LIVE MASTERCLASS: The Clear Steps to Speaking English Confidently and Fluently in 3 months!

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hello everyone we are live and hopefully we have better audio than yesterday because I've got this mic now so could you let me know can you hear me clearly and tell me if you prefer sound a which is this one or sound B which is this one please tell me a or b okay this is a la la and this is B la la I'll wait for your responses I have a feeling you're going to prefer sound a um I'll wait for your responses um I've also got some other introductions to do we have my husband will in the comments who will be answering your questions on my behalf so if you get replied to by English with Lucy but you don't see me typing it's because it's will will please could you send a little Hello message um so I can put it on screen so people can know what to expect please make sure it is genuinely me replying if anyone offers you a freebie or says you've won a giveaway or talks to you about crypto that's probably a scammer just listen to Will please um or the English with Lucy account okay most people prefer a Some people prefer B most people prefer a good this is a by the way guys right um have we got a hello from Lucy oh there we are cool yeah so this is the account if you have any questions specifically about the B2 program um this account will respond to you and there is another one as well we have my lovely teacher Joel who is a teacher within the beautiful British English B2 program um Joel please could you say hello when you hear this and I'll show you Joel's name Joel will also be answering your questions so will and Jill together are going to make a magical um moderation team let me just wait for Joel to say hello sometimes he's so quick I miss him see oh Joel sorry I've already missed you so you're too quick [Music] it's because I'm getting too many comments [Music] let's have a look it's not showing for me unfortunately um oh actually if I search Joel it might show oh here we are oh he has a profile picture today this is Joel with a lovely um profile picture Joel actually lives in Mexico so this is really early for him um yes Joel will also be answering your questions so everyone can say hello to Joel okay let's get started firstly I'd like to say hello to lots of you um I would like to know where you're from firstly so I can say hello to all your countries we have Sheila shella from India Hello nice to have you who else do we have by the way if you spam the comments you will be muted just to let you know if you complain about not being answered or something like that from me we will meet you um Macarena 9am in Argentina welcome Macarena we have Muhammad from Pakistan lovely to have you welcome Kanan or Kanan from Azerbaijan it's a very pretty flag isn't it the flag we have oh Vicky's back from Ukraine lovely to have you again we have oh Friska from Indonesia lovely to have you here thank you for joining we have enio from Angola sudath from Sri Lanka Max from Guatemala we have Carolina from Poland hello [Laughter] I've only got water unfortunately nazarovia right who else do we have oh we have cute poison from Bahrain what an oxymoron um we have Mata from Algeria Burak from Turkey oh we haven't had in Italy yet we have soccer necchi uh from India Abu back here from Gambia I'm trying to get as many different countries as I can Vince from Taiwan do you know what Vince lots of my students are from Taiwan that enroll in my courses I love my students from Taiwan we have Neff from Philippines Christiana from Germany sorry I can't read your name but hello to Russia we have Sarah bidsay from Georgia samiha from Tunisia and josiahs from Brazil okay let's get started with the lesson uh first let me make sure I'm not making any mistakes no I'm all good I might look down on my phone occasionally just to make sure that I'm doing the right things um we have also I've seen we've also had well let me first introduce this live stream okay I'm going to ask you to answer this question so today we're going to talk about how to become fluent and confident in English and how to achieve the B2 level of English which is an upper intermediate level and this is all to celebrate the launch of my brand new program and the deadline is tonight the beautiful British English B2 program closes registration tonight if you would like to join before the deadline visit that link down there b2course dot Co dot UK now I've got a question for you I want you to answer this question here why do you want to improve your English please write as much as you'd like um I prefer full sentences not one word answers um so take your time write them and in the meantime I'm going to welcome some of the students that have already joined with that link here with b2course DOT Co dot UK right let me see we have seven already we have ego Sylvia one MO lazaridi Alvin Ahmed and Ruslan thank you so much for joining you fabulous seven if you would like to join those seven students please click on the link or type in the link down there b2course dot Co dot UK um just a quick message my husband when someone joins could you tell me if they've also joined the VIP pack so I can welcome them in um thank you and as you join I will try my best to read out your name as well so here we are so that you can have a little celebration and if you join leave a comment as well and I will try my best to see it and put it on screen ah a super chat from Rosenberg thank you so much oh I I can't find it but thank you that's really really kind right let me have a look through I'm going to pull some comments on screen ah Oxana what a lovely lovely answer I would like to improve my English so as to be able to perfect looks on it so as to be able to communicate with everyone from different countries beautiful Oxana and yes what a wonderful reason to improve your English it really is a lingua Franca it opens so many doors whether it's for traveling meeting people communicating with people across the world or advancing in your career Sadaf wants to sound like a native speaker that's a big goal setup it's not necessarily easy to achieve it is something I can help you with but it's not necessarily something I encourage I don't want anyone to feel that they have to speak or sound like a native speaker but if it's something you're really passionate about and I had a very similar experience in Spanish I wanted to sound like a native speaker so I worked really hard to achieve that zainab I want to be more confident with both writing and speaking zainab what a great goal and for anyone who has that goal the B2 program this is the aim of it we are going to help you become more fluent and more confident both with your speaking your writing and your listening listening and reading I almost said listening and leading Johan lovely to have you back again I love languages and I want to master myself in them Bilal wants it for his PhD best of luck with that Bilal my brother is doing a PhD and I actually interview him in the program we speak about phds there's a section on education K-pop world I want to study in London yes um becoming more fluent improving your English is one of the keys to being able to travel and study or work abroad okay Mariko for studying in the University yeah it's amazing to have a foreign language experience in University I when I was at University I went and studied in Madrid in Spain and I studied in Spanish and it was a challenge but it was so rewarding and I met so many amazing people hmm I like this one Larissa I want to be as good as possible as a personal goal it is great and you know what it's this time of year it's January new new year new meets when we set resolutions I know I've set myself a language resolution I want to become fluent in Italian that's the language I'm learning at the moment it's a beautiful language I want to travel I want to make Italian friends I want to cook and eat Italian food so I'm actively learning Italian so I can totally understand why you want to do the same thing with English oh Cedric what a great response because I want to sound more confident in English when speaking to natives to present from doing or making some silly mistakes remember the difference between do and make we make mistakes um exactly it's a it's a pride thing for me when I'm speaking another language because sometimes I know what I want to say I know I'm intelligent I know I can be funny but my lack of a language prevents me from showing my true sense of humor my true personality my true intelligence and the only way really for me to overcome that is to knuckle down study hard put in the work ah this is a very good one Aqua Buck here English is the most spoken language right now in the world so it's now a requirement yes lots of people feel they have to speak English they don't necessarily want to they feel that they have to and when I was creating this B2 program we started designing the curriculum months ago we've really put a lot of time into this um one of my main goals was to make it really really fun so that it's both for students who are passionate about English and British culture and love doing it and want to enjoy the process but I also wanted to make it really enjoyable and achievable for people who don't necessarily want to study English um so I really think we tick both of these boxes Henriette to get more open-minded exactly to expand your horizons Vicky Vicky says I've joined the course so excited it's lovely to have you in the course Vicky I can't wait we start tomorrow the deadline is tonight I need to avoid this microphone I need the deadline is tonight so visit b2course dot Co dot UK if you want to join Vicky oh nagatoi says I want to have an advantage for work in the future because I major in international business one quick note business 1s in the first cluster of s's is with One S business um yes English does tend to be the language of business so if you do want to work in international business it is usually a requirement Yoko says hello Lucy and everyone I've just joined the B2 program but I haven't finished B1 yet how can I extend yes um Yoko if you just respond to the email we'll help you out and we'll make sure we extend your access so that you can complete both in a relaxed amount of time and thank you so much for joining Yoko it's amazing that you did the B1 program and then you liked it so much that you joined the B2 that made me that makes me incredibly proud thank you okay I'm going to ask two more oh I've just seen a great one and it moved away it was by Anna yes Anna thank you Anna what a lovely response it's also the language of International Communication the media and the internet so learning English is important for socializing and entertainment and work as well and it's funny you say that because in the beautiful British English program the B2 program we divide the topics into three sections it's a three-month program in month one we talk about our personal and social life in month two we talk about Leisure and entertainment and in month month three we talk about our professional and work life so we cover all three of those bases in the program um but yeah you're spot on with that and that's a beautifully written comment thank you one last one answer sham cool photo by the way you look fresh um I have been improving and learning English for better work opportunities overseas yes lots of people want to learn English so that they can work in the tourism industry so they might be able to come over to England or another English-speaking country um it's a lot a lot of people find it a way to exit their daily normal life and look for something exciting and interesting okay let's move on to the next um oh that's not ideal I've deleted my um don't worry I can get it back there were two of me for a minute right I will try not to do that again that was a silly mistake we're back we could make a blooper reel after this I just need some water to calm down from that that was almost a disaster right I've got another question for you and again I'd like you to answer in full sentences not individual words um I want to know what is your biggest struggle when it comes to learning English and what has prevented you from becoming fluent if you are still not fluent maybe we have some completely fluent students watching maybe we have some native speakers who just like joining in I know we have a lot of those and I love having you here I haven't seen any comments from native speakers yet yet but it will be nice too um so yeah have a think about that take your time to write your answer and in the meantime I'm just going to refresh and see who we've had join from the live stream okay we have Thomas or Thomas Thomas if you write a comment that would be wonderful we also have Antoine Carla and Maria thank you so much for joining if you would like to join Thomas Antoine Carla and Maria just visit we are running a huge introductory offer you can save up to 150 and we have three month payment plans to make it more affordable but as it says down there the deadline is tonight so after midnight tonight in UK time we um there will be no more discount and you won't be able to join we close the doors okay let's see ah Anna another comment from you procrastination what great word what has prevented you from becoming fluent procrastination so procrastination is when you delay doing something because you don't want to you delay taking action so for example I'm terrible at procrastinating oh thank you Harry um that's so lovely um I'm terrible at procrastinating before exams I always find other non-essential tasks to do like cooking a meal cleaning my house looking on social media instead of doing the studying and lots of people find this with English okay let's see more answers Abdul yeah a good one the struggle is that I get nervous most of the time when speaking English yep that's a real struggle languages don't come naturally to everyone some people have to put in a lot of work and that can be very nerve-wracking that can make you feel very nervous and honestly I think it's worse for introverted people we have extroverted people who often don't mind making as many mistakes um but the reality is when you're learning another language you are going to make mistakes it's about changing your mindset around that um and not feeling too embarrassed Amerigo says it might be a lack of exercise a lack of practice and poor vocabulary well that's what we've tried to achieve in this beautiful British English B2 program you have I would like to say thousands but at least hundreds and hundreds of exercises and opportunities to practice and there are hundreds of new vocabulary words and phrases not just boring ones or no boring ones they are all Native level phrases idioms phrasal verbs and collocations that native speakers genuinely use let's see some more yeah set them on my fear is the biggest problem again it's a scary thing but hopefully in my lessons you feel that you're in a safe space um and when we give you feedback we do it in a really lovely way oh Sandra that oh have I put you up oh Harry let me just um put you up there speak of the devil I'm From Italy yes because I mentioned I want to speak Italian let's have a language exchange that'd be awesome Harry um thank you so much for the Super Chat Sandra the biggest struggle is speaking and forgetting random words going blank I do it in English and that's my native language I just did it on this live stream earlier I didn't know what to say next it's okay take a breath take a breath have a sip of water cheers and um and think take your time um we do a lot of vocabulary work in in this course let's take a look at a few more answers because I'm spending quite a long time looking at your your responses but I really like chatting to you I'm just going to go to some newer ones oh sassa this is one I can relate with especially when learning Italian pronunciation I'm afraid I'll look ridiculous yes this is a really common fear uh the fear of making a fool of yourself um I can totally relate and one more Timur struggles with pronunciation yeah British English the RP pronunciation my accent is hard because a lot of languages have strong pronunciation rules the way a word is written is the way it's pronounced English is not like that but in the program we have 15 really quite intense dedicated pronunciation lessons they're optional if you're not interested they've got lots of exercises and we I'll talk about it in a minute but we um we break down pronunciation into little tiny bits and then we build up build up build up so by the end of the program in three months time you should feel a lot more confident with your British English pronunciation okay I'll just do two answers to this what action can you take to reach your fluency goals I know I'm making the camera shake at the moment sorry it's from all the scrolling in the meantime I'm just going to refresh if we have any more students joining oh we have three we have Cornelia welcome Cornelia Bashir and dilshad or Dil sod Cornelia Bashir and Dil sod thank you so much for joining I can't wait to start the program with you and to see you in the course Community um if you would like to join those three then visit b2course dot Co dot UK all of the information is there I'm also going to go through it in great detail in this lesson and we are going to have a space for questions at the end if you ask your questions now my husband will as English with Lucy will respond to you along with my teacher Joel Majid um but I'm going to have your questions on screen at the end okay Juan Ho sorry I pronounced that in a really British way um I remember you from yesterday in fact I think you've joined the program am I right um practice practice and practice I like the way you've used the two spellings for practice there um yes definitely what action can you take to reach your fluency goals practice makes perfect as a common British um British saying indrajit says tell me about your program I will I'll get started shortly Luke and Harry says I like to read a lot so it comes almost naturally and it really does help yes reading is a huge help it doesn't necessarily help so much with pronunciation and listening but with reading and writing of course it really does help and it helps you expand your vocabulary frisker watching movies without or with an English subtitle yeah with English subtitles that's a really good way and you know what in some countries where um they show they don't dub they don't show English movies in their own language they show them in the original version with subtitles um and cartoons children who grow up with that have a much better level of English and really good pronunciation okay one more huh Tony I'm managing this thanks to your courses and challenges I love them that makes me very happy Tony thank you so much for putting your trust in me and joining my courses and challenges I put a lot of love into them and it's amazing to see responses from students okay oh Oksana I can use authentic materials not adapted ones in order to immerse myself in the language yes immersion is key here and that's one feature I really want to talk to you about in the in the beautiful British English B2 program we have some amazing real conversation lessons with native speakers and we break it down we analyze the grammar we analyze the pronunciation we analyze the vocabulary so that you can take those learning tips from native speakers and apply them to your own language okay let's move on let's have a a quick look at oh first thing what my students want to achieve yes in general my students want to understand native speakers especially when speaking fast and they want to participate in conversations and not feel interrupted or like they're ruining the conversation by slowing it down they want to feel 100 confident in their speaking abilities and this is a key one and this is what really differentiates between or differentiates B1 and B2 level in my opinion they want to recognize jokes and hidden meanings so at B1 you can watch a film and and with subtitles and understand most of what is said but in B2 what you start to achieve is to understand hidden or implied meanings start to understand jokes and that makes life a lot more fun I think and a lot less confusing okay let's talk about real English what do I mean when I say real English so native speakers let me ask you this question have you ever listened to an exercise for your own language for example if you're Spanish have you ever heard a listening a Spanish listening activity or an Arabic listening activity or a French listening activity it sounds weird doesn't it it sounds forced everyone speaks really clearly and slowly it doesn't sound real so these poor students who listen to these fake activities then go into the real world and hear native speakers talk and they think what on Earth this is not what I covered in school I was I found listening quite hard at school but this is impossible the issue is native speakers don't speak textbook or school book English we don't we don't in textbooks and in listening activities and in school books the language is simplified we don't speak like that in real life two things that we really do use quite a lot in natural English and I won't talk about pronunciation for now we've already done a live pronunciation lesson and there are 15 pronunciation lessons in the beautiful British English B2 course let's talk about vocabulary and grammar here two features of natural English are idioms and phrasal verbs okay so take a look at this sentence I will take a short nap before we leave this is totally fine but what I might say as a native speaker when I'm talking to my mom or my husband or my friend I'm Gonna Catch 40 Winks before we head out you can't translate this literally catch 40 Winks What on earth does that mean and head out well it's got nothing to do with heads let me have a quick look at your comments I saw one from Lolita which really made me laugh [Music] I've lost it sorry it went too quickly um yeah so to catch 40 Winks let me see if I explain it on the next slide no I don't so I'm going to explain it now um to catch 40 Winks is to have a nap um you know just a short one it's quite an old-fashioned idiom my grandparents used to use it quite a lot I'm just going for 40 Winks we like to be quite indirect in English so we would never say I'm going for a nap well we would but we would prefer not to admit to needing a nap instead we'd use a indirect way of saying it and to head out is to leave or to go out we have an idiom and a phrasal verb okay so let's talk about idioms idioms are phrases or Expressions that have a figurative meaning this means that you cannot translate them what are the words that are written do not express what the phrase means so an example to beat around the bush this has got nothing to do with beating and it's got nothing to do with bushes it means to purposely avoid a subject and we often use it in the negative let's not beat around the bush I'm going to tell you exactly what I think I'm not going to avoid this subject I'm going to tell you exactly what I think we often use them we often use them in informal written English but we use them a lot in spoken English and they are often specific to certain parts of the world or regions so there are a lot um that British English and American English share but there are some that are more American and some that are more British and in the beautiful but there we are in the beautiful British English B2 program I do differentiate um yes the the focus is on British English but I do mention for example the idiom to throw a spanner in the works which is to cause a problem that stops everything in American English they say to throw a monkey wrench in the works another example to see eye to eye to see eye to eye and notice how I say to see yai to Y to c i to Y this is a pronunciation feature I've inserted an extra consonant sound c i with a little yes c i i don't say c i to i c i to y we'll talk about this more in the program um but I like to integrate pronunciation into all of my lessons ci2i is to agree and it often means to agree in general so I don't see eye to eye with my father-in-law I don't generally agree with my father-in-law um or I didn't see eye to eye with them on that topic I didn't agree with them specifically on that topic okay oh Sima has done a great example do not beat about about the bush we normally say around the bush but yeah we'd understand you with about the Bush come to the point yeah get to the point come to the point okay question I'm going to let you answer this can you think of any other awesome idioms um and if you want extra points and an extra chance of being shown on screen please could you include it in a sentence um in the meantime I'll take your time I'll leave you for a few minutes to write your favorite idiom or a really cool idiom and use it in a sentence and then we'll go through some of them use it in a sentence if you can and I'll have a look to see who has joined the program oh we have Nicola Nicola and she has joined the VIP or she or he because it could be Italian uh they could be Italian uh Nicola the live has joined a VIP pack fantastic Nicola please say hello in the comments if you're there so has Valentina and monzam welcome and if you would like to join Valentina Nicola and monzam please all VIP students please click or visit b2course dot Co dot UK um the deadline is tonight we are offering up to 150 off tomorrow we'll it will return to the normal price and the the doors close you can't join anymore okay toy great one he comes to see me once once in a blue moon once in a blue moon is very rarely great my I'm the black sheep of the family I'm the black sheep of the family this means I am the odd one out everyone is similar in my family and I am different oh no Satya oh I'm really sorry about this one um you've used it correctly and if it's true I'm sending you a big hug my my grandpa kicked the bucket recently so this is quite an informal way of saying to die so it's a way of saying my grand Grandpa died recently and often this is a part of British humor because often we like to make light of serious topics or joke or kind of minimize uh serious topics so even though we might be very sad we will say something really informal like oh he kicked the bucket um so if you are genuinely trying to express that you're very sad about the event I wouldn't use this one I would say passed away my dad my granddad passed away recently oh zainab great one she made an official Complaint to the CEO about the type of cheese in the cheese sandwiches at the canteen this seems to me to be a storm in a teacup yes a storm in a teacup is like a huge problem made out of something very very small Mo I'm a lone wolf a lone wolf is somebody who likes to spend time alone who doesn't like to be in big groups David great one I need to get my head around this project I need to get my head around this project to get your head around something is to begin to understand something or to fully understand something Rakesh fantastic one well done I'm on cloud nine this one is lovely it means I'm really happy I'm really happy I'm on cloud nine we also have another one which is to be over the moon which is one of my favorite I was over the moon when I found out I'd passed my exam Iris I'm going to hit the hay and this is what I use all the time this means to go to sleep I'm going to bed I'm going to hit the hay okay let's move on here oh Timmer actually has done a really good one he's wet behind his ears wet behind the ears this means young very young okay let's talk about phrasal verbs briefly and then we can start getting into the nitty-gritty of the B2 program and how it's going to help you uh so phrasal verbs are two or more words put together that take on a new meaning and it's made up of a verb and a particle which is usually a preposition can also be an adverb typically it has at least two or more meanings typically it has at least two or more meanings some only have one some have loads of meanings and it gets really confusing so we have an example to carry on and this means to continue doing something I'm going to carry on working I'm going to continue working or it means to behave in a certain way don't carry on like that don't behave like that to fall apart I can it means to no longer function because of problems my plan fell apart I could no longer do my live stream because I managed to delete my presentation luckily that wasn't the case we also have to be in a very bad condition and to break my new jacket fell apart at the seams seems are where your clothes are joined with stitches my new jacket fell apart at the seams I hope that doesn't happen but I haven't bought a new jacket in a long time I have bought some new jumpers recently do you like this one it's got lightning bolts in it because I want to reiterate that we have to be quick because the deadlines tonight questions okay oh we've just had another student job oh two we've had Monica join Monica please say hello if you're in there and Nuria Anna noria Anna what beautiful name Nuria Anna okay and you are both VIP students amazing so you'll be getting personal pronunciation and writing feedback awesome right here's a question for you I'm going to give you a few minutes to answer it can you write a sentence that includes a phrasal verb I want a full sentence please don't worry if you make a mistake um I will correct it for you [Music] oh Carmen says she likes my top thank you nice color I do like the color Carmen thank you oh yummy or Yumi oh where have you gone Yumi I've lost you here you are I need to hand in my prep or my homework to hand in is to submit to submit and before the internet we used to physically use our hand to pass our homework or our forms to our teachers uh now we we normally send them online but we still say hand in you need to hand in your homework um by midnight oh boomi great one pull over the car pull over the car now normally we would have this as a separable idiom um so we would say pull the car over um or an intransitive transitive sorry um and this means to move the car to a side of a road and to stop you need to pull the car over the police are following you she left she put on to put on is to wear something on her Overcoat as it was pretty cold no cyber good one catch is an irregular verb so we say Court I caught the bus up I caught up with the bus as well would be another option timoth to get on well I got on well with others in my new class that is to have a good relationship with well done Ka Ying I got up at six this morning yes to get up I wonder if you can answer this little question because this is fairly basic it's something we learn quite early on but there's a difference what is the difference between to wake up and to get up do you know that please comment if you know the difference between to wake up and to get up because I I hear people making a mistake with it in the meantime let me get another one boo me again you're on fire boomi we should never give up on our dreams give up on so we have three words there two prepositions to give up on to give up is to not try for something anymore to quit so if I give up on my dreams I stop hoping for that for my dreams let me see if anyone's got the wake up versus get up oh Manuel go to the yo I recognize your name unwell after taking off my trousers I jumped into the pool Manuel has used two idioms there to take off to remove if we use it with an airplane the plane takes off it means it leaves the runway it goes into the air and jumped into enter well done let's see do we have any people I don't see any answers for wake up ah Willy well done so Willy is also my nickname for my husband will so he was like yes in the background really well done um to wake up is to come out of sleep oh my God Willie you've used a phrasal verb when describing a phrasal verb so to wake up is to open your eyes to stop sleeping in the morning and to get out get up is to leave your bed well done okay we'll do one more toy I hung out with my friends all day to hang out is to spend time with and it's a relaxing sort of informal occasion okay right in the meantime do we have any new students will let me know now I'm going to start talking to you about the beautiful British English B2 program um and if you're not necessarily interested there's still going to be a lot of really relevant information in here um just one thing first I know you can see this big red sign down here the deadline is 12.50 or is 12 midnight tonight basically 23.59 um UK time so you have got Under 12 hours you've got 11 hours left to join not very long if you would like to join or if you would like to see the program see the pricing I'm going to talk about it now but please visit that link let's talk about my method when it comes to teaching English I get a lot of questions about my method I make lessons centered around teaching real correct English we strive for high accuracy High fluency we also really try to improve your confidence we also I say we because it's me and my team of teachers they'll be doing the feedback with you but every video is with me and you get over 60 videos in this course I do a deep focus on pronunciation from day one pronunciation from day one is my Mantra because so many students receive bad pronunciation education they get taught incorrect incorrect pronunciation from a young age and that makes it really difficult to then correct the pronunciation later on but I have methods for this we take the individual sounds we look at how sounds join together we look at how whole words sound we look at how words join in a sentence we look at how whole sentences are pronounced it's intense it is intense but it works it really really works and yeah we've had some amazing results um we have lots of exercises as well so one of our focuses on is on pronunciation because in my experience that's one of the things that really helps my students feel confident when they speak they speak fluently their words connect they flow they sound natural now I'm not saying that you have to speak with a native accent that's not what I'm saying for those who want that I can help you achieve it um but what I'm saying is I want you to speak beautifully and clearly clearly because you want to be understood we just have a few more students oh wow we have two self-study students we have Daniel and masamitsu welcome and we have Daniella who is a VIP student um they have joined via b2course DOT Co dot UK make sure you check that link out okay let's talk about one of my little stories so I noticed that someone in the in the chat did ask if I had um if I speak French and the embarrassing answer is no even though I studied French for five years I made no progress and if I were to go to France right now I would not be able to hold a conversation the issue is my teacher didn't focus on pronunciation so from day one I felt ridiculous when I spoke in French she made us say words like bonjour je m'appelle Lucy in a British accent it was so embarrassing and once I did go to France when I was younger this was when I was at school and someone laughed at me when I spoke because I was pronouncing things with a British accent we also moved too slowly we were in this big classroom of 40 students some of the students were really naughty they'd distract the student the teacher by the time we'd all settled down and begun our 50-minute class half of the class was already lost we did 10 to 20 minutes of actual work and then it was time to leave again it was ridiculous we moved so slowly we didn't make any progress and number three my mindset was wrong I didn't want it I didn't like my teacher I didn't like the way I sounded I didn't see the point of it now let's move to Spanish I learned Spanish at school and I became fluent in two years I'm not joking I became totally fluent the first reason is I had a teacher that I didn't just like I loved I loved Senora senorita Flores if you're watching you were just amazing I absolutely loved studying with her every single lesson was interesting and I've learned so much from her and I tried to put this into my B2 program because I know that those who join the program have likely seen my my YouTube lessons and know they like the way I teach so we try to do even more of that in the program you get over 60 I think 65 lessons beautiful visuals everything appears on screen we haven't cut any Corners I know lots of people put a lot of money into their YouTube videos and then not as much in their course videos because they're so expensive to make no I hired a team of editors and I said I want this course to be incredible so we have can you see it we have three different backgrounds we have pink for pronunciation blue for grammar and yellow for vocabulary sorry I've now ruined the camera angle pink for pronunciation and blue for vocabulary no blue for grammar pink for pronunciation yellow for vocabulary we keep it really visual so when you're seeing a yellow lesson you know you're learning vocabulary when you're in the pink room you know you're learning pronunciation everything appears on screen and then we have loads and loads of exercises afterwards with Spanish I focused on pronunciation from day one it was always a focus for me and I felt instantly confident when I went to Spain in fact I knew better pronunciation than grammar so I would say what say sentences I would sound Spanish but my just just my grammar would be wrong and number three I made Spanish my priority two languages two very different experiences and I want you to have my Spanish experience in in English am I in the end my Spanish was so good that I got to go abroad and totally immerse myself so I went from fluency to really integrating into society there so let's talk about the B2 program this is a 12 week course designed to take you from intermediate B1 level to Upper Intermediate B2 level we start on Monday but you have lifetime access to the course content so if you want to lock in this introductory offer price now and start it later you can do that our AIMS in the course are to increase your speaking and writing confidence we have an option called the VIP feedback pack and in fact I can see that Lu and Zhang has just joined as a VIP student and so has keeda so if Luan Zhang and keeda want to say hello please do um I've lost myself now because I got excited about the students joining yes we have the VIP feedback pack you can get um personal speaking and writing feedback from my team of teachers so you can really improve your pronunciation and your writing skills we're going to train you to understand native speakers when they talk fast in a natural pace in conversation we have 12 conversation lessons and these are amazing they're a new feature in the B2 program um and we've tested it out with a small group of students and their response was I want more of this give me more um yes so we have 10 minute conversations each week with someone important in my life I wanted them to be as relaxed and natural as possible we have my brother we have my friends we have my husband we have my mum my dad their conversations are really interesting my dad speaks about his childhood in Africa and how it different different how the differences between he talks about the differences between my childhood and his childhood because of course he brought me up good phrasal verb there and my mum talks about food and cooking she taught me to cook very interesting conversation um and we will also I always say express your true personality intelligence and intelligence because that was my problem when before I became fluent in um in Italian Spanish and it's what I'm feeling right now in Italian I know that I'm an interesting and intelligent person but I can't show you that with my language barrier so I know what I want to say in my own language I just wish I could say it to you fluently in the language that I'm learning and that I want you to have that experience as well because I know you're all intelligent interesting often funny people but the language barrier prevents you from showing your true personality which is a frustrating place to be and it's a place where lots of students get stuck okay so these are the course features I'm going to show you in more detail later but we have 24 grammar lessons all with videos all with tons of exercises downloadable PDF mind maps downloadable PDF lesson notes and summaries because this is B2 and some people are not sure if they're quite at B1 level we also include B1 summaries so we're only teaching you the B2 level grammar but if you feel you need some extra help you have those downloadable notes that you can use to prepare you for that lesson that's an awesome feature 12 vocabulary lessons we have vocabulary throughout the entire course but 12 video vocabulary lessons focused on idioms and phrasal verbs and collocations as well I'm teaching you the real vocabulary or the real British English that native speakers genuinely use conversation what I just mentioned we have 12 conversation lessons and in there we look at even more vocabulary we break down the conversation we analyze the grammar we analyze the grammar rules that they follow and the ones that they break because we don't follow all of our grammar rules um and that's really fascinating I think you'll find that super interesting because I get so many questions from students saying hey you taught me this but here is an example of a native speaker not following that rule why is that I'll show you and we also analyze their pronunciation and on top of that we have 15 pronunciation lessons 15. awesome you can tell I'm very excited about this course we put a lot of a lot of love into it on top of that we also have listening and reading comprehension tasks we have six we alternate week by week um we have listening and reading as well with lots of activities oh okay this might be quite small especially if you're looking or if you're watching on a mobile um but this is the course curriculum now each week you receive we open the module each week we don't close them again once it's open it's open you keep it for life um but each week you receive five to six video lessons and you can see the topics of conversations you can see 1a1b they're both released at the same time but most students like to dedicate to study sessions so we've organized it into that format for you you can see we cover phrasal verbs tense mistakes Advanced adjectives conditionals reported speech word formation I love that video um modal verbs we do quite a lot of work on modal verbs and how to use them in context the passive voice we use question tags prepositions future tenses verb patterns so much with vocabulary we cover University and social life we talk to my brother who's doing a PhD and he tells us what um British universities like appearance really important one this one um I go into a lot of detail here relationships and wedding traditions and in this one we have an interview with me and my husband will about how we went from meeting each other to dating to engaged to marriage that's the conversation lesson we cover a lot of other things growing up in childhood pets and animals I interview my friend Kelsey who is Scottish who will hear her beautiful Scottish accent she's from Aberdeen and she is a vet a vet so her job is to heal sick animals and we have an amazing conversation about that especially focusing on the British attitude towards pets and animals which might be very different to your attitude potentially uh we could cover British food sport the Olympics British news and media that one's particularly fascinating the internet and social media British attitudes towards money office culture and jargon that's a big one and the Health Care system so lots of really interesting topics we're not just teaching you basic vocabulary like apple pear burger no no this is B2 level we're teaching you to speak like a native here we're teaching you idioms phrasal verbs and really quite Advanced vocabulary awesome okay so that's your breakdown you can see 24 grammar lessons 12 vocabulary 15 pronunciation uh six reading six listening and 12 conversation lessons we'll quickly go through some of the pronunciation topics actually we go through Ed adjective endings um we go through unstressed syllables the vowel sounds illusion so this is like saying instead of saying don't you we say don't you things like that real quick tricks for sounding more native uh connected speech when I said c i to y connected speech informal contractions tone of voice huge one different UK accents my students love accent videos we introduce you to lots of different UK accents so that you can understand them I don't necessarily teach you to use those accents because that might not be relevant to you but you do need to understand a wide variety of accents oh and the last one as well the glottal stop okay so with grammar we have video lessons that break down topics into practical English English that you can genuinely use you'll learn a lot of pronunciation and vocabulary throughout these videos everything is described on screen and shown in a really visual way you also have PDF review lessons so you can cover what you should already know in the lower levels by the way will if you have anyone you join let me know um oh now [Music] join who's a self-study student Levan joined as a self-study student welcome both of you Shirley is a self-study student Xing VIP student and Susanna VIP student thank you so much u5 Magdalena Lavan Shing Susanna and Shirley say hello in the comments if you're there um and thank you so much for joining and if you would like to join too visit b2course dot Co dot UK the deadline is tonight okay these are some examples of pronunciation lessons you can see we do it with pink backgrounds did you see that the grammar lesson was with blue pink backgrounds because I believe that colors really do help they help you enter the Zone this yellow background is normally for vocabulary um we focus on proper pronunciation we focus we have lesson notes for every single one we have transcriptions of all new vocabulary words in every single lesson all of our vocabulary lessons are focusing on pronunciation too as are are conversation lessons which I'll show you shortly oh Louise I'm glad I could see you there Louise hello I'm from Brazil and I've joined the VIP pack awesome Louise you haven't shown up on my feed yet but thank you so much for joining be great to have you in there okay um we also have designated pronunciation exercises so you can practice at home um so you can lots of ones like this ones where you'll listen to me speaking or to someone speaking and you choose the right phoneme we train you how to do it it's challenging but it's a good challenge it will really train your ear vocabulary yellow in this background 12 lessons centered around learning real English as spoken by native speakers we also have detailed lesson notes mind maps we have mind maps for every topic by the way we love mind maps and you can download them all and by the end of the program you'll have this stack of mind maps that you can use for revision and we have activities designed to help acquire new vocabulary and we take our activities very seriously as well you have Gap fills transcription exercises check the error exercises quizzes lots of them spelling tests as well that's important for your writing foreign this is what I was talking about the conversation lessons so you can see here actually I'm having a conversation with my brother George so this is where you really move from school book English to real English I call it my conversation analysis Technique we take a 10-ish minute conversation you listen to it once with no subtitles every single video in the course has subtitles apart from the conversation videos and that is intentional instead can you see on screen there that there are words on the screen you can see it says one on one and there's also the phonetic transcription so you watch without subtitles but on screen when there's an interesting or an advanced word we put it on screen with the um with the pronunciation after that can you see in the picture further away after watching the entire thing you can then read or you can download the PDF transcript of the conversation and we also list all of the vocabulary that was shown on screen with the pronunciation with a definition and with an example so this first part of the conversation lesson is like a pronunciation and vocabulary explosion you really intake so much you can watch it again and read the transcript if you want as well to really improve your listening and pronunciation after that we take short clips of the conversation and we analyze the grammar rules that we followed or that we broke we and we do exercise on those we analyze the pronunciation so we pick out things that you might not have been aware of we teach you about them and we give you exercises and we pick out the key vocabulary and we do some exercises on that as well these these for me are just I don't even have the words to describe them I wish I wish I had this when I was learning Spanish and certainly when I was learning French and to be honest I haven't seen anything like this for Italian either it's a brand new concept we have oh my word I've just had a new influx of students so we have Elena thank you for joining Elena has joined a self-study program Sarah self-study student and nishimura has joined a VIP program mahama self-study Paulina self-study and albiac self-study thank you so much for joining we have Elena Sarah nishimura mahama Paulina and obliac obliac sorry I said obiac before obliac six new students thank you so much for joining if you would like to join them too and take advantage of this awesome offer that ends at midnight tonight and registration closes full stop for the foreseeable future whilst we start this first cohort visit b2course dot Co dot UK okay we have these lesson features and these I'm excited about these because I'm a study nerd and I know a lot of you are so we have color-coded lesson notes for quick reference just gonna give you a minute that I'm gonna have a sip of water color coded you can tell that I love colors and incorporating them into my lessons with the backgrounds the study notes we also have loads of interactive exercises to ensure lesson comprehension in that picture there you can see an example of our Gap fills they correct you as you go along you don't have to study an answer key you don't have to ask anyone for the answers it corrects you and your spelling in the moment mind maps don't even get me started on the mind maps so for pronunciation for grammar and for vocabulary we have mind maps and these are PDF downloads that you can use to study in your own time so you can watch a lesson and then use these as revision materials all of these materials are yours to keep for life you get lifetime access but they're all color-coded one of my teachers Tiana she's actually our operations manager she is the mind maps Queen and she said to me when we were in coming up with the concept of this course she said Lucy you have to have mind maps I've taught for so many years and these are the things that really help my students retain what they have learned so we created them they've taken bloody ages but they're worth it and I love them um yeah so the pronunciation ones are a new feature we've never done mind maps for pronunciation before but they are superb here's one that I think a lot of you will be interested in Mobile compatibility I know so many of you aren't really interested on study for in studying on a computer um but this is this course is compatible with your mobile and with your tablet or with your desktop so you can take it with you on the go lots of the course materials are downloadable like the PDFs obviously for videos you will need an internet connection you get lifetime access to the course materials here can you see on that mobile one you can see the corrections they correct you in real time let me just check my oh people are wondering what B2 means B2 is the level it means Upper Intermediate English so B2 is the level where you really start to become fluent so this is take this course is taking you from B1 to B2 from intermediate mid intermediate level to Upper Intermediate uh Sylvie let me just see Sylvia because I know you've joined hey Sylvie I've just joined your B2 course thank you so much for joining Sylvie it's going to be awesome to start tomorrow with you okay yep Sylvie has just joined I can see it here and we also have Maria and elchin welcome Sylvie Maria and elchin if you would like to join those three please visit b2course dot Co dot UK okay right what about feedback what happens because this is a self-study course there are no live lessons it's designed to take to be taken at your own pace but what happens if you have a question or a doubt well this is where the private course Community comes in so this is where you can meet and chat with fellow students by the way everyone gets access to the private course Community but VIP students get some more features which I'll talk about you can share your thoughts suggestions and concerns you can ask questions and also answer questions and our teachers are in that group ready to answer your questions related to the course content uh it's really really useful so this is a self-study course with teacher support the one thing they won't do the teachers won't do in the self-study plan is offer feedback or Corrections on your writing or pronunciation so they what you can't send them an essay and they'll correct that however on the VIP student feedback group yes you can and in fact you have 12 weekly homework tasks so that's 12 total not 12 per week every week you receive a homework task it's either a pronunciation one where you can record yourself and submit it you don't have to submit it publicly you can submit it by email but we do prefer everything to be within the group so we can learn from each other um or you can submit your writing tasks if you don't want to record yourself you can just write it and so you have six pronunciations six writing and my teachers will provide personal corrections to you whether that's Corrections on your pronunciation and speaking or on your writing and grammar and that's that's all one-on-one you also get access to another private group there so you can ask questions and get feedback a little bit faster it's a smaller group okay let's talk about the duration the length this is a three month program and we have one second um this is a three-month program we release one module every week over 12 weeks but once they're released they stay there for life you don't ever lose access to these so if you want to join now and lock in the introductory offer price you can delay your start time and and start when it's best for you the one thing to note is that we have 16 weeks access to the course Community if you have any issues with that please email us respond to your email we can be we can be flexible um most students dedicate a minimum or around two study sessions per week obviously it depends on the length of your study session most students dedicate between 30 to 90 minutes two to four times a week you can do as little or as much as you like [Music] okay great soon we're going to answer some questions live on stream as well uh so who is this course for this is for students with a B1 minimum level of English you can have B2 because lots of students feel that on paper they have the B2 level but they don't feel that they're speaking or interacting at a B2 level so you might have studied at B2 level but you don't feel you truly have it some C1 students will also find this program to be ideal for them because of our focus on real British English and natural pronunciation and conversation skills so lots of people will find this relevant um I know lots of you are wondering what is my level how do I know in general if you can understand most of what I'm saying without subtitles the B2 course will be suitable for you um that's our general rule oh we have five new students we have Mikhail novita Shu Uber and ever congratulations you three thank you for joining Mikhail nevita Shu Urban and Eva thank you for joining I will see you tomorrow in the course please note please note that you can um you can you have a 30-day money-back guarantee so if you join the course and it's too easy or too difficult for you or just not the right thing for you as long as you haven't completed over 20 of the course within 30 days um you can have your money back no problem at all we want you to be satisfied so what do you get with this course apart from all of these amazing lessons and access to my teachers and the private course Community you'll get an increased level of English fluency if you take all of the lessons you will you will have the B2 level of English it's as simple as that we also give you a final revision guide because there is a final exam this is optional you do not have to take the exam but lots of students do want to take the exam there is no fixed date you can take it at any time after the 12th module is released and you can retake it as many times as you'd like you get lifetime access to the course content it will never go away you have 16 weeks access to the course Community you also get a B2 course certificate of completion when you complete 100 of the course this is not affiliated with an exam board this is to show that you have attended a B2 level course let me just celebrate one student that has joined I think Patrick has joined yes here we are Patrick Michael B has joined he says Wicked oh I need to spit it's back again now he says Wicked I'm a VIP now Wicked is British slang for cool awesome hey I just gonna ask Will Will please could we keep everything in the same chat so I'm not switching between awesome we also have Edward who has joined VIP and ranjini who has joined VIP so we have Patrick Edward and ranjini thank you so much or Pat I should say is your name I'm actually having trouble removing that from the screen now great well done Pat you managed to break my system with your cool English slang okay um you also get the 30-day money-back guarantee by the way if you'd like to join Pat Edward and ranjini visit okay let's move on to the next slide oh yes very important the 30 the 30-day money-back guarantee I don't want dissatisfied students if you join the course and it's too hard or it's too easy don't worry as long as you let us know within 30 days and you don't complete more than 20 of the lessons and it's very clear to see how much you're completing I'm not making you jump through hoops um yeah as long as you um let us know by email within 30 days it's absolutely fine we'll give you a full refund so here we are we have the first module released on the 16th of January which is tomorrow it literally gets released at midnight tonight it's all ready for you I can't wait to press that button okay I've already scheduled it but I'll be watching as it goes live because it's such an exciting day and by the 3rd of April or the final module will be released on the 3rd of April uh the exam will be released the next day but you can take it in your own time so by Spring by April three months time you could be speaking fluently and confidently with B2 level English Emmanuel I can see that you've just asked me when is the course going to start by the way adorable family picture uh the 16th of January tomorrow but if you're busy and you don't want to start tomorrow don't worry you can take it at your own pace that is the beauty of a self-study course Rima oh sorry Rima I've made that really big Rima says why is this so big now Rima says my struggle is in memorizing it's the elephant in the room great one Rima uh that's the big topic that you don't want to address um especially when it comes to speaking I I get I go blank and I forget the beautiful vocab that I've learned such as idioms or phrasal verbs this is why we've created all those mind maps and resources for you so you can study them and it it just comes to practice really the more you present yourself and immerse yourself in the language the more you will retain some students retain really easily other students don't retain as quickly that's why we give you so many resources okay let's talk about pricing because I can see a lot of questions so we have two pricing plans both of these expire tonight from tonight we're closing the doors you won't be able to enroll um we might reopen B2 again in a couple of months but we want to let the first cohort of students go through and have their experience first um so we're also offering a massive discount can you see save over 100 on the self-study pack and over 150 on the VIP feedback pack this course is sold in US dollars if you want to know what that is in your own currency don't ask me in the chat go to Google and search it um because there's no way I can cover everyone's currency in this live stream um you can only pay in US Dollars the reason we do this is because that allows us to offer Paypal payment plans um we want to make it as affordable as possible um no we can't change the currency most banks now and credit card providers and PayPal will automatically exchange the currency for you um we have thousands of students join each year and none of them have a problem I know it can be new territory for some of you right so we have the self-study Pack you can save over a hundred dollars on that can you see that little red bar just around here three payments of 53 dollars so we offer a three month payment plan um so F 149 seems like a lot of money to pay all at once you can divide it into just over divide it into three it's ever so slightly more expensive to have a payment plan three lots of fifty three dollars instead of the normal price which will be three lots of eighty seven dollars because the self-study pack is normally two four nine but we're offering a hundred dollars off in the self study pack it's a 12-week program but you get lifetime access to the course content you get over 60 video lessons and you get 16 weeks access to the private course Community to ask your questions and clarify your doubts but what about this VIP feedback pack that so many of you are joining and in fact I've seen that Alby has joined as a VIP and so has dini congratulations Alby and dini thank you so much what will Alby and dinny be getting they'll be getting all of the benefits you get in the self-study pack along with 16 weeks access to the extra VIP course community group where you have extra space for personal feedback from the teachers they can go more in depth with you they will also get weekly formal writing and speaking homework so you get a task every week you don't have to do them every week it's optional and you have extra time to complete them you will get six personalized writing feedback and advice and six personalized speaking and pronunciation advice from my team of teachers we have Joel who's in the comments here we also have Jenny Laura and Chris they are all going to be there to help you they are the loveliest loveliest group of teachers that will help you so you have those two options if you would like to join one of those plans visit b2course dot Co dot UK and I can just see that narenda Noemi and Carolina have joined foreign will can we put it in the live stream chat please or one chat thank you um sorry my husband is feeding through the names as they as they appear and it's getting complicated great okay enrollment closes today at midnight the clock is ticking we now have under 10 we have 10 just over 10 hours left to join um and then the discount ends and enrollment closes we will never repeat this offer so now it's time for you to ask some questions if I will only be answering questions about the B2 program and let me just say I would not answer currency questions I always get loads of them how much is it in pounds or whatever um please visit Google for that um whilst you are writing your questions in the comments I'll try and answer as many as possible we also have Christine who has joined Barbara Barbara I'll bet I'm sorry but you have a beautiful name I wish I knew how to pronounce it and Leonardo or Leonardo um and Barbara and they have all joined the self-study pack if you would like to join them uh please visit b2course dot Co dot UK okay Maria she says hi Lucy I'm glad to join the course it'll be lovely to have you Maria you mentioned we can download the guide containing B1 information where can I find it so let me explain this they're all within the lessons they'll be released tomorrow you'll receive your first B1 guide tomorrow when we cover a grammar topic that we also covered in the B1 program instead of just repeating the same information we give you a summary of what and it's really good summary a some PDF summary very visual of what we covered and then we just add we give you new information in the B2 program so it helps refresh your mind um so you can read this these documents before watching the B2 video we think it's going to help a lot of our students who maybe aren't sure they're ready for B2 this makes them ready cool hair by the way Liberto says do you accept zele or PayPal we do accept Paypal I've never heard of zelly before you can of course try clicking the link and seeing if that works but PayPal yes we do the course fees I've just gone through them but if you would like to see the prices visit b2course dot Co dot UK okay let me see Sally says when the course reopens will the discount be available I'm so sorry Sally but no because this is an introductory offer we did the same thing when we launched B1 when we launched a brand new course we we give a discount that will never ever be seen again um and we're doing this with this course in the future we will do other discounts but it will never be up to 150 off um so if you want to lock in that price now visit any other questions about the course ah how many months will it take right let me show you here this is the schedule of release so we release the first module tomorrow and then we release the rest week by week and the final module is released on the 3rd of April however this course does not have live classes they are all videos that you can take in your own time and lots and lots of exercises you have 16 weeks you have four weeks access to the course community so it can take as long as you like really um I really recommend taking it seriously doing it week by week you're going to have the most transformational experience but if you want to take it a slower Place lots of students do that they they buy it then they they enroll they start later and they take six months to do it at a slower pace and that's absolutely fine okay hi Mariam I've seen you post this a couple of times so this is not an exam preparation course however it will improve your general English I'm not particularly familiar with the IGS GCSE exam but I imagine it would be it would help nink yes so is it is it possible to become FL Petra I've got to welcome Petra quickly because she's just joined Petra has joined yay here we are um I'm excited to join you in another course it would be lovely to have you back again Petra I can see you've just joined as a VIP congratulations and Mei Chi and Anna have also joined as a VIP thank you so much um if you would also like to join you can visit let me go back to nink's comment because I rudely interrupted him sorry nink here we are is it possible to get fluent without conversation classes as we don't have a conversation partner disappeared again um absolutely so obviously immersion is an excellent way of becoming fluent however it's not affordable for everyone not everyone can just move abroad speak with native speakers all the time or pay for twice weekly personal lessons with a tutor this is a really affordable way of getting fluent you can start at 53 dollars per month we have a space in the course Community where you can organize your own conversation um conversation sessions with other students it's a great place to meet like-minded people and the pronunciation and speaking and writing feedback in the VIP pack is another excellent opportunity so this course for me is just a wonderful opportunity for people who can't just move to England and be around native speakers all the time and I have a lot of students who have done exactly that and did not feel ready and they did not leave England fluent okay uh Jason says how long do we have left until uh 11 o'clock assuming that it's in BST I think we're in GMT at the moment that's not it's BST is British summer time um we're in UK time GMT at the moment so from now you have 10 and a half hours am I right will ten and a half hours until we close so it'd be lovely to have you in there if you join hello to Shanghai um is the course recorded or live I'm from Shanghai um I imagine you might be thinking if it's live I won't be able to attend from Shanghai because the time difference nope this is recorded course it's completely self-study with teacher support in the community there are no live lessons um everything is available for you to take at your own pace that's very important for me as a teacher with such a global audience [Music] Ghazi says is this course good for my age 12. um you know what we don't recommend this course specifically for students for children because we don't have the right insurance policies basically ah great one Christos come on Lucy sorry Christos there are a lot of comments to go through how much time should someone spend per day so most students will dedicate between two to four maximum days per week but really two study sessions is fine um of around 30 to 90 minutes so you could do 30 minutes four times a day you could do an hour and a half twice a day there is so much content that there's enough for you to spend five to six hours a week sorry I said a day in per study session I recommend spending two to four hours of studying a week if you're going to do it week by week you can take it more slowly you can also pick and choose the lessons you do if you're not that interested in grammar but you are really interested in pronunciation you can focus more on that some students do a little bit every day great message Melinda beautiful picture as well if something during the course if during the course something comes up and I won't be able to attend let's say for two to three weeks how much time would I have to recover and I mean the help for feedback from teachers um so you have 16 weeks access to the um to the course community and if something major happens we're very flexible just send us an email just reply to your enrollment email and we'll help you out um I very much care about my students so if anything happens we like to work with you on that Anna hey Anna again is today the last day yes the deadline is tonight um we are closing the doors divyansh I definitely recognize your name divyansh um is there any doubt support yes everyone gets access to the private course community and you can ask my teachers questions Joel who's in the chat is one of those teachers okay we have some new students who have joined with we have a new VIP student car Leong carlion and we have some self-study students yuhiko Joanna Nala Margarita and Oleg if any of you are in the comments section right now please say Hello I'd love to say hi to you and I'll see you tomorrow that's Carl Yong Yuki ho Joanna Nala Margarita and Oleg okay is this course for intermediate Learners yes this is to achieve the B2 level the upper intermediate level of English we do actually go a little bit higher than that level I like to overshoot in my courses um is this course suitable for me if I'm not fluent in English yes this this course is to help you become fluent in English some tests show my level as B2 sum is A2 yes I mean this is the the downside of online English tests I have my own level test and it's not 100 accurate we're constantly working on it to make it as accurate as possible um but if you're between A2 and B2 this course I think will be perfect for you Andre because it's about making you have those strong foundations in English building upon them to become fluent and confident so we cover all the B2 grammar we make sure you know that we cover we take a deep look into the pronunciation so you feel confident and clear and natural when you speak we take a look at conversation so that you can happily participate in Native conversations and understand what native speakers are saying and we also really focus on vocabulary again let me just show you Andre this slide this is an important slide the 30-day money-back guarantee if you join the course and you find that it's too easy for you or too difficult or just not right for your learning style don't worry as long as you send us a message within 30 days and you haven't completed over 20 of the course we'll give your money back no problem we definitely want you to be happy and satisfied a dissatisfied student for me is something I really don't want how much money is required for this course you can click or you can type in the link b2course dot code UK to see um the prices I can also quickly show you now these are the pricing plans you can see we have the main full one payment price and in that little red bar we have the payment plans where you can pay in three installments and they start at 53 US dollars per month pish my English level is B2 however I want to sound like British I want to sound British which so which course of yours would be good for me um I think the B2 would fit you quite well even if you already technically have the B2 level lots of C1 and B2 students will find this course really really helpful because we look so deeply into pronunciation into really specific native vocabulary our grammar lessons are focused on correcting mistakes and tweaking mistakes so that you have true accuracy it's not about covering everything from Basics um so I think it could be perfect for you and then we have the money back guarantee if not we have four new students we have Lenka who is a VIP student welcome blenca I can't wait to see you in the in the community tomorrow we have masaki or masaki Sylvia and Maria welcome Lenka masaki Sylvia and Maria thank you so much for joining if you would like to join them visit Christos is there any certification or exams by the end of the course uh we don't offer a certification we offer a certificate of completion so lots of students like to show this to their employers or to their prospective employers to show that they've completed a B2 level course we also have a final exam to check that you've understood everything in the course that is optional does the B2 course include business vocab yes we have an entire section on professional English so we cover that including jargon which is awesome okay oh surely I remember welcoming you before Shirley from Hong Kong just joined the self-study pack and I think that you got this was an emoji like maybe um awesome Shirley thank you so much for joining if you would like to also join the course like Shirley you can click here I'm excited to I'm excited to see you tomorrow yes piyush the B2 course will help you to sound like a Brit it will help you to sound more British we focus on real British English I love how she corrects people's grammar mistakes it helps a lot thank you I appreciate it I hope it doesn't offend anyone oh and Pierce another you've got all the good questions today Pierce Does it include idioms yes all 12 of our vocabulary lessons are focused specifically on idioms and then we also cover it cover idioms throughout the conversation lessons and the reading and listening as well there's a big focus on idioms and phrasal verbs Anna how long is the course well the course consists of 12 modules we release one module each week so technically by the 3rd of April the last module is released and you can have your B2 level if you've completed everything um but you can take it at your own pace you have lifetime access how can you pay for this course visit and you can see all the payment options Sophia I just want to know the process of joining and payment please explain Okay Sophia beautiful picture by the way I love that dress you visit b2course dot Co dot UK and there you click join Course and there are the payment options um you will see if you scroll down to the very bottom of the page you will see these payment options here that's what you need to look for and then you click on one payment or payment plan depending on whether you want to pay in one installment or three smaller installments Andrew bad English is it an online live curse there are no curses in my course it's an online course though yes sorry it's online but it's not live there are no live lessons uh you can access it whenever you'd like all the courses all the course videos a very visual um with words appearing as I say them diagrams animations I'm pretty biased but I think they're awesome [Music] my request about this course is to include all kinds of vocab videos that we need in our daily life everywhere yes this course is designed to help you in your daily life that's why we cover so many different topics and we have an intense focus on British culture as well which I know a lot of you are interested in we have three new students who have joined we have Jamil who has joined the VIP plan we have farhana and Anya who have joined the self-study plan if you would like to join them visit v2course dot Co dot UK okay I'm gonna do 15 minutes and then I'm going to end at two o'clock today I need some lunch so we get recorded videos in this course yes there are well over 60 recorded videos they're not just recorded it's not like this they are beautifully produced made so that you take in everything and don't lose concentration so they're very they're a very efficient way of learning and you get lifetime access to them so if in three years time you think I can't remember how to use the mixed conditionals go back to the course because it's yours to keep Khan says can you tell my English level is A2 can I join this B2 course um honestly Khan if you are A2 I would recommend the B1 course which we've already released we are running a 25 discount on that um so I'm sure Joel or will acting as English with Lucy will contact you with the link Aisha I got a C1 in the practice test you set you shared can I take it um so my level test is just intended to give you a rough idea of where you are um obviously it takes a lot more effort to actually decide a real um a real level it's just an indication um if you've got a C1 it depends so if most C1 level students will find the B2 course to be incredibly useful because of the focus on pronunciation conversation and real British English and the fact that our grammar lessons are about quick wins and tweaking your grammar to improve your accuracy and make you sound more native when you speak um so it's up to you if you join and you find it's too easy for you then you can use our money back guarantee if it's if you within 30 days if you don't like it we'll give you your money back uh is there live conversation lessons on the VIP feedback pack Ollie uh no there are no um live conversation lessons with me in this course but there is a space for you to create your own conversation groups with other students at your level in the course so you can do that Charlie I'm back for a new challenge I'm looking forward to this course uh lovely to have you back thank you so much for joining I wonder if anyone else has joined when will the course reopen we're not sure yet but not for well over a month uh maybe maybe longer actually how does the community group work hello again and Emmanuela um so when you join it will send you will be sent an invite link to join and the community group is like Facebook it's not Facebook it's a separate private thing it looks you interact with it in the way you interact with Facebook you can add comments likes you can submit audios images things like that and you have access to various different spaces a space where you can introduce yourself a space where you can answer the weekly questions a space where you can ask um you can ask for to create conversation lessons you can ask teachers for feedback you can even report if you see something wrong in the course um there's a space for that it's awesome we run it for we run a community like this for all of our courses and the students love it who will take the exam so the exam is for you um it's an online exam you can take it at any time and you get sent to your score automatically we have six new students we have Natalia akihiko Celeste Ali Marie Chantal and Rima awesome uh Natalia akihiko welcome welcome to Celeste welcome to Ali and welcome to Marie Chantal and to Rima that's so nice we have a friend a good friend called Rima so it's exciting to see another River um if you would like to join students like Rima Ali Celeste please visit we close the doors tonight the introductory offer ends tonight and I'm going to end this live stream in just under 10 minutes will this course improve my vocabulary absolutely that is a huge Focus okay uh we don't have a C1 program at the moment we are looking to release one in May uh but C1 is a very high level and lots of C1 students will benefit from the B2 program because this is like a high B2 program we we cover all of the B2 grammar uh but then we also give you so much more like the pronunciation the conversation the vocabulary let me see Ronald has also joined the VIP pack thank you so much Ronald um if you're in the comments section say hello Ronald I'd love to say hi to you and if you would like to join too you can visit remember the deadline is tonight what a lovely message Galaxy thank you so much I watched a number of your amazing videos thank you for your work that's so lovely setting my love to Kazakhstan the exam is off is online the exam is online um and you can take it at any time after the after it's released uh Diana has a question she wants to know the main advantage of the VIP feedback pack let me show you Diana because it really is awesome so you can see here all the extra benefits you get the main advantage is that you get personal pronunciation feedback which is so hard to find we don't just have teachers we have pronunciation experts correcting your pronunciation you submit audios and they respond to you with how you can improve so you can apply that next time and throughout the 12 weeks you can see yourself getting better also because you'll be learning from the pronunciation lesson so you'll put what you what you've learned into practice into your audio messages and also your writing so you can apply your vocabulary and your newly learned grammar um it's awesome any more questions I'm just going to do a few more is there a trial who for those who want to see the program on the inside but are not sure yet we do not offer a free trial uh instead we offer the 30-day money-back guarantee um and you can also see the course curriculum here let me show you look here's an example of the VIP feedback group that's what the course Community looks like where's the I forgot how long this is here we are so this is the course curriculum I'll leave that up for a few seconds you can see all the different topics um we have the total amount of videos down at the bottom there as well okay let me go back to the questions page now and I'll do a few more questions and then I'm going to have some lunch I've just remembered I'm having a Sunday roast next oh this is awesome um so Sunday roast we actually talk about it in the course it's a um traditional British meal that we have on Sundays it consists of oops what is going on there I'm not even touching it it's um consists of roasted meat with potatoes vegetables and a meat sauce called gravy and I'm having it at three o'clock after this live I can't wait I've just remembered I was thinking about what I was going to have okay a couple more oh I can see you've joined the community sounds good it's the first time to join the course for me I'm looking forward to learn about B2 level real British English thank you I don't know what your name is because I can't read those characters um but thank you so much for joining I wonder if you're myeong-jung we've had someone called myungjung join we've had Sarah join and we've had Ria join or re or rye myeongjang Sarah and Ryan but you can tell me your name as well and I'll give you a shout out but it'll be lovely to have you in the course we start tomorrow the deadline is tonight the link to join us there any others people are asking if they can understand everything I say if they're ready for B2 yes if you can understand nearly everything I say without subtitles we say that the B2 course is ideal for you um we do have subtitles on all of our lessons in the course um because you might see the odd word but also for accessibility it's really important that everyone can access our access our courses okay I'm going to wrap this up now and Say Goodbye I'll say one last I'll take one last look to see if there is anyone who's joined the course let me know will so I can say goodbye to them before and thank them before we go but thank you everyone who's been here some of you have been around for two hours that's amazing I remember seeing lots of messages from Anna thank you ishan I've seen lots of messages from you who else have I seen Johann yep you Johan I've seen you so much ah yuhika yukiho Japanese yes and you signed up for the self-study plan yes thank you so much uh who else have I seen lots of that I can thank Lolita I always see you thank you so much for joining again ishan you thank you so much and you're vegetarian we always do a vegetarian option for Sunday roast we have a nut roast which is like nuts and things um and spices who else have I seen a lot of I've seen a lot of Vlad P it was nice to have you I know you had a lot of questions I've seen a lot of Joel just joking he's our teacher so of course we've seen a lot of him who else have I seen a lot of oh Soleil I remember seeing you a lot thank you asrina I've seen you a lot thank you so much for joining Christos as well I've seen lots of your comments thank you Charlie I've seen lots of your comments too Wahid I've seen you two thank you so much [Music] Joanna thank you very much Vicky I've seen you on more than one occasion thank you so much for joining who else have we got Emmanuela as well I've seen you a lot thank you madiha as well am I right in thinking of mediha joined I'm not sure I don't know if you've joined or not but thank you so much oh we've had five five new students join we've had Amelia Paolo sewer Luis and NATA oh and Homme as well Amelia Paolo sua welcome to you three and anata Luis and ho May thank you so much for joining all right lovely students I'm ready for my lunch now for my Sunday roast I hope you all have a lovely rest of the day don't forget that the deadline is midnight tonight UK time um and the link to join is b2course dot Co dot UK all right lots of love to you all mwah
Channel: English with Lucy
Views: 88,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ax5WKwvPfLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 57sec (7197 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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