Sad Birthday | Stump Sohla

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I love how Kendall is working her way into more of these videos as all-around kitchen whiz and damage control.

👍︎︎ 137 👤︎︎ u/Levangeline 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

The editing.The captions.

The crash-and-burn of the marshmallow (and the consequent taffy related accident).

The awesome on and off-screen work by Kendall.

The sneaky details from Sohla about her book.

The sad childhood story from Sohla.

The super sad version of the happy birthday tune playing in the background.

The introspective voiceover by the narrator (Sawyer?) before the finale.

The absolute goth masterpiece of a cake (bonus points for Andrew's banana-related sadness).

The total trainwreck of the assembly (RIP mop).

The super cool real cake for Andrew at the end (and the problem with the candles).

Gotta hand it to Sohla, u/OliverBabish and the whole BCU crew, folks. This just might be the most appropriate (and sad) way to mark the utter dumpster fire of a year which was 2020.

BRB. This was so sad, I'm gonna go use my tears instead of kosher salt.

👍︎︎ 98 👤︎︎ u/piperpike 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I am 100% convinced he only started making other shows just to show off his excellent meme editing skills. But I’m all for it because Sohla is the perfect foil for it.

👍︎︎ 97 👤︎︎ u/Decooker11 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

1) count me as another one who appreciates the cold open. I prefer Andrew's normal interaction with Sohla than Gameshow!Babby's intentionally awkward stiltness.

2) I think the sound is a lot better than earlier episodes.

3) I've always thought Sohla has a bit of mad scientist in her, but here it does get to (cartoonish) villainous mad scientist. From making the cake with banana, the design idea... Love it. It's the kind of prank that deftly treads the line between 'lololol jk' and 'that's mean'

4) and the execution is as tragicomedy as it can be.

5) also I feel like this episode is the best one so far when it comes to juxtaposing Andrew's melancholy with Sohla's cheeriness.

6) the last cake is sweet tho. Awwww.

👍︎︎ 87 👤︎︎ u/Font-street 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

So I haven't fully watched yet, but wanted to give the feedback that this was the best wheel spin yet! While it has been feeling more natural as the series went on, having Babish and Sohla stand there to spin/talk still feels a bit forced. This episode the wheel spin and result felt really seamless with the rest of the episode. Love to see it! It really feels like y'all are finding your groove with this show.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/January1171 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

The second cake should’ve been cilantro-based to really drive home the sadness

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/Majestic_Beard 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

I really appreciate how much the prep work Kendall is doing for Sohla and Babish's shows gets mentioned. Y'all are doing this the right way!

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/akanefive 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

“Did anyone notice the PP?”

I chuckled.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/CatzMeow27 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Looks like they actually found a way to work in the Sleeping Beauty cake someone requested a while back!

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Levangeline 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
- [Sohla] Today's video is sponsored by Fetch Rewards, a free super easy app that lets you earn rewards on groceries and all your shopping simply by scanning receipts. Just snap a photo of any receipt using the app and you'll earn points automatically. You can redeem your points for hundreds of free gift cards to stores, restaurants and more. To get started with your first 4,000 points, check out the link in the description below or download the app and use the code, Sohla. You'll receive your points when you scan your first receipt. - [Announcer] Ladies and gentlemen today Sohla El-Waylly is putting a spin on a birthday party. It's time to stump Sohla. - We were gonna throw a birthday party and the wheel demands that it's sad. And I feel like I'm kind of, I wanna like feel the sad, you know, get a little method actory Like I wanna get into it, right. Right? We got our birthday hats, really feel it. (banging sound) Perhaps I went a little too far. Do you feel sad? - [Jess] I'm very sad. - I think this is pretty sad. I wanna make it sadder though, right. Can we like bust some balloons. (ballon popping) (laughs cheerfully) But that made me too happy. (chuckles happily) I'm gonna eat some terrible candy. This is everyone's least favorite candy, right? I don't even know what it is. It's really firm. It's just terrible. All right, let's get sad. I feel like I've made myself sad. We need a birthday cake and I want it to be sad. So I think the saddest thing would be if we make a cake that Andrew can't eat at all. I hear he's allergic to bananas. So I wanna make a really, really, really delicious banana cake with fluffy tender crumb on the cake, super moist, the lightest fluffiest icing, he's not gonna be able to eat any of it. I know it's supposed to be a sad birthday but making cake is my favorite thing to do. And I saw this cake online that I wanna try and recreate, that I think will be nice and sad. It's the cake from, I've been saying Cinderella this whole time but it's actually Sleeping Beauty. This is the scene when the godmothers are fighting over what color to make the cake, I think that was it. I wanna make it sad. So I wanna make the whole thing gray. So we have some activated charcoal that I'm gonna put in the batter and in the icing. And hopefully it gets really sad and gray, and Andrew won't be able to eat it. We do need a broom to like make that like to hold up the cake. But all we have as a mop, I think this will work. No need to go out and get a broom. Right? So I'll probably need the like saw this off here but I'll figure that out once the cake is assembled, 'cause we'll just match it to the cake. When you're baking a cake you really do have to follow a recipe. So I'm gonna make my favorite favorite cake recipe of all time, and it Stella's white mountain cake. It's the best vanilla cake recipe. It's so fluffy. She told me the way she likes to make a banana cake is by steeping bananas overnight in the milk, that's gonna go in the cake. So Kendall, steeped some bananas and buttermilk for me a couple nights ago, so that should be nice and banana-ee I'm also gonna make her buttercream. Has a, it's a great recipe. It might not be that sad, but who cares. Before we get going, this is here. If you watch all my stuff you'll see it pop up in several videos. I got, I cut it. It's the worst kind of ever had. And it happened making kale salad. I had some wine and it was later in the day. (soothing music) So there's a lot happening. We've got two mixers out. We got two mixing bowls. We have tons of sugar. We are making so much cake. So let's just get started. Okay. We're gonna start by making the marshmallow base for our buttercream. It's gonna have corn syrup, sugar, water, and we're gonna cook it until it's 250 degrees Fahrenheit, not Celsius. Well, can you even do that? Isn't that like really hot. And then it needs to cool down to 212 before we add gelatin in with it. While this does its thing, I'm gonna bloom my gelatin. So here I've got some ice water and I'm gonna just put four sheets of gelatin in there. The recipe is for powder gelatin, but I couldn't find that, so I'm gonna use sheets instead. One packet is equal to four sheets. Maybe this won't work. That's cool. I mean, we're trying to stump me, right? My syrup has cooled to 212 and I'm gonna take my gelatin here that it's been soaking. Squeeze out all that liquid that's just dropping in here. And then I'm gonna let it whip with some salt. Then we're gonna scrape that into an oiled bowl. Let it cool completely. Once it's cool, we're gonna return it to the mixer, whip, and add a tablespoon of room temperature butter at a time. Sad pile of confetti, I didn't see that. So many details in the sad design today. But I really appreciate. I don't know if you noticed the handiwork, sad birthday. Did we take a minute to take a look at the PP, and just like lots of terrible candies that nobody wants. Nobody wants this. - [Narrator] I don't even want me. - [Jess] I really miss peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwiches. - Why do you have to miss them? I mean, they could probably be in your life today. Is there any peanut butter? Wow, look at that. Smoosh it around a little. I really think it's very important to take care when you make a sandwich even if it's a fluffer nutter, this seems like a simple thing. You got to go edge to edge. You gotta make sure every bite is delicious. I wanna the whole thing and you want every moment to be enjoyable. Little salt. Oh boy, look at that. Look at that. Okay. Five slices. A quick snack before we bake our cakes. - [Jess] Oh my goodness that's childhood in a bite. - This looks like a peanut butter and fluff sandwich. - That what it is. - Thank you. - Home made fluff. Just a little intermission in the prep. - What are you doing? - What? - Is this a trick? - No, it's not a trick. We all have some, yeah, just a little snack. That's all. - Thank you. - See you next time. All right, now we're gonna make a cake. Marshmallow, cooling ready to go. We're gonna start on our first batch of cake. I've already measured out 16 ounces of bleached cake flour. So we need two sticks of butter and four ounces of coconut oil, 16 ounces of sugar, salt, three quarters of a teaspoon, two and a half teaspoons of baking powder. One teaspoon of baking soda. Okay, this is gonna whip. While that whips is gonna measure two cups of this vanilla buttermilk but we don't want any of the bananas, we just want the buttermilk. Okay. So since our butter and coconut oil were room temperature it already looks really light and fluffy. Now this is where a lot of people think they're creamed and then they stop. It looks creamy, right? You would think we're there or not. We're gonna keep going and it's gonna get so fluffy. And now the last thing is we need eight and a half ounces of egg whites. Now to help enhance the banana flavor, I'm gonna measure my extracts into my buttermilk. Half a tablespoon of banana extract because I don't want it to be crazy and weird. We're gonna do a whole two tablespoons of vanilla. Check this out. Look at how light it is compared to the first time I showed it to you. This is how creamy you want it to get. Now we're gonna add a clove and the black activated charcoal. I'm gonna just start with a big spoonful and we'll see how that looks. It looks good in like sad. I think we can make it sadder. Let's do three big spoonfuls. Feel good about that. Okay, now I'm gonna add my eggs, one white at a time and you just wanna make sure that it's fully incorporated before you add the next white. So, when you first add the egg white it looks really wet and it kind of smacks around, and you can hear it kinda go. So by the time it like gets emulsified into the butter, it'll sound creamy, it will look creamy and that's when you know, it's time you can add another one. So I think that we're there. Try and listen to the wet sound right when I add it. (buzzing sound) You see how it starts out kinda wet, kinda gross, and then it's like, sounds better. Okay, our last bit of egg white. Can you guess what I'm gonna do next? Can you guess? I'm gonna scrape it down. This is the key to making a good cake. This is it. Scrape everything through mixing. I have a whole chapter in my book, it's gonna be a thrilling chapter just called, mixing and creaming. (laughs cheerfully) I'm not even joking. And now we're so close to bringing it all together. I gotta sieve my flowers. I like to sieve right on the parchment 'cause then we can use the parchment to help us drop our flour into the mix. Okay, here we go. We're gonna add our flour and liquid mixture in three rounds. So we'll add a third of our flour, mix it together. Once everything's kinda mostly moistened, now we can turn it up. And when that last bit of flour is absorbed now we're gonna turn it down a little and add a third of our mixture. Guess what we're gonna do after this? We're gonna scrape it. Oh my gosh! The most thrilling concepts that the internet has yet to see. I'd like to make these all in eight inch rounds, but we have two eight inch rounds and one 10 inch with a ring in it. I think that'll be fine. Let's see what happens. I'm gonna pop this in the oven 325, 40 minutes. And then we do this two more times. Cool, I like it. Yeah. Okay. Those look so depressing and miserable. These cakes are just so sad, this is gonna be perfect. I'm gonna let these cool. I also really wanna try this. Will the heat pop it. Fun (laughs cheerfully). Okay, round two. Here we go. (soothing music) Our marshmallow is cooled and set. So now I'm gonna scrape it into these mixing bowls. I was just guessing on the gelatin conversiona and I think maybe I could have done with one less sheet, but it'll be okay. So we got one. Here we go. Guys. I would throw birthday parties a lot when I was a kid but I didn't have any friends, so no one would come. And I would sit there with a whole cake that I made, and I remember there was this one where I turned 10 and it's supposed to be a big deal cause it's double digits. So I decorated, I did a chalk, a chalk mural you know on the patio, glitter everywhere, made pinata shaped like a Hershey's Kiss. Nobody came. (chuckles softly) I don't know if it's gonna work. I'm just gonna keep going and we'll see. It's not mixing up the stuff at the bottom, I think this icing is a failure. I think it's a failure. I think I put so much gelatin. This is turning out to be a really sad birthday. Okay. All right guys. Okay. I think I put too much gelatin in there. (laughs happily) So that's what happening to that side. I think it's too stiff. I think that it's just it shouldn't be doing this, I've made this before. It looks like it's mozzarella cheese. And this was Kendall's genius idea. We're gonna try and turn our sad sadness into taffy. Lube up. - Oh, me too, thanks man. (laughs happily) - This is such a strange feeling. All right let's do this. - Okay. I want all the taffy puller to come for us. - Yeah. But our form's terrible. I don't even know what the form is but I feel like it's terrible. I feel like we gotta.... - Oh yeah I gotta keep this in. (laughs cheerfully) - What do you think Jess. - [Jess] I think this is one of the most entertaining things I've every seen. - Flavor. Can we dribble a little in, little vanilla? - What if we just on our hands. - Okay. Oh God! - [Narrator]] It wasn't, it wasn't. It's too late for me. Be free. (laughs cheerfully) - I don't have gloves. - In conclusion, we're gonna continue this tomorrow. (laughs happily) (upbeat music) We're back continuing our sad birthday party. I think that the buttercream failed because I used the wrong gelatin. This is why you should follow the recipe. You know, I feel like I'm being too sad. Should we pop a balloon to get into the mood? - [Jess] Yeah. - I haven't blown up a balloon in a long time, I (mumbles) really bad like this is hard. Should I be concerned? I feel like my lungs shouldn't be this weak. - [Andrew] Would anyone like a slice of my mortadella. - Yes. Wow, this looks good. - [Andrew] Thank you. (laughs happily) What a life Jess? You just get humming through (mumbles) back to you. We did it. Now after all of that. (popping sound) Okay, I'm ready to go. (laughs happily) Okay, so now we're gonna make another batch of our marshmallows. Last time I used sheet gelatin. This time we're using a packet gelatin. So we're gonna do two ounces of cool water. And then we're gonna just do a little delicate sprinkle. Just evenly sprinkle it over the surface so it doesn't clump. I'm gonna give it a little stir just to make sure that everything dissolves. Okay, so just like last time, corn syrup, sugar, water, super easy. Start with syrup until it dissolves. Then let it cook undisturbed until it reaches 250 degrees. When syrup is cool. Now I'm gonna add my gelatin, whip it up, and we're gonna have a nice marshmallow. I'm gonna scrape our marshmallow then add a tablespoon of butter at a time, and it's gonna turn into buttercream. We're gonna add a little salt and some activated charcoal to make it sad. Okay guys, I think we did it. They all said we couldn't, but we did it. Let's decorate. - [Jess] Take 10. - Should I clack again. - [Jess] Take 10. - Wait, you have to say it first, right? - [Jess] Take 10. - Okay. Okay I'm just gonna start building because it doesn't have to be perfect. We actually want it to be a little sloppy. It begins. This is the fun part. So now that I'm three high, I'm gonna put some skewers in there, just a couple. I know that we want it to tilt and look silly but I also don't want the whole thing to collapse on itself. Perfect. Nailed it, structurally sound cake. All right. Let's start our tilting. We just needed to stay together until we eat it. This is really starting to look like it's gonna fall over. I'm afraid to say, as soon as I look away, it will collapse. Kendall has the buttercream. What timing? This cannot be possible without candle. I think that you're gonna have to join this party. - I'm coming in. (laughs happily) - Oh this came out so good Kendall, came out better than mine. You did a good job. - Thanks - Okay, final cake. Should we add the broom? (chuckles softly) There is not enough table. - Okay, I'm gonna cut the broom here. - [Jess] How you doing Sohla? (laughs happily) - Okay. - Does it work? We need more things. Let's... Grab a whisk, grab some other things. We just need to put all of the tools. - Yeah. But is it gonna stay. (laughs happily) - Okay if it falling? It's falling. (laughs happily) We can do this. We're not, this is not over yet. - The cake is moving. Wow, man. (laughs cheerfully) - [ Kendall] Guys. Just like, yeah. - Oh God. Oh my God, there's so much danger in this episode. Gaff tape. Gaff tape. We need more gaff tape. - [Kendall] Oh no! Oh no. - Oh no! - It is sliding - No! - No. - Okay my... (laughing cheerfully) - This is it. This is what we're gonna show. It's cool. Hold on, there's still time. There's still time. We can fix this. Everybody relax. - [Narrator] It's difficult to make something sad. It requires its creator to know sadness and hopes dashed are it's recipe. It's the you can't control. The love you can't bring back. The inevitable. Art can point in the direction of an emotion, if you're willing to go there. And in that vein, this cake points to a deep sadness. Crumbling under the weight it carries. An the edible representation of something profound in us going around. A longing lost is sadness. An expectation broken like an omniscient narrator waxing philosophical about a cake, well that's comedy. Anyway, the fact stands. This is a sad birthday cake, so good, Andrew can't eat it. - [Sohl] All right. Reveal. - Now? - Yeah Happy sad birthday. - Happy sad Jesus Christ! Happy sad birthday, oh my God. (laughing cheerfully) - That is without a doubt a sad birthday. But it's also metal as (beep) like I love it. - We haven't even gotten to the sad part. - Really? Okay, what's the sad part. - It's banana - I can't eat. (laughs cheerfully) - That's sad. That's diabolical. Is it delicious? - You just have to sit here and watch me eat this delicious banana cake. Fluffy, tender the buttercream, so rich and creamy. Hold on there is a second surprise. You may need to close your eyes again. (soothing music) - Well it's hot. Why is it hot? (laughs cheerfully) This is a nice birthday cake. - This is a birthday cake you can eat. It is not banana. - This is the happiest birthday I've ever had. - So we're gonna make a cake that's not sad, but Andrew will like this. This has chocolate, I do a little whipped cream, vanilla, sugar, pinch of salt. I'm gonna slice in later the cakes, and then I have my homemade sprinkles. There'll be a little shining light at the end of this. There's fancy candles too, I didn't. Look at that, look at those candles, huh? - Well, I'll be a son of a, B. These are going out. - Wow. - Hey! - Hey! Well this cake's all for you. - Thank you. - Dig in. - Okay, do I get a fork. - No. - No - No forks, just get in there. We gotta keep a little sadness in there. Yes. (chuckles happily) - It's banana! (upbeat music) - Thank you for this, my own private birthday cake. Thank you for this goth masterpiece. And I've been stumped. Is that what we say now? I don't know. - I don't know. - Well you don't get stumped. - I don't know. I don't know what the point of this show is. (laughs happily) - Well, great job. Awesome. I was hoping would go for it. Happy sad birthday. - Thank you. Bye guys until next time. Thanks again to Fetch Rewards for sponsoring this episode. Fetch is the fastest and easiest way to save money and earn rewards every time you shop at any store. Just download the app and start scanning. Every receipt will earn you points towards free gift cards. You can skin physical receipts from grocery stores, restaurants, and more. You can also earn points from online shopping like Amazon. Redeem points right within the app for free gift cards to places like Amazon and target. After downloading it was so easy for me to start scanning. To get started head to the link in the description below and use code Sohla to get 4,000 points when you scan your first receipt.
Channel: Babish Culinary Universe
Views: 1,232,417
Rating: 4.8969393 out of 5
Keywords: stump sohla, sohla babish, babish sohla, babish, babbish, binging with babish, basics with babish, stump sohla episode, stump sohla babish, stump sohla binging with babish, sohla el-waylly, sohla bon appetit, sohla el-waylly bon appetit, sohla episode, sohla video, sohla recipe, sohla birthday cake, sohla cake, sad birthday, stump sohla sad birthday, stump sohla birthday, pear qwerty horse
Id: GZv2yMhk1Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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