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[Music] amen hey man it's the old itch it's the only church I've ever been to in the month of June that the doors are open and the air units aren't flowing where I'm from it's about a 104 right now I like it here I do I'm serious I don't know really what to say first of all to honor to pastor Shearer because she met her in Israel and she says I have a church in Alaska and I said well I've never preached there and I said I'll come preach for you I didn't ask her where she what town she was from and when we were coming up we were going to have a birthday cruise with five hundred well six hundred of our friends and Sunday I think we leave June 23rd my birthday and I'll be thirty prays along 30 plus 30 plus Noah actually becomes 60 which doesn't even seem real because I've been preaching for 42 years since I was uh yeah since I was 16 years of age and so it seems a little surreal to get to that mile marker but we're going to be you know going out of Seattle even tomorrow meeting the family and some folks coming up but I just want to say that about your pastor and of course you may be visiting but I speak to this gentleman on the front row here is devenir gennosuke ah man of God excuse me my wife has been texting me of many many cares of life so I'm gonna have to cut her off sorry honey she takes me right before I preach all the time you know anyway I never I have not met and I want to say this sincerely and then I'm going to preach I promise some of the some of the friendliest people we've ever met I have met here in this state but your pastor is my brother from another mother for sure I'm serious I don't know when I have met someone that has my DNA i whistled in church and he just whistled in church I said this is unbelievable I meadow you know why I do that because if I yelled too much I don't want a voice ah oh and I brother I can whistle I can I can move some birds off the roof whistling I'm telling you for sure but I went by the building that this church is building and it is absolutely remarkable and I want to say this I've been to the I've been let the lower 48 as they say here I've been to some of the greatest churches in America and I mean churches that hold eight to ten thousand people and churches that just are wonderful and I have never seen a view from a front of a church that that church is going to have I mean that is like [Applause] normally we have product with it but it also down at the previous location and I apologize for that I do want to mention to you and I'm not I'm not sales pitching here I don't do that but we finished our Old Testament commentary I don't know if you know that it's not on manifest yet it doesn't come on manifest till July 19th but if you have my office number you can call my office at voice of evangelism in Cleveland and that Old Testament is that thick I have never and I have never had more comments in 42 years of preaching from people who have said the first 50 pages I learned more than I learned in my whole life in Sunday school and so we're glad for that and so I just want to let you know that if you're looking for anything we were not able to bring then my wife of course wants to greet any partners do I have any partners here tonight of our ministry that are from Allah stand up come on we'll look at you look at you good to see you god bless you thank you man thank you so much thank you so much that that means a lot and I just want to say that that that God is moving in this state I know revival I've done it all my life and there is something that's happening and it's very important do not this is a word for you do not miss the time of your visitation Israel had Israel had a time that the Lord came to them and he said you're about to miss the time of your visitation so when the Spirit of God begins to do these things there's two things I need to tell you you stay in unity and you stay in love with each other because it listen to a preacher who's been preaching 42 years Satan demons and Devils can do absolutely nothing to a group of people who are in love and in unity if you stay if you stay in love and unity that's the power twins of warfare and one as long as you love you know you if you're if you're in a good marriage you can have a fuss but you don't divorce because you have a fuss and church people were getting the fuss and separate from each other but that's because you haven't perfected the love of the Lord oh why am i preaching that I don't know okay I got to get started I have to get started I have to get started and I want you to go with me and I'm gonna have to get this the Bible out here and we're gonna read Matthew chapter 20 if you have a Bible I hope you do get your iPad out your phone out you know we have to say that now everybody's got their Bible on electronic means I do i do use because it's what I started quoting at age 16 this King James translation of the Bible the 1611 so if you have that translation you will follow me and if not you have another translation it will be very similar I'm certain to what I'm about to read Luke I'm sorry Matthew chapter 20 and verse 1 and this is what the word Lord says have you found it okay it's in the Bible I can promise you okay we're ready since you have it now been waiting on you ready for the kingdom of heaven is lacking into a man that is an householder which went out early in the morning and to hire laborers into his vineyard and when he had greed with the laborers for a penny a day that's a Denarius a day's wages he sent them into his vineyard and he went out about the third hour somebody say third hour and saw others standing idle in the marketplace said to them go into the vineyard whatsoever is right I will give you and they went their way and again he went out the sixth and ninth hours a sixth hour say ninth hour it's important in a moment and they did likewise about the eleventh hour now this is getting late so I'm going to say 11th hour he went out and found others standing Island said to them why do you stand here idle all day and they said because no man as hard as he said go you also into the vineyard and whatsoever is right show you receive now remember this the eleventh hour is one hour on the Jewish calendar before sunset they're going to work one hour when even was come that Sun said the lord of the vineyard saith unto the Stuart call the laborers and give them their hire now watch this beginning from the last to the first now this is strange not from the first the normal thing to do is pay the guys that's just work nine hours and bore the heat of the day you want to honor them no he doesn't do that he takes the one-hour workers and brings them to the desk and gives them the money first then he goes down the line and the very ones that work the longest she waits and puts them in last hmm and they they were hired about the eleventh hour they received every man a penny same wage but when the first came they suppose that they should have received more and then likewise received every man a penny and when they had received if they murmured against the Goodman of the house saying these last meaning the last group you hired have wrought but one hour and you've made them equal with us which have borne the burden and the heat of the day and he answered one of them and said friend I did you no wrong did you not agree with me for a penny take what's yours and go your way I will give unto this last even as now here's the verse I will give unto this last even as I gave unto the first are you gonna hear it in a minute is that a little lawful for me to do what is what is good with my own is your eye evil because I'm good so the last shall be first and the first shall be last and many be called but few chosen I had a Greek scholar tell me one time that you could say this way many are called few choose why do you think Jesus said let no man take your crown because you had an assignment you didn't do and he raised up someone else to take your place to do it you will not be rewarded for what you did not do you will only be rewarded for the assignment that you were given that you fulfilled for me to look at this verse of the first will be last and the last shall be first I go to something which is called the law of the second there is a very strange principle in the scripture and I'm going to give you some examples very quickly of the law of the second where in the scripture the firstborn son was to get the blessing in the birthright and it means double inheritance when the father died everything that the firstborn got was double of what every other person in the family received but there's this crazy thing that begins to happen in the Bible where Esau is first and Jacob is second and yet second overtakes the first there's a strange verse of the Bible where Manasseh is the firstborn of Joseph and then Ephraim but suddenly in the Bible when the hands are crossed by the man of God we discovered that the second who is Ephraim is exalted into the position of the first we see of example with Adam we have the first man Adam and what's called the second man Adam who was Christ and the second man Adam undid the the demonic attack that was brought on by the first man Adam so the second whoa but to go somewhere the second is blessed above the first and then we have another principle where we see that in the Bible for 4,000 years the Jewish people were under the Covenant the law and Moses I let's say from the creation of Adam the Jewish people did not exist to labrum but we can go into that time and see from Abraham all the way to the time of of Christ that there's this this first covenant but all of a sudden Christ introduces a new covenant established on promises and it tells us that the second is better than the first where are you going I'm going to show you if you'll just keep listening and then we read this in the Bible reread this for thus saith the Lord of hosts yet once more literally in a little while I'll shake the heaven and the earth and the Seas and the dry land and I will shake all nations that they may come to the desire of all nations and I will fill this temple with my glory saith the Lord of Hosts the silver is mine the gold is mine says the Lord of hosts and here's the verse I want you to hear for the glory of the latter temple that's the second one will be greater than the glory of the former temple now we you want to get serious about this the first temple is built by Solomon was a multibillion-dollar temple by today's standards and yet God says you may have seen a cloud in the temple of Solomon and you may have experienced the glory but there will be a greater glory coming to the second the second is the one called Herod's temple it was the one it's the Jews call at the second temple why was the Glyde never read where the cloud of God came down I never read where there was an arc of the Covenant in fact the art was missing in the temple in Jesus day so how can the second temple have greater glory than the first temple the answer is Jesus Christ stood and ministered in that temple and he is the manifest glory of the Father [Applause] now I want you to keep in mind the law of the second because I'm going to be talking about the law of the eleventh in just a moment and I don't want to take you there without giving you a pretty amazing biblical lesson would you step with me now in my I Seoul international school of the word Bible School and let me teach you a little bit about some Jewish history how many like to go into some real good history here well now let's go back to the time of creation in the book of Genesis chapter 1 and chapter 2 it's very interesting that the Bible tells us that when God made made certain things on each day he says it this way that the evening and the morning were the first day now this does not make sense because a day in Hebrew is the Hebrew word Yom you're like Yom Kippur Day of Atonement and it actually refers to a 24-hour period of time so how can God say that the evening which is sunset to the morning is the first day because as I will show you in a moment that is only twelve hours and it was Jesus who said are there not twelve hours in a day so what God is doing by talking about the evening in the morning is backwards from the way that we live because we would say the morning at sunrise is when we get up and at sunset is when we go to bed so this should read this way the morning and the evening was the first day but you know God does his best work in the darkness [Applause] God does his best work when there is no light because you walk by faith and not by sight now I'm having an having said that I'm going to show you something about this time of creation we today we have names for the day today is Friday tomorrow is Saturday then we have Sunday now where do these names originally they did not originate with the Jewish people in order that originated in the Bible they originated with the Greeks and Romans because what the Greeks and Romans did is the Greeks and Romans would take the planets or the gods and they would name the days after that like for example Saturday is Saturn's day sunday is the son's day Monday is the moon's day now just because they use the planets to name the days we don't do away when I'm going to talk about Sunday because they say it's Sunday no we're not gonna do that we still use those days so we identify the seven days of the week and we begin our we begin our week on Monday and then we go all the way through Sunday in the old time the seventh day was Shabbat which was a Saturday that's true but follow me carefully because God says and the evening in the morning of the first day than the second day and the third day and the fourth day and the fifth and the sixth day and finally it makes man on the sixth day and then it says and God rested on the seventh day now you need to understand something about God he that keepeth Israel shall never sleep nor slumbers according to the psalmist so why is God leading the rest on the seventh day the answer is there's nothing else to make what are you gonna make there's nothing else to make because everything on the earth the things that are there the metal came from iron in the earth auto you don't want to preach this the rubber came from the trees see God put everything in here that everything we would have would come from so he did nothing else to make so when God rested on the seventh day the Bible tells us that God didn't rest on the seventh day for him he did it for us to show us that we were to work six days and then we were to have a day which is called Shabbat which is a time of rest I haven't start preaching yet just stay with me if you were please now in the in the historical setting of things the days were once divided up as I said 24 hours but this is the way they were divided up in the Roman time the Romans had four watches and they did it are you are you ready for this they mm-hmm they did it from evening till morning their watches were from six here we go first watch was from six six in the evening till nine o'clock at night that's called even in your Bible even evie en the second watch is from nine till twelve midnight and that is called midnight in your Bible then we found the third watch is from 12 till 3:00 in the morning and that was called the crowing and then we found the fourth watch is from three to six in the morning and that's called morning now here's your verse that identifies the four timeframes Matt mark chapter 13 35 through 37 watch you therefore for you know not when the master of the house cometh at even or at midnight he's given the order even or midnight or at crowing or in the morning what he did he just gave the four watches that the Romans had and how they divided the night time up now I just want to preach for just a minute and tell you that Jesus is up praying according to your Bible in the Gospels at the fourth watch the fourth watch is from three o'clock till six o'clock in the morning now it says in your Bible as he is on a high mountain praying and suddenly he sees he he notices he perceives he discerns that his disciples are in trouble I have been to Jerusalem 36 times Tiberias 36 times and I can tell you that at certain times of the year at 3 o'clock in the morning it's not Alaska you have no Sun at 3:00 you have no Sun it for you have no Sun at 5:00 and then depending on the time of the year 5:30 Sun begins to break across six o'clock sunrise begins seen it many times but here's the part that's interesting if you've been to Galilee there's a high mountain you can't see those fishing boats that are on the midst or in the middle of the lake it's impossible so I will ask you a question how could Jesus at the fourth watch beginning at 3 o'clock in the morning when there is no light now see a boat that was having difficulty and the answer is the Greek word there when it says he perceived they were in trouble that's what it means it means he had a perception he did not literally see it with his eyes but something in his spirit quickened him and he had a perception there's trouble in the middle of the lake now here's lesson number 2 I'm side tracking on a rabbit trail to teach you something lesson number 2 is this it says that as they're rowing and the wind is contrary suddenly he appears in the middle of the lake now how do you get from that high mountain where he's praying because you gotta walk off that mountain you got to go to the edge of the lake and if they're in the middle of a sea that sea used to be seven miles wide which means not only is he walking off the Mount but it's gotta walk three and a half miles but the Bible says that the moment he perceives that they are in trouble he is in the middle of their storm oh my god that should tell you something I would I hope somebody gets a little bit of hope right now because it tells me that when Jesus perceives that you're in trouble it don't take him hours to get to your situation even if you're in the middle of a lake in the middle of a storm in the middle of the waves and in the middle of the way and then the Bible says in one instance that when he calls everything down it says in your Bible and immediately they were on the other side now they're in the middle of the lake how do you get off of a mountain and get in the middle of a lake in a split second time just because you perceive the trouble but the biggest thing is how do you pick up a boat with twelve men rolling in it and get it to the other side of the lake the moment of the you kama storm which goes to show me lesson number one is Jesus can perceive your danger lesson number two is he can get to your situation without taking a lot of time and number three is he can get you out of your mess faster than you can blink by the time you blink your eyes and the waves have laid down you look up and you're already on shore and you don't even know how you got yourself there has anybody ever had God show up and all of a sudden he'd come through so quick you start saying to yourself how in the world did that happen my God have been praying a long time but all the sudden God's shall in the world [Applause] if he could take a man of God all the way from well from blessing a little Ethiopian eunuch a little black man from Africa and preaching the gospel to that man and transport a man all the way back to the city of Samaria that would take you hours even driving there if the Lord can do with that quack could that quick he can transport a boat and pick it up and move it all the way to the other side of the lake I've come by to tell that's not my message but I feel like somebody needs to hear it the mist that you got yourself in and the mess that you found yourself in you're trying to figure out how to get out why don't you get Jesus in the middle of your storm and then when you get Jesus in the middle of your storm he'll figure out how to pick you up and get you out of the high the mess that you got yourself in now back to the message Romans had four watches that begin evening to morning Jews on the other had had had three watches instead of four that's where the word watch came from because when you have a watch it tells you the time it is so a watch was geared around time certain hours certain time frames there is the beginning of the watch this is mentioned in lamentations 2 and 9 which is sunset till 10:00 p.m. I haven't got to my message yet but I'm about to get there so you stay with me in the middle watch is mentioned in judges chapter 7 and verse 19 it's 10:00 p.m. till 2 in the morning the morning watch is mentioned in Exodus chapter 14 and verse 24 it's 2 a.m. till sunrise if you're writing those references down you can go later especially the one in Exodus and judges is very interesting and you can see that now Jesus divides I think I'll give you a nugget here Jesus divides the day up and he makes this statement of the statements found in John 11 are there not twelve hours in the day no what he's saying is 12 out of 12 hours in a working day they did not work eight hours in the time of the Lord that's a more contemporary type of work they work from the moment the Sun came up which averaged at 6 o'clock and they're up and dressed and written you know getting their plows or getting their animals ready and as the Sun is setting is 6 o'clock and this is an average then they worked for 12 full hours there was no television there was no internet there was no Facebook there was no Twitter tweeter get her you know there was none of that and so because there's none event they would they would simply go to bed and they would they worked hard and they could sleep long but because they with the better or they got up early does this make sense to anybody early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise you have to be an old-timer like I'm as old as Benjamin Franklin now so you have to be an old-timer to understand it now when you understand how the Jews count the days then something will make sense to you and that is the crucifixion of Jesus is the Son of Man Jonah was three days and nights in the belly of the fish so the Son of Man must be three days and nights in the heart of the earth and maybe you've never heard me teach this only taught it once on manna-fest I want you to go to the Book of Jonah sometime I'm on another rabbit trail excuse me I'll get to the I'll get to three six nine eleven in just a minute but we're on a rabbit trouble I want you know The Book of Jonah sometime and I want you to read what really happened to Jonah because we have always been taught that he threw him off the boat a fish swallowed him and he stayed alive in that fish's belly for three days he did not he died in that fish's belly that fish was sent to preserve his body from being eaten by the Sharks and the other animals that would have been in the Mediterranean Sea how do I know that because he said out of the belly of hell I cried he says he says when my soul fainted within me I cried to the Lord my head went down and the sea weeds were wrapped around my neck and the iron bars of hell ooh you better hear me Jonah died and drown a fish came and swallowed him and preserved his body in that fish's belly for three days and and if you go I want you to read I want you to go read it and I want you go to go look at it he is praying not in the belly of the fish he is praying out of the fish's belly and he said when he was fainting when I my so fate and I remembered the Lord and he was preserved for three days as Jesus body was wrapped up and laid in a tomb and preserved for three days that's why he said his Jonah was three days and nights in the belly of the fish so the Son of Man must be three days and nights in the heart of the earth are you listening somebody but if you wouldn't know about the the three days and nights of the crucifixion this is what you have to remember we want to count 24 hours the Jews don't do that he was crucified at 3 o'clock he's beginning to cry at his finish at 6 o'clock he's in the ground that's only 3 hours that's a whole day to the Jews because any part of an hour up now I'll prove it to you from this parable any part of an hour is considered a part of the day so in 3 it from from 3 to 6 he's already he's already gone according to them according to the oh I see I shouldn't have got on this I got you all confused and you're looking like you're looking like a you're looking like a cow trying to figure out to go into a gate I don't know if I should go in that gate so I'm gonna I'm gonna get off of that I'm gonna get off of that and I'm gonna go back over here to the time frame because that's what my message is about touch your neighbor say neighbor time frames I want to tell you when these men were hired in the parable where men are standing by idle and suddenly they are hired by the Goodman who has a vineyard and if you know anything about the vineyards you know both in Old Testament a vineyard represents Israel you will know from the New Testament that Jesus is says I am the vine and you are the branches and all of this is metaphors for the people of God its metaphors for the kingdom of God it's metaphors for the church the vineyard can represent all of these things so no two what's happening there is a necessity that sunset will come in us come soon and in order to get the harvest in there must be a hiring of a certain number of men and as this man begins to hire people to work as laborers he suddenly realizes there's not enough laborers did not Jesus say to pray to the Lord of the harvest because there's not enough laborers in the field pray that there'll be more people out there helping to get this harvest in so keep that in mind when we dig into this parable but here's what I want to show you the third hour of the day these men were hired at 9 o'clock in the morning because the third hour of the day is 9 o'clock in the morning on the old Jewish reckoning now these men if they work till evening which is sunset now I know where I'm going here see you don't I like it like that they worked for nine hours now now in the Middle East it's from 11 o'clock to 2:30 in the afternoon if when the hottest part of the heat is and they are perspiring and they are just sweating and they're dripping and they're stinking they forgot to put their deodorant on when they went to the field that day and they're just working themselves silly because they're about to get an entire day's wages as they were promised so they're happy to work because they're gonna get paid for what they do and the man said I don't have enough people so at the sixth hour of the day which is 12:00 in the afternoon he goes out and he begins to hire another group but guess what they work three hours less than the first group they only have to work six hours a day but guess what they're going to get paid the same amount as the nine hour working guys so then he looks and he says you know we're not gonna get this done by sunset if I don't get some more help so he goes out and the Bible says at the ninth hour of the day the ninth hour is 3:00 in the afternoon he sees of your business hey y'all wanna you already get paid a whole day's wages just working for three hours Oh we'd love that so they jump in there so here goes the nine our guys looking trying to figure out where these guys are coming from and then here comes the other guys that got hired at 12:00 noon and they said well at least we got some help to get it done there watch this they're not thinking about their reward they're just thinking about quittin time see I've got 50 workers I have some like Rob and Tammy I don't mind telling you who worked their self silly and I got others that if I was dying with a heart attack at 5 o'clock they'd still go in the car and leave I'm telling you the truth should let them go a long time ago hope they hear this when I get back home that's hardcore but it's true are y'all still here well all of a sudden the man realizes sunsets gonna be here before long I've got to get some more boys that are in the field now watch this this is where we're getting thick so he goes at the eleventh hour and of folks this is five o'clock he's going to put them in the vineyards and all they have to do to get paid the same amount of the nine hour guys is work for one hour then payday comes and the 9:00 hour men who are hired first are angry at the 11th hour men who are hired last but then comes the prophetic revelation of Jesus there will come a time when the last generation stay with me we'll be first and all the first will come in last and it makes no sense till you understand what I'm about to tell you in the next five minutes I looked at these timeframes and when I read the Bible I read the Bible maybe different than most people because I read the Bible and asked myself questions the Rabbinical way of studying scripture is to ask yourself questions on everything you read a rabbi who teaches his students will read a verse and pose questions and have them either research the answer or answer it and then correct them if they're wrong and encourage them if they are correct I said to myself self that's what David said David said I will say to my soul soul so I said to myself self I just wonder if these time frames are anywhere else in the New Testament I just wonder if somewhere in the Bible the third hour is mentioned maybe the sixth hours mentioned and just maybe the ninth hours mentioned and maybe the eleventh hour is mentioned and if they are mentioned because you'll a line on land you'll a precept on precept Isaiah said to form your teaching maybe the Lord in the parable is concealing a mystery for our time that will help me so let me just talk to you about the order of these hours and where they are also found in the Bible well the third hour of the day is found in the book of Acts 4 it happens to be the time when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost at 9 o'clock in the morning or the third hour of the day this is that spoken above the Prophet Joel and God begins to pour out the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with other tongues to a whole group of people and amazes the crowd you have people mocking you have people doubting but you have this move of the Spirit that I'm gonna say where is the sixth out I discover in John's Gospel that there was a woman sitting at a well and the woman at that well is debating on where the right place is the worship you know sinners crack me up because this woman was not in covenant she was not born again and she'd have five different men that's that were her husband's Jesus said they had been her husband's now what that means is that she had either either been with those men sexually five different men and made covenant with them or she had won and got rid of him and got a second one and got rid of I'm telling you the word whether you believe it or not had a third woman got rid of him had a fourth one got rid of him had a fifth one got rid of him and saw his tall son tan Nazarene and thought she found number six this she fed this old this tall handsome man from Galilee when she found out she was a Jew she marked him off the list [Applause] let me talk to you for a minute let me tell you what the revelation Jesus is giving her see sinners are odd because many sinners know enough theology just to be dangerous they know just enough scripture just to be dangerous you find them in a bar and they'll say well didn't Jesus turn the water into wine you'll find the smoking pot and they'll say every green herb in the book of Genesis God has given for food I got a friend of mine who was smoking pot one time and he said you know the Bible says every green herb God has given for food I said good I got poison ivy poison oak on a tree in my backyard I want you to go try it roll it and smoke it and tell me what it's like every green herb my foot hahahaha but I want to show you where Jesus says Jesus is sitting in a well and if you know anything about Middle Eastern Wales they did not keep those wells open because of animals that would crawl in them and you would corrupt old freshwater well with a dead animal but they had stone or big pieces of wood and they would cover the mouth of that well when they were not drawing water so that woman had to open up the top of that whale in order to get to the water that she was drawing now you understand that Jesus is telling her about worship and God in spirit and in truth let me talk to you for a moment you're ready I want you to put your hands right below your diaphragm now your diaphragm is where your rib cage meets but I want you to go four fingers down and I want you to press now you're I'm standing up it's a little different cuz I'm preaching from my diaphragm but you're sitting down now I want you to say a praise just say it's a hallelujah God's good praise the Lord it's an interesting that you feel a little bit of movement when you say something but watch when you start singing seeing hallelujah did y'all feel a pressure come you know that your diaphragm moving and you see people can sit in church and go through the phrases and the motions and not have it in their spirit and they keep their well shut by going through a ritual but when you begin to sing your praise and begin to worship in your praise you take the cap off of that will you open up the diaphragm of your spirit so out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water [Applause] and the Lord is giving a woman a revelation of worship and what time is he doing it he's doing it at the sixth hour which is 12 and then I found yes I did yes I did I found the ninth hour for it tells us that Peter and John Hey went into the temple to pray at the ninth hour and the ninth hour happens to be as you well now know three o'clock in the afternoon but let me talk to you about what happened as the as they hit the ninth hour there was a man who has been laying at the eastern gate and the Bible city's laid there every single day and he's rattling his little cup saying alms for the poor alms for the poor and he's in a good location to get some alms because they're headed into the East Gate which leads you into the area of the ten trumpets or twelve trumpets which are little containers shaped like trumpets they're narrow at the top white at the bottom that's where you leave your offering and so Peter did like this and he kind of jingle his pockets he said John I was at that Perry stone meeting in the last guy ain't got no money left I gave it they had they said silver and gold have I none but such as I have given unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ rise and walk and when a guy was meagan arms he got legs instead [Applause] healing manifests it at the third hour and then I and then off and then I found something I found something strange I start looking for the eleventh hour and it wasn't there I need to just drag you around with me to all my amazing and inspire me to preach now why is it that the eleventh hour is not found in all the different hours it's because the eleventh hour is a particular timeframe that only happens once in history so there will be no pattern for the eleventh there is a pattern you better stay with me then there is a pattern for the third the six in the night so let me take you to the United States of America which has been the leading Gentile nation in the earth which has been the leading nation for over 100 years to proclaim the Gospel to preach the gospel to support the gospel to send out the missionaries do you realize all but one Christian Network started in America and even the ones that are in foreign countries like Iran the Farsi Network and others they were started by people who supported them from the United States we are and have been the leading promoter of the gospel printing Bibles supporting orphanages so let us see is there a pattern that develops in this forest let us first go to the third hour the third hour is the outpouring of the Spirit this takes me to 1906 actually it started in nineteen eighteen ninety eight outside of Murphy North Carolina with a group of Baptist preachers who got hungry for God you may have never heard this story and the Spirit of God came get this on a hundred and twenty people they were in a church and the power of God hid him in a little old church and the Spirit of God moot and persecution hid in Murphy North Carolina and up into that Coker Creek area and they moved to a little town called Cleveland Tennessee and when they went to Cleveland Tennessee I gotta take a funny story this is absolutely true when they went to Cleveland Tennessee it was a town with about four to five thousand people and all of a sudden all of them started turning into Pentecostal said they had a Bible School there called Bob Jones University was a very strict Baptists Bob's a good Bible School by the way but they did not believe in speaking in tongues and Bob Jones said this place is getting crazy did you know Billy Graham went to school one year in Cleveland Tennessee at Bob Jones Bible School right in my hometown that's right and so so they said this is getting crazy so he moved Bob Jones to a South Carolina where it's this huge University now and Bob Jones the Baptist School was bought out by lead brother Lee and became Lee University would Lake College which is now Lee University which is a four thousand member Pentecostal charismatic Bible School but let me go back to what I'm about to tell you then in 1906 there was the Azusa Street outpouring and then there was another one in 1900 in and Topeka Kansas all of the sudden from the East Coast the Midwest and the West there are these outpourings of the spirit now ladies and gentlemen that is the third hour of the day because in that third hour of the day there were sixteen nations represented that said what meaneth this and when this outpouring came at the turn of the century they mocked people they said this is not of God others said it must be of God others were amazed when they would hear these uneducated people speaking in Chinese and speaking in Japanese and speaking in Spanish and they never studied those languages I could tell you hair-raising stories from those mountains on the east coast of the United States but let me tell you something that was just the first initial move that's the third alamou but then from 1906 to about 1948 out of that move we come to what I call the sixth hour manifestation and the sixth hour manifestation was how to worship God worshiping God in spirit and in truth and there were eight Full Gospel denominations they all believed in the holy spirit they all believed in the nine gifts of the Spirit I'll just name a few of them for you the Assemblies of God now these are all birth these are eight that are birth in this timeframe the Church of God out of Cleveland Tennessee the Assemblies of God the Church of God of Prophecy the Church of God in Christ the great black organization that came out through the Church of God you have the United Pentecostals the UPC Pentecostals you have the Apostolic Pentecostals you have the Pentecostal Holiness Church you have the Oh y'all listen to me you have the Foursquare gospel all of these denominations were worshipping denominations if you would have gone into their churches when they were organized they were shouting they were singing they had camp meetings they were putting tents up people were falling under the power people were being healed they were marked they were ridiculed they were criticized but yet today they are the largest congregations in the entire world so there's a church in Indonesia that has a hundred and fifty thousand members that's just one that we could name so I'm telling you this is the third hour visit you said tell me about getting there you got to listen you got a build that you got to build this up then you come to 1948 and you come to the ninth hour because what happened at the ninth hour I told you there was a miracle a man that couldn't walk God up and all through the book of Acts you see healings and miracles take place so from 1948 was the great healing revival I know if you're old enough you studied it I know you know about all Roberts TL Osborn TL Lowery Morris Arella RW schambach my dad came out of that healing revival years ago Thea Jones menu would her ear heard of men you've not heard of TL Lowery Morris sir Ella these men were young men and they all start preaching at the same time right about the time Israel became a nation and for seven straight years there were miracles that would blow your mind does anybody want to hear one want to build your faith before I talk about this last generation but my when I was 18 years of age God allowed me to meet the man who was all Roberts his first organ player right when he started putting up his tents he remembers or when he started out he traveled with him for a couple years his name was Leonard Davis his entire family could sing I go to Bluefield West Virginia to preach up in the mountains at a little rural Church and they came to hear me preach actually had two daughters that weren't married I think he was interested in marriage are you listening to me didn't work out by the way just want you to know there was no dating of any kind that took place but but but he was a kind and him and his wife very godly people and I said brother Davis you said you worked for Thor Roberts what's the greatest miracle you ever saw and he said to me he said I don't have to think twice about that he said we put the hut in up in the Ohio Valley there's 10,000 people there that night Aurel was praying for people he would have a card and you would fill out a card to keep order and you had there was like everybody from A to Z I'm sorry a to C might be called that night so there was a lady the cane and she's carrying this little girl that looks like she's five years old or Soudan if he said if I recall she's about five and since she's carrying this little girl she's holding this little girl she stands up over here and she comes to the line it's her time and she brother Robert she notices that the little girl is her leg is like this he said bring her a chair where the little girl can stand up and the girl stands up on a good leg and this leg is just like this just just up and just dangling and the brother Robert said to the mother what do you need God to do she said well my girl was born without bones from her knee damn she has no bones so brother Roberts reached down the little girls holding on to her mama and took her foot and rolled it like a pretzel back against this right here and squeezed it and it was like jelly there was not a bone that wasn't o bone ankle bone heel bone no bone brother Roberts then put the microphone away from him like this and said mom listen to me if your daughter had a cancerous bone a broken bone I could pray but he said I don't have no faith for this he said I'm on I'll be honest and she screamed all Roberts what kind of God do you serve anyway she said you just preached a message he's the god of the impossible she said I didn't ask you to heal my daughter I ask you to pray for God to heal my daughter gods go God's gonna heal my dog he said he said okay alright I'll do the pray and you do the believin say put the microphone he said no folks this girl doesn't have a bone a brother Davis that I'm standing right beside him right beside him I see it and said he said I want us all to bow our heads and just go to God this has to be a crate of miracle not a healing brother Roberts puts his hands on the little girl the mother starts crying brother Davis said I'm standing there there's a roar in that tent compassion has hit people but it said brother Roberts prays this very passionate prayer old great God in heaven in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ this takes a creative miracle God this mother has faith to believe tonight while he's praying Leonard said I heard bones popping and they said when brother Robert said close your eyes it meant everybody on the platform and you'd get it after church if you found out you weren't listening but he said I opened up one eye and looked and that little girl is looking at that leg and look at her mama and that leg is going down down down and suddenly it's touching the chair he said all of a sudden I see that little girl start bending that knee and I hear pop pop pop and sitting like chicken bone chicken leg check the ticket chicken leg a bigger pop pop pop and he said all of a sudden that girl is looking at that leg and she says mommy mommy mommy look and he says honey he spray and he spray no mama you got to look at when mama looked she looked down at the girl and the girls pointing to her let her leg and she's standing on it and the mother screams and brother Roberts jerks his hand back and looks at the leg he says can you stand on that she's tiptoeing he said oh my god and he looked at Leonard and said that's what I can't even believe and he said Oh hallelujah hallelujah he said put her down and she walked with two perfect legs he said it's the greatest miracle I ever saw God grew pumps where there were no bones as anybody hearing what God is able to [Applause] [Music] whoo are you listening somebody this was the ninth I'll remove now some suggest that this suggests that there's a slowing down of this outpouring some suggest the church has come through this season of emotional worship some suggest that the healing revival is past but I would like to take one note and not only prove it otherwise but show you what why there is only one reference to the eleventh hour please note please note that the first hour was Pentecost and the second hour was worship but the second hour people even though they had worship still were having outpourings of the Holy Spirit the entire time you track it but then came the healing revival and even though the miracles began to wane if you look at history God never quit healing just because the healing revival waned so the ninth hour people were able to still tap into worshiping and they were still able to tap in outpourings of the Holy Spirit even though it was not as major as Azusa Street it was still happening low have mercy but there is an eleventh-hour people and you've got to get the revelation and if you can get it the way God gave it to me you're gonna do more than sit and just look at the preacher because watch this that bunch that came in last because Jesus said work while it's day four the night cometh when no man can work and you know not when the Trump of God shall sound whether it be the morning of the crowing or the even but in your Bible and in your parables when six o'clock comes it's the end I'm gonna say it again forget time forget six o'clock hour time think of a prophetic when six o'clock comes sunset takes place when sunset takes place the gospel has been preached around the world and then the end has come when sunset takes place the last outpouring of the Holy Spirit has taken place and the Bible said it's before the great and terrible day of the Lord or before the tribulation when the great outpouring happens so here's what I'm trying to say there's an 11th hour people a final generation whose time is going to be short we will not have the 50 years or the 70 years that the previous generations have had because it's five o'clock well or it's the ninth hour or it's the eleventh hour and when you have the 11th hour generation you have a short time in which to do the work that needs to be done but here's the good part not that time is shortened not that unless the days be short no flesh will be saved but here's the part that thrilled me because Jesus said that everybody in the eleventh hour gets the same thing that the third hour and the ninth hour and the sixth [Applause] [Music] folks can I tell you something that's why miracles are coming back I've been preaching for two years I've seen I saw God create an optic nerve and a woman whose optic nerve was lasered out because of surgery with a laser I took a brain tumor and they wrecked her optic nerve and I watched God in 30 minute create a nerve in 1981 an optic nerve and miss Thacker from Pulaski of Virginia who ended up having 20/20 vision of the rest of her life I saw it with my eyes I saw them bring a boy in 1981 to a platform that could not walk I said young fella what do you want Jesus to do is that I want Jesus to help me walk and play like other kids and compassion went out I said daddy sit him down I mean the kid couldn't walk the dads happened to carry him around and he sees legs are like this and I said in then I prayed and said now in the name of Jesus run he shot out from his father's arms he jumped five flights of stairs that were at the church he ran at full speed into the back of the building almost knocked the doors down came all the way back running jumping up and down hopping up and down Mama's laid out in the Holy Ghost and is on his knees crying little boy is shouting and praising God let me just talk to you for a minute it's about to get wild in the real church it's about to get real in the real church you say well I don't understand all that noise maybe you better get used to it because we gonna start having noisy church again oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah because I want you to understand something that some of you may think healing is past and some of you go to churches that say tongues have ceased and you've heard the cessation teaching but you better hear me the parable says there is an eleventh-hour group that's being hired in the vineyard and it said they're gonna get paid the same the same that the knife God and that the six God and the third got what does that mean we're gonna have the climax of three things colliding at one time three things happening at one time we're gonna have outpourings of the Holy Spirit like you've never seen we're going to see miracles restored like you've never seen and we're going to worship God like you have never seen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this'll be the name of the Lord let's hit me the name of the Lord hallelujah I'm gonna now want to talk to you by the Spirit of God and tell you that have been for you that have been in the third hour and the sixth hour and the ninth hour you must not do what the people if the sixth hour third hour and nine hour did to these 11th hour people they got angry because of what God did they said we're the ones that deserve more because we've been in the church longer than these new people oh it got quiet with some of you I've seen it well how come she received the Holy Ghost she used to be the town prostitute she just got saved last week and I've been in church 20 years not been seeking for twenty years that's your problem she received you still seeking you need to quit seeking to just start receiving you seek something that's lost he's not lost you don'ts you seek what is lost you receive what is found I've seen it how come that new convert over there here's to drink all the time he was town drunk you just been saved a month and God just healed his liver and everything else not that liver trouble trouble for 30 years how come God hadn't healed me maybe it's because your attitude toward other people that's getting blessed it's quite I'm just going hit and run tonight I'm coming for one service to hit and run okay I'll be out of town by morning how come they got a home their new converts they've only been married for a year and serving God a year and I've been serving God ten hadn't got a house yet how come they got a breakthrough they she just got a pay raise she's not been saved but three months and look I've been working the same job for ten years they've never given me a pay raise hey maybe you're working at the wrong place maybe you need to leave it jump find another one [Applause] ready for me to give you some I will preach to this bunch because they're really with the rest of you I lost you somewhere I want to teach you in a lesson you are no more saved than when you're saved lesson number two you are no more forgiving than the moment you're forgiven and here's the word blessings flow no matter how long you've been saved [Applause] so if Frankie Bobo comes up and gets saved tonight and really repents and his name gets in heaven that he will grow in the Grace and knowledge of God but he can be no more safe than him only say he say Joe Joe says something real interesting he said the former in the latter rain and you know if you know James chapter five you know Joel chapter 2 you know that scriptures and I was there rain can be either literal about the Bible saying I'm gonna send rain to the earth to bless the crops or it can be a metaphor for the Holy Spirit's outpouring and I was reading where Joel said the last says I pour out my spirit on your sons and daughters and he says something interesting he said and the early and latter rain in the first month now if you know anything about our amount of rain there's two rains in Israel and one starts in the late fall and goes all the way to winter and one then you have a break and it picks up with the one who comes to spring and then it stops for the harvest and you don't really get you can't really get early and latter at one time you have to get little early or ladder or ladder and early are you tracking with me and I heard the Holy Spirit say there will be a collision of glory collision about a collision of his glory okay I want to show you how this work I'm gonna talk about my ministries I'm give you something personal for I don't know and I don't really always like to do this but sometimes the best stories you can tell they're ones you've been through you didn't read him in a book I want to talk to you about something that amazes me and this goes with the 11th hour I'm a fourth generation minister my great-grandfather was named REO rexrode and he worked for the Secret Service and quit the job and came to West Virginia worked in the coal mines got called to preach during the Great Depression he preached a week when the offering was a nickel he almost starved to death preaching in the great depression it was that bad but it kept hanging on to God his shoes wore out and he had to take the inner tubes of old tires and put him in the bottom of his shoes to keep wearing shoes he had tires go out so many times they used to patch him back in that day I got his note notes where he wrote my great-grandma's said if God don't help me I'm gonna have to quit doing this because I don't have enough money to feed the kids all right think about that now my grandfather John Bebo got saved under ro Rex roads ministry and ended up marrying ro Rex roads actually wasn't his biological daughter but daughter that was that he was raising that was his wife's brother's daughter they were Italian and they were Laprise and Mister laprise never met him of course I only hear about him he came to the United States Lucy who became my grandmother was born here and he went back to Italy and never came back for some reason it what happened and so John baver who became my grandfather many years later was a coal miner and God baptized him in the Holy Ghost but he had many gifts the track with me just tracked with me and bear with me for a moment one of those gifts was the ability to sing and he had the cahier the copyright at one time to over 1,000 songs his most famous song was a song called don't overlook shout salvation recorded by a man named Ricky van Shelton on his gospel album heaven is a city built by jewels rare its beauty is a splendour to behold if you neglect salvation you'll never winner there you'll never ever walk on streets of gold Ricky van Shelton mom and daddy that was their favorite song and it took him three years to find it who wrote it it was my granddad he got a role to check for $25,000 on one song at age 78 and he called it hamburger money he had well the first recording company's Tennessee Ernie Ford and Lawrence Welk when they were nobodies contacted him to publish in musical echoes magazine which he printed in a chicken coop with his own printer and then the chicken coop burned down he had Panhandle music cozy record musics in 1945 went to New York City made big news all over West Virginia as being one of the earliest music publishing companies and record companies in the state of West Virginia but as his notoriety was not that his notoriety was when he went to Gorman Maryland in 1959 the week I was born and had outdoor meeting and started church of which he built with his own hands in spare time block by block concrete brought by Bob block and just just when men could help him and he built a little Church in Gorman Maryland where I would hold my very first revival years later now granddad loved radio he had a little tent did not national little local television program and radio but I used to go into his recording studio and I play with his tapes and he'd come in there and run me out cuz he was taping right for preaching and he was afraid I was gonna erase something that he did but I'd still sneak in I still have cassettes and I'm sorry I have reel-to-reel tapes to this day in a vault of me telling jokes seven years old telling jokes so did you hear about the man they had this great big bag and he came up to this house do you hear this one and see he tried to get in and couldn't get in so he took a ladder from the outside and climbed up on the roof and said then all of a sudden he broke in the house but then before he got in the house the bags filled out you know what was in it no what a bunch of baloney just like I'm feeding you John remember Flip Wilson do you remember the devil made me buy the stress I'm had every age 11 I had every record Flip Wilson had and I memorized it and my daddy used to take me to members house and they'd vitae stood in his head period come over here do Flip Wilson and I would do all the way I would do all the way through the entire album and have them roaring on the floor and when they asked me what I was gonna do I wanted to be a comedian when I was called to preach they thought that was a joke they did so my granddad never was national was local local radio local print my father came along my father was a man that had great signs and wonders in his ministry almost to the point that it was scary he scared people because he was so accurate he could be like William Branham and look at somebody and tell you everything that had happened everything that was going to happen predict what was going to happen and it would he would say tomorrow at a certain time you're gonna stand at a window and a car is gonna come by and he didn't know it but by the revelation of the Spirit the last few years of his life he had 16 people healed of cancer now I don't mean they took treatments I mean the tumors vanished and the cancer left their body by prayer to God be the glory [Applause] but when I start preaching my father had one problem there's only one problem I ever saw with my dad he had faith for anybody there was no disease that he'd pray for he didn't believe God could hear I'm telling you I'm never so nothing like it it was incredible and he prayed he prayed for a guy with throat cancer he preferably said go get seven seven sips of water from the water fountain in you're healed and the guy was healed went to the doctor the next day no throat cancer but my dad had trouble believing for finances when I got called to preach I had a little radio program and I had a car payment and my insurance was crazy and I had two suits to my name and that's all I had and he would say to me now son you sure you can pay for that radio program or dad I haven't asked you for a penny ever son are you sure you can make that car payment and the day came now stay with me for just a moment the day came when I would build buildings that would cost millions of dollars and my dad would walk through there and he said to me one day the reason look anybody that can pray for 16 people to get healed of cancer could have a worldwide ministry would you agree I'm serious but he said to me this I've never seen it like this in our family before but you have faith for this I never had faith for it I could have never done this because I couldn't believe for it I said you got to be kidding me I've seen you pray for people that was impossible cases he said but that's where my faith level was and now we have 58 million dollars worth of property and buildings in Cleveland Tennessee reaching the world with three major worldwide ministries you ready for me to blow your mind and it's all paid for we don't know anything because I got the blessing of the third hour I got the blessing of the ninth hour I got the bliss I got the blessing of the sixth hour and God said all that financial blessing now I tried to put on the other generation I'm gonna put it on the last day ministry I hope somebody hears what I'm saying I [Applause] want to show you something I'll show you two things oh I'm gonna show you I want to show you the timing of God now the Spirit of God has come to me to tell you this just now he came to me by revelation of the Holy Ghost everything in the kingdom that is ever successful as successful not just because it was God's will and somebody obeyed it was because the timing was perfect not all of the harvest fields are ripe at the same time this this church that's being built for example could not have been built in a previous time you know why the harvest went ready people's hearts weren't ready for it God has to prepare supernaturally the hearts of people for them to do now let me show you to God's timing how just absolutely remarkable it is in 1980 89 right around there 88 89 and I'd have to go back to get the exact you y'all you may be able to tell me Robbie father Robert Amy's been with me for 31 years best friends me and Pam have probably their daughter their daughters our partners directors so you that have know about Tiffany that's their daughter I had a I had a vision one night I saw two little girls one looked like about five one looked like about three the the smaller one I could tell by looking at this mother she's holding a little stuffed animal but she was not healthy I could tell by the shape of her eyes the form of her face if I can say this she looked a little bit like almost a Down Syndrome child and maybe a child that had had some some I'm just going to use the old word retardation you know where there was things that had not developed fully and I asked this girl I said who were you she says I am Amanda and I'm the little girl you're gonna have and I said who's this the little one that's Rochelle I jumped up I jumped out of this thing I jumped out of this this vision dream and grabbed my wife and I said you're not gonna believe what I just dreamed I just saw a little girl named Amanda who's gonna be the girl we're gonna have and the sister was named Rochelle and she said well that's the interesting name let's look it up and you know what Rochelle meant from a little stone well that's my last name come on this time do you know what's strange we could have she got pregnant and we thought it was a girl that we painted the room pink and a boy came out it became a real joke in the ministry because I got up and said we're gonna have a girl I saw a girl I can tell you what her name is and a boy comes out man walked up to me and told me he said you're not gonna have a girl first she'll have a girl but you know I said why he said because the Bible said holy is the male child that opens up the womb he said a prophet has to have a boy I said okay whatever that's what I said whatever and a boy pops out I didn't even I didn't even have a name for him and God God showed me by revelation what to name him now listen 11 years almost goes by and we don't have this baby girl and my wife's almost 40 she's 39 and I say to my wife I had something weird happened she said what was that I said she in fact she walked in when it happened I was laying down from a trip and I was out on the bed and I had a baby's hand grabbed my ankle right there my ankle and hold on like it was balancing itself and I felt that hand and there was no baby there I said oh my god Pam and she said what's what's wrong with you I'm sitting up and I'm shaking head I said a baby I bet I said we're supposed to try to have a baby and the Lord spoke to me and said that's right and faith without works is dead I heard it I really I'm sitting up he's a faith without works is dead and I told him I said Pam the Lord just spoke to me in the faith without works is dead she laughed and she says now you know I'm 30 I'm you know I'm 39 I said well Sarah was eight ninety she got pregnant and the strangest thing happened about seven weeks wasn't it we're at a camp meeting and she miscarried the baby so she said to me afterwards she says don't look like that baby's gonna get here I said that baby's gonna get here Pam I said I saw a baby girl and she gave me her name and I said we may have lost one of them but there's one of them that's still coming so I went to Israel I'm not gonna go into that story but well had some Arab friends say if you'll eat this your wife I have a baby I don't think that's what did it but but my office managed and I both ate something over there that's really weird I'm not gonna tell you the pulpit what it was and we both his wife and my wife got pregnant I'll tell you later Ryan go tell the church gross you out on the seventh month of the pregnancy the doctor said she had to go to was 40 and she had to go to a specialist you know because of her age he said miss stone you're the water I call it the water is leaking from you and your baby if this keeps up it's gonna be born totally mentally I want you to go to bed and I want you to get out of bed the only way I want you to get up is to go to the restroom but they must feed you in bed they must give you water in bed they must you must not move because if you if you do move and all of this what do you call that water fluid most of it really I couldn't hear a thing you said and beyond 'ok i always want to say umbilical fluid that's not it and beyond it flew it's leaking it's leaking and he said this is very serious and she went to bed and I told her I did not see a child that was deformed the one who told me her name was sassy cute and healthy and that baby's going to be healthy you watch we went to the hospital on August the second now watch me I'm given I'm making a point 12 years later 12 years later and that little girl was born and we named her Amanda she's 17 years of age and she's called into ministry and she's getting ready to go to the ramp school of ministry which is a great school Karen weed school holy goes brother ain't no crazy stuff down there baby his holy goes you better be they kick you out if you ain't in the holy gold now she's a great lady she's a different but watch this I said to myself Lord why didn't why why didn't by 12 years we never really felt led I was traveling why wait and then one day I watched this big building that we built in Cleveland Tennessee which is we had a warrior fist we've got one coming up in a few weeks and we have about 5004 5,000 kids to shove all young people packed that place that's wild and I watched my baby girl at 16 grabbed a microphone and give a testimony there's something she went through that me and her mama didn't even know and I saw preach come on her and the Lord spoke to me and said she could have come earlier but she would have been in her late 20s and she would not have been able to minister to this generation I went oh my goodness and I believe I'm gonna stand here and speak it cuz sometimes you get what you speak and sometimes you just speak I'm believing that she's gonna marry a holy ghost feel preacher that's wilder than me how what one wilder than me I'm just kiddin I'm gonna put my faith out and they're gonna come and be my youth leaders that's what I'm believing for now if that's not the will of God Lord you do what you want gods look I mean know God's gonna do what he wants anyway come on dream ins free touch your neighbor say dream ins free I'll dream free I want you to know something and that is this that what you do must be timed perfect and when you find the mind of God and you hit the timing of God now don't miss what I'm about to say it will accelerate on you incredibly y'all got time for this I'm at the end of the message I'm just I'm just sharing that for just a moment I remember when the Lord told me to father a generation when my boy was a drug addict dying in a hospital I'm talking dying his heartbeat was 200 and some beats a minute and his heart could have exploded because the doctor stood there and told me he could die on me and I had to intercede for four straight hours praying and the Holy Ghost for my boy not to die and thank God God spared him but twice he could have died on me timing of God so God tells me to father a generation and I did some things just for the sake of making the devil man but God spoke to me to father a generation and I and he said if you will reach other people's children I'll take care of yours [Music] [Applause] I went to build a building in which three banks in town my three banks would not loan me a penny my three banks the banks that I could walk into and one bank I've given them 15 million other thirty million dollars another one about 25 over the past 40 years and they're looking at me telling me well it's for kids and kids can't pay the bills and so we can't give you anything because we don't want you to build 18 million dollar building and get stuck with the bill and it made me so mad I looked at my wife and said God built me two buildings without a bank not near as expensive so we'll build this one without it and I didn't say it in meanness I said it because it was in my spirit it's a difference I wasn't saying that trying to make something happen it was in I said I feel it she said where's the money gonna come from I said a millionaire she said we don't know any I said God does seriously so I got my young people praying I said you're gonna pray and you're gonna ask God I'm gonna tell you how to pray pastor god I felt the Holy Ghost right there okay I'm gonna tell you how to pray when you need excessive money you need to find somebody who has a lot of money so I didn't know one so I had my kids pray God awakened the spirit of a millionaire we don't care and then they start praying this God he has our money he has our money and you need to show him it belongs to us not to him and then I hide then I had a woman come in our prayer room and I want you to listen to me and she got every scripture on finances she could find and pray at eight hours a day I need you listen to me I needed 14 million dollars and I wasn't going to get it from the bank cuz no bank would give it to me and she got to prayin and she'd say God you know it's not for the it's for the kingdom now where is he at God where is he at God where's he at God and then one day my bookkeeper walked in with it with y'all got time for this with a package from fidelity investments and she said you will not believe what just came in I said what's it for she says it's not designated it's used for whatever but it's an anonymous donor and I said what is it she says a million dollars we had never got that I've been preaching the ears and years never got anything close to that we're whooping we're Hollow and we're running around we're shouting I showed it to the little church we were in at that time little church didn't hold 150 people and it was mostly a bunch of young people and I showed it to them and they flipped on the floor rolled on the floor like a bunch of holy rollers knocked chairs over I even saw a baby flying it must have been a doll baby what oh really now when that happened my kids who were prayer warriors said if God can give us one he can give us more how much you need I said do you really want to know I need three million dollars because they're buying steel now they're buying the big stuff now it was millions it wasn't hundreds of thousands so they said they went to the barn it held it got three three three three three three three three three three it was it was got funny we were praying crazy prayers you know it's coming it's coming awaken him awaken him and God bear me record in heaven my wife called me one day and said are you sitting down or standing up and I said well I'm standing she says you might want to sit she's crying I'm thinking oh god something bad said you know he just thinks she's crying Pam don't cry she said have you talked to the bookkeeper and I said no why she said you don't know what just happened I said no what she said that same group whatever that group is just sent you a check for the VOE building fund for 3 million dollars [Applause] well let me let me just shorten this for limited shorten this for you and said I do not well we think we're 99% we know I'll never tell the person's name they're not even saved businessman they're they're a billionaire businessman but they're not even Christian you don't in here I said but they like my preaching one family gave us 14 million dollars we paid our building off before we ever moved in it somebody needs to pray that God will awaken the spirit of a millionaire they can help you're looking at a given in a God that can tell you it can happen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now here's the now here's the point why did God do that here's why because he told me in a father generation to build a gathering place for a generation so if it's God's will it's God's bill they didn't note seriously no seriously when he has told you to do it you have to do what he tells you and not try to figure out how we gonna do this I moved in a little hall right next door to this big hall with only a hundred and fifty to two hundred people and now on a Tuesday night in a county that has 380 churches in my County Cleveland Tennessee is the Bible buckle of the east coast of the United States there's more churches in Bradley County in almost any county in America and we have a Tuesday night service and we have 650 probably to 700 people that show up on a Tuesday night Tuesday are you kidding me and 52 sometimes 200 to 250 to show up in a Thursday Night Live prayer meeting and I say this for the glory of God and fathers for all for your glory and we never have to worry about finances because every time can I build your faith look look I'm not look I'm not I'm not bragging on me and I told your pastor I didn't even come for an offering I said if you want to give one to our ministry what you're gonna be blessed but you don't have to give nothing because you know what God takes care of me no seriously I'm not I'm not trying to be I'm not arrogant I'm very humble about this but I'm gonna show head toll-free chef see I think the Lord sent me here because you're building a beautiful building and the cut the congregation needs to have faith to believe God's in it and God will increase you with blessings with people and there's a reason that you don't even know there's a reason you don't even know you because he's not gonna show you everything yet okay okay Karen Wheaton was ministering in my building at the ramp which is called winter ramp and she never told me a thing she was receiving the offer with a bunch of kids look kids can't give they just got a dollar you know I called that the Church of God offer and they're all gonna give a dollar you know the joke don't get upset so so it's a joke really so she's up there and the Lord the Lord speaks to me and tells me that she needs this huge amount of money and I'm over here pacing back and forth and Pam looked at me now my wife is very sensitive she says okay God's telling you to do something many I said yeah and it's crazy she says I already know I said okay that's that's two and I think then I go over to you herb Isaiah I went over to somebody else and they looked at me and they said I see it on you I see it on you're about to get up and I'm about to get up and I will tell you what and it's not that we had it because we're trying to build a camp ourself so we need everything we can get and God spoke to me and said I want you to give Karen Wheaton's ministry $400,000 I did not know till after service when she sat in my room and cried she says I was about to go home and shut down the ramp school of ministry we have not paid our staff in six weeks I've had to layoff a certain percentage of my people she said it blew my mind when God told you because you knew nothing and I told Rick Rick's on my board you say nothing to Perry I don't want them anybody to know I want to see what God will do I'm not gonna I'm not gonna ask anybody for anything and I I got up and told my people and I said everybody pay attention just on Tuesday night I said you know what we gave Karen and I went to a CD and pulled it out it's called an emergency CD well I felt that was an emergency for her and I pulled it out and gave it to and I said but I want you to listen to me in 90 days that amount will come back to us and we had nothing that would show that's gonna happen nothing now let me show you how let me show you how God does brother I'm here for you tonight y'all just bear with us I'm as serious as I can be the Holy Spirit I had no idea this was going to go this way I had a whole different plan God wants me to build faith in this congregation and that's what I'm here for y'all are y'all gonna receive this are you gonna receive this I'm here to build your faith in less than 90 days I told him in 90 days it's coming back and it's rich the weirdest thing because I love walking with God but this couple will tell you everything I speak I get and it scares me number tell you what scares me because I never want to abuse that I never want to ask the stuff for me or be selfish because I'm not gonna abuse a gift ain't gonna be Balaam but he'll tell you if I say I'd like a certain vehicle I say nothing and I get the color and the vehicle how did without even trying it's it's a must I'm just telling it's ridiculous now so I said 90 days I felt it I'm saying I'm saying what I feel in my spirit see I'm not just blabbing as I remember the anointing I'll say what I feel in the spirit this is the craziest thing I've ever heard in my life ready we get a letter from an attorney and my bookkeeper says this is something really strange a woman by this name has left a voice of evangelism in her will I said God that is wonderful and how much is it she says well you know I can't read this all this stuff it's about twenty thousand dollars I think I said oh wow that's great you know I'm thinking about we could use it for this so we could put it on TV I'm just I'm going through this then she then a month goes by and she says you got to come over here and see this because you're not gonna believe this now listen to what I'm about to tell you many years ago Shawn telling us many years ago I went to a funeral of a woman that was the mother of some of my top partners and we flew in and flew out and I walked up to an older woman and introduced myself they said this is Miss so-and-so and I said was so good to meet you she says yes I'm very good friends with this family's older woman right all the time ever met her all the time I ever shook her hands ever her husband died and he invented the Apollo ship he was at NASA and helped invent it okay I didn't know this she tells my partner all this comes out just recently she tells my partner I have no family I have no heirs I want you to take my state and I want you to tell me where to put the money and she was going to give st. Jude hospital three million dollars and he said you know that's great but they have support you know they get a lot of and they did st. Jude is very blessed on these guys and he said why don't you just spread that out she said well who and he said why don't you just leave something for voice advantage I like him I watched him on TV off time I think a will now listen totally unexpected met her one time I'm telling you what God does I'm telling you what God does and when the check came in I called first thing I did was pick up the phone and called Karen and the second thing I did on Tuesday night was tell our church it is 68 days into the 90 days and I'd like to show you a check for four hundred and five thousand dollars [Applause] [Music] [Applause] God has to learn that he can trust you with little things little o beat just little obedience go give that guy a cup of water over there that guy's thirsty there we go what do you like to drink brother coke okay let me get you on little stuff and then when he sees that you're willing to do little things and not complain about it you know what happened you get a little bigger assignment and then you get a little bit bigger blessing but it's taking the steps of faith now I want to end with this I guess of course Paul said Paul said finally my brother and wrote three more chapters I have to I have to leave the name of this ministry off because he there's a there's a section of this I cannot publicly tell you because he said Perry please publicly don't tell this part don't don't say this name because there's a sign him and I know what it will be there's a sign that will happen and this is God's sign that he's about to do this a very dear friend of and hun if you'll put that phone up because I don't thank you I don't want this on on anything like that this is just really to private thank you dear are you should we cut it off can you pause streaming pause streaming for a minute because yeah yeah yeah bring bring live stream back cuz let's get this in let's get this and hope we can get it get it in three things I want you to hear and and for you that go to church here this is especially for you for you that are visiting receive this thing number one is and I'm gonna talk to pastor here he is doing the will of God he's doing the will of God this is going to be iced outlook I've been to church I've been to thousands of them this may end up being the most beautiful church that I've ever walked in in 42 years and I'm not talking about just it's just the beauty of the people make it beautiful to you understand you're doing the will of God so the enemy when he comes and there's anything that we're gonna do this ever gonna do this you just press and you just keep preaching and you keep reaching people why am I saying this I'm getting I'm getting something here I'm supposed to tell you this story I'm supposed to tell you this I will forget it later I have a dear friend of mine that has big vision one to buy school wanted to buy this one to buy that didn't have the money and one boy got saved one kid who was on drugs one kid and he fell in love with that kid and that felt head fell over that pastor and he just put him on staff and knew nothing about his family and his dad showed up from Texas who invented the drills that go that way for fracking and said to this pastor said to this pasture my boys salvation and my boys deliverance means more than all the money I have [Applause] and he said tell me what you need he said man I'm not gonna do that and he said well I'll just write out a check hand him a check for five million dollars which enabled him to bout what he wanted to buy I don't know why I'm supposed to tell this man of God this but when you know you're doing the will of God as big as it is because when I built that building I'm looking at 3,500 seat auditorium and I'm saying God how am I gonna feel this and they told me they said your first warrior fest you're gonna be lucky to have 500 kids because everybody sees you is the prophecy preacher they Hebraic roots Kyle these kids don't know you is that and I said well bless God I have 500 will just build it from there you know how many kids showed up for the first four thousand you're doing when you know you're doing the will of God oh really okay now there will be a few that I'm hearing a few distractors that are like sanballat and they'll try to pull you off the wall with just just distractions and you'll say yeah and you'll say to yourself well this is this is just as crazy distraction because that what a distraction is is to pull you off the focus of the assignment so they'll be you it's not I don't see many I just just a few distractors and I'm not sure what it is but do like me of mind say I got us I got a sword in one hand I got a plow in the other and I'm not coming down to the play no oh no to have a conversation with you okay see you you do you do realize in the Bible that says it said they tried to get him to the plains of oh no you know what the plains of ona are don't you you get down and say oh no Oh No what'd I do this for I'm now okay okay will of God the distractors and then I feel by the spirit to tell you to do what we did find you an old Saint in this church who loves Simon just rather pray to do anything get a couple ladies you got three grannies here don't you three grannies retired grannies now you have them find scriptures on God's financial plans got just anything anything that says how prosper you and I bless you and you get them in a room and give them appointments and say right there's a hundred scriptures we and have them walk speak blessing goods get them somewhere and keep him praying and then I want you to buy and I don't tell many people this because I believe everybody has different words pray for God to awaken the spirit of people it might be people that are in Hawaii it might be people that's all the way over there we've come from but it could be people in places you've ministered it could be people that are here but God will raise up somebody that'll say I am the person that God wants me to hook up with you to build something that's going to affect a generation and then the four things never compromised what you know is true when you grow and you'll grow the tendency will be and it's just a tendency well if we change this a little bit maybe maybe we need to do well maybe if we did that and they'll even be pressure sometimes from people well pastor I believe we did it this way we might reach a hope listen I know what got me to the dance okay and after 42 years I'm still just wild and crazy and tongue talking the Holy Ghost Father praying for people as I was and I know I'm not called to reach everybody I'm only called to reach a segment of people whose hearts are turned to God for the word all right Robbie come here Tammy would you come over here and put in sherry I want you to put your hands on sister right here I want everybody if you will to put your stretch your hands this way just kind of hold them up and I want you this what I want you to do I want you to come into agreement with me in prayer now father I ask you to put a hedge around the both the couple and individually him a barrier and a hedge and hedge him in that note arrow nose dagger no sword no words and no crazy people will be able to penetrate the protection around them to create frustration or aggravation or discord or weakness or whatever it might be Lord I sense a heart to really reach people and see people touched my breasts a quiche man a coma Spartacus Pro she ate her oh we know Spira catalyst realistic or metallic tone some battle chamber it's too creepy to select it freak totally endorse mare a bit of a slide and aspire to catalyst Oh too much I approve if rude and said Oh God do something in this town and within a 90-mile radius that is so powerful and exciting that people cannot resist coming into the house of God they cannot resist hearing the word of the Lord they cannot resist the power and the wisdom of God or God I thank you for this man I thank you that the Holy Ghost put me on an assignment to come here on this Friday night you have us two different things at different times God but this is something very special I feel it in my spirit and I'm asking you because I do know in the spirit that it does take much finance to complete great assignments and great walls and great facilities for the kingdom so I'm asking you to supernaturally bless the people let them find gold mines in the yard let him find what oh let him find gas let him find all the stuff that they need in their own yard there are property sells things will sell that haven't sold before oh that's for somebody here property that's been trying to sell for a long time and you've already told God somebody hears told God God if you'll help me sell this I'm gonna bless the church where the Lord says it's done for somebody that's been wanting to do it it's you're gonna get it you're gonna get a phone call in the next thirty days our Oh hallelujah because God says I'm ready to bless the people who are ready to be a blessing I'm ready to bless the people who are ready to be a blessing I want everybody in this building that saved raise your hand everybody that knows Christ as Savior raise your head and the precious folks in the overflow room I hope that they're they know that we're we're thinking about them as well thank you for being here and sitting there now I want you to put your hands down I will tell you what I feel in my spirit right now I feel that God wants to refreshen people with the Holy Spirit and he wants to restore the joy of the Lord in some people some of you have gone through a long time this past year even this year and you don't feel the excitement or the joy of the Lord that you one time felt I'm telling you the spirit of gold glory the Spirit of God is here right now to do something for everybody who will release your faith so if you need God to give you a refreshing and you're saying God out you know I need this I need this tonight I've come for something and you need this and in that refreshing you need the joy of the Lord I'm going on a different level than you've had standing your feet right now hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yes see the Lord knows the Lord knows the Lord knows the Lord knows now you hear me I believe that the power of God when a man speaks under the bay o shahe model shake under the anointing that the power of God comes through the atmosphere because the Spirit of God is called the rural cockle dish in Hebrew and it's the wind of God the breath of God the life of God and as the Spirit of God begins to move I want you to forget who's on your left and who's on your around which you totally forget about who that person is and I want you when I ask you to lift your voice like thunder and begin to pray and I'm going to pray from here and I'm going to start sending through faith the the presence of the Lord to come to you and start filling you and refilling you with the Holy Spirit if it's been a long time since you prayed in the Holy Ghost you're about to pray on the Holy Ghost some are you're going to get a brand new tongue God's gonna give you a new tongue there's a sign of refreshing are you ready you ready let's lift up our hands let's lift up our voice in the name of the Lord God right now by the power of the Holy Ghost by the anointing of the whole year Perico to share here a little ASL in Delhi libera bisetta robe OSHA but every cassette area secretary the Pacheco paratha I call on the name of the Lord God I call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ right now the Son of the Living God God in this church in wasilla I'm asking you Lord of pour out your spirit Oh God pour out your spirit Holy Ghost to the name of Jesus let the anointing come let the anointing come filament refill a refill refill a refillable show a joy joy joy joy joy joy you don't know Arabic oh serrata come on it's happening already it's already happening yeah police attack a rebel spirit a libero citta london a basilica de la Brisa lot of a memory barber rhondella baba kasparek a terrain mesh Alama mandala babaca see that the life of god be released right now that the Spirit of God be released right now that the power of God be released right now stir up the gift stir up the gift no salimah man deliver Bashar cattle abacus Pyrrhic adenosine come on somebody in the back skin of getting filled with the Holy Ghost right now voluma did they put it now now now now now there now now receive receive receive Shira popery call come on four five minutes come on press and press and press in father God we believe you God we believe you to restoring me for the joy of the Lord and the power of God in the power of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus to restore to deeded a barata to restore the joy of the Lord in Jesus name salable Eberron the liberal katana Cassata xalapa beretta tara Bubba ray to take SOT kuri serum and elated Erebor Aviva mama mandela mashanda more abhi baaki Selita Tara casita de Bouree Shikari on the level shota in the name in the name in the name in the name in the name in the name in the name nor Abacha Kodaka sati Hanabusa she calabasa Karissa Casa Caribe bossa nova she caught rotary Cassata Tata mama mama mama Kazakh so Tata Robin ohshit Arabic eSATA terrible Cassata can't work it out work it out work it out work it out work it out work it out work it out do the impossible do the impossible work it out in the name of Jesus work it out in the name of Jesus meesa read along the lane of of cetera baba Baba Sharon Abba in the name of Jesus do the impossible do the impossible God put the blessing of God we speak to from the blessing of God the great blessing of God a great financial blessing of God great financial blessing of God Heavenly Father for this congregation upon these people Lord in the name of the Lord Jesus by the power of God or the power of the Holy Ghost for the power of your spirit Lord as a testimony of God's as a testimony of the power of God as a testimony of God's anointing and also on Cheryl order shut about the Hisato the worst part is a servant of God and a heart to serve other people hallelujah Shimada miss Chaka Fattah and then in a Navajo City [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Oh Oh whoa vo Narayana Yanni on da da da hi Laurie and Ellie and acaso Korean oh no burrito dodo [Music] Boca Chica robbery Haddad arrow robbery us a courier allamanda Navy horshack Ayako narrow meketa Yaya satire Bobby do you work O Lord do the impossible God do what is impossible God for the people restore right now the joy of the Lord Heavenly Father reach down and restore the joy of the Lord into the spirit right now into the heart loose the people in Jesus name to receive the joy of the Lord the joy of the Lord in abominate elekid of Mecca City beloved on Monday the baby has xalapa Hassan or some God is doing something for you and your spirit he's doing something for you deep just receive from him right now is the atmosphere is charged with the anointing of God for you to receive from him hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah mermando LaBarbara Baracus Alaba wrote a letter Bosnia [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba who's the inaudible reset LMAO Rebecca said do it all do it lo do it lord dear lord dear lord dear lord dear lord dear lord dear lord dear Lord do it Lord do it Lord Monday Masha Masha Masha Makati mercy behind majaniek shatter vortex motion Papa de Jose Caban mikoto Alamitos Amish IANA no emotion VAT La Raza they're about Chantal Alicia hallelujah Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa for today Osia stir up the water of God sir up the water of God out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water out of your belly shall flow rivers of living well halleluh halleluh halleluh [Music] yeah Anna Maria llena boria's poori Asiata yamori initially Mandela minor piece on a Cathedral bracelet grewcica joy joy joy joy joy of the Lord joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy joy of the Lord joy joy joy joy [Music] [Laughter] Veta dan the door abandon each salamba room - hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah sure sure sure bless His name [Music] God's presence is very strong right now God's presence is very strong [Music] my lord my lord my lord my lord my lord and my god we give you glory for all that you have done Lord through the ministry that you've given us we give you glory for all that's happened in this church and the other churches here in Alaska of God but we believe that their seasons there's awakenings and revivals put it in the heart of the people put it in the heart of your people put it in the heart of those who are hungry and they don't know what they're hungry for put it in their spirit put it in their hearts to receive from you in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of John it was second kaha Ruma soul thank you lord thank you lord thank you Father [Music] [Music] how many of you how many of you heard the Spirit of God pray through you would you raise your hand did you hear the Holy Spirit pray through you hold your hand up you heard that you're in other tongues another language you heard the Holy Spirit pray for you how many of you felt as you were praying because there was an atmosphere that there was something that happened I could sense it here but how many sensed something breaking you and you felt a new touch of a joy come up you felt something bubbling and we've got a little bubbler tonight you look you look alright alright alright and I'm trying to wave things by the Lord and I feel like he's telling me I'm done now look I could preach another three hours but I'm not gonna do that because I don't feel the anointing right now to do that but I want it pastor to come and he may have a word I'm going to say something but just be seated if you will please and let him come and just share dismiss whatever he wants to do and I want I want to say this to you I have got to slip out and change it's cold up here the y'all think you're having a heatwave it's cold up here and I'm wet and if I hang around in the cool I'll lose my voice I have to go change so plea I'm not getting away from you trust me and I'll see what happens after that but I've got to get out of this wet shirt is that okay why don't you put your hands together for dr. Perry stone come on come on stand up you can do a little bit better than that God thank you so much hey hey you may be seated we're gonna go ahead and receive a love offering for our guests as is our custom here will bless them he didn't ask me to do that it's the right thing you give honor where honor is to assure czar coming up and down the aisles to assist you if you'd like IRS tax credit you need to get an envelope and fill that out it's four different ways that you can give those of you online it can give through the website KC Alaska comm many have downloaded our app our app is great it's got a lot of wonderful resources you can watch our services on the our app download that at Google Play or at the App Store just look for King's chapel Alaska lead you follow those intuitive links you can download that you can give through the app you can text to give you text Casey Wasilla to seven seven nine seven seven and the entirety of this offering goes to dr. Perry stone voice evangelist and ministry and what a what an honor what a word tonight my goodness goodness amazing I'm humbled thank you thank you pastor sherry for opening the door gotta look [Music] [Music] let me tell you something I learned a long time ago I learned to name my scene this is not your time you don't you don't tithe do a guest minister you tithe through your church all right so if you're visiting us here now you don't you don't tie the year you tithe back mr. great place to say Amen right there so you're sewing your get you're giving the seed supply seed for the sower so we're gonna so name your seat what are you believing for what are you believing you're sowing seed into his ministry will send one check on to him for the entirety of what comes in what are you sowing for what are you believing for you can write that on the back of your envelope or you could just get it in your heart you pray and believe they meant all right uh shoes would you come actually you know what we'll do we'll do the Oh symmetrical bucket thing key word is symmetrical if you could put the buckets an equidistant pattern now my wife and I we give electronically so we'd kind of went through withdrawals until we figured it out so we we give electronically and when we do we just come up and we tap that bucket because we don't drop envelopes anymore we give electronically and the secure methods that we have are you ready are you ready come on hold stand up on your feet hold that hold that up to the Lord let's thank God for voice of evangelism Perry stone it's a man of integrity there's no guile like the way he is here is the way he is I've just really enjoyed spending time with him I really have there's no flash it's a he is filled with the spirit filled with revelation and he's been running the race for 40-something years it's good soil you're gonna sew into so thankful for him let's pray father thank you so much the voice of evangelism dr. Perry stone and his beautiful family we bless them now and pray as we sow seed into the ministry that it would flourish that the broadcasts and the TV would go round the world even more the greater impact in these days as he turns to 60 years old that you had given greater fruitfulness that he has ever known in this next year that this next year the remaining months that are left in this year on into 2020 would be the greatest years of ministry and harvest he has ever known now bless the gift and the giver even a hundredfold in Jesus name amen come on out and so sell your seed into his ministry and if you can return to your seat we're just about done [Music] [Music] every word come on head up on your feet [Music] is a NEMA every promise action I will see [Music] every No [Music] you are not your plans will be on I know you I'm future your promises never fail your you're not your plan you love my future [Music] you're [Music] you're come on put this together anybody's standing on his promises [Music] every mommy that you make I will see come to you feel who every promise you make I will see [Music] baby and good [Music] your thoughts your pan time you are my future and my heart your promise your roses never bear your promise no promises your your promises no every head bowed every eye closed all across the web stream on YouTube on Facebook as you begin to examine your heart tonight if you are not right with God come on all the way in our overflow room take a look if you died tonight would this be your your this could be your last night what you don't go to heaven would you would you go have you been washed in the blood have you been born again if you've not been born again do not leave this place don't turn off the broadcast without getting right with God because there is a hell that's to shun and the heaven that's to gain it's been purchased for you by the blood of Jesus if you believe in your heart and you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord you shall be there's no other name given among men by which you must be saved you must repent ask for forgiveness for all the line cheating stealing taking the Lord's name in vain for breaking God's law every one of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God but the gift the Bible says the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus you can't make it to heaven by going to church or going to a dr. perry stone meeting any more than you can become an automobile by standing in a garage you must be born again every service we ever have we closed this way DL Moody the night the great night of the Chicago Fire didn't give an altar call and did not know how it went for many of his members that died in that fire he made a vow before the Lord has said I will never close another service we follow suit because you don't know when you're gonna breathe your last man is given about one life to live it after that the judgment bow your head close your eyes those of you online examine your heart if you've never given your heart to Jesus don't you do it now well maybe you have and you drift it in your walk and you want to recommit to the Lord in a moment I'm gonna ask you to raise your hand and be courageous and give your life back to God or give your heart to him for the first time or thirdly maybe maybe you're just not sure if you're saved you're not sure if your sins forgiven again you want to give your heart to Jesus for the first time you've never done that before in a moment I want to ask you to lift your hand number two you gave your heart to Jesus but you know you're in compromise you know that you're not right with God you're not as on fire G used to be and you want to come home tonight to the Lord or thirdly the enemy lies to you and you're just not sure relief you're saved didn't you want to be sure if you fit in any of those three categories on the count of three all across this place those online in the overflow on the count of three you say that's me pastor on the count of three you raise your hand one two three do it right now god bless you raise it high unashamed god bless you I see that hand I see that hand I see that hand I see that hand praise the Lord thank you God bless you I see that hand come on just made eye contact with me god bless you god bless your eyes see that hand god bless you sweetheart god bless you lift your head high on this side god bless you all the way in the back I see your hand young man god bless you raise your hand high you want to be included in this prayer god bless you god bless you up in it up in the overflow room god bless you pastors acknowledge and minister to them if you raise your hand we're gonna sing this one more time service will be over come on it's Friday night there's nothing on Netflix you can eat in a minute if you raise your hand and you're serious you meant business with God or maybe you didn't but you know you need to be up here I'm gonna invite you as soon as we sing that again as soon as we sing that again get out for where you are come to the front you're gonna pray and receive Jesus repent of your sin they come in your home and will dismiss just after you ready [Music] [Music] your promises never fade if you're coming your promise from the other flow to gather your stuff and you have will wait for you [Music] come on like this it's okay to get happy in church you ready come on we're waiting for you to come from the overflow enough you need to be a beer get on down here just a couple more minutes the service is over no singing he promised that you I will with the everything hey every promise that you may I will see like any you're Tremayne right out lights a new app to do it out loud yes yes it's important to do out loud you believe in your heart you confess with your mouth under salvation very important to do it out loud are you ready I said are you ready up front and in this moment when you pray this very simple prayer believing on Jesus that he died on a cross and rose again from the grave for you everything you've ever done wrong all of your sin will be washed away thrown as the Bible says as far as the East is from the West and you will be what is called a new creation born again it's good news pray with us all together up front right out loud those of you in the congregation affirm your faith those online and if we have people in the overflow that hasn't made it down you just pray right where you're at say with me repeat after me say dear Heavenly Father thank you for sending your son Jesus to die in our place forgive me for all of my sin and just as Jesus rose again from the grave raised my life up forgive me wash me cleanse me come into my heart be my Lord be my Savior thank you for loving me thank you for hearing my prayer lift your hands to heaven all across this place it's a universal sign of surrender come on you're just surrendering to him let me Holy Spirit I pray break every chain break every curse release your power fill these with your Holy Spirit right now now if you have the freedom to pray in the spirit go ahead congregation pray those of you that have come up front let those sounds and syllables just come forth the Holy Spirit praying through you be fill be healed [Music] oh thank you put your best hand clap together for God those of you that are up front I have a team of people that are gonna minister to you right now so go ahead team let me close and blessing you wasn't it a powerful night wasn't it powerful he said I gotta come back I said for sure please come back come back come back when he comes back I believe we'll be in our new building I'm of you believe for that Lord awaken people awaken people to the what you're doing in Alaska draw them in can i thank you for these that you've gathered it's your word that you run forth with power and authority now bless your people close your face to shine upon us lift up your countenance towards us be gracious to us God and give us peace in Jesus name Amen god bless you remember God's on the throne and the devil's been defeated hey if you don't have a home church this is a great one come and join us a lot of great things going on will help to see you god bless you [Music]
Channel: King's Chapel Alaska
Views: 280,115
Rating: 4.7075558 out of 5
Id: 24yQkBfNRzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 54sec (8214 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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