IC09-V2a Ian Clayton "The Human Mind"

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[Music] I mean I want you all look at me a minute I don't know unless you are seeing in the spirit and you can engage with your eyes open you're not seeing the spirit you need to actually have your eyes closed because what's happening is the outside information will be overriding your senses of your spirit man wanting to engage of the presence of the Lord and so I would encourage you all to actually shut your eyes when when music starts to play you start to follow the wind of the glory the realm of the Spirit of the kingdom and God wants to do something unless you are seeing in the spirit and you can see close your eyes for the simple fact that it shuts your body ceases down from having predominance over your spirit man so it can begin to engage properly when the key things are fine when an atmosphere starts to build like this is don't try and draw the atmosphere from the outside into yourself to make you feel better what I've learnt to do is I learned to how to expose my heart to the presence of God when the atmosphere builds the Bible talks about a double leaf door in heaven that opens there is a double leaf door that opens you in your body and it's called your rib cage and what I do with with my heart in my life when the atmosphere begins to build like this is I'm gonna take my in my mind and my imagination I'm gonna open my heart door like this and I say the Lord Lord I expose my heart to your glory I come into where you are major major key and so when it EMA spheres building like this do things like this that enable you to engage the presence of God so enables you to go somewhere and we're gonna participate with the flow of the anointing just because I'm talking the anointing hasn't stopped it never stops we've just got to get into the breadth of where it's flowing and then move along with it and starting courage you all just to close your eyes shut your eyes and and just inside you had to begin to you and I said this morning about engaging one of those things was about desire I don't know me but I desire him more than even standing here talking I just want him and so father we just I want you all to take your hands and put them on the sin of your chest like this and give me some things to work with this is what I do when I well be teaching you how to use the word as an anchor but your spirit man needs anchors to graph the reality of what it is seeing so you can retain the information and sort of do is I have a new practical things like this Lord I I take hold of the center of my my rib cage and I pull it open and I expose it to your presence not a desire and yearned in my heart be exposed to you Father that you try my heart and know me know my heart know my essence of who I am father I open my heart and my being to your glory into your presence today look fill it fill my ribcage fill the chance for the change on my body with your presence fill the change of my body with your glory lord I hunger after you lure a yearn to be found in the course of your presence to know you and be known by your Lord I open my being to your presence today see we can do these things in worship that's why we worship it's got a game I am sure that if we don't if we don't learn how to practice here will come there will be like little babies from learn how to celebrate when I when we clap like this this is very important because what it does is it unlocks you and enables you to engage is what God wants us to have for today because it's celebrating actually his victory if you're not celebrating his Ritchie what are you celebrating and so that's why when he would clap just clap just ditch your body go and clamp and it's actually okay it's not a sin to clap in church and you can't celebrate I mean that's how heavens gonna be when you when you see Jesus opening up dead scroll in that day when your name was written in that book I tell you you won't just be going I know what I'm gonna be it'll be like yeah cuz I will be so happy in that day amen thank you hallelujah thanks Joe [Music] praise God it seems like we had a few more people here now hallelujah all kind of straggling in it's this awesome you went here a fish station this morning I'd kind of highly recommend that you get it so that um you'll be able to sort of follow through with what we're doing I want to UM do a session but I'm just going to talk about something this young guy by the name is Shane will add there does some amazing stuff and I'm gonna use an example of his because I can't really get you all the seekers you're sitting on the side but you know what about biggest struggles in the way we engage God and what we do is that we're trying to get to grips with a multi transverse diversion 'el diversity God living out of three or four dimensions and so we have quite a lot of problem trying to relate when God goes boo over here is their bat and the ooh and we kind of end up and I'm going really deep against that what's going on with the system but I'm what I find is that if this was if this was Jane and John and say say this was our world like this and in this Jane and John sitting on on the plane of this life that's John with the shorts on and this is Jane here with the skirt on you know however it goes if you can see I'm really good at drawing but if God came into this world where the only existence they have experienced was a flat plane and he sitted them lift their arm and suddenly they could lift the arm they've got no grid to lift the arm because all they've ever done is lived out of this single surface and so what happens is God comes into our single surface in the three or four dimensions that we move in and says come into heaven and we don't have a grid for it because number one we're not we're not we're not experience it we've never experienced we've never seen it we don't understand it yet we know it's real because he's but His Word says it's real so when he says come we don't know what to do it's because this has been our experience and so when he brings revelation say this is the pain if I must put the pain into this plane all you'd see is that so I would say here's the pain all you'd see on that surface is that and you'd see this the end of the pin that's what you all you'd see is that and that yet this thing is circular and so a problem in God brings revelation to us as we try and put it into the flat plane and it doesn't work because we're thinking in our box we're thinking in the dimensions that we move in and if you were to take a cube like this you have to excuse my trick drawing here for those folks you can you know whatever if I was to take a cube and say lift the end of eight dimensions every one of those dimensions would see the pain in a different way and not only that but if I saw from this corner into the reflection in here I'd see it another eight different ways then if I saw it from this side this way I'd see it eight different ways from this side this way eight different ways then from the corner of 16 diff ways and so when you start adding 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 times 8 4 times 8 from each corner in each Indian here you have about a hundred and forty or fifty odd different dimensions that God moves in and we're trying to figure out how to lift our arm of the page and so when God brings revelation don't try and jump into a half 250 don't try and you go into half of your right don't try and jump into the multidimensional arena they've got operates in just see if we do one more and work with the one you have because the accumulation of the priests in measured against the past becomes a memory that can enable us to glean the next memory on and anchor the next memory on and so in the session I want to talk about the human mind with it often for me when I when I'm in the courtrooms heaven and when I'm in a scroll room of remembrance and there is a room in heaven in the mountain the mountain of God is a very interesting place the Greek teaches you that you have to go up the outside of the mountain and the Hebrew teaches the only way to go up a mountain is in it and so you find in John it says that Jesus went up into a mountain to pray and we think like Greek that he walked up the outside no he didn't Jesus went up into a mountain the same way as we think when we read the record of the testimony of what happened in Mount Sinai it says that Moses went up into a mountain when you actually read it quickly in the correct translation in the right way it Moses when went in and up the mountain so what that means is Moses went in and the mountain came off the ground moved over the tribe of Israel with a mountain hovering over them and said to them will you marry me and so the next time when Moses came down a door from that mountain a big up in their mountain their sister Moses you go up will stand a long way away from you over there so but you do want that again and and we live in these kind of paradigms that we think right but actually the reality of them is we trying to get a box and an anchor so that we can't put God in our little box so they don't have to change anymore and God wants us outside of our box and so for me when I when I've been in the courtroom is in heaven and in the in the places that I go and I spend my night what's there I often I love going to the roll room of Records there was a room in heaven that is huge and it's got everything the father's ever done from what was in to what is and what is to come was in that room everything because it's already all done because it's all in one continuum it's finished as far as how far as he's concerned he is it has already done and completed but it's also at the beginning and so so the whole panoramic of everything that's ever happened and going to happen has already done one of the keys of David was he lived out of the future today on the timeline Presi could see that he was a king in Israel so that's why he wasn't afraid of a line that's why he knew he'd killed a lion because he knew the future that's how you'd kill a bear that's where he could go up to Goliath you know you and circumcised first on who do you think you are you know this day I'm going to feed you to the fowls with here I'm gonna cut your head off buddy what are you gonna say about that and he's his little boy 12 or 13 year old going against the gods tall is that all there you know who aid 600 pounds who carried em a spear that's six inches round with a head weighing 60 pounds on each spear like these weren't little kiddie Winkie Giants that lived in the land these were supernatural beings impregnated in a human body creating these beings he's David running up to it Tim to them to them I'm sure if David had run backwards and gone like this with the stoners stool would hit glass in the middle of the head why because he could see down the future that it was dead and he had Victor Everett if he admits they would've gone all the way around the world we still hit them in the front of the haded I'm serious put sister Creole the Word of God for us to overcome and if you understand who you are and you're living out the future you've already seen yourself overcoming the position in God then nothing in front you can never stop you kidding me that's why we've got to live out of the future where the future is perfect and I can live out of there perfectness now because what I see I can have not what I hear and think what I see and so when I was in that in that place in the in the kingdom and in the mounts of the man who got us an amazing place and it says who may ascend into the hill of the Lord he is clean and pure right lover it's his in truth not up the outside and so so often we've been told something that isn't it's true you can't go the outside I love going on outside buzias animals here that you can see and communicate with and interact with these creatures there that are really good they're flower in the mountain that's still the answer the mountain you can have a relationship with them and then they can relate to you on this in this plateau here because what euro Mountain you will become a mountain so you need to understand their function on the mountain so it can help you become a mountain you want that all again get the CD and so it becomes really important for us to understand how God made us and why we were made this way and what caused us to change and they had to change back to the way we're supposed to be God God didn't make me a human being he made me a spirit beam which says that God like to see I said to Jeremiah I knew you before you were in the womb Ipreo down works for you to do before the foundations of the earth or the heavens before the foundation of all creation God already had pre-ordained it when you know they would knew it actually means to have a deep intimate relational connection and knowing and relationship so before he was here he was there because he was a living out of the future already knowing that he was going to be here because he was a spirit vain hallelujah and so that means that there is a destiny who open for me I'm not I'm not I'm not created this way I made this way but I'm created to be that way where I can understand how I've been made and how this created needs to go back sorry this what has been made needs to go back to what has been created then I can understand the pathway to get there and so for me I've been very interested with the human mind that he had worked because of the things that I've been involved in and the process that God have been taking me through to enable me to understand the supernatural world and how to engage it and what to do while I'm there and so when I was there talking to her on the Chancellor's and the spirit of knowledge I was there I said I want to understand how the human mind had works I don't want all the intricacies I don't need to know like everything else goes I just want to understand ABCD I know you can give me from A to Z and all the numbers that are on the end of it and all the other elements the other side of it that we don't even know about yet I know you can give me all that stuff I just want the simple things I want the flat plain stuff and so I found that in that process that that I began to get some understanding of why we struggle to see and the protocols of what I can do to change that and to enable that in to hasten into my life so that I can engage and everybody will see differently now I've been doing this for 20 years so it's easy to engage the supernatural world and if you go into their kingdom and put your face into it and once you've made a door you can walk through the door and so it's easy to walk through the door and because I can put them hidden and have a little good look around and come back here I'm still here and they're getting this and it's that fast and it's not best was I practiced now if I was to go into your house and try and go from your bedroom to the rest room you'll have these things called wait a minute vines and it's the door handles and it's the tables they kick your shin on in you know the little things that you know are there that I don't know when it spits black but you put me in that house for six months and you can wash all the way down there passageway they nearly have to fiddle for the light you just go and you know it's right there why because you practiced and this is the things with a kingdom you know it's there it seems dat but let me tell you if you practice the pathway you can get blue hallelujah and I love doing there with unsaved people you know you're busy talking to them and you go oh that's really getting your man in there huh that's wonderful let's have a look at that occupy landowner oh you just carry on and it's not it's not it once you practice the pathway of the realms the kingdom you can walk down them a lot faster and so the more you practice the easier it is to get I mean we had this girl come into our room and I'm it's now 20 men so I need to get back to what I want to do but you know I I love I love my office you know sometimes I'm inside then you get a bit kind of Holly goes crazy and this is the number of years ago now he had the skill walk in the office a beautiful what he called the executor from another company come to see me to sell me some product but I had another product on to sell there too and so I'm sitting in an office and of course I've just been heading engaging with the presence of God I was gonna and she comes he's just man what do you being on said I've been on the Holy Ghost juice what's their sin let me tell you and I said in fact I've got something even better to tell you actually your child is standing behind you with Jesus and he wants you to know that you're gonna see him again all he wants you to is just to repent in terms I can see him and his name's debtor started a cry got saved got delivered it's easy it's not hard to evangelize actually when you in the spirit so Jesus would do you know said and and you know so what if they reject I think a that's the problem it really is and so but this is what makes it easy for us when we Kingdom people when you're Kingdom minded and when you spiritually orientated and or spiritually connected and engaged it actually makes it easy to share stuff and and even people who are stubborn you know you can get right around as you can see with the stubbornness it's like a brick wall in their life you go right past it and get right in and they had it's not not how to do but you got to practice the pathways and and everything I've ever learned in the spirit is has it hasn't been from going somebody laying hands on England and then I've got it it's never worked like that for me they've laid hands the men gone war and I've got it for about two minutes and I've spent the next six weeks trying to trying to grow it again in my own life Invitational only stay if you work with it and so our biggest problem as many of us don't work with implantation if you have ever had and I had people how many miss our Ian you know I'm just forgive me for this but Oh Ian I want the double portion I didn't she didn't ask him for I've told you he's gonna yes so that's kind of safe but I I don't want to person FW Sharad I gotta because I don't want them to have the trouble that I've had because the double floor double portions only reserved for the firstborn and I want to be a firstborn because I want to get everything first only good before you if you beat me then I wouldn't be very happy but that's all good so I'm just being smart but when you understand when you understand the principle of first born second born that is very very important hallelujah so I kind of came to this place where I needed to understand the human mind and how it worked a little bit so that I could I could get to teaching and enabling people to understand why we don't see and that biggest problem is when we close our eyes or we sees black and we are taught by the residents in our DNA and the record of a historian long historical line that's recorded in our DNA that there black will always be black and will always be black for ever and ever and ever amen well actually the reality is I wasn't born to see black I was born to see the heavens and the reason I see black is because this that's bottom side of my screen of my imagination has never been activated in the right way and so when you close your eyes it's black but actually when I close my eyes and I can close my eyes what I do and I have to when I go to sleep but I love closing the eyes because I see something totally different there I am this way and when I want to engage I'll close my eyes and I engage and I can open my eyes again but I'm still seeing from the side and it looks really different than what it is here and it's and it's good you learn I see it's a learned process it's a knife when people can see it's really really interesting because you see they get the revelation it goes it was like little bells going pass when they trying anyway I better get to teaching here since only 25 minutes left hallelujah Jesus so I'm going to give you some just some words that explain the human brain and some of its functions you can understand I'm not a neuron scientist all right I've never studied to be a neuron side of this but I've had some very interesting discussions when you're on scientists and I love talking about them because I know stuff that they they get after 25 years of college experience and 45 years of operating on people's brains and I can send them all that's what's going on down here and you'll find this happening around here and they kind of go yeah yeah how did you know that well you know that God just tells you why cuz you're going to have a look and I want to know how to mate when they had function so again have a look and you can get secret said gods reserved for us and it's neat I love discussing stuff with physicists you get with him we I wouldn't even go there hallelujah it's all under the blood glory that Jesus divine vibration bringing order through the vibration of his DNA into the chaos that we live in pray she Jesus so I'm gonna give you some of these parts of the human brain one is the dendrites dendrites are the receiver of information into your brain the receptors or the receivers of information the hippocampus is a part of your brain that stores in sifts information the neurons are the basic cell of the nervous system of the brain the synapse are the electrical impulses or impulsive lines that transmit information from neuron to neuron the axons are the pathways that carry information from neuron to neuron so just to just put it really plainly so you can have it in single dimensional terms you have a neuron here in your brain and you have a neuron here in your brain you excuse me for your folks they can't see over there all kind of you can have a look at the board later or trying to scan here and do it and so what happens is you have the axons which are the connectors between these two things and you have these sign answers that are the literal impulses that go down these lines like this now the more you use a neuron and you morally use the axons with impulses the greater the capacity for the information line to travel in your in your brain develops like that so from a single line memory to second nature becomes a pathway and usually it's one direction that connects this to the next experience that connects this to the next experience so that next time you have an experience there's not measured against the first thing but against the last one and so the more you use this the more these get strengthened till you end up with a massive big flow of information in all one direction coming from what you know and what you've learnt in your life all right all learned experience create a unique pattern of neuron constellations if exposed to the event as repeated exposure to the event is repeated especially if the event is significant the consolation of synapses surrounded the neurons will be strengthened and get bigger and bigger and bigger like I've just shown you the steady it's selective accumulation of the present so what you are seeing right now so your brain is receiving every single bit of information that is in this whole of this room including the exercise the colors of the door the cause of the wall the lines the dots non-stealing the colors are the lights the flags o'clock the back wall every bit of information in here all the colors of your clothing all your faces the glass is sitting on the top of you the glasses on your face your nose the freckles on you here the pimples you've got on your face your brain is receiving all of that information every second okay so the accumulation of the present creates memory and so to make it memory permanent memory I need to actually have an anchor for the accumulation of the prison so when I see someone I'll see them and then the next time I come to a conference I'll see them again I go oh I still in the conference there this time I come along I don't actually have to remember because it's a really established that I saw them at the conference can you see how we work as humans and that's why when you meet people you said their name seven times over hi I'm Ian how you going in that's really great to see you in what's your wife like you know what do you do and by the time you've done in seven times you've actually remembered their name well I have to do it about 47 times before I do that now so I don't know be the old age or just naivety I haven't worked that one out yet but anyway all incoming sensory information goes to the Clearinghouse in your brain called a hyper campus which helps convert the immediate experience in memory into short short-term memory a short-term memory into permanent memory what we're experiencing now creates reality when measured against what you already know key statement I'll read that again for you what we are experiencing now creates reality when measured against what we already know if you don't know the realm of the kingdom and experience the realm of the kingdom and have seen in it then all that information nothing to be measured against and gets shredded and destroyed all of these experiences even altered perceptions of reality have to be sorted by the hyper campus important experiences are set aside for permanent storage other experiences either stored in matters pending tray or a shredded within hours of a storage in the hyper campus the human mind goes through a clearing about every 7 years so from 1 to 7 about 7 years of age you start giving me a clearing of the first year so when you're walking into the 8th year the first year as being wiped from your memory and all the neurons did you haven't used it haven't been activated and used on a consistent basis to be able to create permanent memory get the the information lines get broken and so that the neuron then can become used for something else that's why we can't really remember stuff about every fad at about the age of 14 and about 26 27 the human brain ghosts are a major clearing and it shifts out stuff that you are unable to remember it just shifts it out so it's got more stuff I can use because the more adult you become the more you learn the greater the expense of the neurons that your brain starts to use and the worst thing about all this we only use the third of third or the part of our brain and so your whole life you're only using a third of a part of your brain and which is really quite a shame because the rest is all connected to the spirit world and so if if the human brain today could be you could describe it as the latest hugest shopping mall if you could build a computer today even with the technology that we have today including the little things that the guys break off the NASA spaceships you know the Diamonds they cut off the spaceships they're that they can cut and slice and they can use them as computers those things they're like diamonds they're better than a diamond and they form out of the supernatural world in the space on the things Bizet in black matter and whatever I can whatever just good stuff if you will take even those things that they can use and you were to build a computer to do what your brain does today with today's technology the computer would be one story high and cover the whole state of Texas that happens in here that's why we are fearfully and wonderfully made because even the things that we've made can't do what what we've been created to do because that's why what you made to is not what you're created to do whatever is created as far superior capacity than what has been made we've been made in the image of our parents been created an image of God it would be like the biggest largest stock exchange this is the estimation with a hundred billion dealers all buying selling exchanging making and canceling debts and offloading investments all at the same time a hundred billion is not even four and a half billion people on the face of the earth yet so far seven billion people in the face of the earth I don't know how many is seven billion on the face of the earth well Tom said by another team all of them speaking at the same time going on every second in your brain I'm just trying to stretch or you're thinking about so you can see how God has made us and what is important for us to become just imagine what's gonna happen we use all our brain be like atom naming all the animals I've often wondered how them got the wisdom hadn't had to name the animals you know and then God has a sneaky plan and he makes a two-legged one and he brings around and goes wow man you know just the waiters a hallelujah every skill we have just wiped that from the CD every skill reacquire there's not the kettle on man Harbor called Horrible's just like every skill we require every memory store is the result of new connections being formed and built by the brain the brain can grow in use and function but will need not will not grow beyond the expense that is already there its function will grow and its capacity will grow as you use the thing the brain makes new connections and seconds and new memories in minutes and so that is what I've been born into so my biggest problem now is I've spent 40 years of my life I'm a hundred and seventy nine by the way forty years of my life it's my faith one day in the future perfect it as I am now no not really but however that's gonna be but you're really cuz that's what we desire if we were to take all the stuff and try and put it in a diagram it would look something like this well just take one of the city neurons and the one that is predominantly used in the spirit is your eye gateway you can have your touch gateway exercised by your spirit so you learn how to feel things you can have your taste gateway exercise so you can taste things in the spirit you can have your nasal gate exercise so you can smell things in the spirit because every human has a fragrance the fragrance of God in them is limited and measured by the flow of the glory that's in your life for the glory tastes and smells like whatever and so but I wouldn't talk about that I gave because I gate is the issue that most people are function trying to struggle with that's why they don't see and so we have by which to just draw some really simplistic pictures here for you and I can only draw simplistic stuff so you know how it is so this is my eyeball all right and so in the back of my eyeball I've got a screen that looks like this okay and so the images flow in from here that's anti floozie flows in like this and anti floozy appears on the screen of my mind actually the wrong way around and he floozy appears in my brain so actually when you think you're the right way up you actually upside down I just thought I'd blow your bubble there and so what happens all through your learning life right from the time that you begin to get conceived in your womb and you become a spirit being in your mother's womb right from that point you begin to receive information from the spirit world as well as from the natural world when we are born a child who was in the womb has the outside sensory neurons of its body and ears functioning fully and is able to actually scream and speak but actually can't because the water can't can't contain it so when a person has an abortion the child actually screams and so in our and go there but what you've got to understand is that when we are born and we take our first breath the information flowed from the outside starts in a major way everything we've ever touched taste smell seen or heard begins to form memories in our mind and that's why a baby will look at something reach out for it then put it in its mouth because it's taste caters more operational was this been inside the womb but then as it grows older this audio and I gate begins to go in that it's touch gate gets more keener and the taste gauge starts to ghost of wane unless you're addicted to something and then you go past cave seeds you know I mean the addictions that actually comes through your gateways and so what happens is that on this side of the screen we have a major enforcement of information flow that goes to neurons that form specific pathways inside your brain right and so all my life I'm learning from one side of the screen of my mind and so everything I've ever imagined the imagination when it happens happens on this side of your screen of your mind that's our vain imaginations are really bad because they create an environment for these to come from the outside and attach to you images that you store inside your brain let me tell you the anybody can read your brain quite nicely and so what I found is that when I got born again I wanted to see and I suddenly found that I couldn't see because here's what happens when I get born again my spirit that was darkened now comes a light and the essence of the presence of God gets put into me which enables my spirit to be quickened and engaged with his kingdom and his realm of his glory again so my spirit thing comes alive but the presence of Jesus I've just cemented I don't really care what you call it just as long as it's holy and pure and acceptable inside of God it's all good and so inside of me is a flow of the essence of the persons of God that never resides in me that quickens my spirit and makes my spirit come alive now my problem is this that I have spent 40 years of my life learning one way and my spirit is now gone no that's all wrong and your soul and your body going you think so we're in charge sorry and so now I have a problem because suddenly I want to experience the kingdom and I want to see and experience the realms of God and because we're not taught how we function we actually run into trouble because no one's shown us how we live and how we function so here suddenly my spirit comes alive and on the inside of my spirit is the presence of God then there's my spirit and then there's my soul and then there's my body you know and if you like me then you kind of have you know that middle-age crisis thing that instead of six-pack you call a kid I just believe it's more to contain the glory on the bigger am the happier I'm gonna be more glory not really but anyway I'm just whatever humming facetious and so let's just grab those dad for the TV second so so what happens here is my spirit it's easy to rub the whole thing and just draw it again the essence of the way that my spirit communicates with my with my soul is through my soul and your mind in your memory I part of your soul okay and so what happens is suddenly it starts getting information and it wants information to flow so it brings the information up to the screen of your mind but instead of being on the outside it's now on the inside and because you have never been trained how to use it you lose it because there is no anchor for any reality here so pond was remember the accumulation of the present measured against the past forms permanent memory there was no past experience for it to be anchored upon and so it goes into the hyper campus shred shred shred and then the massive war starts between what you already know and these established pathways along here and this wanted you create a unique pathway out of the kingdom realm and so we have this massive war that goes on day after day after day and we're standing here I want to see I want to see and your spirits going I've got nothing to see I've got another the anchor on what she's seeing what I'm saying because remember I've gone from being a soul in the body now to a spirit and so what Evans is my spirit man begins to wrestle with trying to transform my soul and change the way that it functions so that it is submitted to my spirit my soul must be the bond servant to my spirit and my body the slave to my soul and so whatever goes on in your soul is gonna be dictated in your actions in your body and so we teach people to try and stop doing stuff for the body instead of teaching them how to change the soul with a spirit and so we set them up for failure time after time and then you call good works well you've just got to do it really well I've tried not to do it but I do it even posted the things I don't want to do and doing the things I want to do it don't do it Sivan Pauling you about the wrestle and so we end up in this chaotic thing where we give up we go it's too hard no one's gonna answer and you go into this mode I will always be like this I will always be a sinner and I will always sin therefore I have to wait for him to come and take me out what's the use of living a Christian life because I'm only always gonna be a sinner anyway and I'm always gonna be sinning anyway yet in one John it says he that is born of God sins not he there's begotten of God the evil one touches him not so actually there is a reality that God wants to bring us into where the power of the body is so converted and changed by the spirit man that the essence of who you are the nature begins to get changed in your soul so you don't sin any more and you don't have to struggle to not sin you just don't want to sin when you say to somebody don't send they'll sin why would you make them focus on it you know stop doing this really Wow you tell me to stop doing I've already got my focus on it can you see the how the enemy has so growled us of the liberty of the freedom of the kingdom that is within us and so shut us out of the reality we can walk in and being free from some of the things that continually plagued our lives God is able to get us free from them but it's gonna be but it's gonna be his way by transformation which is to be transformed the renewing of your mind you know Trent you gotta have your your mind renewed and transformed the transforming comes from a Greek word that is connected with their word metamorphosis and it and what it means is the progress from a caterpillar to a butterfly now anybody understand that a caterpillar of caliph Allah caterpillar and a flutter by a butterfly is so different so I call them a fat pillar and a flutterby you know whatever and it's like a the poor old worm makes himself so round and so fat he's good to lay on and he decides to spend us a nice pillowcase around him called the cuckoo cocoon and so he I'm being really naughty I was suddenly get blasted by the glory and I was gonna pull myself in and say it's so what happens that he spins this thing around I'm called the cocoon and then he sits in that cocoon and thinks that the world is just going to revolve around him he doesn't realize that his whole body is going to become mush if we singles strained and record or the DNA of the caterpillar gets disassociated and in that breaking up process is heat generated and the DNA transformation and then what happens it gets to a certain temperature and like that a new DNA strand begins to form of something there was that's why God is a consuming fire because fire doesn't burn something he if I change the nature of what it's exposed to and the gas coming off forms of flame it's changing the nature that releases the power okay and so God wants us to change our nature because when our natures change the power can get released and so metamorphosis proces from being a human being to a spirit being needs to begin to take place and for me the greatest thing that I've worked on has been the capacity to engage the supernatural world with what I see and I'm going to talk about how to cleanse your mind from garbage tomorrow because there's a process you can go through that you'll deem your screen of your imagination so that it's not polluted by the demons that sit on it because there's a gateway via Sol whatever controls a gate control that goes in and out so what have you seen in subject you're i gay - as a demon spirits sitting in your soul the imagination controlling what goes in and out of their thing there was a way to redeem that and get yourself free from the bondage of the things you have set around them and so I went through this process and suddenly realized that I wanted to do another session tomorrow or later under whatever on and if I don't do it get some CDs they'll do a good really they'll really help you I teach all this stuff and have done now for about eight to ten years mostly overseas and so we end up in the struggle now trying to engage God trying to experience God and you hold your soul go now I'm in charge and so Paul says I palm all my body into submission and so you're busy worshiping in church you to go oh I've got roast I need dinner mmm I'm sorry Lord I'm worshiping you and you go off at Monday and your whole soul takes over your spirit main so that it isn't able to engage because your soul wants to stay in charge and so it'll do everything akin to distract you from engaging in the kingdom realm and it'll be in and so then you have these little things called familiar spirits you know what you know anybody know who you guys are all do you know what Lone Ranger is you know that go with the mass you know get us off in the sunset well whenever he gallops off he's always got Tonto with them a lot of us have tantos with us when you gallop off into the sunset even somebody loses it in church it's because they've got a Tonto sitting with them going go I'm now routing you baby and but this is what happens you seen so inside our soul we had these things that are so from Malea with their brokenness they live in our brokenness and they can even speak to you in first person like oh don't worry about that Ian they won't really know or I really feel like this today and they ever actually gone down sorry that's holy sprit sanctified DNA changing molecular fide glory I said this youth camp one day and then in my packin sorry in his fielding fielding and it'll his young people see in the front seat and well you know this happens occasionally when I get excited and so anyway and they came to a stage where they all see in the front seat and then I started preaching all what are these little cocktail umbrellas you know you know whatever it's just life and so this whole issue and they only the current of the flow of the manifestation the glory the need to form permanent memories under here with things that the kingdom becomes so vital for you that was amazing wasn't it anyway whatever I was hoping I'd be able to rub it out but didn't anyway and so the whole depolarization of the things that go on around our lives needs to come back and do it right divine order and God wants us to engage his kingdom he wants us so that we can begin to experience the fullness of who he is today in the current round they'll be walk-in in this earth the fullness and so in Jesus says I am one with the father and you and me and and because you one with me you under the Father well that means actually well let's blow your brains here a bit shall we well it actually means that if I'm in the Father it means that when I pray I can sit on the throne inside him so if you want to learn what he does go sit inside him it also means then that perhaps if I'm in God and he's omnipresent I can be omnipresent it also perhaps means that if I'm one with Christ and I'm one with the Father as I'm entwined with him I become one through there it says he that is he that is yeah look they told us there sorry I'll get free in a minute I'll pull it out um he that is joined to the Lord as one spirit with him so actually I'm I'm one with him who was if on one spirit I'm committed everything he's doing some in him serve I mean Christ actually music and me on the siient it also means if I'm in him and he's in me and I'm seated with him in the realm of the glory and I walk in his kingdom and I walk in another kingdom it also means there can be omnipotent so do you know who you really are praise the Lord well I'm sure they will fry your brain cells for a few weeks it did mine I've only just got over it so I thought I'd pass it on in in you and I there are large sections of the brain that are not used those six of the brain are directly linked to the supernatural world and to the kingdoms that we need to be established in the massive wrestling happens inside of us and I want to do with a next session on on know won't I'll do it and their session over this week and on how to use the word as a gate of entry into the kingdom realm because once you understand the word that the word becomes a gate you then have an anchor to create an image on this side of your screen worth and then what happens is the information flow can go and be anchored on the Word of God and then from that begin begin to form the current expectation experience measure against that becomes a memory once the memory start a former can then begin to form new pathways in memories long here and if I can see in the spirit in the kingdom and it is a learned pathway somebody did not go up to me and lay hands on me and go oh I've got a role to learn this I've just shared two years of my life with you in 25 minutes 30 minutes 35 minutes and so I've had to learn the pathway and I understand the pathway now that I understand it I can use and not only can I use it but I can see it when I can see it I can have it because the release is phrased to believe for the impossible the very thing that has only in written form then can come into reality or in dream form the key is allowing your imagination to do what it is supposed to do which is a see in the realm of the kingdom you don't see from the outside in this way of the spirit world those that see this right predominantly are influenced by familiar spirits and involved in the occult world and the body uses the gateway of the Spirit the capacity of these spirit entwined with a demon to bow to see how the sprit whirl but it comes from the outside in this way you and I as believers and his sons of God are supposed to see from the inside created as we are to the outside God made us like that it created us to be a spirit being that has a soul that lives in a physical body I'm not a physical body that is a soul that has a spirit if you've been taught act you're very wrong and you've been deceived if God is a spirit so where it says God is a spirit those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth if God is a spirit that I need to come back to the reality that I've got to become a spirit being as well and I met you but I want you to become a spirit being I want Who I am supposed to be manifested fully in this arena an atmosphere called the earth so that I can do what Adam never did which was to subdue it and have dominion over it the only way you're subdued and have dominion over it is if you go back to the way it was you know sin to the Hebrews we we as Greek classify sin very very badly we say one sin is worse than another we say murder is worth worse than doing it in your heart they say six your fornication is worse than do it in your heart they say swearing or divine desiring your neighbor's Goods is worse than doing it in your heart well Jesus actually had a higher kingdom if you do it in your heart you've done it anyway and so what's worse do any harder physically doing it you seen we've classified these things then we've we've got this long range of sin and it goes from bad to nearly not so bad well actually the way the Hebrew sees sin is it's anything that should not be here or that was not here as it was before the fall that's how they see Sun anything that's why they were so in there so how do you got push to redeem themselves and to had the covenants and deliver them and to walk in them because they recognized that they were actually in a place where they needed him to help them come to back what they should have been before the fall their desires to go back to what they were before the fall and hours should be no different because it's the same God it's the same God and Father hallelujah I'll talk a little bit tomorrow maybe about dealing with images just for times sake talk how to use the word the key that I found that has began to release the realms of the kingdom for me is what are you looking at if you continue to look at things that defile your life then you'll find great struggles seeing in the kingdom because there's things that sit on the side of your screen stop your full capacity to see from the inside out they pollute the other side of the screen of your mind you know this side here they blocked this here and then you have to deal with the memories that you've created by what you watch that's why it's so important to keep short accounts with what you see it's so important to keep short of counsel of what you see that surely accounts are that easy is to maintain a flow of the kingdom where you can see remember Hebrews we're seeing and feeling people not hearing and thinking people Greek are thinking hearing and they defiled us and taking us out of our truth of who was supposed to be one of the key things that another key thing that I found is that there is a thing in our brain that cons seems to separate our brain it's more pronounced than males where your brain is almost divided in two and it's like a like a gap an impregnable force that keeps this whole part of your brain sort of from functioning and connecting with the other side of your brain and for me I realized that actually if it's been separated it can be joined and if there's something separated then it means I can use what's separating or take out what's separating so my brain can be joined properly and so I went through a process of pulling out the separating parts of my brain where their gap was in my mind between the both sides of the spirit realm part and my natural part that's connected with the different parts of my brain I began to pull those sheets out of my brain actively forcefully engaging those things to pull them and just lodge them out of my brain and it takes power to throw between two points and so we have the fullness of the power of God flowing in us and if I can create a pathway between those two separating parts of my brain if I want to all you need is two points to create a knack with and then you put current in it gets you a strong point where it will spark across and then you get a light beam that will go between this under they can flourish the lights it's just gas but you act points create enough current and it'll act through the light between those two points so you're gonna create enough gas inside there for the hot air no but you can create you you have the capacity for two points to form inside your brain so you can create the fullness of what God has inside your head and and and work with I just do whatever you got to do to get yourself free and freedom I just kind of think it's enough there it's three o'clock and so we need to have a break so you'll find that today will go really really fast it's already three o'clock and it kind of only feels like I've been here 14 minutes it's just pray father in fact actually be really good if all of you lay but heads in your head I want you to follow me father deliver me from myself from the selfishness of Who I am father today I give you my mind Lord this is what you created me with not what I am now father I want to become what I shouldn't be I asked today that you would begin to activate parts of my brain that are not activated I laid hands on my head and I speak to my brain you will facilitate and come into the arena of the kingdom of glory you will begin to understand you will begin to receive information from the kingdom realm not only will you receive it but you will begin to retain it I take my spirit today and I wrap it around my human mind and I speak to my mind that you will submit to the presence of God in me and as a son I speak to my mind you will receive the word of God in all this measures and in all its fullness and you will retain the information that my spirit is speaking to you with today now on this day in Jesus name Amen Alleluia I am I get really excited when things started break open and the spirit will then for us to and I know that as we go in the rest of the day things are going to become a little bit clearer a little bit clearer and a little clearer for some of you and I just what I'm doing is I'm trying to lay a foundation for you but just without the foundation of what I'm trying to teach you you'll find that it's just all the big mystery and you'll give up so I'm trying to take the mystery out of it all so it makes it easy and simple for you to work with I mean
Channel: Faithnet Media
Views: 32,821
Rating: 4.8248687 out of 5
Keywords: Believers, Born again, Spirit, Prophecy, Bible teaching, Equipped for ministry, Christian, Word, Pentecostal, Missionary, Preaching, Jesus Christ, Theology, Missionary training, Christianity, Pastor, Evangelical, Charismatic, Bible College, Believe, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Bible, Faith, Prophetic, Salvation, God, Intercession, Missions, Evangelism
Id: 4iaCgOnODVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 55sec (3595 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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