IELTS Speaking Interview Cambridge IELTS 11 -Academic & GT IELTS

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hello students this is really will Institute welcome to our free online classes in today's video I am going to teach you about speaking module for Al's examination but before that if you have not subscribed to our channel yet please press subscribe button and if you want to get updates from our channel press well I can do so students this is basically cambridge 11 book and test number one i am going to teach you here so we are going to start with what kind of questions can be asked and you're speaking module and i am going to tell you simultaneously i am going to write down as well so that you get to know that how you can answer these questions okay so starting from the part one so here in this part 1 you are going to be asked some introductory questions that are related to your home work studies and other familiar topics ok so basic purpose of the examiner here in this first part is to make you people comfortable so he is going to ask you some basic questions something that are related to your life ok so now here i am going to tell you that how you can answer those questions carefully without hesitating or without getting stuck in between so one thing while answering these questions you have to keep in your mind that is you have to be short enough i mean you do not need to elaborate these things unnecessarily ok so you have to answer these question in two to three lines that is sufficient for introductory questions ok so when you are asked they'll follow up questions then you need to elaborate your answer no doubt that question needs elaboration but in this question you are going to be short enough and your answer is going to lie between two to three lines ok so now we are starting this and I will tell you that how you can answer these questions so for example examiner took a topic that is food and cooking okay so the first question that examiner is going to ask you all could ask you can be what sort of food do you like eating most okay so you have to be short enough as well as you have to answer the question that is being asked to you I mean students keep on wandering here and there they do not talk about the topic so it is important to talk about the topic first and then you keep on elaborating that thing okay so if the examiner asks you what sort of food do you like eating most so you can answer as I belong to state Punjab I like eating Punjabi food do most maybe it is my taste buds that admire my local food okay so this answer is short enough this lies between two to three lines plus discovers this question why okay so if the examiner have the possibility of asking why question then he can ask that again - but you have given your answer completely heal okay so you have mentioned here completely that I like this food why I like this food maybe my taste buds admire them the most that is why I like that food okay so this is how you can answer the question okay so moving to the next question who normally does cooking in your home okay so you can answer here my mom usually prepare food for all my family members okay so if the examiner asks you why so you can answer here because my mother is a housewife and I am a student in addition to this my father is a shopkeeper so my mother cooks food for us okay so you can answer here that my mother is a housewife I am a student and my father is a shopkeeper so my mother cooks food for us okay so moving to the next question do you watch cookery programs on TV why and why not so you can answer here you can use expression here as well so you can see to be honest I am NOT very much fond of cooking things so I do not watch cookery programmes okay so here you answered the question why as well that you are not very much fond of cooking things okay so this is how you made examiner clear your point of view so moving to the next question what is the next question here in general do you prefer eating out or eating at home well I prefer eating at my home because I feel that homemade food is more healthy and clean then that of outside food okay so here you answered your question appropriately that I prefer eating at my home because I feel that homemade food is more healthy and clean than that of outside food okay so in this way you have to answer your introductory questions you have to be short enough you have to answer it in two to three lines not more than that okay you need elaboration only in follow ups that I will tell you later on so now we are going to move towards the part two that is our cue card part so our part tool includes cue cut so what is the cue card you will have a topic and you have two minutes to talk about that okay so in that topic you will be given some points as well that you have to include in your topic plus you will be given a minute to think about this question the stop okay so one thing you have to keep in your mind that this topic is never out of your range I mean this is a very common topic and this is something you can think of I mean just have a look on this topic they are asking describe a house or apartment that's someone you know lives in ok so you have to basically talk about a house or apartment that you know and someone lives in that apartment okay and there are some questions that we have to include these are whose house or apartment this is where the house apartment is what it looks like inside and explain what you like or dislike about this person's house or apartment okay so I have already written this cue card for you so now I am going to read that cue card for you and you will get to know how you can answer this cue card okay so in that you card I have included all the possible vocabulary that one can use okay so here is the cue card in front of you so here is the part tool that is written in front of you I am going to read this if you want to have a look simultaneously then you can have okay I have seen many apartments and houses in my life but he'll I would like to speak about my friend's apartment my friend live in a city named Chandigarh which is basically a union territory in my country India she has a 5v h ki apartment in that beautiful city and her apartment is also made in an adorable way okay I remember I went to two years back when it was her birthday party and she has invited all of her friend to celebrate do her home has a magnificent garden at the entrance itself and apart from this her house has a grandeur interior to that actually left me spellbound when I saw that the intriguing fact is that her apartment has been made in a symmetric way [Music] it includes all the possible requirements that one may meet from the top of the apartment one can see Lake View - that actually adds to the beauty of that house I mean it is located in tranquil place that actually gives peace of mind and a sensation of contentment over there these are the reasons why I like her apartment the most and I would ever get if I would ever get a chance to build my own house then considering her apartment idol I will make my house similar to that of her okay so now I am going to tell you the vocabulary words that I have used here plus I am going to tell the meanings of that words - okay so here I have used the word Megan officiant okay which actually means something that is really beautiful and in Hindi magnificient means shaandaar okay similarly grandeur means the same that of magnificient I just used a synonym of this word okay in the similar way spellbound means something that has left completely something that cannot be unspoken is known as spellbound okay so what is the meaning of entry going here this means fascinating [Music] and the other words that are used here are tranquil triangle means something that is free of turmoil is something that is peaceful okay so I have used word tranquil here as well okay then I have used the word contentment over here contentment means satisfaction okay so in this way you can add various vocabulary words in your speaking and the examiner would be impressed if you use such vocabulary words but these should be used carefully so that they may not look as if you have crammed something okay use it in a way that they are your words and you can use it comfortably okay so now we are moving towards the part three of speaking that is discussion topics so in this topic the examiner can ask you questions from any of the topic maybe from your cue card that you have answered before as well okay so maybe he can use some other topic too or something that is related to your cue card okay so for example two topics are given here number one is different types of home okay so example questions can be what kind of home are most popular in your country why is this okay so you can say that in my country people playful large houses than that of apartments okay because they feel more comfortable living in their own house rather than that of living in an apartment okay okay so sometimes Examiner may ask you why do prefer living in the house rather than that of apartment then you can answer that they are more comfortable living in their house rather than that of living in the apartment okay so now moving on to the next question that can be asked to you this is what do you think are the advantages of living in a house rather than an apartment okay so you can write here down that [Music] advantages may include privacy and lesser restrictions okay so then you can explain this thing that suppose for example that if a person lives in a house then the amount of privacy is always greater than that of living in an apartment I mean when a person lives in an apartment he lives in a building basically and there are neighbors below our apartment as well as above our apartment so that sometimes may create restrictions so I feel that while living in our house it is better to be in a house because it creates a lot of privacy as well as restrictions imposed are quite less than that of apartment okay so now we are moving towards the next question so what is our next question do you think that everyone would like to live in a larger home why is that okay so you can answer here I don't feel so it is just a matter of satisfaction okay some people are even satisfied in small home some people are even satisfied in small home but some are even not when they get bigger and bigger things okay so in this way you can answer your question okay so moving on for example there is an another question that is how easy it is to find a place to live in your country so you can answer here that with the growing populations [Music] it has definitely become hard to find a [Music] genuine place to live but if a person has enough investment or funding then he can find a suitable place okay so in this way you can answer your question here okay so now moving on to the next question which is do you think it's better to rent or to buy a place to live in why I feel that it is better to live in ones own house as it actually create a feeling of security plus the restrictions imposed are far more less than that in the apartment okay moving on to the next question which is do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents why is that I don't think so age is just a number and that has nothing to do with living along with parents or away from them one should always respect one's parents as they have always sacrificed for the children so this is how you can answer the given questions okay so basic thing that you have to keep in your mind while answering your question is that you should not get stuck in between plus you should give the answer exactly what is being asked to you okay okay students so this is end of today's lesson I will see you in the next lesson till then stay tuned to our channel and if you liked our video please press like button - thank you so much
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Id: ynMEy1qlCnQ
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Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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