God’s Word Procession | Kingdom Talks - Ian Clayton, Gil Hodges, & Heather Rayner

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[Music] hey welcome everybody this is an exciting time we've got Ian Clayton is our guest and Heather is on here as well as co-host and we just enjoy this time just getting to know people that we love and honor so Ian I we were talking a little bit before and I just am excited to hear a little bit about your journey but I'm gonna let Heather start us off while I start sharing this with a few other groups all right go ahead Heather yeah it's just great to have you on and being able to interview you again thank you making the time awesome was great to be here looking for toys and is just wonderful and is such a privilege to be your publisher and it's interesting to know that you haven't always been a Christian sometimes people are born into Christianity and it just just seems to float easily for them but um can you tell us about your early years how you became spiritual how you became a Christian Wow okay I'll have to dig up some stuff here and and dad that people may have heard of this I may not have so if I saw you then and welcome my name is Ian Clayton I'm married been married for nearly 39 years I had three children that are yeah 31 line in 27 really to have their birthdays this year change again I have one granddaughter being a businessman for most of my life people consider that I'm a minister I am but I'm not to consider myself a businessman more than a minister and I'm very much involved in in itinerant travel a I do that for about six months of the year so there were six months of the year away from home one really I think to kind of start my junior I think I really need to go right back to when I was a very small child I think I grew up in a very spiritually awakened group of people in South Africa in my genealogy line is full-blooded Hebrew and my father genealogy line goes into the Dutch into German and everything to do with the occult world isn't my generation line particularly my father's line the lineage and my mother's line this to do with the god world and so as a small child I had two raging conflicting realms that were around my life some of my earliest memories probably when I was three or four years of age I can remember talking with beings that were white I used to described him to my parents that had a gold belt on I could piece of rope and had a book in their hand I walked around in flip-flops which are like gendell's I didn't I had no references of kid and so it really became Bo Thomas five it was quite a disturbance to people particularly to teachers because I would be off and the field talking to someone though and no one else could see at that stage normal my parents took me to a what they described as a what I would describe in my terms now from what I understand was a white witch who did a whole lot of stuff and in theory in theory closed that gated down over my life this is when I was a four or five at at that point all I can remember is being tormented by by darkness and by demonic things that I would see in the room my parents he was terrified at nighttime went through all of that stuff when I so I kind of grew up in a spiritual climate but not not openly it was very overtly in hidden particularly on my father's lineage my mother wouldn't talk about and I knew nothing about my mother's linear gentle and she was about 82 or 83 years of age and and there was through discovering in my own genealogy what was going on and what was happening as yo it was leading me through a crisis to maturity in some places in some areas and so but when I was 13 I can remember being in a motel in a headless thought do you steal a Bible and now whatever you think you know yeah I can't remember the said good Samaritans it's imagine you used to put a Bible in every motel room and the top drawer in every motel room right well I I stole one of the Bible's crooks like there wasn't one but somehow I knew I had to get a Bible government there's a young child I have no reference for God God's not mentioning my household my father was involved in stuff and so I I got the Bible and course hid it because I didn't want anyone to know and so when everyone wasn't home or I said I'm by myself after school I would read the Bible because then you'll hate to find God but it didn't know how to find God so this is one of about twelve and a half nearly thirteen and I got I got through Genesis Exodus Leviticus in Deuteronomy and by the way I was two-thirds of the way through jarana me I was like I'm done this is this is just a load of garbage like what I know what I mean as a as a young child's opens point none of anything made any sense to me and and I closed the Bible and its voice said to me pick the table up off the ground so the dining room table so as a twelve-year-old boy I put my hand on top of the dining room table and picked it up off the ground and so and that because I shut conscious decision to close God out you know the other stuff my Dean like I never there was some things that I was so glad I never got into I I never got into Satanism and I never got into human sacrifice and blood drinking and bloodletting and all of those things into a lot of things that we're not good for me when I started finding some of dad's books around through Reza Christian stuff through let me start through in a ba-ba-ba-ba-ba when I was 17 I was introduced to a sentinel he would come in Black Panther to try and train me to be the Christians worst nightmare and so I grew up very afraid of being around people mostly because of what I was involved in mostly because of what I could do myth K I'm on the roller skating rink which is a really fantastic place to meet someone and so just thinking about our check here however very much in the world and I was so he stuttered nobody had moved in together started sleeping either living together those kind of things and after about a year and a half of doing that my wife was going to training and at the end of the training period should have at the end of the day she would stop and sit for these people who were Christians and she listened to them talk and occasion she'll ask questions and she came back one day for one of these things and said to me you know what she doing is wrong and I think I said no reference for any of any what she was talking about she said if I meet that you kind of put these religious people so she pulls out a Bible and it was this anyone who consults with a familiar spirit is an abomination to God and inside of me everything went I do no want to be an abomination to God my whole objective of my life and what I was doing is to trying to help people well so I I started off with it said it was kind of the initial kind of period and then gradually as they year went on at the end of the year they they had a barbecue with a whole lot of young people that were at this training group they were all Christians going to a Baptist Church and so we went to their house now I preside been involved and also something you about pyramid dynamics and when I went down the driveway of this guy's house he had a glass pyramid above his house and he's doorway and it was set up there and I was like well somebody else is in my stuff you know like everything was wrong because everything was was just out of place and not writing the degrees were wrong and Baba bhai and I was like this is weird but there's something in their house that I could not put my finger on in anyway so he had this barbecue and that was really great you know we just talked about stuff people do and they said let's go and sing some songs so I saw I'm thinking about you know mary had a little lamb you know I mean whatever I don't know what I don't know like I did with the other group people they're gonna get a guitar start singing songs I'm thinking oh well we'll be singing some pop song or something and so anyway they kind of got in the lounge and then they this guy started playing this guitar and then they started to worship and I felt absolutely terrified because John through the roof was coming this white cloud that had the most power in it that I'd ever been around in all my life and I was terrified out of my wits thinking I like I've handled other spirit stuff because what I had been trained in and I wasn't afraid of anything and this thing I was terrified of it I was like I'm gonna pretend I've never seen this so I got us close to the ground I was really flexible in those days I'll put my hands between my knees and just kind of put my head down game attended and then I heard this girl talking in a strange language and it caught my heart and I looked up and she was she had her heads together like this and her face had this exhibition of abandoned love inert that hooked me and I went whatever she's whatever that thing is what if she's got there I don't want that time then what cat made her I want that but knew nothing about anything and so they stopped the worship time and I was hours out of it so we've got a friend call they'll have an hour later now from these people are saying listen we really love to talk about what happened last night can we invite you around to a meal so we weren't around they'd have dinner with I mean for two hours they shared the gospel with us talk to me about what I saw and and then sit us do you want to get walking in so Casey and yes now our wife has her own story and so she let me just get rid of this to go through what I would describe as as the like the Scimitar cotton the traditional sinner's prayer through a Baptist Church of invited Christ into their life my life story is not pleasant in the early early years as a teenager and young woman her body was riddled with things that a young woman's body should never be riddled worth and it was was in her and so when she received Christ then white-clad came over here and for about and between a half an hour and an hour she cried and I physically watched her face change in front of me doing from this bitter hardened woman that I really loved to this soft woman that I was like I was astonished and in my heart I was going I want that I want that thing that thing that thing I want that thing I'd no idea what I seen um and then they said to me do you want to receive Christ as Lord so I said sorry Christ the Savior said yeah of course she does I better so I went through the traditional sinner's prayer and I because everybody still they study yeah go ahead go ahead I'm not sure what happened but she'll come back go ahead okay cool so I did the traditional sinner's prayer thing and absolutely nothing happened I was completely gutted I was like I don't know what I gotta do to get this thing and so but on our way home without anyone telling us my wife and I knew or my son my girlfriend I knew we had to stop sleeping together and we had to move out from the same room without anyone saying oh he just knew that it was wrong for us to be involved it I mean who anyway so from their point you stop sleeping together I moved out of her room we still said the same flat together three weeks later those guys said listen we need to come and pray around your house just because of what you being involved in and be good for us to come and pray to your house so they came and they did there and then one of the guys was getting wizard knowledge and I was like quite agitated about it because he was saying about stuff that he couldn't no no unless he had been in my house and I wasn't very pleasant in those days and would have hurt someone ever drop a hat if I had the chance to and I was agitated and saying hey listen you've been inside my house this is not going to happen and it's going like no no no no no this is God is showing me words of knowledge about your life I have never been in your house and so at the end of their time he the group of people that were there said I was listening in you received Christ as your Savior we know we know we need you to indicate the throne of your heart to Christ at the Lord and surrender to his lordship because having salvation and stirring there's a lot of us two totally different things and so I they lead me through this the surrendering of my heart the throne of my heart had no idea about the seat nothing about what I know now and so I literally got off the seat of my life and placed Christ on the seat of my life yeah when I did that white cloud came down into the room and got a remedy and miss me up really bad I had no idea what it was going on I just felt weird yeah through the next two weeks we got introduced and like I wanted this thing called I found out that it was called the Holy Spirit this white thing mm-hmm and all I did was I wanted that white thing I want to just that's the thing that made everything different yeah yeah so so I started reading the Bible and for about three or four weeks I just read Matthew Mark Luke John acts book of Hebrews James I just read all the or just read this read it over and over and over and over because I got a kind of a photographic memory I started having all these things about the Holy Spirit showing up you know if you have not received the Holy Spirit recipient by the laying out of hands and those people come and you being down with power from a high and and so God so I said to the wind I made an appointment with her back to senior leader and winter home of the Bible and and quoted every scripture out of the Bible to do with the Holy Spirit and say to him I want you to pray for me because I want this thing called the Holy Spirit there you don't seem to but I wanted and it says get the elders and get on my hands you in preview so he said ok what will do is will seem to the young leaders our youth leaders around to come and meet with you in your house to check your doctrine so I went through I went through scripture after scripture after Scripture with these two youth leaders over two hour period and they said well we can't fault what you said it's in the Bible we may not understand so we are as I said I want you to pray for me just just still that's gonna happen this is in 19 1981 well they they laid hands on me and I got smacked by the Holy Spirit I started their life got completely off my face drunk hmm completely just laughing so and I started laughing again what's wrong with me why am i laughing why am i doing this why am I on the for I can't ask him why you know all these questions that no one could answer in 1981 you know he knew and so especially in the Baptist Church and so I am in and so I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with better I'm just saying it was yeah what they taught you yeah and the two young guys left and for another half day I rolled around on the floor laugh my head off just just swing completely I know I've never been physically drunk I've never been drunk from alcohol in my life but I couldn't stand up everything was deceiving was swirling around as laughing my head off I felt so weird but I never prayed in tongues and I was like I want that makes me I want that sound that girl made that you know that thing that's made that made it look like if I want that yeah for about three weeks I I would pray in English and then we had some people in a stall that they used to mock us about and then I'd be praying in my room and then I hear I kind of hear someone praying and there's different language and and then I'd stop praying and then they would stop and I think cheeky mongrels they're doing things in the room nice tall I'm praying yes I start praying in English yeah and then I hear them praying then they'd stop and I realized what I was was I was actually speaking in another language and although I was speaking in english in my head yeah the hearing English it was another language coming out of my mouth and from that point I started praying the Holy Spirit that led me into a group of people in the group of people there was a guy that was involved in ministry to do breaking or bondages and things walking through a person's life and say I spent two years walking with them through my life now you gotta remember I've been involved in some stuff that I had committed to and created around my life through my choices that are now to make choices through the lordship of Christ now sitting in my life to derail those from my life and that took a two-year people it was a journey I went I didn't happen in one day I can remember the last session I had which is for me it was a major Mac first one was the Holy Spirit because to you all through all through these two years now I've been engaging with the Holy Spirit got to know who the Holy Spirit was as a being and wanted wanted to wonder what they what the hood who this being was no one ever really talked about the Methodist Church but anyway um so over the two-year period I'm just trying to cut shortcuts here because I'll be here for another hour and a half no I'm so over the to peer so the last session on the two period of the interview these guys for his praying with me when I opened up my eyes for the first time since I had been 13 when I closed that book mm-hmm there was color could see color I was so I was so shocked any never an end in wonder I went out the door like in the days when outside open the door and the grass was green and not kind of a gray color and this is an immaculate in the spirit correct and I could hear birds singing at that point I fell in love of God I can do this for me he can do it for anyone yeah so it wasn't for me was like the layers the Holy Spirit first and then it's overwhelming sense of or at the goodness of a God that would lead me through what I've gone through to bring me to that point where I was able to imagine us now I I had systematically and an every faculty through the ministry of of spiritual stuff that had been involved in so everything for me I was engaged by faith so I started my journey with the Holy Spirit I spent those two years falling in love with the Holy Spirit just getting to know this being like I'd never seen him but I could I was aware of them as we've been burning in me as we're the fire as well he's prisons when he'd come around me as we were sitting with them through through days of just sitting with me all of this stuff hey at the end of that two-year period of time the Holy Spirit's hit him it's time that you met the son not as a lot as a friend and I Isis spend hours in the morning like in those days I would wake up sometimes three four or five o'clock in the morning and just go I didn't know even know what going in was but I used to engage and go into this or a foreign realm which I now know as heaven and sit in a just honoring and allowing Yahweh to engage with me not knowing what on earth I was doing because I had no grid for any other stuff yeah and so the Holy Spirit said to me I need and you need I'm Duncan you know I need to introduce you to the son as a friend the next few days while I was doing this the next did couple days later I found myself like in a vision the first vision I'd had since I got born again but it was I was sitting on a seed like a very calm seaside speech sand with a very calm sea just kind of rolling in it sitting there in what I would describe as my awe and wonder at God and suddenly I felt this being behind me and I knew I knew it was Yeshua I knew it was Jesus and so and I didn't I didn't miss of all my doctrine was if you see God you die brace I don't know what you know I'm like I don't want to I don't I don't want to turn around you know it's in my mind you started going to all these scriptures cuz you know and you can quote them sighs and the presence of God walked to the garden but and so this is Yahweh war here's oolagah pills just listen to my voice I went to see him can just listen to the voice and then I started thinking what a waste of time conversation would be if I never looked at anyone when I talk to them how hell would they feel if I had my back into them and had a conversation with him or they're looking at them and I said you know if I die I couldn't die need to be at a place right take the gene what yes so I stood up and turn around and when I turned around Christ was sort of standing like this you know just looking at me and I was like I'm looking at him he's looking at me I don't know what to say what am I saying and then he does this and I'm going what the heck does that mean you know in my in my nation and may mean Hawaii again big boy can mean whatever and so my head was like be imitators of God so in like this back to him and I was like conversation a million million one actions is a million words so did this he does this to me again so I'll copy so did that then he walks up to me picks me up takes me in the sea on his shoulder and throws me into the water and I'm like wait a minute this this does not fetch in my grid of god this is this does not fit in my grid I stand up in the water and he does this to me again and I'm like darkness and he walks up to me and races me and throws me back on the water now I'm a guy okay you can only hit stuff so much before you start to like fight back and I was thinking you man girl I'm gonna dude you're not gonna do this on my behold there's a foreign lordship cling to relational connection yeah let's rushing my wrists with them for about half an hour in the in the seashore having the most amazing time just enjoying got a guy contact yeah I think if you looked at me sitting we need to go and sit on the seat because I need to teach you about friendship well next for those next two years I chased you server I chased him I I forgot about the Holy Spirit onion me was but my wholehearted turn towards Christ I wanted to know who he was amen also through someone any time I started to understand about the human mind how I can see how we see how we don't see how I see on the inside the pictures that I started having how I was seeing all that stuff that learning all that through their two-year period learning about friendship relationship connection with Christ was to me one of the most amazing periods of my Christian life in the beginning because was building relationship hell even do you get to know someone and so I lose that I could be in his world as well as him being in my world so you always used to go back to my anchor point which was the sea so I started there and I ended up at the end of the two-year period so it's four years now now my heart had never waned in its passion towards Yahweh never turned never had never lost that spark of love that I had when either when the grass is green that thing when I fell in love there was was like that feel on my life and at the end of that two-year period I had learnt about Eden and Christ said to me you should have said to me it's time for you to meet the father Wow oh yeah that's awesome bergna Gribbs and and through there through the next ensuing years the Lord systematically dealt with my own father issues the my father was a very abusive physically mentally emotionally all that kind of stuff not sexually thank goodness I had to deal with all that stuff to the point where one day through this journey in meeting the father to get to meet him which was another two years I was able to look at my father square in the face and said dad I want you to know that I completely forgive you for everything you've ever done and released you from it and to tell you that actually I love you and he ran out physically ran away from me yes she physically ran away from Wow they I was able to know later I'm talking about but whatever whatever it was awesome it's so long ago it's to me it's just a past thing to where we are now but and so understanding Eden and then be able to engage with the father going into Eden and engaging with Christ I knew that Christ was my burden bearer but I'd never really understood what it meant to be free from the condition of sin that so easily besets us yeah yeah and I can remember walking in Eden and going to this bridge because I could see Christ going up to him and he was smiling no he was my time to meet the father and he was smiling and he literally for me to cross over the river into into the place into Eden of the garden that's connected to Eden because literally reached into me and said to me I've got this and he literally pulled a completed record of what I would describe as a corruption of the external main and all of its hindrances literally pulled off my life and took it took it out of me I have never felt it's good that's a place of freedom through encounter not hearing voice through encounter seeing his face and watching him do that become who he really is which is the lord over all corruption to break its yoke yeah he said to me you can now go in to meet the father I went over the bridge and I do a teaching on walking and Eden know how to talk about how I could I just this amazing stuff that went on there and and then how it became the shoulders shoulder with her but the our way in the form of a man not the God sitting on a throne that people see him up see God crawling on his land but I may intervene walking in the Rose Garden watching him cook flowers drop them on the ground watch them dissolve into the ground come up and formed this new flower that I'd never seen before like just wow what you know I create just watching the god of the universe creating his own gardens where I was finally back there because I understood that Adam was put to ten Yahweh's garden and finally back there to better do some work beer in the garden spent some time with Yahweh and so the next two years I chase young I chase suggests a person personhood of God well and then there could me into it was the the journey of six to eight years there led me into 95% of what I know now in my experiences with the person of because you know the Trey unity of our godhood God got ahead and I still have the personal relation if I said that someone not so long ago probably about a year two years ago now I set my heart to engage with the holy spirit again because for me it wasn't like I know the Holy Spirit but I don't know him like I been around him but I what does he look like Naaman could tell me what it looks like and and through some experiences I had with the father and the dark cloud and going into that and seeing him and being an observer of the person of God and His glory glorious state like that I had a grid but didn't really have a good day it also experiments going to the grave and experiencing what it was to be in the grave with Christ at his Transfiguration within the grave and what happened there through the metamorphosis of the human record but I'd never seen the Holy Spirit other than this real being and I set my heart of a quite a period of time to engage with them I want to who are you like a mini server as a person I've met the father as a person I've met you in this realm but I want who's the person who is this person and and this was an only two years ago now and just sort of jumping in my journey here but but engaging going into the realm of the presence of Y engaging within the kingdom realms I became suddenly aware of this being standing Eastham each in turn to look and there was this I knew instantly it was the Holy Spirit but it looked like an old monk you know with a old monks garment all long covered over hands will fold a lot a just completely quiet because of the presence of what I was familiar worth out of my experience for the Holy Spirit here I knew that this was the Holy Spirit here because they were the same yeah so familiarity breeds and understanding in a knowledge of what's even in and around you and so I so I now I'm a really curious person person because all the spirit was telling something I couldn't see like I don't want to speak so I just thought I want to see face to face yeah you need down like this to look in because I want to see and and when I got ran to look in front I was stunned and mesmerised and honored and in wonder at what I was seeing what it look like was very similar to the way I saw you shivers body being reconstructed it was like single photons of light on a silken thread billions of them all moving and weaving in to form the structure of a face of a person that was inside inside this yeah and I it so so for me I'd in the last two years again it's been a another journey with the holy spirit just getting to this person finally I've met this person after 38 years I've engaged a person not not knowing what he looks like but knowing the person knowing he real environment and all that stuff but then to meet the person was amazing there's a little bit of a journey really absolutely again how often have you shared this story with you know the whole thing he just did just now I think probably twice in my entire life so you know this is what I just want to say that this has been for me very very powerful and I'm sure for so many others because we hear the richness and the the things that God has given to you when you're teaching but I've not had opportunity to hear who Ian is and your story because your story really helps bring some you know you know kind of put in flesh to the whole journey that now we're we're seeing it's just heartwarming it really is it's an honor to to be able to have an opportunity to hear your story because that is part of the journey as part of our journey because you're the one that's been out there way ahead of us and you know blazing the trail and but to have the the story behind it is really really really powerful I just thank you very much for sharing that with us so often I say to people that like the jinnee it's a journey and it's not gonna happen in a day you know within their journey I have gone through some things and I've done some teachings on it but like having to sort out my mind in my imagination it's a two-year journey every day hundred times a day dealing with the images and removing them under the blood you know and then the end of the two-year period at least overcoming and grabbing ahold of my memory bank pulling it out all there is is the blood on it is the last time I was ever struggle with things inside my brain we go through opens up the capacity of who we are to reveal us in what we're going to be in the future in our day a man doesn't have to we have to go on the journey a lot of people hear all the stuff and they they want the the latest this thing what's awesome but then they they try and do it easy out of a fantasy and there's not the relational Union connectivity and come activity and the interfacing with Yahweh that is so important in all of us and the humility that's connected to Yahweh did people say to me who disciplined you right try Yahweh try Abraham try you know try logit ride during why try as i see how you get over then and and i have published some of what you've been talking about not your life journey so much but but the eating probably the most powerful one that the people often come back to is the dark cloud can you enlarge that because that's where you met the father in a different way not in the rose garden yep sure I am I mean my journey into the dark cloud I had kind of started way back when translocating started happening with me and they'd burning fiery gates and all that stuff I became aware that when I would when I was in Yahweh's Kingdom that there was this dark lair and I for me in my reference point until Yahweh broke it was darkness as demons where the church's flavor which is not scripted yeah it's completely not scotch on corruption demons not darkness darkness is the absence of light but darkness also is the blending of two light sources together creating interference that is the appearance of black because it's an Pendrell and becomes a veil of separation and so yes so I I can remember starting my journey towards engaging in this and reading scriptures that talk about how Yahweh surrounds himself and darkness and you know all of these things and seeing their cloud and then I began to recognize that they fear I was feeling was not the fear of demonic but rather the terror of the holiness and the power of God they were in need within this environment and I'm like it's it's a terrifying thing to stand before that in terror no you're gonna die and all weird think it was they it always comes back to this choice of if I die I couldn't die in any better place yeah yeah so I'm gonna make a choice to move forward into it yeah hey and and on the outside of this this realm that was almost like a three or four foot layer what was the terror the fear the terror of darkness bubble talks about the camera and Avraham the horror that was on Jacob you know when he had an encounter and I knew what it was I knew was God and I had to make a conscious choice to go through this to go into way way what the Bible says Yahweh surrounded itself a thick darkness I can remember walking into that feeling the terror feeling all of the stuff going on but my heart was tethered to beyond it I wanted you had to move in the spoon like that is to tear my heart into Yama's world and engage and not let go until I traversed and go through and so there was this was just part of the learning process and so I could mill walk you through this that's terribly right all this kind of stuff and then I came into this arena of absolute tranquility and peace and like means weird how my eyes are open but my eyes were closed and when I when I opened my eyes that way I was looking down and I was in this little area that was probably about six foot in diameter just this this pave work here in pain and I didn't know what to do I knew I was I knew I was in the presence of God now I've been in the presence of Yama in the Eden and all these other arenas and met him in that state or that estate but never in this estate in my again all I got and this is part of my journey but all my religious stuff came up again then if I see god I'm gonna die and then I'm arguing but Moses spoke face to face with him and he did not die the elders spoke face to face with him call engage face to face and did not die who they were I wouldn't I we must see and so I had to move my eyes sort of towards where I knew Yahweh was standing they were tears dripping on the floor and I was like my heart broke because I did not know what to do and I said Lord I've got it I've got to get out of here this is it was overwhelmed so overwhelming I still don't have to go I need to go and he said to me it's been a long time since when has been here son and I was like I was completely undone and so of course better go back and earn back out go back and again over the years now and I found that an amazing place to have fellowship with the person of the AH way but on his throne not as a man but as the God of the universe engaging with me as a son to train me and basically bring me into the knowledge of his house kingdom operates seriously just listening you know anyway I almost went to Europe because it's just the the heart of God and and how is to come totally it's one of the things that I don't know what that time is one of the things that that I II III push all the time and set of people the issue is a relationship yeah it's not about being spiritually spirit it's a better relationship with Yahweh if you don't have that the spiritual experiences are just nothing okay they're just spiritual experiences to make you seem spiritual to other people this is a relation in action that and Union and in the union flow with who we are as a son with Yahweh in within his world and I mean oh yes yes amazing thank you and if anyone would like to know more about anything we have a number of books it is a good time to yeah why don't you go ahead and do that I just want to share again my heart is very very very touched and and I just Ian it's been incredible to to have this time with you and to really just get to know you that that's important I think it's important for all of us that have been going down this journey that you kind of opened up for so many people it's it's very meaningful that we get to know you as a person and and like he said the journey is so important if we if we were able to skip time and just move right up to the you know the end of it where we arrived we would have no depth we had there we'd miss all the richness of the journey the ups and the downs it all counts yeah completely yeah so Heather go ahead thank you if you'd like to read his journey in the cloud that is in the kingdom volume one all these books are available on Amazon and journey continues around the kingdom volumes do and we also have the order of Melchisedec newer volume and in gateways which is a an original order volume and we are currently working on in business with Liam and the children's volumes which about to be sent out to the people who traded and then go amen we I've got all those books there and they're all fantastic and thank you so much for bringing such a richness again to the body of Christ and it's just it's just it is an awesome journey I mean we've only been on this a few years ourselves and it's completely changed my life I for the last two years I've been set free and you know I've been through so so and Theia FASTA can all this stuff because I went through a bunch of garbage when I was a kid and you know it all helped a little bit but nothing set me free until we started stepping into the heavens and that changed everything absolutely III think again the issue of our journey is so so important you know there's a gateways manual they are set of people there was two years of my life that's all I did for two years I didn't know didn't pray for auntie Jane or anti floozy I just worked on most go waste understanding function and who I was as a being LR moved and how I operate it in any position my spear mean the outside of my body you know just things like that that are so so easy now but it's a long journey you know it didn't just happen but at least informations there which is half the journey cut it out because it's a certain people used nation but get your own stuff yes so I do have a question that's kind of off topic a little bit and if you it may be too deep to dive into but you know I run into people fairly often who just it doesn't seem no matter what I do to try to help them see and you know when I say see I'm you know perceive since you know something in the spirit they just get nothing and I've been stumped by a couple people where I just can't get past that do you have something that works yeah you use these because the imagination is completely shut down yeah yeah and that's because that's been so defiled by what they've observed of being involved in that is what a journey of dealing with our imagination and our memory center imagery that is inside our head is so so important I said the people that the the greatest way to unlock your inner main is to deal with the records that corrupt and stop you in a man from seeing properly that's ugly generally it's taking a piss I'm a cow I mean the young guy that I work with for three years he couldn't see you could not see and I can resent him you can see you are seen but you're not retaining what you seen because there's no ability for you to retain the imagery that Yahweh is trying to engage with you on because there's no reference point because your reference points are missed out it changed reference points deal with the stuff that stops as reference points that are in the Bible becoming pictorial for you that's key that's good and you deal with that in your book on the gates correct yeah yeah yes well also deals with cleansing the imagination and so one of the questions that came up on Facebook as there's been a lot of him flying by but one of them I caught was there you talked about as a child you know that I think it was a psychiatrist that came and basically shut down your ability to see not a psychiatrist it was that a person there was a white witch a member of family my father's associations okay and so how did you get your you know the ability to see again how did you get that back was there anything yes yeah as I say the the process for me was everything began by faith and and I talked about some of this journey in the in the books as well dealing with imagination I can see some of there's some teachings I've done that have helped unlock some of that but everything for me a girl has a faith journey because without faith is impossible to please Yahweh so it's better for him to have believed not seen then there's more blessed than here there just sees so I had to learn how to leave it to God again but to see in the wrong way and so everything I did in culturing that was all based around Scripture so it takes scriptural images and I would sit with them for weeks memorize the scriptures and literally walk through those imagery until it became pictorial inside my mind that's good maybe an anchor point and it's the teaching called using the word as a gate and also have faith using the word as the anchor points to create the sustainable capacity for my memory to create memories though a human lunes is accumulating the present being measured against a past experience if there is no past experience to measure your current experience against your brain reads that information is irrelevant history literally two million nine hundred ninety nine million nine hundred ninety eight thousand pieces of information every second it's shredded as irrelevant because there's no reference point so we retain something like 3,000 pieces of information those three thousand pieces of information are sifted out by your current belief systems so you don't have to change what you believe well so that any way we can engage what we believe is by creating something that's different and that's all the word became the Center for that to be able to happen that's good you know and I'm not sure if I'm catching this right but it just says you're creating that new thing that you've got place your faith and in importance and value on that new thing that's created and let the other one go it's the word that the word the word is the thing that unlocks the waste the key and so as I said one of the teachings died I mean that stage which was 15 years ago I've gone through 2900 gateways from the Bible into the kingdom world of Yahweh so you times they're two by ten days and it gives you a nine-year journey into engaging in faith to process so didn't happen in one day where suddenly oh I can see you've been from faith to experience to laying foundation to building memory to building capacity retain memory to allow my spirit man to begin to use my brain in the right way instead of having my soul shut my brain out Alecto you must be remain all these basic things well great well we've got about ten minutes left Heather do you have a specific question you want to go to it might be nice to talk about nest and in new patreon page at this point because I'm sure everybody wants in on board with and II the process and can be able to find these these teachings and so ian has a new patreon page as one showing right now that's one awesome and he has stream and Sunday morning my time and 9 o'clock and patreon is great can you say that one more time so people can get that I'll be doing your livestream at nine o'clock New Zealand time and Sunday morning on what subject in ascending ascension sorry I want to deal with the twelve gets of a saint you know what it means to actually ascend it's great if you connect with that and you will be able to phonetically and asking questions and be able to see the teachings on video which is really helpful and here we've got in websites with a lot of audios and video teachings on there as well which is great up here radio great resource to get get on through and the nest it's also another great discipleship program into a three you know discipleship program would you like to mention that Ian yeah yeah this is a training program there grant and Sam Mahoney and me do with some of the people that we are connected to we take people through a three year journey through videos and livestream events that brings them to a point of hopefully being able to engage in some of the process that we've gone through go remember this is a three year course there's about a hundred and forty five teachings per year that a person will get so you've got three hundred and say three hundred and twenty teachings which completely life-changing but that's fifty years of life it doesn't necessarily unfold in three years but it gives people keys and because they're part of what's going on those resources will be available to them and so we have people going into our fourth year nesters now which I'm excited we kinda changing some of the stuff for them and some of the direction we're going in and some of it so it's quite exciting you're more wanting to build community than we really are just track I went on community it's also an interactive forum so people can ask questions can also meet people online in that way and there are a number of teachers that you have brought onto the nest as well as yourself and groans and Sam and Linda masters and all a number of other people yes okay so we're gonna put links those things in the upper part I'll put them in the comment sections as well a little bit later when we're finished here so yeah definitely get connected there's a lot a lot of stuff here that is necessary and for us to move into this next stage which we didn't even talk about I know you you've got a lot to say about the gates and the ages and we didn't even touch on that I'm assuming that is in the nest oh yes it is we've also it's also on maybe on some of the videos and patron site as well as now information on the website for years and so a lot of that stuff now is I've been teaching for two years and so it's kind of on websites and things for people to listen to and watch and but again this is the this is a thing the journey has bought me to that people want that without the journey which is great but also burgesses immaturity and that's why you get a lot of our describers flighty spiritual people they have no solidity and them they just want to be spirit oh yeah yes no Tony I totally get that we you know we feel like we run across people that have you know read all the books they've been to all the conferences they've watched all the videos and yet their life hasn't changed and that's rough they haven't you know implemented it so that's that's our heart as well you know king of equipment center we're looking at how do we help these people begin to engage and and not just fill their head full of knowledge yeah bring it on yes and it's great to be doing the business volume because that's taking spirituality and really giving it a practical and had to actually walk out in our lives can you um maybe share a couple of minutes of how you are actually implementing that I mean obviously I know because the business volume is taking far more work than what I thought it would do get it out and because it's so important to have everything right in it we were hoping to have it out in September in November and now now we're looking at earlier this year it's just working through the like two pages sometimes editing and rereading and reworking it can take two hours just yes it's nuts but it's it's great to get it down I'm quite excited about getting it out and if anyone who goes online this desk trading and literally - no we're working on it and when it comes you will not be disappointed I think it's gonna probably be one of the best books so far really is yes yeah yes we're also bring out a children's alef-bet book which has been a lot more a lot more challenging and perhaps we anticipated but it is exciting and it's also coming out at the same time bring it on guys all right all right look any last words yep thank you so much for being here with us it's been great to have your audience saying to be able to share a little bit of my journey with you folks greatest thing is is to fall in love with God and don't let it go just that's the key not spirit not spirituality but loving Yahweh and being loved in return absolutely intimacy intimacy thank you yes well hang on here for just a second Ian I'm going to in the live broadcast I just want to say you know thank you everyone for tuning in definitely get connected with the and will we've got the links already in the the comment section and the edited section above so get connected and just bless Ian blessing socks off because you know he's been known as the father of this and and I just you know yes in a pleasure just to get bounced amen amen just loving I love your hearty and thank you so much for being with all right well thank you later [Music] you
Channel: Kingdom Talks Media
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Id: jd-Klo0mtwM
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Length: 56min 52sec (3412 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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