Can Sohla Make A Meal Out Of Oreos? | NYT Cooking

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This is basically Make It Fancy, Hardcore edition. I love Rie but Sohla just blows her in almost every aspect.

Also seeing Sohla's thought process and work process really makes it clear that this woman worked in a restaurant before.

I really cannot imagine making a savory meal out of Oreos, much less several savory meals.

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/Font-street 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm literally screaming. Who doesn't love Korean food, Sohla, and Oreos?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/hyperforce 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

Sohla is so adept in the kitchen. It was already a lot for her to create a main and dessert using Oreos but then she also incorporated that in some of the banchan, damn. Her multitasking and conceptualisation skills are unparalleled. And in just over a hour???

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/adorneds 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is the show format I want that shows off Sohla's thought process when faced with a creative challenge. Would've loved her to make Oreo more the hero instead of incorporating it into a dish though. I really like her creativity in the bodega episode with Babish.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/breakupbydefault 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

I want to try almost all of this.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/NNovis 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Not finished with the video yet... but Sohla's drawings/doodles are so cute!!

If she had prints or art, either to go with her recipes, or not, that's something that I would love on my wall and on my desk!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/clarkkentshair 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

"You wanna go until you can see your hand through the water"

Nice callback to her first BA video with the zucchini fritters.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/giantspeck 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
this isn't like top chef i'm not gonna run around i'm not gonna jump over the island okay this is gonna be the chillest cooking competition with no contestants ever i'm so well we're in my kitchen and today we're going to try out a new thing where i have a mystery ingredient and then one hour to make a dinner and dessert for me and ham this is episode one scene one yeah [Music] what a crisp cleanly folded paper bag there's a package inside this package oreos so i have to make dinner and dessert using oreos in one hour oh yeah i have to just be really smart in what i decide to do so that i can get it done in an hour that's going to be the big thing uh so the show doesn't have a name yet but we're calling it club sola because i have lights that change colors do you want to do it should i turn it on oh maybe we should keep the first episode unnamed and then the people can name it i think maybe we could grill something i want to crust some meat with the cookie part what about korean barbecue there's this place that i used to go to all the time before the pandemic called kang do bakjeng i might be saying it wrong and they have a special short rib so maybe we can do something like that and then for our dessert hold on let me ask him [Laughter] can i consult you so the ingredient is oreos ingredients so we have aureus okay so we're gonna do korean barbecue should i draw a picture that's my basket of lettuce it's my little bowl of samjong special short rib score marinade grill toss in cookie marinade that sounds good that's kimchi we're gonna get banchon make some corn cheese can you incorporate the cream in the corn cheese yes yes like a little sweetness yes yes i'm so into that do you know what dessert you're making no i want fruit we have our roasted pineapple or what if we coat it in the cream and char it so it like maybe brulee's we did it we're ready to go wait do you think i can make all of this in an hour i've got my menu i've got my shopping list and now i'm ready to hit the road this is like one of our favorite meals because we just go to h mark we get kimchi and banchon and different lettuces and herbs and then we'll have that with our meat okay so i got i saw some stuff and just went for it so we got a few extra things we're adding potato salad so i ditched the pineapple from mango cucumber i think it'd be nice to do a little smashed cucumber salad i love cucumber salad so this looks like a lot of stuff but it's actually it's actually pretty simple because a lot of this stuff is prepared and all i have to do is put it in a container yeah i'm ready three two one go okay cool i'm gonna start by butterflying the beef so i can get it dry brined i wanted something thicker but we're gonna make this work because this is what we found unravel it okay i'm just trying something out i've never cut meat like this before it has all of my time elapsed already if i had more time i would let this dry right overnight okay meat done okay so i'm gonna cook my potatoes so we're gonna peel it and cut it into cubes and then cook it multitasking water filling up while i peel going for like rough one-inch pieces we're just gonna chop and drop okay lots of salt now the rice okay swish swish swish this was one of my first jobs with my mom you just want to go until you can see your hand through the water it's never going to get totally clear [Music] okay let's go light some coals where are the scissors hey ham do you know where the scissors are that's not where they normally are man sabotage man sabotage also not a grilling expert so if i'm doing this wrong i'm sorry i made a mistake okay so oh no i have a plan we're gonna let that do its thing return to the kitchen the whole point is the aureus so easy to forget let me make my smashed cucumber salad actually you can kind of do anything with a cucumber salad not sure what we're doing exactly but it will have oreos i have some chili crisp that i made myself we're gonna break the rules this isn't going to be like a traditional korean this looks pretty good though right [Music] it's working it actually works i mean worst case scenario i have one thing i'm going to make my marinade for my meat and that's going to go on my short rib after the first grill so the short ribs are going to get grilled twice and then they're going to come off i'm going to snip it with scissors toss it in our oreo marinade and it's going to hit the grill again am i allowed to get help wait maybe ham can smash hey ham ham could you smash smash we're going to make a little korean style potato salad so much sabotage i gotta open bottles so much to unravel here it has cupid sesame oil and then i'm gonna go just the cream in here [Music] and i love it because the asian pear and the potato once they're in the dressing look exactly the same so it's like a little surprise which one you're gonna stab sesame seeds this is a lot of potato salad potato salad done cucumber salad done i need more oreo cream okay i want to be outside in 10 minutes do you think that's possible [Music] this is ready for the grill mango cookies and crumbly mango yeah hey ham i'm gonna recruit you again tim can wash the lettuce that seems fair 23 minutes left plenty of time cream brulee i like that remember how i said you should clean as you go a couple of cats per that feels good [Music] what do i got like 20 minutes let's arrange our banchans squid done the best bunch on look at all these dishes i made huh cool and i guess we're gonna go grill now right i'm gonna grill some corn and then on this side we'll hopefully melt our mango and i guess we can get our short ribs on here while that does its thing oh the cream just like melted i was really worried about how that would incorporate but it totally just melted right in there i think that's gonna be tasty korean food does have like a really good balance of of sweet and savory and funk i really truly love korean food not an expert i just i love it this is my like favorite thing i love when they do this table side snip the meat into the marinade and then it's going to get hit on the grill again even though we're eating a tough cut it's going to be really nice and tender and easy to put in those lettuce wraps now we toss the toss in our oreo sesame chili marinade oh yeah it's gonna caramelize yum a mango brulee some of that sugar just fell right off i don't know what i thought was gonna happen i just wanna kiss it with the flames yeah there's one extra toasty one i think that looks good we really did it 10 minutes over hello hello sir hi nice to meet you nice to meet you this is my oreo meal short rib with oreo red chili ginger garlic marinade oreo cookie smashed cucumber salad corn cheese with the cream from the oreos cookies and cream mango creme brulee and the potato salad sweetened with some of the cream from the oreo some jug didn't happen i don't know what the hell that is potato potato salad it's practically a photograph yeah i can't tell which one's which all right i like to double it up all right corn cheese is really good i'll go for the corn cheese as well oreo filling is perfect for corn cheese cucumbers are surprising right szechuan-ish i thought it would just be super sweet it doesn't taste like oreo at all no the cream it just ended up being like a nice source of sugar and fat and then the cookie just was like a nice source of bitterness i really like the oreo in here that one's my i would i would crave this again not just want it again that looks pretty good yeah it's like nice and custardy too when you spoon into the actual mango that's pretty good this is my favorite i think that we'll probably do the mango and short rib again with the oreo because i think the oreo actually did something here like it actually made it better with or without oreos this is a really fun meal we entertain with this meal a lot because it looks super impressive but like half of it is bought it's all just real food that you're going to actually want to eat oh corn cheese man that stuff is really delicious if you haven't had it before you should go make some corn cheese
Channel: NYT Cooking
Views: 230,510
Rating: 4.9532475 out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooks, recipes, recipe, how-to, how to, kitchen, new york times, new york times cooking, nyt cooking, nyt, nytimes, sohla, sohla el-waylly, ham, ham el-waylly, oreos, mystery ingredient, mango, banchan, cookies, korean barbeque, short ribs, lettuce, short rib, marinade, kimchi, corn cheese, cream, creme brulee, one hour, potato salad, cucumber salad, rice, smashed cucumber, chile crisp, kewpie, sesame oil, asian pear, sesame seeds, squid, fish cakes, grill, how to grill, lettuce wraps
Id: rVLIdFk-8no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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