IC09-V4 Ian Clayton "Gateways"

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Oh [Music] so I want to screw up I wanted to go further into this thing I can feel the real joy of the presence of God actually wanted to count on you said if they join me in suppressing some garden I want us to engage in a deeper way I want you to do whatever you need to to to show that you can get your strength man engaging a deeper level for the presence of God I don't care what you need if you want to jump around if you need to move dance line the floor whatever you need to do just let yourself go so you can be before the praises of God try and pretend there's nobody else in here because actually your relationship with God has nothing to do with anybody else and so I don't really mind what you do but teach yourself into a place where you can engage him deeper I want us to go deeper possess an atmosphere that got us trying to build here till the rest of the day and I want this to be a platform I thought I knew what I told you that I talked to yesterday I've been opening your heart whatever you need to do the Bible says you know as you breathe in this is that the Word of God would flow into us this is the Jesus breathe on his disciples the Holy Spirit well you've got to breathe in the partition so what do we need to do engage invitation your wants to give us this morning let's go again [Music] we chartered okay just carry on singing and the spirits yes [Music] [Music] praise the Lord thank you Pastor just it's been really awesome to be here I am for those folks you know now I was actually this was my home church when I first got saved and to actually come back into it and be preaching is quite an interesting experience to say the least and so um but anyway we got a another set of tapes here that some my wife gave me just to talk about one of the keys to living in victory in here there's just all of us stuff like recognising demonic activity dealing with familiar spirits dealing with generational curses soul tires but every judgments you had to deal with images inside your brain and if we get a chance that I will deal with some of these things here and I kind of this gentleman over here the Chinese and I'd yet give the temperatures behind you they please have a great I think that'll do you good um I really you know a lot of my beginning life in my god life was all involved in spiritual warfare I mean I used to I used to go out after anything I can get my little hands on to actually record and it was my greatest pleasure they had the victory in the kingdom and actually see God's kingdom start to grow and my first experience that deliverance was in this church and I'm sitting next to somebody who said to me you know you know you know I know you kind of see things differently than what we kind of think about and but I've got this problem and I said well that's easy let's just pray and he was to pray so I said let's pray and she said and I said father and then a me Jesus G goes Father in the name of Jesus I confess I can't face this this is a Christian lady and so and was my first experience of casting out a demon at a very early age and my Christian walk it was a lot of fun and so from from their point onwards it became even more fun because I know I wouldn't you know when you walk and they walk out it's as simple as that and it's in a way yes so it's kind of great to be back in this church it's a great experience Christians can't have demons I've been around it for 24 years now and you know the broken parts of a soul that exhibit the distinct impressions of things that exist inside of us and living our and our gateways our soul and we will be talking about that today before I go kind of any fear there's been quite a lot of questions about stuff and I can't answer all your questions but I can give you some scriptures that help you somebody said to me you should deal with some baptisms and I thought it'd be really good just to give you the scriptures you can have a look at them for yourself the church and he teaches two of them in fact it is seven very clear distinct baptisms that we need to go through so I'm just going to give you those scriptures you can go walk through themself for me I've walked my way through all of these baptisms each of them is a specific encounter that leads to a change of your life that is very very important the baptisms the the basically the doctrines or baptisms has found out of Hebrews six one two and three which talks about the foundation like don't lag in the foundations of baptisms and the church has gone better than the Holy Spirit batters in water because I've actually lost the importance of the other ones and the enemy has eroded those out of the church life because he does not want us to walk on a revelation of those because when you do then everything around you changes because you come into a greater arena of intimacy and there's one actually on here that I've left a scripture off and I anyway whatever but the first one is found in 1 Corinthians 10 - and it's in there all be baptized into the cloud with Moses now there's a baptism into the cloud of glory that we need to go through which brings us into a deeper level of engagement with the realm of the kingdom and the personhood of God I do talk about my experience of going into the into the dark cloud this is what God is looking for it's intimacy and friendship in a relationship and all of us have to go through this baptism if you want to come into a deep intimacy with the father I'm not talking about the son we're talking about the Holy Spirit that's what baptism and water is anyway so I'll go see the next one is um look at 3 3 which is the baptism of repentance for the remission of sin which is what we go through in a regal butchers baptism where there's a deep repentance that actually comes on a person's life I don't know whether you've ever seen it but in a meeting sometimes you have people will come running to the front and they just crying weeping because suddenly they've got a revelation of their sin and their condition and it's a deep place of repentance it actually begins to remove the darkness out of the soul of a person and it is a baptism that comes on a person and that it when it hits them there's nothing they can do that will ball their eyeballs out they will try their weep and become so aware of their unholy Luke 3 verse 3 and and so it's just it's some of these things that the churches must out and then there is an experience that we need to go through called the baptism of remit or the repent as a remission of sin and we need to actually understand these things because they're very important for our lives this one has found an x-15 an x10 47 it's can any man forbid to be water and forbid water that they should not be baptized this is the normal thing of water baptism there we go through water baptism immerses us into the relational connection with Christ with Jesus that's what it's all about that's your spousal to him that's your your your wedding preparation saying I'm going down with expectation to be raised in you again on that day you'll come and you'll pick me up you'll gather me in your hands or be resurrected into the glory and I'll never have to die either way and so it's it's the issue of our engagement with him and the next one is found in acts 1116 and Luke 316 but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost this is the baptism and the Holy Spirit where you get immersed in the power and the relational connection with the source of the Holy Spirit he comes upon your life and you get blasted by his glory and then sudden you can flow in there things that you weren't able to flow like governmental authority power signs and wonders miracles all the things that we want all come out of the baptism of the Holy Spirit now what for me and so I've kept it off in a minute the next one is found in John 3:16 it says this and he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost and fire there is a specific baptism called the baptism of fire which we need to go through in our Christian life so we can walk into the glory fire of the presence of God without that baptism and fire there will be no understanding of the necessity for holiness in your life which means you'll continue to do the things you've always done and the and what does it brings that heightened awareness of the necessity of a holiness and and so in the holy guys gets on people through the baptism of fire it brings everything in your life into sharp focus that's not holy and and out of that comes in the baptism of repentance um son so you have these all these things work together and you that kind of work in groups or they work in as individual experiences but then they're all end up engaging you at the kingdom realm and the next one is found in Romans 6 verse 3 you know you're not that as many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death now I'm not talking about baptizing the dead I'm talking about the death of Jesus which is a full acknowledgment of the power of the Cross in your life unless you get baptized into an understanding of the Cross in your life your life as a believer will always fail you will always end up in sin and you need to the Cross has to become a part of your life it has to be very active in your life you have to know it you have to know what is available at the cross for you so that when you struggle with things in your life you have some way to hang it I went through about a year of dealing with something that happened to me in my personal life a circumstance occurred where whatever it was just not a very pleasant circumstance where people spoke behind my back words and stopped something happening that should have gone ahead but now I'm really glad it hasn't because I'll never be where I am because I went through an experience that changed my life and so for a year I whistled with the familiars that come around and say oh but they don't really like you Ian they don't really care about you see they're spreading are being prophetic you can go into the times past and see what people say and so I went into this meeting with our having this meeting and discussing this stuff and I knew exactly what that said and so I kind of went back through people and she listened like to have an appointment with you please because on these some things you said don't need to get clarification on because you had actually actually not right and you don't understand who I am and so what she's saying is a lie and I need to talk to you about that lie well they never ever had the appointment because they would always avoid me and so so it came to the point where I was praying one day a little cinnamon you prepared to die and so the Lord you know I am whatever you want me to do I'll do says no no you prepare to die I said well if you ask you me I have to say yes because I don't know what the next answer is gonna be and then he said to me my son stood before Pilate and said not a thing are you prepared to say nothing and I and I said yes Lord now don't ever say yes Lord flippantly I didn't know it would take 750 or five times a day nailing my desire to smash someone hidden and nailed to the cross and and I'm just being facetious there but if you can understand the motive for revenge the motive to justify yourself before another so that you can feel yourself being clean you have to die to that motive and so I spent a year wrestling with us demon every day like a year of my life seven hundred odd times a day there we go you really need to go and do this you really envy say something no I take you and I know you to the cross you will die I will not submit to you go home Tim misled no are you i day after day after day after day for 364 days of the year every day getting baptized into an understanding of what it means to face the cross and it came a day when I like I would wake up in the morning and I'd like be lying in bed waiting for it to happen waiting for this thing to come at me and I actually began to enjoy it because what I do is I Records gather and go into the presence of God lay hold of and draw what I needed out of his kingdom and so became a stepping stone so what the enemy purposes were death became a stepping stone you know the glory for me so the weight and it became my springboard the motor was start I'd stand on a take it but face another cross skip right through to the glory there was a wonderful experience 365 days now instead of just wrestling with it I'm now spinning going into the spirit 300 and was 700 times a day by smashing his face in the cross and stepping into the glory see every time I I would wait for it to come but it was a great experience his smashes him across to walk through it and the glory so I would wait for it to come and you know you practice a pathway along enough but you can do it really quickly so to wait the moment we go welcome and I'm in the presence of the Lord it was just amazing experience and came in on the 365th day and I was waiting in bed waiting for it all star see Lord this is another day when I'm gonna have a war and it's gonna be glorious cuz I'm gonna win so he goes from the desperation of failure to the desperation of the knowledge you're gonna win and I was I was lying to be there and nothing happened I got up out of bed and I saw walking around the home waiting for the voices of the enemy to start around you and unless you've nailed your life to the cross you will always have enemy voices around you in the spirit they'll stop you hearing the presence of the Lord speaking to you and I nailed a thing and so I woke up and I was walking out the passage and I was waiting for everything to start and there was there was just it was dead silent there was room and space and it's going this is amazing this is amazing and the Lord said to me you've now died to yourself that's what this baptism is all about so my definition took me a year to walk my way through their baptism and so you know when people say have you died yourself well I I think a little bit the next one is found in 1 Corinthians 12:13 for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body it's called the baptism of unity and it's very important that the body of Christ understand this baptism now baptism and unity actually means deep repentance and coming to a place of unity out of repentance it's not about me having to believe your doctrine or you and I having a fight over something that I believe is different than what you believe it's actually got nothing to do with that kind of unity what it's got to do is about the unity of the desire of the heart to engage his realm and his kingdom and to be with him that's what it's about it's not about doctrinal belief it's about desire everything is birthed out of desire and so the seven batters have been very very important in my own personal life and in the engagement of the kingdom realms that I've had to walk into I've had to experience each of these baptisms and the church doesn't teach them and it was about a year and a half ago they term when I was with Enoch I began to ask him some questions or I want to know where he went and what he did and why he did the stuff he did and in that conversation he and I hid the kingdom round was amazing because they know your need like the Bible talks about us being compasses with so great a cloud of witnesses and we don't understand as witnesses are here and very prisoned and there is actually around us and you can see them if Chester and you can engage them if you choose to but most people don't so you know you miss out on a great storehouse of knowledge that they can release to us there are there are mentors and tutors that are Galatians 4:1 it's also the seven spirits of God our mentors and tutors and so anyway whatever and so I I can remember kind of going through this thing with Enoch Kenny and he said to me you know in you you've you and after the father you've desired to know him and to come at a relationship and then he's walking you've walked with them and you mean into eating you've done all these things in the kingdom but there's something you're missing actually you've never identified with them and I we get Paden and he said me you've never identified with them he says you've been into the river of the glory of the Holy Spirit you've been filled and baptized in his glory and you've experienced a relational connection with a with the Holy Spirit then you've been into the waters of Baptism and you've experienced your relational connection with Jesus but tell me where have you done there with the father and I ain't oh my goodness what am I missing here cuz they're a triune God and I see that I say what do I need to do I mean that's a normal question what do I need to do Lord and he said to me eating you need to go and baptize yourself from the glory of the river that runs out from under the throne you don't stand by wet pulls out and jump into the river and so I went and stood by that River and I jumped into the river expecting to sink into it well when I hit it it was like going into honey just sort of slowly sunk into it because it was oil and diamonds all mixed together running out with his presence and the voice of God and the sound of his thunder and the glory and who he is and they identify when into dead water and I came out covered with these little stones all over my body and from that point in my relationship but the father's changed I've got a connection with him now and so you know you can go whatever I don't know I'm just saying this is this is my experience and so if you don't you know if you don't believe it that's great that's your problem I've been there so whatever and so anyway so I found that we've had to a bit of walk through some of these things that each of those baptisms does different things hallelujah we'll get you I've got I've got so much stuff I want to talk about last night I was in the mesosphere I was girl always all these things talking with some a chance that I was just saying what do I need to do and they went well you need to do this this the solicitous and I was going but I don't have enough time to do all that stuff this is well do a little bit here and a little bit here and just throw this in here and do this and I was going ok well I'll try and do that but you know and we're confined to time and space and so you live outside of it so it's really good for you and easy for you to say there but not for me and so but anyway hallelujah each of these baptisms are very important for us in our individual lives the first baptism prepares us for marriage the second baptism prepares us for restoration the third baptism prepares us for renewal the fourth baptism prepares us for revival the fifth baptism prepares us for refreshing the sixth baptism prepares us for resurrection the seventh baptism prepares us for a release of blessing and so each of these battens are very very important if you want all those again get the CD and so it's very important for us to actually understand that God wants to do something really unique in our day and these truths are coming back into the Church of God because they're being released from the scrolls that have been locked up since Daniels time that we would again walk in the knowledge of some of these things and that the secrets that have been written here would be revealed to us in this day God wants them to be part of our life he wants us to be actively engaged in his kingdom walking in the revelation of the knowledge of him and his glory in the realm that we are called to be facilitators of in the face of the earth and so now I just thought I'd throw that in there for you it's a whole teaching I doing it and then it's actually based around the baptism of fire this teaching and so I just laid some foundation there for you on some of the other stuff but the baptism of fire is the whole teaching on its own or whatever it's under the blood glory to Jesus the other way when I say under the blood that's not some religious refrain if somebody has said to me one day that's a religious refrain for you to avoid having personal contact with somebody and actually speaking to them well actually for me when I say it's under blood what I'm talking about is a divine vibration of the manifestation of the glory of the power of God in his DNA that brings divine order into chaos so when I say it's on the blood that's what I'm saying he just saves me heaven it'll have their big long sentence so none of the blood divine order and chaos hallelujah so what I want to do today is if I can just get some people just to pass these around you all want to just grab one of these and there's a whole lot of you folks who weren't here yesterday and all that they were here so they've run away it's all good praise God hallelujah father I'm just giving you these so that when I'm talking about them you can kind of just just pass them let them go along the road may just just pass them around and pass five or six down the road just give a bundle and you just pass them further back as they go down you know the the scroll room of records is an amazing place when you want to understand some things you can don't get knowledge about stuff from there from the chances and from the king's court and things that are in the mountain of god the mountain of god is God's house and you go have to go into the mountain to understand the dimension of the kingdom and understand how he operates out of his mountain and the throne that is on their Mountain and had a function as a son from the mountain and on the mountain is a throne and God rules from this road and his sons we need to understand we have a mountain and we need to rule from their throne as well anyway so does anyone that doesn't have one just hold you hands up there's a few more to back there hallelujah we can give you folks praise God you have in your hand about five years of my life this is my impression of what I saw on a scroll when I asked how we were made and it took me quite a lot of time to decipher it to understand the dimension of what God was wanting to do in my own personal life and so I went through a process of trying to engage to get some understanding about the stuff and I would talk to everybody I could about the body soul spirit I even got into talking about psychiatric counselors and psychologists and I love talking to psychologists by the way because I really confuse them because I can show them the SPRO world is real because I can feel it when you start talking and um anyway it's all good thank you and so what what began in my life began became a journey and what I've done is as I've kind of put some of their journey down in this little booklet things that I have here it's called the gateways of reval nature of Maine and so I often go to hold something out to us like this and says who wants us you know and and no one ever comes and takes it and so just continues to sit there because no one ever wants to come and take it and see if it wants to come and take it you can take it that's good hallelujah but but you can see what happens in the spirit as God does exactly the same thing and he says this is church here's something and we all Karen looking because he's trying to figure out from a single plain dimensional being how it'll operates God sees here does take it and often we end up in a mess because we actually don't realize all God's looking for you is to take one step towards him and then he'll take he'll give you the rest and so I went through this journey of trying to figure out how to how to pull all this together and had a function as a spirit beam because I'm called to be a spirit being not a not a not a and not a a human being that has a body and a soul that sort of has a spirit somewhere along the line I am a spirit being that has a soul that lives in a physical body and the confines of time and space in a physical body subject to the time and space I currently live in and so I went through this pro to process and they did little manual is just a part of my journey and the things that I had to walk on with all the gateways and how I'll walk my way through them and I want to cover a bit of their today with you so that too and so you can take this paper home and we're going to work with it yourself it's very very important that you understand some of the foundation of gateways in and so and what they're for and it's it's it's interesting when I first started doing some of the study on the stuff I came up with this massive revelation that whatever controls the gate controls what goes in and out and it was like it was a major revelation to me when I was in this place of trying to understand this thing because yeah I would find in the historical documents that everything about the gate was the key we ever the drawbridge was down the city was lost all this kind of stuff and even in even in history in the Jewish history it's like everything was about the gate the tax code the saturd the gate the you know that whatever or everything happened in the gate and so I'll just give you some of these scriptures to sue so that if any of you folks are Greek and you want a few scriptures and that's the main test so you can have them business transactions occurred in the gates 1 Kings 22 teen legal transactions occurred in the gates Ruth for one to eleven criminal cases and disputes and judgments happen in the gates Deuteronomy 25 7 to 9 proclamations were made in the game Jeremiah 17 19 to 20 festivities were declared in the gate Psalm 24 verse 7 protection was declared the gates to samuel 18 24 and it just goes on it just goes on it's amazing when you begin to realize actually the activity that goes on around the gate now I know as a human being that I struggle with my flesh so that means these things are sitting on my flesh gate anybody ever gone past Kentucky Fried Chicken not head your mouth water well if you had you've been delivered praise God but it's like you know when you see something that's really amazing your your eyes are kind of drawn t'adore you cheer sounds that are amazing your everything kind of puts up towards it and so so there is a massive influence that goes on from the outside penetrating inwards but that is not the way we were designed and not the way we should flow as a believer and because of the deliverance stuff I'd been involved in I recognize that things Lodge inside the soul of people and they live in the doors of the soul of a person and control what goes in and out and so he was I trying to pray and engage God and actually there was no flow coming from my spirit because it could not penetrate through a gateway over my soul because part of their gate was controlled by demons spirit they would stop the flow you know it's like you having your conscience you the Bible's very clear it's all these gates by the way in the Bible you can go and get all the scriptures about 450 of them or whatever you just go do them yourself go into your own study this is to actually motivate you to go and do some study I spend this is as I say this is five years of my life trying to interpret get an understanding of how I was supposed to flow as a supernatural being in a natural world and you'll find there there the arrows go from the inside out everything must come from the inside out the river and you'll find this a set up just like the temple and that's one of the things that really amazed me there's an outer court the body there's an inner court the soul there's a holy place the spirit and there's a Holi of Holies of the middle of spirit where the presence of God lives it's set up just like the temple kind of freaked me out when I first discovered there was only about two years after a witness thing and trying to work with it all I I made four different wheels because each of those gates need to needs to flow through each of the other gates until it reaches the flow on the outside of your body bounces out of your belly or your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water if I want the water to flow you've got to remove obstacles that hidden to the water from flowing and so the biggest problem is to get my gates free so the water can flow properly so there's no hindrance there's no daman demonic indeed demonic attachments inside them there's no hindrance also what I found too is that in some of my journey is that I would I would engage stuff in my spirit and with my and then I begin to release the flow of the river the glory into my soul but I'd find that I couldn't find the gate I'd be praying you know I put him ago with my conscience my conscience had been seared but other things that I'd done in the world and I'd be praying in my conscious go where and there was just like coming up against a blank wall and so I do describe in the book some of the ways that I tackled some of those things to deal and open up the gateway so that it would function particularly with us as a spirit being as believers you'll find many of your spiritual gateways are not functioning and many of them are very small and they're weak and a trophy muscles of your spirit and so they're actually worn down so it makes it hard for your spirit man to actually even to give you exercise and stand up and the government that has been designed to stand up and and so forth for me if you know you know it's somebody the natural arena if they don't do exercise for years and years and years you begin to look like me and then you know you kind of end up in a problem where you want to do exercise but when you do it it hurts you know you if you go to the gym and you haven't been at the gym before you know months and months and months and you do some exercises the next three days you're gonna know about it cuz you're beginning oh wow I didn't know I had that muscle sticking around the back of my neck do just that's just what happens in the natural arena so how much more on the spirit when our spiritual muscles are not exercised and we start to exercise them and everything aside you guys ow ow ow that's what people give up because they're so busy going wow that they don't realize that actually what God is trying to do is to actually grow muscles around your spirit man and so I kind of went through this journey of of walking my way through these gates and I was saying I made these full wheels and I would I would have them so I can turn the dials around and engage every day I would engage a gate WA all the way through to the outside and I'd pray through these gateways and try and work my way through them it was amazing because I the natural tendency is to try and work from the outside end because you know you have people say that you've got to discipline your flesh and you've got to bribe your flesh and you've got to stop sinning and so you try and stop sitting from the outside not realising actually you set yourself up for failure in a way because you're living by the law of sin and it instead of the law of the spirit of life in Christ which actually frees you from the power of sin and so I try and start I tried to not stop sorry I tried to stop sinning well instead of actually trying to stop sinning when you change the inside where you don't want to sin anymore and so I I went through this thing of trying to shut the these things down and I just processed like as I say five years of my life and so I walked my way through some of this and so I think I realized that we as believers have been taught so wrong in in the the process of the cross the process of the life that God has given us to flow with that we are taught from the pulpit you've got to stop doing things actually the moment you try and stop doing something you set yourself up for failure because he becomes a source of your focus and what have you turned into becomes the source of your supply so when you try and stop doing something you turn into it and you focus on it and give it the power just to become your supply instead of actually turning away from her which is what repentance really is turning away from it to a different source of supply that will change the power that thing and so through the process of engagement and ending and engaging the arena of the kingdom like this I realized that there was still something lacking in my life there was like this emptiness in this void I come to church and I worship and you know I said I had been in the spirit I'd beaten into the kingdom realms I had experienced not to the measure I have today but some of the things that then I experienced then were just like wow and so kind of new and no you couldn't talk about them because everybody would just look at you and go oh you're a space cadet you know Italy good and that's good because I'm glad I'm know Italy good because I don't want to be Italy good I want to be heavenly good and so I kind of went through this process of trying to figure out stuff by myself and a lot of my life was spent in church I'd be worshiping or not worshiping but actually engaged walking my way through this stuff while everybody was busy singing I was trying to figure out how to flow what is fat like the function of my spirit how do I feel my spirit how does my spirit man work what does it feel like air my spirit been flowing through my soul through my body in worship how does it function what flow does it look like what does it look like gonna spread around soon when everybody's gain lying either I'm working on the stuff chugging away with his v8 sitting inside me and so I began to are we going to experience some stuff and I realized that I yearned after intimacy with the presence of God that I couldn't find like it seemed to be absent like I wanted to actually I want you to get around him to get to know him I wanted to feel him I wanted to feel the longing and the passion and the and the the kind of yearning to actually feel him and I've been Church I gone I want a lot I just this wasn't enough there's worship sucks this is just not in and you know and it's just not enough and some of it was in this church but anyway whatever and so and so I kind of and this is an early Christian life and so I began to realize that God needed to change me and I needed a change and there's some things I just if I can't do something means it's a problem I so I went on this massive fast you know when you you can't find anything no one will give you answers you gotta start doing this for yourself two years later so that in those two years had developed the capacity in me where I had a very strict regime of fasting and praying I would fast freely regularly every week I'd do a day then there whatever and we just do these long fasts and the most frustrating thing for me about fasting is when I do a forty day fast I don't lose any weight I just like to me that was really gutting at least I would have some other natural benefit from it and you have people who do long fast and they lose 60 kilos and I'm going oh Jesus you know so but actually so what it means is Edgar wants to tank big to hold more glory so and I'm happy were there anyway that was just I just thought I throw that in there for you but anyway whatever um and so I kind of realized that there was something missing in my life in the realm of intimacy with the presence of God that I needed to to deal with and there's a scripture like I at that stage I was starting to memorize a whole book of revelations trying to get my god out of the word and trying to understand that the word wasn't God but the word was the way to God and so in my struggle with that I decided to memorize all book of revelations because I thought it would be a good book to memorize and so I started with revelations one two three four five six seven eight nine ten gotta go to bed around there and I was kind of going man this is kind of really different because I could sit around at work and actually scriptures in my head all the time just horror or trying to go over so I didn't forget everything you see and I and you know when you when you're engaging the realm of heaven and God wants to speak to you particularly in the measure that your desire is he'll open up something to you and I was busy reading and in my head like I'm walking around swimming fall and and and kind of you only be everybody around you but I'm in casing this canopy of the men of the Tamil a content of God just quoting scripture to myself you're looking at people had actually already seen them just seeing the kingdom wanting the kingdom you know walking around and whatever and so I am that's quite and it's how I kept it coming across the scripture this is you know um let me just read it to you so I get it right here um and I haven't written down it's very naughty so ever since dr. BAM don't lose your first love also come and I'll remove the candlestick from the midst of you and and I I did and they scripture kept it going don't lose your first love don't lose your first love don't use of first love then I went home and I wake up with it going to my brain don't lose your first love I say God what on earth are you talking about first love just well you know what's that and so began a six-month journey of my life trying to uncover what first love was because there's some major issues in my own life through the boundary of the other binding associated with first love that was a major hindrance to my engagement with the presence of God and so in talking with psychologists I discovered that first love is something they call puppy love that really nice kind of little thing you know that you sort of do this of this a for ik state of being you know where nothing really matters around you everything's wonderful because you just have this aforex sense of this apparition of beauty that kind of walks around you know when you're at school and so I what started happened to me was memory started to come back of things that had happened to me in my life and so very clear memory started to be generated of things that had happened to me and and one of the first ones was that I could remember you know I don't this is nice to be in about seven of seven or eight or something like that kind of sitting this classroom and you know when you about that age you have these apparitions of beauty that walk into a classroom and the skill walked in i was just like smitten like totally smitten and and and i was like wow you know can't take your eyes of them it's amazing how similar it is to our desire for God it's like I couldn't take my eyes off her and I was it was like you know and then you do these crazy things when you're in love you know you write notes do you love me yes no will you meet me outside and actually it's all fantasy because they they have no idea what you what you're living in unless you you and so you know I should put myself in her way just so that she would do this and look at me and oh when she would look at me the rest of the day would be one of phoric lovely experience living out of the encounter living out of the encounter and so I can remember writing a note thinking that I would slip it in her bag when she walked out and and I stood up from the desk and they fell out of my book fell on the floor and the teacher picked it up and fortunately she read it to the class at that point in my life I can remember smacking the statement inside of me no one will ever see me like that again about a year later sometime later I can remember being in another experience you know you go back in the classroom you get over the first did fall and then you kind of starts all over again because this is the pattern in a human because we if we don't walk our way through first love in the truth and in the right manner then actually our mercy with God has deeply affected and the enemy knows this so he trusts his shuttered down and controller so he can't function at her first love and so I can I can hit the other memory started counting and so I can remember this time of again at some time later a year whatever was later walking into this classroom and there's again apparition of beauty what an apparition of beauty walked in the classroom and in my own in my my heart and my life was like wow look at that and oh sure try and stand mixer with class line so do we if we just if we would touch you know when you when you're having to walk around a corner and you touch them and just like and the whole the rest of the day you're walking around and lightning you know boy I was touched her I touched her all we touch in your whole mind and heart gets caught in their fantasy and so and you kind of live in this thing you see and so I can remember kind of standing and so I coming home and walking up a stairs there at home and and we had these caps we used to wear for school and take him a cap off and looking inside the fridge and put him a cap in the fridge and shut in the fridge door walking away and my father started to laugh and he laughed ha ha ian's and love i can remember making it in devour the day no one will ever see me like that again and then about a year later again the same kind of thing you see these things come and unless you can journey your way through them and the right manner the enemy knows he can shut you out of the presence of the lord in deep intimacy and so i can remember the last the last one when when the things shut in my life I can remember going through this process in kind of again you know you you kind of get in the stage where you've now been hurt you don't really want anyone to know but actually when you begin to fall in the feeling of being in love actually it changes a lot around you and you forget the pain of the past if we get the consequences of the experiences you've had because of their phoria of the expectation of what you desire which is no different with God and so I can remember going through this process and and and you know you gain you a little bit older and so you have more and puzzles that kind of the class captain because I was a sports freak yeah you would kind of line up in first and she was also another sports freak and so I would always be standing next to her it was just like you know her and I set myself up so I could I could wait for her to come around a corner and I would look at her and she would look at me and she would smile and when she smile it was like heaven just came down and and because I was just so handsome you see she had a smart know whatever and so I can remember going through the singing and then then one day standing at the edge of this classroom waiting for her to come around just step out in front of her and have to walk past her now you set things up so that you can get what you want which is normally the way that we're trying to work anyway and so I could remember going past this and waiting edge of the classroom and there was three boys who were my friends who were standing behind me and they saw me doing this and I started to laugh and she you know how kids are with a demonic thing that's inspired to shut you down everybody its lair I can make an eval no one will ever see me like that again and so now get born again I come into church and I'm now in church I'm now a 10 to 12 year old Christian and I will get intimate with the presence of God you think so I can remember being absolutely frustrated in church going god I want to know you I want to feel you I want to see you but actually I've made some in of ours that no one will ever see me like that again I met I've conditioned myself to override every other desire so that for self-protection in my soul and so I had to go through the journey of breaking down the changed and the shackles they were associated with that in their diagram you'll see in the very center of the diagram I've got the glory of God the first gateway of entry into the realm where the presence of God is the gateway of first love that is the deepest measure of intimacy in relationship you can ever have with the presence of God I had to go into my spirit and strip the bindings that I had put over their door in my life now you know it's amazing how the natural environment actually sometimes dictates things in the spirit and has a has an imagery that they kind of see something but doesn't and it isn't until you look at it closer that and you experience something that you realize that actually there's a lot of things in the natural arena that they show us things in a spoon how they operate I can remember when I was younger looking at this movie called towering inferno like you know used to see things when you were young stupid things and whatever so those who are old enough like me if you're hundred 95 years old then it's really good because you'll remember what I'm talking about this my faith and so I can remember this movie and and in the movie there's a scene of these two guys that stand at the edge of this door and there's a glass panel on the side of this door and they they're both looked through the door and when they look through the door everything's fine like there's a seat see the carpus they everything's they're all nice like that and they look at each other and then they walk off but what happens is the chem went when that when that camera watches them walk off down the passage it pans back to the mirror to the to the to the window image and then focuses on it and then underneath it you can see this hazy thing the whole room is like it's shimmering like this it's just kind of shimmering and then it pans down onto the ground when it pans down to ground you see this this kind of stuff come out from under the door and it kind of goes and what that is is the the inside of the room is actually on fire but because there is no oxygen to supply the visual color that generates the flame you can't see that the rooms on fire and the Holy of Holies in the middle of your being is like this you can't see that it's on fire and it but as it burns and it is constantly alight and ignited with these glory and I said I don't know well this this is this I'm not telling you after the fact so I'm now standing in front of the door and fizzes the door I stood in front of a door and I opened and closed the doors and I did all the door things you know so I can get an anchor so that the spiritual reality what I'm trying to understand and get to grips are so that Jesus says this behold I stand at the door and knock If any man will open the door I will come in and have deep intimacy and communion with him now that isn't for people who get saved it's actually for believers who need to get this their first love back that's right order so Jesus is standing on the inside of me is now saying knock knock knock knock if you open the door I will come into you and actually I will have deep intimacy and communion with you on the inside and so I didn't know this at that stage and so I was kind of looking at this door no handle on I said Lord what I need to do about the door da da da da and so eventually what happened that as I open any Pitman's as I open the door I've been hand half later I got off the floor because what had happened when I opened the door the fire that was in behind that holy place opened up and touched into my spirit main and I can remember getting off the floor and everything was different like everything was different I felt different I would see things differently I would perceive things differently I would feel the atmosphere differently because it came from a totally different perspective now and I can remember for the month that's Sunday when the Sunday I was so looking forward to getting into church and this wasn't in this church now those are down and the church and Hastings I've been for 23 years I I could I can remember going into church thinking on my lord at long last I'm gonna feel you I'm going to oh if I just get a glimpse of your eyes if I just feel your touch when you walk past into the meeting and my whole being started to turn for the passion of the presence of God again and I can remember sitting in church at the back and everybody was worshiping and I'm Sydney a crying gang Lord we are you lord I just want to see you I want to know you I want to feel your presence a year a year and after your father a year and to know and be touched by your presence and I felt him turn up in the meeting he stood a it was just like my life changed because for the first time in my life I'd come back to what it really meant to be passionately in love being able to be abandoned before others were that long about opinion of what I would look like when I'm in love and so that was just one gate all of the gateways of my body soul spirit I've had to work through in some of the similar fashion dealing with stuff releasing that fire of first love of the glory of the mandate where I engage God into my body and out of my body into the world around me that's how you bring influence if you want to know if you're a leader and you haven't me and you've I'll just I'm gonna say something here often people get put in positions because of convenience it's not about position that God's interesting it's about influence if you want to know if you're a leader turn around see he's following you then you know how good a leader you are good nothing to do with position in a church you know anyway whatever and so I kind of walk my way through through this process of of releasing the glory out of my spirit sorry out of the guy where first love into my spirit main through the gateways of a spirit man then from each gateway of my spirit man into my soul from each guy wave my soul into the each gateway of my body so each gateway was connected and totally intertwined and connected with one another and so it made it easier for me then to be able to function as a spirit beam because everything then was flowing from the inside out in there you have their different soul gateways I can pick on any one of those and talk about them one of the ones I really love talking about is the mind because the mind is something that I've been working with and trying to get to grips with to free so that the mind which is in Christ could be in me and the fullness of that mind the revelation of it and so just before I do that I want to come back to this first love thing in recognizing that I realized that my each of my children will go through approaches her first love in their life because I had been broken I covenant with the Lord to actually nurture my children for that first love so that they would never be broken so that their heart would continually have a place of openness to be abandoning in love not only with God but actually with others that around them no hindrance there and so my eldest daughter was probably the one that I'd walked the deepest through some of the stuff with and when she was about eight or nine ten years of age she kind of came home because we were very open family by the time my children were 9 and 10 they knew everything there was to know about sex then you everything there was to know about the spirit round and you everything there was to know about anything I teach them I'm not afraid of talking about these things because I'm not embarrassed about anything so if somebody wants to know something I'll tell them straight and teach them and show them in talk a bunch of them but I'll talk to them about specific stuff you know there are boundaries very good boundaries that are in place but because I love my children I want them to experience a beast and so my daughter came home one day in and she sat down with me and I used to have these dad's dates where I would set up with my children because I was so busy that once a week that have a dad stayed with me without have two hours of me alone by themselves we can go to anything they wanted to do and so often all that wanders time with me so I'd take them on my push bike the seat in my seat in front of me and we go around and we talk about Jesus talked about the kingdom we talked about the grass and the birds and the bees and and begun by ice-creams him sitting there back and we were play fighting and whatever whatever took I just gonna do it and so it was the first thing that I realized that I needed to do was to actually nurture my family because if I can do it with my family I can't do in the body of Christ and so my daughter came home and and I took her on a dads date was I knew something was going on because I could see it and and and it's one of the disadvantages of being with somebody as a spirit freak to the family is that I know everything that's going on with my kids and like it's like new if I want to know what's going on my family because I hold him in my heart and in the spirit and go looking at my family and tell exactly what my children are doing and exactly where they are and it's and it's it's it's really neat because you can engage it and you can facilitate it and see it unless he'll be supposed to be with the church it's supposed to be with the beloved the church that's how Paul could say although I'm answer than present in the spirit and now I've already judged my judgment as trooper so I've been prison with you while you've been speaking it's wonderful stuff and so I walked my daughter and so anyway so we had the stage data and she said dad I've got this guy who's asking me to go out and I talked to her about the boundaries of relationship and how you can get hurt and the process of what happens if you get hurt and and all that stuff and hey it's great to feel the feeling of being in love it's a wonderful feeling and it's really nice and I got into talking about what it felt like and so that she's able to express it because if you can get somebody the words to verbalize something then they can get to grips with what they're feeling and so I gotta to talk about it what it felt like and how she felt and it was amazing to watch her go through the emotions of the experience the same way as I've gone through the emotions with experience with God and unlocking the stuff and it was legit so I said oh honey in the end actually you got to make a choice and I said you either you know my boundaries you know my desire for you that I want the best for you and that I love you and my desire is that you would walk through this properly that you wouldn't come out broken because of it and I said I want you to pray I want you to go and ask God because he speaks to you you're going to heaven you experience him you go and talk with him I want you to go and ask him aren't you gonna ask him ask him daddy what you want me to do and so she went and asked daddy what he wanted her to do and so the next morning she came and she said on my bed and sit down I spoke to dead last night in and any any sitter wasn't a good really hurt I wasn't to go out with him and go to this movie see there really hurt and I said well that's okay honey and so I prayed with her we went into heaven and we talked and all the stuff that you're supposed to do with your kids and so um that day I I said to her listen I want to I want you to come with me honey because I want to go and buy some flowers and she didn't know what I was about but she you know I goodbye Kay roses sometimes and so she was all excited they're Bitesize I'll go in the flash obviously I want you to choose the ones that you really like I want you to pick the flowers you really like the ones that you think you think would have been the best and she go she puts these roses and you're gonna say roses expensive and so but anyway that's the price I'm willing to pay I'll do anything to ensure that gage stays open in her life and so she picked his roses and he paid for them and and she looked me going home but we drove down to the pack and I and I I took it took these roads to the other car we went for a walk and she see me did why are you bringing those roses so I said her on the ground and I stood in front of her and I looked you in the eyes is it honey I'm your dad and today I want to honor you for the choices you have made in maintaining your door in your relationship with God above everything else went on you for the choices you have made as a woman - actually not yield to the temptation of your flesh I want to give you these roses as a gift from me now you've got to understand something this lays the foundation for a child you have an intimacy in a relationship with the presence of God this is what we're supposed to do with their children we're supposed to grow them up in the admonition and understanding of the Lord teach them how to be in the kingdom teach them Kingdom principles and it makes it a lot easier all my children like that all my kids you can talk about kids they'll go in the Spiritist nothing is normal because you taught them how to be like that it's not hard and so anyway um so that's how you've got to walk to yourself first of all you've got to get your life sorted because unless you do you can't take somebody else there you have no authority or mandated right to take somebody else someplace you've never been that's one of things i hate about preachers who preach stuff from the pulpit they've never been near themselves although this is a nice load of information they put that person under a burden because this door is not open in the past or released a door around their own life and so you know it's it's importantly did you get your life sorted if you don't you will wind yourself up down the line in trouble because you will reap what you sow if you're so and so if you so out of another's experience that is not your own you will reap death but if your experience is your own and you sow out of the experience you will reap life don't ever try and take somebody else's experience and live out of the revelation of that experience get your own experience get your own revelation and work with it so that you can live in it all I'm doing is giving you a door when saying hey if God can do it from me you can do it for any one of you it's because I chose to actually humble myself and walk my way with the presence of God and so I kind of worked my way through these things I want to come back to the mind we get ten minutes before we need to finish each of these gateways has significance and each of them is very important and particularly for who we are the children of God I don't know this afternoon whether I'm gonna get time to teach everything I want to do teach but I'm gonna throw this out there for you because it's important now you'll go home with many many things to do don't worry about the many many things did pick one and do it all right I work on one get a foundation one thing go to the next one I I had one one lady came to me in City and I've got 54 things I have to do which one do I choose so City what have you heart desires choose that one first and then work on it and so I approached is working through this thing here in the minor became very fascinated with the mind and cuz I'd go into there's other things I'll talk a little bit about how the human mind works but there's another whole issue and that's related to memory memory is a a a very significant thing that we need to deal with and think I won't go down there but I'll talk about nothing T was I may get to do this session later if you don't do some of these sessions by the way let me stop rambling if I don't do some of these sessions you have a lot of tapes out there which teach on this what I specifically want to talk about is actually redeeming your life by the blood I I'm just changing tech here a little bit my body soul and spirit aren't fully entangled in the realm of the kingdom the Bible says this the blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses us from the emnity of the sin recorded against us and I became very interested in that redemption process I do teaching on the Covenant of adoption and the redeeming process and their covenant and the importance of it and how we can become one with the Covenant in how it can become ours but part of that covenant that is described in a protocol of a covenant is that a Roman judge or a judge would take the the the person's name here with the with the information about their life their birthday their whatever dirt that all the information of any criminal cases any dispute any marriage any children any whatever would be written in that bit of paper and then you take another bit of paper I don't have a blank one here anyway it doesn't matter it would take another bit of the other you'll take another bit of paper that would look like that and what will happen is that in the in a court of law is that the person adopting the person to become a family member would come into the court with 70 Staters those seventy Staters would sign the base of this new document as a testimony of desire to be engaged with the life of this new person here to train them so that their name they bear could become part of the family name and what would happen is then the person adopting would come in and they would say this is the person's new name and the new name would be written on the top of the page then the person who was have being adopted would come into the court the judge would say is this your name and he would say yes is this who you is that's what you've done is this dad yes yes yes yes yes yes then on this paper that the the judge will say this is now your new name this is now your new name you carry a different name than this what he would then do is you take a damp rag cause they never had acid in the ink in those days they would take a damp rag and they would wipe that slate clean what they would be left with in is that record so from the point of his adoption there was no more record but that and so from that point you began to write your own record of your new life this could never ever be recalled never ever ever in any discrete dispute criminal case anything this ceased to exist and so what we have here now is an issue because all of us are still living out of this your God's given us provision to live out of this and so to make that I've got to do something with this and so it's amazing you know when they when you with the spirit and wisdom and understanding they teach you stuff which is really great that's what the job is and so when I was with the spirit understanding I said to me I want to know how to do this and then through the protocol and process of dealing with the images in my mind and the process of their which I'll get to this afternoon I realized that there was a power in the blood to redeem me to actually change fully change this to this had capacity was given to me freely the issue was I had never appropriated it so I made a decision after working my way through these gateways after five years I made a decision that I felt so different with that I decided to take the blood of Jesus and actually begin to clean my life just like the Roman judge wiping the page of my life free from the Dominion of the record of the thing that was written against me being redeemed under the power of what he gave me and so I decided to take a year of my life I take the first year my life the second year all the way up to 32 years of age and it's old I was then I'm now under 95 no no really and so well anyway whatever and so what I began to do was I began to work my way through each year of my life so for 32 days I prayed that's all I did I didn't you pray for anti-flu see your auntie Jane down the road or mister so-and-so overseas I prayed for my own life because if I can't go there then it's no good to be praying for them because I won't be able to take them there anyway so it's a useless time he praying for me right and so I worked my way through for 32 days I walk my way through my my first year Father I thank you for the first year of my life today I bring that year in and I'll choose to redeem it father everything that occurred that year I wipe it with the blood I redeem myself on the immunity the record the power of the influence that for an hour every day I pray into the first year of my life then the second year the in the third year then the fourth year by the time I got to 32 years I felt different that's going buoy I feel so different and some of the voices had stopped in my he know going for so I decided well if that's the case it's gonna affect me like that I'll go and even take it harder to it now I've got a you can understand with me when I find something works I start taking it to its finest point I came to refine it rock down so I can get the biggest impact on the enemy I can now that's where I wouldn't was I loved doing that you see South I'll go to fix this thing really now because I feel so much different there I'm gonna go and take the first year of my life I took the 12 months the first year of my life and so I prayed over for the next next 10 days I prayed over the first year of my life each month of the year and then I worked my way all the way through to 33 years of age because by then I was 33 years of age so I work my way through all the months by the time I got through that it was like oh I feel good I thought well actually this made me feel so different I'm gonna go and take the first year the first week of the day of my life and so it took me a year to pray through every week of my life redeeming it by the blood then had so much effect on me I thought I'd take and go and take every day of the year of my life right from the point of conception so I went and took care every day of the year of my life and I had a calendar without tick off each day that I've done right through my year I worked my way right through by the time I got to about 27 years of age it was just like well this is the rest of all waste of time because nothing else is happening because the process had already been finished and completed because I had made an appropriation of the importance of a document in the realm of the kingdom it set me apart as a son and so it so changed my life that I thought I would share to someone else and this lady had when she was about the age of four she had been molested by her four brothers or a litter at the age of twelve then she had got married to a demon spirit the demon spirit would rape her she then got into prostitution at the age of 15 then she was married to this demon straight getting involved in prostitution and then she come home and then the demon would rape her and then into sea so there was her life and so when she came when she was there in this conference Rin I thought oh I'll fix that thing because I could see it and I know how they're married and another soul tie so I thought I'd fix there too so I had the opportunity to speak to and she watched me through the whole meeting because she was really afraid of of people because of this demon or what I would do to when she spoke and so I looked at her and I said it's going to be okay and that was all she needed was that word and so she came and says I know it's gonna be okay because I've been watching you and the way you love people is what I need because he's just thinking me I said I know all about it and so I explained to her what had happened to her life I said this is what's been happening dad I don't know it's just going yo yo you have yep I said you can get free this is what you got to do and so we got it delivered and all that stuff was all good then I said now here's the issue you're gonna need to walk through your life with the blood this is what I want you to do she rang me two years later totally and absolutely free like this is the power of the blood of Jesus Christ this is the power of the redeeming influence that Jesus gave us in his blood to redeem us from the record and the emnity of sin written against our lives all you've got to do is give him a chance all you got to do is take the first step and he will run towards you because he wants you to be a pure white bride ready for him to receive into his kingdom and I'll tell you if it's worked for me and it's worked for it it'll work for anyone all you do it but it takes work it doesn't go with somebody going Chandi Bundy you're blessed on Sunday you're gonna everything is gonna be right on Monday it doesn't happen like that you have got to do the work and it does take work what I found - in the process was that there would be days when I couldn't break through the day like I would be praying over it and it would be like they're just like what is wrong with that day and so I'm marking on my calendar and then I have finished a month and I come back to their day and so I got so mad was it was Berta they take every hour of the day and that price for Savitri the day and you know what I began to find was that that was the days when I've been touched by sin that had a record in my soul and spirit and my sin my cell in my body of a testimony of a doorway there that thing an access to and I started praying and I would feel these things in the sprue all coming at me and then you can hammer them away because you're under the blood and you can deal with them and rip the head off ah what's really and so I thoroughly enjoyed my spirit walk and those in those years and and it's only growing since then and it's amazing because I don't you know I don't have the voices in my brain I don't have the garbage the influence of images you know they it's amazing to walk free of that stuff you know and to try it the issue then is to keep short accounts keep short accounts that's what the Bloods for keep short accounts yeah well I gave an example on the CD they're just about how to pray to my first year just like I started praying before father thank you for this first year of my life today I declare the third year that it's been redeemed by the blood I take that blood of Jesus and I redeem that year I just would pray through it and so what I learned to do was to pray in tongues in English and so I'd be praying in English so I could pray with understanding but out of my spirit in English because it's just another gift I mean it's one it's called the gift of diversity of tongues and it's no problem to pray in English in tongues as long as you give you a spirit man room to move like that it's not it's not an issue it's more here the problems here because you think you're praying and and so it's just it's just a process it's easy that's how I learned how to pray I was actually not going to listen to somebody else but actually praying in English in tongues because I wanted I'd say I was crying sometimes I get interpretation of tongues in another language and I speaking and learn had other ways how to pray so I mean it's not hard it's just you can teach people to do the stuff it's actually a learning process and so anyway so I so so it's like in a conference often you've got to understand that that these are my notes so I've now spent an hour and 10 minutes talking with you from notes this because I've learned how to pray in tongues in the spirit so I'll speak out on my spirit from the flow of the anointing that can feel from something he gets cooking on something else and so I'm just trying to follow my sprue and I'm speaking so it's actually not a hard job to preach it's easy because once you engage the round the kingdom the kingdom will flow because all the kingdom once it has a chance to bubble up and becomes a river then you're given the river and you can just live out of the river all day that's not hard but we have to think you know like Greek we've got to have all these things in line are you've got to flow with your spirit it's about a spirit engagement not about a written engagement I mean it's free father want to thank you today for the blood of your son but the thank you for the way that we have been made with a spirit a soul in a body father just like we have a triune God we are a triune being father that our spirit man is able doing and function and who he is in the kingdom realm that I saw will be transformed father by the revelation of our spirit and our body would be transfigured by the revelation of our soul father I thank you that there would come a day when our body would be transfigured Lord that the light of the glory that is within us would flow through us touching the world that is around us look then we would bear the image of the DNA they were carry in the center of our being that the reflection of their glory that sits in as the candle the manifold wisdom and glory and Majesty of the might of the Dominion of who we are inside would be revealed through our soul through our body into the world around us father I ask that as these people begin to walk through this journey because Lord it is a journey but as they walk through the journey I asked Lord that the redeeming hand of your glory would come upon them father that the blood of Jesus wouldn't but that they would coming to a revelation of the blood of Jesus for their lives Lord that as they step into this arena of the kingdom realm father they would be unlocked like a door for them that they would be able to go through that door Jesus today you are the door you are the door to the Tree of Life Jesus thank you that as we overcome your word says in Revelation to them that overcome will I grant to eat of the Tree of Life Laura choose their way of their tree to live in it to walk in it that who we are in the spirit would live forever father thank you for these people today I bless some Lord with Revelation of the kingdom realm that as they walk in these things that would compile their life that we would become in turn the expression of who you are in the world around us father we receive from you today all that we need for our present environment father we receive it that we might walk through that and become your sons on the face of the earth in Jesus name yes you are hallelujah
Channel: Faithnet Media
Views: 46,521
Rating: 4.8355436 out of 5
Keywords: Salvation, Missionary, Christianity, Bible teaching, Holy Spirit, Charismatic, Pentecostal, Evangelism, Missionary training, Bible, Jesus Christ, Bible College, Born again, Word, Faith, Christian, Jesus, Believe, God, Prophecy, Preaching, Missions, Spirit, Believers, Prophetic, Evangelical, Pastor, Intercession, Equipped for ministry, Theology
Id: JkmZvdUO64U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 59sec (4379 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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