IC09-V3 Ian Clayton "Speed Of Light"

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okay just just keep keep playing the unseen when the music starts had changed like this don't try and get something from the outside and bring it in all conference I've been talking to you about taking what you have have and putting it into the atmosphere when the Middle East such a change and a passion starts to come in now the kingdom around like this what you have to do is engage your spirit with a pattern that has already established in the spirit world that we can ride on and work on with the Holy Spirit and so when the stuff starts to move like this don't try in oh oh this is gonna make me feel good that's when you supposed to even go harder Lord you have to put it into the atmosphere to make it fragrance so then he can respond it cuz this is where worship starts this is the beginning point of worship the rest is just being kind of getting you this so you can actually begin to worship and so when the music starts to feel like this you need to actively sit your spirit man out of desire to take what I have and fill the atmosphere with Who I am and what God wants me so it can become a fragrance for him to sit upon because Bible says that he dwells in the praises of his people and out of their place of worship and abandonment to him you can then go into a deeper place because then he can begin to leave you and I don't want to lose what's happening here just because we've reached the cap of our existence actually this is the beginning and so to me this is where we need to start from and so you got there join the leads we're gonna take what you have and begin to engage in supernatural but what you have to give God something to work with don't try and take out of it and take away from what he's trying to work well if you're not putting into the atmosphere then actually you shouldn't even be here it's not about immature people this is a with mature people people group of people try to come together to take the kingdom with us on the Bible says the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence the violent take it by force so the forceful wrongs enforce the Dominion of the kingdom I knew there an is established in the memory of the kingdom around here in the earth and so let's let's get engaged with their Lord I take what I have and I've pushed it into the atmosphere give me something to work with I abandoned myself to your presence in the atmosphere of the Kingdom of Heaven that the glory would come upon it that I would be a fragrance in your sight and a smell recently enough shows following on that the window the glory of God [Music] hallelujah if you've never seen trading done before I'm not gonna go into the whole teaching of it but it talks about Abraham who when you went to sacrifice Isaac that little bit later we'll talk about how Isaac and Jacob were actually present with Abraham when he's gonna sacrifice Isaac and and because Jacob could Fergus I mean because Abraham could see Isaac and Jacob on the line down the line he knew that he would live regardless of what he did and so what he did was he believed God that when he traded his son and he was willing to trade his son that they would still remain a nation a great nation coming out of him because he could see down the line and so I'm now I'm cutting in and out as if my battery hallelujah praise You Jesus hallelujah most people don't believe me but we fry batteries crazy praise God if you have a religious bone in your body - man I'm gonna record one of the things that I love is that um the truth who lived on has been good for a season but God has unlocking scrolls of Destiny that he's written about you and I today to fulfill that no one knew about until today this thing's that goddess unlocking truths that are coming out not only in the scientific world but from his word things that have been set aside for our day these are some of the things that have been locked up in the scrolls of Daniel saw that as I saw some of these remain of old that saw these things that the word was sealed for fun for at time and and Jo in OGG she does this thing and there's this guy that wrestled with God and part of the process of what God said to him was that I've saved the best of all that is in humankind for this day and show you the best of your line you're the best that of the representation of your line as you today with your life but I don't believe it or what is your problem but I'm telling you you're the best of your line today God's reserved earth for this day we are living in the day of the Lord and he is arising on his people and he went when he does when he does come and manifest himself in us I don't believe in Skybus theory which is rapture I don't believe in I believe in resurrection and I know these coming a day when he's gonna reveal us to the world as the sons of God and I want to be part of their first resurrection there's two clear resurrections in the Bible I'm not gonna teach about that but there's two clear resurrections and when that first resurrection happens I want to be right there I want to be partaker of that resurrection because out of the desire this birth been studying your hunger and your yearning after his presence that manifestation you will occur inside your life in that day you will be changed and you will have a body like Jesus had on that mountain pure white covered with a garment that's on the outside that you're able to move in and out of the kingdom realm to all the galaxies do whatever you need to do and into heaven and then out of heaven and back again being able to eat but be there be able to participate there and here at the same time change everything every of thought about what's gonna be like to change the DNA of a tree take it back to what it should have been we've got to restore the earth price you um well hope that Rick some of your theories it's all cool you know it's what I believe my belief is different yours hallelujah it's not my issue I just know where I'm going and I'm on a journey and you're on a journey as law and praise god similar on the line we'll meet and in the day then God will say well there it is there if I'm wrong hallelujah you're right praise God if I'm right praise God and you're wrong well hallelujah either either way for me I'm still gonna be in glory so I don't really care my issue is how am i walking with God today what am i doing about what I have what God's given me today what I mean packing around me and what God's given me to do today am i doing it the will of God today am i fulfilling his mandate on my life or am i doing a religious system trying to fulfill my desire or another man chances are in my life they're issues what are you doing with God today how are you walking with the presence of God today what are you doing in a relationship with him today how do you how are you engaging him today what are you doing about what God's given you inside your life what are you doing about it when was the last time you cast out a demon when is the last time you healed a sick because you haven't cast out a demon you're an unbeliever I'm not saying you're not saved you just don't believe in the miracle signs and wonders that God says we'll be in our day because there's these sounds we'll follow them there believe in my name they will cast out demons they will heal the sick they will burner the brokenhearted when was the last time you did that you'll be responsible for what you haven't done and so you need to just understand that this might be a hard word for you but I'm sorry that's the way it is there are two books they're gonna be open up in that day one is the book of life the others a book of your works the things that you've done to fulfill the purpose and desire of God for your life and the scroll that he wrote for you not what you've done but what did he write have you done that that's why we need to find that scroll we need to desire to engage them so we can understand my purpose why you in the sea of today one of my purposes for being here is to display him to display what he is who is in today's society in the earth today not when I die the things that are written in the word for me add for when I die I don't believe that it's my belief those things that are written in the Bible are for me today for me to be able to walk in them today to experience them today to walk in the government of those things today to experience the full flow with that manifestation of his presence today living in a reality of his kingdom today out of his kingdom today in his kingdom today it's all about today not about when you die it's about when you die then your miles will go home now you must align your bed and wait for Jesus to come in some ways you'll come easy or the big stick praise You Jesus you know Einstein was an amazing man a man who uncovered some truths and try to bring those truths to the earth and reveal them in some scientific capacity there would enable the general community to come into a truth because he knew that there was something better than the speed of light and so he did his whole thesis on the speed of light and went through the process of of understanding the speed of light and he came to a point where he made some of these statements and it's called Einstein's theory of relativity it says this that if you could move at the speed of light you'd live forever and if matter traveled at the speed of light it would cease to exist there's some statements that he made it's called the sons theory of relativity relativity they're just statements that the scientific community believed without actually ever seeing it and they have trouble with us believing that Jesus came and died for me to redeem me from a sin and they expect me to believe that and yet the world's bought it because it doesn't everything to do with God in it or so they think the greatest issue as God as light and so light is an amazing thing it moves at 187,000 272 miles per second what that means is this said if I was to shoot a gun bang by the time I've taken off my finger off the trigger the bullet has traveled past me twice around the circumference of the earth it gives you an idea of how fast it moves we have a problem because moving at the speed of light we think 1 light year that's 365 days of the year times 24 times 60 times 60 that's traveling something like 175 trillion 497 billion miles in one year that's not even the beginning of a God's measurement yet considering that our galaxy is a hundred and eighty thousand light years across that's just our galaxy there's a galaxy that is four hundred thousand light years across the gap between those galaxies that ranges any anything from fifty thousand to four hundred and thirty billion light years the gap between the galaxies so about now hope that your brain is gone and here is God of the universe all of those interested in how many hairs are fallen out of your head for those have a few left like me praise God he's chanting them baby and so what I'm trying to get you to understand is that the time and space and confinements of what we live in are so limited compared to the scale of god I would say God's scale for one millimeter maybe started a hundred thousand like years so just to you know and so that's just at the speed of light that we know and so I just want to read out of Genesis here for but if it's our love Genesis I got stuck in Genesis for six months and couldn't get my nose out of it it was amazing in Genesis 1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth of form and void or god never creates something that form and void so something really happened there so whatever that is and darkness was upon the face of the deep darkness is not the darks that God made it's black and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters are hovered upon the face of the waters and God said let there be light an amazing series of circumstances here is the King of glory coming to a ball of ice vibrating over it brooding hovering the Bible the word for brooding or hovering can also mean vibrating light is a wavelength in a particle wave when you measure light it vibrates so here is the God the being of all light vibrating over the face of the earth now you know when you get something that is of a greater force vibrating was something that is of a lesser force vibrating eventually they begin to harmonize and the lesser begins to harmonize with the greater and so here now is God vibrating over the face of the earth calling the remembrance of what was before it came into darkness back into light in calling it into remembrance so that what was they would once again we gonna come into who he was and here's God the moment it gets to that pitched radiance and vibration everything comes into harmony he goes let there be light the greatest thing is the light didn't only come around the earth it came around everything that was in their little globe talked about this morning proverbs 6 7 may God city's compass that blob that has all the galaxies in it everything came into light there was light in the whole thing and then God did an amazing thing let's read on and then God said that the family begin by by lit the night and day and the evening be the first of the day and the light of God from and that verse 8 and God killed the ferrets in the NIV by the way the new e'en version hallelujah and God said let the waters and the heaven be gathered together into one place if the dry land appear and it was so and go call the dry land earth and gathered together their waters and called the seas and God's water was good good cause to bring forth all these wonderful things and then in verse 14 it's sorry in the in verse 14 God said let there be light in the firmament of heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years God's really interested in the Stars by the way and let them be for lights in the firmament and God made two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night and he made the stars also oh my goodness can we talk about stars in church I think so considering he made them and holds him there the problem is what Steve finding them now it wasn't the originally it's our job they do deal with that stuff - it's all good and so here in the very first number of days God says let there be light and then a time passes now a day according to Hebrew can be a dispensation of time not a day we through the Greek have said it's a day so we frigid everything into seven days and so that's all good but according to Hebrew understanding a day is a time or a period of dispensation there could last from two seconds to 465 three million four hundred seventy three thousand years I mean what have you want to name it it's just a dispensation of time and so time passed and then God said okay what we are going to do now dudes is we are going to sit in place this thing called the Sun born this is after she'd let there be light it's called it a lesser light and he called today on Judah it's important a lesser light okay the greater one to rule the day and a lesser one to rule the night but their lesser lights or the thing that was there because you want the DAX to shine on the earth and so now we have a problem because everything in science tells me the speed of light comes from the Sun now if the speed of light that comes from the Sun is less then I wonder how fast the speed of light is that he created now I have a major theoretical problem because every scientific fact hinges that the speed of light is constant well they've proved over the last 100 years that actually the speed of light is still slowing down now I even have a greater problem because of my theories and all my physics well my mathematics is based on the speed of light you know the fancy little Kragen they have in physics called the Eagles MC squared you know energy it goes mass times the speed of light no makes mac so it's a the speed of light and energy can make Max now wonder if he's talking about the speed of light of the Sun or another speed of light I'm sure he's not talking about created light so what we have is we had creative light when he said let there be light creative light that he has created light when he put the Sun and the moon in place and we live under created light not creative light and here is the biggest problem now because actually I'm called to live under creative light and not exist under created light big problem and so here Jesus comes into the earth and he and he kind of makes these statements and and I want to read some of these scriptures here because like oh my goodness if I only realized what kind of speed of life he's talking about the whole theories about everything that's around me would change this is this for God who commanded the light to shine into darkness has shined in our hearts to give light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ Jesus said this I am the light of the world he that follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of Life now let's just say that the doctors he's talking about isn't the darkness we consider darkness but actually the darkness of a lesser light and so therefore I'm living in the congealed manipulative controls of a lesser light and Jesus saying there is a greater light for me to walk in my work in your guys brains some of you seem to be fried about now which is really good there's another scripture in Ephesians 5:4 he says is awake are you that sleep and arise from the dead and Christ shall give the light give you light so is he saying like that I've got a race from the dead what did is he talking about is it being in the darkness or the atmosphere or something that actually isn't what it should be God is calling me to live in something greater not something less I don't want to live in created light I want to live in creative light Jesus has given me the capacity to live in creative light that's why he came that's what Adam was before the fall Adam was Korea of light that's what I was around him see here we here we have problems now because everything that exists in the world is a vibration in a in a force field and what what this is this is an interference in the life speed this is a vibration that creates an interference in the light speed that moves at 170 mm but if it is 600 and something miles per second I've written or Danny there 187,000 272 miles per second this is an interference in that light speed and it looks solid and it sold it to me because I also move in my body in this light speed therefore it's solid to me you realize that science scientists have proven that you're 99.9% empty space and that you are flicking in an anaphase 400 million times a second you are flicking out of phase 400 million times a second so actually you're not really there but you are there so if you want to learn how to be a wasn't you've got to get in phase with what with what isn't in phase do you want me to say that for you again if I'm flicking in and out of phase 400 million times a second and I'm living in this light what is the other phase what am i flicking if I'm freaking out of this I've got to be flicking into something and if I'm engaged in this and I'm living out of this then I'm living out of this reality and in fact the reality is I should be living here in what I'm not in sync with man have you got a religious button your body about now you are screaming and manifesting and it's good because we've lived under this rubbish for so long we've got to break the pattern so we can realize who we are I'm a creator being you and I creative beans we're gonna grow things but make them we have to make them cuz you live in this world and here's the greatest news I've got for you if this isn't real and I get engaged with the other thing that I'm out of phase with this won't exist to me anymore therefore I can walk through it so the reality is is there is no spoon for those folks who have watched men in black or whatever it is matrix there is no spoon something you're really getting as some of you read this is really really struggling with this is good man hello Leah so here here is Jesus here's God actually saying hey I'm the god of light creative light out of me flows all life all light and I'll put something in the atmosphere so you can actually live in a different vibration that's all you are actually by the way you're a vibration you know if you think I'm using a cold world's well I'm actually I'm just taking a mat because that's what you are you your DNA vibrates that vibration creates an interference in the speed of light that moves had one hundred and ninety seven thousand two hundred and seventy two miles per second and it forms your body it makes you a solid object and that great signal go around wrong no not really but the reality is is that actually Jesus has transferred me out of this kingdom and took me into another Kingdom he's transferred me out of the reality of this world and the confinements of time and space in this world and translated me into this kingdom that does not exist in this world my problem is the record of my DNA since this is my world the vibration of my DNA that you've carried all the way through your generation line that dictates the way you behave today says this is your world and you believe it because this is your world but actually I'm believing a lie because this is not my world I'm only a sojourner here and my real world is in him in a different light in a different atmosphere in a different Kingdom I'm no longer in the kingdom of this world I'm in the kingdom of God and if I were going to get out of phase with the kingdom of this world become a son of the kingdom of the light of God and if I'm the kid if I'm come out of phase with this here it means I'm going to be able to exist here but I can choose whose Frasor living baba Sheikh ata and so the wrestling starts now what do I believe do I believe that Jesus gave me light to walk in his light and if I walk in his light then I have fellowship one with another and then his blood will cleanse me if I walk in his light he's not talking about that funny stuff that Flinx in the sky in the speed of that he's talking about this light because when I'm in this light I'm righteous I'm holy and sanctified and I'm pure because anyway I can get you into this light it's through the blood in the cross yeah we live in this life let me think this is all our lot for life well actually when you die you're gonna live for eternity this is about 80 to 120 years of something that exists you can put it how many noughts one to ten to the power of four hundred and sixty five million so many years it's existed for it's what was then you have there is that we live in then you have the waters to come which we gotta live in and what was and is is going to make what is to come so guys looking for divine order in there is we live in the dispensation of the Messiah in what is we live in this atmosphere of what is now atoms stuffed it up so I can I said it here Adam messed it up he Adam ate a dunghill of it he did he gave it away he gave his right away Jesus came to redeem us to give us that right back but the problem is we don't realize our inheritance and the enemy has got us so buffaloed believing and thinking the way it is here that that's where it's going to be for the rest of my life I'm sorry but actually that's living under a lie because that is not the way it has to be you choose to live here because of what you believe some of your kids are enjoying that's good stuff eh I can see me buzzing over that for weeks going along like right I did for ages when the Lord began to download the stuff about walking in the kingdom of light and what the kingdom really meant to be a Sun of light and to come into this kingdom of darkness or the shadow and then into the kingdom that is in darkness in that light the difference that it's going to make to your life and also to the world that's around you because you will change everything if you ever wonder what it's going to be like you know Jesus Jesus experienced all the stuff did you realize that you know in the Gospels there's some amazing testimonies of staff about what Jesus did you know it is in the temple and these these Pharisees and Sadducees and we'll told you they're sad because they couldn't see and I'm gonna let stuff and so you have these guys and they say to Jesus are you the Christ are you the Son of God Jesus goes I am well actually he didn't say I am he actually said the name of God and that's why they were so furious with him because he comes to the name of God outside of the Holy of Holies that opposed it creates an arc of light that's why I was called on a are seen on a are K was the two wings that shared create an arc and through their glory came the manifestation of his presence anyway that's another whole teaching and so sheet here is Jesus saying this hey I am it says this that they got furious and may they rent their clothes they picked up stones to stone him that's what the Bible has anybody ever been in front of a crowd of crazy juice and want to stone you I've seen it and like it's ballistic and they will you know you watch it on TV is like yeah well it sees this about Jesus Jesus withdrew himself he hid in the temple and he passed right by them and they did by no means see him I really hope that debtors frying your brains it means that Jesus withdrew himself in the temple in the place of his engagement with his father came into phase with that got out of phase with this world so they couldn't see him anymore see you later boys that's what it says I am just telling you the gospel it's another one Activia another good story Jesus did actually when he was alive on the face of the earth in the form of a mane the same as you and I are alive with the face of Earth in the form of a man we have them living in us which is the same vibration he carries means I can either sink with him when I'm in sync with him I can do anything that he did and greater I don't know I can't really consider making a universe greater but creating a universe hmm now that would be fun you know this fun so here is another story from the gospel here we have Jesus preaching in the gospel the kingdom of God is at hand 5,000 angry people take Jesus up to the top of the cliff and then we're gonna cast Jesus I'm just telling the gospel you that's what the Bible says gonna cast Jesus off the cliff it says Jesus walked through them and that could by no means touch him now it doesn't mean they made a nice pathway through the angry mob of 5,000 people for Jesus to walk through he walked through them so holy spit through them through them not between them not around them through them have you ever wondered what it's going to be like to walk through somebody I have I've spend many hours and days contemplating that little sucker can you imagine why the next time he went there they met him at the gate and said you're the Lord your Lord I'm not just looking for miracles now I'm looking for signs and wonders I'm looking forward to it I want to go over there I walked through the seat why because I've learned how to get out of phase with this reality and in phase with the true reality of who I am and what I am in that Kingdom and live in that Kingdom praise God I've got a group of people that believe me see God is wanting us to come into the reality of who we have been made to be we haven't been made to be sons of light when you're like you don't cover the light with a Jesus don't stick your light in a bush where I position you and make the bush give the light itself and burn the bush what a waste of a bush if you realize the candle that is inside of you and you would get so afraid of your body frying you'll want to become one with a candle duh I mean that's reality the glory of who God is on each thrown outside of you showing the omniscient omnipresent and omnipotent God lives in you that's the kaenel of God living inside you the fullness of that is revealed in you we just got to get in phase with it see here's my problem now because I'm living out of this - you know one day I was in this place and and I had this old guy who was blind and he was training these guys how to do stuff and when I was trying to figure out how to put my hand through stuffiness Runner I sure I could I understand these things if Jesus is gonna walk through walls I got understand now I can do it so I can do what he did and great I want to do better than he did so when he comes I'm already walking through walls and I can watch through this round here and watch him come and come to these people who have and walk they say he's come and get ready come back and watch him turn up I mean that's what it's all about isn't it I want to be like the Watchmen this said behold the bridegroom comes the reason he could say that because he's already seen it fully participated in it I don't want to be a five wise and five foolish virgin that's out of court stuff I don't want to be in the Holy of Holies was my face tricks into the glory going wow I look at your dad go god-forgotten what a stalker man oh thank you and so I was in this in this the schoolís the sky kept them walking up to me there's all blind man and white you know a blue and he says it's the way you think and again that's the way I think pudding you nuts that's the way I think I think like this who do you think you are to tell me it's where I think and you're gonna do some stuff you can make you said it's the way you think and I got mad after I what do you mean it's the way I think it's not come with me you know when you ask you a question eventually you can get an answer I was just trying to coach that in my own brain so when she asked the question that you can get an answer so I finally said what do you mean the way I think so he leads me after this group of people he blindfolds them and what you gonna understand is here's a cliff there and he took those clippings about five or six hundred feet straight down I'm going oh that's wonderful what am I expected to do here this is this the way you think so he comes back and he gets one of these guys he has a blindfold on sheis the mold you pick discernible and you walk along the edge of the cliff on what you put the stone down and walk back to me here blindfolded okay this is a cult but it can't be because there now I'm gonna spirit in heaven I know who he is and I've seen him before and I so you see your mind still tries to take over the stuff because it's the way you think and so this guy picks the stern up gets to the edge of the cliff fuel surgical if walks it along the edge of the cliff steps back puts the stone down now here's the problem he's standing in middle of the air I'm going but nothing happens and wait anyway and he walks in the middle of the year blindfolded God says back comes over here and then takes his blindfold off and I'm looking at this now going what's my problem he should have fallen he hasn't fallen he looks and he goes it's the way you think the problem is the way you think because you've been taught you're going to fall you know you're gonna fall cause you live in this but when you live in something else you what you will never fall and so I'm sitting there going oh my lord so now I stand on the edge of my swimming falls hallelujah father I practice every day I go to my spa pools at the end of my day there the city eight and a half degrees Celsius mean I put my foot out every time I take a sip I'm expecting to walk across the water because I'm practicing now Jesus can walk in water it's out of phase with us reality in phase with another true reality and the nature of this reality has no more ties on his life and body therefore he can supersede it if Jesus did it I'm a son I can supersede it the way is to practice the way you think so I'm practicing every day I take a sniff in the water and I'm expecting to have a solid ground underneath it actually this is not gonna be any grinding because I'll be walking in a different phase out of phase with us and so it destiny this is it's the way you think you're gonna sing about this time my brains get trying to rewire my transistors to make me think a different way and so I mean you know I mean practicing you know father you would cheese if I'm out of phase with this this doesn't exist if I can put my hands for the pulpit I mean practicing well Lord thank you Father by faith I engaged the kingdom and I put my hand through this because it doesn't affect me because I'm in phase with a light of your glory and I live out of that kingdom said of their mouth comes the confession of the desire heart and say see him it's the way you think and he said I mean he sent me the end of the grass and it was this rock and there was this rock and it picked one these rocks up and it was solid I said you you know put your finger in this I said yeah right that's a rock this is no it's the way you think so said you really took the rock bang-bang you see hurts my finger like it's there it's real says no it's the way you think but the rock danice's put your finger in that rock oh no promise mad put my finger in that rock the problem was he picked it up and it was a solid rock said me it's the way you think the problem is that's the way you think because you believe you'd never enter it you can't that's how the kingdom is if you believe you can never enter it you can't that's our entering and walking into his lighters if you believe you can't do it you never will so I've got to change my belief systems I've got to change the way I think and if I think differently then I'll walk to really I'll behave differently and I will be different they already call me weird hallelujah they ain't seen nothing yet baby God wants us to live in a reality that goes beyond the superficial thing we live in called this atmosphere in this realm of the earth God wants us to live outside of this but like Adam be able to fully participate in it to bring the kingdom out of the realm of the light of God that created creator of light of God into this creative arena and change this create arena so it begins to reflect it I want to know what its gonna be in that day when it will be in that city and we will need no more Sun Amin because he will be my light he will be in everything why because I'm already warned with that lights but Secunda your desire isn't it amazing you and I are about 77% water from what I understand the riskiest kind of mash and made up of all kind of chemical formulas mostly gas actually nitrogen oxygen all the good things that make up the foundation in the building box hydrogen all the good things that really make good burning substances that's probably going to be a living sacrifice anybody ever seen a living sacrifice before oh praise God well you must be like me I've never seen a living sacrifice qgz sacrifices did and so you got to die to this world to become a living sacrifice here in His image burning with fire or the realm of the revelation of the knowledge of who he is in his life here you've got to die to this world and everything that is associated with it you've got to live out of the kingdom the realm of heaven and live in this world to change the atmosphere of everything you go into and everything everywhere you go now I'm not there yet but oh my goodness I'm practicing I'm looking forward to the day it's gonna live in reality I'm looking forward to the day I'll raise my hands and the hyal of my hands to her I'm gonna come off the ground why because I'm engaged in a divine nature that you could understand wave wavelengths are really interesting things we have this religious daemon that sits in the word and actually teaches us stuff through the Greek and the the things that we've believed actually aren't real but they are sort of real but they're not because we believe something that isn't really there and the biggest problem is the way I think and so we had these kind of things you know the interference with the speed of light is amazing because you get if I wish to get two ways and a very still still puddle of water and tap it here and tap it here what would happen in the middle when they eventually begin to meet would you get this massive wave formation and and what looked nice and clear words and a single nice movement would become all mottled and kind of and the more you do it the more it gets in more a difference starts to happen and eventually you get this wave pattern there's no distinction and it kind of looks dark your examiner in its in its truth it kind of looks dark and so here we have this teaching about Jesus hanging on the cross and it began to get dark and the teaching is is that all the demons of this earth got around Jesus to try and kill him when he's on the cross they couldn't kill him while he wasn't on the cross they couldn't kill him anyway here is the reality my father who is a being of created light creator of light sorry steps into the arena of created light two different light speeds start to collide and suddenly you have a darkness that starts to form here in Psalms you have the word says this that I hide myself in thick darkness I surround myself and clouds of darkness it's not actually meaning black as demonic said she meaning who he is in the light of who he is interfering and this atmosphere creates an atmosphere of darkness so you don't die when he turns up see he was a father turning up a Randy's son waiting to receive him at one point he had attorneys back on his son the moment that was finished the moment Jesus said father into your hands I commend my spirit Jesus chose the day the hour the second he was going to die Jesus chose to give himself up he chose the hour he would die when everything was ready him and the father had this agreement you turned your back I go cool and then I'm in your hands because once I'm in your hands I'm going right down to that down there and I'm gonna disturb all that down there I'm gonna take his incisor teeth yet I'm gonna take his keys and I'll bring them all the way back up and actually when I come back up I'm gonna bring all those that have been dead before me and in fact they're gonna walk in the streets of Jerusalem the resurrected bodies have you ever wondered what it was like to be in Jerusalem on the day that those men walked around oh look there goes Elijah oh look there goes Moses oh look there goes AV baby have you ever wonder what it would have been like to have those men come and tell you about the kingdom what a disturbance it was it's amazing how much of a cover-up there was for that alone by they by the Roman army and how many of them got saved through it if I try to stab someone in a resurrected body kind of doesn't work that's why they couldn't kill Jesus and touch him because he was in a resurrected body on the earth not in the likeness of the light yet but in a resurrected body if Jesus can do it Jesus has given us the power to walk of the fullness of what he walked in the face of the earth today if I can do what he did not only come to do what he did but the Bible says Jesus said greater works will you do then when I've done because I'd go to my father and I'm seeing the Holy Ghost so he gets around you he's gonna so change you're gonna look like me you're gonna be like me in fact you're gonna be like my father who's greater than me cuz you've got his DNA don't know what is that gonna be have a face that's gonna move flying ox eagle with a body like fine matted diamonds blue moving with flying all the colors of the rainbow when you move everything moves around you oh it's gonna be wonderful and then you can go where you like and any demonic spirit will back off why because the sun's turned up that's what it's waiting for you know it's amazing the Bible says this in john 6:53 the life he's in the blood it's amazing isn't it the life is in the blood he makes these amazing statements and now scientists has just come up with this massive amazing revelation and you can find it on on youtube and on the web when you're going to scientific journals light just may be a sorry blood just may be congealed light wow I could have told him that many years ago if you ever wondered what it looks like the human circulatory system looks like without a body it looks like a tree and so the Bible calls us trees of righteousness the planting of the Lord so our blood is going to change and it will only change when you understand the resonance that he gave us and we'll be talking about that tomorrow night what he gave us gives us power to become like him to carry all that he is to transform this into what it should have been before the fall and to live out of that existence today I'm not there yet but I'm practicing and so here we have this tree and you know this tree is supposed to feed and bring the life of the kingdom we are supposed to be trees or Isis we're supposed to be trees of life hope you've heard that it makes a heart sick but when it is come becomes a tree of life to them they believe it we're made to be trees of life a doorway of the manifestation of the round with a kingdom of God in heaven on the face of the earth in Christ Jesus in the anointing of the Sun so when you read the Bible you find Christ Jesus don't just read it as the person Jesus it's about the anointing of the son Jesus Christ the Lord is about the sonship through the anointing which leads to lordship Jesus Christ the Lord just got to read differently will change the way you see the Bible because the Lord Jesus Christ is Lord truth to the sons anointing you know I just thought I'd throw that in there for you it's another good teaching another one you know one of those things out there sonmi hallelujah I've just about finished actually uh neater finish this twenty past nine the blood the blood carries the record of a different DNA and I'll talk about this tomorrow the interesting thing you know in Ezekiel 37 is he kill in America they think I'm saying it's easy kill Ezekiel I don't know how they get that but anyway so you Americans you just get translation they just brain tongues will get it I have no doubt it is he killed 37 the Bible says that God you know have you ever wondered what it would be like for God to go high and pull you into the spirit world he says God reached in a grabber locked up his hair and pulled him to the kingdom and sent him now Jeremiah actually great him by lock of his hair and pulled him in the roundel spirit body soul and spirit rule let me tell you it's a great experience that's what I got no he left it pulled so I had it all came out really just trying to make it a bit lighter so you get kind of some of the congealed blood in your brain from able to run again as it killed spoke to the bones very important because the bones carry the record and their capacity to reproduce itself in the blood it carries that that's where your Bloods made the white stuff is made and the good stuff is made in the marrow of your bones and so that's what the record starts is in your bone so you want to change your life you're gonna start with your bones you should forget to speak to your bones bones hear the word of the Lord I feel good that I died anyway we need to finish praise the Lord I think I've kind of city enough to make you think for the rest of the night and we'll meet again tomorrow morning for those that are left and want to come back that's good but I'd really encourage you to actually do you'd hold us some of the stuff because this is a reality God wants us to come into if your Christian life is boring then shame on you because you've made it boring if you're living day-to-day go into church every Sunday hoping the church is going to fix your issues shame on you actually you're the one that's got to fix them because they're your responsibility no one else's you got to carry the weight of the Cross on your own life you know outside of the cross and the blood of Jesus there's no way into the kingdom realm you're gonna have that and I haven't known I haven't even gone there to talk about those things yet but they're going to be real they've got to be very real in your life we'll talk about how to use the blood tomorrow as a weapon to clean your life up with but some of these things have got to be real to us they've got to actually be real the cross has got to be real to you because you kind of enter into his line and they should go through the cross not stand this side up and leave things there but actually go through it into the resurrection that's on the other side God wants us to walk through that experience there'll be begin to walk as he did on the face of the earth today I'm looking forward to their day when it's like that not only me but I know I look forward to the fellowship of the Brethren and truth when we were all in the kingdom and we say okay let's go into China to wreak havoc on the government it's turn up on all the departments and preach the gospel when they try to shoot us Wingo shoot me boy I can't see the holes see these are the things you know transfer locations amazing things been going on for about 15 years with me now it's also my kind of picture up which is somewhere else you do something come back it's really good it's a lot of fun I'll just leave you with that thought you real deep one praise God let's pray father want to thank you for your word and your kingdom that is a kingdom of light father I thank you for there - like that your desires will become that light on the earth that we would become reflections of the true light of who you are and as you live in us that they'd like to enshrine out of us they would become beings of light as Anna was before the fall father your design your son was to take us back to how it was before the fall that we would walk in fellowship with you in a kingdom of light they would would never die but it we would experience the resurrection and live in that power of your light follow me today we said I desired a little I hear Jesus to live in the light you gave us the door Jesus you are the door that opens a realm of light to us and lo the only way to come to the light is through you and we acknowledge that Lord there's no way but through you Jesus into their lives you are the divine light the vibration that created an atmosphere that I could step through in this arena and live in the light of your kingdom father we desire they delight and father today I bless these people with the knowledge of their life the knowledge of the light of God that is inside of them the capacity to become children of life to walk in the light even as he's alive in the kingdom realms of heaven father I ask you to release it around them and the name of Jesus the father you chase them and Lord you chase them the same as you chase me it's the way I think father you chase that devil right out of their brain make them live in the reality of being out of phase with us reality we live in a true Kingdom reality father look forward to that day we press on to that prize to the mark of the high calling that we would be in that first resurrection the children of light standing able to do what you did Jesus looking like you did in the mountain of Transfiguration able to talk and walk in a different Kingdom Jesus thank you holy spirit thank you that you made away you came to be our guiding light to be our teacher to be a mentor to teach us and guide us into the reality of who we are father as your children receive from you today revelation father enable us to eat the scroll heed the scroll of the revelation of the light that was creative then we might come out of phase with created light and live in phase with created creative light father thank you in Jesus name hallelujah
Channel: Faithnet Media
Views: 18,508
Rating: 4.8070741 out of 5
Keywords: Christianity, Preaching, Bible College, Bible, Bible teaching, Missionary training, Faith, Prophecy, God, Holy Spirit, Missions, Pastor, Salvation, Theology, Believe, Christian, Charismatic, Pentecostal, Believers, Evangelism, Intercession, Evangelical, Jesus, Missionary, Spirit, Prophetic, Equipped for ministry, Word, Jesus Christ, Born again
Id: xX3cE4F79Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 0sec (3480 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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