Angel Activity and Miracles - Katie Souza - Olathe KS Jubilee Church FULL SESSION

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[Music] just tell him how much you love him come on come on tell him tell him how much you love you come on sacrifice your confession of love to him we're so grateful for you Jesus so precious sweet sweet sweet love reversal you're such a big guard thank you so much for giving your life for us sacrificing herself in such a horrible waste that we could live so that we could live so that we could live Oh we give you the praise sweet Jesus [Music] turn and hug your neighbor tell them Jesus loves you this I know [Music] that was awesome wasn't it wasum you know I want to just stop to give some honor to you know there has been like four or five ministries combined in this one event to serve you and I just want to honor you know the ministries that have come I don't know if the if the worship team goes with a hopper with hope city so can we honor the musicians from hope city you know they're ministering to the homeless it's just so powerful they're right and I want to thank you know pastor his beautiful wife and their team because their team and you know they've let us use their facility their team has been awesome a bigger round of applause for them please you so much thank you so much thank you and you know and plus we have Toni Kemp's people have come to and it Sony's people and we're just so grateful that they came to serve and help them in a God and you know you've met all of my team in the back and and all my team in the front and just man I couldn't do this without them you couldn't you wouldn't be here without them and and working men of Christ and all the people that came with them you know they're serving you to a bigger round of applause for everybody now as we honor let's honor so amazing so you know Tony and I were speaking at lunch we always powwow together to see what the Holy Spirit wants us to do it we decided to we're going to you know take everybody up corporately to another level that was the beginning with that Warner for broke through the resistance the enemy was trying to to keep us under his feet and he is under ours [Music] you know what I'm saying so what we're gonna do is we really believe and we believe I felt this for a couple days and I think the audience too isn't there's a lot of angelic presence here tonight too to administrate miracles especially like bone moving miracles miracles to get rid of pain miracles to deal with metal and things like that and so we're going to step into that and walk into that by the leading of the Holy Ghost and as part of that what I'd like to do first is how many people here are suffering from spinal stenosis spinal stenosis of some form raise your hands how many people you have a crookedness it's it's a constriction of the spine which causes your vertebrae to get out of alignment yeah I would like anybody that is suffering from spinal stenosis to come up here right now and I want you to line up like from here to here and what we're gonna have happen is scoliosis and scoliosis right curvature of the spine scoliosis spinal stenosis anything with the spine any spinal issues neck issues that includes neck issues if you can line up like this and what we're going to do is you can face me because well actually we don't want you sticking your butts in everybody's face so turn around this way okay yeah what we're gonna do well okay this is gonna be a big deal here now is there a nurse in the house barb is here she's a nurse is there anyone else it's a nurse or of a practitioner or in the medical field or anyone like that yeah we're your chiropractor okay there's the chiropractor here okay so barb is gonna step is anybody else a nurse or practitioner yeah come come up here I need your help we need you what we need you there's a lot of big moly okay we're gonna have to move fast this might be too much for us to chew we might have to do this really fast okay was this your idea or the best you can all right I him too ok so barb please begin what you're gonna do is barb is gonna have you bend over and check your spine really quick and then you're gonna go right back to your seat because what we want to do is we want to check the condition of your spine before the miracle happens because that way when it does happen everybody's gonna know that they know that they know that Jesus Christ is in the house all right so I want everybody and so let me have my chiropractors and nurses where's my chiropractor go start at that end and come over here and check people's spines try to remember their face try to remember what their condition their spine was and who else where's my other nurse where is she yes okay you start there and you start in the middle okay go start at the end and just start checking people's spines and their necks and in some cases some of you've you been to over for the person it'll help it helps some for accuracy okay if you can just do that you know you've got they'll probably have you bend over as much as you can as much as you're able you have to move quick Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam now this is what we're gonna do right I'm gonna we're gonna check these people's spines and then I also want to ask does anybody here have any metal implants or other type of implants in their body yes and who out of those people that have an implant of some sort in their body it gives them pain or discomfort or limited movement wave your hand at me okay so there are eight one two three four five six seven eight nine nine okay count your ten okay all right so quickly we have to move quickly as soon as you get checked go back to your seat yes as soon as you've been checked okay so where's the metal detector I want you to go around and check to see that the detector picks up their metal all right go quick quick quick your metal if your metal watch Heidi and then as she comes near you waiver down and never come and test you or you could go to the back I need you just want them to go to the back there yes go to the back there so Heidi can test you if you have metal all right all right now eight burgers or Jesus people need their spine soon no wonder we had so much man like man massive lords on you amen okay and I'm gonna be teaching a little bit about the angels that are present to help us so that we can activate into them and you may be thinking well this isn't gonna help me oh yeah it is people with pain are gonna be healed people with other things are gonna be healed it's gonna help everybody in the room so it's really a good thing to do this right now and we're really happy boy I'm glad we have a chiropractor and another nurse okay no telling stories no till I cut you off no go back no telling stories moving quickly quickly quickly quickly okay sorry don't let me don't let me hurt your feelings okay right we're good we're doing it we're getting there it's good Jeff do you have my two videos ready all right okay we're getting them there yes okay make sure that you see which person checked your back you gotta remember what first checked your back because afterwards you're gonna have that same person check you so if it was barb you're gonna go to barb if it was the chiropractor you're gonna go the chiropractor if you're if it was the nurse you're gonna go to the nurse okay so you're gonna go back to the same person and you're gonna expect that your spine is going to move while you're sitting in your seat this is not unusual where's my girlfriend last night that had her spine move the tailbone she here is her friend here yes friend yes yes come up here because we're gonna tell people so that they know what they can't expect come up here and and testify that went faster than I thought okay that metal has to go to the back people with metal gotta go to the back come up here baby okay so your friends not here right okay that's fine so tell everybody your name again chill man Newman join what was your friend's name Nicky Nicky no tell everybody what was wrong with Nicky Nicky's mine was misplaced she had an x-ray that it was it was misplaced you could feel there was a dip and her spine back here and it was that kind then not the chiropractor but Chandon MRI and it showed it was moved over misplaced now she also had a vertebra on top of the tailbone that dropped is that correct dropped dropped and that MRI showed that too yes it did okay so how long did she have that well she noticed it about three months ago okay so and give her pain mmm gave her pain yes okay so what happened last night to her and moved over and it lined up she was gone they thought they would do an MRI and she might have to have surgery and I kept telling her I think you need to realign I think you're a people in your life realigns it is going to come into line and sure enough so I came into line now was anybody touching her when it happened she was just sitting there in her seat yes so nobody had to actually break lay hands on her no no so her spine moved she about to move she felt the moving then you saw the dip and was the dip gone after that yes did you hear what I was saying okay thank you joy now Christine come up here okay this is Christine give her her hand [Applause] christine was in Albany with me at Steve Sholes Elijah's list conference now you had what I had like a saddle horn at the top of my firt at the top of my spine if wet like was a cell horn yeah settle horn and the vertebra goes like this and then if wet like this the top it looked like a saddle horn of a horse so she literally had a knob protruding out the back of her spine how long did you have that probably since I was born I guess I don't know but for a really long time now you had that verified by a chiropractor yes I did and it caused your pain yes yeah you said you carry some black stuff around yes in my neck look really dirty when I put it on because you're always rubbing this black stuff on you to try to ease the pain and your husband testified that he was always trying to rub around it to try to make it feel better yes okay so what happened in the meeting um after I gave my offering and I had earlier we had talked about soul wounds and getting some soul wounds healed I remember filling that and then after that I remember she would say Katie was saying you know like bend and do whatever you think you can't do so I'm like kind of go from bending my knees and doing all kind of stuff and the Holy Spirit said put your hand up on your neck and I went oh my god it's gone and my husband I said to him I looked at him and I said feeling it's gone and he goes oh my god it is gone and so yeah and I was just crying because I could barely believe it myself and I still feel it just today because it you know it's like it's smooth it's just totally smooth back there I remember you came up on stage when it's flat it's flat and your husband came up with his he's right there right there and I said run your hand over her neck right now and he did it and he said if I wasn't touching it I wouldn't believe it but it's it's not there anymore was anybody touching you when that happened no it was a word of knowledge and I was out in the audience and like I said the Holy Spirit just said put your hand up on your neck and I went oh my god and no Katie did not touch me nobody touched me nothing my husband wasn't even rubbing my either so it was you know nobody was touching me thank you Jesus you've got a brace so look I did that for a reason because I want you to know that your spine is gonna move into place without anyone touching you I know that seems hard to believe but nonetheless it's true and we've seen it happen over and over again part of the way that that miracle happens is through the assistance of of course the Holy Spirit and Jesus because Jesus made it possible but also through the angelic realm okay the end the angels in the room I've seen them actually come and go and move the bones just like that and move the bones it's that easy so you can expect it but well we want to activate into the angels that are here so how do we do that well you know I mean the Bible tells us a lot of things about angels so just I'll give you some tips on a couple of things that we're going to do to align ourselves and position ourselves for the angels to work tonight for us to perform this type of miracle okay one of the things we know that the Bible says that angels hearkened to the voice of his word Psalms 103 30 I'm 20 okay what does that mean the word voice that means man men's voice or God's voice it doesn't just means God's voice so it means that when we speak God's Word we're a knowledge the scripture that the Angels walk should hearken to our voice because we are speaking God's Word amen and that's why you see both Tony and I making a lot of decrease a lot of commands a lot of biblical losing biblical statements and commands so that the Angels that are in the room hearken to them and begin to go to work amen and that's why you also see both Tony and I always have you praying after us we'll say okay pray this prayer and we have you making decrease after us because as you're doing that the angels that are in the room around you that are ministering will come and go into action based on what's coming out of your mouth ie you can't sit there when I'm saying okay let's all pray this and go ain't no angel don't just pass you bye-bye you got open your mouth you got to open your mouth amen you got to speak it and when I say gotta give the Lord a praise you know you notice that only nine more are always saying that I want you to get the Lord a praise for the next three minutes five minutes whatever it is we mean it because the angels are really are being released and activating into the praise is coming out of your mouth where does it say in Psalm I think it's 34 it says that angels in camp around those who fear and worship the Lord and he delivers them all meaning your deliverance comes as the angels who are around you encamped activate while you are worshiping praising that's why you see it's telling you come on lift up a big brace to God that's why you see the worship team up here that's why we ask you to get activated when when we are worshiping to sing the songs to open your mouth again if you're sitting there while everybody else is worshiping or praising and you're going you're not participating then you won't be participating you won't get included you'll get passed over you've got to worship you've got to be praising you've got to open your mouth amen and then this nobody ever talks about this nonetheless it's a fact it's a fact that are giving are giving whether you like it or not are giving causes angelic activity to be stirred up this is so true right you know Deuteronomy 8:18 says God gives you the power to create wealth that he made and establish his covenant that he swore to his father's here on the earth you know that where wealth means it doesn't just mean strength I mean strength and efficiency and wealth and resources and goods but it also means this the strength of God and the strength of angels angels are involved in our finances people do not realize it's like when when we get a hard heart and we and we don't want to bring our tithes and offerings or we get sick of giving or when we just throw a few dollars in the bucket we never do a sacrificial offering you know angels don't get involved in our lives they're deeply involved in our giving and they're activated by our giving and I just want to give you a couple of examples to remember Cornelius do you remember Cornelius he was with the Italian regiment you remember him he wasn't a Jewish person but he acted like one he was always praying the Bible said he was always praying and he was giving alms to the poor and he was a great man of God right and the Bible says he had an angelic visitation an angel came and actually told him okay there's a guy named Peter that he's over there on straight street I want you to go there send some guys down there to get him and bring him here because he's got a message to speak to you and at the same time Peter was up on the roof praying and he goes into a trance and he sees a vision where she comes down with all kinds of animals clean and unclean and he hears the Lord say get up Peter kill and eat and he says surely not Lord I've never eaten anything unclean and the Lord says do not call anything unclean that I've made clean and then this this happened three times the Sheikh comes down three times happens three times in Peters wondering what does that mean well what it meant was for the first time ever God was about to unite the Jews with the Gentiles and the Gentiles were considered unclean by the Jews so unclean that you know the Jewish people weren't even allowed to eat with them or hang out with them it was illegal but God was about to change that he was about to graft the Gentiles into the family of God for the first time ever now this happened I mean Peter went to Peter went to Cornelius house he preached the gospel the Holy Spirit fell they all started praying in tongues they got baptized in the spirit and they were grafted in this event is a big deal because anybody in this room to this day thousands of years they'll hit her right is part of the family of God if you're not of Jewish descent and you're Gentile you have Jesus Christ because of that event so Cornelius was picked for a world-changing event and an angel sent him was sent to his house to tell him he was the one picked out of everybody in the planet to be a part of this world-changing event that affects us today it affects me you me all of us that aren't Jewish people it affects us today we have God because of this event why did God send the angel to Cornelius why was he pick the Bible actually says it it says it here in acts 10 it says about the ninth hour the time of prayer Cornelius saw a vision of an angel of God entering in and saying to him Cornelius and he gazed intently at him became frightened says what is it Lord the angel says your prayers here's the reason why you SPECT ready the angel said to him your prayers and your generous gifts to the poor have come up as a sacrifice to God and have been remembered by him Wow he was picked out of every other godly person on the planet because of what his prayers and is what generous gifts his generous gifts angels love when you bring an offering to God this is not me trying to get your money I'm trying to teach you an important precept about the supernatural realm whenever I want something to move I bring an offering and I know angels activate in to that offering now this isn't the only story that proves that if you read the story in judges remember the story about when an angel came to talk to Manoah and his barren wife we never find out what the Barons wife what the barren wife's name was to tell the barren wife that she wasn't gonna be barren anymore and she was gonna have a son named Samson and he was going to defeat the Philistines on behalf of the Israelite people okay this angel comes to tell her this good news she's shocked she runs to tell her husband manoa and he runs out there into the field to see who this guy was no he doesn't even realize that this man is not a man he's actually an angel so as they're talking and the angel tells him what gods plans are for his wife he actually he says look look I want to you know I want to honor you I want to prepare a kid for you to eat so you can dine with us and this is what the angel said to him though you detain me I will not eat of your food but if you make ready a burnt offering offer it to the Lord so then it says some I know it took the kid with a cereal offering and offered it upon the rock to the Lord and it says that the angel working wonders well my knowing his wife looked on so according to this the angel says no I don't need that food make it into an offering for God so Noah did just that he put the cereal offering with the kid made a burnt offering presented to the Lord and said while he brought his offering the angel worked a wonder while him and his wife looked on what was the wonder that they were his wife was here the barrenness she had a physical well she had a physical healing in her body she got pregnant and had Manila and then had Samson okay but she received a physical miracle in her body I remember when God showed me this scripture man I started moving into this and I started seeing that sweat huh that's when I started seeing more miracles than I ever had before instead of just taking offering I'm always inviting people to take it offering and while they do it to put their faith on that the angel is going to work wonders while they're bringing up their offering now when Christine got her miracle guess what I was teaching on right I was teaching on that now I was just in Minnesota and I was teaching on this and a woman was bringing up her offering and as she walked up said said as Manila brought is offering the angel working wonders as she walked up to the stage she looked at me and as she had her offering her hand she goes it's already happening and she dropped her offering in the bucket her foot had been broken for five years it had never healed she's never gone to have it treated she didn't even know broken but it never healed so she finally five years later said man I'm getting tired of this pain what is it she went back in the doctor said oh this has been broken it never healed right that's why you're in so much pain and she's like oh my god they're like oh my god we're gonna have to break it we're gonna have to do this and that she's like oh my god just forget it right she left and in that meeting she brought her offering the angel worked on wonder and heals her foot totally fixed her foot so many miracles broke out in that meeting so many miracles broke out that night when Christine was there I mean I can show videos on all night long right after Christine came up after I taught this same message and the angel hit her bone and caused her bone that sound horn to just go back in place totally disappear her back is flat now another woman came up right after her her name was Terry woods she had a dead bone in her arm this arm right here this bone in her arm she could bend it right here her arm but this part she couldn't bend because the ball here that goes in the socket was completely dead proven by an MRI and an x-ray so she couldn't even raise her arm like this and even though it was dead she had a ten level excruciating pain she came running up right after Christine and she looked at me she would 100% meaning I haven't healed 100% and he she stood there throwing her arms up and down with no pain no problem as the crowd went crazy 1,000 people going crazy I got that on video but let's just get to that let's just look at a couple videos and I want you to see these miracles are extraordinary they're extraordinary they're extraordinary and it all happened you're gonna hear these people stay out of their own mouths that happened when they brought their seat up and it angel touch them Nicole what happened to call I had surgery on my toes and my feet and then they had rods and I couldn't stand on my feet for more than five minutes they would burn and when I came in it was burning so I took my boots off and then when you begin to do the offering I felt like a chute of like lava hot so then I waited and I was walking and I couldn't feel the pain and then we were praying right I can't feel nothin and I just never been none it's not it's always been like 50 or 40 percent it's none there's nothing that can I can walk you what's called a bunionectomy is that correct yeah how long ago sweetie this has been six years six years now did they do all that stuff where they split the side of your foot open shaved down the bone yes they cut the bone down there to protect it with metals and rods and I had to wear a thing and crawl up the stairs to go the bathroom it was bad you had to call up the stairs to go to the bathroom you poor princess oh my gosh okay and so I'm taking it you can see a scar on your foot can we can you take this shoe off she's gonna take the shoe off so now that's where they did the surgery right yes put them brought how long was the metal rod can you show us with your fingers yeah these two toes all the way up here so you whoa you got a metal rod you had a metal rod from the two toes and on the side so you have one you guys see that on the side now yes yes I see it yep and it gave you all the time pain constant my husband's here Daniel well he out there somewhere getting coffee but he knows because he bought me these insoles look let's see the special insoles help my feet look so your husband bought you those to help you with the pain yes for six years now okay so now can you feel the metal rod with your fingers no did you used to be able to feel it I used to be able to feel the pin used to be able to feel the pin mark you see the red mark that's where I used to poke out but right why did that pin feel like like glass and I don't know stabbing constant stabbing and breaking so when you walk you felt the pin poking and scab bit stabbing and and all that and then when you push down with your finger did it feel even more yes let's run it again there's nothing there there's nothing there where's your husband come your husband come on up here sir tell us your name Daniel have you ever touched the the red dot where the pin was yes do you feel the pin yes okay I want you to go to down there take her sock off and I want you to touch it again and tell me if it feels different oh yeah I don't feel anything it builds more stuff it feels more stuff yeah No could you feel the rods now they're still there tell me the truth there's nothing you dare you don't feel the rise no cuz I massage your feet when it when it hurt so you would know okay so now this is what we're gonna do ready so we're gonna find out if it's still disappearing or if it's already disappearing in any case has she had a miracle [Applause] okay all right so she's already had a miracle right so if it's still there do you think that it could be still dissolving because sometimes it takes a minute okay but we know the pin is gone don't we okay so let's put your foot up okay by the way while he rolls this we don't have we there's another situation where Nicole how's that for just one thing where I actually take the metal detector I called somebody up and that had metal in their hip I said I hope you're not healed yet I'll pray for you afterwards and I tested on their hip this metal detector right here and went off and then I tested on her foot and they didn't just so you know this does go through skin all right now let's see the next one now you you have metal in your neck yes yes how long has it been there I'm about probably eight years now what kind of restrictions and pain and things like that did you have from it a lot of movement pain you know restriction of movement until I went to the ten event and then I received total movement here but I still had my collarbone and I had a rotator cuff tear so then last night we prayed again right and so you told me that if you look at your you can feel yourself each one of us has like the collarbone right one side and the other side and they're supposed to be even well Barbara how much were yours not even um really bad one was up here and the other one was here and this one would stick out and very painful now show them your collarbone can anybody anybody can come up and examine it to see okay we can inside the camera come up they are dead even they're not sticking out once not higher than the other four collarbones are dead even right here okay right there so and you brought that to my attention and so it's very noticeable yes yeah I actually stood in front of the mirror this morning and rejoiced more it's it's very beautiful and I you know it's it's so beautiful that this has happened and I'm gonna say something else to Katie really this movement here did not start happening until you started talking about the sewing and the two ladies that are with me we could literally hear my bones moving and cracking and adjusting while you were speaking about that did you hear that she said that the movement of those bones be put into place her whole collarbone moved because it was protruding and it was upwards started when I talked about sewing I know that people get their hackles up sometimes when nature's start talking about an offering but you have to understand something when when preachers like Patricia myself Brandi our hearts are pure in this area and you guys said how can that be well God has because our souls are healed we understand the power of sacrificial seed of sowing of giving and it opens up a realm of miraculous and breakthrough in your life and you just said that when I start talking about sowing that's when your friends are your friends here come here right now quickly quickly quickly tell me your name Jennifer Jennifer you were sitting next to barb yes yeah could you hear stuff moving absolutely what did it sound like you can literally hear the crackling of her bones moving yes yes did it happen during the sowing time yes Wow now how about you what's your name Catalina Rodriguez Catarina your toes well precious darling did you were you sitting next to Barb during that time I actually was telling her that I was hearing noises and it was like crackling all over all of her bones were even popping and cracking did you hear that I want you to remember this testimony next time you get your hackles up in Devon and then ask it for money again ah do you want your miracle or not you can't buy a miracle but man you can so into a realm okay now you also said you also state stare at their legs you also said that now you have movement in your arm that you couldn't have you even said that you couldn't you had to sleep with your arm by your side and last night you slept with it all the way over here for the first time tell us about that well when I walked out of here I could only carry my purse on this side when I walked out of here I was literally carrying my purse with this arm and it was not hurting and and just to let you know for the last seven or eight years the only way I could sleep was on this side with this arm straight here all the time because of the pain it would not go over without being painful I slept all night well I didn't sleep because I kept hearing thank you lord thank you learn I got all night thank you Jesus thank you Lord praise you Jesus that's all I heard all night and I was just like going with Lo and and my arm and I just you guys like just have so much movement I couldn't even like to lift dishes out of I can't wait to get home to lift dishes out of my cupboard seriously who would have thought we'd be happy to do that amen everybody let's give them a big hand amen amen thank you Jesus and I have more videos I could play so many more videos of people that have had extraordinary miracles extraordinary miracles when they brought their seat up the Angels are in the room right now Tony's clearly seen them I can sense him there actually Tony said there are angels that travel with us are actually working with the local guys because the local guys have been dying to get into the action so there's plenty o 'angels here to minister to all the people that came up amen don't think there's not enough support here there is so this is what we're going to do I want you to ask Holy Spirit if you should so and what you stirred so cuz I don't make anybody just do any I don't say you got to give this and you gotta do it now it's on you and the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit's able to tell you exactly what to do tonight and if it doesn't tell you anything then don't do it but listen to him and no matter what he says move forward in it and then put your faith on what you just saw happening to you in this room now not later now but bones will move metal will disappear pain will go freedom of movement and motion will return to your body and then you'll be renewed you'll be rejuvenate and you'll be healed and delivered amen and as you prepare your offering and then I'm gonna lead you through some prayers and then we're going to bring the team back up and we're gonna worship because we may remember angels and camp around those who fear and worship the Lord and he delivers them all okay so let's take just a minute here let's add the keyboard back up and I just want you to bow your head and and just talk with the Holy Spirit this is all about you in the spirit right now at this moment to find out what the Spirit was leading you to do thank you Jesus okay we're counting it huh yes okay Katie's just for KSM a.m. and then we're gonna do texts to give if you want an envelope you can raise your hand and we're gonna do kits to give but I don't I keep on getting can somebody give me that information if you're on line because angels definitely have no restrictions you pinned it to the comments in the in the post okay great so make sure if you're online and you want to get in on this and you really would like the angel to come visit your house that he will he will because jesus loves you Jesus is good he's the captain of the hosts and he wants you healed amen and so as you prepare your offering at home just put your faith on the same thing angels can get there so fast they're probably already there waiting and then as you worship with us that the breakthrough will come we've seen many many miracles happen on I just had a woman that watched one of my videos in her house or in a church I think it was and she had a metal shard in her heart that had been left in there from a surgery as a child and as she was worshiping she felt the angel come in and remove the metal and then the Lord said to her go test it go down to the local police department and walk through the metal detector there so she did she went down to the police department and told them what happened she said I had metal in my heart left as a surgery as a child I'd like to walk through your metal detector to test it and she made sure her friend was there to film it while she didn't she walked through and it didn't go off so god we took out the metal right there in her own you know she wasn't in a meeting she wasn't paid for by me or Tony or anybody else Jesus and the angel touched her amen so just move forward right now with whatever Holy Spirit it's doing prepare your offering but don't bring it up yet I want you to hold on to it until we finish the prayer okay so just prepare your offering and then we're gonna let Erin just sing a tiny bit why you do that right now [Music] you be able to do more than we a school you are able to able to do more [Music] [Applause] able to [Music] you are able to [Music] reach-in out by faith I'm reaching out by faith I'm reaching out cuz I know you will respond my faith I'm reaching out by faith I'm reaching out but they are reaching out I know you will respond if you're ready will you wave your hand at me yes is there anyone that needs more time just a couple people okay all right good all right let's bring that down a little bit so I'm gonna lead you through a specific prayer because I bent the evening break praying to say what did I need to do to cause this miracle to manifest and its fullness and I got a word I think was called Brut I looked up the word Brut in the translations and many of them are about idolatry now why is that important because the Bible says in like revelations in the Psalms that idols because idols are really demon spirits cannot see they cannot hear that cannot walk and they cannot talk so a lot of times when we have spinal issues I'm teaching you now we have spinal issues it's because there's has been idolatry in either our current life or our bloodline and the demon spirit behind those gods cannot walk so it cripples the body now do you remember the story I told you last night about the woman in Minnesota that had the knee surgery and when they sewed back up and repositioned her bone and sewed her leg back up they repositioned it in the wrong place and then when she began to do the rehab walk on it her tendons stretch and it slipped forward and it was shutting out through her arch the bone had a huge bulge jutting out that other woman that was with her testified she saw the Bulge of the bone sticking through her arch and I prayed for her and when I I said I was like okay how do I do this one God and he said she's got a tree growing in the middle of her leg these lights used to cut down trees and fashion idols out of them and then worship those idols so I knew it was I dodged in her bloodline remember she couldn't recover from that surgery people think I assassin I had a surgery and they screwed up yeah that's part of it but part of it is because you also had a demon spirit on you that cannot walk cripples you and it was preventing her from getting healed so I took her up into the court we prayed a simple prayer I took over the court I had to repent right Dollar Tree I had her decree she was under grace that commander sold the healed and commanded the bone to move it did you saw the video last night so that's what I believe is on a lot of your backs right now now this isn't a judgment everybody has idolatry in their bloodline and probably everybody has idolatry in their current life we make idols out of anything our loved ones our family our husbands our cars our clothes our face whatever our hair I broke that sector off so we're gonna deal with that and then we're gonna say a prayer and then you're gonna come up and so and we're gonna worship and we're gonna believe that that time as we're worshipping the Angels are gonna go to work for us amen so I want you to pray with me amen to say Lord Jesus I repent for all idolatry in my bloodline and in my current life I asked you to have your Holy Spirit tell me if there's something in my life right now that I've made into an idol be it food or my family or money or belongings or anything even my ministry and my business have Holy Spirit tell me so that after tonight this spirit that's crippling my body can never come back again ever because I am aware now of their strategies against me so I repent for all idolatry in my life and in my bloodline and I go right now boldly before the throne of grace to receive grace and mercy in my time of need and with confidence and assurance I make these decrees right in the face of Satan so he'll have to back off I speak Romans 6:14 and I say this for sin shall no longer exert dominion over me because I'm no longer under the law as a slave but I'm under grace as subjects of God's favour and mercy and I say Ephesians 2:8 as I continue to testify in the court that it's by free grace God's unmerited favor that I've been saved and delivered from judgment I've been delivered from judgment sin doesn't have dominion over me grace is free I didn't have to earn it and it destroys the law and I keep on testifying with Romans 3:24 and I say I've been made justified and upright and in right standing with God freely without any cost by His grace through the redemption that's provided in Christ and I continue to testify by saying Romans 5:20 that when the law came in and an excited opposition against me because I broke it grace came in because we're sin increases and abounds grace God's unmerited favor has surpassed my sin increased all the more and even super abounded i decree grace has super abounded over every time I broke the law through idolatry and my ancestors broke the law through idolatry so take that Satan you can't come against grace because it will always something law so I'm under grace and you have to remove your assignment against me tonight I decree it in this court and I ask for a not guilty verdict to be issued now because of Christ's work on the cross and his grace to me now give God a big shout [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now we're gonna get started worshipping as we do I want you to come up and plant your seed and I want you to worship with all your heart I know this is the last session I know we're tired but doesn't Jesus deserve it doesn't he deserve our worship amen so that's what we're gonna do and as you just praise and and adil and bring your adoration to the lord the angels are gonna go to work if you feel your spine moving don't be scared don't be shocked that's what's gonna happen here we go come on and let's give God a praise as we go into words now start placing him come on and start praising him two minutes of plays come on two minutes of race [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the sound of [Music] Julie [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right now I want you to start testing yourself I want you to first take a big stretch someone just stretch up and I want you to stretch down and I want you to twist things could be cracking into place right now maybe even do a little bit of the stretching of the legs and see how your pain feels try this time you couldn't do before do you have less pain do you notice you have more movement less restriction keep on testing yeah move around if I don't see you wiggling you trying wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle [Music] see a lot of you're getting free right now while you're wiggling you are you getting free you can free in your mind and your body you're coming out of that box wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle [Music] [Applause] [Music] pop pop crack crack pop pop crack crack pop pop pop pop pop crack crack pop got guts pop pop crack crack crack maybe wiggle wiggle wiggle waggle wiggle wiggle let's do it like rapper wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah we're gonna wiggle with a little yeah we're gonna wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah wiggle wiggle wiggle little yeah we shoulda let go to it oh yeah wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah I'm gonna get drunk I better move on all right so now who has less pain and more movement wave at me wave at me if you have less pain and more movement all right who has 100% pain-free status right now 100% wave at me if you are 100% pain free wave that wave go like this wave at me wave at me how about 90 percent one is 90 what about 80 percent is anybody eighty percent wave at me is anybody eighty percent wave at me how about 70 percent wave at me okay we got some 70 percent errs that's good does anybody have 70 to 80 percent more range of motion wave at me it's okay we got a couple of those people did anybody feel anything moving your back wave at me couple people did you felt something moving your back man do you still have pain not in your back we'll get your butt up here does anybody else felt some movement in their back anybody else come up here you may be the breaker anointing that I need right now come up here tell us your name Margaret what did you have in your back I'm not really sure I had a head on it I'm over here baby okay coalition thirty years ago can I have a man here cuz she still has trauma on her okay so what happened thirty years ago I had a head-on collision with my husband was driving and we hit the other other car head-on we hit a trailer in the back hold up and they told me that I would be like that for a long time well six months later cuz I still believe Jesus my neck came up okay so did you have like you know missing dis injured what was the injury in the spine that they fit all the muscles here and it was just crazy I can't tell like how did you have pain when you walked in tonight in your back it was very uncomfortable yeah and what is it now there's nothing comfortable no okay now did you feel something move in your back yes what did it feel like oh no it just kind of felt like it was moving okay now what's one of these ladies checked you the chiropractor the nurse the chiropractor checked you where is the chiropractor come up here where's the Carentan did you check her no you did oh okay go ahead I didn't see okay good pretty strange son yeah yep it's pretty straight her hips yep do you remember her tall she feel different than she did when you first checked her yeah because I made marks dad you made mark with the brain you made marks oh you did okay now oh you did you did make marks you literally made marks I refused you have been marked for the Lord amen so you made marks so you know it's her does she feel different yes yes yeah do you feel different oh yeah I'm different so your spine is are you testifying her spine move yeah yes all right now let's get rid of the rest of that trauma I need a man no you can't tell me anything yet I want to get rid of that trauma first all right so let's take make sure we don't break those can we have somebody hold those for us okay see okay why am I doing this because she came up and she was still crying about something that happened 30 years ago that means her soul is still wounded okay I will remember the event but I stop dwelling on I receive your healing right now for my trauma I won't feel differently about it from this moment on in the name of Jesus I will be free it will never make me cry again because I am healed of trauma now because I have a feel to trauma now let's give God a big praise keep on praying in the spirit because some people are 70 percent they're gonna go to 100 right if you're a hundred come up if you are 100 percent pain-free or you felt movement in your spine and you're pain free you need to come up can't keep praying in the spirit what's your name Larry Moore Larry Moore what happened you're back Larry I felt something moved down low low low in my back would it feel like just movement tingling heat felt like kind of a heat and vibration heat and vibration what was wrong with your back I heard it lifting some stuff few months ago a few months ago do you know if you actually tore anything or anything or you just felt the pain and you've just dealt with it since then well I went to chiropractor for about three weeks and they just kept hurting so it just kept hurting even after your adjustment okay where's the person who's the person that took care of you let's have the nurse come up okay now did you you had pain right I did did you you have pain now no zero pain okay let's have her check do you remember this mentleman do okay yeah now you you said oh my gosh what is oh my gosh mean straight he's three yeah as an arrow yeah do you remember him before yeah and how was it before he wasn't straight he wasn't straight you've got some messed up backs in this place we got some X sub s but his back is now yes it's straight good to go can we give God a big brace pray in the spirit please pray in the spirit come on pray in the spirit and as soon as you are a 100% pain free or you and you felt something moving your back or even if you didn't feel it come up pray in the spirit come on don't give up we're breaking through in a new realm we're believing that people are gonna get healed of their spines without anyone touching them thank you alright so what is your name dear Anna Anna what was wrong with you spine dear I was actually my tailbone and I can't feelin like I was sitting on it how long has it been like that with your tailbone like six months six months and it felt like but you when you sat on there's pressure pain yes very sharp pain sharp pain like a poking sharp like my bone like like your bone was like a sitting on my bone oh okay now what level was that sharp pain of one to ten it got to eight a stabbing eight pain for six months now do you know how you heard it I don't know I think it was the idol I think it was the idol yeah it's amazing isn't it for real okay so now what happened just now well I was asking God about the financial thing because right now I'm like nothing in my wallet and then my spiritual mom gave me ten dollars seconds put that it was I can't feeling like there's and so when I sat down to feel it it was still there and I was like no is gone it's gone it's gone and then you started singing the wiggle wiggle during the Windsong I told you we were jumping out of our box with a wiggle wiggle wiggle right okay so now how could you test it babe can you test it by poking out it's sitting down how would you test it that's why I was sitting for a while sitting for okay so let's have a chair up here really quick can you tell on these padded chairs even - yes it's that bad all right let's do it then I want you to sit down here no one just sit down hard boom how does that feel yeah wiggle wiggle now in that chair yeah how's it feel great great yeah come on let's give God a big praise come on [Music] [Applause] come on okay come up rain the spirit pray in the spirit until you are 100% when you are 100% and you don't know pain and you have your movement returning even if you felt something come up right now you real no doubt yeah all right tell us your name my name is Leslie Tracy I've had scoliosis all my life I haven't s so I did having us it was curved at the top and curved at the bottom and it is where's my nurse there's my nurse come on barb come up here okay so you're telling me draw with your hand in the air what you're first at what the top looked like so go ahead this is the top and it's been diagnosed three times the top look like an S so it was curved at the top like this and it was right here okay draw it draw it with your finger like this a curve like that so I went like this okay and then what and then at the bottom of my spine here it was curved again the bottom of this so it was the Bakke so I went the top of the s here and then the bottom of the s here with my lower spine here you said it's been checked three times three times but through x-rays I've had it diagnosed okay so you're gonna be able to go get an x-ray after this and we're gonna be able to compare side to side absolutely now your nurse he was also one of our closest friends checked her back and she knows okay several times over the years and it hasn't gone away has it gotten worse but it hasn't gone away so like when you say you've checked it over several times over the years is that because you've been in meetings and you've been believing or praying and she would say can you check my back or what yeah actually would be a meeting and they'd be like could you check it I'm like no it's still there no it's still there okay it is absolutely not there okay so bend over again for everybody I want you to feel and let us know okay go ahead up a little bit put your hands together I can tap her cause she's my friend completely straight no curve and no curve at all let's have this sec where's the other chiropractor we're come here baby come on now I want you to verify because verbs our friend we want you to verify that her spine is not is completely straight so go ahead alright see my fingers are going straight down those are touching all right moving without anyone laying a hand on your bones are moving come on pray in the spirit bones are still moving bones are moving without anyone touching you but the Holy Spirit in the Angels bones are moving right now right now okay now tell us your name Bobby Bobby what is wrong with your spine or what was wrong with your spine when I was a child I was in an accident and whiplash so my neck was curved straight it was a curve like you're supposed to have the neck is the most ever natural curtain just tell us about that real quick it's not supposed to be straight it's supposed to be curved this you are telling cuz your chiropractor we want to know your name Sarah turning in okay Sarah great know you so you had this accident when your child how old were you third grade seven and has it cause we're gonna trouble has it caused you since then mmm tightness numbness no feeling in the side especially when I'm stressed out or something like that so it's tight always tightness numb did you ever have also pain I'm just yes oh I could go up to ten you could go up to ten depending on if you're stressed or not depending on the conditions okay what was it when you walked in today was it tight stress pain what was it oh it was tight it was stress I would say about a six I couldn't turn to well she had a six pain you had tightness numbness - yes yes now you said you couldn't turn how it shows how far you could normally turn okay now how can parking its right now [Applause] no when you when you turn it before it did it hurt yes so do it again it got tighter and tighter so now when you're turning it's not it's not tight and not hurting no it's not tithing are hurting no you said she should tip it the other way to cut something would happen then what would happen when you did that it popped it's being adjusted as we speak right okay how does that feel good now have you checked her neck before yeah okay did you tell that it didn't have the right curve in it yeah it was okay you marked it okay so turn around let's show the marks can we can we see the marks all right so there is a mark right there yep I see your marks okay now when you when you say you mark it what does that mean it was rotating right it was rotated you could tell and you put the marks on it by the rotation now I want you to test your neck again right now so the curve is better and so it's not flat and so when we go down when you go down the spine she so she can go further down and so see any change in the spine from the neck being changed oh right right yeah she's a lot more flexible it has more movement and that's good how do you feel better let's give God of a plays come on come on come on come on come on come on raise him praise him praise Him come on come on tell us your name brand Puckerman Brent what was the problem with your spine as far as his long back as I know from whatever chiropractor talked with me I've had they called it Scully and I've not been able to lay on my bullet back straight because the no pelvic here there'd be this big curve in my back you're saying when you would lay flat on the ground or on the bed or whatever you would have a big curve so we would Neverland able you to lay completely flat is that correct that's right I couldn't lay flat without it being like painful here and then here if I was laying you know unless it was really soft or whatever I would be able to feel it i I don't know pain is always right I mean if I was just there it was just I could tell now what's chiropractor or doctor looked at you Pam where's Pam okay Pam come on up here babe all right so Pam looked at you now what happened tonight were you in pain no I was not in pain I'm not in pain with this just standing and walking I even go the gym and things just when you lay down it's just when I lay down flat on my back it's not like a normal person because it's gonna start hurting here because there's that the big curve so if you lay down right now on the floor would you have pain well I didn't when I just did it a little bit ago she normally what I normally be able to tell is is gonna be really uncomfortable and then and also your back wouldn't touch is that right that's right my back would just have this big thing so let's see you late and then we're gonna have Pam check your back okay so go ahead can you get on the side there and shoot that now Brent demonstrate with your hand where you'd have a space normally are you saying that that would be totally like arch there that would say it again that would arch right there quite a ways up normally so do you feel a big difference in the in the lack of a big arch there I feel a quite a bit of difference tonight yes do you feel any uncomfortable in this in that position right there this it it actually does not feel uncomfortable to me to be able to lay like this down gonna go take a nap as well okay and the wife you know that this is the case with him come up here real quick okay so now jump up here now let's have Pam check you out Christine you know that he's yeah you know that as has happened to him a lot yes have you seen him struggle throughout your marriage for this yeah we have a bed and I like my legs up like this and he dates it and he just he says it hurts his back and I kind of ignore him isn't that terrible but well you won't have to do that anymore now bend over let's see Pam as you're inspecting his spine do you remember him first of all feel this right here yeah this is filled in it's real than any tiny tiny tiny so you're saying that this was a big indent yes it was a big and you remember him I do remember yes I remember him hey there's a difference yes there's a big difference can we give God come on a big praise come on [Applause] [Music] now they have matching bone miracles this is really cute okay come on up come on up here Wow come on tell us your name Emily Emily what was wrong with your back babe well it was my neck kind of a similar story whenever I was 14 I got hit by a suburban I was on my bike and my neck was straight and I went to the chiropractor after it happened I even went to the chiropractor many other times and nothing's happened so far so I've never been able to have any type of help with the chiropractic now we're not saying anything bad about chiropractic did you but it but it didn't ever like completely fix it right okay so you said it helps with the pain what level painted you have daily mm maybe like 80% pain like part of the day and sometimes it would be fine and then just out of nowhere I'll move wrong or something and they don't just shoot up so you know you had like 1/8 pain sometimes and if you move wrong you may even have a shooting pain to make it more aggravated yeah I had migraines a lot too from the neck injury how long has it been now I'm 34 so you're 34 I was gonna ask your mom permission if we could talk she knows I got hit by car and it was you got some good genes mom good okay so now how's your pain right now right now it's it's almost all the way gone it feels like 90 95 % guns it's a little bit of residual muscle memory perhaps maybe who was the guy Roger that checked you were the doctor that checked you I think it was her name was Pam to think Pam was a Pam your busy night girl come on up here you're the next contestant on The Price is Right give her a big hand for being so good to us I felt like a tingling going on and then I reached here and then it was like it was pushed in when before he was just straight okay so you're saying that you actually felt something happen and it you described it as what it was like something going like this on the back of my neck and then I could feel just a fullness come over my head right and then you actually reach back and you notice you had more curve in your neck instead of it being flat is that correct mm-hmm all right now do you remember her Pam I do you're precious tell everybody what you do for a living we I'm a nurse at a state hospital here no svatah me Kansas Thank You G can we give Pam a big a knee now you remember this young woman and she's so pretty yes now can you tell a difference did you real did you could you tell her neck was flat before you know she told me she was the one that was cut you kept saying you don't tell the stories don't tell stories oh you wanted to hear the story she had a good story and you can't don't tell stories now look her neck is good it's good well yes it is and it's loose so it's different than it was before it is I stand corrected about the stories thank you ladies can we give God a big praise [Applause] there was even a loose little part right here that I could feel always move always move and I can't even feel that anymore so you're saying you like you had a bone or a disk or something then right here that would always move around and I can't feel it so you actually could take your hand and move that like a loose bone in there around mm-hmm the whole time since the accident you've been able to do that yeah really and now greets back there again move it around a lot can you feel anything loose in there now I don't feel it don't feel it I don't feel it because God secured that bone right in the right place come on let's give God a big place come on bring the spirit free in the spirit come on pray right pray oh is that you Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray Ray pray pray come on pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray come on pray pray pray pray pray pray pray all right tell us your name dear my name is Terry gun turret and I'm coming up to share this because there's need to be closure this morning I came up with healing in the eyes healing in the feet was yesterday in the leg and the headaches were gone this morning I slipped and fell and I know I had a severe case of whiplash I cried called my chiropractor and he put me on bass style said as soon as you get back call me and all I'll work on you I called the kids and I said I don't think I'm gonna make it through the rest of this conference I hurt so bad so you fell this morning even after you had a bunch of miracles yes I fell and it hurt I wasn't moving I had to load the car I was crying I called friends I said be ready to pray for me I'm coming as early as I can a prayer you even loaded the car and from the hotel and got ready to leave yeah well you hurt so bad you just got to go through it and he did I needed prayer and I and I would do anything to get here to skip her so what happened tonight tonight the healing was complete this morning I came to give testimony on the site but I knew that there was interference from the pain that I couldn't press in to complete what I needed to get because this was interfering so you prayed I went down and I could have gotten up early but I said no I'm pressing until there was no more pain I stayed on that floor I chose to stay there and I said God I'm not getting up til pains gone was this after you fell yes after I felt like a man Dan and Tony prayed for me okay and I got up and I could still feel heaviness I still felt some tension but the pain had all left all the headache everything was gone but I kept thinking people are asking me throughout the day how you doing how you doing I said it's a process I'm pressing in I'm pressing in this has got to be completed this is a good story because it'll just teach us that sometimes the miracle happens instantly and sometimes it's Farrell Yale may I which is progressive so anyway what's happened just right now and in giving I knew there was just one last piece of heaviness back here and it needed to go and I looked at my friend I said it just left so you put your seat in the bucket and everything left the rest of it I am not acting like I had whiplash this morning there is no pain I'm not restricted and let me tell you what what what she's teaching is I was healed from scoliosis in 1983 and I was told it could be a process or I could be healed instantly I hurt all night long when I went home and I got up that morning and I cried I said honey I'm not heal and well I don't think I'm healing because it hurt he said remember it was a process I went over into working with some children in a prone position and I got up and thought I have been in this position for 45 minutes and there was no pain so it is a process for many times don't give up present because God is the one that's giving it and delivering you good word thank you so much come on let's give got a big praise for that amen a big praise come on a big brace okay you tell us tell us your name Lacey what happened Lee see what was up with your back um this part the lower part was in a whole lot had a curve and it also twisted to the right side your spine had a very big s going inward yeah and with a twist okay well who is your chiropractor your doctor no team I go to a chiropractor no I mean who here girl [Music] okay so did you feel something tonight no did you have pain yes okay when I came here people probably saw me I couldn't get up and out of the chair I would stand up really slow and walk really so that's how much pain you are that you couldn't even walk or get up or stand up or anything what was your level pain one to ten mm probably a seven or an eight seven or eight how long have you lived with your spine like that Oh years 20 years 20 years were you born with it or we did it come from an accident a car accident okay so what's your pain now in this area right here I don't have any pain no pain just have muscle pain around here it just feels like muscle pain like muscle tightness it's probably because you haven't been stretching or working out yeah okay so uh okay now I want you to have Pam's gonna check ya here okay go ahead girl you want to bend over or you wanna have been over what do you want hurt you you don't Pam look to me at the mics cuz I don't like that thing I like it come over here so it doesn't do ring just doesn't ring well it's too bad Pam you're gonna have to deal with it girl you know God is so awesome he just is you remember this girl know what you're saying it's awesome cuz you remember how much her back was twisted yeah can you tell the difference yes this is the big dip that angels like you guys do but man you can sure you guys you see these bats you know they've been Wow do you know how does it feel like now it feels good it feels good to me how's it feel to be four without a lot of pain so you couldn't do that before penis yes do it again I thought I would have to come in a wheelchair this morning you were so my car like it gets that bad it was with you who's here with you come quickly give her a big hand my mom comes up well yeah you actually have a wheelchair in your car right now mm-hmm you take it with you wherever you go yeah cuz I don't know if I do quite a bit my body will start to just shut down and and I can't move Wow so you take it just in case you just can't function anymore yeah and you actually thought you might have to end up coming into this meeting in the chair yes but I woke up this morning I was in a nine I was in so much pain I know it was so bad and I couldn't hardly move and I took it to the court of grace never done before I've been to the courts of heaven and done stuff but took it to the courts of grace and it came down to a five so right away from what you learned last night about the courts of grace you went up there for the first time ever and your first try on your own it went from a nine to five yes I haven't even had a pain pill today you haven't even had a pain pill I been living on two a day plus another medication I'm on how well I've been living on three a day for like three years and then I got off one of them and just leaving God then I'm gonna get better but on this conference I was taken to oxycodone a day and to lyrica day and you were taking to oxys I know my dope so I understand that in fact if I was still not always I bought her car and find them and steal them and sell them but anyway okay so you are two oxys and two lurkers and you still had a nine pain yeah Wow and I'd been on tramadol tramadol oxy and Erica and I would still would get up to an eight or nine if I did very much it was just bad no mom you watch this happen what's your name Karen Karen how long your daughter said 20 years is that about it yeah it's been what what have you seen her go through terrible just awful and I can't I go over every morning and help her take care of her because she hardly gets out of bed and unless she's taken enough pain pills so you actually go to her house every bless you mom bless you I'm thankful I came I released a special blessing to you right now because of your faithfulness to serve your daughter all these years father give Karen it's Carol right Karen give Karen everything she's desiring for Lord for her sacrifice to serve her daughter all these years just bless her house bless her body bless her finances increase her in every way possible Lord we thank you God well what you're doing for her in Jesus name so every day you went over because she was compared ly get out of bed and you had to help her two babies and she's got two babies so you were there to help her and the children yes right how does this feel to see her have you ever seen her touch her toes like that no no have you ever seen or move around like this no no I can I was like praising God now let's see let's see you do it now how does that feel good I also had to change out of my skirt because I was in the bathroom sandy yeah well this is gonna go and I came out and I walked across the hotel room and it dropped off is that from this morning that from this morning yeah you lost weight and Tony sing you got your spine straightened out and all your pain going in this one come on can we give Jesus Jesus Jesus [Applause] so proud come on let's give God one more big crazy man thank you lord okay anybody else is it anybody else okay is that you sir you and you come on come on up here the next contestant on The Price is Right yes tell us your name JB that's right so JP what was up with your back all right about eight years ago I had a staph infection in my glute how did you get it no idea I was in Thailand it just happened well got one day and I could only do this I could only take one step forward and I ended up so you couldn't walk at all except for one step at a time yeah we're talking half of like six inches so show me how you would walk when you had the staph infection go ahead like literally like this how long was it like that JB a couple weeks and finally made its it did get so much pain I was in so much pain that I got to the hospital got an MRI and that overseas hospital or American no I was still in Bangkok this was a five-star hospital it was great it had to happen I ended up at the Grace Hospital possible thank you God yeah so after them all right the more I took three hours because I couldn't sit still I was so enflamed that my leg was shaking and the MRI Tech's wanted to kill me but uh so they gave me up to the room and the orthopedic surgeon who'd got educated at Tulane he's been a surgeon for 40 years he came in he's like you're gonna be all right we just need to do surgery on you they have to remove the infection what do they do what do you mean by the surgery well it was behind that the infection was behind the glute on the bone or under my glue under your muscle under gluten okay yeah there was no discoloration it didn't look funny it hurt like a worst thing I've ever been in so you look pretty tough so that would make me think it was pretty bad so then what happened so the doctor is like you're gonna be alright we're just we're going to cut you open and and remove the infection but so they went in from the side cuz you can't go in through the back through cuz this by the glute cuz of Sadek nerve and they went it cleaned it all up and it took five cans of saline to clean it up and it took three times as long it was long he was a long surgery so then state and I suppose there for 29 days came home was seeing my wife Leslie she's the chiropractor a chiropractor so she made it she did what she could and then as years went by she's like you need to do you do some exercise because the the staff had eaten away at my glute like 25 percent eaten the muscle yeah it atrophied it and like Tony I'm lazy though trying to do these exercises so [Music] so your ears with by and I just I'm a truck driver so I've been sitting crooked for quite some time in your truck so sure bring a chair up here and Leslie come up here to it bring a chair up here I want you to demonstrate how you had to sit in your seat in the truck because of this problem alright so I would just have to lean to the side a little bit it wasn't that bad but like it eventually got bad over time I'm sorry do it again because it's it's it's so you were like this with one butt cheek which is kind of reminiscent of you know like I need to let some air out is that kind of what it looked like yeah yeah get written you know that you have to sit like that in your truck I found ways to fix it but you know put a wedge under that side or something what I would lean to the left or sometimes I would make a fist and just put it right this sit on your fist you would sit on your fist rim while you're driving one-handed yeah don't ya yes I would nope don't get me wrong but I would not want to sit on my a rock sitting on a rock Wow well would you got pain you do you do things to help out that's not the craziest things ever had was somebody with back pain so I've gained weight since then and it hadn't really been a problem but it's been discomfort I've had discomfort and to fast forward to now we're sitting in the back row and while we were praising and everything and I just well we were doing the the buggy was a wiggle I just happened I just tightened up and just put I went I've never never really checked this a whole lot and I just ended up touching myself my I was like oh it feels the same what do you mean it feels the same so both sides did that both sides feel differently before now yeah let's do from Leslie now you're a chiropractor no he's saying that both sides after the surgery were different is that because the muscle atrophy and everything else what was it it was very drastic when he would lay on the table on a stomach when I would work on him I mean his right glute would just it was sat lower because the muscle wasn't there so demonstrate with your hands the difference between the one side and the other like a bubble you know our butts but this one was like well people they're lucky at the bubble so okay so show us the bubble again on the one side but this one was sat down and and and also kind of at an angle but it also can cause his pelvis to be twisted oh I'll just make that simple because of the muscle imbalance I'm in the scar you know the scar tissue and everything so it was very drastic and I look forward to getting back to the hotel and laying him on his stomach and really because that's my biggest judge I mean hey so look [Music] [Applause] JB please proceed okay now as you're doing that would you kind of describe what you're experiencing okay so he when he's standing when he's standing it feels okay equal okay so like it feels like the muscle has grown back on that right side you ever felt it when he was standing before no not not really but you could see it okay now what does it feel like with him laying down when he's on his stomach the it does sit down a little bit but I honestly it doesn't look muscular it looks like the pelvis needs to be adjusted so you think the the pelvis is torqued but the muscle has grown back yes I have no doubt the muscles growing back you can feel it you can feel the muscle has grown back in his glute yes Wow and JB do you concur with that absolutely I mean okay look I'm married so I have to be careful as I say this but it looks like to round butts to me okay so your muscle has grown back yes can we give God bit come on I mess you up on your feet oh my gosh now when you sit down can you feel the difference I just want to see you sit down like you're gonna drive your truck now okay now how does how does that feel it feels great do you feel like you have to sit on a rock or your fist or something not at all I feel like you can be even now and actually drive your truck yeah definitely so straighter [Applause] Wow this is wow this is well um specious arms business I'm speechless I think your heel that's wrong now [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what about your name Jason says your bone a bone and you're saying right now your knees don't hurt him come on walk for me show me show me there she goes there she goes there she goes there she goes [Applause] came for this Texas I drove you drop from Texas to get here to get he'll see what hunger will do for you see what hunger will do for you do you have any pain as you were running up and down here did you have any pain it's just like just a little bit right here but Katie no no what was your level of pain before it was over ten it was over ten I believe my guys tell me don't get up until you're completely healed that's what he would let me off the floor and now you got your miracle come on let's give God a place tonight come on [Applause] [Music] I just want to throw myself on the floor and just go come on [Applause] we worship You Jesus we worship you you are so awesome you are so amazing you're so kind you are so generous and loving and giving you're so powerful you're omnipresent you're omnipotent your goodness expands and past surpasses the universe and your love we're so grateful we exalt you we magnify you we give you the praise the honor and the glory we thank you Jesus we thank you [Applause] well man no wonder the battle was aren't you glad we pressed through in worship the enemy knew what was coming he wanted to stop us but nothing could stop Jesus amen okay so now this is how we're gonna end it who who has less pain like you're in a 60 or 70 or an 80 and you know it but you're still not all the way there yet wave at me wave at me okay so now I want you to stand up the people right stand up right okay right now I want everybody can we put up a great great scripture up there one of the great scriptures I want people to go to the people keep your hand up in the air so people know who you are and when people come to you to pray for you you're gonna put your hand down so that we know that everybody's been getting prayer okay now I want the rest of you faith filled people who are totally filled with faith right now to go and decree grace scriptures over them and command that spirit tell it that it has to leave and command all their pain to go go go Church go it doesn't matter that it's 1012 okay now if anybody had metal in their body I want to know about it if you had a miracle you feel less pain or anything anybody with metal coming report to me now get me down so you don't have you don't know baby did you get tested before we break I detest for me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now make sure the person you're praying for tests themselves to see if they have any less pain or any more movement and if they do if they if they start to manifest healing then have them come up here and see me [Music] [Music] I mean did you feel any change you feeling less pain that's your man yeah let's move this okay what's going on with the metal stuff it's not moving so far in the morning which I think what times the morning service 10:00 10:30 so I'll be the King Terry tomorrow I bet this church that's mine this
Channel: Katie Souza
Views: 6,082
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: Katie Souza, Healing Miracles, Angels, Angelic Activity, Miracles, Sacrificial offering, soul healing, dunamis
Id: _n5xlZ4Dl3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 58sec (6898 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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