Don't Hook Up With Your Teacher...

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serious students of reddit who had a sexual relationship with a teacher how did it start and how did it turn out it started innocently enough she was my chorus teacher fresh out of college and only six years older than me my brother waa actually dating her friend from high school i used to cut class and sale had a music lesson and we just hang in the music room talk about books music movies then she started complaining about her relationship a lot needing hugs which i was more than happy to help with it eventually turned to making out and we finally started hooking up when she gave me rides home after a school i honestly felt like l found a million dollars but couldn't tell anybody about it it was weird then she got weird asking for her hugs in front of the entire class i knew everyone knew i started riding home with my friends again then she started just showing up at my house but had a very awkward convo with my dad who knew exactly what was going on but was so impressed he just kept saying dang she's pretty ghosting hadn't been invented back then but l did the best hell could eventually she chilled out a few months later l stopped by her room during our normal hang sess time and she apologized told me she was just going through a lot with her crappy boyfriend and needed some attention from someone that actually liked her we didn't talk much after that elle graduated soon after but we're friends on facebook and she actually married a decent guy and has a nice family i'm very relieved we were never found out it would have been devastating to both of us i fell in love with the workshop supervisor at my university that guides the workshop that i need for my education she is about a year older than i am i am doing some small arts and crafts and leather working she was interested in getting something and she bought something custom i can't remember how it started out but for some reason or another we had some drinks which ended in a night spent together and a physical relationship but we discovered an attraction to each other she went to the faculty director with the situation and explained it since you cannot give marks on my work and is only a guide in the eyes of the university they approved of the relationship that was about three years ago we are still together as i am finishing my education the relationship moved on from the physical flirt which it all started with to something deep we live together for two years now and she helps me something with running the two companies that i set up aside my study when i finish my education next year i will even propose to her i just want to clarify that at the start of this relation we well pasted the 18 years old mark i like the part where she went clean to the faculty director even though she knew she could have gotten into some srs trouble glad it worked out man all the best when i was 19 i dated a professor at my university for a few months i wasn't his student but he taught some of my friends we met randomly at a club and i had no idea he was a professor at my uni until a few days later when we started texting he was really hot he had dark hair and bright blue eyes and told me that his female students would flirt with him in office hours he was 33 so very young for a prof but pretty old for me at the time it was fun for a bit he was not happy when we realized he taught some of my friends the day we realized he taught my friends was when i was at his apartment a couple weeks after meeting and i asked to see some of his class materials he thought it would be interesting if i could tell the difference between a bs essay and a great essay even if i wasn't familiar with the subject so i started reading and realized the bssa with the failing grade had my friend's name at the top he was very upset because apparently it's some sort of privacy violation that i was looking at her failed assignment but i thought it was arousing that he thought my friend's essay sucked really played up his position of power in my mind i like how he waltzes into ethical landmines had a crush on one of my grad school teachers for a year and a half i was into everything about her looks brain everything i ended up teaching the same subject many years later and i still use the notes and materials from her classes with my own students she was engaged to someone else so i never even thought about anything ever happening it was a nice fantasy then out of the blue she calls my cell phone and tells me that she's thinking of getting into yoga and knows that i am into yoga so would i get a drink with her and tell her more i was not exactly experienced with hookups and i actually took her at her word i went expecting to talk about yoga and go home afterwards we ended up getting totally wasted making out in the middle of a bar and then i walked a home where i kept saying i'm sorry and this definitely isn't happening and i'll just get you to your door and go home it did happen but the joke was on her she got a few seconds of the worst freaking of her life and then got to listen to me in the bathroom for a while the next day she found me in the hallway and told me that it was a huge mistake and asked me not to tell anyone nobody would believe me anyway so i agreed i can honestly say i wish the entire thing had never happened she got married and moved on with her life i ended up having to take her husband's class before i could graduate comma she got a few seconds of the worst freaking of her life and then got to listen to me in the bathroom for a while frick that stings i'm not a student anymore it happened in the 90s when i was probably 8 or 9 00 m and went on for more than a year doubt it started with making me sit on his thighs often and i could feel his erection i never knew what to think of it as i never got any training or attention from parents about situations of physical shaming and abuse it went on from there after 22 years of being a biologically straight guy i still remember what that dirty stinking dong tasted like the experience gave me depression and anxiety and inability to trust a relationship and get freaked out when i see a kid sitting on any man's lap i woke up after a night full of bad dreams feeling sick in my stomach forgive me if i don't respond any further and thanks immensely for your kind words and incredible support it's important to protect and keep every child away from such negative forces cuz we remember this just made me sick to my stomach i'm so sorry that happened to you i hope you're able to talk with someone about this maybe a counselor just remember that you did nothing wrong my heart truly goes out to you my religious studies college professor she was hilarious and brilliant and always brought her interests up in class and they usually aligned with mine it started off with what felt like on topic to class discussions then into more friendly casual conversations about books and movies then it definitely transitioned into flirting which was weird because i'm also female and had never had feelings for another girl so i thought it could just be some weird fantasy in my head and i was just making something out of nothing anyways fast forward semester ends i'm out of her class i submit my final at noon by 1pm she emails me my final grade and says i'm all done submitting your grades so you're officially no longer my student congrats on passing the class and good luck so i sent back an email with a song attached and then the emailing went on from there before we officially hung out which led to fricking which led to a three-year relationship we moved in together for about a year but it ultimately didn't work out cause we wanted different things long term but we ended on good terms and i'm grateful for the relationship now five years out as it helped me realize what i want in a partner i now have an amazing boyfriend and i heard she recently got married to a woman she started dating after me for anyone asking about her teaching religious studies i'd just like to clear up that my major was in religious studies from an analytical perspective i studied cults specifically all of the religious studies classes at my university were purely academic for people that found religion interesting but didn't necessarily have to practice she was teaching an introductory course on the philosophy of religious studies she herself was not religious or affiliated with an religion or new religious movement you know it's nice to read one of these that have a good ending tie you for sharing my eighth grade teacher this was during the eight years before all the scandals when no one really cared if a female teacher was spending a lot of time alone with one of her students i was 14 she was mid-40s and a family friend who had known me since i was a little kid she asked me to volunteer for a school activity that had us spending time together after class and occasionally off campus my mom knew her so wasn't bothered i was spending so much time with her she had always teased and playfully touched me as a kid when we were alone after class she started touching me more and flirting and talking about intimate things like her divorce and asking me if i had a girlfriend yet she escalated the intimacy through the year pushing boundaries a little more each time we started freaking that summer it went on for about three months she ended it once i went to high school my family moved out of state after my freshman year i had a long talk with her before leaving and we parted on good terms i never spoke to her again but heard she eventually remarried and became vice principal at another school she died a few years ago i'm almost 50 and still think about her quite often i was 21 and in college and using a cupid and i match with this cute girl who's a grad student we hit it off and our fields of study are similar but not the same so there's no chance there'll be a conflict of interest or anything so we go out on a date to a dive bar get a bit drunk hit it off go back to her place to drink more and screw a few days later the semester starts and among my classes i'm taking a statistics for people who can't do math class and who should be my teacher but miss let me lick wine off her tea for like ethics reasons i couldn't keep screwing her while she was my teacher but once the semester was over we hooked up a few more times miss let me lick wine offer tea made me laugh a lot thanks for that i dated my high school teacher six months after i graduated he was my junior year history teacher had a massive crush on him in class and he probably knew but he never did anything inappropriate strictly a teacher-student relationship he was 29 got in trouble as a teacher for going against the grain had tattoos and a dad bod i was super into it always thought he was really intelligent too but looking back i realized he had just had more time to form his own opinions about the world during my first semester in college i took a chance and hit him up we kind of hit it off and dated for six months three months and he told me that this was the longest relationship he'd had since he was in high school i lived with him briefly during summer break in college one night i went out with some friends and ended up getting roofed and violated i'm not sure he understood that it was violation because he pretty much broke up with me on the spot when he got home from work and i told him what happened i packed my crap and called my parents to come pick me up because i didn't have a car yet lol what a pose so sorry that happened to you my pe teacher was a nice man welsh rugby person he taught me football in year 7 11 years old he taught me every year until i was 16 some type of sport we got on had a laugh and a joke most of time i stayed on at sixth form but didn't take pe i didn't have a lot to do with him last year of sixth form why 13 i went to the pub with a friend at lunch time friday always a friday this was 2003 stroke 2004 he was there with a geography teacher playing paul so we played with them too had a couple of pints went back to school and met up with after school for a few more pints we did this a few times in my last year of sixth form from this learned that he was really unhappy as he was getting divorced from his wife act in the summer as i left school july august as i started uni in the september i had been day drinking with some friends not from school when we decided to go and meet some friends the town actually a city over went into weather spoons and who was there but my old pe teacher the decree nice i had come through and he was drowning his sorrows with some paws i introduced him by his first name god knows why he did the same didn't mention i was a former student went on a huge bender massive ended up back at his place where we ended up freaking did this a few times over the summer he was 36 years old i was 18. he was disgusted with himself i really didn't give a freak most summers i came back from uni the same pattern would emerge until i met my now husband when i was 21 me and boyfriend now husband moved back to hometown when i was 28 husband joined a local sports social club because had no friends in the area said he met an older guy that who used to teach me my husband is a pe teacher they got on really well too well so well that husband knew mate my old pe teacher and fuckbuddy came to our wedding so well most saturdays me and my husband and him and his new wife and kids meet for drinks and watch the football after fixtures basically it turned out okay i really thought this was going to end with some swinging when i was 10 there was an after-school program that i attended while my parents worked it was there i met her as a student of hers i was a class clown and ended up getting kicked out of her class and she requested to have me move to another class i didn't think anything of it and moved on with life later in life i'm 22 meters and meet this gorgeous 31f who just moved into my neighborhood we hit it off quickly we start spending all day and night together i practically moved in with her one day she tells me about being a teacher and how she used to be an after-school program teacher for this middle school down the road i casually state that i had actually went to that same program the dots hadn't been put together yet she goes on to describe a good friend of mine from back then and says there was this one little butthole that i had to kick out of my class with a cocked eyebrow everything became so clear i was that little butthole that she had to have removed from her class all those years ago didn't stop us i was hot for teacher i read when i was 10 and my heart sank glad this went in a different direction my freshman psychology teacher i caught a crush on him and he noticed we started chatting via email then phone calls and before long he invited me to his house in the evenings to watch movies we started freaking before the semester was out then the crap started happening in avoiding me at unpredictable times dumping me then asking me to come back acting sneaky getting caught lying about his spending innocent time with other female students refusing to speak to me four weeks on end saying he was busy while hanging out with others instead but then spending weeks at a time exclusively with me oh and all this after he freaking married me in secret i spent four years trauma bonded to him while he in turns rejected me seemed genuinely emotionally invested and either pretended to like me or openly hated me i tried to walk away and he would pull me back it was emotional torture but i was too weak and damaged to leave for good i became deeply depressed my self-esteem shattered and i contemplated suicide to the point i gave many of my cherished belongings away in preparation and withdrew socially i was a mess and still he continued to jerk me around emotionally it's been a year now since we broke up but we still talk dragging out the rejection i can barely sleep i cry every morning as soon as i wake i fall asleep crying most nights i'm completely miserable and there are days i wish we'd never met i'm going to start counseling soon because i can't go on like this anymore this sounds horribly painful i went through a similar thing trauma bonding is exactly what it is there's a good book called the betrayal bond much love to you i had a crush on a high school teacher of mine he was brand new not too much older than us and seemed to be a good person i really appreciated his moral compass he talked a big game about morality right and wrong during class discussions i graduated and moved on nothing weird from him in high school fast forward three or four years i was studying something related to his field and decided to friend him on social media he messaged me out of the blue it was clear we were attracted to each other we started dating it ended poorly fast forward another decade we got married the formerly established teacher student power dynamic made it simple for him to control and manipulate me he ended up controlling every moment of my day when i got up when i went to sleep how i spent my money what i was allowed to eat what every free weekend moment entailed pretty much all of it he had an affair with a student teacher who was also a former student herself after the affair he started telling me for years that he wouldn't care if i had freaked other people he later decided we were polyamorous when i agreed he then immediately started screwing other former students and wives of former co-workers it turns out that his moral compass i so admired was smoke and mirrors hyper inflated from my impressions of him as a student as you can imagine we are now divorced moral of the story don't date your former teachers folks power dynamics suck and they may not be the person they presented in class i'm not sure that's the moral here you married a narcissistic control freak i'm not sure that automatically is connected to his teaching 11th grade it got physical but i'd been his favorite since ninth grade he'd stayed in front of the class which at first made me feel weird mostly because i didn't want anyone to hate me for it he tell me how smart i was for my age always call on me to share my opinion always put my assigned seat at the front or right next to his desk by the beginning of 10th grade i'd spend my lunch time hanging out with him in his classroom just the two of us but he was mostly teaching me about politics or sports in 11th grade i became his teacher assistant during my free period it took a turn after one of his best friends got into a bad accident and ended up in the hospital i brought him a coffee and a cookie to cheer him up it was completely innocent he messaged me on facebook later that day and we just kept talking from there i had had a boyfriend at the time for over a year but he was a terrible influence on me and the teacher saw that so he told me i should break up with him i did and my teacher immediately started leaving hints he was the first guy to call me beautiful he made me feel like i was a beautiful vivacious smart young woman i was 16 no guy my age could compete with the experience of a 30-something grown man of course i fell hard for his grooming my best friend at the time knew what was going on i had sent her a screenshot once because he said something funny when me and her got into a fight she showed her mom and told her everything her mom told the school he was pulled out of class while i was in the classroom neither of us knew the sheriff was waiting in the principal's office when i got brought out they accidentally opened the door and i saw the look of complete devastation in his face i knew what was happening i know now what he did to me but at the time i thought that i had lost the love of my life i blamed myself for sharing the relationship with my friend i blamed myself after i found out i wasn't the first student there were rumors or trouble about i was just the first one with proof the screenshot i eventually turned on him when i realized he was just going to get away with what he did just like he did with all the other girls the case moved forward it kept going for years getting put off the attorney lost my contact and the case was dismissed i didn't know they lost my contact i just thought it was still being deferred he never went to jail he never was charged with physical exploitation of a minor nor of a student what he did was a felony and he should have become a registered dittler i have no idea what happened to him i slept with my art history professor as a freshman in college it was a class mostly focused on chinese and japanese ancient art i was having trouble with the class and all the data dump of information i asked her if i could do some extra credit work she said to come to her office later that day we started talking more and more because she liked my art or she was just flirting with me now that i think about it well she asked me over to her house she wanted to show me some of her art she was in her late 40s and i was 18. i didn't think anything about it then when i showed up at her house she said she had to go change real quick after a minute or so she called me into the bedroom when i saw her in her bra and panties laying on her bed i quickly thought back to the time we spent together and realized that i had had it all wrong but i was happy to be wrong at that time people calling you lucky but the same age difference with flipped gender and they say the teacher should be fired and never work again this still creepy dog i got a really good evaluation we didn't have grades so it was like a two-page report that said i have the writing skills of a grad student i am a [ __ ] for frame of reference here it started just like any relationship starts you can see a twinkle in their eye they might laugh at something you say that really isn't that funny and you get a boner she was way older but really attractive and german so i asked her if she likes beer she liked beer so we went to the bar down the road this is a beer bar not some hole-in-the-wall type place we ended up getting wee hen stefanor and her box loosened up joked around and then i straight up told her i would like to draw her nude she saw me drawing in class all the time and said sure before we even left the booth at the bar i just said i'm not actually trying to draw you i just wanna get naked i have no idea why she found that endearing but she took me to her house i'm like whoa older women own homes this is cool and smoshed we agreed it was a one-time thing and to be responsible about it so for the rest of the semester i was secret agent frika milf it's probably good it was a one-time thing because if i had the opportunity i would try to move in and pay her in fellatio it's hard out here for a millennial to get a home honestly i'm 24 and i wish i could be secret agent fricka milf if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 5,229
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: school, school stories, students, teachers, student teacher relationships, student teacher relationship, relationship drama, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: RARr4Qz0l1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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