IELTS Speaking Conversation with Tips

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this is a lovely IELTS speaking conversation with a student from Bangladesh giving you phrases and tips to make your IELTS speaking answers more effective [Music] hello this is Keith from English speaking success and the website keithspeaking Academy helping you speak better English give better answers and get a higher score on IELTS speaking today I'm delighted to share this conversation with you it's a student called Abby he's from Bangladesh and in this conversation we want to show you some lovely phrases that a beer uses and also some tips to help you prepare for IELTS speaking do note at times I also give my opinion because it's a conversation of course in the real IELTS speaking test the examiner asks you answer the examiner does not give their opinion that's up to you to give the answers okay so in this video we'll go through the conversation we're going to talk about well introductions um transport technology and business and also after each clip I'll just do a small analysis of some of the language that you can also learn from a beer and practice and start to use as well at the very end in the conversation we talk about tips and tricks to help you learn English and prepare better for the IELTS speaking test right without further ado let's jump in um right hello Abby hi yeah hello how are you doing um I'm really good thank you I'm very very well what about you I'm doing great I mean today I'm really excited about the decision right listen it's great to see you here thank you so much for joining me today um and we're gonna have a conversation and talk about some different topics um I'd like to begin with you Abby tell us a bit about where you and where you're from and I'm from Bangladesh South Asia and I live in the city called kulna which is in the southern part of my country and you can say this and Industrial Area also right okay and what do you do in kulna well presently I'm a first-year undergraduate student and I'm studying in the Department of Business Administration and that's really great to listen cool now from you right um right first year undergraduate student so and you're doing business administration why did you choose that subject I'm really passionate about that down the road I have a plan to being an entrepreneur and that's why if I'm doing business administration right now maybe that will help me a bit and that's why I chose that I'm really passionate about that basically do you enjoy your classes yeah all the time I mean if I need to speak specifically then marketing marketing fascinates me a lot and for this reason I was business a business administration right fantastic that's great let's look at some really useful phrases Abeer uses when I ask him why did you choose that subject he said I'm really passionate about that right to be passionate about something is to to love something right it can be a hobby subject work study you can have different phrases going up in strength you can say I like that I'm into that I'm passionate about that I'm mad about that he also says marketing fascinates me something fascinates me it's it interests me a lot really a lot right we could say education fascinates me teaching fascinates me can you say that fascinates great what fascinates you lovely another beautiful phrase It's idiomatic that ABIA uses is down the road I have a plan to do something down the road doesn't mean well there it means in the future right down the road in the future down the road I want to be an entrepreneur an entrepreneur somebody who works for themself and starts a business right down the road I want to do something what do you want to do down the road foreign lovely let's move on um now you mentioned you're from cool now which is in the South did you say it was in the south of Bangladesh quite sure okay I'm interested about transport um in your city what kind of public transport do you have well in my country basically if I talk about public transports then we have buses and trains and our government has already introduced MRT and LRT and there's a pretty convenient means of travel I would say right and what about you how do you get around the city well it depends I mean when I just need to get around my city or that's a short distance then I choose public transport and when I just need to get away from it all or I'm traveling somewhere else I choose private private transportation because it's really comfortable I would say right when you mention public transport then so does that mean that you take the the bus do you take the train [Music] it depends I mean sometimes I take the bus or sometimes the strain and it depends on the purpose I'm dealing with basically right okay here where I live in Santander we have um quite a good public transport system we have buses um the only problem with buses is they do get very very crowded especially in the rush hour what's it like in your city well it's same here because our country is an overpopulated country and you know public transport is pretty affordable and for this reason like it's a bustling City and sometimes people get crowded there as well we Face the same issue right the same thing um and here the government's investing a lot in improving the transport how do you think the transport system will change in the future in your city I have been mulling over this a lot recently and I guess I mean the way people are gathering in different public transportation or public places the government can introduce some flyovers they can also impose a strict loss to like just to decrease unlicensed vehicles that will be pretty convenient for the like pedestrians or the people who are traveling and another thing I would say our government has taken some of the initiatives and we're waiting that through when they will get on with all this hoping that it happens sooner rather than later right right talking about transport Abeer uses some really nice phrases I asked him how do you get around your city right how do you move around the city he said if I need to get away from it all then I takes the bus or Takes the Train to get away from it all is idiomatic and it means really to escape the noise and activity of a city to get away from it all nice expression he then uses adverbs really well he says something is really comfortable he said the price is pretty affordable really nice it's a simple way to make your answers more beautiful right use adverbs really comfortable instead of very comfortable instead of very affordable it's pretty affordable you can say it's fairly affordable it's quite affordable or even it's reasonably affordable these adverbs are really good he also uses adjectives really effectively he talks about it's a bustling City bustling there's a t but you don't pronounce the T bus sling this means to be very busy and active in a positive way right you can also say it's a buzzing city bus slings buzzing with a z a voiced z a buzzing City like the buzz of the Bee or even um it's a vibrant City very nice be careful if you say it's a crowded City or it's a noisy City these are both slightly negative right whereas bustling buzzing and vibrant are positive great I go on to ask a beer how will public transport change in the future down the road right he says I've been mulling over this a lot recently to mull over something is to think about something carefully right and he uses the present perfect continuous very nice I've been mulling over this a lot recently I've been thinking about it lovely he then uses some Expressions because he's talking about the government very often when we're asked about changes in the future you may talk about what the government is doing he says the government should impose strict laws very nice collocation impose strict laws which is to establish some strong laws he says the government has taken some initiatives so to take an initiative is to begin to do something that they should do right the government has taken some initiatives very nice let's carry on fantastic um I guess in most cities um a key part of Transportation in the future is investing in technology and I I'm interested in in technology in your country um have there been many changes in technology in recent years yeah it has already changes because I mean for last two years we have been running up against Great difficulties in terms of Education after kovid what happened that all the education system is now online based and our teachers were not that much capable because that was in the earlier stage when we faced great amount of issues and our government currently is working as the students we are also working to skill up our technological knowledge and other things because you know there's the era of Cutting Edge Technologies without technology you cannot do a single day and how do you hone your skills around technology well what I do I take different kind of online courses that's the first thing and sometimes to brush up on my skills at practice I try to make some tutorials on YouTube I Try by my own and sometimes I also try to teach my friends because you know teaching is the best way to practice and I'm trying to do that oh that's fantastic I I totally agree the best way to learn something is actually to teach it very very true do you think that technology makes our lives easier or harder I will say easier because due to the blessings of technology I mean we are having different things like automated and that's why we don't need to think much and once in a blue moon nowadays I just take notes or take note down my I mean to-do list now I'm doing that due to the blessings of technology I have online to reduce to-do list planner and that's how the way or the way technology is helping us I mean it's reducing our stress and workload we can just make things done or we can get things done easily than before I will say right now earlier we were talking about um technology and uh older people you know I I was saying I I'm you know I'm 55 I'm getting on I'm not a spring chicken do you do you think that technology poses challenges for older people obviously it is I mean in order people find it really difficult as I have mentioned that it's kind of rocket science for them because they are from an age where they didn't face that kind of Technology their upbringing wasn't like that and now they have to add all the new things they have to adapt all these and you are a smart guy that's why you could do that in our case and there is some Silver Surfers in our country they're trying to do that but I will not say they're an expert about it they're trying really hard right right I'm very proud to be a silver server almost um yeah I'm not sure if I'm smart I think I'm very persistent right I just carry on and Carry On Carry On yeah whatever I'm doing at the age of 20 you're doing at the age of 30 55. it's really great right thank you what about um computers do you I mean do you use computers a lot what do you use them for oh my computer a lot because what happens that all the activities that I'm doing right now is based on computer without computer it's like I cannot like do a single day I cannot take a single step without computer presently we're shooting and I also take online classes of mine and through computer and also I'm brushing up my skills as I have mentioned before through computer I'm really into marketing that's why I need to design yeah also I'm doing that using softwares and computers so I totally I'm wrapped with technology I would say right interesting let's continue looking at some really nice phrases on the topic of technology again I asked the question have there been changes in technology in recent years right have there been changes so something happening in the past up until today and the bear says we have been running up against Great difficulties in terms of Education to run up against a problem is to face a problem or to hit a problem right we can say to run up run up against run up against a problem run up against a difficulty and run up against a challenge I love that run up against it should be a song so he says we've been running up against Great difficulties um notice the tense right present perfect continuous we have been plus the verb in ing we have been doing the present perfect continuous is to describe an activity that began in the past and is happening again and again up until the present lovely very nice we have been running up against some different realities in terms of Education nice he goes on to talk about skills and improving skills he actually says they are working to skill up now it's okay but in fact it's much more common to say to up skill so people have people are working to upskill right that would be the better verb to to upskill to improve your skills okay on a similar idea he talks about brushing up on my skills I said how do you hone your skills around technology right to home to improve um your skills he says I take some online courses to brush up on my skills brush upon three words right one sound brush upon my skills to brush up on something is to refresh and improve a skill that you've learned but probably forgotten brush up on can you say that brush upon right so maybe you want to brush up on your English or brush up on your typing skills I don't know another question I ask is do you think technology makes our lives easier or harder very common IELTS question right and he says well due to the blessings of Technology the blessings is an interesting word it's often used around religion to pray or to give a prayer but here it means the help right due to the blessings of technology is really thanks to the help of Technology nice expression just to remind you if you want a summary of all of this language useful phrases and the tips that come up in this lesson you can download the PDF for free of this lesson just click on the link down in the description below and put in your name your email and then you'll get the PDF and also I can send you more information about well other resources and tips and lessons all for free to help you prepare for IELTS speaking I'd like to come back to a topic we talked about earlier you you talked about being the student studying an MBA um and you mentioned about becoming an entrepreneur so under this topic of business right do you think that it's better to work for a company or to be a an entrepreneur well it depends when we are starting in our early age then we obviously can work for a company we can have lots of Knowledge from them and it happens that when we are working for a company they already have different kind of connections so it's easy to talk with people learn from them but in this series age I mean it's really I mean I will say if someone is just relying on job they're not playing a safe bit because you know a few days ago beta laid off they're 11 000 plus impulse so it's really risky and in today's time in our country all over the world they're trained it's a great practice that youngsters are coming up with great ideas they are working their butt off to make something new bring about changes to bring about breakthroughs so to my way of thinking or maybe it differs from person to person but I'm really a great fan of being an entrepreneur right very interesting um and what about family businesses are there many family businesses where you live yeah obviously I mean in my country what happens that youngsters are not that much likely to start something by their own there are few so I will not consider them a minority and in our country I mean there are some big businesses and they're really from I mean they have a great family background they have been doing that for 100 years or 50 60 years so yeah family businesses I mean are really here what kind of um I'm curious what kind of family businesses you have I mean where I live we have typically the small shops and like the The Bakers and The Butchers the fishmongers all of these are typically family businesses what about in in Kula like it's really great to hear my City's Name by you and I think that my country there are big corporations they are run by family I will mention one of them and this group they are providing us all the basic Commodities like tissue paper and other basic stuffs and another thing is that I will say they steal for the business of construction you know infrastructure development is really uh good practice here we are a developing country and different kind of groups like a keys or others are really doing great I mean they're running their business like it's a family Legacy I would say right interesting very interesting that's great um now we talk about the topic of business and we talked about whether you should work for a company or be an entrepreneur Abby said that people are laid off nice expression right to be laid off is to lose your job because of hard Economic Times right different from to be fired which means you lose your job because you're not good at it or you've done something wrong to be laid off it's just that the company cannot afford to keep you he then said something that made me smile because it's very colloquial and that was they are working their butt off to learn something new to work your butt off is to work very hard I smile because but is your bum or your ass so to work your ass off it means to work very hard I prefer working your butt off right but Double T it's a nice expression I think it's acceptable in IELTS speaking it is very colloquial I think it'll make your examiner Smile as it did me we moved on to talk about family businesses in your country in Bangladesh now he said something interesting and what I liked was the the word stress he said they are not that likely to start something by their own the stress on that they are not that likely meaning they're not very likely they're not that likely to start something by their own he said by their own it should be on their own right to do something on your own is to do it without help from other people but nice he then said talking about family businesses or I think or entrepreneurs I consider them a minority this is very very nice right I consider is I think they are a minority okay it means that it's it's similar to I think but it really means um you know I've thought about it and I've decided that this is like this so you could say instead of I think it's important I consider it important okay very very nice we carried on to talk about family businesses and he said um these businesses are run by families so to be run by or to be run is to be managed by nice I also like the fact he's using the passive right um so here we've got the subject plus to B plus the past participle by somebody right to be run by so the businesses are run by families meaning the businesses are managed by families lovely finally he talks about it's a family Legacy I would say so a family Legacy is typically the money or maybe the business or the assets or even the values that are passed down to the Next Generation so often a family business gets passed down to the sons and their children it's a family Legacy lovely and I also love the fact he said it's a family Legacy I would say meaning in my opinion it's very simple English but putting that at the end is actually very very natural English it's a family Legacy I would say beautiful very nice I'm very interested to learn a bit about you and learning English as well I mean you speak excellent English it's it's very clear you have a beautiful use of vocabulary how how did you learn English well I will say I learned all this from YouTube and listening to other speakers because yeah as I have mentioned I'm a great fan of speaking or providing or giving speeches down the road it's like my dream that I will talk in front of millions of people and for this reason I followed different kind of YouTubers and you are one of them you speak really great the way make us understand it's amazing so yeah I have also listened and I have lots of podcasts in my phone every like all the time I keep listening to that and every now and then I also visit different kind of English seminars I try to participate in English competitions and like there's a combined package I will say that's interesting so you're surrounding yourself with English um but you're also actively practicing like in competitions and things like that what about on a day-to-day basis how do you practice speaking day by day we talk about a day-to-day basis then I'm practicing I have one English partner yeah she's my companion and with her all the time whenever I get some time from myself we love who I love that time by practicing because you know we've I mean we belong from Bangladesh and our native language is Bengali so like to keep our practice like keep practicing every day we obviously need a partner and yeah like if we are not practicing every day because you know environment is the Invisible Hand That shapes our Behavior so without practice I may lose my skill what I have right now that's why I have to do that and I also listen a lot of English songs and podcasts interesting right yeah I mean we say in English you know if you don't use it you lose it it's very true right yeah I I also believe one of the Mantra which is execution is everything that's yeah that's so so true I mean it's lovely to hear you because you have you obviously have a lot of knowledge but if people don't activate the knowledge if they don't use it it just sits there and they can't speak because it's not coming out of the mouth so the activation is really important yeah I agree now you mentioned earlier when we were chatting that you've taken the IELTS test um why did you do that and how did it go well I did that because I have already mentioned because of my dream I want to speak a lot I want to speak English in front of millions of people and you know from Bangladesh and it's really hard to head up that accent when you are in an environment you can do that easily but for me it's like I have to work really hard for make for making things pan out without that it's not possible and I have taken as to just make people sure that to make sure that I'm doing great and I have learned about that that's an international standard test and if I'm doing that that's the first stage and that will be really good for me in future and in our country it also happens that and I mean like if you have a good efficiency in English you can have a good job as well so yeah so I have taken that and I made a score of 7.5 overall and in terms of English oh sorry in terms of speaking which is ready there to my heart that was eight Band-Aid well done you congratulations I'm not surprised actually that's great you have great fluidity and lovely vocabulary it's so interesting to listen how he learned English and let me just kind of summarize right how he has become such a confident speaker for me there are three things that are clear right they jump out that he has done first he uses a wide range of resources he mentioned he uses YouTube listens to podcasts he um goes to English seminars absolutely brilliant second he's highly motivated incredibly motivated right he says he wants to become a public speaker he wants to speak in front of hundreds thousands of people he also mentioned to me that he does like and wants to teach other people teaching is the best way to learn something so his motivation is is key and that's so important because you know sometimes work and study gets so difficult if you're not motivated you will give up so that high motivation makes him a good speaker finally number three he practices a lot right he practices with the partner every day he goes to these competitions and takes part in them and he also told me outside the conversation that he practices until the language becomes automatic and the ideas just flow so the practice is all important and all of this for me makes him such a confident speaker I didn't feel like he was a student trying to speak English he was just a confident speaker which could you share some tips right for students who are just starting to prepare for IELTS especially IELTS speaking are there any tips that you could share well I mean I have developed myself from the various crash that's why I can also share some of my experiences so the first thing I will try to or like to suggest to everyone is that create an environment whatever you love learn from that maybe you love to read books you can learn from there maybe you love to watch YouTube videos but I mean learn from there that's pretty effective because when you are happy your mind will work at its nicest and another thing is that practice a lot because you know a lot of thing and you are not trying to execute that on a regular basis you will lose as you have mentioned if you don't use you will say that's really true maybe it will sound a bit cliche but it's really true and the last one which is my personal tip is that don't like care a lot about answers or grammars or other things keep practicing okay so whatever you have in your mind try to just reflect that it's like you have creativity on your in your mind and just try to reflect that on your canvas that will be really effective in the long run because after all in different situation we need to deal with different topics like sometimes technology sometimes Transportation or business or any other thing and when you are really likely to share your own opinion naturally that will boost up your confidence and without confidence you cannot perform so that will be my tips and the last one but not at least I will try to mention is that don't learn huge amount of vocabularies because if I talk about the Asians we love to learn maybe one thousand or two thousand vocabularies but we cannot use that so I sometimes like it's like oh it's Buzzard I cannot use everything I have learned a lot but it's not working so don't do that learn little or smart amount of vocabularies like keep the push portion really low in the beginning learn some small things try to execute that you know when you are really okay with all the things you had then try to scale that over time learn more and more and use that I guess that's it that's fantastic and I I'm gonna say I totally agree with what you say I I love your ideas I think the focus on communication and creativity is really good because so many students block and stop because they're obsessed with the grammar they're trying to think about the grammar and they can't speak and the same problem with too much vocabulary they can't speak and they block and they stop speaking so I think your advice is um golden really nice very very good that's excellent I'd be I think we're going to wind up it's been really interesting conversation it's been lovely talking to you learning about your ideas on topics and also about learning English and I'm sure you will be um an inspiration for many many students not only in Bangladesh but I think in many countries around the world where they don't have an English environment and sometimes struggle I think your your advice and your speaking is great great lovely well listen thank you so much it's great to see you um let's stay in touch and I wish you all the best okay yeah yes thank you too much as well and I will ask you to say hi to Bangladesh I guess I'm the first one who is talking with you from Bangladesh I will say a big hi to all of you and your family and friends in kulna and across Bangladesh as well yes hello everybody there thank you so much great take care bye-bye thank you thank you so much take care so again just let me summarize right Abeer who got an eight in IELTS speaking he mentions different tips for IELTS students his tips were create an English environment learn from things that you love good practice a lot don't care too much about grammar just speak out your ideas okay yes grammar's important but don't think too much about it and finally don't learn a huge amount of vocabulary right get a smaller amount of vocabulary but activate it execute it use it that's the key brilliant well listen this brings us towards the end of this um video um and this conversation the IELTS speaking conversation would that be a big big thank you um I'll be here for doing this conversation um I hope it has helped all of you with ideas with useful phrases especially those of you trying to get up to that band eight level and I'm sure it will be an inspiration not only for the students of cool now and Bangladesh but also the rest of the world thank you all of you for watching um if you've enjoyed this please do subscribe to the channel and turn on notifications if you want to find out about more upcoming videos my new videos usually come out on Saturdays and also if remember if you want the PDF with all of this information and language from today's lesson um just click on the link down in the description and you can get that in the meantime I look forward to seeing you in the next video take care my friend bye-bye [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 119,928
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts keith, keith speaking academy, ielts speaking topics, ielts exam preparation, mock test of speaking, ielts speaking preparation, the ielts speaking test, ielts speaking tips before exam, ielts speaking tips and tricks for band 8, ielts exam in bangladesh, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking tips and tricks, ielts speaking tips, ielts tips how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips for beginners, ielts tips and tricks speaking
Id: PrKNeBrdU80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 35sec (2255 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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