Top-notch Western for an Evening Watch | Gunslinger instilling terror in the Wild West | Full Movie

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[Music] you uh speaky English do you you stink you know say I think maybe you could un sare me better run time I pardon I forget it God damn it where the hell am I Barkley's brush where in the Dominion of [Music] Canada just when you thought I couldn't get any [Music] worse how can I help you bullets come on you we are we are fresh out of bullets um perhaps I could interest you in some tea a little uh specialty as a matter of fact we do carry ammunition what caliber sir no poaching my customer my side you can't talk to him oh how clumsy of me I've spilled bullets all over the counter good day sir how can I be a assistance I need cartridges 4540 coal that will be $110 or a penny a bullet the thing is I'm a lick strapped at the moment maybe we could settle up this count later sorry no credit your rules oh I see it's okay when you break the rules but when I bend them just a little we have to Ser the partnership there is an enormous distinction between having a flexible policy on credit and contravening the law prohibition clot means no lickout C thank you very much Mr um the Montana kid I'll show you prohibition free drinks free whiske te forone some stranger who smells eat came at the back end of a pig is a retail genius explain how you compl is going [Music] to he walks shut that door you never see this bum [Music] again I'm not partial to insults [Music] but seeing as one of you was clearly raised by a mother of a fiercely hideous countenance I am affected by a rare blush of compassion put me down for three [Applause] [Music] [Applause] more one carrot [Music] son of a hey hey there you too either of you seen my Mount it's a chestnut with a shying roll in the saddle I left him just back whoa stay on there mister you just tell me have you seen my animal Jack collected a stray blacksmith behind you that's my horse I believe he's in pain reckon Soul stone bruise so first you th him then you deliver him to torment I retrieved a stray I shot men for Less you need to rain in that temper mister I ain't done he forged that hoof you ain't touching him I don't got time for a common nuisance what did you just call me a nuisance no before that what did you call me common oh he just stepped over the line you just hey whoa whoa whoa what [Music] the what kind of man would pick up another man hey you hey I ain't finished with you you Big Ape swear to God I get your gun I'm calling you out I said I'm calling you out [Music] hey you mind tell him that Big Ape in there I'm I'm calling them out here [Music] Jack r a couple of days to Fashion the windmill come on Jack says to tell you he can't oblig he's got no gun he's a liar is not the man's an ironsmith and he's right you stink that man stole my horse was trying to help you tell him you get a gun on his belt and some down will'll Square this up he says not to be riding him for at least two days Sundown your boton's bleeding yeah I know well hello again I'd say 36 caliber am I right oh I didn't get a good look at it on the way in well did you get a good look it will hit you on the head because that is a peevish gash oh god mother Mary Mary well it's Dr Angus shiffon actually well you can call me Mary then where's my gun hold on Tex I still got to patch up that gluty where your gluty just in your backside no where is my gun I appreciate you tending to my wounds doc but I ain't got no money I always pull the first bullet out of the man posterior pronoid is time honor Tradition now if you just let me patch up that wound I can get what did you do well I had to get your injury eh will you cut a man's breaches uh sir that is not an area that Braves infection with Grace and well versed in matters mechanical if you're referring to my husband you know he's long gone no no no no no I'm only saying that it's mechanically complex perhaps you need pants I need pants do you mind I'll just be a moment Mr Montana pardon my idiot partner's rudess can I offer offer you a splash of my best Scottish tea and some delicious ground nuts we specifically agreed that I was to sell the dry goods and you to sell the please I have to get a cop in this season the P will have a pointy thing that goes in here please very well Mrs Taylor now you have to give me a pod name so I know what to order look you just need a sheer pin all right like you know yeah I do now pants uh what kind of trousers can we order for you today Mr Montana order no I need them now that butcher up there cut my pants on pro bono yes well all our apparel is purchased on order what the hell kind a general store is this this St up soap and esaro lots and lots of esaro I specifically ordered tin nails and they sent me tin snails so do I absolutely need a cheer pin or can I just use a nail or something use your nose for all that care [Music] talk has it that you're the Montana kid that's right among America's most notorious Gunslingers are Wild Bill hickcock John Wesley Harden and the Montana kid are you that the Montana kid I reckon so says here you killed six men 11 you do look like a kid nicknames have a way of sticking decades even ain't that right I guess so is it true you're proposing a gun fight today with Jack Sundown show with Montana kids right here in BR the town hasn't seen this much excitement since Larry accidentally Set Fire To His you can jack duel with my Winchester cuz he doesn't have one no hang on hang on what about Mine mine's practically brand new see what's wrong with you people yeah what's wrong with you it's up to Jack no and he might like my shotgun best it's not a turkey shoot it's a gunfight he needs a pistol where the hell are you from Peter o any of you got a hog leg like this well that's a cowman's revolver isn't it a peacemaker and an equalizer and a Widow Maker stop that yeah well does anyone got one well when the Cowboys ride through they they they have pistols under around them but otherwise um no truth is I don't know anyone who has a what do you call a peacemaker stop it there just not much call for one around here we got rifles for hunting shotguns for Birds pistols well they're just for you know killing people seems to me Jack not having a gun is your problem not his no my problem is you so why don't you just shoot him why don't I just shoot you same reason I'm unarmed so that is the code isn't it you can't shoot an unarmed man mhm I'm thinking I could make an exception tell you what shear pin I've got a pistol you can use I mean it needs fixing though the handle's cracked and the hammer is broke fine and you don't get it for nothing deal is you get the gun if you help me get my windmill up and running long as you get your husband get it up do you want your Showdown or not [Music] hey you want to go back by some dread conspiracy of Fates it seems you missed a bum that's it that's it who who stop stop I think we'll take at my foot from here suit yourself it's uh just over that Ridge and stay off that horse come on peaches where's it with these people huh most sidearms a medical shreds your clothing and saloon with teacups and catalogs and that woman what a mouthpiece hey I'm not talking to myself here get up with me come on so what do you figure how far are we from a real country oh yeah yeah you're right you're right he'll be coming for me 10 years are dogging me he's not going to let a border stop him we'll make tracks as soon as we get things Square well you know you're not so sweet smell on yourself pal you got me old carrot breath well you do stink put your horse in here I should be safe bunk in there there's an oil lamp just inside the door that house is made out of dirt it's good enough for me and my husband for over a year where's the gun it's time enough for that in the morning no we had a deal and I want that gun right now keep what's left of your pants on here that's bad why did he even bother carrying this frighten away bothersome folk mostly pistol's not just for killing people it's also real good for scaring them this isn't scary you sure it ain't dry there's water it's just deep that's why this windmill is going to be a godsent see I figure if we construct the windmill here then the water will be convenient to both the livestock and the crop well I I'd put the the windmill right here on top of the well that'd be the shortest draw and then you can pipe the water wherever you want the house the pens out the field you volunteering to lay all that pipe Shar in oh no ma'am no deal was just help build the windmill well then why don't you do that and run along St your ideas on [Music] peace what what is this supposed to be meat you know it's really unpleasant to sit down wind view what is that stench anyway before they got to hang on me they cleaned my plow pretty good they lashed me to a stub and post in a pig pen left me there for 3 Days wait waiting for him who's him there's a bounty on my head there's Cal knowledge north of the Mason Dixon that there's a particularly hostile disfigured individual has been hunting for that reward for a long long time so these folk thought it prudent that they'd wait and then they would split the Bounty with him half the Lynch and party got bored and they kind of wandered off and then the other half decided to proceed but they didn't know nothing about a hanging so they picked a dead tree so why is there a price in your head huh you shoot someone who was tending to your horse you shouldn't make light of what you know nothing about [Music] [Music] ow shoot well good day you uh hoof it all the way in from Janes yeah started early let skip breakfast it's funny you should mention that because the M would like to have you for dinner this evening truth is she is chomping at the bit to meet a Bonafide American gun fighter she's not planning on serving that thing is she uh no uh but yeah I reckon Jane's cooking probably suits you just fine shall we say 6:00 yeah in uh skin stuff in kind of odd Pastime for a Healer well not really cuz once a being's dead it's nothing but dead but I suppose you know that pardon me oh my that's going to leave mark good day Mr Montana please Sidle on up to the counter perhaps I can interest you in this it's a full bodied little number the bouquet is a tad intimidating oh no no no no no contains latinum don't you know a couple of these will be banging at the Moon you selling Spirits cough medication CLA General stores sell cough medication look I need a part for a gun it's a hammer for a Navy Colt 44 caliber I need bullets not that many it'd be a miracle if it gets off one shot you so down with the 44 stop it uhoh no no give me those give me those I am warning youarm shut up if you step out that door damn just just follow my finger to the okay just just follow my finger to the right okay just follow my finger to the right my grandfather says he would be honored to repair your pants he says he may repair of his until yours are repaired [Music] railroad workers my grandparents let them rest here between construction lines giving food and shelter to these people is an honor [Music] they know speaky [Music] englishy my grandfather says he would be honored if you would use this tub for bathing it is that bad isn't [Music] it never compromise a man's Lifeline I'm sorry Grandpa told me to give you food I I thought you were asleep Hey listen listen kid it's all right it's all right Honest hey look at me that child looks pretty good do you think maybe you get me a fresh Bowl ladies look don't start why are you even here standing invitation every Wednesday dog tells me we're dining Partners just great nice plows by the way okay shut up let's get this over with my mother wore something like that once very funny oh she did well come on in is that a blouse sure to save room for dessert Mr Montana be just brought a dish of her apple cobbler it is a treat Beyond Compare oh was nothing Beth is being humble in her praise she's the real Baker in Barclay's brush come July when the strawberries ripen she makes a strawberry rubar pie he'd simply kill for features how about the the question of how many men you shot the Canadian monthly specifically reports six it must be so exciting living Wild on the Open Range happy and free sleeping under a canopy of stars every moment an adventure Wild Way stop it Larry we we talked about this please don't Bader Our Guest 11 I have killed 11 men and they each earned their bullet of their own accord I've been called out four times I've responded self-defense twice Duan is incredibly romantic dear three men called me a cheat in a Kansas City card game and uh one time I came across a man beating a dog bad I me real bad gravy but the first man I killed well first man I killed killed my P he had black eyes black beard black soul he and my P got into it over an unbranded calf my P knew to be his so they settled matters with fist cuffs and my paw get a who but as he rode away that lion carage shot him in the back that is so sad the next day I rode up to his Porsche I called him out and my first shot punched him in the gut now if you know anything about killing I'm sure you all do you know that a gutshot is ugliest way to do it keeps you living just long enough to to experience every second of pain after an hour of him kind of whining and moaning and whimpering I I had him so I shot him right here that was that he was dead so then uh Jack will make it an even dozen he's not shooting Jack yeah I am I tell you what and kill some more [Music] potatoes okay good morning sir Corporal JT Kent Northwest mountain police Fort mcneel troop and this is my liaison and guide Nala people call me two dogs now as per the standing directive of Her Majesty's government in the Dominion of Canada I am making the rounds of the Southwest sector of our allotted region thank you and and as part of my rounds I'm under instructions to check in with all adults Men new men and women and households in my zone so so how's it going it's good any problems none concerns no very well then sign here please what is this a rounds Journal you sign it after I check in you ain't from around here are you America oh still have to sign we need your true full name [Music] please got a Smuggler are you no whiskey Trader no or Steve no all right good day sir oh one more thing Sean Sean how long will you be staying in Canada you know I could leave by Sundown if you loan me that gun of yours for a spell regrettably I must decline sir that would be a flagrant contention of rule number 44 of the consal code of behavior hygiene and Equipment care that's a rule 45 there Chief okay thank you aquala Miss Taylor you got to remember to tie up your horse Sir Chief okay Nala just thank you [Music] Jonathan ma'am Sean two dogs hey hey Sean break's over come on come back h on hold on go I'm going to fall I won't let you that's it I got [Music] you see you're going to be okay that's bad oh oh Lord is it broken oh I don't reckon so pissing Elks it bleeding well is [Music] I think I see why you're so convinced I won't be shooting that hoof shakeer you've been conspiring to my gun hand if you had been helping me like you promise and I wouldn't have pen that what happened to your husband you accidentally kill him while he's tending to the chores it wasn't an accident what it wasn't an accident I thought we came out here to start a farm and a family turns out that put the fear into him it's to wearing that gun swaggering around like some dime novel jackass became a horrible drunk too but then one day I realized I could run the farm a hell of lot easier by myself so I shot you sh there own gun swear in the gut now if you know anything about killing and I'm sure that you do you'll know that a gut shot is the ugliest way to do it it took him hours to die afternoon Larry I how to Jane hey Sean better hop to it you going to make it by six oh yeah yeah yeah I'll see you [Music] there Aristotle said we are what we do repeatedly we do not act rightly because we have a't a social this is schol never said it was a social as in gathering it cost you two bits you paid to listen what is wrong with these B very truth of who we are as people is defined by what we do again and again Aristotle would say that since Larry Farms every day Larry is a farmer Farmer yes and one who teaches every day is therefore a teacher teacher Aristotle would also say that it is about who we are as people a man might claim to be virtuous but he is not virtuous unless he consistently acts with great virtue yes Jack so let's say a man shoots 11 men and then he says each man deserves to die according to um Aristotle Aristotle is he still a common killer what' you just call me killer no before that common yeah that's it you just stepped over the line again outside what is that you cough you say unarmed you think I can't hear that Sean is there something you would like to add to this discussion kider all right stop that's enough Sean look I see fit to live by a code my said unspoken laws of men real men understand and just cuz I got the metal to stand up and make things Square that's not reason to Brand me common I don't care what that book says common uncommon you're still a killer and you're set on killing me he's not killing anyone oh yes I am oh believe him Mrs Taylor that gun will get fixed and he'll call me out and we all know damn good and well that I don't stand a chance he'll shoot me dead and there's nothing uncommon about that I'll just be number 12 well Canadian monthly would technically make you seven least I know I'll be going to a better place than you'll ever see you don't know nothing about me I I can see right inside of you it's as plain as that cult you like to wear on your hip gun's a magnet for death hell some would say you're looking to die that's just wrong this is a gun is just a tool it's like any other tool tool designed for killing people no it's it's all what you do with it well yes but if a man walks into my shop with a shovel I don't think oh he might kill me with that yeah but a shovel could kill you he could hit you on the head with it or job you you could say that about anything you say it about a rock even yeah but nobody ever comes in with a rock and besides a rock is not a tool tell the Indians that they've been using rocks as tools for years yeah you could smash somebody in the face with a rock or job someone no you can't stab somebody with a rock tell the Indians that they've been stabbing people with rocks for years what about a rope I mean hitting and jabbing somebody with a rope wouldn't do anything don't be so sure you could strangle someone with a rope you could take it and rub it over somebody's eye pushing [Music] [Music] hard tell me something is this entire country insane or is it just this town seems you have quite a history oh H oh I see you come to run me out of town you haven't broken any laws in this country and as far as we're aware there are no extradition warrants out for your arrest so I'm free to go about my business as for this showdown with Jack everyone's talking about you best know there are no dueling laws in this country we call it murder don't you dare do anything to hurt her Mr kid evening company's having a dance Saturday to welcome the new provincial constabulary to the area opportunity to wear that lovely blue dress again Miss Taylor that's so sweet that you'd remember Jonathan not something You' forget well thank you cor I will definitely try to attend what do you say shapin can you dance I'm sorry to disappoint man but I intend to be aent charm in memory by that see you Saturday all are welcome [Music] [Music] just answer question sing him sing him you find that distracting yes I know I do I did now let me explain we are business fol F we cast bad men and we get paid for our efforts that man in particular is worth a considerable sum to our Enterprise I'm going to ask you one more time have you seen this man he say we see no one no one no one no one she has get her [Laughter] oh yeah Cutter's on our Trail I can feel them we got to change tag all right here's a plan I'm going to ride East and then South cutter picks up the scent which he will he will start Northwest he always sweeps Northwest why because he is stupid and he is predictable and well ever since I shot his ear off he kind of kind of leans to the left what all right all right all right all right we will stay just just a little bit longer but it has got to be said it has got to be said glue that you are getting very soft I mean very very soft yeah you know nothing should surprise me around here but that is a uh peculiar perch upon which to take one's evening coffee ah you're all right that's a nice spot have feel safe up here that's where I come when ster got drunk yes yeah that part was true and when he got real mean I just pull the ladder up and wait may be two liquor to climb up after me in the months before he left for good he'd say that I wasn't even worth the effort how'd you like that not even worth the effort to beat what Jack said in the schoolhouse well was he right about you are you looking to get killed what would one wear to Northwest Mount of [Music] shindig they look look very [Music] cart's [Music] ready look rather presentable yourself that was grind quite fond of the Oriental look well thank you I had to eat an entire creat of snails before Carl give me the loan of this I don't know if that makes me flattered or alarmed [Music] w [Music] sorry it's my [Music] father's evening Miss Taylor so pleased that you could attend well I thank you for inviting us Jonathan us how General oh uh hello Sean good that you could come aren't you looking right Regal you know it's particular breed a man care off outf feel like that so Coral did want to show me the dance floor it's an old but true nonetheless you dance with who BR you so you two please be my guests we'll chat later [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello beatric Hello Larry howdy Jane Sean wow aren't you to a site I'm so pleased to see you both it's all I could do to tear him away from that damn stump hey America oh see you brought your pie you warmed I've got pie cuz you know it's against the law for a foreign National to carry a weapon in Her Majesty's military posts yeah I heard he W mind the hunch no gun you know what we do to murderers who ride up into our country I never committed murder against no man I thought you Canadians were supposed to be polite howy General what's happening here just a little Northwest warning to Our Guest sir warning this man is under no legal restriction here Corporal he's a Montana kid best send his type of clear message sir not on my watch you know it's not just about rules Jonathan why don't you go and cross reference the true manifest or something Mr would you like to register a formal complaint against cons Hughes I would be happy to issue a statement as your witness no only thing I'd like the registers he hits like a girl then this unfortunate incident is closed now pick up that pie General Jonathan come here on behalf of the superintendent and all officers under his command I want to apologize I need your help here Jonathan you do a take over for me I fear that Mrs Taylor here will be plenty disappointed bang my knee up on a little al fresco dancing lesson yes uh yes it would be my my honor and [Music] privilege Lord I [Music] am for [Music] evening Jack evening how goes the repairs on that old Patterson it's come along just fine [Music] Jack that was the most fun that I've had in a long long long long time you know you looking pretty spry someone with a banged up leg and you know what you did back there was very kind [Music] some good morning Sean good morning good morning Sean great fun last night but it looks like they took your gun at the the port some shame I no uh they didn't actually I guess I just forgot to strap it on [Music] Jack puff looks good I I made dinner I thought maybe we could eat in my cabin no thank you I'm going to be riding out in the morning I thought that maybe he'd want to stay a bit you thought wrong everyone around here did [Music] sh we had a deal hey you get your gunfight after my windmill is up and running [Music] youy tell me why you I mean why can't you just let it go cuz I can't cuz if I let it go now then I should have let it go when them three guys in Missouri CAU me a cheat you tell me they die for nothing and if I let them guys in Missouri go then I should have let it go when that man was whooping that dog now does that sound right to you beating on a helpless dog if I was able to let that man go for beating on that mut then sure as hell is no reason I couldn't have just walked away when I was called out in wyom M Santa Fe and twice in Arizona if I was so damn smart to walk away when I was called out and I should have had the wherewithal to not use my gun in self-defense twice if I should have been able to avoid that then there's no arguable reason why I couldn't have just gone to the sheriff instead of killing that man that whoop my PA I thought he shot your paw just beat him up he broke his jaw and bloody nose but taught a common Thief a lesson he said how do you like that [Music] be our business folk and I will not abide by anyone's purposeful undermining of our Venture so I'll start with the China man if I don't get satisfaction we will work our way through his family one by one until I do question is plain where's the Montana kid kick it anyone touches that chair and I'll put a bullet in your other ear calm down there ma'am he's long gone days ago why don't you go back from where you came she's lying kick the chair no more it ends here doc Jane everybody put your guns down we can do this there'll be no more killing not one shot I'm going with you we can't let you do that Sean yes you can I've run long enough I've seen enough blood spilled in my account you tell your boys Ben we're done no shooting I'm coming with you it's a trick get the leg irons doc but Jane he he wants to go eh okay then the count of three everyone lows the weapons one [Music] two three wa pleas Fire w wo wo wo wo stop cease fire I said cease fire sh hold it cease fire free is said [Music] free no no no no down down [Music] go around get behind them [Music] sh sorry [Music] oh [Music] Granda SE [Music] [Music] stay back just hold it I have gone to considerable effort here to head off any killing today Ben we've been doing this for too long 10 years too long me chasing you you chasing me and well me shooting that ear of yours almost clean off your head I'm disfigured yeah I know I'm sorry but you know what's done is done enough's enough except if you kill her you know damn well I'll shoot you dead and I there a really don't want it to come to that I you know I'm trying to to to change to not be doing these the things that I used to do the way I did them and to try and change into becoming that person that I'm going to what forget it it's complicated and you you pull that trigger and you pray you never did killing a man's not something you can undo and it'll eat at you until you hate everything about that one moment in time including me I couldn't live with that so please you ain't worth the bullet oh she is most definitely worth a bullet hey no I don't I don't mean that way and like you on the other hand are worth 4,000 dead alive this time I think it prudent to go dead Christmas crackers you suppose we're Square now yeah yeah I reckon so good now you can finish patching up my what call good yeah right come on the gunfight you had the gunfight ah no I missed it I missed it son of [Music] a each of you has a RIT of expatriation and a notice of intent to charge and detain ridd what H it means I will graciously escort your smelly hides out of the country and if you even think of returning we'll show you one of her majesty whoow what's a HCA shut up H turns out there's a fair bit of debt has to be satisfied before I can leave this uh and I should this town I owe for nine bullets one teacup one shear pin one case of snails one carrot a laundry and sewing services four horseshoes one portrait of ugly lady one bag of cats wait a minute oh that's oats one
Channel: VLG Cinema
Views: 2,457,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Western, Full Movie, Western movies, gunslinger western, Gunslinger instilling terror in the Wild West
Id: A9OXsNb20to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 25sec (3865 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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