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[Music] good afternoon my name is misaki could you tell me your full name please my name is and what should i call you nana okay thank you do you work or are you a student i'm working okay so let's talk about your family yes do you have a big or a small family i have a small family i have a father mother and younger sister and young brother who is your favorite family member my favorite family member is my father because he's very smart and he's very gentleman what activities do you like to do with your family activity my activity so we went to park every week so we had a picnic in the park it was fun for us and it was good activity do you prefer to stay with your family or with your friends i prefer with stay my friend because i really like my family but i need a distance that's why i should i prefer with my friends in what way is your family important to you my important family what way [Music] i'm sorry but wait important is we are living together if possible because i'm leaving canada right now i worry about my family if possible we are living together it's great are your friends mostly your age or different ages my friends mostly my age thank you now i'd like you to speak for one or two minutes on a topic you have one minute to plan your answer so here is a pencil and paper to make notes yes and here is your topic i'd like you to describe something you bought recently that you were happy with please start preparing now thank you can you start speaking now please you have one to two minutes i will tell you when the time is up start now no i didn't listen they bought something but i bought vintage shoes it was two years ago i went to vintage shop with my friend in toronto west side it was a ah sorry i use my vintage shoes every day because i working i work work with my shoes and this is very important for me so i used my vintage shoes i see i saw it wasn't no glove not good price for me but so a little bit expensive but i really like vintage shoes color and material and good size and i decided i bought the shoes that's good for me and i used every day that's why i'm happy and i make happy with my shoes every day [Music] happiness is very important for me and my stuff and i use every day thank you this is the end of part two may i have your notes your topic card and your pencils please yes thank you so we've been talking about uh shopping yes and i'd like to discuss with you one or two more general questions related to this yes so how often do people in your country go shopping i think my country going to shopping every weekend or one month every month every month yes i see why is online shopping very popular uh because of combat 19. so everybody stay home every day so they check the website that's easy yes do you think online shopping was popular even before the kobit 19 pandemic some people do it so my friends do it before but now it's very popular how should sellers set price for their products sorry so you mean project for their product the question is how should sellers set price for their products should a product i'm sorry the product it's harder for me so how should uh sellers set prices for their items that they are selling items shoes items selling is very important i think so yes do you think online shopping will replace shopping in stores online store do you think online shopping will replace shopping in stores in store i i prefer in-store shopping because i i will check my size if big size so i ordered online that was not good yes that's why i prefer in-store shopping do you think most people also prefer in-store shopping like you i think so because so many sizes and many material so i i want to check it and yeah people need it yes thank you that is the end of the speaking test thank you thank you you
Channel: MAE English
Views: 57,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: l6M6oX6jI8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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