Identity Theft

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what's up everybody Darius Daniels and don't fast forward this part I know some of you don't do it hold up a second you're about to watch a message that I want to make sure I give you context for because the message is going to be controversial this is a message in a series I taught called I quit the church I taught this series at all of our campuses our two campuses in New Jersey our extension site in Los Angeles and I taught it every Saturday at 5:30 p.m. for a month in Orlando we've got a campus in Orlando Florida I speak live there in person every Saturday at 5:30 p.m. the address is on the screen and I'm in New Jersey live every Sunday at 4:00 service is at two of our campuses there but listen I did this series called I quit church to help those that may have given up on church and also to help those who are in church have a greater understanding of those who may have given up on church and I wanted to give some insight as to why they may have given up on church you know you can't assist people without empathy it's incredibly important to get into their world and to get an understanding I believe you can't assist people you're insulting and if we want those who have fallen away from church to get reconnected back to church one of the things that we got to do is to understand them listen learn and also examine ourselves as a church and be willing to address what needs to be addressed so church can be a safe place for all people because some of you may not know this some of you may not agree but all churches aren't as safe as they should be all right so with that in mind I want you to be blessed be encouraged enjoy this message take care so during a national version John chapter 8 verse 10 says Jesus straightened up an actor woman where are they has no one condemned you no one sir she said then neither do i condemn you Jesus declared now go and leave your life of sin I want to talk from this subject in our time together identity theft identity theft clap your hands if you're ready for God to speak to us through his word a couple of years ago I had an interesting interesting experience I received some mail from my home from a credit card company informing me that I had been denied for a credit card because it is a card I already possess my family and I take a very conservative approach to credit cards we take an approach that we don't advise people to take unless you have the kind of discipline we have we use them in a way that's similar to debit cards and so it always has a zero balance we use it we pay it off we use it we pay it off so we never pay interest we get the points we fly a lot so I get the flights and we buy stuff and it's it's great but but if you don't have the discipline don't do it because credit card can become a demon and so because already possess the card I just thought okay well maybe this was a glitch an error or something along those lines it was not a month later I received a letter in the mail from a telephone company letting me know that the cellphone I possessed was being cut off as it was being investigated for fraud so with that kind of consistency I did some investigation and lo and behold I discovered somehow someway someone has stolen my identity and some of you may be wondering what is the salience of that story for this sermon I'm not trying to get your sympathy I'm trying to help you see similarity because I'm not the only one who has had their identity stolen I'm not talking about natural identity theft I'm talking about spiritual identity theft because the sad segment of my story is I ain't even know how long my identity had been stolen and as it was for me naturally so it was so it is for us spiritually it's possible to have our identity stolen and not even know it Jesus puts it this way he says in John 10:10 he says something very interesting he says the thief comes to steal kill and destroy notice notice this to steal kill and destroy say but I've come that they may have life and have it to the full can I just pause and pray and speak this over your life real quick this summer is a summer for full life see you can be existing and not living just because your existing doesn't mean you're living that you're full of life and full of zest and full of zeal and full of vitality vitality you can be that we can be the walking dead but I'm just praying and believing and speaking and decree over our lives by faith that this is gonna be a year well we have a summer where we have a season where we have a decade where we have four who ready to live I want to live not just exist I want to live but but I want you to notice what what's going on in the text Jesus calls the enemy a thief it is the first adjective that he uses to describe him were able to see the activity of the enemy through the names of the enemy and Jesus calls the enemy a thief somebody say thief come on say it again safe and he's a strategic thief he doesn't just steal everything he steals certain things he's strategic and what he attempts to steal and one of the areas he attempts to rob us in is the area of our identity the enemy knows we were always behave in a way that is consistent with the way we see ourselves I cannot live right if I see myself wrong so he comes after our identity can I tell you something just because we know our name doesn't mean we know who we are as does that make sense just because we know where we were born when we were born and who we were born to does not mean we know who we are the only person that can accurately articulate who we are is the person that created us and I came to tell you that the enemy wants to rob us of our god-given identity listen to this and the way he does that is not by giving us no identity the way he does it is by giving us the wrong identity see just because I'm not thinking lo of myself doesn't mean I'm thinking right about myself just because I'm not thinking wrong about myself doesn't mean I'm thinking right about myself and one of the ways the enemy gives us misplaced identity is by causing us to draw our identity from the wrong places and I want to share with you four places and spaces the enemy uses to steal people's identity - to get people to operate with misplaced identity here it is number one the enemy uses our issues and everybody that's honest enough to admit you have some just say a man your neighbor didn't say anything so this part of the sermon is not for them but for the rest of us who know God is still working on me sanctifying me developing me ruining me preparing me we're honest enough to say I love Jesus and I have Jesus but I still also have issues plural s with a s some of us would have s and an exclamation point s he wants us to identify ourselves see just because we have issues doesn't mean I wish you to have us just because they're in US doesn't mean they are us see the enemy wants us to identify ourselves by our imperfections and when we do this means we're allowing who we've been and what we've done to determine who we are it's when we allow the worst of us to define the best of us it's when we define our whole story based on one chapter god isn't finished writing your story you can't say who you're going to be and who you're supposed to be when you're in the middle of the book and for everyone that is judging you I got a word for them keep on reading please be patient with me God is not through with me yet he wants us to allow to allow our issues to become our labels enemy wants user issues number two here it is for my note takers the enemy wants to use others opinions this is when our this is when we allow the voice of others to have more value than the voice of God this is when we unconsciously anoint other people with the power to define what they did not create how can you define me if you did not create me God made us and God has exclusive naming rights when it comes to us see naming rights are result of a transaction a person a person purchases the power to name or to rename an entity or some building of some sort which means that it doesn't matter what it was called before the transaction takes place when the transaction takes place the person who paid the price reserves the right to call it as they see it and you have been purchased by the blood of Jesus you have been redeemed by your Heavenly Father and he has naming rights so it doesn't matter what you were called before he has the right to take that sign off of your building and to rename you anointed called chosen head not the tail above not belief Olinda not power victorious forgiving free beloved anointed he is there's a powerful for sonification of this in the Old Testament there's a story in the Old Testament about a woman named Rachel who was giving birth to a son and the Bible says it was a hard experience for her in labor it was so difficult that it was costing her her life and as she gives birth to her baby life is leaving her body and in her pain she names the baby Ben own eye that word being on I means son of sorrow she named him son of my sorrow because she gives birth to him while she is losing her life and some people have called you things cuz they die [Applause] some people have called you things because they're in pain when I stay dying I don't mean dying literally but they're dying on the inside they're they're not growing they're dying and when people are dying they start calling you things out of their pain because hurt people hurt people but what happened was the Bible says after the name was given Rachel's husband the baby's father walked in the room his name was Jacob and Jacob said what her name is they said Ben o'night he said oh no yeah my son is not son of my sorrow he had naming rights he said his name is Benjamin which means son of my right hand now I don't know what Rachel called you what in their season of pain but I do know you got a heavenly father who wants to walk in the room and say I don't know what they called you before but I've got naming rights and I'm renaming you let me just pray this over somebody right now I pray that God will silence the voices of all of the negative words that were spoken to you and about you in your season of childhood in your times of failure I pray that the accuser of the Brethren voice would be mute and you would hear the voice of God louder than you've ever heard it before calling you into your destiny and not your history somebody that receives that put praise right there you can be seated I got to move on but can I explain something you really quit I got this incredible insight I spent about three days with my pastor this week and he was speaking and he was speaking and as he was speaking out I just felt I felt like I got this insight I had this Epiphany it's so so powerful to me that the Bible says watch this I won't know if one of them if this makes us you the Bible says God watches over his word to perform it is that what it says in Jeremiah is that it says so the purpose of the word isn't just education not just information its manifestation God says I'm talking to you about something cuz I want to do it okay let me give you other Bible says in Isaiah does it not say God's Word will not return to Him void but it will accomplish all he sent it to do and it will prosper the thing wherein he sent so when God speaks he's declaring what he wants to do so the preaching moment is more than just an explanation of scripture the preaching moment is God engaging his people building their faith so that they can take personal possession of God's promises and say that's not just for my notes app that's for my life I receive all of that from me you didn't hear it and so that's why every now and then when I preach I pause for a minute and I pray something over you because the preaching has built your faith to the degree that now it goes from a general word to your word did you hear what I just said and I said in this season I pray that God saw all the negative voices about you and you will no longer be tormented by your past but you were here God's voice louder than ever before pulling you into your future if you receive that shall I receive it okay number three he uses he uses issues number two uses opinions number three he uses our experiences the enemy wants to use our experiences to rob us of our identity this is when an individual identifies themselves in every season by what they did in a previous season this is really difficult for people who attach the identity to their accomplishments so their life becomes a museum whether they just keep revisiting what they did because they don't believe in a printer in a progressive God who can outdo himself these people are inhibited in their inability in their ability to evolve they can't evolve because they've been a caterpillar their whole life they think that's what they supposed to be and they don't even know God's got wings for them they think who they are and who they been is who they're supposed to be so they settle in for crawling fast when they could be flying [Applause] they're just a faster caterpillar when they could be a butterfly going places and seeing things and experiencing things last but not least uh in the in the back I want you to leave this lower third up for a while they're gonna need some time to spell this this is something that the enemy uses the ecclesia the ecclesia put that up form form you see be be a cliff they like put that up for me leave it up easy yeah ecclesia ecclesia here it is this word ecclesia is the word the bite is the actual where the Bible uses when we say ecclesia in English we say Church ecclesia is Church ecclesiology is a branch a segment a systematic theology and it's the study of the church so some of you confuse you like wait a minute pastor I thought we were talking about four things the enemy uses to rob people of their identity yeah that's what we're talking about [Applause] [Music] you like no no pastor no no we're talking about four things the enemy uses to rob people of their identity I understood that number one number two and number three what about number four yes we're talking about four things the enemy uses to rob people of their identity I am NOT saying that the church is the instrument of the enemy I'm not saying that the church is evil the church is the body of Christ it's the Bride of Christ but the enemy has always used what's called close to Christ one of his closest disciples one who was a part of what church historians call the inner circle his name was Peter he was the Bishop of Rome if you come from how church traditions you would say he was the first pope this this disciple of Jesus is engaging in a conversation with Jesus at one point and Jesus looks at Peter and says get behind me Satan [Applause] cuz the enemy can use anything and I am Telling You that he has always attempted to pervert God's intention with God's creation when God created Adam and Eve who shows up in the garden the devil what is he trying to do pervert God's intention with his creation and when God sent Jesus as the Messiah and the savior of the world when Jesus goes into the wilderness for forty days what who shows up there Satan trying to pervert God's intention he always shows up trying to pervert the intention of God's creation y'all so if you tried to use Peter and he tried to get to Adam and he tried to get to Jesus what makes us think every now and then he won't try to peek his head in the church and I want to tell you there have been times not all the time but you have to acknowledge some of the times the heaven times where he has used the church to rob people of their god-given identity here it is there are some women to this day who feel like they are the inferior gender that the sole purpose of their existence is to provide pleasure and service to the man and they learn that in church when in the creation narrative when God says is not good for man to be alone he wasn't saying every man need a wife Jesus didn't have one Paul didn't have one Paul said actually in culture we put marriage above singleness but Paul told people in the book of Corinthians he said now if you able to be single it's some advantages to that he said it's a method Vantage's spiritually it's some advantages today he said you can serve God you say you can pray all day you can for you have no kids you'll have a husband you can pray all day you say when you get married at some point you guys stop talking to God you better talk to your hearts yes talk to your kids right yeah when you single you put the juice in the refrigerator and you leave and you come back after work and the juice is still there some of us I go in my refrigerator I'm like you got kids and this is where my juice sue puts up now now I met my kids at the age I'm like where my clothes okay somebody who can help somebody who can help me where are my clothes what my shoes where my well my you can't even wear my belt your your waist not they're being wear my belt but some people learn they were in theory you know where they learned it in church some women have been gifted by God God has made deposits in them the pneumatic coast he's putting new montego's in them and Cara's monta in there they got spiritual gifts that can benefit the body of Christ and they were taught take your little spiritual gift you got spiritual gifts light you got diet spiritual gifts so you take your spiritual gifts and you teach a women's Bible study and that's all you do and some are wrestling to this day we're walking in the fullness of God's calling on their life robbing the body of Christ of the gifts that God has put in them and they were taught it in church they were taught it they were taught in church there are people who literally felt like the color of their skin was a consequence of a curse put upon him and as a result you are an inferior race only 3/5 human and it was taught in church my goodness is tight in here this morning so I'm not saying the church is evil but I'm saying there have been times where the enemy has used the church as an avenue for identity theft and if we love the church the way we say we love the church we must be willing to assess it so we can improve it and I know this kind of candor makes people uncomfortable right because we don't live in a culture that can handle any kind of criticism we are a canceled culture we cancel people quickly we're hypersensitive and the truth of the matter is it makes it difficult for us to even hear anything any kind of criticism constructively because we automatically assume if I say this needs to be fixed I'm saying everything is wrong with everything this is the challenge if you want to set the church I know you're not assessing yourself and I pray for whoever with you in your life I pray for anybody that's with somebody they can't see them I have pity on your spouse if you married to somebody who want to sess themself I don't care I don't care y'all eating ice cream I okay y'all dating now you eat ice cream with the same spoon you know you let me taste your dessert you know you holy ass yeah yeah but yeah but at some point you're gonna see they imperfect too and they're gonna have adjustments they need to make and when you're married other people are impacted by your imperfections you don't you don't you don't know it why my own this you don't have the right not to change you lost that when you became if you just want to do you you should have just did you you shouldn't have kids now you got kids in this Speak Holy Spirit yeah you got children in here now you don't you can't you can't just think about you I'm gonna make you sense can I have three minutes listen to this an example of everything I'm articulating is in John 8 in John 8 it's an example of everything I just articulated in John 8 I'm not even I live with the specifics of this issue and the reason I'm not oh there were 60 specifics of this issue because it's what happens it's like sometimes especially with Christians we can do a lot of redirection with sermons and so it's like it's a word being spoken like oh I wish John will see it here this I'm like God talking to you too ooh Johnny's right yeah maybe John need to hear that part but it's another part in there for you and I'll make you sense y'all and so and so like we start dealing with the specifics of this issue some people they tune out and they dismiss yeah that's right you tell them pastor you get him straight cuz I like because they feel like I ain't do what she did so this text doesn't apply to me but this woman's marital unfaithfulness naturally is a metaphor for spiritual unfaithfulness because the Bible uses the metaphor of marriage to describe our relationship with God and everyone has been spiritually unfaithful to him and this is what I want you to see I want you to see in John 8 a woman whose private issue becomes public knowledge to religious leaders got me private issue becomes public knowledge to religious leaders and they are about to stone her because they say the Bible says she got to be stoned and the Bible says you got to hold up a standard and the Bible says and so Jesus comes along when it's taking place and they asked him a question say now listen to lhamo say this woman should be strong what you say and jesus knew that it was a trick question and trick questions or trap questions what's a trap question is when people don't want to answer they want to fight and I'm speaking of somebody in here you are in a season where you got too much to do too much to build and too much on your mind to be spending time arguing with people who just want to fight you're trying to raise kids you're trying to build the business you're trying to walk into your calling you are too busy to deal with people who just want to fight they don't want to answer you just wanna you wanna you wanna argue you you wanna argue I argue with you you man you big it was a trap question cuz if he said no they say you violating the law of Moses if you say yes it's couldn't a John 1831 they couldn't perform an execution without Roman approval that's why they didn't kill Jesus they had to take him to Rome take him to get Roman approval right because they couldn't perform an execution without Roman approval so to say okay if you say yes on this area I got you if you say yes on that area I got you it's a trap question so they better kill this one so what Jesus but they don't know they don't even know they're selectively applying scripture cuz in Leviticus chapter 10 20 verse number 10 this is what it says it says a careful person is in Meritor unfaithfulness with another man's wife with the wife of his neighbor both the adulterer and adulteress should be put to death both but in John 8 they only got the woman what a man so they're selectively applying scripture so Jesus comes along and he's he he says okay no problem the one of you that is what I was saying just throw your stone first nobody leaves everybody stays right there until he kneels down and start writing he starts writing in the same y'all and the Bible says people standing there with their rocks and Jesus right in the sand and they said one person dropped a rock and said I think I left my turkey in the ocean and then he keep writing and somebody else dropped a rock and say you know what I think my wife called me he said but you're not married yeah but uh my momma colonnades yeah and they stayed around until he wrote something for everybody and some historians say he was writing sins in the sand letting them know this woman doesn't know what you've done but I know what you've done and you should be getting stoned like her are you seeing this so he looks up and he says woman where are they has no one condemned you no one she said he said well neither do i watch this I thought this was just a dope quote but in Deuteronomy chapter 17 verse 6 listen to what the Bible says it says on the testimony of two or three witnesses a person has to be put to death but no one has to be put to death on the testimony of only one witness y'all miss that Iran so Jesus s he says so who here she said no one he say right and he said so neither do I so he's applying deuteronomy 76 he's taking the same Bible they used to beat her up and he's taking that Bible to build her up he's taking the same Bible they use to keep her bound and he's using that Bible to set her free he did not lower the standard he knew that grace is a better motivator to help her reach the standard and you cannot build the people up by beating people up what did he say he said go and leave your life of sin he didn't Lord a standard we got to raise a standard pastor bless God he Lord a standard read the text he says grace is a better motivator for her region estándar this is what this is what scares me you got two groups of people in the text you got the Pharisees and you got Jesus and both of them say they Jews but they responded to this woman in two different ways they say they practice in the same religion but one is practicing it in a destructive way and the other is practicing it in a constructive way one is practicing it in a way that pulls people into their god-given identity and others are practicing it in a way that's robbing people of their god-given identity in the name of reaching a standard that they wouldn't even reach it that's why Jesus was writing in the sand because the church is supposed to be the place that introduces people to their prophetic destiny we don't label them based on what they've done we label them based on who God's called them to be we pull them into their future by introducing them to the person they were created to be we don't say you're nothing we say you're better than that you've been called to higher than that God's got more for you than that you don't have to settle for that what were they they were they were about they were about to stone her what's the stone stone is something you throw to hurt people you know who this woman is she represents anybody whose public failures become private knowledge and if you're honest you got to be honest if you're honest not for all of us but for many of us we will say that when people have issues when you look at the two ways the Pharisees and Jesus responded we got to be honest for many of us we will see we honest enough to say most of the time the church response like Pharisees we killing people we throwing stones through our tweets and some of these people be posting about we don't even think they got kids you want the kids to read what you posted Christian [Music] you confuse as to why they don't want to come to our church why don't people want to come to Christian churches we killing them [Music] it's not lowering the standard the whole point of the New Testaments they help you see the law doesn't get people their grace does Christ hallelujah gets them there God says bye-bye loving-kindness how about drawn D Paul says it is the goodness of God that leads people to repentance may we know my job in the fix the church my job is to lead this one and may we never be a community of Christians that got rocks in our hands may we prophesy people into their future may we call out God's best in them may we introduce them to the identity that God wants them to walk in not the one they've been walking in may it be said of us these people are like Jesus [Music] so father in the name of Jesus I pray [Music] for every person that's had their identity robbed in church for every woman who's been stripped of her value because she was taught she was inferior for every woman that didn't walk in her calling because an eisegesis and exegesis grounded in patriarchy cause hurt a sense that she's got diet to spiritual gifts I pray for every person has made some mistakes that we're public and they having a hard time getting over people they can't get over it we say we are chosen not forsaken we are yours I pray that we walk in this revelation in Jesus name I pray amen well family thank you so much for watching this message I hope it helped you change that's what my ministry is all about is what I'm giving my life to and there are only two things and when I actually to do as always I'm gonna actually number one if this blessed you I want to encourage you to share it to email it DM it text the link to someone else let someone know why because part of our mission is to help as many people as possible change their life and I can't do that without your help so that's the one thing I'm gonna ask of you second thing I'd imagine that you do is that you subscribe and I want you to subscribe so that you know when we've actually put new content on this channel there are times where we may not be able to meet our deadlines and sometimes I get messages and DMS about when is the message going up well when you subscribe that helps us keep you in the note about when we're putting new content out here all right would you please I might add one more request pray for us we need your prayers we're trying to change as many lives as possible and we know we can't do that without your prayer thank you for being a part this online community and family take care god bless
Channel: Dharius Daniels TV
Views: 70,470
Rating: 4.9092546 out of 5
Keywords: dharius Daniels, change church, td jakes, Steven furtick, ed young, John gray, eric the hip hop preacher thomas, devon franklin, keion henderson, dr. matthew stevenson, pastor chris hodges, trent shelton, criag groeschel, levi lusko, chad veach, chris durso, rich wilkerson jr, judah smith, robert madu, mike todd, tony gaskins, jamal bryant, carl lentz, joel osteen, john maxwell, dave ramsey
Id: eHphmn3bpME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 42sec (2382 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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