IELTS Speaking Band 5.5 Mock Test with Feedback

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all right then let's begin so could you tell me your full name please oh my name is anjin lee can you spell that for me please e-u-n-j-i-n-l-e-e okay ninja are you working or are you a student um i just graduated last february so i'm working as a teacher to teach middle school and high school students at academy so i normally teach reading and grammar do you like your job yeah i like it because i feel proud of myself because i can give some information and knowledges to students and what do you do when you have some free time um actually i love shopping but i i don't have that much right now you know i just brought brows from online shopping mall by apps okay why do you enjoy that um actually when i was early 20s i i was addicted to clothes and shopping so i can i can feel like an another person when i wear a different kind of cloth so i love it okay and what kind of accommodation do you live in i live in a studio it's all very small um [Music] it's kind of not separated by rooms or like living room kitchen so it's a little bit inconvenience to live in because i live with my sister okay all right now we're going to talk about new activities so do you like to try new activities um i would say yes because sometimes it could be challenging but if i can learn or start new things [Music] i can get a lot the of and do some challenging things what activities would you like to try um i want to try um rock climbing actually um but it's kind of difficult to try it so i want to go inside climbing center yeah so i can make a muscle okay and what activities did you do when you were a child i when i was a kid growing up [Music] i don't do i didn't do that much like a game or playing a internet game so i normally hung out with my friend in playground okay and do you like to try new activities alone or with friends i would definitely say with friends because i can get more enjoyable and lively five and we can cheer each other okay that'll do us for part one we'll go on to part two now okay so i'll give you the question here is your question today and there's a pen okay so i'll give you one minute now to make some notes and prepare so you can begin all right that's one minute you don't might just grab that pen off you that's okay thank you right so could you describe a time when you were surprised to meet a friend um it was a few days ago um i met my friend i just met my friends at cafe so [Music] they they prepared my birthday party [Music] as a surprising i didn't expect it at all because it was march but my my birthday is actually february so it's a month later so they prepare the gift and flower actually i i can't expect the gift cause it's a meeting for my birthday but they prepared the flower for my graduation gift because i graduated as i told you last february so um [Music] it was really impressive because normally in korea i don't know not that much people give flower to each other when it comes to it's just friend so they made they picked a certain color for me and wrapping very unique like no other so yeah i think i i got really impressive feeling the time okay that's just about almost two minutes now okay yeah okay [Music] so how do you normally celebrate your birthday um when i was high school student and university school student my friends and i um prepared all the birthday party like a surprise party but [Music] these days we just know each other very well so i just [Music] like wait to repair my my birthday party and friends birthday party is just prepare and enjoy okay right we'll go on to the part three of the test now okay so we'll continue on right so why do friends meet up with each other um i think just friends can talk each other very from very lighting to deep talk so when you get stressed we can just stress out and solve the problem with just talking with friends so i think that is the best part with meeting friends and where do friends usually meet in your country in my country um i think the first meeting place is like a subway station because that is the exact location that we can make a promise so i think that is the best place if friends are spending time together which places do they go to um when we meet at first we go to the restaurant to eat because we're really sensitive to eating and then we go to a coffin normally and just grab some coffee and eat more dessert yeah okay and are there any jobs which deal with unexpected things can you say that okay sure are there any jobs which deal with something that's unexpected [Music] i would say in service field because there are a lot of different demands for the service field so [Music] for example i bought a server and a restaurant and of course there are some kind customers but there are some people that they demand really unexpected thing so it's really difficult to deal with that kind of people [Music] sure yeah and in your country what kind of jobs are popular um i would say the public officer because korea is really competitive and people get a high pressure so public officer is more kind of stable jobs so many korean young people want to be that want to live like a state of life and they want to keep like work job balance or like the land so i think public officer is the most popular job [Music] and do you think parents influence their kids decision on what job to take um no i think it depends on kids personality because even even though the parents influence their mind or their like characters to their kids um i think it is more depend it depends on more like can the kids kiss interest and their their their character and personality so i think that's not that much influence to keep okay all right done so thank you for completing the test so let's say your score today estimated will be about a 5.5 today um just talking a little bit about the test part one two and three it's part one some of your answers were like a little bit short we kind of stopped kind of before i was really expecting you so if you can give a little bit more detail in part one that'll be good i think yeah um the part two question right it's describe a time you were surprised to meet a friend so but in in the question you told me it was a planned meeting was it it was more of a you were surprised by the flowers and something else so i'd say because of that that wasn't answered actually the way the question asks so just be careful and i know you only have one minute for note taking but let's try and read the question very carefully so i think in this question they want you to talk about a time you you bumped into a friend you know what i mean by bumped into yeah like just randomly met them somewhere so just be careful with that um in terms of the rest there's just a few like recurring grammar errors that i'll i'll point out to you as well let's look uh let's look at vocabulary first of all though so at the beginning it says knowledge is just make sure knowledge is uncountable noun so you can teach them information and knowledge um another word was a promise make a promise with your friends it's probably better to say like a plan yeah i find students um often confuse the words promise plan and appointment make sure plan is more with friends and casual appointment is more official promise is something more maybe like serious and long term maybe or something you would say to your parents you'd say like i promise i'm gonna study hard or something like that um a few things here let's just pick out some things here okay so when i was early twenties when you talk about your age group make sure say in my when i was in my early 20s yeah it was a little it's a little inconvenience so make sure inconvenience is the noun you should say inconvenient it's a little inconvenient um when you talked about doing new activities alone or with your friends he said we can cheer each other you could say cheer each other maybe a better word there would be um motivate we can motivate each other or even you could even say like we can push each other similar situation um my birthday my birthday is february make sure with the month you always say in my birth is in february in january in march um a few things with tents as well like i can't expect like i couldn't expect that i got very surprised um so yeah that was with that friends can talk each other friends can talk with each other or talk to each other either one there is fine the other one is a stress out so stress out and stress is the same meaning yeah so you could say i can release my stress relieve my stress these are fine okay um and when you talked about customers in the um in the service industry you said people that demand you could use actually the word you could say demanding so some customers are very demanding this would mean like like picky and hard to please so i would say like overall try to give like a little bit more information in part one and make sure our part two is exactly as they ask but most of the questions were answered pretty clearly you did well in front of the camera okay so thanks for coming in i'll give you that and i can show you the rest of the mistakes later okay all right thank you thank you lovely
Channel: IELTS English Academy
Views: 1,581,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts mock test, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking 5.5, ielts speaking score, IELTS Speaking Interview, ielts study
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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