IELTS Speaking Band 5.5 Mock Test with Feedback

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right tell me your full name please okay my name is it's three words and the spelling is j-u and m-i-n-n-h-y e-o-n-g yeah okay can call me jew just simply okay perfect too so do you live in a house or an apartment i live in an apartment at the kiram dong it's it's the center of the seoul and there is near my apartment there's only apartments in and few schools for just for residents not for enjoyment thing such as knowledge and hope like like a drinking coffee there's no there's no help and could you describe your apartment for me um my apartment um my apartment is located at the hill so at the hill like so it is hard to it is hard to go back to my house because it is too stiff and there is three elementary school and there is near there and four middle school and three high school so the security is so safe because there is so many student students live that live there okay and are you working or are you a student um i'm i'm a student i was i studied in fiji near australia australia just one one year as a foundation student because i failed to go i failed the national exam of the korea so i wanna i wanna re-study at the korea but my mother said just see the abroad see more learn more do not study in korea anymore yeah okay okay now we're going to talk about gifts so what is the best present you have ever received if um okay i want to choose money from my mother as a gift because i can do anything whatever i want with money such as hang out with my friends and buy anything that i want but not but except gift my best gift is this bracelet it is i got this from my friends who live in fiji it's a symbol of friendship yeah we we were a best friend and she gives she gave me as a in this bracelet means it means warrior and he missed warrior in business and she gave me as a symbol of relationship friendship good perfect and what kind of gifts are popular in your country can i say money huh okay okay i think sankan like mobile mobile mobile coupon so such as convenience store or for chicken or coffee for coffee is the best gift in korea because it is so handy because we can bring we can bring it in just in our cell phone okay all right that'll do us for part one let's go on to part two now there's your question and there's a pin okay so i'll give you one minute to make some notes and then we'll talk all right mate this one is i grabbed that pin back cheers thank you right so part two question i would like you to describe something you do to stay healthy can i start now okay um there are many things that i did i do to stay healthy first i i usually work out at the gym um before when i was in elementary school i was so i was so small so i was bullied by my friend so i tried to be stronger and like to be more like like be more men so i started workout and after i work out many of my friends many of my friends like me who is changed and i like myself and i get confident so i nowadays i keep work out every day but nowadays because of pandemic the pandemic coffee 19 i i couldn't go to gym nowadays so i tried to push up every day in my room and the second thing i tried to drink a lot of water because water is one of the important sources that make up human body and earth i'm i'm so interested in my skin care and i heard water is the most important thing to not to get a pimple and lasting i started judo when i was in fiji it's not a stereotype but the fiji internet connection is not good as korea so so so many of my friends have a hobby like when korean boys meet hang out together in korea they usually go their final destination is to go to pc station but in fiji but in fiji they have a outdoor activities they have outdoor activities hobbies that's two minutes now okay yeah so in the exam two minutes we gotta stop yeah i understand okay good good so in fiji the hobbies were kind of different to hobbies in korea yeah so different on the street there are so many basketball basketball place and volleyball plays and they usually go to work go to take a walk at the or to see the ocean so i start judo as a as just my hobby and i think i'm talented i got a first prize at the competition even though i just learned four months yeah nice yeah i will keep to try in korea nice one all right mate let's go on to part three let's keep going all right good time here okay so yeah first question uh what do old people in your country do to stay healthy definitely it's hiking and we can see many other elder group a group of other people who who take their climbing stick and mountain back to go to mountain we can easily found them at near the at the subway station near the mountain [Music] because they can do conversation with them with each other and also it is the easiest easy hobby that can enjoy in korea because there is so many mountains in korea okay do you think younger people like to go hiking um no i don't think so nowadays there is so many gyms so young people can in enjoy workout at the gym so sometimes they enjoy it but not that much okay and do you think people exercise more these days compared to the past um it's depend on people but in my opinion i think they're not because nowadays the work-life balance is broken because of the overwork so after after the work at the company people just come back to their house and just sleep just enjoy the extra time at the day with just watch a movie eating snacks so i think nowadays people not try to do out okay and why do some people hate playing sports um simply there is um some the reason of some people hate the sport is simply they are not good experts and another reason is um people doesn't people don't like the competition like sports and workout is different sport is something like competition like soccer basketball so people got burdened depends on their depends on their depend on their roles in that sport like as a core people have to protect the goal from the others other strikers kit yeah and what sports do you think are popular in your country in my country um soccer and baseball i'm a fan of on soccer i think it is easy to play to enjoy it we just need one bull and also there is a famous star in our career in my country his name is pakison he he's very he's played soccer very well and he plays he's in a role of striker in manchester united before so that's why korean people like soccer in baseball i like it i like baseball okay and do you think is there any difference between gender when it comes to the sports they like it's so um okay how can i explain it gender in our country or in general in the world in general um nowadays the world war between between man and girl is broken instead broken constantly but i think yes there is a difference between men and girl usually men like to play soccer and rugby like a rough sport but girl like go like pilates yoga it's such a stretch thing but it is not a stereotype but i think like this okay okay and if children are not interested in sport should their parents like force them or make them try new sports um can i hear one more time sure if a child is not interested in sports should their parents force them to try new sports um no they don't they don't need i think because children can find any other hobbies like like draw a picture draw a picture take a picture or or sing a song it can be a it can be a it can instead of the outside activity expert and also i think it is not a good education for them to force them okay all right mate that'll do us that's our time done oh finished yeah all right good test thanks for coming in yeah so let's say your score is probably about uh i'd say go to 5.5 today all right 5.5 you spoke well you answered all the questions fluency was quite strong a few grammar errors just keep coming up throughout that's what's probably bringing you down a little bit okay um yeah so i think now is a good time we'll just pick out a few grammar and phrasing errors i'm just going to tell you about it all right let's start with vocabulary right uh vocabulary so this kind of links in with vocabulary and pronunciation you said first you said no rebang and then you said karaoke yeah okay english pronunciation karaoke karaoke you said hop pop pub yes yeah no no worries no worries because in english hop sounds like it sounds like hope you know so pub bar is fine yeah karaoke pub yeah you all said gift con gift con mobile i'd say mobile gift coupon ah that's it yeah mobile gift coupons are popular these days yeah what's your favorite mobile gift coupon my favorite one is um the convenience store one yeah yeah very useful yeah i like the convenience store stuff lamy and kimbap perfect who doesn't yeah so yeah these three words let's get them right you said as well when you talked about your home you said it's uh for residents you could use the word residential residence so it's a residential area yeah with lots of apartments yeah when you're talking about basketball what's it called the place where people play basketball court yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah after i say that i regressed so much hey that's all good no worries noise yeah so you can see basketball court uh pronunciation one time you said four months should be four months four months four months four months yeah months is never never only uh there's a little bit of pronunciation sometimes with th right so when i hear uh things things sounds like things a little bit yeah so just be careful with the th and the s i'm sorry my tongue is lit hey no worries it's normal it's normal just make sure with uh th your kind of tongue goes between your teeth when you're pronouncing okay yeah you can look up some pronunciation techniques on it right so for grammar write a few grammar things as well articles the sometimes you were saying center of the soul the korea for a name you never have the article you know that yeah center of seoul in korea he also said one time my apartment is at the hill so it should be on a hill on all hill because there are so many hills you know so you can't say the hill it's on a hill yeah um prepositions okay so you said i studied just one year i studied for just one year any like length of time you gotta say four in your preposition i studied for an hour for one year um okay careful with the question as well right in part one i said describe your apartment you didn't describe your apartment you described the area right so the apartment is like the you should be saying like it's got three bedrooms and living room and it's quite spacious and something like that so just be careful exactly with the wording of the sentence yeah um another preposition you said i'm talented judo preposition i'm talented at i'm good at i'm terrible at okay always at when you talk about uh your skill level of an activity another one right is a very common one i ask a question and students say it depends on people right it should be it depends on the person the person it should be the plus singular depends on the person like do you like to go to do you like to go to the park well it depends on the season you know in summer i really don't like it's too humid it's too hot so always it depends on the yep uh just be careful with the word wording of questions as well right one question i asked you i said should parents force their children to do sports if they don't want to you said no they don't need to right so question if the question is should they your answer if they should not yeah they should not they shouldn't you know you know that's right yeah you know i know you in class i think in class you speak a little bit better yeah but in front of the camera it's different but yeah but i'll go i'll go over the whole thing with you later okay but yeah thanks for coming in all right cheers
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 49,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts mock test, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking 5.5, ielts speaking score, IELTS Speaking Interview, ielts lecture, ielts speaking band 6
Id: VCyrYwvDbhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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