IELTS speaking test: Soykot

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hello everybody and welcome back to expert examiner IELTS my name is Glenn and in this video we have another practice speaking test uh this time with soy cot so let's check it out enjoy uh good evening my name is Glenn would you please tell me your full name good evening sir uh my full name is Abdul khik shat you may call me shat because my family and friends call me Shut thank you shut now in this first part of the test I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself where are you from I am from Bangladesh it's a South Asian country and uh neighbor neighbor country of India you know and I live in a small town located southern part of this country and how do young people spend their free time in your hometown uh in in my count young people they spend their few time by playing football or swimming but recently there's a tent more and more young people uh are are uh are playing online game and do you have a lot of tourists in your hometown uh definitely in my hometown there are lots of tourist uh tourist attraction and places I would say coxa are among the best and this is the lar largest um uh sea beach in the world you know okay thank you now I'd like to talk to you about t-shirts do you like wearing t-shirts definitely uh I I love to wear t-shirt um when um when iend in in my apartment that time I use my I wear only t-shirt and when I go out I have to uh wear a shirt and you know this is a formal uh to uh um to go outside or go uh for um or in a work work places and do you have any favorite t-shirts H definitely I have I have a favorite t-shirt which was uh which was given uh given given to me by one of my teachers and uh there is a logo uh uh there is a logo printed by them and um called bang LDS you know um Bang okay and that's why because of G uh given one of my t-t that's why this is my favorite and where do you usually buy T-shirts actually um I buy from uh SE separate places um when I uh don't have uh M um uh a lot of um when I don't have enough money that I try to buy um um traditional shop uh they offer uh just cheap uh cheap prices and when I uh get more uh more money that might try to uh buy from um buy from luxury shop now let's Talking Now Let's talk about relaxing what do you do to relax actually um when I get time for relax I try to watch movie and uh uh and watch some YouTube videos which make me uh make me over the moon um as as a Rel in time and do you think doing sports is a good way to relax ah definitely uh it's uh Sports is um Sports is something uh by uh by doing that we can uh relax and uh as well as exercise not only relax but also exercise also okay okay thank you now in this part of the test I'm going to give you a topic and I would like you to speak about this topic for one to two minutes but before that you will have one minute to prepare for your talk and you may take notes if you wish do you understand H uh I understand that I understand I will now share the topic on my screen can you see it h i Am uh I'm heading that I am I saying that M so I would like you to talk about a time when you had to do something in a hurry your one minute of preparation time starts now so that's the end of your preparation time to remind you you will have between 1 and 2 minutes to give your talk and I will let you know when the time is up can you start speaking now please okay definitely okay um in my whole life I had to do several task within short time and uh Hur hurry moment now I am going to talk about a task which I had to uh which I had to uh do uh within two uh within two days it was really short time uh if I compared with uh with the task it was about my University presentation when um when I uh when I was studying at University I had to uh I had to do uh several presentation some of some OFW about my um about my uh subject and some of somew others related and uh among that um it was it was potion related presentation and I was given that topic one of my one of my teachers and uh ALS also given two days and uh I had to uh I had to prepare myself uh to present all of idea within short time and um it was uh because of a comparative issue of of pollution that uh that's why it wasn't uh enough time for me you know uh I would say it was uh it was hard time and uh if I say something about uh about that moment I would say I did oil uh I I uh I completed my uh task within two days and it was uh amazing and when I presented my presentation and I uh all of all of my teachers was shocked uh by watching uh by watching my uh presentation and uh uh I was given uh positive uh feedback from them and if I say something about my feeling I would say uh it was great uh it was great uh because I got I I got a lot of uh a lot of um I got a lot of confidence from that thank you okay so you've been speaking about a time when you had to do something in a hurry let's talk about this topic in general now what are the benefits of making Fast decisions oh there are lots of benefits for making uh fast decision uh because when uh when when we had to we had to do something within short time that that time we had to uh we had to make uh decision within short time and uh and if someone if someone can make a decision with short time uh they will a they would able to make uh make decision for for life good uh and it will be good decision if uh if he or she make a decision every day within short time and do you think there are any disadvantages to making Fast decisions um as well as Advantage there are also uh also some disadvantage uh I would say if someone cannot uh cannot be able to make uh fast decision uh F decision they shouldn't make F decision because because it will be harmful for them for them uh I would say uh for for his or her lck of lck of knowledge for that um for for example if I want to make decision with a short time uh with a short time and I if I don't have enough knowledge about that it would be harmful for for me and do you think it's possible to teach other people how to make fast decisions definitely uh it is possible to teach how to make uh make fast fast decision um one um it can be it can be teach uh from uh university university or school or by teachers how to take first decision and I think it is possible do you think that doing things quickly makes us more or less stressed um doing something quickly it make us uh it make us less stress because uh if uh because if uh we uh if we uh we will be given something uh to to do within the short time uh and uh and if I uh if I if we complete that uh that time it uh it will uh remove our and it it will benefit it for us so let's talk about stress now what kind of things do people in your country find stressful um there there are lots of things where people get stress uh first of all uh first of I would say business related or investment related stess and um if someone invest in invest somewhere without any without any knowledge uh about that uh after investing after if investing he or she we uh will get a lot of stess and if I say something about uh work places State I would say I would say because of lck of knowledge about about his or her work after after having done that work he uh he will he he he would uh he would done wrong work and um and definitely after done his uh after done his after doing his work he will get a lot of estess because of wrong work he has done uhuh do you think people in the future will be more or less stressed than people today um unlike unlike today uh when people when people are doing something within short Prim um by their own knowledge in the future uh I think they will uh they will defend a lot of Technology um about that some of us don't know a lot and that's why I I would say people when people won't know about that technology people uh people will get a lot of stress by by doing this okay thank you that is the end of the test okay so I hope you enjoyed that speaking test as usual I will make a feedback video where I give scores and commentary on the candidates answers and I am still doing free mock speaking tests so if you would like feedback on your speaking performance do get in touch information on how to get in touch with me is given below but for now that's it thank you very much and goodbye
Channel: Expert Examiner IELTS
Views: 366
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Id: TK9T36sjYS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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