IC09-V1 Ian Clayton "Patterns Of The Supernatural"

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Ian Clayton on “Patterns of the Supernatural”

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AgapeFire 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
hallelujah praise Allah where do you want to welcome you here I know that over the weekend that I'm gonna push your buttons in every area if you've never heard me speak before there were things that you believed that have been true to you and I will enable to do what I came to change some of those things so that you can grow from glory to glory and never get stuck where you've always been as far as I'm concerned the church is doing what it's always done it's always getting what's always gotten and we need there to change we need to be able to do the things that God has destined for us to do and carrying this our and if we don't do that then the church is falling behind and I don't know about you but we are way behind the 8-ball and what what we need to do today and so I know that over the weekend you'll learn some things that will hopefully be helpful for you because my kind of team have already been introduced yesh is my son by the way so if you want to know what I'm really like it I'm just going to talk to him and I don't I don't think that I kind of change to be quite honest with you you know I'm probably a bit more we there at home I have to turn it down when I come to church so it's one of those exciting things yeah they're just for safety reasons there are some exits in here so if there is a fire and you need to run and we have you know be in situations where there has been fire burning but it hasn't been physical fire and it can't be seen with the naked eye so you know if the beauty file you want to run there are exits there's one days one days one over there they will be guarded and over serious there is a gathering point out in the front that understand out there where there was a fire you need to gather this everybody can get out of the building the toilets on the restrooms around there now I know that people have heard mentalities and that's okay we're all sheep and but you know as somebody who's a farmer and who looks after the Sheep and when the sheet shade they use you do what the father tells them to do a pencil man and so during the sessions I'd really ask you please if you can try and refrain from going the toilet I understand that you may need to and that's wonderful please please exit building lift and when we go we'll pray for you and just hope you get to the toilet before you really need to go we do have another issue and that is something called cell phones can everybody hold this I'll phone up that has a cell phone here I'll hold them up in the air for me it'd be nice little lights all on top of them can you see the lights if you can't that's good if you can turn them off I have a donated bucket over there it's a big blue one it has some water in the bottom of it if your cell phone goes off a list you are a medical person and in an emergency situation or you can't get away from your phone then I've got to pray for your addiction to get you free from the binding of that thing I'm quite happy to do that it's called fivefold repetitive ministry and so we can there's a donation bucket there for me you can't really sell them for very much once they wait but and they make good anchors or good things for fishing rods and so really you know I'm happy to have them if you want to keep your cell phones on there will be times when I'm just laying the foundation building it on righteousness and truth there is much grace father much grace during the times of our worship and there may be times than they definitely will be times as we go along where my desire is not that you just hear but that you engage and that all the Bible this is in God this isn't God this is about God and the way to him this is not God and the only way you will ever fight you you can read about him but the only way you'll ever develop a relationship with them is to be with them you won't have a relationship by reading about them okay and so during the times are quiet in time here my desire is that you would enter into what we are doing and so that through some of the sessions it'll be later on I you know I'm gonna give opportunity for engagement in the realm of the kingdom and and so there are some things that you'll talk about in the session will be later after have had more worship time that would be hopefully be helpful for you to do that kind of thing during those times if you have a prophecy then please keep it to yourself I know God can speak anytime and use when people get around me they're all on a prophesy and that's a good thing because it means the fire under you shed over your head the reason I want that is I don't want to just do what's going on for what I want to do in the meeting you know I know the Holy Ghost that's come on you you want to do what you want oh that's great this isn't about you this is about me and what I want God to do in the meeting I'm trying to save nicely well if you want to done badly well shut up but I just I just asked you please just to be really sensitive if you have a prophetic word and you want it you want it spoke and write it down and give it to me I will assist it I will judge it out the dispensation of Messiah and then if I don't want to say it I won't say it and so please be willingly willingly we're sort of willing to do there also I don't mind if you yell and scream and you know Rara all those come that's really wonderful but when it is really quiet and the spirit of Prophet is subdued to the province you can actually bring a hinderance around that stuff so you engage past that stuff and my desire is that you go beyond I don't mind it so I mean I love it I think it's really great because I can see you and can see the fire going bang bang so it's all good this stuff doesn't worry me one little bit and it's exciting when I see it studying because it means people are given freed up and out of the irreligious system of having to be really still but there is a time when you've got to be still before the Lord and so in those times only have that please just honor that kind of protocol in other words don't worry about my hearing for some of you folks you don't like my earring I really like it and and I know I know I know God really likes it that's because I put it on because you told me to and I had the opportunity to take it out and I took it out for seven days and my wife said to me I really like you to have you here in backing does it really suits you and I really like wearing it and so now it's gone from being a covenant there's just a bit of jewelry and so if you don't like my earring well that's fantastic you gonna repeat later and that's all good Alleluia well I would suggest you do is that over this time you'll be hearing some things make them your own before you try and share them with every Tom Dick and Harry one of the things I found is if people take my stuff and they go oh this is one of them they're trying to teach it as their own I've had people overseas take my stuff and teach it at other conferences that's great I don't care if they do that the issue is if they don't deliver it all it is is just verbal communication and giving a person a hope without the access point to go through to that hope and Hope deferred makes the heart sick but desire when it grows becomes a tree of life to them that beareth and so we need to just engage the stuff and so make it your own go through the protocol and processes now you will be transferring you will get half a year I guarantee you you come here with Christians you will go home with 5,000 more it's just like me when I get a revelation I go with a Christian and then God gives me 5000 other questions were there one Christian so if you think you've got trouble trying to get to grips with what you need to get a grip of just have pity on me but you will find that you already have a lot of Christians and some of those things I won't answer I won't be able to answer them because I'm not gonna have the next hundred and fifty years trying to cultivate the understanding of some of those things with you and there's some of you in here that are not filled with the Holy Ghost and that's okay by the end of the meeting I'm hoping to lay hands and you can get you full where the Holy Ghost because you need to be for you to engage the realm of the kingdom and any measure you need to be baptized with the Holy Spirit I will be addressing some belief systems that will be inside your life we've grown up with a lot of things that are true but they're not all truth and and we because we are we have grown up Greek we've learned Greek we've learnt the linear learning of the Greek system and structure what we have seen what we've been taught isn't necessarily all that there is and for me I've experienced a greater depth into the Word of God and a greater measure of Revelation there is a manifold or many fall the wisdom of God that as you engage his kingdom you begin to see from a Hebrew perspective and Hebrews saying totally differently than what Greek do Greek here and they think Hebrews see and they feel and I God as a seeing and feeling God and from the seeing and feeling than here and think okay and so we'll cover some stuff a little later in this session we do have some CDs for sale at the back there I would really recommend you get hold of them I have people who have worn CDs out and they've worn them out because they listen to them over and over and over and over I've had one lady that's gone to 11 of my conferences now and every time I preach it says I'm hearing something new and it does come out differently because you draw whatever's necessary for your life into an atmosphere by your desire and so I'd really recommend you take you you get some of these kind of things we have list this one here as I'm called inheriting your birthright it has the covenant of the blood in it it has a coven of adoption and what's the other one and the Covenant of promise which is the promise that was given to Abraham the seed also has this thing on the seven spirits of God who would like it I mean you hand us first please please get them I I know that I know that it will help you and so whatever and Josie these are the same you know I've got all the Jos CDs at home and they they're really cold okay get them they'll really help you engage particularly if you want to to get into the the passion part of the presence of God and engage yourself in the bridal chamber have you had with the presence of the Lord it's very very important you will find that tomorrow by about two o'clock in the afternoon we're not talking you'll be doing this how do I know because I see it every conference I do now I do know and I can see so the issue is if your eyes are closing and I don't see the fire and head it means you're not praying which means you give me legal mandate I don't have him here yet but I will have him by lunchtime you give me legal mandate to operate with sir sir as a water gun water guns can reach to the end of the church so if you have your eyes closed if I have to stay awake on my feet then I think I have a right to keep you awake so that you can actually listen to me speak and so our agreement is this that you come you've actually bought a co you didn't realize this but actually you bought a contract when you paid and registered to come to the conference you bought a contract there gave me a legal right to facilitate what is necessary in a meeting and so I will facilitate that so I promise you if I see now I do understand the everyone achieve you with medical conditions that you have sleep apnea and you have these other kind of things that go on and I do understand all that but if you get tired then start praying in the spirit because often it's a religious spirit that wants to shut you down to stop your hearing and wants to shut you down from and stop you from receiving or with your body and your wanting to encompass around your spirit man to stop your spirit man becoming who it is supposed to be which is one that's in charge during the the meetings as well the worship times please feel free to get from behind your seat and come stand down the front you know if you see one line gun make two lines if you see two lines of all gonna make three lines don't feel that you're bound to sit behind your seat it's just I you know it's a it's a religious boundary that's been put inside there and then we've really used to have seats I loved it when we were over in Asia when you're over in um without in whether these places where I can't pronounce these names and you go over there you know they have these names and they horror or and whatever that's all good and say we're in this place and they had this church of about five and a half thousand people and there's no chairs and I kind of went oh my goodness really gonna sit with all come and sit on the floor so they can all ran up the front and move around and they sit them down in these nice little squares so there's all Zolo between them and there I should sit them down and in glory comes in their normal squeeze lift and so it's all good that's but you know I said please don't get caught sitting in your seat you know if you need to get you on the front for something then get you on the front just do whatever you need to do to get yourself out of the boundary of the limitation that you have put around yourself hallelujah okay and so that so the last thing is please you'll find the during the sessions I may need a break now I've got probably eight maybe eight 12 maybe twelve hours of standing on my feet talking to you over the next two days now if I get tired and you come to ask me a question and I say to you not actually I'd like a break don't feel the deep root of rejection welling up in your life and if it does then I'm happy to pray for you and get you delivered because I love casting out demons in church I don't mind doing that so please if you if you if you see I'm sitting down and you can you come and say you know can I ask you a question and I say no I'd like a break then just move away because there is fivefold repeated ministry that I'm really good handy yet but really sorry what I'm trying to do is actually just to let you see that there is a funny side to my life it's not just all or and and and to me spiritually natural is how we should be in the kingdom I should be able to see and engage the realm of the kingdom and actually live out of that arena and they should not have to worry about the natural arena but actually be fully able to it to participate in this natural arena while I can see stuff and so it's good to have them here it's just neat and you don't need to kind of worry about what God's gonna do I don't go hohoho and get all deeply spiritual it's natural to be spiritual in who we are and so I just encourage you to engage this arena I say to people there was an atmosphere that we can plug into let's plug into it over this time and then when you go home hopefully you've got enough endowment and enough revelation that will enable you to walk for the next year in your life to pursue my desire over this conference time is that I give you the tools to be able to chase God into a deeper level of relationship with him than what you've already got now you will find that as I say you'll find everything I do comes out of my own personal relationship the stuff I will be sharing with you it's out of my own personal walk with word woven into it so it gives you some sort of mandate now for me there are things that I will talk about it may talk of earth that I can't find in the Bible the same way I can't find a car in the Bible the same way as I can't find electricity in the Bible an electricity switch a light bulb in the Bible yet they're true because they here and there's a lot that is not in the Bible that is true but there are threads of it in the word and so there'll be some may idle depends where we go so you know I what I wanted to do if this conference is lay a foundation for you to build on and so and you can build we have to build we have to be about building the father's house and become the cornerstone of the boundary stone wasn't needed for the enemy in today's society so that's some we're going to have a another half an hour so worship time and then um I'll come and we'll have our first session you're awesome father we yearn after your presence father we yearn to be in your presence in town and before your glory today but the thank you we have an entry to what Christ has done for us that we're able to stand before you and experience the realms of your presence watching over us today father this is our privilege as his sons this is a privilege launched about a walk before you to be able to walk beside you and experience your kingdom today while we upon the earth father thank you thank you for the governing hand of your presence Lord today we acknowledge the cloud of witnesses we knowledge the surrounding of the cloud of witnesses we acknowledge the cherub in the sarin the angels are harvesting angels our hunter angels we acknowledge their presence today and we welcome the ministry we worked on the ministering angels of God into our midst we honor and welcome their knowing the glory where they come from today love only you Jesus you are the author and the finisher of our faith hallelujah [Music] hallelujah Lord hallelujah hallelu [Music] hallelujah we really need I know I'm gonna I'm gonna break this year because we're gonna have a time to better engage the presence of God and I want us to go you know we need to get to a place where we can go deeper and deeper and deeper and I find that as we go through that we can there be more and more times like this when I expectation to be there we go deeper so next time you start I want this to be a ground floor no one does it start away we started 15 to 20 minutes ago this needs to be able to start this time we start to worship and so keep yourself engaged appraisal if you make your way back to your seat thank you guys that's awesome Shh hello do you praise God you will find that during the during the meeting times when the presence of God comes around yeah for me I'm used to this level of anointing I'm used to this level of the presence of God I've chosen to desiring to live in this atmosphere and so when it's around its normal for me to feel his presence like this and to be in that arena and so this is what I want us to get to over this weekend where it becomes normal for you to feel like this normal for you to feel the atmosphere of the presence of God not just during worship time but actually when you're out on the street when you added work when you on your computer washing dishes when you don't know what you do whatever you do and the issue is that actually for you to engage and the manifestation of his visible and tangible reality here today every minute of the day that's my desire that you would walk in his presence and so this isn't about you know having a but one of the things that I really struggle with in church life and that is when you come into a meeting and you have people who have not cultivated a relationship with God and you stand in the front of the meeting and this happens all over the place when you stand in front of a meeting and you have a worship time and there's some spiritual vampire the church that hasn't walked with the presence of God during the week sucking your life did you try to put in an atmosphere where the glory can come and they do they suck it out they go to make them feel better coming to church isn't about making you feel better it's not about you getting your spiritual buzz for the rest of the week come to church is a place where you're supposed to sow into an atmosphere so you enable everybody else to be lifted to a high level that's what worship is all about it's not coming here so you go WOW and you go home Wow and then by Monday its power passes all gone and it's it these are the issues that we are facing in church life today and there's some of it is because we lack knowledge and like understanding and what our role is as the Sun and so in the in the first session no for the sake of the tape I've call it the patterns of the supernatural walk I'm just going to talk bits in pieces in this first session take that get their tits out of my voice please thank you um I'm gonna talk just a stuff simple things that I found over this time and I'm like not like a snake and it sounds a bit spitter hello Leah basically like it's like he's out on my feet you and I what you believe it like it accept it or not our spirit beings you're a spirit being the Bible citizen John John fought was a John 4:24 he says God is a spirit and those who worship us worship Him in spirit and in truth if God is a spirit then went made in he's like from Genesis it says let us make man in our own like this and then God made man in his own likeness then the fall made us a human being but unfortunately many of us in our big human doings trying to do things for God to make ourselves better instead of come into a revelation of who you're supposed to be which is a spirit so turn to the person next to you and tell them I am a spirit the reason I'm making you say that is because confession so out of the abundance of your heart your mouth or whether you don't believe it or not actually you've now spoken the word which busy now accountable for the future isn't that good because you'll be how to account for every word that you speak so if you think it's an idle word then when you stand before God and God said you remember that day in Central Baptist Church that you said I am a spirit and you never did actually understand that but actually it even shows you engage it so today actually you're gonna stay where you are and everything that's wooden hay and stubble is gonna give birth I don't want that I want to be fully it age today then the fullness of the measure that I can walk in today and if I am a spirit being then I have the capacity to be and live in the spirit today now one of the issues that the church is facing the difference between Greek and Hebrew and the difference between Greek thinking in Hebrew feeling difference between Greek hearing and Hebrew seeing two major issues that are confronting the church today because there are two kingdoms that exist in our ad war in this atmosphere the canopy that God contained time and space in within that atmosphere that canopy there are limitations on what the demonic world and the the kingdom that is in darkness can operate in and do now I'm going to ask you this question who made the kingdom that is in darkness praise God we have some Revelation in you today God didn't make the darkness in it but he made the kingdom because their Kingdom was originally Adams and when Adam sinned he gave it over to Anna Soper who then had the authority to rule in the kingdom that was destined for Adam to rule in hallelujah I can already see I'm going it's good stuff and so we come into this issue with the way that the Greek have taught us with is one heaven to heaven and third heaven and then whatever else heavens above that heaven knows and the king and the Hebrews believe this that all that is the realm of heaven and the supply that is the nature of the names of God is as close to me as the air I breathe all that is in the realm that is in a kingdom that is now in darkness is as close to me I breathe whichever Kingdom I turn into becomes the source of my supply and so we have taught our intercessors journey into darkness but telling them to pray against all the demonic things which has been a good thing but let me tell you does God want the demonic thing established or does he want his kingdom established and surely if you turn into this kingdom the light that is in this kingdom would depose that and so we meant so much about the demonic will but very little about the angelic realm how come they don't teach about the classifications of angels how come they don't teach about the 27 different creatures from the realm of the kingdom of him and then I mentioned in the Bible how come they don't about these kind of things how come people don't go ride on chariots yet they see demon spirits sitting over City how come they don't engage the horses of God hack him that only engage the lightnings and whatever else the wheels or whatever they so busy doing this that they'd mr. really old over this that this would change that if they would only engage it and so we there was this issue of the kingdom and what it means in there for Kingdom or these three kingdoms and then they say is a true Kingdom there's a kingdom of the earth the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven in heaven heaven is outside of the canopy out of proverbs six seven eight where their word says that either screwed wisdom was with him when he said he's compass informed the heavens the word cities compass means he took a round circle out of a atmosphere or out of a place or did whatever he wanted you to get there to round circle and within that circle he put all the containment of all the galaxies okay and so now we have the circle and in that circle on one of the four hundred and fifty billion galaxies in the galaxy called this place called the Milky Way which is a spiral arm in one galaxy that the earth is situated in that spiral arm and this little little thing called I don't know this thing called earth and on that earth in a place called New Zealand in a city called Hamilton in a church called a pseudo Baptist Church you said it in one of the galaxies it's 450 billion of them some of them have 400 billion stars in them i don't don't--i just to stretch your brain a bit here because you could so confined and so locked into the atmosphere you're walking you don't realize what she's supposed to be which is the enemy's plan because if he knew who you are supposed to be you'd never be the way you are today and God wants us to understand that he set a government up within that circle the government had a kingdom of the earth ended which has to all the stuff because whatever it's under the blood there's the kingdom of the earth then there's the kingdom of God and then there's the kingdom of heaven and then this heaven heaven is on the outside of that circle do you realize that about 11 weeks ago there was a release from the scientific community shared with the I don't know that some of these fancy telescopes that have that send microwaves out into the farthest known distance of space and they got to a certain point where they could not go any further because there was an interference between a hundred and a hundred and fifty megahertz there was like a canopy and an umbrella that would stop anything going further and so these these things were bounced back to them over about I'm 6 or 7 hours or whatever I don't know how all these things work they just say this is what happened this statement was because of that the scientific company is wandering that we living in a hologram I mean I could have told him that just from what the Bible says the containment of time and space is in their little circle with all the galaxies in it and we're worried about what's going on on the earth instead of realizing that actually there's a galaxy to take care of and actually there is 450 million galaxies to take care of billion sorry galaxies billions wrong not enough you know they say amazing there's the he I I have become very fascinated with the Hebrew language I've got this friend overseas who decided that he were trying to learn and read and write Hebrew he leant it and he had to read to write in two weeks I'm not kind of that good you know that kind of stuff but I'm needless to say I really enjoy it and this guy can't speak fluent Hebrew now he can sing it he can sing from the word in Hebrew he can speak it and he can write it he can whatever and he's a bit of a genius and so anyway it frustrates me but you know I've got to do the hard slog that I really enjoy doing the hard slog but when I get some real good understanding his alienation needless to say they this really interesting interesting description of the word iniquity iniquity is made above three three hebrew symbols are three hebrew liqueurs a nine a valve and a noon a nine which is an eye wide open valve which is a hook and then you have noon which is an eye sorry which is multi-fit we're just I'm reading it backward so I'm trying to see it forwards he breeds backwards but you've got a chin around and really forward so you can be Greek and so we have I involving and so basically the word iniquity means this whatever the eye hooks into multiplies and so this is where the kingdom comes into play because if iniquity is born out of darkness when something multiplies it means you might say it's running a twenty percent in your life but proposal the multiplication process it's actually running at 50 percent in your life so when someone is saying oh I've got five percent sin actually cinders running at forty five percent in your life this is multiplying because that's the thing you're turning into and that's the thing that's becoming the source of your supply and so the issue is to turn out of a kingdom that is in darkness the Hebrews don't believe in the atmosphere of the earth that they separated sorry we were dead they don't believe that they're in two different layers they believe that they linked like this and one has the capacity to destroy the other and you're the one that releases what is needed to destroy the other one so if you turn into doctors she destroyed the kingdom of light if you turn into the kingdom of light you destroy the kingdom of darkness just by checking and making a conscious choice in that and so in the realm of the kingdom when I talk about the kingdom to me the realm of the kingdom is as close to me as the air that I breathe all I've got to do is turn into it and engage it and from that point in perspective I can see into it and become part of what's going on now I don't know about you but I don't just want to see into it I want to go into and participate with what's going on after all that's what spiritual warfare is you know take a dragons hidden stamping and get them you know whatever I mean instead it's get out and take all the gold out and jewels out and diamonds and all that I mean that's that fun sweet Jesus we are so worried about finances where do you think they're all stored if we don't have it somebody else has got it and it's been watch very very closely I love getting it around some of these arenas and and smashing these things over and getting them point where you can spit they got open because all the stuff comes out and then you got to pick it up and stick it in your mountain and you're gonna trade on the see a glass with it we don't do any of these things because you've never been told where this stuff and so actually we just go around going and nothing ever happens don't want us to fully participate in the realm of the kingdom we are his sons Jesus said I do nothing but what I see my father doing I've got around overnights he said I do nothing but what I see my father do well when Jesus was seeing what his father was doing do you think he was standing here going hmmm I'm trying to hear the voice of God doesn't say he did what he was doing that's Greek he said he saw and so which means that all of us can saw something big saw about something I mean actually seeing most of us are so busy being whipped by the devil that we saw from being whipped him he run away let me do I'm serious the devil goes Rodrigo instead of the other way around devil supposed to go yeah when you go raw bring it on baby and I love this because you don't understand who we are and actually the capacity of what is in us they have God is a spirit and I've been born into a kingdom that houses his spirit and I am their Kingdom on the earth because you are you are the kingdom of God on the earth the kingdom of God is where within you so therefore you are the kingdom of God on the earth so if I am the kingdom of God I've got to bring that Kingdom to bear into the face of the earth and it comes through my life what I need to do is engage the kingdom that has within me and join it with the kingdom of heaven which is on the outside of me and then you've got two poles of the magnetic field you've got an arc and form between them light earth when the life is there things happen and so the necessity for us to engage the kingdom that is within us is very very important the names of God that are very important for us I've been on this journey and I don't know for about the last year and a half now a cold as gals yet my groups on the call people a group and Mike is sitting over there's another one the guys that I've been working with you want to ask some Christians and I can't give them do you guys see them they'll probably give you some good answers um what are they talking about names and so one of the key things you just want there from the CD praise God know one of the key things is the names of God if you don't get your grips with a supply of the revelation knowledge that is in the names of God that are available to you out of the realm of the kingdom of heaven then you will not get to grips with a reality of who you are in their kingdom because that you carry in you the DNA of the person who gave his name you carry that when you get born again your spirit man has that capacity of that DNA implanted back with it where your spirit begins to come alive again the only way your spirit can come alive if there is a different DNA that has put inside there than the one you were born with the last session I'm going to talk about the DNA of God I'm at communion and we're gonna take communion in a different way and so what I found is that if I have this DNA inside of me then then that thing has a sound inert your DNA this thing's going in and out is that me no it's one because it's in my pocket with you I'll tell you what let's take it off because I'm trying to get hot yeah I do fry batteries that's what I'm just aware of I'm serious I'll be at the conference we went through a bet I don't know how many batteries the wedding I give you these mark I can't hold them because they fry like battery did anyway well good praise God what are the names of God and so the importance of that ene if we carry that DNA inside of us then the reality of their DNA exists in the realm of the kingdom that is called the kingdom of heaven and what it needs it's a an agreement between this kingdom and that kingdom because what happens science I'm getting into science and I love you love it I mean I was a good boy English biology and physics and blah blah and you had people like Joe and all these other guys are getting a science and I've been just going there going oh feed me it was the things I'm in the spirit and one of the things they've discovered is you can take a particle ever here put a particle on the other side of the galaxy and had them resonating at the same reason ins and information without any no and contact will flow from that to that and be instantaneously there in both of them science is just proving the kingdom and so what they what I'm saying is inside of us there is a DNA that carries a resonance you've just got to get your self connected with that resonance and get it in line with the resonance that exists there then all that information that is there can be instantaneously put in here now that really changes the way you pray because I don't have to say Oh God I asked there today you will turn up in a meeting and that your presence would be so wonderfully there that and I hope you turn up if you're praying dead actually who's moved he hasn't he's omnipresent so you're the ones that have moved between said actually in a meeting like this he is able to be all that he use in an atmosphere because he's only prison I'm missing an omnipotent that means he can be all in everything and around anything and of all power in any meeting he likes all we've got to do is this get verse in tuner of that and this will manifest through us into this so instead of praying oh my god that you become father that you and enable me do you engage teach me how to engage your kingdom show me what I need you doing here to get this are in tune with that so that the sound makes this ain't your do you know your DNA Terry's a sound scientists have proven that your DNA sings a song and you're the only one that has that song science is proving the gospel at vibrate DNA vibrates and it goes and it sings a song they can they can trace it and track it on these fancy scopes that they have each individual human being has a different song that their DNA sings and no two songs are ever the same so that means if this fallen state of DNA can sing what happens with a resurrected state and what is it singing my issue is this in line with this because when this begins to engage that comes here and so don't all walk around the street going I mean I've made people do their that's okay I mean your whatever whatever gives you an anchor for the reality of potential possibility of the truth of God and do it I mean I've done some weird things we'll be talking about that a bit later on about some of the things that I've done to engage supernatural world so that the reality of what God's Word says is true will come to pass in my life and so there's some key things here that I think would be important for us number one is I'm give you some Greek stuff now you've had enough kind of Hebrew you and I have a bit of Greek when I go Greek I go structure when I go Hebrew I'm all over the place which is really good because that it gives you more questions here and I try and give you some answers here and then I'll go Greek again because you know I love it I love preaching I mean I'm I just absolutely love it I've - you're not preaching by teaching because what I love watching us i love watching revelation hits on people's lives as it goes like it's like fireflies that comes around their head and kind of goes in and out of their body moves around it goes to go and you see people do this it's like this evolved incompatible so I mean that's why I love it because I can see and it's wonderful to watch it happen just the glory see what happens because it's a tone you see it's the sound of what you produce in your life whatever your sounders gets attracts things okay it attracts things Joe teaches does a thing ste teaching on on on this guy that was singing this all the time and there was a sound of color in a song that was released by the embodied what in the environment and by the choices they were making and and if you make bad ones then you attract demonic spiritual they feed on it and feed into it and so when you released a certain that's what I love bringing revelation and teaching this kind of stuff because it releases the kingdom and it makes your whole body go and gets in tune get into men become a you know tuning fork hallelujah um number one is you've got a purpose to engage when you need to and once you engage the kingdom realms of God you've got a purpose to do it you don't sit there and ask it for or to happen you peppers to chase it pursue after the praises of God don't sit here waiting for him to come down to you God wants you to chase him he wants you to pursue you need to give yourself a purpose for your engagement don't just go oh I'm chasing God cuz you'll go why what what do you want to understand from me see when my children come to me you know other than watching money when they go dad dad daddy know you get so sick and tired if you give them money sometimes but when they do girls like that we've got to be like there with God we've got a purpose to chase him and get in his face get right in the face of the Lord and say what father this is what I would like to know and every time he moves you stand with him if I want to see what you think because eventually what will happen and the scripture is full of these kind of examples like my wasn't smelling that's all good I think what oftentimes happens is that God will see your purpose because he sees you everything anyway and when you begin to come into tune or harmony with his purpose for your life he will give you the mandate and she purpose yourself to engage him you've got to purpose yourself to pursue and chase after the person of God get in his face he is a person you know he's not some Israel mystical platform that kind of goes warm like that you know he's not that space thing goes bah bah bah bah you know whatever whatever you think he is he's not that he's a person he is God and King and omniscient omnipresent but fully able to be aware of everything you're doing even your choices because you take him through them because he's in you anyway see when you're doing the bad things you still in you and you going through them with you taking him through your sacrifice to their thing you're doing got a purpose daniel 1:8 I'm being really naughty and Oh hallelujah father this is a good God got a sense of humor he made me Daniel 1 aids Daniel purposed in himself when you purpose in yourself you've got you engage your mind it's like people come into worship and they go hold of us you under there but cushy and there you tell my bowtie we stage the others bowties I'm alive is my bowtie it's tied actually doesn't mean a thing you can spend a lot of time praying your tongues and it might do you some good but unless your heart and spirit is engaged in what you're saying then actually becomes a sanding Gong that makes a lot of noise gesture which I mean dad yeah oh yeah oh actually wouldn't have a conversation with him because there's no purpose in what I'm doing and so when you pray you engage your mind with thought-provoking patterns and things from the word that enable your spirit should just the fruit of what to decide in the heart of God you've got to purpose yourself to do that the next one is desire which is whatsoever thing you desire when you pray and you receive it doesn't say watch everything doesn't say what's everything you hear watch everything you speak but out of the balance of the heart the mouth speaks and one of you just is in your heart everybody you speak opens the door for the pattern of your life to be walked through they have discovered in science not so long ago that the heart they've made this statement I think it's calling you can go and check it up on youtube or on whatever it is Google or whatever you do those things give these kids and they go oh look at that Wow you know I mean I go trying to figure out what they do you know you got to forgive me because I'm quite not there yet until about two and a half or three years ago never even knew how to use a computer just didn't need it cuz I've got another computer going on it's wonderful hallelujah but anyway and so you can get on that you can get into the places you can age these things and so they had this thing that came through they've been doing a test for a year on the number of people cutting in and out and I know that's not me I know what's going on on the other side praise God is there better let's see hat thank you and so what what they what they what they have come up with and they've stated on this this scientific document is they have categorically proved that the heart is a greater thinking organism than what the mind is I could have told him that a long time ago the Bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks as a man thinks in his heart so he is see it hallelujah mine shaft and the reason is this where there's all your heart all the body sustenance energy and power come from get pumped around your body from the heart so what happens in here is if your heart sets the pattern for your life then your blood too carries that pattern therefore the first place the blood goes when it is fully oxygenated with the most capacity that goes directly into your brain and so whatever is programmed into your blood by your heart goes into your brain and you begin to think what your heart is telling you and so we have this problem now because we don't want to say some of these words because the occult world has taken them full of demonic stuff fade them back to the church and so you can't use them so I'm going to use some of them one of them is energy you can call the glory you can put other names on it that you want to put on earth but actually what it is is electromagnetic energy that can read by the static power of this graph thing that they have the the energy that extends out of your heart with this electromagnetic activity within that field of your heart exchange at about eight or nine feet around your body the human mind he sends six or seven inches outside of your body so here's my issue if my heart is purposed and desiring to engage the realm of the kingdom of heaven that becomes a predominant thing that begins to surround my life not only does it become the predominant thing but it begins to captivate my mind because my heart is programming my blood to think these things and therefore what is in my heart will begin to fill my mind and as my mind begins to get expanded with the desire of my heart then God can give me the desires of my heart it Bible doesn't say God gives me the desires of my mind gives me the desires of my heart I'll be talking about this a bit later but this may be it's four chambers of your heart before chambers are very important for you I'm just going to give them to you and you each of them as a teaching session and I haven't done them yet but whatever you can just take them away and do what if you want uh nakir if you'd make it paper dad ever throw it away but you'll be responsible for what I say to you today if four chambers of your heart that you need to develop in your life one is the garden of your own heart the mini scripture that a plow on the ground and doing all the stuff we're going to be own heart another one is the another chamber of the heart is the bridal chamber will you become intimately entwined with the presence of God another one is the dancefloor will you get lost in passion and desire for him and the last one is a circuit room of the preparation of the bride we can get soaked Tannenbaum with a manifested power of his glory within your life and that begins to change your whole blood each of these things have fixed your life with Genesis 1 and says that a river that ran through Eden then into the garden that God put eastward in Eden two different places and I'll be talking about that later and it says from thence it parted into four heads and they watered the earth out of the abundance and of their belly and out of our life was going to flow rivers of living water that are going to water the earth every one of them was about intimacy and friendship and relationship this is the kingdom that God has given us that we were able to walk in today the third one is you've got to sit yourself you set yourself by lining to your purpose in your desire you've got to sit yourself in those things is that David set himself to seek the Lord you've got to sit your spirit man take all the distractions get them out of the way sit yourself to engage and stay there until the object of your desires manifested set your desire set yourself each of these things is woven like a fabric into one another got to sit yourself to do these things the next one is you must engage you don't now I'm going to just pull this one out of it and talk about it we've got to know the ten minutes or so before I have to finish the session engaging is very very important you do not engage from the outside in you engage from the inside out we are so busy in church trying to pull an atmosphere to make me feel better from there down into here actually is anything that comes from the outside another tree of knowledge of good and evil because it unravels completion there comes from within this is from the tree of life which brings to completion and God wants us to walk in completion and so whatever floats another life must come from within us which changes the atmosphere and who we are when you engage if I say to my if I say them actually there's a specific place I'm standing that actually locks LME walking around to the front find out where it is and it's a bad right it's a bad right here's some way anyway so I've kind of recognized where it is so I'll just um stay away from it um and so one of the things that I've done is my family knows what's going on so it's all good they know me too well engaging so one things I would like to do is that week me you can't just stay here and expect everything to happen for you if I was to say to my wife hi I'm coming around to your house today oh I'm sorry if I wasn't excited let's study get she's my wife so I'll be in the house anyway so let's take a different example before I was married to my wife I would ring him say hi I'm coming around your house today she great what time to give me an hour ten minutes time and an hour and a half later she's waiting there and then we say hi honey I'm coming around to your house again today and hour and a half she's waiting there I don't think I develop a relationship with her very well I really don't think that would happen yet this is how we behave with God we say I love you I love you I love you I'm coming and we stay here in his mercy and he's loving kindness in His grace in his compassion he is maintaining the visiting hours and occasionally when he's sick of waiting he comes down and visit us but his desire is that you would go to where he is that's why the Bible sees things like draw near to me and I will draw near to you come unto me all you who are here we're in here here II and wavy Laden weary and heavy-laden remove that from the scene II that's all good stuff praise God for those by the way for those folks you then I am actually not a pastor I'm not in full-time ministry thank God I don't have a church I have a ministry but I really don't don't really you know whatever I'm a businessman I employ 32 staff and that full-time job running my business one of them I have another business and then I use another business overseas that have involved in so I'm a businessman I'm not a teacher or price though Prather pasta I'm gonna give my brain you've gotta excuse me this thing's happening this furrow that I'm getting so buzz by and so in German are we gonna have drunken I can't speak properly it's all your fault she did it God's desire is that we will go to where he is to see what he's doing because unless you can see what he's doing you'll never understand how to do it you can't hear it you've got to see it and so this is my desire for the church the church would come to a point where it can enter into the full capacity of being able to engage in Sina all of us will see differently you'll see in the major that you're engaged with in who you are in your nature and your personality some people are more Noah's than seers but they see because they know and some people are more serious than they know because they see and so you can all get confused but it's all good no I did the cd-i I can remember speaking one day and I had this revelation asked like I was often when I'm teaching I don't see this little paper you know there has a few notes on it I see other things and so I was preaching of the scroll and I was busy they're teaching him the scroll I was going that's good stuff I need to keep the CD and right there that's good notes and this lady said ie could you repeat them for me no wait no get the TV you to sit your engage you must purpose inside yourself another one is faith you got to do it by faith now a faith isn't necessarily blind okay if I sit my desire on that I have faith because I know that in it is water so if I sit my desire I can go and pick it up and drink it again faith engages a reality doesn't engage a non reality it's a faith is very or particularly with regards to the kingdom that we need me to hold onto and become part of I'll just go stand over here and so we need to engage the reality of what the word cease and I'm gonna teach on how to use the word as a doorway but it requires faith to believe that what the word says is true that I can go into their word and see it and experience it because all the Bible is is somebody else's record of their experience with God that's why I said was it last night when I was dreaming oh my goodness no maybe it wasn't this that was here this this is not God yet many of us have treated it like God now I had you fast off this so I could get this functioning properly because the revelation that needed us sitting here would be stopped by me continue reading this because I wouldn't spend the time meditating and it doesn't mean sitting with my legs crossed Kangnam been there done that when stupidity I mean engaging the reality of the potential possibility of what is written there and allowing myself to mull on it and to contemplate it into military rounded into look and do it and to experience it and experience emotions and what it was to feel the word I don't get that out of reading it it's very important that when you do what you need to do that you engage reality with faith the word is reality the reality that we read as somebody else's experience with the pain with the presence of God and it's really really good for us to do that we need to engage reality with faith otherwise it becomes a standing young and you go holy I'm faithless then when you don't faith it enough we blame it we frame it and do all those kind of things to it and say it just doesn't work but actually it does work the issue is you're not engaging the reality of what God's wanting you to see see not here the reality is what you see not what you hear we've taught the you hear the voice of God if I only had taught them enough had a see the church a billion different place the last one really is to prepare for enlargement extend the borders of you taint I found out the reason they did that was because GZ was so smelly in there that they spread them out so that the wind could blow underneath and the flats then what would happen is his skin would eventually stretch to that boundary and then they'd extend them again they stained them again that's how they made they tend to get bigger by allowing the brain wouldn't to blow and by living in it the only way you can begin to extend the borders of your tent is if you live in the reality of the kingdom if you don't live in it and you think it's something there then you will never extend the borders of your tent you've got to live in the tabernacle intend of the presence of God so it can grow over you and then as it grows and you can stretch it out and stretch it out and stretch it out and stretch it and looking in compass the whole world the Bible talks about that that King Nebuchadnezzar was that I think it was and the way it talks about how he became a tree and he filled the whole earth well God's desires that we become a tree of righteousness and we become a tree of life to the world and that others will come and eat from their tree that is within us of the life of the ground with the kingdom of heaven that as the other could participate and take pattern ain't one of the key things I found when I there's all other things I can talk about when I'm a gun G just for the sake of time now it's not to desire your engagement with the spirit world but rather desire the engaging with the kingdom world of God if you desire I can remember praying father I wouldn't see in the spirit Lord I want to see oh no I know because when I was involved and other stuff I used to see and then then the proud God graciously removed that garbage from my life so I get undo that junk and get delivered then actually begin to see in the wrong way in the right place and saying father I want to see in the spirit and they see me what do you think you're doing and I went well Lord you know I don't even got speech about but sometimes he does with me in particular when I'm immature and trying to grow because I'm a like a child it's good when you get a bit more with chokers you can argue back and say good cuz I'm doing this you know you can have a real estimate relationships all about two-way communication and so he said what do you think you're doing and I said well I want to see it says well why you asking me to see in the spirit didn't you do that before I don't wait ah yes it says well what do you want to see in the spirit oh you want to see my kingdom so I want to see your kingdom still one you asked me for the right thing then you might find you'd get it and it was just like a cost and so when from Lord I want to see in the spirit to follow on a CD a kingdom or to see the realm of the glory in the realm of the angelic the realm that you move in father I want to see you I want to behold your majesty and and and it said my heart and I planted the seeds and I did what was necessary to cultivate that and then it became a reality for me and you go sit you see and so what I asked well I said tell people today's ask right don't just ask if somebody else is asking you know a lot I want to have faith well you know you're asking there by actually what do you want to have paid for oh Lord I desire this well why do you desire doesn't if I do need or do you come closer to me because if it's a need to make yourself your clothes what I mean and actually ask you wrongly you desire should be for me do you remember I remember in the spirit one day of busy praying trying to get to grips with some stuff in my life and out of the blue they said to me why do you love me oh well lord I love you because of this is just really why do you love me Oh Lord you know well what do you love me but but you know you become a chicken and show your butts I can kick it you know whatever it's all good see it's relationship God wants relationship the father wants relationship the father wants intimacy in friendship he wants you to see what he does so you can do the same thing that he does he wants you to see his kingdom so you can engage it killing it and become part and one with that Kingdom so you can reveal it here today on the face of the earth not when you die I don't want all the stuff I don't want to be walking through walls when I die I mean what a wasted time I want to be doing that today I mean transfer location is another thing praise God has been going on for I don't know 18 years now Hollow lujah it's wonderful stuff this is the kind of thing we're supposed to be doing today living in the reality of his kingdom today not living in some religious demonic inspired system of information and control that there's no liberty in your spirit understand religious demons hate them because what they do is they try and stop you going into the kingdom and they'll say to you ho that's demonic you can't do that really well I've been doing it for 24 years you're a bit late and Jesus called some Pharisees or Sadducees because they're really sad you see so you know whatever they're firstly because they couldn't see and so the Bible Jesus addresses them this is you who know the truth you stand in the door those that would go and you deny them and you weren't even going yourself that's a religious demon and I know really just demons the moment they say you can't do that or l8u like hallelujah well praise God we're gonna win and finish off there cuz there's near 12 o'clock what I'm trying to do is lay a foundation for with going because their foundation is about the kingdom it's his kingdom prison tear in reality today and our capacity to engage there to become who we are in that Kingdom and then to walk in the kingdom and not only see it as revelation or as visions of visit had to have a visitation where I participate in those things of heaven I want to be there all the time experiencing it able to see how would you engage able to do the things able to engage angelic I'm able to engage the supernatural world and see and communicate and talk you know all those good thing is supposed to get a bit of high the array hallelujah and so just pray father further want to thank you today for the kingdom of heaven thank you for the kingdom of God thank you Lord for heaven Lord our final resting place is a place we come from is heaven if either we want to go back there we want to be one with you and to understand who we are in you and become one with you again as we were before the beginning father I ask in the name of Jesus they do bless these people father with a knowledge of the realm of the kingdom of heaven over the sweet chin that you had blessed him with a revelation knowledge of who they are in God and who they are in Christ and the man if he said power of the Dominion of the kingdom Lord you had blessed him with that power the name of Jesus father you open the eye of the understanding that it would be enlightened to know the height and depth and breadth of their calling and the anointing of the son father a blessing when their loves we going to eat I bless your fellowship together in the name of Jesus Christ Yeshua amen hallelujah president we come back at 1:30 today I mean
Channel: Faithnet Media
Views: 34,870
Rating: 4.8236332 out of 5
Keywords: Missionary, Charismatic, Bible teaching, Salvation, Word, Pastor, Pentecostal, Evangelical, Believe, Equipped for ministry, Believers, Intercession, God, Bible College, Theology, Faith, Prophetic, Born again, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Bible, Preaching, Spirit, Christianity, Missionary training, Jesus, Christian, Missions, Prophecy, Evangelism
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 55sec (4135 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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