Katie Souza Miracles In The Night (fixed audio)

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hey everybody its Katie Souza thanks for joining the web stream oh my gosh we had some problems we are in our temporary studio that's why we've changed locations and we're still in the midst of building the studio and so it's kind of a mess in here and last week we had some technical issues and we're so sorry we missed the stream but we're doing it today to make up for it and glad you're on I hope you went to the link on my facebook and liked it because if you did then five of you at the end of the broadcast gets one of these yay this is hot off the presses this is called miracles in the night it's our topic for the web stream and you're going to get one given to you it's awesome I soaked to the soaker like a lot and ooh I love it it's really good so anyway here we are and I want to just tell you a couple announces and then I'm going to get right into the teaching because this teaching is I don't know why but has stirred up a firestorm on Facebook so I want to get right into Scripture so we can prove that it's true you can have miracles in the night or even while you sleep while you take a nap okay but first let me tell you this I'm going like tomorrow I'm leaving to head for Moravian falls what a location a lots of supernatural activity there are lots of angelic activity I'm going to be there with Kevin biscotti a Tony camp like two men who are miracle workers these guys are walking miracle machines I love working with them they're so awesome they're humble men of God that are totally gifted and it's just amazing to do meetings with them so I'll be in Maryam Falls North Carolina all weekend if you want details go to my site to the itinerary page and you can see where the where the party is going to be at what hotels to stay at and all that and then right after that I'm going straight to Atlanta I love the people in Atlanta you can go to my site to get the information on the church and everything I'm going to be there I'm kind of preaching on an unusual night I'm doing like Tuesday night and Wednesday morning I normally do the weekends but since I was already on the East Coast I said I would come to the event I'm super glad because every time I do it's amazing last time I was at this church a woman got healed of like a huge huge tumor in her breasts she was Stage four it just instantly disappeared in the meeting it was the coolest thing ever and then this other lady the next day she had a retina that was detaching from her eye it had happened in the hotel room and she said boom I have a choice I could leave and go the doctor I could go get a miracle and my gosh she used her faith to go to the meeting instead of the doctor to get a miracle and she got one her retina reattached to her eye in the meeting it was awesome okay so don't miss those meetings because both of them are in powerpack locations and then on September 29th I'm going to be in Lee's Summit Missouri for the women on the frontline conference Patricia King is going to be there it's going to be awesome there's some amazing speakers I've been there before and there was miracles it was super fun you guys need to go okay so I think that's it from now on that stuff so let's get right into the teaching this is called miracles in the night and the way that this teaching came about was honestly through years years of my own experiences with God doing miracles while I slept or why I took a nap or I would get a visitation in the night or a dream or a vision that would answer a problem would fix a situation that would give me a healing and I kept on experiencing that over and over and over again and people are like all this you can't have that that's totally unbiblical it's heresy Kate bla bla bla but honestly it's all over the Bible it's all over the Bible even from the very beginning in Genesis I mean in the very beginning books of Genesis God has formed Adam out of the dust of the earth and then it says he put him into a deep sleep a deep sleep and why he was in that sleep he actually you know opening up his side and took a part of him out and created woman out of him out of Adam and he woke up to this perfect companion for him Wow perfect complement for him and you know that scripture spoke to me so hugely for a number of reasons first of all because there's this huge miracle I mean Adam wakes up and the best thing that's ever happened to hello woman appears to him and you know right in front of his eyes there he is and it happened while he was asleep I think that is so cool because a lot of times we think we have to work super hard for a miracle to happen for our dream to happen for a manifestation have to happen we need to work really hard for it and and I totally believe in partnering with God in worship in making decrees and exercising our faith in doing things like that and it I believe in all of that I do I think that that's a really some of the many ways to position yourself to get a miracle but I think too that God sees how exhausted we are and he knows that we need Greece we need him to come and visit us in the middle of our exhaustion in the middle of when we're desperate and the middle of when we're in need and there's Adam he's alone and many of you right now are watching and you're alone - you've been waiting for God to bring you that perfect spouse that perfect companion that person that is called to be in a relationship with you in a marriage with you for the rest of your life that one-of-a-kind you know relationship that one-of-a-kind bond and covenant and honestly you know I think that while you're sleeping in the night God can do so many different things he can call a person he can form another person for you and he can prep you prep you for that person I'm trying to think of the exact scripture yes here it is this is so cool listen to this scripture I love this this is Psalm 17 15 it says as for me I will see your face and righteousness I shall be satisfied when I awake in your likeness did you hear that it says I should be satisfied when I awake in your likeness that to me one of the things that that could mean is while you're asleep God is visiting you he's forming you he's healing you he's fashioned you so that when you awake from your sleep you will wake in his likeness wow how does that apply to the Adam and Eve story gosh you could be healed tonight of something in your soul or in your thinking or in your emotions that was preventing you from being able to be yoked with that perfect person you would have ruined it you would have end up having a divorce you would have end up having a split but in the night why oh my gosh this is so real this is real and powerful in the night why sleep God can position you okay he can visit you he can bring the glory realm in he can bring his healing power of Dunamis of his light in and heal you in your thinking in your emotions and your will of things that would have sabotage a marriage that would have sabotage the Covenant he can do that for your partner the person he's he's prepping for you he can cause them to awake in his likeness he can visit them and prepare them for you in the middle of the night while they're sleeping and then wake and they're like wow something happened I might not even be sure what it is but I sure do feel different I sure do feel better I feel healed I I'm more clear minded something's happening in my heart okay this is just wow look I don't know about you but I'm exhausted I'm I'm busy okay I'm a busy person and I know you guys are too and what is so oh my god I love God so much that I can go to bed and wake up healed I can go to bed and have a visitation I can go to bed and wake up with a miracle happening I can go to bed and have a breakthrough manifest in my life I can go to bed and when I awake I can awake in his likeness I can't tell you how many times I've had that happen when God has visited me through a dream through a vision through an actual manifestation of his presence in my room at night wise sleep and something's happened to my heart something's happened to my I had one time when when God came to me he told me I was acting selfish and it was putting pressure on my relationships and on my marriage and so what I did is I lay down I repented for that selfishness and I said God take it out of my heart and I just was praying and listening to worship music and I fell asleep and I saw a spirit while I was asleep being forced out of my heart and I looked at that spirit I said what's that God he goes that's selfishness it just came out of your heart it happened while I was sleeping I wasn't going I find you in the name of Jesus selfishness I Drive you up no it was while I was sleeping I took a little nap and it happened okay and then this how I know it actually really happened and I'm not just making it up or thinking something happened because about two weeks later my husband we were in the kitchen he goes so what's up and I went what what do you mean then he goes well something's happened and when he means something's happened he goes because you're changed you've been very different less careful it's like because expirence selfishness came out of me when I was taking a nap it was like I was so grateful because it was it was impacting my marriage Amen so I'm telling you you can have miracles of the night and I'm just gonna stop and decree right now for some of you watching that you can be formed and fashioned right now for your mate for relationships for a purpose for purposes in your sleep that guy can come and visit you he can drive out selfishness from your heart he can change your mind sets he can prepare you for the spouse that he has for you just like he did Adam and Adam with when he bought him Eve while he was asleep but that you can have a visitation tonight while you're sleeping a heart changing visitation and you awaken in his likeness that's what the scripture says I'm just quoting scripture so don't get on and say oh you're not preaching the word I am preaching the word okay you will awaken in his likeness I decree that for you in the name of Jesus and the Bible remember the Bible says be it done under you as you believe if you feel faith rising up for this word right now receive it receive it and just start decree it right now for yourself I will receive a visitation in the night I will be changed I will awaken in his likeness I will my spouse will come my problems will be solved my healing will manifest in Jesus name Amen amen okay and then okay so other biblical examples because I had a lot of people saying I was actually a false prophet for preaching this message that you can have a miracle tonight I can't imagine anybody thinking that that wasn't a good thing but another scriptural proof of this is with Abraham what happened to Abraham okay god it's in Genesis 15 god calls him out and he's like wow I have no son I you know I have no heir and he calls them up he said look at the stars you see that that's that's going to be your descendants okay I'm going to call forth an heir from your own body from your own body not an heir from your household but an heir from your own body and I am your shield your very great we reward that's what he told Abraham and then he said okay look I'm going to prove that everything I've said to you is true I want you to prep for you and mediate to to have cut a covenant with each other and he told Abraham go and get you know some calves and split them open and some birds and and I want you to prep the way for us to cut a covenant see in the old days that's how they cut a covenant or signed an agreement with each other people would do that they would get animals and they'd cut them in half and then both parties that were going to sign the Covenant would walk in between these lit up animals and it was kind of like a decree saying I'm entering into covering with you and I agree that I will fulfill my end of the bargain and do whatever it takes for my part of the Covenant to take place and if I don't may I be like one of these animals right here chopped in half split in half so Abraham preps the arena with these animals and everything for him and God to walk through them together to enter into this covenant so that Abraham's descendants can be as big as the star as many as the Stars and that you know God will be his shield is very great we were his very great reward okay so he preps it all and then what happens Wow God comes and actually puts Abraham to sleep I love this story I almost makes me want to cry seriously because it's so great God put Abraham to sleep and then he came with a smoking pot and a fire torch and he passed through these animals twice by himself without Abraham meaning he was signing both sides of the Covenant while Abraham was sleeping meaning God was saying look Abraham I'm signing for you means that technically by my grace you won't have to do anything to make this covenant come to pass I'm going to make sure it all happens because I'm God it will happen and this covenant will be fulfilled because nothing can stop me no one can stop me I mean think about it think about okay that covenant led to all his descendants he had you know Isaac then he had all these descendants and then they all went into Egypt and then they got out of Egypt and then they all took possession of the promised land the Covenant ultimately led to the promised land and to Jesus Christ himself that's what their covenant led to now think about what had to be done by God to make that covenant come to pass he had to get Abraham and Sarah pregnant in their old age when their bodies were already dead and then he had to get Isaac to have all these descendants then he had to get them all the descendants that were going to die in the famine during the time in Egypt when Joseph was in Egypt down to Egypt by having Joseph be taken there thirteen years earlier and paving the way for them and becoming the second most highest powerful man in all of Egypt and so up slave and a prisoner becomes second highest powerful man in all of Egypt that's God doing that as part of making that covenant happen and then they all his family get brought down to Egypt so they all are saved from the famine and then they got taken into slavery there but yet God comes and he breaks you know some people estimate millions of Israelites out of slavery to Egypt he parts the Red Sea remember this is all a part of making that covenant come to pass the Covenant that happened when Abraham was what asleep asleep I don't know if you're getting it yet okay this is big so God has he parts the Red Sea he brings the ten plagues upon the Egyptians he has water come out of a rock in the desert all this part of making the Covenant come to pass that Abraham's descendants would be more than the Stars and they would possess the promised land and eventually lead to Jesus came on it comes down supernaturally feeds them for four years all's a part of fulfilling his into the Covenant and and Abraham's in the end of the Covenant Wow and then it eventually leads to Jesus himself I'm sweating cuz the anointing it is did you hear what I said this all happened it all started while Abraham was taking a nap he was put to sleep by God Wow I'm telling you right now listen to me I'm telling you this is a biblical thing that you can have miracles in the night you can go to sleep and position yourself to get in the presence of God and to have a miracle happen you could have a cut God cut a covenant with you that will lead to your promised land God will cut covenant with you that will lead to your descendants coming into Christ coming in to the family of God because that's what happened in Abraham his descendents are coming into the family of God we are the true sons and daughters of Abraham okay we are all right oh my gosh you can have miracles happen when you lay down and rest in the presence in the presence look at what happened with Peter I wait first I'll decree that that why you sleep tonight you're going to have God come and cut covenant with you that will lead to your promised land you've been waiting for your promises to manifest you've been waiting to take possession of your promised land a land filled with milk and honey with houses you didn't have to build with fields you didn't have to plant with Wells you didn't have to dig and I decree that while you sleep while you sleep in the night God will cut covenant with you that will lead you to your land flowing with milk and honey I make that decree over you right now in Jesus name in Jesus name look what happened to Peter Peters on the roof okay in Acts right he's on the roof and he goes into a trance a deep sleep and what happens he sees a sheet come down right and there's these unclean animals and these clean animals on it and God says rise up Peter kill and eat and he goes never God I don't eat anything that's unclean I never have I never will and God says do not declare something unclean that I have made clean and this vision happens like again right in the same thing and Peter wakes up and he's going what was that what did that mean you know and somebody knocks on the door what happened was is this Roman centurion and an officer named Cornelius it's been following God he's been like praying and giving money to the poor and you know was bringing gifts and an angel come and visit him and says wow you know your gifts towards God's people have not gone unnoticed I want you to send your men down to a place on straight street to meet a man named Peter and have him come here and preach the gospel and so Peter wakes up in this transit those two guys are there they're at the door they found the house and they asked him to come to Cornelius's place and to Peter that would be like sacrilege okay Cornelius was a Roman he was unclean member Peter said I won't eat anything that's unclean God and God said don't decree anything unclean that I've made clean okay and so as these men are there the Spirit of Lord tells Peter go with them I want you to go with them so then he goes and he sees Peter sees how much these people are so into God Cornelius his family himself the the people that he has invited over for this great occasion and here's Peter he's breaking the rules by going into this Roman centurions house and but he sees the spirit God is all over there and he starts to pray for everyone and then the Holy Spirit falls on the all-star break and tongues Peter freaks out it's like wait a minute this isn't supposed to happen anybody but a Jew but a Jewish person you know only the Jewish people get this they're the God's people the Gentiles don't get this but you see God had said don't decree anything unclean that I have made clean and now Peter gets why he saw the vision while he was asleep see so I was asleep he gets this revelation that actually is so life-changing that anyone today who is not of Jewish descent that gentle like that would be myself and probably many of you that are watching right now actually gets to come into the family of God because of that vision Peter got while he was asleep all the Gentiles came into the family of God from that point on because of the vision Peter got while he was asleep we right now if you are a Gentile and you are born again in Christ Jesus you are in this position now you're part of the family of God because of what happened to Peter while he was taking a nap is anybody getting this I want to hear from Danielle is anybody getting this day okay yeah see I know many of you have already gotten miracles you've already gotten miracles from you know in the middle of the night while you're sleeping and you I want you to expect more I want you to expect that you can get more work done in the night then you can even in the day because see your spirit man doesn't get tired your spirit man doesn't get tired at all and your spirit man is eternal so your spirit man has the ability to travel anyplace in the eternal glory realm while your body is laying in your bed okay so you can get oh my gosh you can get so much work done at night while you're sleeping you can you can go places you can help people you can get delivered and healed I mean I've told these stories many times but I mean I remember once I had the flu so bad and pain so bad and sickness so bad I I could barely shake it and I was like God you gotta really help me with this this is terrible and he he actually spoke a word to me Malachi 4 to 4 which is the Sun of righteousness for to which is the center of righteousness will arise on you with healing in his wings and his beams so he gave me that scripture and I was so sick I really couldn't even pray and I couldn't decree it or anything so I actually took my audio Bible and I played that chapter Melek I repeat and I took a nap and while I did I saw this like encounter had this encounter I looked around and there was all these demons surrounding me and I knew they were the ones that were making me sick and they were all over the place I felt swarmed like oh my gosh what do I do I mean I felt overwhelmed and then all of a sudden there was a huge fireballs they just came flying out of heaven and started pummeling these demons it was so cool okay and and I was sitting there going class is amazing they're all getting wiped out and then I thought to myself why am I not getting hit by these fireballs and that's when I looked up and I said Jesus was right over me and he had his arms out like this with his prayer sha and I was like underneath the protection of the prayer shot so the fireballs couldn't hit me and then instantly I thought of that scripture where it says and the Sun of righteousness arises on you with healing in his wings and his beings with his wings and his being said actually that word wings means the wings of the prayer Shaw that's what the woman with the issue of blood touched with the wings of the prayer shawl so I was under the wings and the beans and it happened while I was while I was taking a nap and when I woke up it was so cool because I knew it happened because it wasn't sick I was totally healed and it happened when I took a nap but wasn't doing anything holy I was miserable I couldn't pray I couldn't decree I couldn't fast I couldn't worship I couldn't do anything I was so exhausted so sick but in the midst of that God came while I was asleep and healed me I decree that for you right now some of you are so exhausted you're so tired you're so burnt-out you're overwhelmed you've been assaulted by people by the demonic by a sickness by a financial lack you're you're getting a divorce you're in the middle of huge problems and you feel so overwhelmed that you can barely pray or decree you can't fast it's so hard to worship all of that but I decree for you that because God loves you so much and because of his extraordinary Greece for you that he can come even tonight and bring you such a powerful visitation that you will wake up in His image wake up heels nut sickness you'll wake up and you won't beginning to divorce anymore you'll wake up with a new job opportunity you will wake up and your ministry will be saved you will wake up and your children will have returned from the streets or from their sin you will wake up and you'll have peace in your soul you will wake up and life will be completely different I decree that for you in Jesus name in Jesus name everybody say Amen now I want to talk to you how do you position yourself because you can you know you can do certain things to position yourself for these kinds of miracles and trust me that was just a few of the miracles I could talk about Hezekiah and the Bible surrounded by 185,000 fiercest Syrians and what happens everybody goes to sleep and while they're all asleep an angel the Lord comes and kills them all or I can talk about the time when Daniel and all the other wise men of Babylon were going to be killed and Daniel asked God please tell me the answer to this problem the King had a dream he wants to know what it was because he forgot and if we don't tell him he's gonna kill us all give me the answer gotten in the middle of the night while Daniel was asleep wow he got the download the information okay even Paul Paul was trying to do a ministry trip and man the doors were being closed to him he is like every way he was trying to go was being blocked and then while he was asleep God sent a vision of a man from Macedonia who said please come over and minister to us over here and then when Paul followed the vision he saw in the night while he was asleep he was successful in his ministry endeavors Amen so I'm telling you what this is so biblical I couldn't believe when people were calling me a false prophet last week I did the Facebook mentions I was like do you guys read the Bible some guy even posted things saying I can't find that my Bible like a meme or something and I was like wow your Bible must have a bunch of pages ripped out because I find it everywhere mine but anyway you can have this okay so let me show you how to position yourself for this listen this is so cool this is the one who needs to do it this is a mark 4 verse 27 and this is Jesus talking of course and he says it's the kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seed on the ground and then continue sleeping sleeping and rising night and day while the seed sprouts and grows and increases and he knows not how did you hear that Jesus is saying this is what the kingdom of God is like you're going to scatter seed and while you're sleeping it's going to sprout and grow did you hear what I said he's saying Jesus is saying this this is so cool listen to me this is what the kingdom of heaven is like if you got seed you scatter it while you're sleeping it's going to sprout and grow it's that cool okay so what does that mean though how do you do that what's the seed and and how do you scatter it and how does that work okay well the Bible says that the Word of God is seed the Word of God a seed so what I do is every night before I go to bed I ask God for my seed my word my Rhema word I'll even ask him something specific like I'll say tonight God this is the problem I have on my heart this is the situation I'm battling with inside myself this is the thing that is oppressing me and I know only you can fix it I know you have the answer to fix it and I know you want to fix it you got to remember that part because a lot of people think that God doesn't want to fix it that he's just a mean god but God is a good God and He loves us nothing can separate us from his love so I bring those problems to my daddy my daddy God and I say God my daddy I need my seed denied I need the word I need a Rhema word for this moment for this issue and then I'll I'll pray a little bit or maybe I'll pray in tongues or I'll turn on a little worship music for a little while and then God will speak to me he'll speak to me a single word or even a scripture address now if he speaks to me that single word I'll go and I'll put it in my Bible search you know they have those little word searches in these Bible apps and I'll go find the scriptures that word is in and I'll read through them until I feel like an explosion the Holy Spirit unction going off a little alarm little radar going off inside me be like oh that's the verse and then I'll read that verse in the whole chapter I'll see what that whole chapter is talking about and you know what dollars to doughnuts like 9.5 times out of 10 that chapter or that verse will speak directly about the problem that I'm dealing with and I'll know right then God just gave me my seat he gave me a Rhema word that is going to apply itself to the situation I'm struggling with at that moment okay and the same thing if I hear a scripture address in my mind I go to it and nine times out of ten are reading I'll be like well that is a word that is talking exactly about the issue I'm dealing with and other times I don't get it right is usually the times I'm so distraught that I can't hear the Lord clearly or I had too much pizza or something all right get your word before you go to bed get your seat ask God to give you your word then once you have that word that's your scene okay then you scatter it because it says the king of God is like a man who scattered seed upon the ground so how do you scatter that seed what I do is this is so cool okay what I do is I I have like many different audio versions of the Bible okay if you don't have an audio version of the Bible on CD or an app that plays the Bible chapters on an audio form you must must must get it okay they're not that expensive it's one of the greatest investments you could ever make okay so I take that chapter that my seed is in my word is in and I play it on repeat over myself at night while I'm sleeping that's how I scatter the seed it says the kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seed upon the ground okay so I scatter it by playing it over myself playing it over myself see what I'm doing is I'm taking the word God gave me and I'm making it be decreed over myself while asleep now remember what the Bible says you shall decree a thing and it will be established the Bible also said God sent His Word and it healed them vibe also says God's Word does not return void unto him but will accomplish the purposes for which it's been sent so when you take that word the see God gave you and you scan right by playing that audio version of the Bible on repeat that chapter that you got over and over again that word will not return void unto God it will accomplish the purpose for which it's been sent God will watch carefully of that work to perform it okay you're going to start to see the manifestation of that word because it's being played over you every night and it says and that's what happens see listen to the scripture again it goes the kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seed on the ground and then continues sleeping and rising day night while the seed sprouts and grows and increases and he knows not how see as you scatter that seed and you continue sleeping and rising sleeping and rising sleeping and rising the seed will sprout and grow and you'll know not how but you'll see the manifestation see this is exactly what how can happen to Jacob at Bethel with the open heaven remember that story in Genesis what happens he's running from his brother Esau he's exhausted he's tired he finds a place where he lays down and goes to sleep puts his head on a rock goes to sleep and then he has a vision he sees this ladder between heaven and earth and these angels are ascending up the ladder and coming back down the ladder and God is standing at the top of the ladder and he's speaking words over Jacob he's saying I went with you I'm going to bring your descendants into a promised land land flowing with milk and honey blessing all your descendants I will not leave you until I've done everything I promised you he's speaking words over Jacob while he sleeps see that's what happens when you do this thing when you ask God to give you your word your seed and then you play it over yourself it's just like God speaking that word over you while you sleep and what happened all that stuff that God told Jacob would happen happened now check what else would happened Jacob Wow God was speaking a word over him while he was sleeping angels were sending up this ladder back down what's what's happening there well it says Angels hearken to the word of the Lord they were listening to God speak that word over Jacob while he was asleep and they were going up the ladder to get the stuff needed to make that word come to pass and then bring it back down to Jacob do you get what I'm saying everybody say yeah whoo taveion Yahoo if you get what I'm saying okay do you understand that's what will happen with you you'll ask God for word and when you play it on your audio Bible it's just like him speaking it over you because he gave it to you it's that Rhema living word and then will happen angels will come because angels harken to the word of the Lord they'll come and they'll hear that word being played over you all night and they'll start going up the ladder to get what you need to make those words come to pass and they'll bring it back down and then you'll have a miracle while you sleep oh my gosh are you with me how we doing Danielle is everybody getting it yay I'll see ya man lotta Yahoo's look I've been doing this for years I I had two broken ribs from a car accident I was in the back of a car we were headed towards a meeting and some guy cut us off on the freeway we were on the freeway so we were moving fast and this guy cuts us off okay we smashed in him so hard I mean our driver tried to avoid him so hard and he just could in I mean it was just impossible nobody could have merit Mario Andretti couldn't have done it and I got so hit I had a hemothorax which is when your lungs and your chest fill up with blood and fluid and so I was drowning in my blood and fluid I could barely breathe I mean they had to take me to the hospital and God did a miracle for me right before they were going to drill a hole in my chest to suck that liquid out so I could breathe it like stop I stopped I stopped bleeding and my lungs dried out it was like wow I had I still had some liquid left him but it dried out enough to where I could then breathe without any you know respiratory like trouble okay so God did a miracle for me right away but then two weeks later oh my gosh I had two broken ribs too and oh my gosh broken ribs hurt so much and I was in pain and I needed to go to a big prison meeting and I was like well I'm never going to make it if I don't get a supernatural healing and so I was worshipping and asking God to heal me and I didn't feel anything during the worship and my people were praying for me and everything and when it was over I got up and I went into my room and my husband helped me lay in the bed because I was in so much pain this is the 14th night after the accident and then I went to sleep and I and I played some music or something I don't remember what I played and I had a dream that this lady came in and she was painting the whole wall in front of me and when I woke in the morning it's just painting it all night long all night long and when I woke up I actually saw which was painting was a waterfall you know the Bible says that living water will flow forth from our bellies and I woke up and I recognized the pain was totally gone my ribs had been supernaturally healed while I slept while I slept okay I even went to the doctor and got x-rays of them to prove that I got a miracle I still have him in my house I should have brought tonight so I could show you but you can see in the doctor said this he said well you know you can't even tell you ever had broken ribs because usually there's a little scar that's left on the bone and there's not even a scar or nothing on the bone and I had two MRIs that showed that I did have broken ribs so I mean that happened while I was sleeping in the night boy was I glad because I could go I went to Brazil after that with Randy Clark I went to a prison meaning that I had to go to and there was just a pile of miracles that happened at that meeting but see oh my gosh I Love You God so much you need to get your word get your word before you go to bed tonight I'm going to pray for that right now I just want you to use your faith and to receive this decree okay I decree that you will get a word tonight and every night that you ask God a word that will apply to whatever struggle you're dealing with right now whatever issue you're trying to break through on whatever sickness you're dealing with what a relationship problem that you're struggling through whatever issue it is that you'll get a Rhema living word about that problem and what God wants to do about it and then as you scatter that seat as you play that word over you all night that you will have a manifestation that angels will come they'll hearken to the words of the Lord is speaking they'll go up the ladder look at the stuff you need to make that miracle happened they'll bring it back down to you and you will have manifestations i decree dreams visions encounters are going to happen for you in the night miracles in the night miracles in the night you can have miracles in the night in Jesus name okay now I'm a men everybody say Amen okay I'm getting the flash I've got ten minutes so I got twenty minutes no I'm looking at that and it says that I don't are you sure 5:42 okay let's ask some questions now okay so on your gonna chat in and Daniels going to tell me what kind of questions you have and let me see if I can help you and let's try to keep it to this topic okay let's try to keep it to this topic so that we can try to answer these kinds of questions about nighttime visitations or things that you've had happen or earth or experiences like that what do you have Daniel would like to know if there's a place in the Bible that you would suggest okay so I don't know if you guys heard that but a couple girls want to know if there's a place in the Bible to begin well for one you know I have it all on this Soaker here so I'm not trying to get you to spend money I'm just saying if you if you get this this is the teaching and then the next dish is the soaker so if you play this Soaker it has all the different you know miracles in the night scriptures now if you can't afford it or you want to try to do it on your own which is totally awesome too I would just go to all the different you know stories about miracles that happen while people were asleep like Adam and what happened when he fell asleep and you woke up and there was Eve go to Genesis 15 where Abraham cuts the covenant with God and God signs for both of them while Abraham is asleep go to the story with Daniel and it's I think it's in the first couple chapters of the book of Daniel where you know Nebuchadnezzar has that dream and he can't remember and he's going to kill everybody but Daniel asks if you know can I have a little bit more time because I want to tell the the King what his dream was so we could all live and while Daniels asleep God gives him the answer and Daniel praises him for giving him the secrets to the mysteries of the kingdom play that play all those on repeat go to the story with the latter in Genesis with Jacob and play that on repeat all night over yourself and believe yeah you got a ladder in your room too while you're asleep and God is at the top that letter speaking promises over you amen and then as a result believe while you're listening to it you're meditating on it that the angels are harkening to the voice of the Lord and they're going up the ladder to get your stuff coming back down ok what I do is I'll pray along with uh with the scriptures for as long as I can and then I'll fall asleep ok but then I might wake up in the middle the night because I had a dream or vision I like the process will already have started see I'll listen to the description it will cause a miracle to happen or a vision to come or a dream to come and then when that dream or that vision comes I wake up and I activate into it like if I saw something cool I'll be like ok I decree that for me I saw it the Bible says you know the secret things belong to God but the things revealed to us belong to us and our children forever so I'll started saying I just saw you know a treasure chest full of people and and finances and provisions I decree that that's for me I saw it it's mine in I decree it I interact with the thing I that God show me in the night if God shows me something bad when I say bad meaning a behavior that I am you know partaking in that is not good or a destructive behavior or something like that you know if I see that I'll wake up and then I'll just activate into that - I'll go oh god ok I see that I thank you for showing me that I know you don't want me to destroy myself with those types of attitude problems so I repent for that I ask that you heal me right now I receive your healing power I know that since you showed it to me that you're going to actually fix it so I interact with it like that and so just do that you know listen to the story of Peter when he goes into the trance on your audio version of your Bible over and over again and see what happens when you do that you know what I mean and start doing stuff like that and then there's all kinds of other little scriptures I mean like look at the one with Peter where he's in the prison remember when they took him in prison he was sleeping in between two guards with an angel came and broke him out of the imprisonment I mean let him like the chains fell hog he got up he was sleeping and he said the angel smote him and the sides that wake up and he got up and those two guards that he was sleeping right next to didn't even budge they were like put into a deep deep sleep and then the angel walks him out and it said that in the story that the gates that were locked just opened up without anybody touching or anything just opened up and they they got out of there I mean Peter was so astounded he thought oh this is a dream this isn't really happening but then when the angel left he came to himself and said Wow while I was asleep an angel brought me out of prison this is amazing okay play that story and repeat and then believe as you're listening to it believe tonight I'm going to be broken out of my imprisonment it could be an imprisonment of anything the imprisonment of lack you don't have the job you don't have income you don't have resources it could be an imprisonment of sickness it could be an imprisonment and in your marriage or in a relationship that you're in and just say it Wow I'm an imprisonment but I can have the same visitations as other people had in the Bible it is a biblical story it's for me all the promises in the Word of God are yes and a man in Christ Jesus so I'm going to believe that tonight while I sleep and I play this word over myself of a Peters story of being broken out of prison by an angel that it's going to happen for me I'm going to be broken out of my imprisonment whatever imprisonment it is remember what mark 4 says the king of God is like this is what the kingdom God is like ready a man and who scatters seed while he's sleeping and it sprouts and he grows and he knows not how this is the kingdom what I'm telling you is the kingdom jesus said it the kingdom of God is like this scatter your seed and then while you're sleeping it will sprout and grow even though you don't know how ok get your seed tonight and play it over yourself ok what other questions do we have Danielle oh that's easy the question is how do I know I've actually healed and it wasn't just a dream ok if it's a physical healing you'll know I mean you won't have your pain anymore you won't have that infection anymore you won't have that disease anymore you'll know you'll feel a change in your body now if it's an emotional soul healing or mental healing you'll know too because you'll start to know you might not realize it right away but you'll suddenly start catching like wow you know usually I would have lost it if somebody said that thing to me but somebody just said that I was totally calm or wow you know my husband when he does that one thing it drives me nuts but he just did it and it didn't bother me at all you'll start to see instances that normally would set you off or make you angry or depressed or anxious or even fearful not making you feel like that anymore because you've had healing in your heart in your inner man Amen kid what else you got Danielle we have some people that want to know why it seems like some nights they can have major visitations and other okay well to me there's nicety and major vegetation it's nice that you get nothing at all and nights that you get like demonic swirling okay so major visitations we love those we want those to happen all the time nights when you get nothing at all it's like you know God moves in seasons for one it's like he's always on the move but sometimes he doesn't tell you everything he's doing because it would freak you out he's actually doing you a favor so sometimes you might not have a night where you get you know something really cool and sometimes you're just too stinking tired okay to actually get it or you're just too stinking tired to remember something happened sometimes I get taken into such a deep sleep that I know God moved but I I don't remember it I don't I didn't see it and you know what usually when that happens like oh when I take a nap during the day that happens a lot and when I'm worshiping and I feel the weight or the glory come and I'll lay down and I'll go into such a deep sleep I won't even remember anything but it's usually during those moments when I'm in the deepest of sleep is when God's doing a very deep work something that if I really understood he was doing it would probably hurt me I would probably be so devastated by my own sin or by the depths of the ickiness inside of me that if I knew it would just harm me but God did me a really good favor it's like when you have a really serious surgery they put you totally under don't they they put you totally under with anesthesia so you don't remember a thing while they're slicing you open and taking out things and removing moving guts around and all this other stuff if you're awake and you saw that you would be completely traumatized that's why they put you totally under I think sometimes God just totally puts you under so that you don't have to experience the pain of the depth of this stuff that you're going through okay so that's another reason and then there's the demonic swirl stuff when I have a demonic swirl that's why I like this disk because there's decrees on it to clear out the house sometimes I'll just go and read anoint my house command stuff to leave you know loose angels put oil and blood on my property line and just established stuff like that I'll have my prayer partners come in and like my generals and clean out my house if maybe there's been people over or something's happened romantic in the house you know and so it needs a little bit of cleaning or I'll notice that if I don't spend enough time with God like I don't I'm not in worship enough or I'm not you know in prayer enough and stuff I will start having demonic swirls because if you don't have enough Kingdom you know coming into your life the enemy is going to try to fill that space you know maybe you had too much TV for a few weeks so you're going to have demonic swirls coming against you so you just have to watch what you're bringing into your soul because that'll affect what you get in the night while you're sleeping and then I hope that helped if it does say Yahoo again okay and what else do you have Daniel what is we have what huh what is the best CD to listen to for okay so she said was about CD to listen to her people who need emotional healing once again listen to me very carefully it's all about everybody's different everybody's special and unique and you have a special and unique situation and you also gone through your own individual pain trauma or circumstance so to me you know when people ask what's the best CD to listen for this I would say again you go before the Lord and say okay you know exactly what's happening in my heart God you know exactly what I need you give me my specific word my specific seed and and then I will play it over myself and that will bring a miracle for me honestly everybody's so different that that's why it's so cool to get your own Rhema word and you know when you when you have God speak to you it's it's awesome because it also increases our faith he tells us something we go to that chapter me know and we're like whoa that's exactly how I feel but that raises faith you're like wow God heard me I heard him he spoke to me and I got it right because this chapter is exactly how I feel I mean I can remember once I went through a very painful thing that happened in my life it was probably when the most devastating blows I'd ever gone through and I and I usually can shake that stuff off pretty good because I know how to get my soul healed I just couldn't shake that for some reason and he gave me and I fines to God how do I get rid of this I've tried everything and he gave me the word personality well in the amplified bible that's in Ephesians 3:16 where Paul's praying that we would be strengthened and reinforced in our inner man that's our soul by mighty power that's Dunamis the word power is Dunamis and it means excellence of soul which indwells in us by the Holy Spirit and in our innermost being and our personality so I got a scripture from God I got the word personality and I got a script from God saying look I want you to pray for Dunamis to strengthen your inner man because doing this means X on a soul you know and where does your personality live it lives in your soul so God was saying there's something about your personality that is causing you to be unable to break free from this pain there's some sort of a bent in your personality there's some sort of an attitude issue in your personality that isn't enabling you to breakthrough from this problem okay but see your personalities in your soul and Paul was praying the Dunamis power would strengthen and reinforce us in our inner man in our soul and so I put on that scripture on repeat I took my seat and so did remember it says kingdom of God is like a man who scatters seed upon the ground and while he's sleeping and rising the seed sprouts and grows even though he knows it a how so I put infusions three on repeat and I laid on the floor next to my computer in my house in my office and I listen that scripture over and over again I just kept on saying invade my personality with Dunamis make me excellent of soul I'm praying like Paul prayed and I prayed that and then I went into a deep sleep and as I did I saw the Holy Spirit come in land you flew down and he landed on my head I went to the sleep and when I woke up that that thing I was dealing with was gone it was gone but see it happened because I got a word so if you're having an emotional thing and you're thinking what disc should I pray to I mean all of my stuff onions soaking stuff is gonna work for you but I I want you to get your own word - I wanted to get your word cuz your word God is so smart he knows exactly what you need a man okay let me see how many minutes I've got left only four minutes and I have something a Dave wants me to say let's take a look at it okay oh yes hey I didn't tell you guys is I don't know if you get day star television it's a very good network they have some great programming on there and Joanie and Marcus Lam are amazing they have that morning show and with all the singers on it they are awesome I've actually been on that set a couple times and it's it's got a lot of oil on it it's super fun but we are going to be airing on day star ok Saturdays at 2:30 p.m. Central 2:30 p.m. central on Days star if you got a TiVo and you're out because you might be shopping or doing something else TiVo it record it tell your friends so that they can watch it and let's see what is this this little comment here miracles available oh ok and look if you can't if you don't get Daystar don't fret go on our website all the all the episodes are on our site and you can go in there and watch every single episode and all the episodes have prayer activations at the end I mean people have reported lots of miracles happening when they watch this show one guy that was in prison told me he watches a show every Thursday and when he was praying the soul healing prayers at the end of one broadcast he suddenly felt something lift off as his being and he said the next day he woke up and he had been completely healed of this demon issue he had his left leg had been swollen for 11 years and they had tried everything but after he prayed the prayers on watching the broadcast a television broadcast the edema completely left and his leg was not swollen anymore it's been in perfect condition since and that was like a year ago so you need to watch it it's going to be awesome go to the website to see all those episodes and then also oh are we doing the drawing right now how are we doing the drawing okay so we're about to announce who won five of the one for each 5p one for one person each five people miracles in the night this has a teaching disc on it and as a Soaker too and we want to give some away because we missed our web stream last weekend and we're so grateful you guys came back and we gave we're giving these away the computer just spit out names to five people who liked the link before we did the broadcast okay and so it's ready for the drum roll and Nora i Roy you get a free copy of miracles in the night gale wild man you also get one ami Yanis you're gonna get a miracles from the night copy Dianna mazey Meza and oh my gosh okay ed k Oh door oh I hope I said that right and it k a door oh if it's not right forgive me I'm sorry it's a cool name I wish I knew how to say it exactly perfect okay those are the people who want a free copy of miracles from the night now if you want to get it and you didn't win just go to our website katiesouza.com and you can go to our research page and you can click on and buy this this is brand new hot off the presses okay now how are they going to collect their copies okay so winners I want you to email orders at katiesouza.com orders at katiesouza.com and then put your name in your address and your phone number and we're gonna get you your free copy a miracles of the night super cool I love giving away stuff it's so much fun okay everybody I'll just say this closing prayer for you right now father in the name of Jesus it is so scriptural that we would have miracles in the night while we sleep it's all over your word and I believe your word and so do these people who are watching right now and I say be it unto them as they have believed come and bring them dreams visions visitations bring angelic hosts to come in and hearken to the word of the Lord give them their word every night when they have an issue when they pray the Bible says that ask for wisdom and it shall be given to you when they pray give them there were lord have them plate over themselves and then cause your word to manifest these as you watch carefully over your word and it does not return void under you you prosper it you sent your word to heal them and we decree that as they get their word and play it angels will activate hearken to the word of the Lord will go up and get their stuff come down and bring it down to them and will also cause them to manifest the seed will sprout while they sleep this is what the kingdom of heaven is like a man scatters a seed that seed sprouts and grows and he knows not how I'd agree your seed when you scatter it will sprout and grow even though you know not how that is the kingdom okay everybody we're so grateful we love doing these web streams we'll see you next month all right okay bye-bye bye-bye bye-bye
Channel: Katie Souza
Views: 94,497
Rating: 4.8795986 out of 5
Id: 9BohC-PVLkU
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Length: 58min 4sec (3484 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2016
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