talk about some social context situations or topics right now let's talk about where you live what do you like most about your hometown i like the uh recreational facilities in my hometown example is the emery ocean river in the ocean state so it's a really relaxing place to be okay is your hometown a popular place for tourists to visit yes yes we do have this big tourism in nigeria called the oshinoshibo and that's primarily in my hometown so we have people come from brazil europe and other places in the world just to come and experience the life in ocean state festival has your hometown changed much in recent years uh i can say yes because the last time i was home there was this uh massive development and primarily it was on the roads we used to have very very much bad route it wasn't that bad but now it's been better from last time i ordered that was like a year ago so let's talk about music how often do you listen to music i listen to music every day especially when it's edge sharing or calling ah okay do you prefer to buy cds or download music from the internet and why uh i prefer to download see i would refer to that music online because it's easy to do all i need to do is switch on my data go to the site and download what i need have you always liked the same kind of music yeah i can say yes because um i've been into soul music and uh rmb and i've not fought her out of it ah see is there a musical instrument you would like to learn to play i never thought about that before so i would say no because it has never occurred to me about [Music] ah okay so let's talk about another aspect of life that we i'm probably sure you use a lot writing what different types of writing do you do for example letters emails reports or essays report i can see uh written reports it's really scientific report okay do you prefer writing with a pen or using a computer i fail to use a computer why because um it's easy for me to save my document i would be sad to lose writing like that and show you when it's scientific report so it's very sad to lose those papers do you write more now or less than you did a few years ago all right yes now and that's because uh life has happened when i mean life has happened i've started working uh i have a lot of things that is in my mind i'm trying to be a man and things like that so it's not like it used to be aha do you like to write stories or poems uh i would say um i prefer stories because there was a time i had a blog at the time i had a blog where i just put stories up on my blogs interesting blogs okay um so we'll move on to this part two of the speaking tests now here you will have one minute to talk about a topic you will have one minute to prepare what you're going to say and have between one to two minutes to talk about a topic i will give you your cue card now and please take your time to please drop down the things that you're going to say i will be timing you when you begin your speech so let me know when you intend to start please please get ready to start here's your question describe a time when you helped someone you should say who you helped and why how you helped this person what the result was and explain how you felt about helping this person please start now all right so i'll be talking about a friend of mine he used to be my friend out here but the bad part was he was an indigenous student he couldn't afford a school fee so things were kind of hard for him so he needed help to pay his coffees and uh being a brilliant student i felt it upon myself to like um do my best to help him out so one of the things we did then was um i called on a group of friends who could raise money and uh we were able to raise like let's say 10 of the money and the other thing we did was go around the school it was a private school so the hostels were a bit uh free compared to a federal school so we had this access to each other at any time of the day so what we did what we did then was go into rooms and ask like a favor from each and every student of the school so we were able to raise that money that's how we were able to help him out to raise money so the result of it was we were able to come out like let's say 80 percent he was able to pay his school fees because he had a few money with him so the good thing about that then was he was a ali student so he was able to maintain that knowing that a lot of a lot of people have helped him out so you need to return such a favor by being well in his education so the good thing about it i felt good about helping somebody out he came out to the first class and one of the best in the department so it felt good knowing that also a step for him to achieve that goal so it's impressive on myself and himself oh is that all oh thank you very much okay so you you mentioned about feeling good about helping this person um is feeling good is it a reward for helping someone or is it a compulsory reward for helping someone the fact that it makes you feel good is that motivation for helping people and not necessarily some people just feel those videos do good because they are capable of it why some just want to have the pleasure doing good some people just did for the fame or just uh to be out there not necessarily because they really want to do good are you still friends with this person you're good friends yeah very much good friends very encouraging so let's move on to the part three of the tests um let's talk about helping people describe practical things people can do to help their neighbors [Music] practical things that people can do to help their neighbor i will use legal state as a context in the sense that uh you're not helping me gonna pay nepal bill that is our electricity bill because mostly houses and lagos is not compared to our houses in europe whereby you can have one person born and retired in lagos it's a major city as we know and you have so much people in lagos so in that sense uh in a house you can have like eight uh people who are renting out apartment there so for that for this and you need to pay your rent and that's the way you can help me because if you don't it should still be culture could you explain why neighbors should help each other uh neighbors need to help each other because in the future they always need help from each other no one can be an island when it comes to a home whereby you are not the entire owner of the house true do you think that people in small towns help each other more than people in cities yes i have that for example i stated i was in ocean state one time so while i was there ocean was not a big big city so it was um it has a lot of villages so i was in a village one time and i found how much brotherhood and kindness each people have towards each other compared to a mega city like lagos where everybody minds their business let's talk about people's attitudes towards helping other people now what do you think accounts for some people not wanting to help other people what i've come for people not wanting to help others people i would like you to explain the context there okay so what i mean there is why do some people not like helping others okay so i feel uh everybody everyone has their personal reasons everyone out there personalizing for not doing what they or for doing what they do i know what they don't want to do so family is gonna be personal like i said for me i find joy when i see people happy from what i do to them so that's my personal uh theme compared to someone else who probably is nonchalant or is just um uh has no uh feeling or not interested yeah do you agree or disagree that governments have a responsibility to help people of course they do even though we have a government that is like a disciple about um things but primarily the government's job is to care for these people so it's it's an important thing do you think or do you consider whether people whether some people deserve help more than others i think some people deserve help more than others yes there are people who actually need help than others and i can use this slum as an as an example for example there are slum area whereby uh people can't even afford to eat three square meals and uh while there are other places that uh food is a luxury affording it is a very uh like they need to make uh opportunity cost to have to place it like i i is this is not as important as this at this moment compared to luxury whereby you can actually get what you want at any time you want it so that sounds like a very very sad situation to be in um do you have any personal experience of such places yes yes i do i was not i would say primarily i was not born into luxury so i've been in the we call it the hood so we used to call it in the hood so i've been into the slum area my place i stay was not it was not at least long but it was close to islam area so i've interacted with such people before thank you very much for this very enlightening and interesting chat uh i wish you all the best in the ielts test thank you for your time and uh i do look forward to not having this chat to you again because i hope you will not be writing the test okay thank you very much for your time
Channel: PrepClass IELTS TV
Views: 5,008
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Keywords: IELTS, ielts LISTENING, ielts WRITING, ielts READING, ielts test, ielts listening test, listening practice test 2020 with answers, ielts listening test 2020, ielts listening 8.0, ielts exam, ielts mod, ielts prep, ielts preparation, ieltsng, ielts nigeria, ielts idp, ielts british council, ielts speaking exam, ielts tips, ielts listening sample, ielts lagos, ielts abuja, ielts speaking practice, ielts writing practice, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking sample, ielts ng
Id: E4lrgjiZ9os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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